International Association of Shills

Before I get started on another IAS fraud story,  a short announcement.  On the day of the IAS event, tomorrow Friday Oct 15th, a one hour interview with Mike Rinder will be aired on the Edge with Tom Smith in Tampa.  You can tune in at 12:30 p.m. eastern time at

With the annual IAS event just around the corner, here is some timely news.

Below you will find an actual casting call notice in the United Kingdom.  It was issued the week of the IAS event 2009.   Rumors swirled about this in certain forums many months ago.  I couldn’t believe it was looking for extras for the IAS event.  I guess I was reasonable. Recently I met with an actor who actually answered the call.   He confirmed that five busloads of extras were shipped out to fill up the Great Hall at St Hill Manor for the 25th Anniversary event.  The actors were briefed that they were not to let on that they were extras.  They were instructed to act enthusiastic as if they were thrilled to hear Miscavige’s bombastic claims at the event.

You might want to advise kool aid drinkers you know who insist on going to events to be on the look out for folks who just don’t seem to fit in, folks who perhaps are acting.  But, maybe that won’t be of much use, since I believe the majority of folks going to those events these days are doing just that: trying really hard to pretend that it is all for real.

The actual casting call notice:

Casting Calls > Actors & Extras wanted > Other auditions

Extras required for International event: WEDS AND THURS THIS WEEK in LONDON

Casting no. 130383  –  All regions, UK

Casting complete: Applications now closed.

PAID WORK – YOU MUST BE ABLE TO GET TO East Grinstead for 10am tomorrow trains from VICTORIA LONDON

PAID WORK – YOU MUST BE ABLE TO GET TO East Grinstead for 10am tomorrow trains from VICTORIA LONDON


A Los Angeles production company is putting on a major international event on the 16th October in front of 7,000 people. This event will also be broadcast internationally.

For this we need an abundance of extras!

REHEARSALS start Thursday 15th at 10am for rhe event the on FRIDAY so you need to be available both days


Apply now!

Location: All regions, United Kingdom

Payment details: PAID WORK

Any gender, aged 18 to 40 from the United Kingdom

327 responses to “International Association of Shills

  1. Dang, wish I coulda been there. I coulda been a paid actor acting like a Scientologist acting like a David Miscavige worshipper! Dang it!

    Looking forward to the show tomorrow though! No pay required there.

  2. Here’s an actual link to that 2009 casting call which is still up on the StarNow agency website:

  3. Sad, laughable, repugnant, all at once. A bit like the unpaid extras they cart in when they’ve got a newly-fudged idle org to announce – SO members posing as org staff, just until the event/photo op is over.

  4. DM should be sued for age discrimination!!

  5. Does this mean that DM can’t even get the Class V staff and S.O. staff to fill in as extras now? I wonder if that is because there are not enough? or they just “disappear” accidentally during events?

    I remember being in L.A. as a student, and how they would stage photo ops, use us as extras for “public” walking in front of and into Scn buildings. It seemed fishy, but no one ever said anything. We all just oooh’d and aaaah’d at ourselves on film at the events. “Cool!”

    Now, they’re paying for extras? I GOT JIPPED! I want my backpay for all that “Extra” work I did! 😉

  6. Since the IAS event is a major begging event, the beggars (buggers) need to have the inside scoop on who not to ask for money. Or do they have separate Patron Dinners etc. for money extraction? This casting call should be printed in large font to make a nice sign for an event protest.

  7. Ages 18 to 40. That makes me crack up. What happens after 40? They’re not qualified? It’s because the “church” wants to appear HIP! Cool to the young crowd. No one over weight. No one over age. No one that doesn’t clap like a seal when Miscavige grunts.

    Another fine example of what your donations buy. Smoke and mirrors.

  8. Wow, 18 to 40…I’m too old, haha.

  9. I’m just a lurker. But something is definitely going on that’s not good. Does the Pope need extras? The Dalai Lama? If the Pope came to your town, would they need to even have a casting call, let alone 7000 extras paid to look enthusiastic?. This from a religion that not too long ago said it had 8 million members. If those numbers had ever been true, there would still be enough people that a last-minute announcement of a meeting would round up 7,000 now unemployed and bored members that would be glad to fill a hall, and they would probably be glad to do so just for the price of lunch and bus fare.

  10. Are you busy tomorrow night? I confirmed my attendance online, and to bring you and Mike along as special guests, if that’s OK

    Your attendance has been confirmed.

    You will be accompanied by:
    Marty Rathbun
    Mike Rinder

  11. Gee, I wonder where the money comes from to pay the extras!?!

  12. Wow !
    A new brave world !
    LOL 🙂 🙂

  13. Independent Scientologist

    After everything I’ve read on this blog, I keep thinking I can’t possibly come across a new post that will make me exclaim: “You have got to be kidding!”

    But . . . you have got to be kidding!

    What’s next? Filling the Idle Orgs with cardboard cutout Scientologists to make them look full? Jeez, I shouldn’t be offering up ideas like that.

    Ron Matlock

  14. OMG, Marty, you are the dox king!!

    So now they’re hiring extras to prop up the massive fail of their live events? Desperate cult is desperate!!

  15. Tony DePhillips

    Gag a maggot!!
    Now this punk is PAYING actors to go to the events and I had to sit through that shit for free?? wasn’t free, I actually paid at those Events!!! So while I and others were paying,DM is paying actors to go to these things??

  16. Just as we all suspected. It’s all “Hollywood”. A house of cards ready to come tumbling down. A fake and a fraud. The Emperor has no clothes!!

    This is completely laughable. Well done IAS!!!

  17. Hope some Indies or Anons signed up for this year. Should be interesting.

  18. UK INDIES this is a way to get some of your money back 😉

  19. I really think they need to hire some of these actors to sit in the St. Hill courserooms. I was at St. Hill for a week in 2004 and every day I saw the same lone student sitting in the St. Hill Special Briefing Course courserrom. St. Hill was a ghost town and the Captain AOSH UK (John Danilovich) was off in Italy trying to get arrivals.

    Maybe some day the Int base will just be Miscavige, a hooker, a couple hundred paid actors, a few dogs with Captain bars and a few stunt men
    for Davie to punch, kick and push down the stairs once in awhile.

  20. An Answerbot ? Or just a really youg SO member returning an answer ?

  21. I would be outraged if this were not so funny. I am wondering if the extras were not regged into donating the money they were paid.

  22. ROFLMAO!!! HA!!!

  23. I’m speechless. Can you spell PRO-PA-GAN-DA?

  24. OMG, that would be interesting!!!!! LOL!!! good point.

  25. Wow, mind blowing. Proves the point that Scientology really has become a vast Potemkin Village – all facades and extras. “Making the hall look full” was always a concern at events, but usually the seats were filled out using staff, DPFers and even RPFers. For many LA events, the entirety of the Int Base would be bussed down. But now apparently there are not even enough staff to fill out the seats. And of course Int has been on total lockdown for years. Doesn’t surprise me that Miscavige hires extras – with him, it has always been about appearances rather than reality. As long as things look good (or more accurately, as long as HE looks good) then it’s OK. This constitutes fraud.

  26. Marty a lot of people might not know but the insanity of the “IAS” event is extremely destructive. Each year the attendance target would be hugely increased. Each org was ordered by the IAS Administration to send a staff member for three months to do call-in. The call-in unit is run by Bart Van Lock who is posted in the IAS. So, who do they start calling? Bookbuyers. Yes that is correct, bookbuyers. This completely violates LRH policy regarding bookbuyers and was destructive beyond belief Bookbuyers would get 10 phone calls a day (no one could keep track of the admin) and call-in staff wanting to make their targets (for fear of what IAS execs would dish out) would beg the bookbuyer to come. Talk about cutting reach. Of course no org had any control of this as the bookbuyer lists were downloaded from CLO’s central addo. So, yes people, bookbuyers are called 10 times a day for almost three months and what is pushed is that they will get “food” at the event. BHM org had aproximately 20,000 bookbuyers. After the incessantly calling they would hang up the phone on anyone calling from the org. Who wouldn’t? I haven’t even touched on the finance irregs perpetrated during the months of aug, sept and oct regarding the IAS event.

  27. OH no! I didnt think of that. Yeah, they get regged for the money they get paid to do this.

  28. I missed that one, guess I’m out. I could have made some extra money.

  29. To think that when it was formed, it was claimed the IAS delegates consisted of democratically elected representatives, except that nobody could stand for election, …. now DM monetarily elects the public.

    When he goes to inspect an org, is there an advance team paying actors to pose as students and winning pcs?

    Being a fine actor himself, slightly limited in the kinds of characters he can play though, he surely deserves a handsome salary. So don’t be jealous, he’s working hard.

  30. I was often on the Gold location shoot team that shot those crowd shots in the 80’s. Everyone who could be spared on the shoot team were sent out to pull in extras for these shots. We played hell getting enough people for those shots. I wish we had been able to pay the extras – sure would’ve made the job easier for those of us trying to convince anyone we could lay our hands on to take time to shoot take after take after an endless set up!

  31. Screenshot now uploaded to my Facebook page. Note my attendance “HAS BEEN confirmed”! Guess that means I’m obligated to go now…

  32. I guess they are trying to avoid another ‘man with no head’ fiasco similar to the 2000 New Years Event photo they put up on the CofS website, that Lerma exposed.

    That fraud was the first attempt to mislead the media, and the world, in the new millenium.

  33. DFB aka Dfb99

    I’m confused. Are you guys sure they aren’t going to be part of the show? Maybe they are goign to have a marching band or something, part of the show and need some bodies. For example, I’ve been to big events where they do stuff like have progressions of people marching with flags from all the countries through the aisles and stuff like that.

    I’m only asking because it says extras needed for an event in front of 7000 people.

    If it just said extras needed for an event I wouldnt question it.

  34. Re the filling of empty spaces, you should check out the fradulent photo on the 2000 New Years Event. I think it is on Lerma’s website.

    Your comment about cutouts is exactly what the CofS did.

  35. Hi Joe:

    What a great idea! They could ask questions throughout the event! Maybe some eyeglass size video cameras too!

    Yeah, let’s do that! Let’s get signed lots of us signed up, and we’ll deliberately throughout the event ask questions loudly, and use tiny cameras to film the entire event and the result of the questions.

    Yeah! I know I can get at least 5 to 8 people to show up, 3 of them have eyeglass size cameras, and one has one she can put into her purse.

    I wonder what kind of security they have at the door? They can’t check body cavities, and so we can definately get in and do our thing!

    Wow! Yeah, we’ll be there for sure!

    We are anonymous.
    We are legion.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    We have cameras.
    Expect us.

    Kake and kookies and koolaid party after!

  36. DM’s preplanned alibi if he’s caught:

    “The greatest pretense there is, is pretending it’s not all pretense.” L. Ron Hubbard, The Anatomy of Cause, OT hatting lectures.

  37. DFB aka Dfb99

    Also, hiring thousands of “extras” to fill attendance at a Scientology event would be a secret for about ten seconds. All those people and the bad PR Scientology has now days, I’m pretty sure people would talk and take pictures and video and it would be on the news etc. It would be a stupid, stupid PR mistake. I’m going to give whoever puts on this event credit for not being the stupidest person on earth and I will assume that these extras will be part of the event, not attendees.

    I bet DM is feeling some pressure and wants this event to be the biggest ever with the most elaborate set yet and a bunch of extras doing some sort of “opening ceremony”.

    I could be wrong, but it would be the first time ever.

  38. I know 4 0r 5 friends that need money

  39. You could pretend you went there and pretended to act like a pretended church member who is pretending to worship the pretended leader.

  40. Yeah, I agree. I take offense at the 40 year cut off point! Hey!!

  41. Gary Morehead a.k.a Jackson

    To David Miscavige…. Believe it or not, I have friends in th UK whom I’ve called. They too answered your casting call. They asked where to obtain there scripts. I supplied them with one….

    “short guy well aged, desperate and greedy looking on stage says — blah, blah, bullah, bullah, takes a breath….”

    “hired actor – keys in during short mans breaths and loudly state towards short man on stage.. WHERE IS HEBER JENTZSCH — WHERE IS YOUR WIFE SHELLY MISCAVIGE?

    Repeat as often as possible!!

    Copies of script has been made to be handed out to the other actors so they can take over when fellow actors before them have been removed after delivering said scripted lines.

    Removal before event ends still are guaranteed payment.

    Your welcome!!

    — Jackson

  42. DFB aka Dfb99

    I worked at that event and it was fairly full. It’s a very big arena and if I recall correctly it was 70-80% full. I’m not sure why the photoshop.
    I think since it wasnt completely full people like to space out a little and there were empty seats here and there.
    I suspect someone was trying to make a good picture perfect by filling in a few spaces or someone later photoshopped it and put it on the internet to make the church look bad.

    If you can look at a video of the event you can see the arena was pretty full.
    The orgs had copies of the event so it may be out there somewhere.

  43. Ha ha ha ha!

  44. Bring an actor with you who pretends to be a wealthy sheik from Kuwait and wants to donate ten million dollars. See how they fawn and drool. Get a free limo ride. Maybe a photo op with the pretended leader himself!

  45. Plus the servants.

  46. Good point. Verify with Marty, but from his talk with one of the guys who showed up last year it sounds like they were part of the audience.

  47. did this ever occur while you were in SCN Marty? That is so shameful. But funny also. The Church is dead.

