Kristina Royce: Perspective

Kristina has been a Scientologist during six decades.  Thus, she provides a broad view that few can share.  Read and learn.

These are my reasons for no longer wanting to participate with the Church of Scientology and why I have disconnected from it.  To begin with, here is a quote by LRH on the aims of Scientology, which I fully support.

The Aims of Scientology, by L. Ron Hubbard

A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.

 It has been my understanding and belief that the purpose of Scientology was to Clear the population of this planet in order to achieve the Aims of Scientology as quoted above.  Therefore, I believe that whatever else the Church is doing, its primary goal is getting people through to Clear and above.  Scientology is the only subject that I am aware of that expresses the above goal and has a technology that the group applies for the purpose of obtaining that result.  It is my belief that the CofS should be concentrating on this goal above all else and that any other activities that the church sponsors and/or carries out should be done only if they do not interfere in any way with the senior goal of clearing the planet and, indeed, contribute to it.  As long as the church stayed true to the above, I would continue to support it in this endeavor.  However, over the years, I have seen more and more evidence to the contrary.  I believe the current Church of Scientology is no longer on the straight path to fulfill these goals and has become out-ethics and has gone into Treason to LRH.  This is why I no longer support or want to be associated with that organization.  Following are specifics that have led me to this conclusion:

Through the years since I first go involved in Scientology in 1964, I have experienced various disappointments with organizations I was personally involved with.  Such things as mishandlings of a public person by a reg or out-ARC between senior execs and their juniors or misapplication of ethics.  I won’t try to give specifics here as this is merely to give some background to what follows.  Whenever I saw these things, back in the early days, I would consider it an isolated incident.  However, over the years, I heard similar complaints from other people involved in Scientology and witnessed enough myself to come to see there were definite outpoints in organizations, at least the ones I witnessed myself.  Additionally, I also witnessed the struggle those organizations had in trying to arrive at viability within the organization.  I believe every organization I was personally involved with during those years was always struggling to some degree to stay afloat.  There would be ups and downs, but I never personally witnessed a Scientology organization arriving at a viable Normal level of operation.  During those years, this puzzled me as LRH had written specific policies, which, if followed, should have resulted in viable orgs.

Years later, while on staff at FSSO, I believed that I got the answer regarding the problems orgs were having.  That was when we were handed a briefing sheet about Key To Life, LOC and Superpower with a number of quotes by LRH explaining why these things were needed.  In that briefing sheet there were quotes by LRH stating that Orgs were not going to make it and were doomed to failure if staff did not get through Key To Life, LOC and finally Superpower.  The “Why” that he had found on why orgs were failing was that staff were not able to duplicate policy and that the handling for this was getting staff through those actions.  If this were not done, he said, orgs would eventually fail altogether.

When I read this, I was very happy to see that LRH had found THE reason for the outpoints I had noticed over the years and was excited to see that Management was now taking the steps necessary to get these actions in on all staff.  Staff at FSSO, including me, were immediately put onto the Key To Life course.  This was such good news to me as I felt things were finally moving in the right direction and, once staff were gotten through all the actions, clearing the planet would take off like never before.

In 1990 I left staff at FSSO and no longer had my finger on the pulse of what was going on within the church.  I was active at the Boston Org, both on course and as part of the OT Committee and through this was able to witness at least the struggle that particular org was having, even with newly trained Execs of that org freshly back from California. (I don’t know where exactly they received their training, but the ED did tell me that part of her training involved training at Int Mgmt level.)  Being public again, I wasn’t paying attention to the progress of the local staff in regards to Superpower, but I finished up my KTL and LOC while I was there along with a number of other public.

In 1998 we moved to Clearwater to be near FSO as we intended to get onto New OT VII and also to be near Conan and Devin, who were in the SO there at the time.  I was already through New OT V.  Richard was a previous New OT VII completion and planned to get back on the level as he had been advised to do.  Both Richard and I had done the original OT V, VI and VII.  I wondered why these new levels were called “New” OT V, VI, and VII as this seemed to me to be a “Technical Degrade” of the previous levels.  I hoped this would be explained somewhere in the material, but I never saw an explanation.  What I had come to believe (and I’m not sure where I got this data or perhaps just came to this as my own conclusion) was that these “New” levels were needed for people to truly make it on the original levels, but have really no idea if this is the case.  Anyway, prior to getting onto OT VII, the promotion of this level was that if enough people (I think the number was 10,000) got on this level, that this would be one way we could affect the clearing of the planet.  Knowing what the level consisted of, I thought there could be validity to that statement.  I saw contrary data to this statement later on, once I was in the SO again, this time at FSO.  (I’ll write more on that point below.)

Shortly after we moved to Clearwater, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Superpower building was held.  This was very exciting for me as, once again, I saw hope for the orgs as outlined by LRH in the briefing sheet I had read.  In May of 2003, a few months after I started on New OT VII, I joined the SO at FSO to be part of the New World Corps, which meant I would be trained up through to deliver Superpower.  Once on the TTC (Tech Training Corps), I of course met other NWC TTCers.  Through several conversations, I learned that at least these people I talked to had not done KTL or LOC and I asked them why they had not taken those courses first, as it was my understanding that they must be done first before training to be a Superpower auditor.  Those two or three people told me I asked that KTL and LOC were no longer on the line up as requirements for Superpower training.  I never checked into this with anyone else, but if this is true, then someone is not following LRH’s advice, as I understood it.  Perhaps these courses were going to be done by those people later, but that is an outpoint (wrong sequence) as these people were now training without having done KTL, which would inhibit their ability to understand what the Technical Bulletins they were being trained on.  I had done not only KTL and LOC, but also had done the Primary Rundown on the Apollo, indirectly under LRH supervision.  This put my ability to duplicate way ahead of other TTCers who had not done any of these courses.  This did not make sense to me.

While I was on the TTC, I was also still auditing on New OT VII.  During my time at FSO, I learned directly from some and indirectly from others that there were quite a few staff members who had started New OT VII who were no longer able to continue on the level.  One or two told me they didn’t get enough sleep to be able to audit.  Another told me she needed a review to continue on OT VII, but had not been able to get the review for over two years.  This is an additional outpoint, as she should not be left sitting in situation where she needed a review.  Another staff member told me that she understood there were about 150 staff members who had started New OT VII, but were off the level for one reason or another.  In any case, it became a major outpoint to me that staff that had gotten onto New OT VII were not now auditing.  The way I see it, if New OT VII really does help in clearing the planet and if the church really were being true to the original goal of Clearing the Planet, then anything and everything would be done to get people (staff included, of course!) on and through this level.  In fact, it would make perfect sense to have a whole unit set up for those staff who were auditing on New OT VII whereby the first priority would be for them to be in session, per LRH specific data on this level, everyday and when not in session (which due to the nature of the level, would be quite a bit of time) could be training up for the post that they would hold once off the level.  It would make perfect sense that this would be set up and staff would be systematically gotten up the bridge and onto New OT VII and then, once completed, put on the post that they had been training for.  What a powerhouse FSO would be if they were to do this.  But, NO!  Not only was nothing like this even remotely being done, there was nothing particularly set up for those of us who were on the level.  I had to share a room, the only space left, as I understood it, where I could audit on this level.  This was in the Class VIII course room where one room was not being used at that time, so the supervisor made it available to us.  I shared it with three other people who were auditing on the level.  I was told by the Director of Personnel Enhancement (senior over the TTC) that there was nothing set up or being set up for staff who audited on New OT VII.  There were neither rooms nor a Solo NOTS D of P assigned to staff auditing on New OT VII.  We were on our own to “make things go right”!  How is that for intention to Clear the Planet!!  The whole scene for staff on New OT VII was, in my opinion, major out-ethics and major off-purpose to the original goal of Scientology.  I wrote up reports about this every week, but saw no changes occur while I was there.

Additionally, regarding New OT VII, there is another major outpoint going on.  That is the six-month checks.  As a public, I was under the impression that the six-month checks were to insure the pre-OT’s auditing was going along standardly and to correct any outnesses that might have come up.  When I joined the SO at FSO in 2003, I had been auditing on New OT VII for less than six months.  When I was due for a six-month check, I was already in the SO.  So one day, I went over to the Sandcastle and up to the Solo NOTs area and asked to see my (as a public) D of P.  While waiting for her to come out, the TTC I/C showed up.  He asked me what I was doing there and I told him I was getting ready to get started on my six-month check.  He laughed and said that there is no six-month check if you’re in the SO.  I asked why that would be, thinking whether you’re in the SO or not, you would want to be sure to handle any area that needed correction.  He said that was not what the six-month check was all about and that it was merely done for the purpose of making sure the person on Solo NOTs had not gone out-ethics in any way.  I couldn’t believe this and thought he was mistaken and told him I wanted to check this out with my D of P.  Just then, the D of P saw me and came over to find out what I needed.  I told her what the TTC I/C had just said and she confirmed that this was the case, so there was no six-month check for me.  Well, this is an outpoint on a number of levels.  First off, you have a person who has gotten all the way up the Bridge and is now on Solo NOTs, and he has to be checked every six months for out-ethics?!  A person can’t get on the level without going through all kinds of checks to make sure his/her ethics are in.  So, why this “inspection before the fact” (off-policy) check to see if he/she has gone out ethics within the last six months?  Further, this is an interruption of a major action (out-tech) enforced on the Solo NOTs auditor every six months.  This cannot be good per LRH technical data on interrupting a major action.  So, WHY is this being done?  This seems very squirrelly to me.  Something is very wrong with this picture.

To make another point regarding outnesses I witnessed, I need to go back to my time on staff at AOLA.  Most of the time I was there, I was the Tech Sec.  I had been DTS and then D of P for a short time prior to being put on the post of Tech Sec.  Later, I was put on the post of HAS.  During my time there, I got very familiar with the Org Board and how a Scientology organization works.  As an Exec, I was also part of Exec Counsel, Ad Counsel and Financial Planning, which helped me to understand the needs and wants of the various departments and divisions of the organization.  For the most part, my time there was good.  I did witness some outpoints, most of which I chalked up to be isolated situations.  The biggest outpoint to me was the lack of ARC in use amongst the staff.  In fact, I even mentioned this to the then CO (Fred Hare) who told me that ARC is not used in the SO, because you would never get anything done.  Well, I didn’t agree with that then and I never did go into agreement with that, but I saw other staff who did.  I chalked this up to their being low on the Grade Chart and out of valence.  I had already done all the way through the original OT levels prior to joining staff and thought it was just a matter of case regarding those low or nowhere on the Bridge.  But that didn’t account for others who were farther along on the bridge.  Anyway, I decided one day I would try being forceful with my juniors instead of using ARC, just as an experiment.  What happened is they became less efficient and, of course, lower toned.  I quickly got together with them and apologized for my behavior and, to my recollection, that is the last time I went (albeit causatively) out of valence while on staff.  But this little experiment proved to me that out-ARC was not the way to go.

Now, jump ahead to 1989 when I was on staff at the Freewinds Relay Office prior to going to the FSSO.  While there, I was almost immediately posted as Super Cargo (with no hatting, by the way) as I had been HAS on my last post.  In fact, I was on the post of Super Cargo at the same time as being an “expeditor” under the HAS, which meant I was her senior and her junior at the same time!  An interesting juxtaposition.  In any case, I soon learned that there now were new seniors over areas that did not exist in this new capacity when I was on staff at AOLA.  That was, CMO Messengers.  I just couldn’t wrap my wits around that one.  When I was on the Apollo, LRH had a number of messengers and that was precisely what they were, his personal messengers.  LRH used his messengers to give and receive information (not orders) from staff.  I never heard of or witnessed any LRH Messenger by-passing the entire Org Board structure to give an order to a staff member on the ship.  Now, I was told, whenever a CMO Messenger comes to you with an order, you must obey it as if LRH personally was giving you this order.  So there I was, being the Super Cargo at FRO when this little 12 year old CMO Messenger came with an order that I needed to obtain a certain number of filing cabinets in a certain color for the FSSO and that this needed to be done immediately.  This order did not go through my senior.  He came directly to me.  Yet, when I asked my senior about it, she said, yes, we all must obey any order we get from a CMO Messenger as if it were straight from LRH.  When I asked to see Policy on this, she had none, but pointed to a letter from Int Management that was tacked on her wall.  I read it, but didn’t get how this altered policy.  She told me to think of it this way:  that Int Management has to shoulder the responsibility of the whole Church, so anything that they ask us to do we need to do so willingly and at once.  In fact, the person that had been Super Cargo before me had been whisked away to Int with no replacement.  Sometime prior to my being posted as Super Cargo, I had seen him protesting this order and trying to find a replacement.  I heard him trying to defend his post and saying this was being handled off-policy, but he was sent off without a replacement anyway.  Later, I became the replacement, but he had already been shipped off.

Now, move ahead to 2003 when I’m on the TTC at FSO.  There I witnessed not only CMO Messengers running around (at least in the course room where I personally saw this happen) making demands and giving orders, but now RTC Reps have been added to the mix.  Wow, talk about too many chiefs and not enough Indians.  This was, in my opinion, completely off-policy, out-Org Board, and inefficient.  Put those people on the posts they are demanding things get done and maybe more things would be getting done.  What I witnessed was a complete by-pass of the organization structure of FSO.  This means FSO was (is?) in Danger.  However, per LRH, if a condition goes on too long, it will fall to the next lower condition.  So by the time I was there, I would imagine that FSO was way down the conditions, perhaps in Confusion.  But at the same time, correct Danger formulas were not being applied.  I didn’t see any CMO or RTC staff come in to handle the area while at the same time getting it up the conditions, nor any senior over the area.  No, just daily visits to the courseroom telling the supervisors or sometimes directly to the students what they were doing wrong.  How does anything get corrected this way?

By the end of 2003, I had come to the conclusion that there was no way to correct the outnesses I had witnessed as the outnesses I saw were either being done directly by or with the complicity of the very people who were supposed to see these outnesses get corrected.  So who can one report to in this case?  I did send one report up to RTC at Int, but got a letter back stating that my report had been turned over to the local RTC to handle.  I never heard any more on that report.  By this time, my body had become the effect of the stress I was under, which I believe was mainly due to my recognition that things weren’t quite right, but seeing no solution within the church structure to handle it.  I decided I needed to get out of this organization, get some space away from it and get my body back into good health.  So I left the FSO.

During the time of routing out of the SO, I often sat in the confidential Qual study area in the Sandcastle while waiting for the routing-out Sec Check.  One evening while there, I was asked by a NOTs auditor to check him out on a bulletin for a cram cycle he was on.  The reference was, I believe, Auditor’s Rights.  While checking him out, he originated to me that in the future he would always remember this particular bulletin regarding his rights as an auditor and went on to say that he had been auditing a person on Solo NOTs on her six month Sec Check and she completed it rather quickly.  He ended the session and sent her happily to the examiner.  Shortly after this, he was told by an Exec (I believe it was the Chief Officer) that he had to take this person back in and give her more Sec Checking.  He refused at first, saying she was done.  Then the exec demanded that she be taken back in and that he needed to do this to get the hours (stats) up before Thursday at 2:PM, stat time.  I don’t know what occurred to make him go along with this, but he did and now regretted it, saying the next time this happens, he will use this bulletin as his reference and refuse the order.   I don’t know how often this happened or happens or if this was one of those isolated incidents, but I believe the pressure to get the stats up or get more money in could result in out-tech such as this.  My own brother has told me of out-tech actions being applied to him during his six-month check visits.  In fact, this has happened to the point where he now refuses to return to FSO for any action whatsoever and feels that FSO is in Treason to him.

After I left the SO for the last time, I slowly began to reflect on all the things I had seen and experienced while there and earlier while in the FSSO.  I began to wonder if the good outweighs the bad and thought perhaps there are New OT VIII’s out in the world now doing all kinds of wonderful things.  I decided to start searching on the internet to see if anyone was promoting the gains they had achieved having finished OT VIII.  Unfortunately, the only place I could find any good reports were from the Church of Scientology itself.  This didn’t feel right.  I don’t know why the church would not allow someone to speak up about their gains outside of church-controlled communication.  In any case, while looking, I did find a website announcing the passing of Mary Sue Hubbard.  It annoyed me that the church had made no mention of this in any of their publications.  After all, LRH many times had acknowledged Mary Sue’s contributions to Scientology.  Anyway, that was just one more outpoint.

