Massachussetts Independent – Ken Urquhart

It is my honor to introduce to you, from the cradle of American Independence, Ken Urquhart:


My name is Ken Urquhart and I am an Auditor. Here is some information about my background.

A friend of the family introduced me to scn in 1957, and it has been by far the most important element in my life. My brief scn background is this:

I did basic training the the London HASI in the late fifties and early sixties. In 1963 I started work at Saint Hill and did staff tech courses there. I worked as LRH’s Household Officer, saw him every day, and he would chat to me about many different things — including his current R6 research (which became the Clearing Course). Between 1965 and 1968 I was mostly on LRH Communicator posts at SH or World Wide. LRH called me to the ship in 1968 and soon made me his Personal Communicator. As such I was his principal executive and administrative aide (but had nothing to do with the running of the Guardian’s Office, which was Mary Sue’s hat). Later, he created the post of Staff Captain to take the burden of executive support.
Of course, I closely observed, and learned a very great deal from his operations but what I found most revealing and valuable were his activities as Senior C/S on the ship. Now and then he’d take the crew c/sing into his own hands. When he did that, he liked to have me sit with him. He’d tell me what he observed as he started looking into a folder, what he would then look for, what he’d find, and what he was going to do about it. What struck me most was the infinite kindness he would show towards pc, auditor, and crew c/s, while at the same time remaining loyal to the highest standards of ethics, tech, and admin. It remains a delight to this day to remember experiencing LRH enjoying his great competence as a Senior C/S and the great power of his intention to mold the delivery line into what he saw as the Ideal. I try to carry that kindness into all my sessions and do my best to uphold ethics, tech, and admin as I know them.

In 1978, I moved over into tech delivery, and became a Flag NOTs auditor in early 1980. In 1982 I was the top-performing auditor in the NOTs HGC, averaging over 40 Well Done Auditing Hours a week, with 6 pre-OTs or more on my daily line-up. When David Mayo did a tech mission on the NOTs auditing at Flag, he commended me for “good metering, good TRs, and excellent TR4.” Many of the pre-OTs that came to me had had their NOTs setups in the Class XII HGC. Some of them voiced the opinion that I had to be a Class XII since they found my auditing “so smooth.” Of course, I corrected them, but the error continued into the 80’s and 90’s as I was usually listed amongst the “original Class XII’s” that the Sea Org had kicked out. In pointing out my pre-OTs’ misconception, I mean no disrespect whatever to those great Class XII auditors whom I cannot hope to match.

Since leaving Flag, I have audited at David Mayo’s center at Santa Barbara, then on my own for many years. I have done a lot of different kinds of projects but I enjoy auditing the most. I audit most levels, but not Power Processing or the L’s. I’m happy auditing any level and consider myself a specialist in NOTs and related actions.

I am available for some traveling to clients. I live in Western Massachusetts. I would be happy to be part of a delivery community somewhere but am not making any decisions about that for the moment.

Please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading this. 🙂

Ken U

44 responses to “Massachussetts Independent – Ken Urquhart

  1. Dear Ken,
    It is always an honor to meet an auditor that goes back to LRH’s time! Thank you for sharing your story, and welcome!

  2. Hello — I’ve often wondered where you might have gone … glad to see you chosen western MA — I must say I love New England myself — beats rainy London and humid CW.

    Wonderful to hear how happy you sound!! And hearing LRH stories are always a treat.


  3. I read your tale the other day on a freezone site, and had a chat with a friend of yours on exscn the other day. I consider you very valuable to scientology and the independant field.

    Very glad you have introduced yourself in a new unit of time, I recently came out of the CofS as have many people and its great to establish ARC with the real story of the scientology philosophy re: the church going squirrel, and getting to know the people that I have only heard fabricated PR lies and justifications about. It really aids understanding and judgement of what has gone on, gives mass.

    Makes me feel like a unification of the independant field is on its way. And I am starting to see how vast, knowledgeable, powerful and truly, sincerely, good natured we are.