  48. Watching Eyes

    Here’s a link to Arnie Lerma’s page with the duplicate head pictures.
    Evidently bringing in actors is DM’s solution to that problem.

    Don’t know if anyone is aware but back around 2000 the CofM also started re-issuing success stories in their Advance magazine. I recall reading one that was at least 20 years old yet it was re-issued like it was new. We had the original Advance to compare it too. If memory serves me well, it was a success story written by Heber. I kid you not. Understandably, they didn’t use his name in the newer edition, just initials.

  49. martyrathbun09

    They were perhaps 1,500 short of a sell out. DM cannot have a non-sell out. It was a blatant photo shop job. I had to deal with the media who ran the story.

  50. DFB – The event already occurred. They weren’t on the stage. The actor Marty spoke to was hired with 3 bus-loads of people to be in the audience and applaud.

    It’s a “confront of evil” thing – can be hard to do.

  51. martyrathbun09

    Thanks Amy.

  52. martyrathbun09

    Not that I am aware of. I learned after I left that while I was there Gold was hiring extras to stage many of those third world salvage operation videos.

  53. The Emperor has no clothes!!

    And no audience it seems.

  54. Hey, he can play any part that Joe Pesci can!!

  55. martyrathbun09

    Lucy, thanks for reporting this. And they wonder why they can’t force people into the orgs even with guns to their heads?

  56. DFB, think about it. The recruitment piece is explaining what the need is. The need is an event with 7000 people. Its telling people they just need to be a body in the crowd. If the church had the 7000, why would they need extras. Aren’t there any staff to carry a flag? Would you hire extras to be part of the event if you had 7000 people. No. Either way, they had to outside the church for bodies. Point.

  57. You can bet that every one of the “extras” will be required to complete a “personal data” form and will begin receiving calls and mailings in perpetuity. It will also serve to “out” anyone who makes it known that they are a critic in any form of the CoS. I would caution Anonymous not to try going as an “extra”.

  58. DFB aka Dfb99

    Oh crap, I’m sorry. I didnt read what you wrote correctly Marty.
    I was doing other stuff and I read it in a few peices. I missed that part about the actor.


    I guess I granted somebody too much non-stupidness when I said:

    ” I’m going to give whoever puts on this event credit for not being the stupidest person on earth”

    I still have to give them some credit though. To have gotten so many people, myself included to show up at these events over the years and applaud having their bank accounts and credit cards drained is pretty god damn OT.

  59. Gooo Jackson!

  60. 🙂 I’ll send a bill on Saturday fo sho!

  61. This was a con job by the CofS, not by any other individual or group. It was on the CofS website, and when it was exposed, a PR person for the CofS admitted it was done, and after putting up different photos of the event to mitigate their fraud, they eventually canned the whole thing and all the photos were taken down.

  62. DFB aka Dfb99

    I misread that part of it. I was distracted and read it in a few parts and I guess I skipped that part. I’ll find where I was last doing well on it…

  63. Tory Christman was correct in 2000 when she said that CoS was the Truman Show. The hiring of extras proves that CoS is a pretend, fantasy world. At some point, DM’s remaining sycophants and lawyers will have to pay people to become “Pretend Scientologists and SO members.” When this happens, David Miscavige will be the only actual person who thinks that CoS is real, for CoS will have become DM’s lunatic fantasy Truman Show. Every one will be in on the joke except for DM.

    In the near future, DM will secretly be podcast as a really bad reality television show. The IAS extras are just a part of the apparency that CoS exists and is booming. The age discrimination (18-40 years old) is illegal in hiring, but not in acting — and that is what these extras are being paid to do: Act like they are enthusiastic about what comes out of DM’s rabid cakehole.

    Do you think COB will ack the extras in the audience? The other question: How many OG and Anons have SAG cards and will hire on as extras?

    One time in the 1970’s, LA Day Registrar “Raffi” bussed in loads of street people from LA’s Skidrow to meet his stat for bodies on some event. They were given sandwiches, filled out forms, did whatever the event was about. and then they were unceremoniously shipped back to Skid Row.

    DM and ASI had Scientologists buy numerous extra copies of LRH’s books to push them to the top of the New York Times best seller list. The pattern of inflating stats is entrenched in CoS. Stat pressure leads to false reporting.

    The hiring of extras for the IAS is a form of false reporting to Scientologists and the public at large. This is false advertising and misrepresentation to Scientologists and the public. At what point does this become actionable as a civil lawsuit? If Scientologists donate money based on a fraudulent representation of IAS attendance stats, then this is fraud. When does the California, Florida, or London Attorneys General look into this matter of this being an illegal form of false advertising?


  64. Wow Wow Wow! It truly is “The Emerald City”

  65. DFB aka Dfb99

    So that would be 90% full.

    At that time I was both high on Scientology and disgusted at certain aspects of it. All those Scientologists there, it was like we were were winning. But then looking at people showing up in fancy cars and fur coats I realized that most of the people at that event were not Scientologists even if they called themselves so.

  66. Climbing a 9' High Board Fence

    Little Hitler is cleansing again.

  67. DFB aka Dfb99

    Is that one of those “L Ron Hubbard quotes” from the internet that prove he was nuts?

    Because that is actually powerful OT stuff right there.

  68. That’s a pretty good idea,
    I’ll buy some pop-corn!

  69. Impartial English Girl

    “Any” gender…? Shouldn’t it have been “either”…? How many ARE there in Dave’s world?! Guess it’s hard to tell, since he doesn’t allow for the mention or inspection of genitalia… 😉 I do acting from time to time. But even I’d draw the line at taking the CoB shilling…

  70. Bryon,
    The schedule for years was to have the big event at the big top (rent a tent) the first night, which is Friday. Saturday, there is usually a breakfast for all the Freedom medal winners at the Manor, catered by a top notch outfit which the likes of Elton John is one of their clients. There are seminars all day going on.

    These caterers will then do the black tie IAS Patron’s ball on Saturday evening in the big top now totally set up with dining tables and chairs lavishly decorated for a dinner dance with a stage and band, usually the Gold Musicians for IAS awards and photoshoot.

  71. Impartial English Girl

    You can hire a Cruise-lookalike from the back of “The Stage” (the actors’ newspaper). Now THAT would be money well-spent! 😀

  72. Barney Rubble

    When will the little pip squeek DM finally figure it out- That even the KA drinkers or at least the majority of them hate his events. I know I did.
    They’re boring and having to get up and applaud every 2 minutes is a pain in the ass (literally). I figured out years ago those stupid video’s produced by Gold were full of shit, and likely had extra’s. And having to listen to Jeff Pomerantz’s voice was annoying.

  73. DFB aka Dfb99

    Amy, I read it wrong.

    I just want to keep things straight is all.
    I am suprised they did this. It’s quite bizarre.

    A bus holds maybe 100 people. Maybe it was more about the applause than the numbers? Sort of like a shill at a fundraising event.

  74. Are you John’s wife? I think you are. If so, tell him I am his old roommate who used to box with him and would spend New Year’s Eve with his family in the Seventies and have him email me at

  75. If there was just one student on the BC at Saint Hill, they might as well put a sign outside that says, “Out Tech – Stay Away!”

  76. Please clarify. Will the hooker be male or female?

  77. Did the extras get “donating” money to “donate”to get real public into donating ?

  78. Peter Schless, one of the Gold Musicians is one of those Freedom Medal winners and didn’t show up as he usually did when he was put in the “Hole”. Wonder what the PR was on that.

  79. Marty has often commented on Reverse Scientology. This is Reverse Sea Org. “Many are chosen and few will come.”

  80. Unbelievable!!!

    Wonder why they ask for people not older than 40. Are they afraid to get somebody there who is an Oldtimer/Indie in the guise of an extra?

    Really weird this whole thing – and when you look that it is used to deceive all Scientologists not even at the event but all around the world – disgusting.
    It is sooo contrary to the tech. Scientology is not a show – it is about the truth and how to as-is.

    Sorry, I keep shaking my head in disbelieve.

  81. Of course they’ll get regged for the money they expect to get paid. IT’S FOR THE GREATER GOOD!!!

    “Listen Mr. Wog. I know you new here and don’t really know what Scientology is, so let me put it in plain english for you: You’re gonna have a major win when you cognite on the fact that the 4th dynamic is in jeapordy because nasty SP’s are trying to ARC-break our 3rd dynamic, see? So COB and RTC are mass regging with TONE 40 all PC’s and OT’s to support the IAS as well as Ideal Orgs, not the St. Hill orgs, that’s not on-policy, but I”ll get into that later. And so, Mr. Wog… Mr. Wog? Hello? Wake up, Mr. Wog… we need your money! Did you miss a word or something? Damn wogs… out-ethics, that’s what this is! Sleeping at an event. HCO! F-ing BRING ORDER YOU F-ER’S!!”

    … something like that.

  82. Impartial English Girl

    There was another article in this week’s Private Eye (UK satirical fortnightly publication). It mentions both Mr. Rinder and Mr. Sweeney. Here is the text:

    DESPITE bombarding the BBC with letters in the weeks before transmission of John Sweeney’s recent Panorama Special on Scientology. The lawyers for the self-styled “church” – the inevitable Messrs Carter-Fuck* – have been strangely silent since it was broadcast. Ditto Phil Hail. the former Screws** editor who now earns an honest crust as the Scientologists’ PR man.

    The cult’s followers, however, have been as tirelessly hyperactive as ever. Zabrina Collins, an “ethics officer”, emailed fellow Scientologists urging them to join a “counter create” (i.e. campaign of destruction) against the documentary by posting comments and opinions under any online reports on it, to which she would alert them by text message.

    “You do not necessarily have to read all the article,” she advised, perhaps fearful that they might have a fit of the vapours if exposed to disrespectful coverage of L. Ron Hubbard’s dotty disciples. “I need you to write a good roads, good weather comment.” This is Scientology jargon for dealing with criticism by changing the subject and writing about something uncontroversial instead (e.g. “helping people is good”).

    “DO NOT take up any entheta – grant to no beingness,” she wrote, adding this translation for anyone not fluent in the lingo: “It is important not to engage the opposition and get into a debate or react to provocations.” Instead, they should “fill the vacuum per PR Series 18 and continue to talk about expansion!!!” This refers to the following passage from a Scientology guide on handling the media: “When you get an attack, and reporters arrive to assess your reaction, tell them how much good this publicity is doing for Scientology – and state how much they are helping our expansion and new membership – quote figures which are uncheckable.”

    The Sciborgs have also turned their Thetan laser-suns on the Panorama reporter. Besides setting up a website with the unimprovable title “John Sweeney is genuinely evil”, they have produced an “attack DVD” which claims among other things that he has been banned from the Frontline Club, a hacks’ watering-hole in west London. (Sweeney was so panic-stricken – fearing he must have done something disgraceful at the club while drunk and then forgotten about it – that he had to ring the manager to reassure himself it wasn’t true.) The cult sent out hundreds of these DVDs: BBC Radio Derbyshire’s newsroom alone received no fewer than 10 copies, much to the mystification of its hacks.

    And. of course, the cult’s notorious surveillance teams have been out in force. The former Scientology spokesman Mike Rinder, a whistleblower who featured prominently in Panorama, was in London with his girlfriend for the transmission and found himself pursued by a camera crew of Sciborgs when he went on a tour of the Tower of London. A brave Beefeater chased them away.

    Note from IEG – almost all articles in this mag are published without a byline, so I don’t know who is contributing these pieces.
    * = PE’s name for Carter-Ruck, expensive legal firm
    ** = Abbreviated from ‘News of the Screws’, PE’s name for UK tabloid tat-rag The News of The World, a downmarket paper if ever there was one.

  83. True, that is very, very funny.

    But on the other side of the coin, it says that this is a very grave, serious and tragic era for the Church of Scientology.

    Instead of allowing their own members to attend this event and demonstrate to the world the unity as a religion they have lowered themselves to PAYING people to SHOW UP and ACT LIKE Scientologists so the world gets the RIGHT impression of the church.

    I am glad I no longer belong to the Church of Scientology, because if I did, events such as this would cause me to leave anyway.

  84. DFB aka Dfb99

    The big events are not “donating events”.

    Donating events are smaller and local.

  85. This blog post is wrong and to be honest I now doubt your credibility. I mean its dub in based of one random dude.

    I do know what happened. There was going to be a big procession of flag bearers, walking through the audience and on to the stage. At first staff were going to do it but they were to busy helping setup the event and help deal with the big inflow of public. So instead of drag staff off post to drill in the day time and then do the flag bearing in the evening, they must have hired extras. But at the last minute the procession was cancelled. So this “reliable source” of yours probably turned up to do the procession and then was told sorry its not on anymore watch the event and rightfully he was still paid.

    You know, if you were so important as you make out, that this would have been organized by the staff setting up the event. Not COB.

    Wow, talk about dub in and failure to find the facts.

  86. Deceit. Arrogance. Vicious Intent to Deceive. Monstrous. Fraud. Hypocrisy.
    There are more words to describe such an action than he is short.
    Too bad, Davey, you so lose. Again. Just another proof of your ineptitude and cowardice.
    On the other hand, it is really hilarious to know that now you are reduced to having to pay someone to applaud you. Man, that is really sicko.

  87. SirArthurConanDoyle

    Holy shit! I knew int events were a waste of (a lot) money but to pay extras to go to them??!!

    The “church” is becoming the show!