The more I looked at outpoints I had witnessed, the more outpoints showed up.  One major one is Superpower.  Way back when I was on staff at FSSO and had read the briefing sheet where LRH was quoted regarding Superpower and the need to get it in on staff.  (As I recall, LRH wrote that Superpower was to be done on all staff first, then government officials and then delivered to public.)  KTL and LOC were released to staff then, in 1990.  I was hopeful that Superpower would soon be delivered to all staff.  Now, here we are in 2011 and still no Superpower.  However, there was a public person who received at least some of the Superpower rundowns.  His name is Matt Feshback.  Matt gave a talk, which I attended, about the wins he had received from this auditing.  This was back around 1999, I believe.  In any case, it was many years ago, now.  So, my question is, so what if the “Superpower Building” isn’t quite ready yet with all the bells and whistles.  So what that there aren’t enough staff to fill the required posts in the new building.  The fact is that at least some of the rundowns are in deliverable form and were delivered to at least one public that I am aware of.  Therefore, at least some Superpower could be being delivered to staff, as it was to Matt Feshback.  The fact that nothing has been set up or provided for staff to be rotated through these rundowns, speaks volumes to me.  The sane thing to do, obviously, would be to send at least one staff member at a time to wherever Matt was sent to be audited by whoever Matt was audited by so that one staff member is that much more able to duplicate LRH.  Once that one staff member is done, send another and another and so on.  If there is more than one auditor who can deliver Superpower, than send that many staff to receive it and keep on rotating staff through.  If this had been started back when Matt Feshback received his Superpower rundowns, how many staff could have been gotten through by now?  How much more sanity would there be within the organizations if this had been done?  Of course, this is assuming that what Matt Feshback said was true, that he really did receive a number of Superpower rundowns and that he really did have major wins as a result.  But, if he did speak the truth and if what that briefing sheet quoted LRH having said is real, then there is clearly insanity at the top of the Church for not having gotten these actions going on as many staff as possible.

Here is my problem with “Ideal Orgs”.  The following quote is what LRH has to say in HCO POLICY LETTER OF 12 MARCH 1975 Issue II Data Series 40 THE IDEAL ORG:

“Such an ideal org would be built by taking what one has and step by step

building and smoothing; grooving in and handling each of its functions, with

each of its divisions doing more and more of its full job better and better.

The business is always there-the skill with which it is handled and the results

on pcs and students is the single important line which makes it possible to

build the rest.

The ideal org is the image one builds toward. It is the product of the causative

actions of many. Anything which is short of an ideal org is an outpoint that

can be put right. The end product is not just an ideal org but a new civilization

already on its way.”  L. RON HUBBARD  Founder

What LRH says here makes total sense.  This is not what I see Int Mgmt doing under the direction of COB.  It is all cart before the horse.

And finally, The Basics Event, which was when I came to the conclusion that the current C of S is in Treason to LRH under the leadership of David Miscavige.  Here are the main things said by DM during the event that I took issue with:

  • “Let me be blunt:  No, you are not stupid.”  Here DM was pointing out WHY everyone had trouble understanding the basic books.  This was not true for me and I’ve spoken to several others who attended the event who did not feel stupid about the basics.  (Me, Richard, Martha, Cyndi, Steve, to name those I remember.)
  • “How is it that by survey and experience Scientologists find reading an LRH bulletin or policy letter far easier than a book?”  Then DM said that LRH hand wrote or typed all the policies and bulletins (and says this is the reason one can read the policy or bulletin easier than a book, which I find to be a ridiculous statement.)  This I know to not be true as, while on the Apollo, I personally witnessed one of LRH’s transcribers taking the data from a tape LRH had dictated into and typing it out on a typewriter.
  • Then Miscavige goes on to explain how the original books were incorrectly transcribed and/or edited prior to going to the press and that, because of this, no one in all these years ever got the full meaning of the data.  I find it hard to believe that all those years while LRH was alive and delivering training himself, that no one really got it.  Perhaps those mistakes did exist in the books, but I do not believe for a minute that this means no one got the data.  I did several of the Basic Books extension courses and did not find anything new that I had not already understood from earlier versions of the basic books.  To me, this was a major invalidation of LRH and technical degrade of the original basic books.  This event took place in 2007, decades after the books had been written.  If these outpoints really are so destructive to the point DM says in the event, that no one reading the books would be able to truly understand them, and therefore would miss the underlying foundation upon which all else was written, what a huge FLUNK on COB and RTC for not catching this years ago.  That would be nothing less than Treason to LRH and to all Scientologists, in my opinion.  We know that the books had been gone over earlier as there had been earlier new versions of the books published and pushed as the new, corrected versions which everyone should now own.
  • The event has a video where there is this statement: “the book plus the lecture equals full conceptual understanding”… Who says?  That is positioned as if it is an LRH datum, but it’s just a made up statement with no basis in reality.
  • Then, to top it off, DM said:  “I could walk off this stage in the next 30 seconds after simply telling you to read and listen in sequence and I would know that you would fly.  In fact, I’d know if you did just that, read and listened in sequence, by the end of your study, you’d know the basics of Dianetics and Scientology better than any Dianeticist or Scientologist from 1950 right up to the present time.”  This is an outright invalidation of LRH and all auditors since 1950.  That right there did it for me.

368 responses to “Kristina Royce: Perspective

  1. Kristina,

    I have not much to say except that you have spoken the exact truth!! So glad to have you here speaking out your mind. What took you so long?:))

    Alex (X Flag Evaluator and Scientologist from 1968-1981)

  2. Hi Kristina! Fascinating data, great stories!

  3. Wow Kristina. That says it all.
    Nice to meet you.

  4. Marty,

    I wrote following on the previous thread. I hope you will allow me to post this as an off thread post, although I believe it is relevant to the current scene. The following was in response to someone who clearly needs help in seeing the truth and in my mind, we are here to help and not hinder or harm or suppress.

    It saddens me to see how David Miscavige has created people like you, who clearly does not know what Scientology is all about. You are speaking of re-difinitions and you clearly show that you are not aware of the tremendous damage your Leader david Miscavige has done to people like you, simply by, for example, re-defining what an F/N (by LRH) is. You show that you are trapped in a web you don’t know how to get out of. You basically show that you are operating out of loyalty to David Miscavige and his “church”. But listen, whoever you are, Scientology is not a matter of loyalty. Scientology is, and always was a practical method of improving lives. We are not your enemies. Your real enemy is your lack of understanding of what Scientology is.

    My guess is that at one time, when you first decided to use Scientology or Dianetics, you were looking for something good that would help you improve your life and that of others. Man is basically good.

    “Scientology can help you” used to be true 30 something years ago, before LRH went away. Then came David Miscavige and the above phrase became a lie because he did not understand nor respect the workability of the technology which effectively helped so many people between 1950 and 1980. For 30 years, by really applying LRH’s materials, many, many thousands of people around the world made Scientology what David Miscavige supposedly inherited and turned to stinking mud. And the success before Miscavige was because people were experiencing REAL improvements in their lives. Why? Because the majority REALLY understood what Scientology and Dianetics were all about. People didn’t stick to Dianetics and Scientology out of BLIND LOYALTY to the Leader. They continued on and even dedicated their lives to it and signed a billion year contract because the Tech WORKED. We all wanted to see this planet populated by human beings who would KNOW that Insanity, Crime and War could be prevented, and thus create a better world for ourselves, our families and the future generations.

    I trully hope you can understand the above and I want to repeat that WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMIES. WE ARE NOT THE ENEMY.

    I would strongly advice you to 1) Put your loyalty to the “church of Miscavige” aside for a moment, 2) Study the LRH references of “Robotism”, “Self Determinism”, any “wog” definition of “Honesty”,
    and finally 3) ARC: Affinity, Reality, Communication= Understanding.

    LOOK around without bias, with a clean, ethical heart and allow yourself to SEE what is in front and around you. Communicate (not attack or judge) and obtain more Reality. From there, if you are a sane and honest person, you will be able to Understand.

    And if you ever need REAL and HONEST HELP, we will be here for you.


  5. Kristina, wow,awesome write-up!!! I know that others will read your post and step back and say to themselves…I saw the same things. This will be when they also walk away. Welcome and thank you for coming forward and taking a stand!

  6. Hi Kristina;

    I love your perspective. Thank you for telling your points !
    Here what LRH says about the books:

    ” Standard technology is contained in HCOBs. It actually isn’t contained in any of the books of Dianetics and Scientology. Did you ever realize that? Modern technology is not contained in any of the hardcover books, or any of the other books. It’s contained in HCOBs, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletins, and there they just run off one after the other. And one of these fine days I suppose we will roll up our sleeves and publish them all in consecutive order, all corrected so that nothing ever corrects anything in the bulletins and make it very, very easy. But we will have to put them probably in about seven or eight or ten different volumes, because there are quite a few of them. But that’s standard technology. They’re on white paper printed with red ink. If I haven’t signed it, it isn’t true. And that’s standard technology.” — (SHSBC 434 The Classification Chart and Auditing 26 July 66)”

    “We are here to train auditors, not to educate them. So just train them.
    … You can dawdle around with theory outside an Academy, read books and so on. But in an Academy only can you LEARN certain things, and not all the books in the world will teach them.
    … Therefore, all training should not be of a class, for this terminal called a class will never audit anybody. All training should be of student individuals who will audit people, for only an individual student, not a class, will do any auditing.”
    HCOB 7 June 1961 Academy Schedule, Clarification of (OEC Vol. 4, p. 568)

    “Theories and processes can be picked up in books and from tapes as well as in classes. Technical skill cannot be picked up anywhere but in an Academy . . . a fact proven by years of observation.”
    HCO P/L 17 April 1961 Training, Professional New Policy


  7. Kristina, wonderful explanation of your experience in and out of orgs and the SO over the years. Multiply your experiences by every other staff member in recent decades and you have the exact picture of the mass confusion that is the day to day operation of the Church today. Really happy to have yours and Richard’s voices added to the conversation.

  8. Your humble servant

    Thank you, Kristina, for this great story. In the past three decades, the capital of the organization has been spent, and it is now bankrupt. Was the capital of the organization money? Oh, no, it has a lot of that. Its capital was good will, a good reputation, and the ability to do good works. That capital was very large, but now it has all been spent. The organization now continues on the mere shadow or promise of what it once had. For this reason, the organization is collapsing, not expanding. That is all right, says David Miscavige, we will just lie and say it is expanding. We will make up figures about how many new Scientologists there are and how many new orgs, missions and groups. We will make the public Scientologists buy new buildings and call them new orgs. We will conceal all the true facts with glitter and show and bombast. We can do this indefinitely.

    But, the organization cannot do it indefinitely. Every fraudulent circus must some day come to an end, fold its tent, and disappear into the sunset. Great tears in the tent are already showing. The truth eventually becomes known. The capital is already spent, and one day the money will be gone too.

  9. Excellent!!!

  10. Kristina – Great detailed write-up with all specifics needed. I found all of your observations matched what I had personally observed. Thank you very much for stating the obvious so well. By your specific statements anyone should be able to see that you did understand what LRH has written in these many books, tapes, bulletins, policies, etc.

    Have to tell you I loved your reference to DM’s announcement of what made conceptual understanding. I would have to conclude he has never attained the EP of the Primary Run Down!

  11. Gratz on breaking the spell.

  12. An individual always has to look up words as necessary. I completed the Primary Rundown in 1974 and was and am Superliterate and still look up words as necessary. As far as The books of Dianetics and Scientology I in 1976 as a Graphic Artist with Typesetters one of which is my girlfriend and an entire typesetting company put together The Policy Index /OEC Volumes – Admin Dictionary, the Dianetics Book and other Scientology publications at request of the Sea Org. For this I was Very Very Highly Commended by LRH HIMSELF with the other individuals who worked on this. We were and are Clears and OT’s and We Know We Have Forwarded The Truth Of LRH Policy and TECH. and don’t take kindly to any claim otherwise. We know there was no actual issue as desribed by any Psycho who takes a position against the Truth or Us Who are the Truth and through our work on the Dianetics and Scientology books have forwarded Dianetics and Scientology on this Planet Earth This Universe And All Universes. The Sea Org. themselves with the Premier selected Typesetting company in the World In Los Angeles gave the final approval to these works as well as a person who is CURRENTLY a Class XII Auditor at Flag. My girlfriend was extremely upset at the Psycho claims of the Psycho “in” The ‘Org”. Huh to the powerless subcreatures who have worked in reverse to The Truth. Their days are numbered !!!!!!!! All Psychos should CHECK THEIR OWN RECORDS before embarking on a mission of destruction, because the finger always points at them !!!!!!!!
    Existence Advancement Enhancement to All
    Paul Natural Clear

  13. Kristina,
    You epitomize my idea of what a Senior Tech Terminal SHOULD be: devoted to Standard Tech, a HUGE desire to help others and TONS of ARC!
    I had the same idea when I heard about the “new” books: If it took RTC until 2007 to figure out that they were “all wrong” then ALL RTC staff responsible for standard materials, starting with Miscavige, were in Treason!
    And the data about no six-month checks for staff on OT 7, as they didn’t need it, “but those nasty out-ethics public:Sec Check them!” you have exposed for what it is: a mind f**k and money grab.
    Thank you!

  14. Exactly, Kristina, I saw the same thing!!!! (sorry for my italian-english)
    I was in SO in TTC for the Freewinds from 2 months, ready for the six months check, when mu public DofP R. Stanzani told me that it was only for public not for SO members. I asked why? And he told me that a SO member can continue OT VII with no interruptions and if I needed to drill some procedures I had to pay my 6 months check because no one auditor was there for me. So I paid it but never I arrived in the coursroom because my auditor Marisa attested the CL IX internship and went back to the freewinds I finished the money and never I attested the cycle. The C/S made me start the cleareance seck check for the ship that I finished after one year!!!! After
    4 years I discovered that the money I paid to go in session while I was in SO went back on my account to be stolen and used to buy 6 Basics packs!!!!!!
    I left the SO in 2007 and Cocoda from the ship pushed me to go back on OT VII as public. At the phone I told him that somewhere there was a lie because he was pushing me to be part of 10.000 Solo Nots as public but in SO no one Solo Nots auditos is helped on this. NO ONE.
    Thanks for your story.
    Eliana from Sicily

  15. TroubleShooter

    Great perspective, thank you for speaking out.

  16. Thank you for this, Kristina!
    I’m amazed how looking at this mess from just ‘World out of comm eval’/KTL/ LOC and Superpower, You cut right through the BS and it is immediately apparent how completely anti-LRH, DM is.

    It appears reasonableness has become so endemic its practically rewarded.

    Are people really so blind?

  17. Thanks Kristina. It is wonderful to have you and Richard join the party.

    Something very perceptive in your write up is how you compare things to PURPOSE. This is a very important point, because that purpose really defines the Ideal Scene and when you have an Ideal Scene you can compare things to it to note Outpoints, as you did so clearly.

    And while I tend to rant about Ideal Orgs and the bs PR of Miscavige, you really highlighted the fundamental problem: out tech. Anyone with the ability to observe knows the six month checks are a horrendous arbitrary. And you exposed the truth to the world. It’s a stat push. And its also another relfection of Miscavige running his case on the world — he just cannot think with the idea of someone happily solo auditing away and not committing horrendous overts every day. And you noted the outpoint that if 10,000 Solo Nots auditors are going to “clear the planet” (did you ever see what they use to justify this — it is about as logical as the Ideal Org justifiers) then how come all the staff in the FSO (how about the world???) arent auditing away on Solo NOTs? After all, they say ON or THROUGH.

    And you hit the nail on the head about Super Power too. Yes, it was being delivered more than a decade ago. But Mr. MEST needs to build a building and develop super duper MEST objects to deliver the rundown (then he will be able to claim he is the ONLY ONE that can do it as nobody else has “oily tables” or “magnetic walls” or “spinbin chairs”). And as for Matt Feshbach, who became the poster boy for Super Power, he quietly declared bankruptcy, owing the IRS over $4 million. Not much of a Super Power superman. They don’t use his “success” stories any more.

    As Jim Logan likes to say: rant subsided.

    Thanks again, good to see someone with your breadth of experience chiming in here.