  4. Ken, You seem a humble man, but your writings, and carefully considered (it seems) viewpoint, have been a stable datum to me. You are someone I put in the position of a “hero”. (no pressure…! )


  5. Love the photo…communicates much!

  6. Thank you very much, Ken, for sharing your story here with us. I’m so happy to be amongst a great auditor such as yourself.

  7. Ken,

    Thanks very much, I’m very glad you’re there as an Independent.

    The infinite kindness and warm sunshine has been missing for a while and is sorely needed these days.

  8. Thank you Mr. Urquhart for sharing your story here tonight. I truly admire anyone, such as you, who has worked by LRH’s side for so many years. So wonderful to see your face and your written words. And welcome, Massachusetts Independent!

  9. Linda McGinley

    John McGinley, who worked with you oh so long ago, always had the utmost respect and admiration for you any time he spoke of you to me. Greetings from him and me, here in Sacramento. So glad to see you amongst us.

  10. Dear Ken,

    I can think of no one in the world today that spent more time with LRH, or knew him more intimately both at a person and as the light that is true Scientology. You are an extemely valuable being, Ken; and some day soon the world will recognize that.

    Keep shining.

  11. Of all Ken’s many, many exceptional traits and abilities, self-promotion is not among them. I kills me to see how badly he has sold himself short here.

    Allow me to furnish a bit of between-the-lines data: for longer than anyone else in LRH’s entire life, with the exception of Mary Sue, Ken was the executive most trusted by LRH for the longest period. LRH was not one to live life at a leisurely pace and many are the names in the Tech Vols or OEC Vols who have come and gone. In some cases, people could not stand the randomity; in others, LRH would not brook the inability to measure up–too much depended on having capable people directly on his lines. Ken not only survived in this challenging environment longer than anyone he earned enormous respect from everyone aboard the Apollo. One thing to understand about life in the SO under LRH–for the most, part personnel went on and off posts revolving door style particularly on high pressure executive posts.

    Meanwhile, there was Ken year after year in the office next door, reviewing every single piece of traffic going in or coming out of LRH’s office.
    No one, and I mean no one, in the history of Scientology has this kind of experience. There are thousands of LRH dispatches I’ve read over the years addressed to Pers Comm and beginning, “Dear Ken, …” or “Dear Urq, …”

    I’ve never actually met Ken in person but management person over the years certainly knows of his service to LRH.

    Marty isn’t kidding when he says it is an honor to count Ken among the independent field.

  12. Ken – you are a legend. Anyone who has been around a while knows of you. It is great to know that someone so highly regarded and highly trained by LRH is out there in the independent field and practicing Scientology as he intended.

    Our stints in the SO overlapped by quite a number of years, but I never, regretfully, met you. However, a great friend of mine, Hoppy – Ron Hopkins, always spoke very highly of you.

    He too had trained under LRH, and as an auditor he had something that I imagine you have – a complete understanding of the tech to a point of beingness. Hard to describe, but its beyond excellent, perfect application of the tech – it’s like ‘being the tech’. There is no thinkingness about what to do next in session – there is just an ability to naturally do the right thing. As a pc it’s a dream to be on the cans – 100% in session and total trust in the auditor.

    (Jim Logan would probably know the reference, but there is a ref where LRH says that to learn something the best thing is to “be it”.)

    Auditors like that are in an elite league of their own, so it is good to know you are there. I was delighted to discover a couple of weeks ago that Marty is another member of that clan, when in a few minutes of effortlessness he handled something that has made the sun seem to shine brighter than ever before.

    One of my favorite pastimes in the SO was interrogating “Old Timers” for stories about LRH. While I hope some day to meet you, for your part you had better hope we don’t meet, because I will drag yarn after yarn out of you for hours.

  13. Hi Ken I’m from Vermont but I’ll be moving to Mass soon enough and I’d like to get auditing from you, I’ll email you soon. Really glad you did this. I’d like to get auditor training in the independent field, and be part of a delivery community, that’s my two main goals right now. This is very exciting.
    ARC, Boyd Hutchins

  14. What you say about Ron’s C/Sing is so true the man really cared and it’s good to read your words and see that you continue that tradition of caring.

    I am so glad to see that you are doing what you’ve always wanted to do which is the most valuable and important job in Scientology.


    Thanks Ken you are an inspiration to us all.