  88. That ought to put the security boys in a tizzy. At their humorless tone level, they cant tell if you’re serious or joking.

    I hope you print out your confirmation and at least try to attend. Would make a good youtube if they turn you away, and a wonderful opportunity to flourish and prosper in the face of suppression if you are admitted.

  89. More technical than that “Fraudulency In Representation”, meaning that one is in some form or another presenting seemingly REAL TRUE FACTS & STATISTICS about something one or one’s business has to offer, that are in actual fact staged events to attract people and money to things that will never be able to be delivered with full knowledge of such afore thought.

  90. Pomerantz?? Thank god I’ve heard that whine for the last time.

    Some things once heard cannot be unheard.

  91. They have to use extras. It would be impossible to use real Scientologists because many of them have not slept in months or had any auditing of any kind in years and would look bad to millions of viewers.

  92. Amy:

    Lest we forget that David Miscavige is making “sweeping changes” within the church and next year that limit may be raised to 41 so that the more mature crowd can get in on some of the action as well.

    My friend Dorka {a Spanish girl}, has 3 children {one of them 13} and is divorced and does not look like she is any older than 26 or 27. As good as she looks I guess she would not qualify for taking care of herself.

    It makes me laugh. Now DM is “into” the younger generation. Well, he might want to start by telling today’s youth before they go to college to get a high school diploma, like he somehow forgot to do.

  93. No.

    Chances at are that at a Vatican or Hindu event the emphasis would be on security perhaps or the correct ethnic cuisine being available to accommodate Hindu’s who are for the most part Vegetarians.

    Only Scientology does this. Only. Advertises that they are having a MAJOR international event and then places ads locally to get people to show up as extras at the event so the world thinks Scientology is everywhere in the world expanding.

    It is horrific, that a person’s mental capacity could be that lame as to buy into such a thing, but it happens.

  94. Matt:

    Perhaps it could even be staged with “breakway walls” that look like they are made of “authentic bricks” so that when DM pushes someone through a wall or plate glass window the whole wall or window shatters to pieces with a loud crash to give people the idea that DM is of super-human almost Superman like strength.

    And then they will go and sign up for courses after they see how strong he is from the videos.

  95. It was allready a dog and ponyshow with DM as Showmaster.

  96. martyrathbun09

    Nice dead agent try. It had nothing to do with flag bearers. They could have gone to the local employment agency for that. It was actors and the instructions were to act as shills. You OSA guys are way past the point of pathetic.

  97. Sorry DFB, I guess you havent ever been to the IAS event. THe regging goes on ALL NIGHT. It is the BIGGEST IAS Regging event they do. Trying to get people to cough up so they can appear on stage the next night to be thanked personally by Dear Leader for increasing the “War Chest.”

  98. martyrathbun09

    Maybe because they haven’t made a new Scientologist in a couple decades?

  99. I don’t think that David Miscavige is quite so physically developed and capable as many people that might be “new to exercise” may suspect.

    Have you ever heard of the phenomenon called “Turkey Legs”? It is a gym term that refers to a “bodybuilder” that has concentrated most of his or her effort on their arms, shoulders, chest, back and abdomen and totally neglected their legs. The result can be man with massive biceps and pectoral muscles whose legs then appear as two thin straight sticks that extend from their hips to the ground.

    I have never seen DM in a pair of shorts, so I wouldn’t know for sure, but I have my suspicions. Maybe I will be lucky enough in this lifetime to see a picture of his legs or talk to someone that has seen them before finalizing the theory.

  100. Thought Provoking

    This extravagance reminds me of the expense to the org for the whole event. In some ways, I think it was the rolw model of the Ideal Orgs. Lots of pomp and circumstance for the public as the orgs expense. Talk about getting a knife in the back.

  101. That’s hilarious!

  102. Good show current. You are the best evidence that this hit a nerve. How rotten, distracting Dear Leader like this when he is preparing for his moment of glory in the spotlight in front of the herded masses acting like jack-in-the-boxes that compose his adoring audience.

    Interestingly, you say you “know” what happened and then say “they must have hired extras”? “Must have”? Do you know or are you guessing?

    Now, current, if YOU were so in the know, you would know that there is nothing that happens at these events that Dear Leader isnt micromanaging down to the last shoelace on the clown’s outfits.

  103. Yeah, when I found out years ago it was actually Jeff Pomerantz conjuring up that ridiculous over-the-top completely fake cereal commercial voice on the event videos it made me wanna puke. I can’t even eat cereal anymore.

    I feel sorry for anyone in a studio who has to listen to him drilling that voice.

  104. Clip from the rehearsal:

  105. Thought Provoking


    One of the most attractive things about Scientology in the 70’s was the wide range of membership. To me, it was an ageless religion.

    One best bullbait sessions I ever had was right on the comm course. I was 18 and my coach was mid 40’s. Not only did she get my button, (apparently unflat for many others in the class as well), she expertly flattened it until every point of it was handled. It was instantly life changing and I thought she was the coolest person in the world. And, gawd, it was fun!

  106. Roger that Jeff,

    I remember being dragged from the AO practically kicking and screaming to attend some stupid pretentious International Event.

    Seems they had their rendition tech down pretty good but I managed to escape bored oblivion a few times by locking myself in my auditing room and putting an “In Session” sign on the door.

    All I can say is that any extras they hire will really be earning their money because I always kept saying to myself that I wouldn’t go to another event if you paid me to.

    The good thing about these events was that they gave you practice in evasive tactics used in avoiding the phalanx of regs set up near the main doors which was always the only fun part of the whole exercise.

    Sorta like hide and seek for adults.

    Sometimes the only reason I went was that I hoped that Miscavige would be struck by a bolt of lightening or something like that while he was out there spouting some miscellaneous lie and was disappointed when that never happened.

    Well anyway Marty you’ve brightened up my day 🙂

    Love the name:

    International Association of Shills

  107. I personally know it to be true that they had shills at Wise Conventions who would stand up and try to ‘out-do’ the legitimate high roller donators, forcing them to increase their donations in order to maintain their higher status.

  108. Tom — I think this must be an old clip — these people arent jumping out of their seats! They were probably all declared SP for being CI to Dear Leader. I was once assigned to the bilges on the Freewinds because I didnt “lead” the standing ovation for something or other at an event on the Freewinds. Dear Leader has people assigned to stand up and “lead” the audience in the front row who are expected to always get a “standing O” when there is a point in the speech where he thinks everyone should be on their feet. Of course, whatever it was he said got polite applause and nobody else “jumped up” but I was “responsible” so I went to the bilges. More Ripley’s Believe It Or Not will be rolling out…

  109. Truth. What do you think the event target is this year? Twenty million? Or thirty?

  110. 20 would be a good guess. Depends on what they made last year. Has to be more than that…

  111. one of those who see

    Totally understand why DM needs extras to fill out the events.
    If you are Clear you are staying as far away from him as possible
    If you don’t like starting your bridge over and over again ” “.
    If you finally paid for services that are pretty much unaffordable for you, then you arrive and get a D of P interview where they tell you you can not get auditing at that org – you may not feel like going to the event with the required clapping. (I know of a few instances where people who were not illegal pcs were told they can not get auditing at a particular higher org. Has anyone else seen examples of this?)
    Any one who has routed out of the SO, but not paid their freeloader debt can not go to events. (let me know if I am incorrect here??)
    Declared Scientologists can not go to events. He would probably solve his “event population” problem if all Declared Scientologists showed up at events. He may actually have a space problem! Plus events would be much more enjoyable. I would then attend if we get to hear from all the highly trained, theta Declared SPs.
    The last reason that I can see for why he needs to hire PAID extras – is that he is speaking. As he opens his mouth people feel the desperate need to be anywhere else than in that room. I believe it will be found that departing the Church starts with “not going to events.”

  112. Thought Provoking

    Gotta love them Brits with a great sense of humor!

  113. DFB aka Fdb99,
    No, it is not an “L Ron Hubbard quote from the internet that prove he was nuts”. It is however (although from memory) an exact quote from one of the Anatomy of Cause lectures I listened to from the 1950’s when I did that course on the Freewinds in 1989.

    But you are very correct when you say it is “actually powerful OT stuff right there.”

  114. CURRENT!
    Welcome to the infamous “blog.” And thank you for posting!
    I understand you have data, or what you consider to be factual data about the event. I would urge you to Inspect what you Expect. At the event, ask around,”How long have you been in Scientology?” Just ask them that, and then thank them for coming and move on. Ask as many as you can.

    In the event that you are lying, are not innocent, and are in fact spewing bull for the purpose of DA’ing Marty, let me ask you this:
    “How else do you justify that?”

    If it isn’t written, it isn’t true.
    If it is written, read it!
    Work 1-10, Current. It’s amazing how things work so easily when people actually do what RON said to do.

  115. This is great, Martin!

  116. Here is Tom Cruise sghowing how to do it. TR TC

  117. Thought Provoking

    If this is something you really did, I love you! WOW, I would pay to see that happen!

  118. Marty, you and Mike are just plain idiots.

    Don’t you see the genius of this new phase? Now Ideal Orgs can be filled to the brim with professional Scientologists hired to keep the Orgs full and Tom Cruise impressed.

    Here is the budget:

    10,000 Ideal Scientologists at $10.00 an hour x 20 hours a week equals 2 million a week or 100 million a year.

    Then, with so many people on course he can use this smashing success to raise the 100 million from the IAS.

    You guys just lack vision.

  119. “I feel sorry for anyone in a studio who has to listen to him drilling that voice.”

    Not to mention those who had to edit the sound & videos, the event crew who are usually up for days before the deadline. Also those having to serve food to this whining prima donna, while doing the VO’s at the Int Base.

  120. Can’t be hired as an extra and remain anonymous anyway, so what’s your point “Elwood” ?

    Michael A. Hobson

  121. Martin, last year it was your caper on the windshields. This year you are in the hall. I predict next year you will be on stage receiving an award. Go, man, go!
    Look forward to your report, hopefully with pix, of the show.

  122. Ha ha ha!

  123. Go for it, Bobo & Co. Have a great time and let us know how it

  124. Mike-

    The same technique was used in Cincinnati. Prepositioned cheerleaders are always seated in the front row to lead the flock in worship of the little Führer.

    At the last event I attended around 10 years ago I did not do the standing ovations, simply sitting and observing. I realized I was watching something akin to a Twilight Zone episode. It was one of those moments of epiphany.

    Guess I’m lucky I wasn’t shown to the Org’s version of the bilges. I showed myself to the exit. Permanently.


  125. Paid extras…it’s priceless and pathetic. LRH would roll over in his grave, if he had one.

  126. Hey, that’s perfectly reasonable – anyone over 40 could have a heart attack and die, and then where would they be?


  127. one of those who see:

    You wrote, “I believe it will be found that departing the Church starts with “not going to events.”

    See my comment above. It was for me.


  128. Cat Daddy,

    Yes, I think it’s possible the ‘extras’ are given money to donate — but the extras I’m thinking about are some recognizable names high up on that Patrons list. That’s an unproven hypothesis right now, but it would explain how a lot of the so-called rich folks (who aren’t very cash-rich these days) could afford to donate millions and millions and millions. Under this hypothetical scheme, Miscavige hands them the money, and they hand it back to him. Their big donation numbers are meant to prime the public pump and make him look like a big winner.

    I also have other hypotheses about what happens to his millions and how they’re ‘invested’ and where and with whom. I say if one explanation doesn’t conform to the data (some of those folks are really hurting financially right now), look for a different explanation.

    Just Me

  129. How about an L. Ron Hubbard look-alike actor who stands up and yells at DM in an LRH-like voice?

  130. I heard he’s increased Tone 40 to Tone 41.
    And changing 8-8008 to 8-8009.

  131. Sounds accurate.

  132. Ah, Lawrence, be careful what you wish for. You could end up with
    an eye-full of david miscavige in a monogramed thong.

  133. Bobo
    If you have any trouble getting in at the main gate, try the other one (by the stables) last time I checked it was completely unguarded.
    Take a crowd and have some Kake for me – I’ve already paid my respects 😉

  134. Yeah – if anyone from Int attended an event in LA, we all knew it was our responsibility to lead the standing ovations when DM spoke.

    I remember when Danny Barram was demoted from WDC to Deputy Garbageman because he didn’t clap or didn’t clap enthusiastically enough, which was spotted by DM and then the string was pulled (Danny was put on the meter by DM’s goons until his “evil purpose” was discovered) and then it was all over for him…

    Mike – myself and many, many others are looking forward to your continued expose.

  135. In August 2009 there was a ‘lock-down’ at Flag. The students were locked in the courserooms at 10pm and ordered to write down the names of any OTs they knew who hadn’t attended the Maiden Voyage Events and turn in their report to ethics.
    I guess the free food caper isn’t working so well anymore now that the public have figured out that the local Indian Restaurant would be much cheaper in the long run.

  136. This adds a whole new dimension to “How to Get the *Bodies in the Shop* stat straight up and vertical.” 🙂

    Just when you think it couldn’t get ANY crazier….

    I don’t think I’ve cringed and laughed so much before breakfast in a loooong time – thanks for the morning “wake-up call,” Marty.

    I’ll bet Dear Leader is having apoplexy over this item today.

  137. Lawrence- You know you’re right. The living dead don’t show up well on camera. Then again the CoM is sort of like watching a Horror Movie.