  18. Thank you for your insightful observations.

    I really liked it when you stated, “…Who says? That is positioned as if it is an LRH datum, but it’s just a made up statement with no basis in reality.” Seems like there has been a lot of this going around…

    Very nice job.

    Vic Krohn

  19. Kristina,

    Awesome write up! VWD!

    I would like to add something in support of your statement: “that no one reading the books would be able to truly understand them, and therefore would miss the underlying foundation upon which all else was written, what a huge FLUNK on COB and RTC for not catching this years ago.”

    Check out RTC ED 450 6 Sept 1991 (available from the www or emailing me):

    “… April of 1987 we embarked upon a strategy of making all of the material of the Scientology Grade Chart standard and available to all. The plan was to:
    I. Review all materials against original LRH manuscripts and handle
    any omissions or alter-is that had crept in through the years either by
    mistake or at the band of some SP.
    This is the first time in history that aII of the materials of the Grade Chart have ever been available, totally and completely, 100 percent ON-SOURCE.”

    David Miscavige signed of on that ED. And that was 20 years ago. In 1989 all the books had be reissued “as 100% on source”.

    In 2007 I asked my FSM “how many times are we going to have to redo this shit?”

    Her anwser: “We will have to do it until people can duplicate pure LRH.”


    “…time and presure….”

  20. Now that’s not fair, you clearly misunderstood David “great things come in small packages” Miscavige. What he said was it was not your fault the books were wrong. You did a stirling job of whch you can be proud.

    The printers were faulty and became unset after they were set and that’s how the tech became corrupted it.

    Those old machines were never very wreliable, not like the state of the art systems of today. In fact this probably happened because the tech was ahead of its time and the technology was not up to the job.

    Your conscience is clear and you can buy as many sets of the proper books as you like safe in the knowledge that they are state of the art.

    You might also be interested in limited edition gilt edged sets printed of glossy paper with a special dedication by David Miscavige, along with a full page color photo of David Miscavige. A basic set is only $4000.00 (half price).

  21. Awesome references – and very true.

  22. Looks like David Miscaviges´s Groundhog Day-scenario with the purpose of destroying LRH´s tech… every morning waking up and and being horrified about that there are still auditors around who can get people up the bridge and can make it to Clear and OT. – Karola

  23. George M. White

    Kristina Royce,
    Thank you for the great write up – specific details and great analysis.
    I participated from 1973 to 1989 and I don’t recall having met you.
    I completed OT8 on the Freewinds in 1988, if you remember me?
    You are totally correct about Miscavige and his destruction of the OT levels.
    It all started with his feeble analysis of OT7 and ended with his own interpretation of OT8 in recent years.
    In my view, Miscavige used a microscope to look at the OT levels when he should have used a telescope. His path is endless sec-checking, endless
    nit-picking and endless changes to suit his own fancy.
    I retired from Scientology in 1989. I am happy to have missed the suffering created by ‘dynamic dave’.

  24. Kristina,

    Thank you for explaining this all so passionately.
    Very nice to see you here – the exodus is at full speed.


  25. Nice job Kristina!
    Thank you and welcome to our family 😀 xxx

  26. Mike wrote : “Matt Feshbach, who became the poster boy for Super Power, he quietly declared bankruptcy, owing the IRS over $4 million. Not much of a Super Power superman.”

    The tech rules about PTS (= losing gains when faced with a suppressive guy) seem to remain valid for all rundowns.

  27. dynamic Dave … or dynamite Dave (leaving nothing intact) ?

  28. Kristina,

    you are a very precious witness. Not many people have seen what you did. Thanks for your write-up !

  29. Alex,
    Well stated. Thanks for that 🙂

  30. George M. White

    Hans Solo,
    I like ‘dynamite Dave’ better – short fuse and destructive.

  31. Hi Kristina and welcome to the independents.

    You really lay out the problems within the organization with a rank and file perspective. These are the outpoints that all can see and relate to within the realm of their own experience.

    The nuttyness is evident, as you explain it, in terms of very basic policy outnesses. The crazy lack of structure and organizational madness is experienced while reading your post.

    I found myself saying, I saw that, I experienced that, so and so told me that too, while reading.

    The truth of the confusion and liability of the current Church comes across resounding well.

    Thank you for adding your personal insights and sharing them with us here.

    I also never agreed with the Basics promo that no one understood them. I said bullshit too may times to too many salesmen (staff) and attempted to handle them on this point to recount. The response was always the same, no acknowledgment that anyone could read them and comprehend them and everyone needed the new books. The church was relentless on this line in selling them. Group insanity on display in volume.

    One of the things that really struck me from these many conversations is just how many SO I spoke with that had NEVER read the basic books. Veteran SO that had never read Dianetics, let alone any of the others. These people were supposed to be the “model” scientologists yet lacked the knowledge in these books. It became one of my standard questions to ask when they called and as we all here know, there were more than a few calls. “Which books have you read prior to this release?” I engaged them all in lengthy conversations on the books. None I spoke with had read all of the books, NOT ONE. Only a very few had read 1 or 2. A few had read a portion of this or that. The vast majority had read NONE. It’s no wonder that they were excited about the Basics, they were reading them for the FIRST time. So they were getting some LRH, albeit with deletions and alterations but some LRH none-the-less. NONE were able to acknowledge that anyone could understand the books without reading the new basics, not one, in literally dozens of conversations. Amazing robotic stupidity and group think.

    What this release did in real terms was three fold. It provided a cash influx to DM. It provided a very public “model” for altering materials, and it pushed Staff and SO very publically to dramatize Miscavige’s “Command Intention” driving them into Treason and Confusion on their posts.

    I had the Captain AOLA on the phone to me in the middle of the night to assist is a bascis book sale while 2 SO were in my living room on an uninvited late night visit. I refused to buy them. Two days later I received a K/R in the mail completely mischaracterizing the cycle and conversation (This is a polite way of saying the K/R was full of lies.) All because I wouldn’t buy a book package! The message here was clear, go along with “Command Intention” or be disenfranchised. Buy the books or you are no Scientologists!

    Complete group insanity. All were infected with Miscavige’s avarice. All were operating on off policy orders, all were off hat and off post. ‘Hats, not wearing”= treason. Way to go Dave.

    Sorry to get off track here, this is about your post, your experiences and your declaration and I applaud you doing it. I look forward to reading more of your story and your views.

    AOLA MAA’s take note; you are in Treason at best and so is your Org. What are you going to do about it?

  32. Vox Clamantis in Deserto

    I really enjoyed your perspective, Krisitina. Thank you.
    And thank you to Richard too. I miss you guys. Always theta.

  33. Kristina welcome, very nice writeup.

    You accepted the datum that KTL and LOC were the solution to staffs not being able to duplicate and create a viable organization. I cannot accept this as a correct why. In our company, no one has studied these things and over 50% of our staff are ESL, some don’t even have English as a language! And yet they manage to do the job and put out a product to make decent pay and a company that survives!

    I believe that DM put these courses forward as one of his “whys” in order to keep people from looking at him as the real why. It had been a few years since he’d successfully blamed everything on Mayo, and he needed a new cover. Later it was another “why” and another, but nothing has changed, since the real why has not been discovered by those still in the cult.

  34. Eliana, this is just more evidence. This whole situation you went through I know others went through,public as well as staff. Complete criminality is all I can say about it.

  35. Tony DePhillips

    Nice write-up Kristina!!
    It sounds like you went through some heavy duty stuff.
    Matt Pesch likes to call the CMO kids and the RTC reps the “flying Monkeys”. Which indicates to me. I can see them flying around scaring and pestering everyone.
    You spotted some great out-points. Thanks for having the courage to speak your mind.
    Hope to meet you at the Indie party in July!!

  36. Tony DePhillips

  37. Additionally, I just really noticed the following in the same RTC ED:

    “Scientology works 100 percent of the time, when it is known and applied
    without alter-is. There has never in our history been a failure of the technology itself. The only failures have been staff or organizational failures when the technology was not known or applied.”

    Re-read that last line. That is 1.1, nullification of the dedicated staff. That ED was BPI. All of Scientology read it. And the message can not be mistaken.

    And what about the public’s responsibilty in KSW #1???

    F%@# this bitch.

    “…time and pressure….”

  38. Thanks for this deep perspective on truth, Kristina!
    Your write-up will reach thousands of good souls.
    Take a win.

  39. Hi, Kristina. I’m Pat Krenik, also a six decade survivor of Scientology. I enjoyed your story very much.
    Re: The original OT levels, we still deliver them here in Elma WA where my husband and I have been running a small group for over ten years. On the 1981 chart those levels were put before NOTs. In practice many people need NOTs before they are able to do some of those levels.
    A note on the superpower building: very scary. I have no idea what sort of “tech” is being designed for that. The original piloted Super Power was done in the 70’s and I have received that. There was nothing with NASA tech thrown in, spinning chairs or flasing pictures. That is straight out of implant techniques.
    It is one of the main reasons I would like to see David Miscavige removed from the COS scene. I still have some hope that with duress removed there are enough good tech people that sanity could be restored.
    I don’t count on it though, and that is why many of us have produced auditors and OT’s in the “free zone” or “indie” field. The COS called us squirrels, but we just saw the writing on the wall earlier that some others.
    Welcome to the Freezone. Some of the newer Independent Scientologists don’t like the term as when they were in the COS the Freezone was a very bad term, full of squirrels. I still like the term because it indicates a field or area free of the suppression of the COS.

  40. Richard and I were trying to get our kids to confront the truth of what’s going on within this organization. This went on for two years, then finally the ***t hit the fan when I emailed Marty’s blog about Richard Reese to my daughter-in-law who had worked directly under him. I thought this would help wake her up. Instead, she said there was nothing for her to do but report it to the church. That was early last year and finally ended up with our declare in September.

  41. Thank you. There are more, but the post was already long. I didn’t want it to become a “tldr” 🙂

  42. Welcome Kristina;
    This group continues to grow with more “Rebels of the Universe”.
    Liked your write up and viewpoint. Please check in on a regular basis.

  43. Spot-on Debrief, Kristina! You are so right about Execs ad ARC, Staff morale and the differences between force and understanding. It’s all there in the LRH Tapes on the OEC and the FEBC. With force and pressure one gets the result of off-Source actions which lead to what the church is today.
    Welcome, and thank you for such a beautiful write-up!

  44. ■“Let me be blunt: No, you are not stupid.”

    To your credit, David Miscavige, you did get one thing right. I knew then that statement of fact would be your undoing.

    Thank you, Dear.

  45. DM has been an outright liar, coward and a fraud from day 1!

  46. HannibalTheFirst

    Hi Kristina,

    great writeup, great observation about FLAG and how the Church did not act on their stated Objectives.

    When the 10,000 on OT VII program came out and was called “the handling” to make an impact on society I sat down and wrote a KR describing an ideal scene how to get 10,000 OT VII on that level. It included making the level affordable as it was greatly over priced, having courserooms in LA, where many of the OT VII are anyway and many other things that just make good practical sense. I sent it to Int Management and never got an answer. At that point I knew the church was lying through their teeth. And when they send their FSM’s horny for money to “get me back on the bridge”. And FLAG Missions and orders to get briefings and interviews and me being told being “Out Ethics for not being on the level”. I knew they were dishonest slimebags or duped idiots at best.

    The purpose of the whole 6 months check setup and that it could be done only at FLAG was to have people out of their environment so they could get more easily knocked over and separated from their money. 10,000 on OT VII was never an intend to help society it was always a scheme to control and rape and pillage parishioners. I know so many OT VII and OT VIII that were raped for millions of $$$$, because they have lost all power of observation and ability to evaluate data. They are truly on the road to total freedom from sanity, and it costs them dearly.

    Glad to see that you kept your powers of observation and the ability to evaluate for yourself. Very Well Done!

    I wish there were more of you.

  47. Thank you, Kristina, for this fantastic write-up.
    It is appreciated by me as being true for you. I also had to make that jump from what I was told, to what I actually observed and knew for myself. It’s so much better when you don’t have kid yourself anymore!
    Best wishes,
    Richrd Kaminski

  48. Kristina-I love your write-up! You really have kept your personal integrity in and you know the correct Tech! You are interested in others getting what this incredible Tech is all about. Thank you for all you have done!

  49. Kristina – Thanks! I found your insights into KTL/LOC/Superpower to be extremely enlightening. You have great perspective. I suppose we can expect the Corporate Church to come up with a “New KTL” and “New LOC” that will be touted as the next big thing at some point down the road. They will of course blame someone or something for it not being right the first time around. Of course everyone who did the KTL/LOC will need to redo it for another $8,000 – $12,000. Then who knows, they could release a “New New FPRD.” It’s nice that the Corporate Church has become so green and into “Recycling.” The upshot of what I got from your communication is that the tech and LRH’s original intention has been continually altered since at least 1990 (probably since his departure.)

  50. Alex,
    Well said!

  51. Mike,

    Are there any public records of Matt Feshbach’s bankruptcy? I know he closed down his investment company in 2007, but I didn’t hear that he personally went bankrupt. Owing the IRS over 4 million dollars can’t be a good thing; I would be surprised if they didn’t take some kind of “enforced collection” type of activity. It sounds like it almost borders on tax evasion which can get you prison time.

  52. Now the book that I recommend is the one that is on handmade paper with gold leaf edging and has 1000 pages of photographs of David Misgavage. No quotes, nothing, to give you MUs. $8000.00 (half price) if you buy now!

  53. What a wonderful essay on how a benevolent philosophy was corrupted into an inhumane organization. It is well known in the business world that a company reflects the mentality of the CEO. When I was in the SO after a while I concluded that while there is lots of talk about running things per policy in reality there is only one method used in the end, management by terror. I think that is one of the worst things one can attribute to DM. He created an environment where only the bullies strive.

  54. Random Stranger




    I’ve made a command decision to expel everyone from Scientology, including all staff and all parishioners. No one gets it and everyone is suppressive, except me. Yes, that includes my now broken-hearted, yet suppressive and expelled nonetheless, my BFF even, Thomas Mapother Cruise. The motorcycle ride he took by himself was the last straw.

    It’s too much for me to continue to try to pull this planet out of the mud hole it’s stuck in. I, however, will be the one to go free. I’ve spoken to LRH and he only needs one good hand on Target Two and I’m the best candidate. Anyone else would just Dev-T him and screw things up, like they have here.

    All Ideal Org buildings will be sold in the next 30 days on a fire-sale basis to raise the additional billion dollars I need to build my spaceship and take off. Everyone is hereby released from all contracts, all commitments and are no longer welcome to have anything to do with any of L. Ron Hubbard’s materials or projects, so please do not read any more.

    I will be disconnecting from you immediately after finishing this directive.

    Goodbye and get out,

    David Miscavige
    The Whole Church

  55. Welcome, Kristina!

    Bravo!!! O M G ! You and your story are AMAZING! Welcome and congratulations on your disconnection from Squirreldom. Your announcement of this is so very informative and INSPIRING, especially given the roles you have played in the “church”, and the degree of power the Co$ thanklessly received from you. Your write-up is quite the eye opener, and we all look forward to the effect it will help create as more and more responsible Scientologists “wake up” and read it.

    May I suggest you read “The Iron Door” by Thoughtful (Steve Hall)
    I believe you will appreciate it.

    By the way, today is the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of the posting of the Lynne Hoverson and Bert Schippers disconnection, another amazing event, and hugely damning to the “church” of $cientology (the past has year has been “straight up and vertical” with those!).

  56. Thanks Vox,

  57. Michael Fairman

    Thank you for adding your powerful voice to the truth that is blowing Miscavige’s lies to smithereens.

  58. Hi Kristina, thanks a bunch for your post! Never having been in the Sea Org, I appreciate the insights into S.O. attitudes folks like yourself can provide.

    And thank you for your fidelity to LRH and to your own powers of observation and differentiation – for “knowing what you know” and publishing it.

  59. Great write-up Kristina!

    My favourite part was, “… ARC is not used in the SO, because you would never get anything done.”


    Any Scientologists still ‘in’ the CoS might want to reflect on why Sea Org members so casually throw away a key part of LRH’s communication Tech.


  60. I’m sorry to hear about your unsuccessful attempt to get your children to see the light. There is a book called “Releasing the Bonds by Steve Hassan which offers advice on helping people caught in a cult.