  15. Theta at it’s best! Wow.

  16. Joe, Thank you for giving us an even better picture. I’ll be looking forward to the day I have the honor of meeting Mr. Ken Urquhart! 🙂

  17. Ken,
    I’ve had my ears cuffed as a youngin’ thetan and of all those cuffs, yours was the gentlest, firmest and even the most effective. Life force is flowing and our postulates are coming about.

  18. Dear Ken, your story is very pleasant to read, particularly when you mention LRH. I’ve no doubts of the accuracy of it. I’ve done quite a lot training and auditing myself so I know the feeling when you help someone with your auditing skills. I’m writing up my own sea org biography and soon it’ll be available in some way or another. I simply intend to tell what’s really like to be part of the sea org for over 2 decades. Good luck!

  19. Welcome Ken. As I brought up this page to get my daily dose of theta, my heart truly started singing to see Ken featured! I agree with Joe here, Ken is a true star. He has contributed his reasoned recountings of life in Scn and with LRH tirelessly over the years, never seeking sensationalism, and always stating clearly what he does know and what he doesn’t know. He has contributed many articles to the Ivy Magazine (
    sometimes as a lone voice in the wilderness against the tide of anti-LRH sentiment. I also have never met Ken in person, although I have had several exchanges via e-mail, and I can say that like Marty, he has the ability to make me smile with a simple acknowledgment delivered via e-mail. Beyond that, I am speechless…..

    Welcome Ken!

  20. Ken’s continued reverence of LRH is certainly testimony to the ol’ man’s charisma. He has, after all, been out of Scientology for more than 25 years, having left not long before DM took over.

    It would be interesting to see some video interviews with him. I doubt that many if any of the people who remain in the Sea Org today have the slightest clue about the early history of Scientology.

  21. Wow, what a fine idea. Ken – would you be willing to do video interviews? I think it would be awesome to preserve some of our past from the eyes of the people who lived it.

  22. Hello! Many thanks to all for so many very kind comments! Thank you very much, indeed!
    I’m humbled and gratified at the same time.
    There is a core of sanity within LRH and within Dn and Scn which is beautiful and MAGNIFICENT. And it is Eternal.
    Each of us is free to look at it and to experience it from his/her own individual perspective and to make of it whatever he/she will.
    Years ago, and I don’t know precisely when, I recognized this core of sanity as something I’d been looking for through eons of eons. And I dedicated myself to it with an unshakable certainty. I do not say that the core is perfect nor incapable of development. It is the beginning of the practical recognition of the Rightness of the Being, the Rightness of the Universe, the Rightness of Existence, the Rightness of all Dynamics, the Rightness of Life Itself. Yeah! The cat is out of the bag, for ever — thanks to our old and best friend, the best of L.Ron Hubbard. So he also had a snotty nose. Who cares?? Shakespeare probably smelled really bad.
    Thanks again, and Good Fortune to all.

  23. Roland Aldridge

    As one who has met Ken, and who has FES’d for him, I can add my highest praise and appreciation of him. I unreservedly recommend him as an auditor for anyone who wishes the very best for himself, and also as a person for anyone to know.
    I feel priviledged to have known and helped him.

  24. Underground For Now

    This Independent movement is starting to remind me of a famous saying from The Mystery Voice in the movie “Field of Dreams”

    ….“If you build it, they will come.”

    I would say some very OT folks are making themselves known once again.

    Welcom Ken.

  25. Linda,

    Thanks so much for your message. I’d be more than happy to be in touch with you and John. Please feel free to e-mail me.

  26. Alastair Urquhart

    Hullo Young Brother!
    What wonderful testimonials. I am very proud of you. Love Alastair

  27. Thought provoking

    Thank you for sharing some of your background and connection with LRH. I especially enjoyed reading, “What struck me most was the infinite kindness he would show towards pc, auditor, and crew c/s, while at the same time remaining loyal to the highest standards of ethics, tech, and admin.” as this has always been my perception of him.

  28. I love to read old good stories about LRH and friends adventures. Marty, could you open one of your pages for just this kind of stories? so they stay with us and the future. Make all this good old timers speach their experiences and stories with LRH. This will create a lot of theta and ARC, which we all need this times…

  29. martyrathbun09

    Good idea.