  138. “To have gotten so many people, myself included to show up at these events over the years and applaud having their bank accounts and credit cards drained is pretty god damn OT.”

    Serioiusly, DFB? Does outright fraudulent behavior fit your “OT” definition? I’m no Scientologist, but I’d think that if someone was *truly* “at cause over MEST” one wouldn’t have to resort to trickery.

  139. Current: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA … aw, thanks for that laugh.

    MARTY: I have wondered for the past several years why, despite having been a scientologist for over 30 years in the same general geographical vicinity, why I NEVER recognize people videoed or photographed at events anymore! You have answered my question.
    Also, your word alone is good enough for me, but I have to say I love seeing the documentation. It has a certain authority, doesn’t it. Thank you very much!


  140. Current OSA Troll:

    Perhaps you need some study time to do the Hubbard KTL course and PR course. You start out factually as in you “know” and then go to speculation as in “they must have” which you would know doesn’t fly had you done KTL.
    PR wise – you do confirm that shills were paid for the event!

    The attempt at covering up Dear Leaders behind with pitiful fig leaves is very visible too. Wow, talk about a big Flunk from the Indies and I guess big Fail from the Anons!

  141. DFB
    You’ve got to be kidding?!
    The last IAS event I attended at Flag was literally a marathon of swimming though shark infested water.
    The event night started with a ‘personal invitation’ to a special dinner following the event (yes we had already been marked as a prime target before the event even began). My (ex) husband and I attended the dinner where upon we were besieged by a total of 5 personal reges who remained glued to us all night. One of these reges was the Captain FSO accompanied by a group of loud Italian cheerleaders. The pressure continued all night with the Captain trying to close us to give him a verbal promise that we would ‘upgrade to our next status’ (a mere 100K).
    And it wasn’t an all night event. The regging continued for weeks after the event with the reges practically camped out at our house and two of them (Benny Weinreb and Dusty Woodbury) all but refusing to leave the house . At one point I sent Benny Weinreb off to my daughters bedroom to get some sleep.
    After two weeks of pressure the reges managed to hook us up with a local finance broker (a ‘Scientologist’ of course) who offered to re-mortgage our house for us in order to pay off the debts we already had and give us enough to pay the IAS 100K.
    Finally we managed to make it clear that we just weren’t willing to take such massive financial risks. At that point we were given the cold shoulder and Dusty Woodbury began to spread rumors that my ex husband had gone back on a verbal promise he had given on the night of the event to the Captain at Flag to upgrade to his next status. All in an attempt to shame us into paying the money. Meanwhile Benny Weinreb whined to me about how my ex husband had enturbulated him so much by refusing to pay the IAS that he had to go for a long drive to destimulate.
    Last year (before I got kicked off the Saint Hill base) right before the IAS event at Saint Hill Benny Weinreb made a beeline for me and told me with an excited gleam in his eyes that he had heard that I had sold my house in Clearwater before returning to the UK and that he ‘knew’ the people I had sold it to (in other words he knew how much money had been made). Benny insisted that we sit down and ‘have a chat’. Fortunately I was able to get out of that one by explaining to Benny that I had an appointment with the MAA who wanted to see me about my viewpoints regarding Flag and David Miscavige. The last image I had of Benny was the dust flying from his heels as he ran in the opposite direction.
    DFB I don’t know if you speak from ignorance or if you are a church agent attempting to sneak in some kind of PR crap from OSA but you are very very gravely mistaken on this point.

  142. Marty I sympathize with you for having to deal with the fall out from that fiasco.

    Ever since the ’93 epic win (fail in my opinion since we sold out entirely to the IRS) Miscavige has been a proponent of a completely revisionist history of the Church and the 2000 event was his magnum opus.

    I thought the ’93 event was loaded with BS but after reading the International Management Magazine’s glowingly false report and propaganda (since I never went myself) he exceeded that!

    Not only that but he and what was left of Int Managment was foisting off on the public the fear ridden Government agitprop of a possible terrorist attack by having the event on the 28th of December instead of New Years Eve.

    Bunch of chicken sh*t cowards.

    Anyway there was actually a time when events were fun to go to.

    The one we had at the PAC in 85-86 was one of the best.

    They played RJ 39 and it almost sounded like Ron was right there with us then we hit the buffet and listened to Chick play a set followed by Edgar Winter who played till dawn.

    Pausing only once so that we could hear the distinctive sound of small arms fire heralding the beginning of a New Year in LA.

    No pretentious and obnoxious IAS patrons standing around stuffed into tuxedos and expensive evening gowns (though I gotta admit I like looking at the real shear low cut ones with lots of cleavage) waiting for balloons to fall out of the ceiling.

  143. The big one at St Hill? No, I guess I got lucky.
    I’ve only been to the replay at my local org.

  144. Cool.

  145. That isn’t true Marty. I know a couple Scientologists who have forced their children into servitude at my org.

    Also, there was that one guy who came in and..oh wait, he’s gone.

  146. Hey, that RAWKS!

  147. Ladies and gentlemen, Jeff “Pompous” Pomerantz!

    I’m a little pissed at these guys who are/were IAS event fundraisers since I found out how much commission they get.

    1. Affectedly and irritatingly grand, solemn, or self-important

  148. That make me laugh your comment ” Climbing aboard”

  149. Yr not the Bodil from Denmark Are you?doubt it

  150. Cecil B. DeMiscavige with his cast of THOUSANDS!

  151. The Church of Scientology at some point became one big stat-push.

  152. Sinar / Bryon /Yes I can confirm your comments as tent structure huge and up/ local mate will attend.It will be intresting to find out do they take Diana this time or Heber?

  153. Lets see – two days of wog pay for 150 people probably comes to $30,000 at the minimum. And then they didn’t have the flag procession after all? Wouldn’t someone get in big trouble for wasting that kind of money? Who do you know who wouldn’t get in trouble for doing it? Even if Marty jumped the gun here, there are plenty of outpoints. The main outpoint is the existence of the IAS itself, which is at the criminal level of exchange.

    Speaking of amounts of money, Dennis Becker mentioned at one of his wonderful IAS briefings that the entire 1993 “IAS Win” production at the LA sports arena only cost $50,000. So, we know that the Sea Org can pull off very expensive looking productions while somehow spending very little money, because they tell us so. Sea Org staff would never lie, would they?

  154. Guillaume du Houx

    This does not surprise me at all. It is completely in line with his tone level. See Science of Survival. Which does not make it any less disgusting.

  155. Do we need to Guess!!!

  156. Jackson
    Thank you. Hysterical! 😀

  157. martyrathbun09

    Mike and Tom, you need to add that one to the list “Int Shills at events.”

  158. martyrathbun09

    50K didn’t even cover DM’s personal green room.

  159. Funny, he would be too old for his own audience.

  160. Mike
    I can attest to that. Not only was I ushered to jump to my feet on numerous occasions by president’s office staff while sitting in the prestigious front row seats at events but I was even ordered to dance!
    What’s next? Canned laughter?

  161. One of my absolute favorite LRH quotes of all time. There is more truth in that than can easily be digested, particularly if you apply it to your life and everyone around you.

  162. Well had me a whale of a time there last year…

  163. Anonymous for Now

    I was on Div 6 lines as the PES of a Class IV org. I will 100% back up this post of being ordered to call book buyers for the Annual IAS Events. It was done every year and was justified by Management as the event being “okay for raw public too”. The stat push for attendence with all hands call in disrupting every post in the org, management calling evey half hour, being ordered to call public at work during the day and after 10 pm at night. Sickening… and for what, to hear the obviously psychotic midget BULLSHIT for 3 hours…and then the closed door high pressure regging.. any bookbuyer who actually came to the event went home after it and burned whatever book they had bought.

    Also, In 92 I remember being on the EPF at PAC and being pulled off it for days to be an Extra for Gold productions… I guess there are not that many folks on the EPF to fill in as extras anymore..

  164. Actually I don’t understand why more Anons don’t go along for the lulz. It’s basically an open event, anyone can go. Security staff haven’t a clue who is and isn’t a scientologist – as evidenced by this blog posting about hired extras. It would be impossible to keep tabs on “7000” (ahem) people. There’s lots of speeches and clapping to be done – Hi Jinx all round really!

  165. On the Outside

    Does anyone have any guesses on how many Scientologists/Former Scientologists have been declared ? The number must be astounding, especially with the amount of management personnel who have been declared shown in proportion to the number of current management personnel.

  166. “This is paid work”.

    Quite different from my own five years on staff at a Class IV/V org.

    Once enmeshed in “staff” it was an intricate process getting OFF staff without being expelled, even though my contract had long since expired. Some have been offended by my reference to “staff” as being (largely) “coarse oafs” – well, how many of those “offended” have been in the position of knowing FULL WELL how valuable the tech and goals of Scientology are – only to have some NCG lout jiggle your future over a cliff with sadistic glee?

    It is probably mere date coincidence, but “Leaving and Leaves” came out at the tail end of my routing out. I had started giving HCO monthly dispatches (six months early) citing the expiration date of my contract so they would have NO excuse for not having replaced me before I left. This sort of practice was then “converted” by policy as being “evil”.

    Nowhere in the contract I had signed had I seen the provision that I would HAVE to “replace myself” prior to leaving. There was no such provision.

    Imagine – deliberately recruiting someone into what you KNEW was a losing proposition (HELL – why were YOU leaving?). Sorry – not cynical enough (by half) to do that. I was deserting the Org, as were many others, due to the ruinous price increases, the EARLIER BEGINNING to the Missions’ annihilation in the early 80s. Coupled with the termination of the somewhat informal staff discounts at higher orgs, it meant that staffers were NOT going to achieve the higher pre-OT levels. Period! (unless they had a rich Mom and Dad). Prior to this WHO NEEDED the sham “Universe Corps” to go up the Bridge? All you had to do was work! The “Universe Corps” was a hasty fantasy cooked up by LRH to fool lower org staff into staying on post.

    When I entered Scientology, it was still a working man’s game. A working man in a unionized factory could save his money, and with a series of Advance Payments receive enough Intensives to go to LA to do Power, R6, and Clear/OT I within a practical period.

    These were also the glory days of Scientology. The 80s saw the beginning of “only scam artists and hustlers” had enough $$ to buy the Bridge.

    Then – the 90s and early 21st century were the doldrums, where we are now.

    Miscavige has never been a “working man”, not in the usual sense – for him, it has all been “status” and “hanging out with the powerful”, an entirely social game. He succeeded in being physically close to Ron (for a time). This accident of socializing then put him AT THE TOP. His status had NOTHING to do with the value of his own personal production.

    I have not liked this man (DM), not since I heard him bellowing and screaming at starving SO staff at Bridge Publications in the early/mid-80s. His sort of behavior only made me more intent on getting up the Bridge before the whole rickety apparatus fell apart.

    When I said “coarse oafs”, I was speaking advisedly. Miscavige is a prime example.

    Expediency (for an org) can be “slavery” for the individual.

  167. In Thailand you can register as a third gender in your passport/Identity papers.

  168. Tony DePhillips

    Here is the hatting class that the actors go through before the big IAS event!

  169. The horrific irony is that all the money spent on the ‘extras” will never be spent to benefit the loyal scientologists on staff and in the Sea Org. Sad.

  170. OK. I guess I wasnt thinking of the big IAS events at Flag, ST Hill, LA, etc. I’ve been to big events, but I fortunately never made it in person to an IAS one. Only the viewing at my local org. The New Year 2000 event was not a fund raising event for general public anyway. Maybe there is always behind the scenes regging going on that I wasnt part of.

    I have had a taste of what you experienced, but I never had that much money, being on staff and whatnot. But I have had IAS reges show up at my house late at might and work on me for days when they heard I had some money.

  171. Facetious:

    •Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

  172. I usually get worked up at the vital information coming from this line. But this is funny. Bad PR and unusual solutions. Efforts to cover a hole and generate lies. David reduced into a Carnival Ringmaster. Not people over 40? I remember the original Maiden Voyage and the many people sent for free at the last minute to make the ship look full. This is not the first time the Church has had extras!

  173. Interesting comparison. Both the pope and the Dalai Lama have made REAL public appearances (like in 2009 in which 100’s of thousands of admirers and followers have flocked. I remember one event when the Dalai Lama came to NYC (in 1999) – it was incredible, people from all walks of life who were so happy to be there. No hired “extras” (the idea that a human being would be extra would be an anathema to His Holiness), just lots and lots of all kinds of people. One part of his talk (which reminded me of the Sermon on the Mount) which particularly struck me was that if you really want to get even with those who have done you harm (for him, the Communist Chinese) is to simply BE HAPPY – that is happiness is the best revenge!).

  174. I remember the 93 Event.
    I can hear DM talking about “Marty and I…”
    I think that may have been the last time he gave any credit to anyone other than himself or Tom Cruise.

  175. I feel that something strange happened with the IRS.
    I don’t have any data on it that I can rely on, but I just have a feeling that something strange happened there.
    It may have just been akin to other handlings like Minton or maybe something else entirely.

  176. I was on of the anon’s protesting at the event last year.
    We were well aware of the ad for extra’s
    We even spoke to one of the extra’s IRL.

  177. Fellow Traveller

    These big regging events at St Hill began in Oct ’98. I was there, one of about 20 actual public. The reason given was to handle the suppression in Germany and support the activities ongoing there. I can’t remember whether the Berlin Crusade was before or after this regfest event, but it was during this time.