    Contrary to what the cults will tell the book does not advocate “deprogramming” and certainly not kidnapping or “forced intervention”. It is based on Steve’s own experiences and lots of experience. It might give you and others some ideas for hiw to approach the subject in a none confrontational way..

  61. Kristina you are a brave woman for standing up to this crap.

  62. Thank you, Tara.

  63. Thanks, Carol.

  64. Wow Kristina! Welcome and thanks so much for such a well thought out and considered writeup. One point stood out for me personally and that was regards the bypassing of terminals by unhatted, untrained RTC and 13 year old CMOs. I experienced that same lunacy when I was at the Freewinds Relay Office circa 1990-91. Truly, the correct condition is one of Confusion!

    Also, it is apparent that the dam has broken and the waterfall event of folks leaving RCS is well underway. 2012 is really turning into one hell of a year.

  65. Thank you, Roger. Great references!

  66. Kristina,
    Welcome out! Thanks very much for the perspective, your viewpoint from the different service orgs definitely confirms how David Miscavige has corrupted and altered the subject and purposes in a gradient fashion.

    Having been and seen the evolution from the World out of Comm eval to the Superpower or Humongous rundown as it’s working title from the other side of the coin; with the addition of your viewpoint – it’s clear that DM made sure the whys and enabling of planetary clearing as envisioned by LRH did not happen and was sabotaged.

    Thank you very much for the info on the Solo Nots six months checks, I’m sure that handles charge on those having been required to do them and de-fang’s DM’s perceived control on “eternity” at that level.

  67. Thanks, Dan. Glad to be here. I posted earlier under BigaWatts and later under KeepOnTruckin. Then we had an OSA interuptus moment with a very slim hope of the kids not having to disconnect. Then we got our own boiler-plate SP Declare, so here we are out in the open. Feels real good, too! Thanks, OSA (and Flag Justice Chief and LRH Comm FLB and Int Justice Chief).

  68. Wow!! What a perspective. So nice to have my assessment of what was going on behind the scenes validated. Thank you ever so much for sharing your story and welcome to the bright sunlight of truth. I think you will enjoy your new circle of friends. I hope I get to meet you and Richard in the future.

  69. Thank you, YHS. I agree, this will not continue.

  70. Thanks, Scott.

  71. Thank you, Sapere Aude.

  72. Hope this helps to break it for lots more!

  73. Dear POB,

    Don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

  74. Thank you, Paul, for the work you and the others did. You got acknowledged by the source of all those materials. That’s what counts. Just like the original Class VIIIs who received their PERMANENT certs from LRH himself.

  75. how about dismantling Dave; or as jonny five would have it “disassemble” dave

  76. Thank you, Nanook. I told my husband after we left the Basics Event that I had to hold myself down in my seat to keep from yelling out, THIS WHOLE THING IS A TECH DEGRADE AND TREASON TO RON!! If it had been a live event, I just may not have been able to contain myself from running up on stage, grabbing David Miscavige and saying: EXCUSE ME!!??

  77. Thank you and your welcome!

  78. Oh, I think you’ve got it. “The wholesale destruction of the subject” is precisely where he’s been going. And from what I’ve seen, reasonableness is absolutely what is wanted. But no rewards.

  79. If it’s signed by David Miscavige personally it would be cheap at twice that price.

    There now OSA have something to use when asked what they’re saying about him on the Interwebs that would cause him to throw a tantrum, along with a few other things. 😉

  80. Dear Kristina, thank you for coming out publicly.
    we actually shared most of the experieces you describe, I was in the original ship project back in 1986 and I have seen you around theFLB back then, I never made it to the ship, I stayed at the FSO. I was involved with the subject of NWC and UC since 1988. I was D/UC Officer EU in 1989. I arrived at FLB in 2004 sept to assist the delivery of super power, and saw all the same things you saw, and MORE. I share your observations and your conclusions re everythings(stressing especially org bypass danger condition, KTL LOC SUPER POWER and NOTs)
    I really would love to sit down with you and chat it over to compare my own experience with yours.
    maybe that one day will get the chance to do that.
    for now, thanks for what you wrote so far, it’s great! it makes me feel a lot less lonesome in this world, either we both had the same exact allucination or we are part of the very few that did not allucinate all the time.
    the latter seem more likely to me. 🙂

  81. Thanks for the ack, Mike. Yes, many outpoints. Sadly, the last time we saw our son who is still in the SO, I pointed out the outpoint of Super Power to him. He could not respond other than to repeat how the building needs to be finished first and the staff in place before the tech can be delivered. I kept trying to get him to duplicate that all that isn’t required to get staff through, even if only one at a time. It was amazing for me to see how he could not respond other than to state the party line about the building. He just could not think it through. The only other time I have personally witnessed what I saw in my son was a time years ago when a friend of mine was hypnotized by her brother in front of me and her boyfriend. Her brother asked me what I would like him to have her do after he woke her up. I wanted to see if she would repeat something that she would considered silly under normal circumstances. I said, have her get up and flush the toilet every time you tug at your collar. So he gave her the command, then woke her up. He tugged his collar, she got up, went into the bathroom and flushed the toilet, came back and sat down. He tugged his collar again, and she did it again. And again. After three or four times, I finally asked her why she kept getting up to flush the toilet. First, she just said it needed flushing. She did it again. And again, I asked her why she kept flushing the toilet. Each time I asked her, she would make up some lame reason as to why she had to flush the toilet. She got more and more annoyed at me for asking, but she did it again and again upon command and could never see that there was anything strange about it. Her brother hypnotized her once more to release her of the command, but what an amazing thing to have witnessed. This is what I saw in my son. He could not answer a simple question about Super Power, but only parrot the party line. Very sad, but in my opinion the intentional result of running reverse dianetics and scientology on the staff who have been deprived of sleep, deprived of havingness, deprived of family, separated from their spouses, etc. Put them all into a secondary and then implant David Miscavige’s command intentions.

  82. I once wondered why someone didn’t do exactly that at such events but then I realised crowd dynamics are almost impossible to over come spontaneously.

    If someone plans a disruption it’s straight forward though they would have to be determined to carry it off.
    A person in a crowd is in a herd, they don’t want to stick their head up because they, quite reasonably, fear expulsion from the group or other censure.

    Also Miscavige’s speeches are designed to bombard to with rapid fire truisms so you have no time to analyse it, give up and just accept the gist of what is said as fact or even profoundly factual.

    The pace of the speech, tone of voice, back up graphics and whooped up state of the crowd all combine to overwhelm you which results in you going in to a suggestable state. Also used in churches great and small around the world to get big donations. Also used by marketing seminars, especially the get rich quick ones.

  83. Thank you, Vic.

  84. Yikes! “Her anwser: “We will have to do it until people can duplicate pure LRH.” Has she?

  85. Kris,

    That is a fascinating incident. There are a lot of people who are in exactly the same boat as your son. They are hypnotized — or more accurately, they are unable to think for themselves. They are told what to think and it doesnt matter the illogic, they just keep on thinking it. And just like your friend, when you challenge the illogic of it they get defensive as they really do not understand how stupid they are being.

    Wish I knew what the magic command is that “unhypnotizes” the sheeple. I have a son and daughter, brother, sister, mother, and various nieces and nephews that are still flushing the toilet when POB touches his collar. It’s so sad to watch them. And horrifying at the same time as though they will shout from the rooftops how their life is being saved by the RCS and they are doing SOOOOOO wonderfully, in truth, they are being diminished as beings, bit by bit, day by day.

    The only answer I know is to shatter the suppression — expose the truth and get rid of the chief hypnotist and hope that by doing so those under the hypnotic commands will wake up.

  86. Thank you, George. I wasn’t on the ship in ’88 and don’t recall meeting you. Well done on having spotted things weren’t quite right when you did.

  87. Cindy Pinsonnault

    Thanks, Kristina. So much good information.

    I think Mike Rinder talked on an earlier post about the small, incremental changes that occurred in COS. These changes in attitude and actions happened slowly over time making it difficult to see exactly what was happening – and DM is really good at misdirection so it was also difficult to pin down the source when something didn’t seem right.

    Your write-up stacks up the outnesses nicely – big and small – that add up to some serious alteration of tech. It seems to me that anyone even remotely willing to look would begin to see what is being done and especially WHO is doing it.

    Thanks for writing this and welcome and congratulations!

  88. Thank you, Karola and AMEN to that! (the exodus is at full speed)

  89. Thanks, Sam. I love our family!

  90. You’re very welcome. Thanks.

  91. Welcome Kristina.
    Thanks for the story of your travels and adventures through various parts of the CofS. You touched on numerous outpoints . Several were very real to me.
    I would like to comment on two of those.
    “No Aides Order or Flag Bureaux Data Letter or Executive Directive, Directive, or Base Order of any type or kind written or verbal may alter or cancel any Policy Letter or HCOB. These remain senior.
    HCO Policy Letters are senior in Admin. HCO Bullitins are senior to all other orders in Tech.”
    “No Aides Order or other directive or order may abolish a network or org or change the form of an org.”
    “Any practice by which junior issues such as directives abolish networks or make off-policy changes can only result in the destruction of networks, orgs and tech.
    This is therefore a HIGH CRIME policy letter and it is an offense both to follow or obey or issue any verbal or written order or directive which is contrary to or changes or “abolishes” anything set up in HCO Policy Letters or HCOBs….” LRH
    In the USA we have the Constitution as a foundation for the laws. In the CofS it was establihed by LRH that the HCO PLs contain church law.
    HCO Policy Letters are in fact letters. Within those letters one will find the laws.
    One of the laws you will find relates to “bypassing”. It’s a topic LRH wrote at least six Policy Letters and one HCOB about in Jan and Feb 66. (see OEC Vol 0 -Danger condition PLs) .
    What this has to do with Kristina’s story is that nearly every if not every insance of out tech or off policy action can be attributed to David Miscavige bypass of LRH . Bypassing proper command channels within the church destroys it. (see article at scientology-cult by Outside the Box.”New era of Mismanagement”.
    Secondly there is an LRH evaluation done in late 74 which isolated the lack of ARC as a key failure point in his own programs being executed and he ordered PLs to be written and or corrected to remedy this . That data is so poorly known that only by searching the Church computer at ITO in 92 could a copy of that LRH eval be found.. .Only one PL exists today which relates to this (HCO PL 8 Jan 75 “Compliance, How To Get One.)and does not contain the data in full so as to impliment the point properly. Instead what is found in practice on program implimentations are all the exact points which LRH found as failure points in his eval. “HCO PL 26 Jan 69 “Compliance Reports” not written by LRH was one of the PLs to be rewritten.You can find it in your “thoroughly corrected” Miscavige version OEC volume. Just don’t be fooled by the LRH signature as he didn’t write it or approve of it. And while we are at it please do not be fooled by the LRH signature on the “PTS Type A” PL as he didnt write that either..LRH himself said there are 3 types of PTS .!,2 and 3. It is true that there are a-j sources of trouble in a PL written before PTS/SP tech evolved but they are not one in the same so the term PTS type A is someones MU ., not mine.
    Wow did I get carried away.
    Thanks for your story again Kristina. Welcome.

  92. Thanks, Ann Howe. I really get what you said and of course experienced some of the same. Richard and I had an easy out on the reg cycles, though. We would just tell whoever called that we always buy through our SO children (all were in the SO at one time, now only one). The person would get it and hang up. 🙂 Can you imagine the amount of BPC (by-passed charge) that was created on these cycles! Wow, DM missed another money-making activity. He could have demanded that all public get his own homespun version of a rundown to handle all the BPC that the book sales created. Oh, wait. It would have been another sec-check to find out what counter-intentions we all had to his bright ideas.

  93. Thank you. Do we know you? If still under the radar, could you email me to let me know?

  94. Thanks, Lynne. I get what you said about KTL and LOC. Perhaps it is as you say. My understanding per the briefing I read was that it was Super Power that LRH believed would handle the problem. Maybe KTL and LOC were added by DM, I don’t know, but of course that isn’t how it was presented to us on the briefing sheet.

  95. Thanks, Tony. We’re looking into going to the Indie party. I’d love to meet all you guys in person.

  96. Thanks so much, Bryan.

  97. I sat in the audience, once, and considered rushing the stage to state what I thought of DM in the middle of his event. I found that leaving the organization immediately was the better option. I sometimes wonder whether the protest action wouldn’t have been the greater good, but somehow I think it more than likely would have catalyzed his supporters and entrenched things sooner.

    “DM himself is bound to implode under his own weight”, I thought .. “So I will let LRH Justice and Ethics policies, applied by the Church itself, sort out this fellow ..”

    Well, I’m sad to say that was over 2 decades ago. I really thought it would’ve happened sooner, but I think there’s a problem when the Trained Staff Auditors stat crashes so hard, like it did. Any org where the staff aren’t going up the Bridge has been poisoned.

  98. Clearly, CMO Messengers (including David Miscavige) are not and have not been for some time, delivering messages from Hubbard. It was my understanding from reading the policy letter regarding how they are to be interpreted, they were to be treated with such consideration WHILE ON POST IN THE PROCESS OF DELIVERING MESSAGES FROM HUBBARD. (Anyone feel free to correct me if I misunderstood)

    Technically, they have all been off post since Hubbard left them in the desert. That they have managed to get everyone else in the Sea Org to treat them like Hubbard is a con game. I have seen nothing in writing that says these people are to be treated like Hubbard 24 hours a day even if they never met the man. Why would you treat someone like someone they are not? The whole game is very abberated .The only two I knew who were in valence were Tom DeVoght and Ronnie Miscavige. The others were not themselves and they were not Hubbard either, even though staff afforded them that regard. Very abberrated situation. In truth. they were not granted beingness. In turn, they would not grant anyone else beingness.

    That said, welcome to the Independent movement! We are keeping it real over here!

  99. Hi Pat, and thanks. Mary Maren contacted us way back around 1981 to alert us to the situation, but we still had some experiencing to do in the C of S, so didn’t leave at that time. Well done on seeing the situation early on and doing something about it!

  100. Oh, yeah! “Rebels of the Universe”. I like that.

  101. >Wish I knew what the magic command is that “unhypnotizes” the sheeple.

    Here it is: Scientology Works.

  102. Thank you, Roy.

  103. Thanks, Cowboy Poet. And thanks for the aesthetics that you add to this blog.

  104. Thank you, HTF. It’s been an interesting ride.

  105. Ahhh, yes!
    Sometime last September, Richard had a meeting with OSA’s Kathy True. She showed him a copy of our SP declare, which he literally ripped out of her hands. She tried to grab it back and threatened to call the police if he didn’t give it to her. Richard said, “Go for it!” and shoved the declare into his pocket. When he came home and showed me the declare, my good indicators flooded in and I said, “We’re FREE!!!” We both laughed and we’ve been moving up a little higher more and more quickly ever since.

  106. Robert,

    Please feel free to get carried away more often. I blew down reading this.

    I sure hope that all of LRH’s work, including his evals, etc., will be available to us down the road.

  107. Wonderful story.

    Kathy True is a sorry excuse for a human. (She is better known these days by a lot of people in the field as Kathy False).

    Funny, Marty and I saw her at San Antonio airport when I was flying back to Tampa after the hearing in Debbie’s case. She was with Sarah Heller (Legal person in OSA Flag) and Peter Mansell (“CO” OSA Flag). To use an old expression made famous (at least to me) by Earle Cooley — Kathy looked like a sack of shit with a string tied around the middle. Literally she looks like a Babushka that walked off a collective potato farm in East Germany in 1964.

    Marty and I went into Starbucks for a cup of coffee (he was about to drive back to IOB) and the three of them literally scurried out of Starbucks without a coffee and went and stood at the far end of the airport.

    They were on the same flight as me to Tampa via Houston. On the first leg, they waited til the very end to board and Kathy stuck her head around the corner when she got on the plane to spot where I was sitting and then disappeared to tell the other two. She reappeared with the other two right behind her and they then walked down the aisle looking the other direction so they didnt make eye contact. It was pathetic.

    In Houston, they went somewhere else in the airport rather than to the connecting gate as I guess they didnt want me walking over and enturbulating them. Again, their strategy was to board last. 5 minutes before take-off the flight attendant made announcements asking Peter Mansell, Sarah Heller and Kathleen True to identify themselves… they had not boarded the connecting flight and we took off for Tampa without them. I guess they spent the night in the Houston airport (???) Maybe they received secret instructions not to get on the same plane with the SP as it was likely to crash? Maybe they were afraid I might get out of my seat and deprogram them on the plane? Maybe Kathy went and called the police because I stole her mojo? Who knows.