  30. Again, thank you very much to all for all kind comments, and to Marty for generously hosting my announcement.
    Even my big brother sent an ack! Thank you, Alastair. Ernest and Sybil [our father and stepma — he was a Clear, and she OTIIIX and a temp. Qual Word Clearer at SH in the summer] would have enjoyed it, too.
    [And for further family/scn information: Alastair had Grade auditing from SH students back in the 60’s, up to Grade IV, and went Ext. with full perceptions at the time.]
    Again, thanks to all for so much theta. :))

  31. Jack – Great comment! I love it, so true. 🙂

  32. Hi Ken!

    You just can’t read this post and not smile…

    So glad you’re here. What wealth you have to share, thank you.

    Love, Cathy

  33. Wonderful!
    Thank you Ken for sharing the knowledge and stories you have.

  34. I consider Ken a good friend to both my wife and myself. He invited me up and voluntarily gave me an auditing assist after the loss of my son.
    Its quite a pleasure to spend time with Ken and get to know him a bit. We particularly enjoyed a walk through the Berkshire Mountain area.
    I highly value our connection and our continuing comm line Ken, and I’m glad you’re with us.

    With love, Dex

  35. I also have been priviledged to have met Ken,
    and have quite a few friends who have praised him to the skys as an auditor.

    Ken has been auditing in the independent/Freezone since the early 80’s. Below I quote a post from ESMB from an Egyptian Goddess,
    who comments on his skills back then. Forwarded with permission.


    Yes, Ken is very died in the wool.

    I had some complex mass handlings from him. He is quite technically skilled. He processed me in Santa Barbara and again at the Miami AAC. This was in the 80s. I had no idea what he was doing as I was not privy to any upper level data. His ability to circumnavigate this drawback and sort out my BPC from having had 25 consecutive repair lists in the C of S amazed me.

    He’s also a photographer.

  36. Hello, again, and thanks again for all kind comments. I appreciate them all and apologize for not responding to all individually.
    Thanks to Hatshepsut for her good words, and for the photo link. With regard to photos, there are a lot more at It may seem at first glance that there’s nothing but ice hockey, but there are plenty of sets of other subjects.

  37. I have had the pleasure and the honor to work with ken at Flag as a fellow NOTs auditor.
    Ken lives and breathes standard tech.He is a noble soul of high integrity .He cares deeply and has incredible compassion .I would recommend him most very highly as an auditor .

  38. Ken is listed as a Certified auditor on the IFA (> page and, indeed, has his own page on the site.

    Ken is a typical example of a true scientologist in every sense of the word and epitomises the standards the Ron expect of a scientologist.

    Ken, it is a privilege and honor to know you sir!

  39. Pingback: - The INDEPENDENTS « There is only one command intention: LRH intention!

  40. thankyou Ken,

    I loved reading your writings in IVy magazine you did years ago.

    It is important for ex senior people to be normal citizens, and people like yourself who have spent huge amounts of face time with LRH, it’s very normalizing for me to have seen your writings and heard you share your opinions about LRH and Scientology history publicly.

    Even though I don’t consider myself a Scientologist (I returned to atheism/materialism), I really enjoyed finding your writings, Ken.

    Marty, I’m glad you site pulls some of the best of the ex Sea Org members to speak up like normal citizens, freely.

    Thankyou Ken! Thanks Marty and the others making this atmosphere of free speech.

    Chuck Beatty

  41. Ken,

    It is truly a pleasure to learn of your existence. I recently followed a link from the, Old Auditor, and ended up at your blog.

    I very much enjoy and appreciate your blogs. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and your insights.


  42. M,

    Thank you very much for your kind words about the blogspot articles of mine. 🙂 And thank you for taking a look at them in the first place.

    There is a little more material at: .

    And the possibility of a book based on my ‘Blue Sky’ IVy articles coming out this year. The original texts are here:

    Thanks again.

  43. Ken:

    Beautifully put, and thanks for evoking many fond memories of LRH at his very, very best. It brings back the best of a colorful era.


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