    It was a resounding success from the fund raising point of view — about 250K that year. Of course the “successful action” had to be repeated. I actually attended the first 4 or 5 of them. Like that red headed fella some of us are really fond of points out : comm lags vary and some can be quite long.

    Bruce Pratt

  178. DM has ALWAYS been about SMOKE & MIRRORS!!!

    The smoke has gotten to his head and the mirrors shows exactly who he is:


  179. Does anyone actually go out and start living or simply spend the rest of their life moaning and complaining about the C of S and whats been done to them?

    I walked out the door after a run in with challef and Jaques and never looked back.
    99% of this lot in here only left years after they discovered the Nots materials were out and available. Cowards and whingers the lot of them and mostly out tech actually.

    None of you EVER do anything that involves personal risk. You just moan, moan, moan. What does the tech you purport to love so much say about that eh?

    either DO SOMETHING or just go away and shut up

  180. Top Ten Reasons to be FREE of Mandatory compulsory INT Events


    9. WILL NOT have to listen to the HYPNOTIC CADENCE of 164 word sentences of Vertical out the roof EXPANSION.

    8. No longer subscribe and $$SUPPORT a group that DESTROYS families, that sends AMBUSH teams to harass and intimidate.

    7. Do not have to listen to the blatter and prattle of a Madman who previously told Tom de Vocht “Tom, do you know that I personally have written more about Scientology than L. Ron Hubbard has?”

    6. No longer obliged to give a hysterical STANDING OVATION to little Hitler

    5. The important reason of being FREE from a group that practices FAIR GAME, Dirty Tricks, Anonymous phone calls to Law enforcement, manufactures sordid invented CRIMES out of whole cloth.

    4. Do not have to be part of a HIRED audience of ACTORS to provide FLUFF and FROTH to their Tabloid FREAKDOM magazine ~~ a tissues of lies worse than any gossip tabloid.

    3.Do not have to look at that tanned face from his tanning salon, the perfect hairdo, the perfect make up, with the perfect Evil Intentions neatly tucked under that perfectly fitting Tuxedo.

    2. Do not have to “sign in” (new procedure) to attend the event where they get updated home address and tel no to CALL all hours of the day and night for more MONEY and more MONEY $$$$$$$ after the event.

    and the #1 reason to be FREE of mandatory INT Events

    ::::::DRUM ROLL::::

    1.TOTAL FREEDOM of reading, posting, visiting Marty’s blog and communication with WHO I want, WHEN I want, and ABILITY to STATE whatever want !

  181. Delighted laughter, energetic applause and audience on its feet!

  182. This all reminds me of the fact that some people are still insisting the ideal orgs are booming–the stats shown, though false and irrelevant, con them into thinking all is okay. But since stats are only pictures of the real scene, false pictures don’t change the scene. When people stay away in droves, there is no one to hold up the tent roof and the whole thing eventually collapses anyway. I am looking forward to the day these people go, “Wha’ hoppen? It was all doing so good!”

  183. Lawrence~It’s the old trick of putting a guy in a wheelchair in the audience who gets up and gets all saved and healed during the revival! Old trick; new way of using it. 😉

  184. Dang, and they even do do it in a big tent like a revival! LMAO 😆

  185. William-

    The arithmetic works. You may have just given the little Führer his next bright idea.

  186. Karen — THAT deserves a Standing O!

  187. Thanks for your enlightened comment Phil. Really brought the house down!

  188. Thanks for your enlightened comment Phil. Really brought the house down!

  189. 😆 I’m rollin over here! Bwahahahaha.
    Whoever gets there, bring a hidden camera! Please!

  190. gawd. What a horrendous story. No human being should be subjected to such pressure, no matter the justification. I can’t imagine the stress.

    All I can say is that you are now here, writing about it in present time.

  191. Kevin Bloody Mackey

    I think I’ve just spotted the WHY to the Church’s obsession with claiming that the Anon protesters were paid actors.

    OSA, Dave you fellers really need to re read that “Criminal Mind” HCOB again instead of misusing IAS funds to commit overts on the membership. Just sayin’.

    Maybe it’d be a good time to get those cramming ruds flown too.

  192. So IAS is “Insane Association of Shills” now ?

    Note: I’m not claiming here that the IAS was ever sane. Far from it.

    Some local IAS products here in Germany :

    Dr. Rudolf Willms donated huge $$$. Finally his company went bancrupt. And then he shot himself.

    Karl-Erich Heilig and Detlef Foullois preferred to give millions to Co$, much to the dismay of the tax office which didn’t receive its share. Both of them were sentenced to 2 years of jail.

    Hip hip hooray !

    If you wanna see those IAS victims : ( about middle of page )

    It was 1995 or so, when I became part of the IAS scam. Today I deeply regret that I volunteered as a translator at a local IAS event. The speaker ( an obese OT VIII from California ) promised : “we are going to abolish psychiatry within a year. This is the last time the IAS will ask you for money, but we need a lot of it now to get the job done and get rid of the psychs.” And I translated that crap … shame on me !

  193. Ewwwwwy again! 😦

  194. Watch closely for extras who go unconscious too – get pics! How can they not?!

  195. Pingback: International Association of Shills (via Moving On Up a Little Higher) « My LRH

  196. Hi Phil
    I come here as a fun hobby, mostly to read some really amazing stuff in the comments. First off, Jesse Prince, then Richard Behar! And the wedding video was really beyond words. Actually you are right about me needing to get up the bridge. I will do so at a suitable time.
    Personally, I feel very bad about the demise of the CofS. It was a part of myself, and a loving creation of a truly great man. You can’t just walk away from it and take no responsibility. This blog is part of our hat.

  197. Tony DePhillips

    Uh…hey Phil….uh…do you work for OSA Phil?? It was hard to discern that but my clever mind picks up on these things.
    I will play along with you. What GREAT DEEDS have you done that will just blow us all away?

  198. No way that he’s going to approve such a petty increase.
    It’s got to be at least Tone 50, and Mestology 8-800008.

    (All taken from a lost advice found during a renovation of a closet at Saint Hill. The original compiler had, of course, missed that page, or suppressively left it out on purpose. The Saviour of Lost Tech strikes again…)

  199. Critical mass J. Swift, and it’s coming hard and fast. I say this as a regular wog person out in the world. Most “uninformed” Americans I come across seem to know that the Scientology “religion” is a scam. Don’t want to offend people who find benefit in the “tech” but it is worth noting that no one I know cares one way or another about the religious practices beliefs of scientology (any more than they would conflate the beliefs and rituals of christianity with the abuses perpetrated by priests and covered up and enabled by the hierarchy of the catholic church) are simply right or wrong. Rather, it seems to me that people are increasingly clued into the fact that something is very wrong in Kansas, ie the organized so-called church.

    If there are valid and workable practices to be found in scientology, most newbies won’t find then in the cult of Miscavige. That is a fact. Curiously, DM seems to know this!

  200. Punishing you for having things…sux!
    Stress much?

  201. Having been on PAC orgs FP committees to come up with the money to fund these events (including local orgs OC, etc), we literally couldn’t afford to pay for food so PBC put us on beans and rice, talk about lean hard times. I wonder if the PAC orgs et al, know they are paying for actors to fill in the seats at the expense of their good health that DM gives a shit about compared to his meglomania. Can’t tell you how many PO requests for dental care were turned down and not just some minor dental but real situations. These had to get to a Hill 10 before we could somehow find the money to cover it. What a betrayal!

  202. Further betrayal is to discover that LRH didn’t want big events as it completely pulled people off hat from the business at hand.

  203. Yes, the Diabolical Maniac is so control, status and money happy that even an evil marcabian power monger is left in the dust.

    Seems he wants to win the prize of being the most slimy assh*le in this end of the galaxy.

  204. martyrathbun09

    Post of the day!

  205. Oh, a pingback. OK. I’m entering the blogosphere.
    AND doing something – PHIL – thank you!
    I’m full of curiosity as to how the NOI and extras and Anons are all going to play out Friday!

  206. I’m thinking Jackass: The C.O.B.

  207. Phil, this blog believe it or not is enabling people to do just that. When one gives their life to the cause, it is not easily walked away from and takes time from individual to individual to raise their confront little by little. So grant some beingness and don’t just say ” just go way and shut up”. Keep whining people as long as you want and when you are ready take the next step go for it. If it weren’t for this blog many of us would not even know what next step to take!

  208. PHIL
    “None of you EVER do anything that involves personal risk. You just moan, moan, moan. What does the tech you purport to love so much say about that eh?
    either DO SOMETHING or just go away and shut up”

    Done something. Promoted that one can do the whole bridge outside CO$ for a decade.

    This is not moaning.

    Personal risk? Try reading the history of COS.

    I have your license to continue?

  209. Hallelujah and pass the collection plate, sistah! :p

  210. DFB aka Dfb99

    Back when I was doing these I had a off the wall postulate that Billy Sheehan, Jim Logan and I would play at the next Independents celebration (Independents Day?)

  211. Probably from the UK orgs as event expenses, wouldn’t want to cut into Dear Leader’s private slush funds for PIs, legal and personal building expenses.

    Goes to show that there aren’t enough staff & public in nearby EU and UK Idle Orgs to bus to East Grinstead for the fastest expanding religion.

  212. Don’t you like the term “Ideal Scientologist?” I think it has a ring to it!

    “I’m sorry Mr. Cruise but I have to blow this session. It’s break time and I gotta call my ex to pick up the kids.”

  213. Well what happened after this “glorious victory” was that the organization became a de facto enforcement arm of the IRS and Davy and the Church Tax Compliance Committee became a IRS agent deputies.

    Now under the TCS that’s Tax Compliance Section any Scientologist who fails to pay their taxes and report all their income is subjected to severe ethics actions.

    Also they have included questions regarding taxation as part of any sec check.

    Before this ethics was never concerned about the public’s tax status since it was none of our business and wasn’t our job to enforce the IRC.

    Now under the no longer Secret Closing Agreement it is.

    Not only that but full deductions only apply to what are considered “non-tangible benefits” what are considered pure donations meaning that the flood gates were opened wide to divert all the money that should have gone to services and the upkeep of staff to the IAS and other parasitical activities that keep Miscavige and a few others like Monique Yingling in their extravagant life styles while the crumbs are tossed out to promotional campaigns that peter out in a week.

    It also pays to hire PIs to harass a more and more recalcitrant public and paid extras to replace them so they can create this Potemkin Village that Marty and Jeff have done an excellent job of exposing.

    In other words the tax exempt status became more of a curse than a blessing.

    Also the big lie is that the Church actually had been considered tax exempt since 1954 as the Church of Scientology of California even though this was being disputed at the time by the IRS and the Church would have eventually prevailed if it stuck to its guns on this matter but instead Davy decided on the advice of a former IRS Commissioner to play fast and loose by dissolving CSC and restructuring the Church so that it eventually became co-opted by the service and placed it under the control of what the Ol’man called “tax cruds”.

  214. martyrathbun09

    You have mine.

  215. Mine too

  216. Lawrence,
    Truth is that Dear Leader did have a $10K Litespeed road bike & expensive mountain bike he used to ride perhaps 3 times per week for miles and worked out the other 3 days in the weight room. At one point he had a personal bodyguard posted in RTC who drove a chase van during his bike rides.

    Most other staff could not fit in exercise time into their schedules, let alone go off the base by bike to exercise. He also had a kool aid drinking personal trainer who dictated the types of exercise, and calories of fat/carbos/protein to give him, along with supplements like Creatine, fatburners etc. Sculpting bodies, perfect hair do, make up, tailored suits, and tall pillars is very serious bizness and cannot be underestimated!

  217. Mike commented to current: Interestingly, you say you “know” what happened and then say “they must have hired extras”? “Must have”? Do you know or are you guessing?

    Bingo! Ahhh just one of the many perks of having a clean heart and mind: outpoints stick out …like red flags being waved by a procession of flag bearers.

    Good catch, Mike. (Right up there “Who are you going to bring to be the man?” LOL!)

  218. OneBigServFac

    I forgive you.

  219. Eeeew! What has been seen cannot be unseen!!!

  220. Doh! Meant for Lawrence.


      This is my second post and I want to thank Mike Rinder for his kind and wonderful acknowledgment of my first post the other day.

    I was asked the other day by an aware Scientologist , who had enough of the IAS tactics, a very difficult question . This was after it had became a foregone conclusion that DM had effectively corrupted the entire Church of Scientology and as much of LRH’s Tech that he could without tipping everyone off.
    The question was how can all of these people be fooled like that?

    I had to look closely as to how one could start the process and continue it to where it has evolved into the parasitic organism run by the IAS with nearly all the members in it forwarding the destructive actions of DM without question.

    If I had not been already standing back 3 feet as well as a trained auditor,Case Supervisor and Admin trained prior to this Golden Age of Tech sham I don’t see how I could have begun to answer it with some degree of certainty .My case level I would like to say is besides the point.

    I learned early on that LRH would make clear to us what was a specific mechanism of the mind and how it worked when covering the theory on a process we were being trained on.

    So along those lines I looked for an explanation of a possible mechanism that could be employed by DM wholesale.

    We all know about the danger condition data and the compulsive by-passer.

    Further as part of the danger condition one writes up his transgressions or gets sec checked.

    When these confessed transgressions are then used to make the person wrong or embarrass him only the result is to stick him in it and keep whatever is attached in that person’s mind in constant restimulation with the intention to degrade that being.