    These “superior beings” are not in good shape (Mansell is a slime-ball, Mrs. False is creepy, Sarah is a decent woman who I have always liked and is simply a drone in the machine).

  108. It’s impossible to say what the effect would have been, especially then. A lot of factors have been involved in getting to this point, though I believe this point to be inevitable.

    It’s like those movies of the valiant attempt of the time traveller to put things right only to make a bigger mess.

    That’s why I have a no regrets policy; I avoid playing what if. What I do I do for what I believe are the right reasons at the time. If it turns out badly then I get back up and carry on armed with the experience; of course if restitution is necessary and I can do that I also do that.

    I said I believed this point inevitable however I’m not psychic. I simply believed Miscavige was on a path that would result in a lot of people leaving. Whether it result in him being deposed or the fall of the church of scientlogy is anyone’s guess.

    The fact you people have escaped the trap and are now hopefully armed with the experience to never fall for similar traps again is awesome; be sure you educate your off spring accordingly. We need free thinkers, people who draw inspiration from many sources but are beholdent to none.

    We also need those who contribute to the pool of ideas such that it can evolve with the human race. Just do it with some humility; while you have had great wins doesn’t mean it’s the only way or the right way for someone else.

    If you ever find yourself in a pulpit preaching to adoring fans who would sacrifice their livelihood and in some cases their lives for you ask yourself, is this perhaps the trap David Miscavige fell in to?

  109. Thank you, Ingrid. Yes, I’ve been very fortunate in that since early childhood, I have known who I am and could discern pretty well when some action would require me to go out of valence.
    A funny story that involves you. OSA’s Kathy True told Richard as he was leaving their meeting, “and we know that Kristina attended the Indies’ party in Texas!” We later found out that our SO son had been shown a picture from the Indies party and he thought you were me! There is a resemblance (I’m part Swedish/Norwegian). I thought it was funny how good OSA is at getting their data (not!).

  110. Kristina,
    You are exactlly the “product” LRH was postulating when he started out so many years ago. I’m so glad you GOT IT! It’s a shame Int Mgt doesn’t.

    Loved your post. You make me smile. 🙂
    Rehabbing failed purposes, and rekindling what Scientology is truly all about.
    Power to you! 🙂

  111. Technically, David Miscavige is not on post in the Sea Org. He is a Board Chairman. An executive with an executive salary. He is not a Sea Org Member by the mere fact that he is not there on the same terms as anyone else and that there is no “Chairman of the Board” hat pack or position in the Sea Org.

    So, aside from the CMO madness, which was never put out there by Hubbard, you have a guy who isn’t even a Sea Org Member on a post in charge of the Sea Org people! As well, he has not paid gift tax ever on all of the gifts given from the Church including lodging, cars, staff, etc. That is straight up tax evasion. So you have this guy up there calling the shots who isn’t even part of the group, supported by a group granting themselves privileges fraudulently (CMO).

    The paperwork around them is murky. CMO demanding they get treated as if they were Hubbard backing a guy not in the Sea Org who insists of being treated like Hubbard also. They are all off hat, no hat pack at all for Miscavige. There is no “Chairman of the Board” hat pack. Not a checksheet either. Just a bunch of people running around doing whatever they feel like doing being whatever they feel like being. There is no valuable final product from all of this. And this is very easy to understand. Some people say, “The admin tech didn’t work!” The Int base is not based admin tech, or any other tech I’ve ever seen.

  112. Thank you Kristina. It is so wonderful to hear from someone with as much experience as yourself.

    All the years that things didn’t seem quite right to me, I was often made wrong for what I thought and for not “getting with the program”. Your write up and those of others who have seen the truth and posted here have been such correct indications!

  113. Independent Scientologist

    Kristina, welcome!

    It’s always great to hear someone’s story about how they woke up to the insanity in the church.

    – Ron Matlock

  114. Thank you, ThetaPotata.
    Yes, I believe so, and I think it started as early as 1981 or ’82 when DM took out so many missions.

  115. Thank you, happybaby89.
    Yes! Management by terror! Where the bullies can thrive.

  116. Thank you, David Miscavige, for setting all the rest free!! Enjoy your MEST.
    And thank you, Random Stranger, for keeping us informed. :))

  117. Laughing my ass off at this story, Mike. One glance from you and they’re a spiritual mess. LOL!

  118. Tony DePhillips

    Awesome! I think you would enjoy it. 🙂

  119. “As well, he has not paid gift tax ever on all of the gifts given from the Church including lodging, cars, staff, etc. That is straight up tax evasion.

    Hush now! That’s how they got Al Capone. Of course the Mafia wasn’t a religion so he didn’t have “ecclesiastical protection”.

    We also all know that the acquisition of masses of MEST by the senior figure in the church of scientology is a duty borne by him like Jesus bore the cross. Brings tears to my eyes.

    Besides Miscavige only owns two sets of clothing the rest is ecclesiastical uniform he has to wear on ecclesiastical duties which is basically 24/7.

    Also since he works 24/7 for the church of scientology all his travel is related to church matters so not a tax issue; honestly he’d rather stay home and drink tap water – the Scotch he drinks instead is an ecclesiastical necessity too; helps inspire him.

    His food is an ecclesiastical necessity too. He’d much rather eat grits and refried beans but the church of scientology imposes a gourmet standard on a person of his rank.

    The plane rides with John Travolta were all ecclesiastical and he had to have a custom bike made to deliver ecclesiastical services to Tom Cruise.

    Let it be known that David Miscavige barely makes enough to feed, cloth and shelter himself but he would manage were it not for the demands of his ecclesiastical position. Did I mention Freedom of religion? Yeah, courts mustn’t interfer in anything where the word ecclesiastical is used.

    ” capone, of course he didn’t have “ecclesiastical protection” (if only the mafia had been a religion…

  120. SPs’R’Us at your service….

  121. DM did birth the Squirrel Busters and all of the begging crews. They don’t have hat packs either. There is no hat pack for begging for donations or harassing people from the curb, did you notice? None of these people have hat packs or check sheets yet they consider themselves “on staff” in some capacity. It is very easy to figure out what is NOT of Hubbard and Scientology. There is no hat pack or check sheet or reference about the activity or position. How these people squeeze themselves into the Scientology arena as fixtures is just carnival savvy.

  122. Alex,
    More truth be told.
    I liked your comment.
    Thank you!

  123. Religions = fossilised philosophies

    The problem began when the product of L Ron Hubbard’s philosophising became a religion with blind followers.

    Philosophies are dynamic and individual. When we read the works of a philosopher we take inspiration. When we believe a religion we take instruction and blindly follow it; although some kid themselves they question it they trust that an answer will be provided that will make the doctrine right (faith) rather than say hang on that’s not right. You don’t hear of the church of Plato or Socrates.

    I believe L Ron Hubbard really did want to help people. I believe he was a philosopher. Where I believe he really slipped up was believing he was providing a road map with directions (instructions) rather than inspiration.

    By taking what L Ron Hubbard wrote and putting your own interpretation on it as well as freeing yourself to the acceptance that it’s not rigid divine law and that there are other answers equally as valid or better you are treating it like the works of great philosophers were intended to be treated. I believe this does it and him greater justice than the church of scientology does by using it as a tool of abuse.

  124. + one quadrillion.

  125. Kristina,
    I am so very happy to read your story. Please write more sometime. I am a public person and have heard some of these stories. It’s good that you have spoken out, as it will help many. The church needs to make some changes soon or it will no longer exist as such. Thanks goodness the real tech is available outside of the church. It is an interesting subject for a lot of us folks, so please keep us informed and know that you are appreciated.

  126. Holy Moley! The Basics Rundown(TM)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got to be good for a few hundred Million.

    (This is a marketing note to the lunatic Pope.)

  127. Hear! Hear!

  128. Actually, what is really funny is I have never been to an Indie party-who is this Person in the picture???

  129. Sorry for typos and bad grammar. I learned English as an adult. If you think they are bad you should her my accent.

  130. I mean hear. I did it again!

  131. At least they can come up to fear!

  132. Apologies for the random replies here I have just minutes of breaks in what I am doing. Dean Fox I agree with you 100%. I actually like to think of LRH as the greatest social scientist.

  133. There is another factor. Religions down through the ages have been, at times, tools of suppression. Thus there is “bank” on the subject (as well as others, of course) which can be restimulated. LRH says somewhere (I am not very good at remembering where his statements are) that the suppressive’s only power is the power to restimulate (paraphrased). Thus we have the C of S run by a suppressive who restimulates. Untrained, unaudited (or misaudited) staff and public are very much subject to this, and so we have people who act like nut cases. Thus you get the exec who claims that ARC just gets in the way of production when LRH said that the lack of it was preventing production (see Robert Earle’s post).And thus you get “Squirrel Busters” who tape cameras to their heads.

    L. Ron Hubbard’s work was hijacked by David Miscavige. That’s the long and the short of it.

  134. Hi Kristina – Thank you for a wonderful write-up of your life and times in RS and well done on extricating yourself from that suppressive group. Your description of what really goes on in the Sea Org was also very illuminating.

  135. KRoyce-

    you said ” She tried to grab it back and threatened to call the police if he didn’t give it to her”

    Ok, lets think about this. She has to call the police? Wow, what OT abilities. Wow what communication abilities. Wow, want a joke. Wow, she has to call the POLICE, give me a break, this is weird when you think about it. When you think about how long you have been in Scientology and you think about all the money you have given, and instanty you are an SP.

    It is truly unbelievable. That is our Church of Scientology, unbelievable, doesn’t even do what it is supposed to do.

    Thank you Royce’s for communicating. You have thus put truth on the line and you have created reality or agreement. And thus you have friends.

  136. The Oracle,

    You nailed it with, to paraphrase, ‘where are the Squirrel Buster hat packs’.


    Just pure POB dramatizations. Utterly astounding that people still look up to DM, the consummate squirrel!

  137. Lynne, I completely agree. I’m sorry for all the people who did these courses, great though they may have been, and any LRH is better than no LRH, so there’s always wins to be had. But I refused to do these courses because they seemed like massive and expensive vias. I couldn’t believe that you’d want to do these rather than become an auditor. There’s nothing wrong with the old Grade Chart – audit one side, train the other. Beyond that, any extras Ron devised, such as Super Power for staff, or the L’s, were a bonus. Everything else is an aberration.
    Failing to Clear the panet must be so demoralising for the dedicated staff and public left in that pitful organisation.

  138. Random Stranger

    I just report the news as I receive it.

  139. Alright would the real Kristina Royce please stand up.

  140. I like this:

    We had to remain “fabian,” the Commodore has said, referring to the Roman general Fabius Maximus, who advocated victory by delay and harassment rather than by a decisive battle.

    So how can one use this against the church?

  141. One day I may wish to visit a friend.

  142. OMG!! Yes, who IS this mystery person. I had my son look at a picture of you on the internet and he said, yes, he confused me with you! Can’t wait to find out who we Both look like.

  143. All you Swedes look alike anyway. And you talk funny. :>)

  144. Thanks, Ron. I have been reading Steve’s articles from the start and very much appreciate what he has been writing.
    That’s amazing. It seems like yesterday when I read their coming out stories. And good news that they are doing so well. No surprise there!

  145. Let’s see here. When you are a wog, entheta doesn’t matter that much. You just go or say to yourself those damn politics are always screwing things up. But under Scientology, why entheta makes you PTS and you must conform to our rules, you must not read that stuff, it is forbidden. Never mind your case level, OT100, you can get screwed up. How’s that for OT? Under david?

  146. Thank you Michael. And thank you for your contributions as well.

  147. Your welcome, Valkov.

  148. Thank you, Axiom 142.

  149. Thanks, concerned. It’s fun being brave!

  150. Thanks, Tom G. I was at the FRO from December 1989 until March 1990 when we were sent to the ship. I must have met you. What post were you holding?

  151. You’re welcome, Sinar. And thank you for your posts as well.

  152. Your humble servant


    There will be more. Apparently, it is a slow process, but it has been accelerating! I think the flow of new people willing to sign up for the programs the official C of S is offering has all but stopped. Staff are probably receiving more and more resistance and backflash when trying to interest new people in Scientology programs and courses! Some of this backflash may even be educational for them. As the “basics” program grinds on with everyone expected to complete all of the basics almost as a first step, and with very few people completing it within a year’s time, the machinery of orgs has to be freezing up. This is not a pretty situation. Most org staff will not leave but will finish their 3 to 5 year contracts, I feel. It will be an incredible, uphill effort to get them to re-sign for another hitch. The no pay/low pay situation is a continuing obstacle. Lack of respect for the staff member as an individual is another. Broken promises to the staff member is another. Suppression from upper management is another.

    From my perspective, letting a new person know about the wonders and miracles of Scientology is the greatest thing in the world. Unfortunately, today encouraging a person to get connected up with the official C of S in order to experience Scientology is putting that person in great personal danger. I believe that people are increasingly realizing this even within the official C of S.

  153. Thanks, Yvonne. I look forward to meeting you, too. If I lived closer, I would have been right there in the courtroom with you during Debbie’s hearing. Thank you for being there!

  154. Thanks, Maurizio. I would love to have a nice chat with you, too. Meanwhile, feel free to email me or call me at 360-775-8224.

  155. Off topic — A blind item regarding a celebrity leaving Scientology (?) was just posted on CD&N, which is usually very reliable:

    Escaping Your Church
    This once upon a time almost B+ list female singer is now more famous for being famous. Hey, at least it keeps her wealthy. She is also known for being a devout member of this church. She recently left it though after she suffered a nervous breakdown and went on an alcohol binge that would make Arthur proud. She went to rehab and while in rehab began seeing a psychiatrist. Uh oh. She also left her church which is never a good thing. However, if you are wealthier it is easier to avoid them. They knock at her door every day and dig through her trash, but she just hires more and more security to keep them all away and stays locked inside her house. It’s a stand off. Oh, the tales she will be able to tell. But what about her kids? Her other relatives who are also in the church?

    Some are speculating that it’s Lisa Marie Presley

  156. Thank you, Cindy. And I agree with what you said: “It seems to me that anyone even remotely willing to look would begin to see what is being done and especially WHO is doing it.” At least it looks like many more are doing so lately.

  157. Thanks, but those are tax lien documents. I see that one lien was released in 2005 with an unpaid balance of over 2 million. This doesn’t mention anything about bankruptcy, and a bankruptcy doesn’t wipe out a tax lien. Sounds like he paid some of it and got the lien released, perhaps via an offer-in-compromise.

    The other document shows that when Matt and Kathy Feshbach sold their house In Florida in 2008 that the equity when to the IRS. This document just indicates that the lien is no longer attached to that specific piece of property. It looks like these are two separate tax liens; one recorded in 2001 and another recorded in 2003.

    Either way, one could surmise that Matt Feshbach is financially not doing well, especially since he had to shut down his business in 2007. No idea what he’s doing these days, but he’s probably not the “poster boy” for the Superpower project. I bet he wishes he had some of that money back that he put into the IAS and Superpower and Idle Morgues. I bet he wishes he was making the kind of money like he did back in the good ole days of short selling.

  158. Wow, thank you Robert. You wrote: “Secondly there is an LRH evaluation done in late 74 which isolated the lack of ARC as a key failure point in his own programs being executed and he ordered PLs to be written and or corrected to remedy this .” and the rest is great data to have. Thanks for getting carried away! This info helps to connect the dots even more.

  159. Thanks, Oracle. And thanks for all your contributions to this blog.

  160. Thank you so much, Bozz. How validating 🙂

  161. Thanks Kristina,
    The Church has been broken for some time.

  162. Thanks, Simple. This is the right place to be to find those correct connections, for sure.

  163. Thanks, I S.

  164. Thank you, Lizabeth. That’s good to know.

  165. You’re welcome and Thank you.

  166. Some of the older Independent Scientologists don’t like the term “Freezone” either, because it came from Capt. Bill Robertson and his Sector Nine Galactic Patrol nonsense. Specifically, from an issue he put out which he claimed was telepathically communicated to him from “Elron Elray” – supposedly the “real name” of the thetan whom we all knew as L. Ron Hubbard whom CBR claimed had left his Earth body and returned to his real body on a spaceship. The issue in question supposedly declared Earth to be a “Free Zone” off-limits to interference from anyone in the Galactic Confederacy.