    By the way LRH did put a question on the Green Form correction list on Recurring Withold and the handling was did anyone make the person wrong for it as part of the process.

    Can you see a person in session daring to say DM made me wrong for it?

    Maybe the excerpt below is the koolaid that keeps coming up in comments.

    LRH said that every time you turn out a failed auditor you make enemies for Scientology.

    DM the failed auditor has had a lot of practice at being a squirrel so I would like to share with the you all the excerpt below from LRH Dianetic Auditor’s Bulletin of 7 January 1951 Group Dianetics.
    My purpose is shed more light on how DM has done this on a group basis using the mechanism LRH talks about in Group Dianetics perverted for his evil use as Black Dianetics.
    Verbatim .Quote from LRH Dianetic Auditor’s Bulletin of 7 January 1951 Group Dianetics.
    “No amount of rules or directives can create a group. group consists of perpetuating and perpetuated ideas formulated into a central mores and ethic,in other words,a culture.
    This culture has an identity of its own .It could be compared in its highest essence to a segment of pure theta. It becomes modified by MEST which it has under attack whenever a turbulence area comes into being as a result of an unreasoning attack by a group upon MEST which it is seeking to control.
    The group is as effective as the reasonableness of its ideas and the height of its ethics,plus its dynamic in attacking and controlling MEST.
    The maintenance of rationale in the body if a group ideas is paramount in importance and the group becomes abberated and needful of clearing each time the rationale of the body of ideas is penetrated or deranged by an irrationality.
    The problem here is the problem of the introduction of arbitraries . Each time an arbitrary rule is entered into the group ideas and rationale, the group tone deteriorates.
    The group tone level depends upon agreement(reality) amongst the members of the group,on the ideas and ideals and rationale of the group,upon an intercommunication
    of members of the group one with another,and upon an understanding by members of the group of the rationale and problems of the group. An emergency situation faced by the group may occasionally make it impossible for some member of the group to communicate all the reasons of his actions to the rest of the group. At such moments the group is called upon to supplant plant communication and understanding with an instantaneous action.
    As soon as instantaneous action has ceased, however,all such rules and orders should be clarified and explained and discussed by the entire group for their understanding and their further communication.
    Here then is the cycle of a group receiving an engram: the group ideas and rationale in handling or attacking MEST receives a shock from the MEST which it is attacking,
    making an emergency situation exist. There is a turbulent area created between the ideals and rationale of the group and the MEST. The emergency status of the situation
    has to do with the compressed time-something obviously is happening so swiftly that a full use of communication is not possible for which must be supplanted arbitrary rules or commands.
    As soon as the emergency is over,it can be seen that an engram has been implanted in the group.” end of quote

    I strongly recommend reading the entire bulletin as it gives the tools to open a conversation with someone who will gladly voice their pent up considerations and thus communicate and then experience relief and come to an understanding that LRH did provide for this scenario.
    Getting even with DM D would be a wrong target along with wrongly directed energy and attention.
    Instead the correct objective would be recovering Scientology and using it constructively in harmony with the society we live in and never allowing it to become a cult again

  222. “It’s a PRO world.” PR IS KING!

  223. How low can David Miscavige gets it. Hiring a crowd to pretend that Scientology is growing, when we know as a fact it is shrinking at a fast pace.

  224. Amy wrote: “It’s because the ‘church’ wants to appear HIP! Cool to the young crowd.”

    I was thinking it was either that, or all the Scientology public under 40 read the Internet and have long since left the CoM.

  225. Better yet, I hope someone brings a small MP3 player with loud speakers, with a short audio segment that shouts “MISCAVIGE BEATS HIS STAFF!!” or other similar lines — setup to repeat in a continuous loop.

  226. Hip hip, HOOORAY!

  227. Tony DePhillips

    David Letterman move over!!

  228. Theta Networker

    Yikes! Just a total sham … Of the same order of magnitude as “canned laughter”:

    A friend who went to the Freewinds, within the last year, told me of being prepped to rehearse giving [graduation] wins. I didn’t say anything because didn’t want to “rain on [that person’s] parade,” but I felt like that was so not in the spirit of sharing wins as used to be done in academies … I mean, spontaneously … the Joy of Creation …

    Little did I know that was just the “tip of the iceberg” …


  229. Probably Lunamoth and her pictures!

  230. Current, Int events are forbidden by LRH in a CBO from 1978. That’s still senior policy and DM spends millions putting on events in spite of it. That’s the big picture that you’re not confronting. What were the actors there for last year too then? Last year DM didn’t want to drag staff off post for to wave flags and this year too? But conveniently, both years at the last minute the flag ceremony which couldn’t be handled by staff, was cancelled? So conveniently actors were instead used as seat fillers so it’s not a big embarrasing flap? Something doesn’t fit because you say staff are too busy handling public for a little flag ceremony when at the same time I was there along with about 100 other cont staff in 97′ and we were all sitting down watching the thing. We could have carried flags. The amount of extra SO members flew in to do nothing but “experience it” basically, at the UK St. Hill event would blow your mind, I can guarantee you it’s not a personnel scarcity problem. Org ED’s go every year. A rough guess would be it’s 70/30 staff to public in attendence, way more than enough to wave flags around. Besides wouldn’t Dave with his control problem insist the color guard to do it instead of some dude off the street who might be anonymous?

  231. Cured, You’re right except for I believe he didn’t want Int events originated from Int because those were the ones which crashed stats. I’m almost positive there’s an events section of some kind on an LRH org board in Div 6, but Int events are different because they crashed div 6 stats.

  232. Theta Networker/

    A real travesty, Lawrence. Not even funny … Orwell’s Big Brother would be proud 😦

    You know who PAYS people to SHOW UP and ACT: the CCP = the Chinese Communist Party… I’m not kidding man … {Collectivism => The “masses” are what counts — not individuals, not beings …} It’s a 1.1 operation as Ron pointed out in Science of Survival …

    This is the level of the “Church” now? … Evidently, disgracefully so … I need to pass this on …

    Thank you for laying this out in plain sight to us, Marty!


  233. What would DM do for the LOVE of MONEY

  234. Thanks Old Fox.

    Very sage advice indeed.

  235. Tony DePhillips

    I’m in for $100 to whoever stands up and shouts DM down and gets kicked out of the event.

  236. Thank you so much for your article! I am all with you. I was trying to express a very close to yours view point in comments to previous posts here.
    Nice to meet you, you made my day! :)))

  237. Theta gift to all of you… enjoy in wide screen

  238. This is funny, as if you know what the nots materials really are all about. Come and pay a visit in my neighborhoods, perhaps you can wake up and smell real coffee!!! Greetings to your master, poor bastard!

  239. Michael Brown

    @”OT VIII”

    I have known a lot of Class V org staff over the past three decades and your notion of that group of people as being largely “coarse oafs” is repugnant and stupid .

  240. Moses AKA Son Of Buddha

    A Monumental day for a monumental conundrum. Request access from exile.

    From Exile

  241. Peter McMahon

    Joe Pesci’s too tall, maybe Danny Devito……

  242. “The question was how can all of these people be fooled like that?” — I think at this point it might be of interest, to learn about Stanley Milgram and his social psychology experiments about obedience to authority:

    The experiment has been copied in various countries, various cultures and regularly has had the same results.

    It would appear, that it is a lot tougher to BE oneself AND stay oneself.

  243. Just as an anectode (older people like me like telling stories from the past):
    I always loved to play little ot games. One day on staff we had a meeting and the commanding officer (CO) did IAS event like announce a big win. “last weeks 10 missions had been opened in hungary”. CO waiting now for the big and loud applause and wow …
    I caused the gathered staffs that no one clapping hands. No one saying one word. CO so much perplex that the meeting stopped right there.

  244. The main entrance for cars will be between the Main Gate and Rugby club if as last year. They just wave all cars straight through to the makeshift carpark on the field. You’re in, simple as that.

  245. Der OSA,
    It’s time you raise your tone level and aquire the ability to differentiate. We don’t moan about what has been done to us but expose what you’re doing. We talk loud, very loud, exposing your master’s O/W’s day after day, more and more, louder and louder, to an ever increasing public until all mainstream media love to pick it up.

    Even your own Tech tells us to expose the crimes so the criminal isn’t interested in committing them anymore. Haven’t you already withdrawn the three swing ritual after big time exposure? I’m waiting for the moment you let your pc’s have their item on an R&D list.

    You have a point about the NOTs; they’re only available outside your squirrel cage because you do everything you can to make them unavailable while spinning your customers.

    You’re talking about cowards while crush regging every sole victim at least 3:1, while ganging up apostates at least 7:1 (plus at least 1 invisible coward in the back ground), while sending 4 car crews after a 19 year old boy, while hiding behind an army of PI’s and multi million dollar lawyers, etc.

    You like to make us look like we don’t do nothing whereas in fact Marty and Mike are so active and effective that you have to get your paws in just about everything they’re doing, including this blog (proven by you).

    So you can only hope we’d just go away and shut up; Not gonna happen!

  246. Phil, why are you even here when you “walked out the door …. and never looked back”? Just keep on walking and head your own advice and stay out of here.

  247. I wish I would know it earlier… I would have applied!!
    he he!!
    Great Post!!

  248. Hey Phil – just to let you know some of my stats on “doing something:”
    4 national TV appearances, mostly prime-time.
    1 ten-minute radio int.
    4 newspaper and 2 magazine articles featuring multiple quotes from me.
    Several protests, mostly up on YouTube – including me quoting KSW#1 to Melbourne Org staff and public.
    Worked with Anons stressing that they do better to TALK to “scilons” than play OT III materials at them etc..
    Assisted on several other TV and print media stories.
    Personally helped several people leave the Co$.
    Helped many to settle out after they’ve gotten out of the Co$
    Assisting the police with investigations of serious crimes committed by senior executives of Miscavige’s goon squads.
    Appeared before the Australian Senate Inquiry as an invited guest.

    I’ve done more but this is just a list off the top of my head – do I pass your criteria for “doing something?”

    Now that I’ve shown you mine, how about you show me yours?

  249. I aspire to my “Freedom Medal of Valour Pontificus”, an award bestowed only upon those who can bring over 100 people out of DM’s sordid little cult into the sunlight of truth.

  250. martyrathbun09

    Scooter, you passed my criterion. Thank you.

  251. In recent years, I have yet to meet any Church member who actually enjoys going to these IAS events.
    Staff hate them.
    Public hate them.

    Have you ever heard someone say?… “Oh!! I can not wait until the next IAS event! I hope that there is another one soon! I want more IAS events!”

    David Miscavige has to try to create sheep in order to keep the charade moving.

  252. I might have missed it mentioned somewhere already in the comments but this is at least the SECOND time the cult has had to hire extras for an IAS event at St. Hill. Last year WWP posted the casting call for the big 25th anniversary of the IAS – this is just a continuing fail which started last year and maybe well before.

    Obviously they couldn’t fill a few thousand seats if their lives depended on it (and I”m sure a few SO members liberty does) so they have to pay for butts in the seats. I wonder if this just an example of “making it go right” Dear Leader demands a full house of cheering fans, which isn’t going to happen in the real world so they pay for the oasis with lots of $$$.

  253. The Division Bell – haven’t listened to that in, well, in ages actually! Awesome video too. And I’d much rather listen to this Dave than that other Dave 🙂

  254. Thanks.

    By now I have forgiven myself also.

    But I decided that I will not be fooled again by the Infamous Asociation of Suckers.

  255. Oldfox~Perfect on so many levels. This blog has been stellar in getting the comm going again between people with the same goals. We obviously are MANY!

  256. Bring *several* cameras along, with you! Really! Basic rule!

    good luck bro

  257. TroubleShooter

    OT VIII,

    Well, you’ve done it again. If this communication was meant to somehow fill the vacuum on why you attacked staff and SO in general in your posts and for which you have refused to take responsibility for many weeks ago – then let me say this – you failed miserably. (we’ve noted that you were never forthcoming with an apology)

    You seem to think that your own personal experience justifies this randomly surfacing attitude you have that insults so many who post here who have given not just 5 years but decades of their lives to produce toward a purpose we shared with Ron as described in the Aims Of Scientology.

    I’m sincerely sorry you experienced whatever it was that has caused you to take the attitude you use this forum to display. But OT VIII where does this attitude of yours get you in life, is it working for you?

    Thanks for the 5 years you did give on staff and for any products you actually got but seriously – who are you really? If you can’t answer that then find out.


  258. Marty,
    The last New Year’s event I was on as a Gold Musician was in 91/92. It cost just under $1,000,000. Annie said to me that if LRH were there and heard about this ‘heads would roll’. I wrote this up in a KR, sent it to those concerned and to each org (Gold, CMOI, RTC), and quoted Annie and ‘heads would roll’.

  259. Erwin,
    I loved that! Booooo Yeah 🙂

  260. smiling reading at your post!!…
    thank you for sharing it!!


  261. Tom Cruise IAS Freedom Medal of Valor/Extra.

  262. DFB aka Dfb99

    Wow, thanks RJ.
    I hadnt thought about the tax status on sec checks etc. It’s one of the first things that come’s up. I don’t think you can even do services at my org if you have any outstanding issues with the IRS.

  263. OT here:

    Marty I know the wheels of injustice grind slowly but, any word on Daniel from BPI?

  264. DFB aka Dfb99

    Data like that one exteriorizes me on the fourth dynamic.
    It breaks the chains of false data us thetans have been buried under.

  265. Standing up and giving a standing ovation, up and down, up and down, up and down, keeps Extras from going completely comatose in their seats.

  266. Everyone has to excel at something. 🙂

    Michael A. Hobson

  267. Man of Letters, David Miscavige YCSPOS seems to be due more letters.

    In at least one universe he will be known as:

    SOLTAN David Miscavige YCSPOS CoB R/STC

    SOLTAN: Savior of Lost Tech and kNowledge *
    YCSPOS: (ahem)
    CoB: Cohort of Beelzebub
    R/STC: Rad/Sci Terrorism Center, often seen abbreviated as RTC

    * In accordance with the Grand Plan, devised by Himself to make Rad/Sci more available to the masses of illiterati, a gradual langwage transformation will be instituted where words will take on a fonetik speling, useless letters will be dropped and a word like ‘knowledge’ will become nawlij.

    The good news is that a major rewrite and re-publishing of LRH works won’t be necessary.Instead we’ll be able to buy a new library of the transcriptions of Our Masters voice (He who has already recorded more than LRH did in his own lifetime) all written in newspeak.

    One could go on, but Orwell already said it.

    All hail SOLTAN David Miscavige YCSPOS CoB R/STC

    Oh yes, all you scummy hailers, the Grand Plan is due for completion by next Thursday at 2. No fail! Or else! (yada yada)

  268. I’d know what I’d do if someone handed me a cool million bucks or two to pass on to the church ^^

  269. Epic disconnection song is Epic.

  270. Now that is a brilliant catch KBM: OSA had to say that Anonymous were Big Pharma paid actors because so many “Scientologists” the IAS were paid actors. The criminal mind accusing others of its crimes indeed! Read from the pov of the criminal mind, DM hates and fear Mike and Marty because he thinks they want to take over CoS by devious means — just like DM did!

    BTW, Anonymous: Your pay checks from Big Pharma for this pay period will be $100 higher than normal. However, you have to donate $100 towards a birthday present for the COB of Big Pharma. He needs a new Ferrari and gets his cars the same way as DM: By raising the pay checks of his staff and then having them “lovingly” donate the difference.

    Party on while lasts Dave! Once you get sent to Club Fed for some “bunk buddy crush regging” it will not be so nice!


  271. When people like Phil become accusatory….and there are many accusations hurled over the subject of Scientology, it is Grade II phenomena. “The overt doth speak loudly….” which has an earlier similar with Shakespeare’s “He doth protest to much.” He needs a repair list.
    You know, one could do a whole repair list on this message board periodically.
    “On this message board…”
    Has a posting upset you?
    Has a communication cut short?
    This could also be done for “Chain Lockers”.
    “On hearing about chain lockers…”
    …was there an upset?
    …did it give you a problem?
    ….what there an wrong item?
    ….was their an justice?
    …did something get out of hand?
    ….anything to do with out int?
    ….anything to do with moist and damp?
    Instructions: run each earlier similar to F/N. If int reads, do it first and run int/down repair list. Then give R-factor that while the chain locker sounds horrible that many Sea Org members would have readily traded their jobs for 24 or 72 hours of peace and quiet in the chain locker. Time alone was rare and very cherished. If Lonnie Gariepy comes us, indicate that if had been turned over to the authorities in a Muslim country for the thievery he committed, he would have had his hand cut off (providing it was only first offense).

    Here is the Chuck Beatty Repair List:

    Have outside forces caused you to dramatize your last name?
    (if this reads, indicate it to PC and r-factor him that he can use his first name to get rid of the last name – then 2-way comm to F/N)
    If this first question does not read, do an L1C on “On spending over 25 years in the Sea Org…..”

    Here is the Jason Beghe Repair List:

    Has their been an injustice?
    (indicate reading item(s) then get a wheel barrow so that you can give him his half a million dollars back for all the out-tech sec checks)
    Then ask, has their been injustice against others?
    (indicate reading item(s) go get the people in the hole to get wheelburrows to give back the half-billion dollars to similar recipients of out tech sec checks).
    Once that is done, ask for any injustices and handle and then do C/S 53 prefaced with “On Scientology and Scientologists”….

    Seriously, if people learn to think more like Qual, it will ACTUALLY REPAIR all the emotional and other damage that has been done in the name of Scientology. It does not matter if Scientology or OT III are fake. Qual was designed to repair all broken ball bearings.
    In the Sea Org there was a Flag Order called the Ultimate Analoysis which was not taught to regular Scientologists. It was part of the Sea Org Member Hat and was the first and most valuable piece of Sea Org tech I learned. It taught that you could analyze your entire life by utilizing the 21 Awareness Characteristics of the Org Board. Just look at the different areas and see where you were weak and strengthen it. It also taught that the Org Board is a philosophical machine (not unlike the Tarot or the Cabala) which you would evolve and move through. An org board is only a theoretical interpretation of a living organism. You had to MAKE it work and fit. You were also supposed to evolve through it. In other words, move through each department and division. QUAL was the most important but it is/was a skill everyone should have. Most Scientologists went through Qual to see the examiner/success/cramming/internship, etc. but TOO FEW actually learned the technology or modus operandi behind it. “STANDARD TECHNOLOGY IS THAT WHICH IS ADEQUATE AND NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE A SPECIFIC PURPOSE”. In other words, you could do almost anything to get the job done if regular technical procedures were not working. You could fuck the ED’s wife to keep the stats up if necessary so she wouldn’t bother him. I am being facetious here but the point is that product clearing as a Qual Sec gave you flexibility that regular “indoctrinated” technies are robotic policy followers would not think to employ. Whether LRH was crazy or not, he designed a system (Qual) that was designed to be utterly flexible. Bruce Lee taught flexibility in his movie
    “Game of Death.” It is also at the heart of Taoist Chi Gong. Moorish Dr. Delbert Blair cites flexibility or adaptability with regard to melanin. Melanin is commonly thought to be only pigment and white scientistists tend to go crazy on the subject but it is produced by the Pineal Gland (third eye) and it is also what gives you intelligence. White people have melanin and some (though far too few) even have high concentrations in their brain. The Third Eye produces melanin. Dr. Blair states that it is also in the MEST universe (using different words) and it is what enables us to adapt. Melanin is such a complex molecule that it can’t be broken down. It is mysterious.
    The key point of Qual is flexibility and literally that “EVERYHING IS PERMITTED”. LRH did not necessarily say it those words but I say it that way because that was the often misunderstood mantra of Hassan Sabbah, the leader of the Assassins who taught the Knights Templar so much of the legacy they assumed. That is just interesting and also a deep thread. He was deeply tied to the Moors.
    If everyone…..former Scinos (I always loved that word) current Scientologists and even enemies learned how to use this methodology, everyone would be happier. Think in terms of repair lists. The beautiful thing is that when you do a good job, it makes you and others laugh loudly. You can even run repair lists (or the equivalent thereof) on people who think LRH or OT III is nuts. They might still think those things are nuts but they will end up liking you for cleaning up the emotional charge and making them laugh. Who knows? Maybe LRH and OT III are nuts. As an auditor you are taught to be “Christ-like” and completely neutral. No judgement. In Qual, you have to be even more so. Repair lists, properly conceived and administed….even in the coffee shop format above….make people laugh and clear emotional charge. Laughter is healing. Even Dr. Phil said, “Repair lists are good.”
    QUAL is EXTERIOR to the org. Even more exterior than Ingo Swann. It is a pathway out that many of you never suspected.
    One time, I was sitting at dinner with Suzanne, the examiner on the Excalibur and Norman Chounaird (who purchased the Manor) was just BIs. When he got up, we were all relieved to see him leave because he was full of charge. Before anyone could say anything, I said, “Well, Norman just red tagged dinner.” As an examiner, Suzanne could not stop laughing.
    I suggest that the next time someone goes by the Int Base that they put a big red tag on the gates. And Marty, as a polite suggestion, you might want to “red tag” posts that need a repair list. Between Karen#1 (she’s already at it with the Top Ten List) and Logan, we could have a lot of fun with this.

  272. Unity Mitford’s post raises a question: Are these extras hired unbeknownst to DM in order to appease his ego and deliever a “full house” and, hopefully, escape his wrath? Or does DM order this done for the purpose of looking good to (fooling) the public? Anyone know the answer? Just curious.

  273. OT VIII,

    While I don’t agree with everything in your post, you are, in my opinion, 100% SPOT ON with the following:

    “. . . the ruinous price increases, the EARLIER BEGINNING to the Missions’ annihilation in the early 80s.”


    “When I entered Scientology, it was still a working man’s game. A working man in a unionized factory could save his money, and with a series of Advance Payments receive enough Intensives to go to LA to do Power, R6, and Clear/OT I within a practical period.

    “These were also the glory days of Scientology. ”

    I don’t care whether it was LRH or someone else, whoever is responsible for allowing those price increases to go on so long, IS the person most responsible for creating the current disaster. Blocking access to the bridge for people of average income was a crime of huge proportions.

    It also seemed to me that the requirement to “replace yourself” as a staff member, after having given years of service for basically no pay was completely insane. No respectable, successful, viable organization would ever impose such a requirement. Believe me when I say, arbitrary and illogical policies like this kept many talented people from joining staff.

    Why such obvious stupidities were put in place is anyone’s guess. Certainly the public Scientologist wouldn’t have a clue as to the answer. Nor probably would most staff. Perhaps there are some ex-SO still living who can explain.

    All these gross errors accomplished was to destroy the best chance we had of getting this fantastic technology spread widely into a world badly in need of it.

  274. Mike,
    Just finished listening to your interview on radio in Tampa.
    Wow, you have outdone yourself and it was very informative, truth revealing hour! You have painted a very detailed picture of the true Dear Leader which many don’t know about! Congratulations for a job totally and supremely well done!

  275. Moses AKA Son Of Buddha

    Cecil B who? he missed a few things! I just had a “vision” -oh no- of an OSA aide showing Arnie ( he’s in the area) inside the Manor. I even got the audio:
    “Mr Hubbard wrote in many genres…… etc etc” Maybe David Camerons thier as well.
    More “Red Sea” leaks coming soon. Watch out Loki’s aged mother, you nearly had me drowned.

  276. Theo Sismanides

    smart point Margaret! Yes! That’s it.

  277. I don’t believe that. Because in ANYBODY that kind of knowledge regarding nutrition, exercise and physical well being {which does actually assist in mental and spiritual well being} carries with it a type of responsibility to others.

    Are you trying to say that David Miscavige is not only denying people the road out of Planet Earth and the knowledge that helps people become free of it but that he is also suppressing nutritional information people concerned about their physical well being might benefit from? Because, if you are, then that is the exact reason WHY people are leaving the church.

    I have no opinion as of yet as to what I personally would do if David Miscavige were ever “lucky enough” to become an employee of mine. But I am working on it. Sooner or later I am sure I will find the O/W! {LOL}

  278. I was going to write something different, more on topic, but I received word this morning that a good friend, who is still in the DM puzzle factory, was regged and told that they needed another purif (third one) and more TR’s and objectives since their “drug case” case was not flat. I am not in a position to go public at this time, and I was just busting inside. This person has been off the bridge for several years. And the “unflat drug case” was the why.

    I wanted to say, “why dont you head to The Shack and get a second opinion”.

    The why, in my view, that they have struggled so much because there is a huge vacuum hose attached their bank account which ends at DM’s bank account.

    Sorry for the off topic remark, but it just had me spinning this morning. It was objective experience of the precise outnesses that are outlined and brought to light on this blog. It just hit me close to home. Another recycled, struggling, parishoner, who previously attested to Clear, later told not Clear, and now being told, out of the blue, another “why” for their issues.

    As for the IAS crash test dummy audience, that is no surprise given the above treatment of the parishoners. Who would want to listed to a maniac who claims to be LRH’s peer.



  279. As I have said before I have never been to INT Base before so I am not particulary qualified to speak about a subject I know very little of.

    But as far as being public, staff and Sea Org is concerned I know a little bit more about than most.

    I shouldn’t laugh so much, I am the kind of person that likes to all the time I guess, but if this video is a representation of “Pasta Day At INT Base”, OK it is pretty humorous but I would not like to see anyone in a situation like that, myself included.

    It looks like “Pasta Day at Old DM’s Place”.

  280. And then on top of all of this vigorous fitness activity that DM allegedly carries on, he smokes and drink alcohol?

    My best friend of 13 years has been a Martial Arts instructor for over 20 years and he told me one time “Lawrence, you can’t exercise and smoke at the same time. One cancels out the other”.

    So whatever kind of alleged fitness routine that David Miscavige is into according to you, is not marketable, not viable, and would account for his strange behavior in life.

  281. And he is not my best friend or seen in public with me because I paid him to do so.

    He is my friend because we understand one another, and I think I he’s a really cool guy.

  282. You can tune in at 12:30 p.m. eastern time at

    I do not run Internet Explorer, nor will my Firefox browser download and install the WMP 11. In Fact, I don’t even want it on my Computer, as it creates havoc with my other Codecs.

    If anyone knows of another Play or Download Link that does not require that Codec, that would be appreciated.