    The only problem with this issue is that it was put out in 1983, when Ron Hubbard was still very much alive and well at Creston Ranch. So, the term “Freezone” originates from the false claim of CBR speaking for Ron Hubbard. As such, it cannot represent anything but squirreling to those who know how it came about, I’m sorry.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  167. Karen,
    I’m sorry about yours kids, but I commend your dedication to truth. I wish I had been next to you at that basics event because as people cheered at being covertly and overtly invalidated, my tone level sank and my body got cold. I felt very alone and almost thought, ‘it must be me”, but I didn’t hold that thought as I knew better.

    Question: Do you know when the 6 months checks started? Does any one? I knew OT”s in the early 70’s but I don’t remember if they had to do the checks or not. I would love to know when exactly they were instituted. I know that was one of Mayo’s upsets.

  168. As an outsider, who has been and continues to question the sanity and overall competence of people currently in the Corporate Scientology cult–i keep asking myself: How do these overall GOOD people, continue in this madhouse with a cult leader at the helm?

    I have not answered that question for myself.


    PEople like Kristina Royce and many others, DO validate my thought that there ARE really decent people working for the worlds greater food and asking nothing in return except for respect and honesty.

    Scientologists are (generally) like ANY microcosm of Society and truly are filled with very honorable and decent people.

    Godspeed, Kristina and the many others who wish to be freed from the Current Corporate Cult of $cientology and its Bat shit crazy leader
    David Mismanage.

    If there is anything a peon like me in OKC can do for any of you good people, just drop me a line here or at

    Cheers and Beers,
    Friends and Neighbors

  169. Another bright light: Thanks for your write-up Kristina – very enlightening. Hope to meet in person one day!

  170. Great write-up. I admire your idealism and perseverance. Impressive.
    But I think we should be a little more fair to DM. He is very on-purpose. His purpose is to make money and he has done a splendid job. So let’s give him a break and congratulate him.
    Yeah! Way to go Big Guy or is it Little Guy. Anyway, size doesn’t matter. He’s gotten the job done!!!
    Of course it is a different goal and purpose than the one we signed up for. I think that’s called Bait and Switch. Now, that’s NOT so cool.

  171. Mr. Rinder, you say >Wish I knew what the magic command is that “unhypnotizes” the sheeple. In my view that you are doing the correct actions to achieve this.

  172. I would love to run out the group engram with all of you of first time, first moment of encountering a CMO and RTC staff who trashed the power of org HCO’s and Quals. Remember that? There is, as you know, a PL of that very name where Ron covered how SP’s would attack the power of these org divisions first. For myself, I went blind in that exact moment when rationalizing it. Yet as a long-term staff member, can now see that it was the very moment where I caved on the, Hidden Data Line. HCO’s and Quals were eviscerated right there, right then, by the management powers who were supposed to support them. You know, absolutely know, this was NOT LRH as it went 100% against his earlier policies.

  173. Pat Krenik, are you the same posting in the blog of Isene?

  174. HaHa ROTFL!!

  175. Yes, Robert, excellent work, thanks.
    It’s notable that the Ethics Handbooks don’t provide the LRH source references. The current 2007 Handbook has a whole chapter, ‘Outline of Full PTS Handling,’ pg 211, which is patently not by LRH.

  176. LMAO Mike you are so funny!
    (Totally irrational to be terrorized by such a funny guy like you!)

  177. Kristina, That is bang on.

    Your noted outpoints of The Basics Event are one for one what I noticed.

    It was disturbing that an auditorium of people was applauding at being invalidated, and cheering at invalidation of LRH books. Since my wins had been consistently beyond spectacular with those books and that tech, I was amazed no one said anything about the posturing of condescension.

    It took some unraveling to determine what was off the rails. This has been a dreadful but empowering exercise in confront, data series, and integrity over these years.

  178. Hello Kristina,

    What a wonderful summary. I applaud you for your thoroughness of reason.

    I, myself, spent 2 years after I was falsely declared, doing an eval on what I had witnessed within the “Church”. (NB: I say “Church” because what is being done now within the “Church” doesn’t even resemble actual Scientology (the religious practice) any more – as written by LRH…and I object to anyone characterizing ANYTHING that the “Church” is doing as Scientology. It isn’t Scientology and therein lies the fraud.)

    As part of the eval, I compiled a list of outpoints I had personally witnessed…or rarely that had been reliably witnessed by another and told to me. When I was done…the list was FORTY pages long, typewritten, single-spaced, 10-point type. FORTY PAGES LONG.

    The obvious conclusion I came to after doing the eval was that this “group” was not the group I had signed up with. They had morphed into a suppressive group, antipathetic to the original goals and purposes set by LRH for this group, and in truth were hell bent on achieving the opposite.

    The thing that made it so tough to accept at first was the sheer magnitude of the number of outpoints…and the insidiousness with which the ethics, tech, and policy had been altered. But in doing the eval…the actual magnitude of what was going on became evident. (I strongly recommend any who wish to, to do the same…it is quite revealing.)

    But the most glaring outpoint of all, given my relationship with the Old Man, was the abandonment of ARC by the management of the group, to be replaced with force.

    The exact reference in which LRH describes the total folly of such an action is Tape #29 of the First Postulate Tapes, entitled ARC. In this reference, he lays out why anyone would even consider trying to abandon ARC in the first place…and whether they would ever be effective in doing so. (The answer was clearly, no.)

    Starting around 1975 or so (from my investigation)…and reaching “perfection” under Miscavige…compliance to orders had now become senior to ARC…and that is the basis of a fascism, not an applied religious philosophy created to assist mankind to better themselves and the world around them.

    Once I understood what was really going on, and how the “Church” had morphed into a suppressive group by following the warped and aberrated goals of its “fearless leader”…I walked away and never looked back.

    Scientology worked and still works for me…but the basis of Scientology is ARC. LRH said to my face, once…”Without ARC, none of our other tech will work.” If one listens to the above tape…one will see what he was referring to and why.

    If one only used ARC (or the lack thereof) to differentiate real Scientology from Miscavigology (or any other perverted application of real Scientology)…one would not be wrong in doing so and it would be effective.

    And since ARC will resolve all problems everywhere, it is inherent in us as Scientologists to use ARC to understand and resolve the problems we are faced with here: a hostile (albeit covert) takeover of the Church by forces suppressive to the aims of Scientology and to LRH. Cleverly done, I must admit…took me 30 years to really confront it and realize what had happened. But like all hostile takeovers…since the ARC is missing, it will fail…eventually.


  179. INDIES PARTY??!! Where?? When?? I’m THERE!!

  180. +1

    This is HUGE.

  181. For info to you Kristina as well as others the LRH issue I refered to is Aides Order 483-21, 25nov 74, “LRH Compliances” signed LRH. I received a copy of it from the LRHComm ASHOFdn in 88 to go in my LRHComm full hat. It descibes in detail the correct way to impliment an LRH program.It is 180% opposite of how RTC programs are run. My efforts to get this point accross to RTC in the 90’s numerous times as well as numerous reports to RTC to get the ISE book corrected for false data on PTSness other reports on offsource pay directives,offsource staff schedule directives and my refusal to accept off line orders eventually got me declared . I had already completed my contract four months before getting declared.

  182. Kristina, thank you for your care and all the work you have delivered to help. Thank you for your write-up.
    Concerning, “ARC is not used in the SO, because you would never get anything done”, I would like to quote “Diagnosis and Repair of Groups from January 1951.
    A few days ago I had quoted the first sentence of it: “Group repair is actually a study of the Tone Scale and mental equipment of the leader a group..”
    After reading your write-up I feel that the very next sentences fit to give the true LRH-data on this point of “no use of ARC”:
    “A group is no more ethical than its system of ethics. Ethics are a direct measure of a position on the Tone Scale. A system for measuring the ethic of any individual or group could be devised from tests measuring the communication, affinity and reality factors of the individual. Likewise a system of measuring the ethic of a group could be devised from a study of its communication, affinity and reality factors.”
    Thanks again. Please continue.

  183. MR, I recall having a chat with Kathy True at Flag in 2006 while she was informing me quite loudly of how my mother (retired 83 year old university graduate studies counselor, who also has a Psych PHD) was “THE ENEMY!!!” (her educational credential apparently the reason) all the while her eyes seemed to be rolling around in her head whilst yelling only 3 feet from me. This was my only face to face with her but afterwards I was quite certain she was insane and could not reckon the fact she was on 7 at the time. So glad to be out of that mess and not be in the position of having to justify or explain away that level of crazy anymore.

    Kristina, THANK YOU for your write up and welcome!

  184. truly fascinating!

  185. As an additional point regarding the LRH Aides Order which I’m sure any of you who have ever been in the position of needing to do a target on a program will be interested to know. A person who is assigned a target is only required to do the target and send a scrap of paper to the person running the program saying the target is done.LRH had found that all this business of the target doer doing some kind of evidence CSW was dev-t and often took more time than the target and thus destroyed the objective of improving production. It is the person running the program who is responsible for verifying the target. (see HCO PL “Compliance, How to get one.”). Additionally those running programs should not interupt staff who are on post producing with demands about targets, do it during slack times. and do it with ARC not just demand the target. I hope this gives you a better view of what LRH wanted and gives you something to compare what you have seen or experienced to.
    Standard Admin does include using Scientology basics.

  186. Thank you Kristina for your intelligent, caring and insightful write-up. I found it both perceptive and validating.

    I well remember the release of the basics. I was completely disgusted and offended by the destructive and vicious assertion that LRH was so negligent and so utterly incompetent that he would have had all of us study books for over 30 years that were seriously flawed and out-tech. That the book Notes on the Lectures, that per LRH HCOB was to be starrated and M9ed wasn`t even republished. I was shocked and dismayed when I learned that there was an actual old book burning staged at one of the orgs. From that point on, I did not trust DM or any of his people. And then being told that I was REQUIRED to throw out my old books and buy an entire new set. I was further shocked and offended when I was called 15 to 30 times a day by staff from many different orgs and posts and hounded to buy the basics set. I was told that it didn`t matter that I had studied ALL of the materials they were trying to sell me, twice through as a fast flow student — that since I had not studied the new books, I was out-tech and mis-trained and needed to start over again to get the correct tech. I was threatened, had KRs written on me and told I would be declared suppressive if I did not comply with “command intention.“ The final straw was have CMO Int (CMO Int selling books!!!!) show up on my doorstep late one evening demanding to be let into my home and refusing to leave. The only reason they left was because a very large male friend of mine stopped by and demanded to know if there was a problem. Over a three month period there were hundreds of messages on my business phone, my cell phone and my home phone, calling from different numbers to hide who they were and making it impossible for me to work during the day. It was not considered relevant that I had just paid over $30K on my bridge and had no FP for this purchase. I was told I was a pathetic excuse for an OT and out-ethics to boot and since I didn`t have the money on demand, then obviously I had out-tech, no doubt from the out-tech books I had studied and I needed to get my tech in. I finally changed my phone number and I moved. Believe me, I did not give anyone in the Church my new information. I have never stepped foot in an org since.

    This was on the heels of an IAS event where we were asked what our IAS level was when we arrived and given a tag that we were supposed to wear. The purpose of the tag was to make it possible for the staff there to focus on those who needed to “upgrade“ their membership. We wanted to leave the event early, because it was clear to us that it was going to be crush regging at the end of the event, but the doors were blocked by SO members, clearly there to stop people from leaving early. The event itself was another bombastic fanfare of audio-visual lunacy, full of generalities and claims that could easily be seen to be untrue such as the orgs are doing wonderfully (yet I had just been to one and it was EMPTY.) At the end of the event, we pushed our way out, finally getting out by telling the staff that we had a friend who was an IAS reg that we had promised the commission to. It was the last event I ever went to.

    Like you Kristina, I could practically write a book on what I observed over the years as the descent into squirrel actions took place, since my involvement is several decades.

    My deepest sorrow was understanding that I could not safely send anyone in to the Church for auditing. Not without opening them up to the destruction of their dynamics and squirreled tech and admin. It was probably the most horrible and saddest day of my entire life when I fully comprehended that. And then getting on the Internet and understanding that even sending people to independents still opened them and me up to ongoing harassment, including disconnection. I have been working to get the last of my loved ones out of the Church. Just a few more to go and they and I am finally free from the insanity. You see, I was a great FSM, very trusted, the person who brought them in, (lots of them) and I had to find a way to get them back out — very difficult to do given the current management`s obsession with disconnection. I never thought I would deeply regret the work I was once so proud of, but my God, there it is. And I truly wish it were not so.

    So thank you for your honesty and for bringing the information you have to light. It helps, it truly does. And to those of you who are trying to find good ways, beneficial ways, to continue to be able to offer people auditing in a safe and sane environment, thank so much.

  187. I thought of another one: “This is the Session.”

    Oh, one more: “What are the Stats?”

  188. Kristina,
    Thank you for this right up which resonated with me on so many levels.
    I actually walked out of the Basics Event. I gagged. It was beyond what I could stomach.
    “born the wrong side of the gene pool” is how Miscavige humiliated the earlier staff/transciptionists that helped on the books.
    The Lie was that all the earlier generations of auditors before Miscavology delivered services that had very few complaints, few refunds,
    and were anything BUT “the blind leading the blind.”

    Anyway, you did a fabulous write up. Congratulations and high fives !

  189. When I analyse the examples of religions through out the ages to today I cannot find an example where a religion has not been used by a church to in some way suppress people; by their nature they impose dogma.

  190. VWD! By your action your kids have been put on their first baby steps on their road out as well. Keep it up OSA!

  191. Sorry to go on and on but in all fairness it should be noted that the advice of LRH did not go unhandled back in 74 as the “Compliance Reports” PL which was a Board Policy Letter(not HCO PL) was revised on 12 Dec 74 as was BPL “LRHComm stat”. However in the OEC volumes it remained in it’s original form. With mass cancelation of BPLs in the early 80s and in the redo of the OEC volumes(early 90s) it was reissued with an LRH signature(3aug90) thus effectively undoing the orginal LRH handling.

  192. Joe Feshbach, twin brother of Matt Feshback died (dropped dead) August 12, 2011 . He was an OT VIII.

    Joe Feshbach’s Death Certificate states:
    Cause of Death: PROBABLE CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA due to ( or as a consequence of) HYPERTENSION – Other Significant Conditions Contributing to Death but not resulting in the underlying cause given above: GOUT and HYPERGLYCEMIA.
    What this means is that Joe Feshbach had an untreated Cardiac Arrhythmia and untreated hypertension as well as probable undiagnosed and untreated high blood sugar / Diabetes, along with Gout. Joe died while riding his bicycle. He was 58 years old. It is unknown whether he received Super Power.
    Matt Feshbach, along with his wife Kathleen have IRS liens on all their homes due to a large unpaid IRS tax debt from 2001. In 2008 this IRS Lien on their main home in Clearwater was discharged after they paid a good part of the proceeds to the IRS from the sale, leaving an IRS Lien balance of $ 3,568,951.90 down from $4,254,558.90 as of June 2008.
    Matt Feshback went into a FREE FALL financially after Super Power.
    There is much more about him on his Linked in page.

    Both of these large debts seem to be a problem inconceivable for one who has supposedly gained Super Power abilities.
    According to a Tampa Bay St Petersburg Times article “Scientology nearly ready to unveil Super Power” May 6, 2006
    [..] “Matt Feshbach believes he has super powers. He senses danger faster than most people. He appreciates beauty more deeply than he used to. He says he outperforms his peers in the money management industry.

    It has been noted on this blog that David Miscavige used Matt Feshback to personally make him money by giving Feshback $$$$ to invest for Miscavige’s personal wealth and net worth. This same action done by another Sea Org member would result in the RPF’s RPF or worse.

    One twin brother dead, one with enormous financial loss and ruin, but the “CHURCH ” has MILLIONs in their donations.

  193. Hi Kristina,

    Thank you for adding your voice to and corroborating the observations of other trained OTs on this site who have been on the “inside” .

    Your postings and the postings of others here really fill in the blanks for those of us who have been on the “outside” wondering what the heck has been going on or knowing what has probably been going on for many years with no verification.

    So, I’m just going to take out my giant rubber stamp and stamp “The ‘Why’ for the outpoint of no KTL, LOC, or Superpower in orgs is out-tech, mismanagement, and Miscavige’s evil intentions.” … VERIFIED! Thank you!

  194. People, mentioning the IRS and David Miscavige in the same post is a violation of the seperation of church and state clause of the US constitution. As such it is a crime and you could face a substantial fine, lengthy jail sentence or in Texas the death penalty. Please refrain from such criminal activity.

  195. “The only answer I know is to shatter the suppression — expose the truth and get rid of the chief hypnotist and hope that by doing so those under the hypnotic commands will wake up.”

    My thoughts Ditto Mr R., The problem all have different trauma incidents that have been used to put them in mental loops.
    If theor actions are recorded and played back to them they don’t believe it
    a ‘HAPPY POINT'(memory) in their lives seems to be used as a lure when stressed or depressed(a very common state under DM!!) acts as a trigger to re enter a hypnotic state that soon turns into a nightmare when they arrive, a perfect electric indident.

    Love and understanding is still the best cure

  196. “No, you are not stupid.”

    When I heard him say that I thought, I must be. And then I proved that I was by buying the whole set and recycling my old books. So he was right, but he was wrong. I want nothing more to do with this cult. Whatever it was conceived to be as a group with an aim is long gone. It is a cult that needs to be examined by the authorities for its crimes and abuses. There is no disrespect to the stated intentions of L. Ron Hubbard in this. It is a worthwhile pursuit, perverted and inverted in this organization. How to get dumber.

  197. Mike Hobson – Didn’t know that. IFA has a very decent website with links to auditors. FZ is used there not in the specific sense you state. I really don’t think it’s beneficial to draw lines between Scns who wish to practice Scientology, or to make insinuations and aspercions. One either wishes to practice Scn or not. Sorry.

  198. You are not the only one who has chosen to fight outside the Co$. There have been, apparently, several little squabbles. Really makes one wonder if we’re set to start out on a dwindling spiral all over again because we can’t handle our sense of rightness or whatever it is, or would rather focus on our differences and identities rather than on our similarities.

  199. Thanks Kristina for the story. I want to emphasis on “inspection before the fact”. The whole concept of “Eligibility” is in complete opposition to it. First issue of “OT Eligibility” is from march 1982. It was signed by LRH assisted by snr cs int. Which means apparently it was written by David Mayo. On instruction of LRH or anyone else?
    Anyway it’s false in contradiction with a much senior datum on “inspection before the fact”.
    The idea of OT eligibility seems to be a “bright” political idea to forward an unknown agenda. An arbitrary which was a solution to a problem.
    In fact, from 1968 till 1982 there was no eligibility, and it was the greatest expansion in the history of Scientology.

    Re the technical degrade of the original OT levels, same business of alter is. What a weird idea to call the OT DRD “New OTIV” and Not’s “New OTV” and son on, and to garbage OT levels handwritten by LRH with the ability to operate exterior. And, frankly, many of you will find it’s too much, but I wonder if “From Clear to Eternity” was really authored by LRH. It’s threatening people of oblivion if they don’t go up the bridge (not the tone level of LRH), this idea of Eternity is not in anything LRH ever said previously (look like a control factor to keep customer into the church). And this story of pre ot levels and real OT levels, more like a marketing idea than a technical concept.
    What about the eternity of those who did OTVIII on the first maiden voyage, how many will do OT9? Probably the half of them are either blow or dead. And still no OT 9 in sight. I wonder if those upper OT level ever existed. If it’s not a marketing invention of Miscavige and Broeker at that time to keep the customers in the shop. Otherwise, isn’t it SP to let all this OTVIII becoming “past life OTVIII” before they can get the upper bridge?
    Miscavige is a little bully, and Broeker, I thought when I discovered him on the “event” of the death of Ron, was looking to me like a sort of actor. A big show for idiots. They really thought scientologists were gullible people, which they were. Too bad…
    Anyway there is even many more outpoints and the eval has not been done.

  200. Gees … now we’ve got Spys’R’Us v. SPs’R’Us. (Hillarious write up – one of the best reporting jobs I’ve read – better than Tony O.)

  201. What a heck of a write-up that was Kristina!

    Welcome to this community!

    If one were to trace back the origins of many rundowns and services one will find out that LRH developed them specifically for staff, and there are tons of correspondence and technical hand-written notes by LRH to confirm this but they are not available in what’s publicly issued.

    The L Rundowns were developed for the staff aboard the Apollo.

    In the mid 70’s after LRH had thoroughly examined the change in the society, especially the decline in education compared to the pre-50’s era as well as the drug culture that sprung up in the 60’s and continued on, LRH had trouble with new staff members as far as their ability to duplicate and perform. Out of this developed the Purification and TR’s and objectives to specifically handle the effects of the new drug culture.

    However, the Key To Life course was developed to undercut the lack of proper education in the English language as people at large were not able to conceptionally grasp even the simplest of English words.

    The basic outline for KTL was laid out by LRH and then compiled by others, mainly Sue Koon. LRH wrote an Int Base-only ED which mandated that all Cine personnel get through KTL and the Art Course as prerequisites for being posted in Cine (i.e. ALL personnel technically involved in producing films and audio/visual products.) It was specifically intended for staff.

    I was a foreigner with a limited English school education and poor at that. I did the Key To Life course in 1992 followed by extensive M1 later and I can truly said that I recovered my past English education (from very far back) and today I not only think conceptionally but I’m more “native” in English than my mother tongue.

    It was a brilliant strategy by LRH because he had lots of problems with Cine crew from 1976 – 1981 not duplicating the most basic technical write-ups on how to do various aspects of film making. With the new line-up of the Art Course and KTL and the specific LRH issues on film making. new crew could be and WERE trained to be able to perform, from scratch.

    As an example, during LRH’s time there was only one person (outside of LRH himself) he recognized as truly being able to mix sound. The subject of audio mixing was a very sour subject and LRH usually ended up having to do it himself. One other person showed good promise but he had some issues in other areas. To help that person out, LRH developed the False Purpose Rundown specifically to aid this promising staff member.

    After the tech was available to staff several new guys, including myself, were able to be trained as mixers and actually perform to LRH’s standard and beyond.

    Huge numbers of people had great wins in doing the Key To Life course but somewhere along the line David Miscavige suddenly considered the KTL course as issued to be a squirrel compilation by Sue Koon. I don’t have all the specifics on what happened but the course just got dropped from delivery – first at the Int Base and then internationally. That was over 10 years ago and no new course has come forth to replace the old one.

    You’re also right that Super Power was indeed developed for staff, to ensure the staff had the best possible potentials to be effective on post, as then they would have the maximum effect on the public and the society.

    The Super Power rundowns were being piloted at least in the early 90’s at the Int Base and maybe even before. About 5-10 different staff members received at least some if not all the rundowns. The perception rundown was made to work with whatever they had in hand but as the majority of actual technical auditing were Grades-level processes there was no lack of skill to be able to pilot these rundowns. This was way before Matt did his pilot.

    Many have seen the slogan (paraphrased) “Super Power puts world clearing into reality” but what people don’t see on that same piece of promo is how the strategy was to first give it to staff and then government officials and then the public.

    The fact is that there are so many strategies for staff – all of which are not implemented and it actually occurred to me in reading your write-up that David Miscavige started using “RTC Reps” to personally bypass every aspects and echelon of Scientology. He always treated almost everyone at the Int Base like they were scum, SPs or DBs and that base has been in chronic Treason to David Miscavige (in his mind) since the late 90’s (which he used as a perfect justifier as to why he could perpetually bypass all over the org – because they weren’t even up to Danger) and this contempt of other staff which went along with comments that no hatting, training or auditing can work when “ethics is out” got exported to all other SO orgs with RTC basically running the show and org form became a distant facsimile of the past.

    Since 2007 an RTC Rep was personally running the Basic Sales at the FSO and I’m pretty sure the same was the case in all other SO orgs. An RTC Rep was giving the quotas and policing that people got ripped off post to go to the call-in center to sell – personally – and then policed that people didn’t go home until they met their quota.

    If that isn’t as far fetched from ensuring there is proper ethics, teach and admin within Scientology I don’t know what is – unless of course all SO members were in Treason to David Miscavige and he had to personally or through his Reps ensure even the most menial task got done – that is menial tasks having to do with making money for David Miscavige, i.e. Basics Sales or IAS fundraising or Ideal Org buildings or 6-months sec checks, which by the way are ONLY done as a means to ensure people don’t go disaffected, i.e. get connected with the wrong person or starts reading the internet, while making some additional good bucks while they are at it…

    Even now as I’m writing this and with your write-up in mind I’m realizing more and more how David Miscavige has undermined Scientology staff – he is intentionally ensuring that staff don’t get more competent or get better potential, all while making them wrong at every opportunity. I believe I can find at least a hundred policy letters where LRH writes the importance of hatting and training and processing staff. No wonder there are no technical SO people left at Golden Era outside of helpers, and even if they have the potential they are ordered not to produce because David Miscavige rather hires professionals to do all the technical jobs – ALL posts in EVERY technical area of Gold – while posting department and divisional heads that love to suck up to those professionals, especially as they get to eat the left-over VIP snacks…

    Oops getting on a roll… Anyway Kristina – great write-up and thank you for speaking out. The various views and angels of what’s going on is slowly congealing the full picture for what it really is – corruption of LRH tech and his intentions and hopefully if enough of us speak out the message will reach the inside as well!

  202. For me Pat Broeker looked rather PTS. As forced to lie. Forced to maintain an agenda with which he did not agree. He was unnaturally nervous, almost paranoid.

  203. Dear Kristin,
    thank you very much for your write-up.

    This is very revealing.

  204. LOL, so much for church of scientology being at cause.

  205. Spy v. Spy (music)

    I couldn’t make out the words (they talk funny) but I think it’s something about ‘reality is clarity of mind’.

  206. YHS…. Wow. Exactly. Bam!
    Very true and very inspirational.
    Thank you so much

  207. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    “If it isn´t written, it isn´t true.” And “If it isn´t in an HCOB or an HCO PL or recorded on a tape in my voice, it isn´t tech or policy.” (LRH.) If Hubbard never mentioned or described a post called COB in an HCOB or HCO PL or said anything about this post on a tape, then this post was never true or in tech or on policy to begin with. From that you can deduce, that anything coming from this post will be untrue, out tech and off policy. And this man is running the whole church – off the rails. And declaring people and harrassing people and punishing people and taking them to court, if they disagree. And we are paying him to do it. It is just becoming more and more absurd by the day. – This site is indeed a wake-up call and I´m glad I found it.

  208. You’re right, V.
    And condescension is a good choice of word.
    The outpoints were so huge and rapid-fire, the graphics impressive but too quick to let you see exactly in detail, standardisation of font and spacing into the ‘correct’ style, and the mockery of the typo, ‘Life Continuation’ lulled me into an acceptance. I too, was bemused by the applause, but it seemed stage-managed anyway, you just weren’t allowed to notice it!

    The overall feeling afterwards was of being tired and humiliated.

    Thinking about it later, I toyed with the idea that it was miscavige himself, who had the MU’s and didn’t get the beauty of the books. That the presentation of the old books embarrassed him.

    What I didn’t confront was the sheer evil behind the intention – to invalidate not just Scientologists, but Scientolgy for not being able to correct itself until ”He’ came along, and especially for dismissing LRH for not being aware.

    Oh, I so regret falling for the spin and chucking away my precious old books, and seethe with rage at having now to touch miscavige’s work (voluntary mock-ups, mind).

    That miscavige despises Scientologists is evident from just this one event.

    Nice to see you posting here, V.

    Richard Kaminski

  209. I was there (in L.A.) that night. All I can say for sure is that watching Pat Broeker made me completely uncomfortable — because he was THAT uncomfortable himself.

    BTW, that night was the first time I ever saw or heard of David Miscavige.


  210. Thank you. I loved reading that.
    I noticed one major point you mentioned: people not able to duplicate.

    “Blind leading the blind” can be further broken down to:
    WHY are people blind? – because they do have MUs and False Data etc.
    That boils down to out study tech or left out step: primary rundown followed by KTL and LOC by EVERY staff and public.
    Study tech is the bridge to society. Imagine that would be in! No robotic GAT drills afterwards, no glibness anymore, just straight application of standard tech.
    Also I think it is very contrary facts to have all this wonderfull apparently new standard books and tech etc., but NO admin or tech dictionalry without BTB and BPL definitions….

  211. Kristina,

    I arrived at Flag late 1990 for the EPF and was on the ship for the 1991 Maiden Voyage event evolution and then back to the FRO shortly after the event.

    I think our paths crossed on the ship as I recall.

  212. Well said, Chiun, bravo!
    Any chance of you posting your list anywhere? I’d love to read it.

  213. Mojo thief! LOL.

  214. Robert Earle,

    thanks a lot – you got me on high interest (doesn’t happen too often)

  215. That is a punch right to Miscavige`s nose sure to give him a black eye!
    Take that DM!

  216. Great background info, Ulf. Thanks.

  217. Firstly — thank you Kristina for such a complete history of your SO and scientology career. Wow — I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone leave and come back into the SO so unscathed.

    And Ulf — your very precise explanation how this run-down for staff led to this one to this one and the rest. I remember completely that Super Power was FIRST for the staff, government officials and the public.

    As for the purif — I delivered, while on Mission, the first purif program to staff at Toronto Org – late ’70s — the “how to” was still on telex lines, not HCOBs or anything so fancy. I feel badly as the telex said 1/2 cup of oil (not in salads or anything) and I made everyone take their oil that way.

    YEARS later someone wrote me up … which I always thought was rather funny.

    Anyway — between all of us – my very bunched up track of scientology will start to unravel and sort out and then as-is-ness can occur.

    Thanks again Kristina.


  218. Thanks for that Maria. As an old reg, bookseller and body router, I can totally relate to the utter shock and dismay you feel when you realise it’s necessary to run a reverse flow in order to save someone from having reverse scientology run on them.

  219. And it all leads up the Org Board ending with C.O.B.: David Miscaviage.

    You’re reached the conclusion I came to on my Data Series evaluation. But imagine coming that conclusion knowing he (DM() was just 8 stories above you! How do you say it out loud? Can you? Did I? Hell no.

    One declare and 15+ years later, my confront was up enough to think it out loud. Bless Marty for the BRASS to look this SP in the eye and call him out. I often wondered when someone would at least do what Debbie Cook did. To me, that was a justifiable gradient. But it never happened. It took Marty and Mike and many others to bite the bullet and take the path never chosen. And now, that path is becoming well laid out.

    Onward and Upward! 🙂

  220. Your humble servant


    Thank you for this moving and important story! Take heart. One day it may all come out all right!

  221. Kristin,
    Every now and then we all need a good dose of agreement about what Scientology is all about…. your high ARC both as staff and public, your persistent dedication to a lifetime of Scientology and your write up here of the many, many things that Scientologists at any level of training or auditing wholeheartedly agree with is, well, very heartening to say the least.

    You give us strength and clarity of vision to see LRH’s goals and aspirations about Scientology and about what Scientology was supposed to be…. I thank you so much Kristin, from your many, many kindred spirits both “in”, “out” and “on the fence” of the Church that can see “source” and will find in your words the courage to act on what they see. In a word, you are an inspiration.

  222. HannibalTheFirst


    Thanks for the words of hope and encouragement. You are correct. There will be more. After my wife and I have been 17 years stuck on Solo Nots because a criminal group values money over human beings and is actively destroying a technology that was compiled with the intent to raise a spirit above matter, we finally have the privilege to work with a real Scientologist dedicated to the spirit in which this technology was created. We are handling some backlog and once that is complete, we will make sure there will be more.

  223. Yeah, I was there too, and also the first time I’d ever heard of Miscavige. And that night was a last straw for me. Whether right or wrong I knew what I had percieved clear as day, coming from this guy and being lapped up by the audience was the end of my scn. career whether that’s what I wanted or not:(
    For all the talk about “knowingness” if you were actually caught using yours all that gained you was a spot on the hall floor in front of the ethics office. (The couch no longer being free as the queues already meandered down the hall by quite a distance at that point.)