  283. Just think how nutty and irresponsible this is, the greatest good? In 1997 I was on the road, knowing an Event was happening (LRH B.Day) popped into Dallas CC. Never been there before, ED asked me to volunteer do call-in, why not!
    List was completely burnt. I looked around the room. Every other Staff Member going about it like ignorant Bots. Confused, I continued calling down the list just to get into any kind of real two-way, certainly that worked, (Scientologist are the kindest most forgiving people I know) confirmed! my suspicions. Indeed a gentlemen’s phone has been ringing off the hook, not interested for the ump-teen time. Surveyed a few more, same thing. I was having fun, literally, apologizing on behalf of Dallas CC. Bringing them back up in tone, fun stuff, one expressed a long comm lag and huge blow down as I acknowledge his right NOT to attend the Event. Made us both feel good. Hung up the phone and dazed away, wondering why would an Org be so silly? Browbeat these people. ED sees I’m not calling, walks over to “Product Officer” me, I tell her straight up what I think, and “I’m not doing it.” The four others, all Staff, stopped too. Room went cold silent, black and white like I’m in the movie Smallville. As we exchanged words, my confront solid and confident with 1st hand testimony of an arc-x field, or just Proof. And another key factor, as she fumed and comm – lagged a good while during Her realization that she had absolutely no leverage over me whatsoever (very wise of her also not to say another word lest she loose even more face in front of her Staff) I swear I saw smoke coming off her hair! And she left! Yet she wasn’t exactly mad or upset with ME. I was right.
    The Staff seemed silently proud of me, as the color slowly returned to their faces and the room. We all agreed to quit call-in without saying so. That was that.
    Next day, Event. I meet this typical “bookbuyer”, very nice girl as fresh as can be by herself before the event, quite, out of place. Made her feel a bit more comfortable, we grab some seats. After the shit show, I loose track of her, finding her outside smoking, join her. She’s not at all quite now, tells me a bit of her rough knocks at life, a number of dead ends; an abusive ex; etc. But she’s turning a new leaf now, she has found Scientology! She’s excited. I notice she has a couple books she’s holding at her waist. I ask about them.
    Cluelessly holds them up to show me. In shock, “You pay cash?” I wondered. “No, on my credit card…” She replies without much care. Throwing her head back eyes in the stars. A long silent draw on her cigarette
    I’m simply lost for words. She looks at me with that look, why would you ask me that??

    Take a guess.
    Did you guess the $500. Diantics Leather-bond

    Greatest Good?

    I confronted the lizard-tongue Book-store-officer, sensing my upset gave me his pat shut up answer, which is telling; “I don’t have a button selling a book.”

    Well we all have a button on our dynamic responsibilities, unless you’re dead.
    I explained the dynamics all 8, to hundreds of people hundreds of times. Who can argue with them? I mean, Hubbard never even invented them…. that is always fun to point out.
    But at last, common denominator, no self/ no Dynamic awareness. Is that how it goes?
    It has become a puppet show. Nothing new, very old.
    Yet a quick snip snip and we’ll be back like the good old days.
    I’m certain of it. And love can sharpen scissors.
    Never be afraid to run with them.
    Giants tied up or tied down.
    Very very old.

  284. This is the world’s ultimate micro-manager who permits of no independent thought (and definitely no independent spend) we’re talking about there.

    What do you think?

  285. martyrathbun09

    That is not exactly true. I do both and while I’m sure there is a lot of cancel out I have no fear of 4 or 5 of any of DM’s PIs at any given time.

  286. Right click to download the mp3 (it is about 45MB or so). I like the Videolan player (

  287. FM,
    I use Firefox, went to the link Marty put up and it played the interview. No problems here, didn’t have to install any plug ins.

  288. I agree Marty (though I’ve never had to test out the theory with 4 or 5 PIs chasing me) that just because one smokes that he shouldn’t exercise.

    By the way Lawrence, Alexander Fu Sheng use to smoke like a chimney and was one of Hong Kong’s best martial artists.

  289. When I was a raw public FSM, I hated the pressure to get these new people to attend events. I imagine that over the years, less and less new people and fringe members returned to attending these events, forcing the church resort to paying people to attend to keep up the image of there being a growing active membership. I am reminded of the photoshopped event photos Arnie Lerma found which the Washington Post reported on in 2000.
    “Wash Post reveals Scientology’s doctored image after ex-follower’s Dec 1999 discovery ” June 08, 2009 by Rhonda Roland Shearer,

  290. Marty,

    I know this is as OT (as in off topic) as hell.

    But I couldn’t resist.

    How ’bout a movie called:

    ‘Honey I Shrunk the Church’

    Starring Tom Cruise in the role he was meant to play.

    Costarring David Miscavige and featuring Monique Yinling and Bob Gray with a cast of a thousand extras in search of an SAG card!

  291. METAQUAL said:-

    ” When people like Phil become accusatory….and there are many accusations hurled over the subject of Scientology, it is Grade II phenomena. “The overt doth speak loudly….” which has an earlier similar with Shakespeare’s “He doth protest to much.” He needs a repair list.”

    Love your viewpoint and posts Metaqual. Note also that Ken Urquhart has also become accusatory. Both Ken and Phil have expressed great love for LRH, spent time with him and mourn
    his wrong directions. They are not the only ones.

    “Seriously, if people learn to think more like Qual, it will ACTUALLY REPAIR all the emotional and other damage that has been done in the name of Scientology. It does not matter if Scientology or OT III are fake. Qual was designed to repair all broken ball bearings.”

    A beautiful sentiment. 🙂

    Re OT III see what I consider the roots are in PAB 12. Its about how explosions are basicbasic to all engrams. And for that matter basic to thetans.

  292. I remember the first years my husband and I were out of the SO, but still public Scientologists, one of the first things we were happy about was not having to go to these events anymore.

    I have a question for Mike and Marty,

    There is a group of people responsible for the event, and responsible for filling the chairs, and DM wants more chairs filled than the year before. Do you think these people hired the extra’s without DM’s knowledge, just so they
    would not get sent to the RPF? And that Davey didn’t even order it.
    I know if I was back in and my choices were fill the chairs or RPF, I would do ANYTHING to avoid the RPF.
    So, my question would be, did Davey order the extras, or was it done by individuals that were attempting to avoid his bullets?

  293. Terril, I think metaqual might have been referring to the above “Phil” and not “Phil Spickler”. If metaqual reads this, maybe he can clear it up.

  294. OK Marty. No one said you were “out of physically” least of all me. But at this writing, while YOU ARE and example setter of sorts, you are not THE example setter for millions of CONTRACTED Scientologists worldwide. A fate that DM has brought upon himself.

    For him to be in a position such as that and carry on with his “drunken pack of KOOL’s” exercise regimen is NOT exemplary in conduct, not even for people that exercise every day. And there are many right around here CLOSE that do so a lot.

    My being a Vegetarian for over 15 years this point stands out DRAMTICALLY about people, ANYONE, including you but ESPECIALLY DM.

  295. They always hire extras! {sic} How could it possibly be any other way? Missions in New Jersey closing 2 at a time? A former New Jersey Mission holder re-doing his OT VII twice right here under my nose in the next town?

    The last time I walked past the Org in New York on 46th Street there were people standing out in front of the church smiling. I don’t know who they were. I never saw them before until then.

    When I or my sister used to go past the Mission in Elizabeth, N.J. it was ALWAYS empty. ALWAYS. It lasted 5 years like that STRAIGHT out of the Mission holder’s pocket, because he complained to me one time that he had to “pay for all this shit around here” and shoved the bills in my face so I could see the check he wrote. It is really bad news.

    They have no more realy people that want to go to their events. They say their sick, they’re pregnant, they have to work, ANYTHING to not go, because it means going home with twice as much less money as you had BEFORE the event started that night.

    So, they hired people to look and act like Scientologists. Good for them. I hope someone believes them but I don’t know who.

  296. Tony:

    The little guy in the front, the second from the left next to the first man who spoke, I really like him, I think he is sincere and does not really believe that all these people paint their heads to look young again.

    It is preposterous. It is like saying “If you can’t cognite that it’s just a body, spray paint it, who the hell would know the difference?”

    This is great Tony.

  297. There are a lot of different ways one can put it.

    1. “They did an honest day’s work.”
    2. “They’re stats are up!”
    3. “They were confronting this MEST thing and actually cogniting…”
    4. “Ooooooh! They made a whole bunch a’ money!”
    5. “Now their ethics are in on that dynamic and their attention units…”

    Well, at least you know one thing for sure. That would never be you, that would never be me, that would show up at an IAS event to report to DM that extras were hired to give the place that “full packed appearance” he’s heard everyone raving about.

    I am so glad I am out of their OT VIII. It breaks my heart to say I wish other people could do the same thing.

  298. Of course it won’t Stella. It is a waste of money coupled with retarded thinking. Look at the way it looks like there are STATS there from fake people showing up. Fake stats. Other people THEN ACT UPON.

    Scientology will surely suffer from THIS IAS event, if no other.

  299. Why Terril, you should be in your glory. Freezone WDAH’s and student attendance must be in Power Plus over 90% of the “legit” orgs out there.

    I have not the Freezone auditing yet, not that I wouldn’t, but I have already decided that there are only 3 auditors in the Freezone I would let audit me, if it ever became necessary.

    One of them is *retired* at a very early age, the second travels around the world so much I am not sure where he is from yesterday to today and the last one, well, if the two of us could ever stop agreeing with other and laughing about things some real auditing might take place!

  300. That is not truly off topic. Such a film would probably attract a larger audience on its own merit than the IAS event extras or not.

    Tom Cruise should give up acting. I have not seen one film of his that I enjoyed, not even “War Of The Worlds” which was filmed just a few miles from where I live.

    I wonder if someone had circulated a rumor that Tom Cruise was scheduled to appear at that IAS event, if it would have attracted a larger audience. The next time there is such an event, the event I/C’s may lie and say “Tom Cruise is going to be here tonight” just to attract half of London and then at the beginning of the event say he couldn’t make it for some reason.

    That might not go over so well in France, where I understand Tom Cruise was given written walking papers from the Mayor of Paris that he was no longer welcome there?

  301. I want to know where my £50 is according to Mr Baillie.

  302. hahahah didnt post my reply – how unbiased

  303. What makes you think you have a right for all your replies to be posted?

    You need to clear up “freedom of speech” and Marty’s obligations about bias.

    Hint: The first doesn’t mean what you think it means and for the second: there aren’t any.

    Oh and by the way, my name’s Alan. Who are you?

  304. The first time I saw this front row over-the-top jumping up and down, screaming, cheering, howling, clapping-so-hard-it-musta-blistered-their-hands faux-exhilaration ovation was on the Freewinds in 1989.

    That clique of high-rollers always sat in the front row every night and on cue with strong encouragement from the featured speaker (usually a ship exec) they would suddenly jump onto their feet and burst into screaming, howling, whistling, clapping fits in unison, trying to out-do each other. They called themselves, “Front Row People”.

    At their invitation I joined them one evening and tried to emulate them, but I felt totally fake and out of place. Thereafter, I returned to my seat in the back with the rest of the ‘little people’, where I felt more comfortable and was subsequently snubbed by the Front Row People.

    I was, after all, merely there to do OT 8, not the Extreme Cheerleader Internship.

  305. “When you can be your own best audience and when your applause is the best applause you know of, you’re in good shape.”

    L. Ron Hubbard

  306. They just look who looks healthy and leave those alone.

  307. 15th October 2010 Saint Hill picket report:
    They had bagpipes and medieval knights (!) , don’t know about casting central extras. Numbers seemed similar to previous years, though most of the big almost empty coaches from UK Orgs had been replaced by mini-buses. Traffic control was better – in 2009 it was awful.

  308. The ‘Exteriorization and Phenomena of Space’ lectures are loaded with stuff about explosions.

  309. ‘Honey I Shrunk the Church’

    Very cool.

  310. I heard that at the event Miscavige asked everyone if they felt like sheep. In unison the audience blared, “NNNNA-A-A-A-A-A-AAAHHHHHHH!”

  311. This could also be done for “Chain Lockers”.
    “On hearing about chain lockers…”
    …was there an upset? – Rather an outrage
    …did it give you a problem? – No
    ….what there an wrong item? – Scientology Ethics
    ….was their an justice? – Nowere to be found
    …did something get out of hand? Yes L Ron Hubbard
    ….anything to do with out int? No I said L Ron Hubbard
    ….anything to do with moist and damp? NO what the f.. are you on about

  312. Appeared before the Australian Senate Inquiry as an invited guest.
    1 of 6

  313. When the abuses cause so much outrage, people are not safe in the fabulous new buildings. When , what, when the crimes are so enormous to obtain the new buildings that the motivator flow hits before the reno’s can be finished.

  314. becomingAware

    Hey, how long did the Egyptians on the walls last?


    Pope draws biggest crowd Australia has seen

    “THE biggest crowd Australia has seen celebrated Mass with the Pope in Sydney yesterday.

    Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims camped like a huge medieval army under the floating banners of their nations and their saints.

    There were more than 400,000 at Randwick Racecourse – fewer than organisers hoped for, but still they stretched to the horizon to wind up the five-day World Youth Day festival, in an outpouring organisers said indicated Australia was more spiritual than most people thought… “

  316. Thought Provoking

    WOW! I missed this. Any updates on the story?

  317. Pingback: Cruise taking unfortunate lessons from Miscavige

  318. Pingback: Miscavige Birthday Con Part II | Moving On Up a Little Higher

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