  224. Your humble servant

    Don’t feel too bad, Kevin. The true datum that David Miscavige is a complete anti-social personality and a total psychopath simply could not be credited by any Scientologist in active participation with the Church at the time. The true datum was simply too incredible to be believed. One has to get some separation from the hypnotic effect of Miscavige and his organization to realize the truth.

  225. Not to derail this thread, but I just saw an article that will resonate with DM, about a guy who felt he was too short and grew six inches via some wild surgical procedure. At 85 grand, this would set org staff back only a paycheck to two to give it to DM as a gift. Hopefully, the world will look different to him from six inches higher. Here is the link:–abc-news.html

  226. morelivesthanacat

    Correct me if I’m wrong Dan Koon, but when I arrived at LRH’s base in LaQuinta (WHQ) in 1978, there were already about 40 auditors recruited from around the world on site to train up on Super Power. 1978!! That’s 34 years ago. Of course it turns out they weren’t up to par at the time for the training and that’s when the World Out of Comm Eval was done resulting in KTL and LOC. And those who originally came to train on Super Power became instead the first products of KTL and LOC and the birth of the New World Corps.
    So–as has been said before here, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the new Super Power carrot building that Dave’s been promising perversely for Super Power delivery to public. It was developed as a rundown for staff. Public eventually–maybe. But note that its original intent isn’t part of the plan anymore.

  227. Dear Ulf, Excellent write up and very enlightening. I never got a chance to train on KTL or LOC but I sure used the KTL materials anytime I could while on course. I believe the KTL course to be marvelous the way it was put together just by using the Small Common Words Defined on the course room as it was of tremendous help for me a someone whose native tongue is not English.

    However I could not say the same for the LOC. I also never had the chance to do it but being a curious person I read it from cover to cover.

    In 2001 One thing about this course struck me as odd: The stated VFP on the Grade Chart for the LOC: Someone who will becompetent in the physical universe.

    I thought to myself, OK let`s pretend I FINISHED the course already. That would mean I have this VFP so now in present “I will be competent in the physical universe” (In some unspecified FUTURE) Which means I AM NOT ALREADY. There is something wrong with that and so I coummunicated. Too bad I now realize I comunicated to the WRONG PEOPLE (RTC).

    I never really got any flak from RTC for my opinions on the course (The local RTCs were receiving copies of my write ups). I do not know what they did with this information but I did noticed that around that time I had seen some promo to the effect that there were preparation in the ship for an event where KTL and LOC would be re-released or something like that and nothing ever happened on that that I know of as like you pointed out, both KTL annd LOC were dropped from delivery.

    I saw manipulations and disgreements on key points on the course like what the hat of a person had to be. Specially for SO memebers who`s SO hat would clash with what they decided on as “their hat in life”. Some people by the end of the course would decide that their hat in life was “to be an artist” or “to be an atlete”. Of course that does not satisfy executives and C/S that SO members would decide on that as their hat in life.

    Others trying to make their SO hat align with this would decide their hat in life was a “specific post” like my hat in life is to be the “Treasury FSO” or any other specific post. Later on I would see that same person on a different post. That confirmed to me that this was the wrong apprach because there is no stability in an organization which expands. People move up or down the org board all the time.

    The problem I saw with the course was that this plus many other “small details” were huge outpoints.

    I councluded that “deciding on a hat in life” is the wrong approach and I proposed that deciding on a “BASIC PURPOSE” was more aligned to what the course intended to do. Along with all of my write ups I also pointed out that I did not think this was an LRH mistake but a COMPILATIONS MISTAKE. I don`t know if am right or wrong but all of the evidence pointed out in that direction.

    I suggested that KTL should contain such references as the ADMIN SCALE and the reference where LRH talks about extensively about BASIC PURPOSES which is THE STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZATION: WHAT IS POLICY.

    I pointed out that this VFP (Someone who will becompetent in the physical universe.) was a glib expected result. I got very brave (having done my homework in reseaching the subject) and I even proposed a VFP for this course:

    “Someone who knows the basic principles of expansion because he has established his basic purpose in life, which he uses as his stable datum to handle confusions OF LIVING by alinging all effort into a SINGLE THRUST, thus generating power for self and for a third dynamic”

    If you notice the above is based PURELY on LRH key references.


    Expansion – THEORY OF POLICY

    Stable Datum – Problems of Work

    Aligning Efforts – PL on Strategic Planning and the Admin Scale


    And that in part brought me to the end of my career in the SO because these write ups did hunt me in the end and were used to frame me as a squirrel. So I was a squirrel for NOTICING OUTPOINTS and PROPOSING a SOLUTION to the outpoints.

    But what do you know. In the end compilations WAS BLAMED for outpoints on the books later on.

  228. a heart touching report …

  229. What a wonderful couple of days on the blog. Thank you, Chiun, for your contribution. Your post and Kristina’s and Robert Earle’s posts today on this page have been full of correct indications.

  230. Ooops.. Kristina, not Kristin

  231. Sorry one more thing. Mind you I am doing this from memory as I lost ALL my write ups on the route out process from FSO in 2007. One key element i forgot in the VFP I proposed for the LOC:

    “Someone who knows the basic principles of expansion because he has established his basic purpose in life, which he uses as his stable datum to handle confusions OF LIVING and who IS MAKING THAT BASIC PURPOSE BE MANIFIESTED INTO THE REAL PHYSICAL UNIVERSE by alinging all effort into a SINGLE THRUST, thus generating power for self and for a third dynamic”

  232. If it’s Lisa Marie, then I suspect she’s been with us here on this blog giving us her truth for the last couple of years at least.

  233. Incredible …

  234. Robert, I suspect that you should be publishing an entire website (or a book) with these kinds of details that you know about or have discovered. This data is VITAL to blowing the 3D engram, as it really provides the time, place, form and event that is needed to as-is it all. Please do continue to share what you know.

  235. A beautifully written perspective and great supplementary comments! Better than the “Orientation” film and supersedes it to my way of thinking.

    I would add that if one did not buy the basics outright or through the constant regging, the price was deducted from service funds on account at Flag without authorization and the books were delivered to the doorstep but delivery was refused. This happened to me.

    Welcome Royce’s! We embrace you. L, Rachel

  236. Chiun,

    One more comment. You note that things started going bad in 1975. For me, it was around 1978. I believe that this is before Miscavige started to take over. I have often wondered what the “earlier beginning” was.

    Around 1977 or 1978, the mission holder of our big booming mission went off to MOWW (Mission Office Worldwide) for about six months, I think it was. Things started to tank while he was gone, and when he got back, they rapidly got worse, with “SP finding” becoming the order of the day. By the time of the infamous “Mission Holder’s Meeting” where Miscavige summarily declared mission holders on the spot, our big booming mission was down to almost nothing.

    Of course the price increases started somewhere in the late seventies, I think it was, and they were definitely a factor. But the switch from using ARC to “heavy ethics” and force also started about that time.

  237. Freedom Fighter


    Welcome and thank you for your astute observations. Two things stood out for me at that “Basics” event:
    How on earth could it be possible for all of those “mistakes” to have existed in LRH’s books for so long. What are the odds, really? That was the first outpoint. Then, I find out after I left that David Miscavage has introduced several alterations in the materials. Aids Thompson, CL VIII Auditor lays out some of these alterations in her videos. on YouTube. Made clear to me that each new release of something was likely due to some alter-is being injected in by him — that and an opportunity to rake in more money.

    The second thing that blew me away at that event was when Miscavage talked about the glossary in the back of each book and how “all” one needed to do if they encountered an MU was look it up in the glossary. He threw standard word clearing tech out the window with that one. The staff member I pointed this out to after the event was far more interested in selling me a set of “Basics” than the blatent out-tech that was being perpetrated at the top. I was dumbfounded.

  238. I’m glad I came back to this blog. Reading so many more powerful messages.
    Thank you everyone for helping the educational process.

  239. Freedom Fighter

    That’s Aids not Aids. Typo.

  240. Freedom Fighter

    Ok. Hating autocorrect. Let’s try this again.

    It’s Aida. Not Aids.

  241. mike, that is funny. I can see it all now!!! I would have loved being there!!!

  242. Great write-up Kristina!
    Like you and many others, I, too, was dedicatedly serving in the SO for the purpose of clearing the planet.
    The SO and Church has been side-swiped and is in an on-going spin-out.
    Glad to hear your voice 🙂

  243. Thanks, Karen#1. And thanks for all you are doing to get the truth out there.

  244. Bert Schippers

    Wow Kristina, great write-up, thank you for speaking out and welcome to freedom!!

    I really hope that the disconnection crap will end and families can all be reunited – sooner rather than later. I remember, while still drinking the kool-aid, thinking that the safest way to be a scientologist was if you had no family (or friends) whatsoever….then there would be no one they could make you disconnect from if you disagreed!!! I should have analyzed that further at the time…..

  245. Chiun
    Thank you for your input on this point of ARC. Your observation of 75 or so being a turning point in ARC decline and enforced orders increase is coincident with implimentation of Reg program #2 which had very heavy emphasis on implimentation of Big League sales. The program became the go to program to push GI. I have a long story on this topic which I will not get into right now but I will mention that by 78 the “Hubbard Professional Sales Course” (the course regges trained on) had only 2 LRH refs on the checksheet, KSW 1 and Tech Degrades. The rest of the checksheet consisted only of the Board Policy Letters written by others and the BLS book and drills for it. There was no reference to ARC or the comm cycle on the course and the drills included ignoring originations. This would be part of the lack of ARC. According to the author of Big League Sales series #1 (not LRH) LRH had commented on the fact that BLS was one of the best books on the market on the topic of closing sales. It should be noted that comments are not policy(see the data series) and I seriously doubt that it was LRHs intention that Scientology basics like ARC and the com cycle would be trashed in favor of Les Danes tech on closing. In 78 I wrote a csw to have the BLS PLs cancelled as policy and downgraded to hat write up materials, they were cancelled in first part of 79 only to be resurrected again as SOEDs later. There is more to this story but I’ll leave it here for now.

  246. Hi peace, Micsavage’s blanket “blind leading the blind” was also the same as saying “well-trained auditors and C/Ses are blind leading the blind”. It was an insult to every well-trained and highly experienced auditor and C/S in the world (which included LRH-trained auditors and C/Ses, some with far far more auditing and C/Sing experience than DM). The entire implementation of GAT by DM was suppressive in my book, with not only new auditors needing “retraining” in the robo-drills, but also those with decades of experience (including LRH-trained auditors and C/Ses) being forced to “retrain” under DM’s squirrel tech.

    There have been study bugs in plenty of students over the years, no doubt, but to call the entire group of auditors and C/Ses in the entire world “blind” (and thus needing Micsavage’s re-training) was suppressive.

    Also, to entirely trust the on-sourceness of the HCOBs and HCOPLs issued or re-issued by Micsavage and RTC in the 80s and 90s, is to trust that a sociopathic criminal will “do the right and ethical thing” with LRH’s tech and admin. I’m not saying that the entire 1991 Tech Vols and OEC Vols are squirreled, but they do have a criminal’s “oversight” (and almost certainly contain lies and overt products as created through the “interpretation” of a criminal) and it behooves all of us to expect a thorough review of the entire thing before all of this is over.

  247. Thanks Ulf for the history-Its amazing the utter contrast of what Ron was doing for staff and what dm does. And it is amazing how Ron “whipped up”Tech to help the staff.

  248. You’re welcome, Ziba.

  249. I had never heard about Matt Feshback and his financial woes after SuperPower (maybe he’s incomplete, or because it was not delivered to him in the Super Duper New Building?) Being one of the first to complete an action isn’t always great. Look at Betty Filisky died of cancer not long after being declared the first OT7 completion.

  250. Thanks, Kristina! Wow!

    The church is losing the old-timers. The core. The baseline of what Scientology really means. It’s not like none of us paid our dues. When I was 16 I went 34 hours without sleep for a couple days in a row after the FBI raid at Pac, working to safeguard the LRH tape archives. I had my share of comm-evs and bogus chits and outlandish “arbitrations” from the WISE Charter Committees. Every person who has been a Scientologist has these stories to tell – and while in the mix, we all were happy to be doing what we were doing. I never thought of staff as a hardship, never thought of being on the foundation schedule for 5 years to do the BC as a hardship – it was fun!

    The fact that it was fun, and was generally an overall positive experience is proved by people like you, Kristina, and Marty, and Steve, and Mike, and Amy and Karen, and Sinar, and, and.

    I really don’t give a shit that I ran into some assholes when on staff, and worked some crazy hours. What I give a shit about is that the REASON we bled the blood is BEING CUSSED UP BY MR. DAVID MISCAVIGE.

    We did not go through HELL to be the patsy of the POB. We did not spend our youth on lies and bogus bullshit. We did not audit the hours, do the drills, run the missions, to have people forcibly aborted, or be physically assaulted, or to be disconnected from our families, or have our livelihoods ruined.

    It is one thing for the public, the media to not get Scientology. That is the cross we bear for being different. But when the POB actively KILLS the church, and the real Scientologists start to turn away – well, the ship has sunk.

    I never expected the beauty of the Independent Community. I am really glad it is here. Thanks, again, Kristina!

  251. What a great report. Thank you for posting this.

  252. “The biggest outpoint to me was the lack of ARC in use amongst the staff. In fact, I even mentioned this to the then CO (Fred Hare) who told me that ARC is not used in the SO, because you would never get anything done. Well, I didn’t agree with that then and I never did go into agreement with that, but I saw other staff who did.”

    The above comment really says it all. Without ARC what do you have?

    A WOG world? No something worse. Knowing ARC exists and not using it.

    ARC seems to be the natural way you operate after you at least get your grades.

  253. Poet13c
    Thanks. I didn’t get the new 2007 so haven’t seen it. The 98 issue still had squirrelly info in the chapter “PTS Handling” and the printing before that was even worse but at least the 98 version took out the part about another type of PTS being type A which was at least a part of what I asked to be fixed. My opinion is that the HCOBs written Dec 78 as they were then before later alterations contain the correct data along with the other LRH refs which go with them.

  254. Thanks, Worsel. And thanks for the reference on groups.

  255. Thank you, Doug.

  256. Scientology has always been a religious philosophy. It has a “practice” which works best when held to a particular standard.

    Beyond that, labelling it a “religion”, it’s organization a “church”, the subject’s founder more than a man, and his works more than tools, has always had the potential for abuse and suppression.

    There was some value in having it widely recognized as a “church” and a “religion”. But it also, imho, contained a lie — it required the Church and Scientologists, every year, to declare to the U.S. IRS that “auditing” and “training” had no value.

    Imagine the level of integrity that would have been shown had the church, in 1993, said: “Thank you, IRS, for the religious recognition. We will, however, choose to pay the normal amount due in ‘taxes’ by giving freely to those in society who need the money”. Or simply paid the taxes, because it unilaterally recognized that “auditing” and “training” had real value.

    Imagine if the church had had that kind of vision and leadership.

    In my mind, that would have been a true-to-life use of Scientology principles, would have shown real “cause over life” by a third-dynamic (group) and would have forever altered Scientology’s direction.

    Frankly, it’s not too late. If a new “church” emerges, this would be the kind of bold action it could take to not only make amends for past damage, but set itself on a course which would honestly be the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”.

  257. Thank you for your post, Maria. And to David Miscavige, OSA, Continental Justice Chiefs, LRH Comms, Internationl Justice Chief, et al… I just have to say, THANK YOU for the part you have played in helping to bring all this TRUTH to LIGHT.

  258. You’re welcome and thank you, too.

  259. Whatever outpoints there were prior to Miscavige’s regime, no one can argue that Scientology expanded from no Orgs in the early 1950s to approximately 160 by 1980 or so. Expansion of Orgs pretty much ended there except perhaps in Russia and other former iron curtain countries.Whatever outpoints there may or may not be in LRH ethics, admin and auditing tech no can argue that 1000s and 1000s of people, whether in or out of the official Church, would gladly line up to attest to gains they have received. As to Miscavige, it would seem that his only real contribution was whatever part he played in the IRS tax decision. I use to also credit him with helping to end the civil litigations from the early 1980s but from what info I have learned now it seems he screwed them up or purposely kept them going. Then after LRH departed he paid large settlements to make them go away. That they went away is good but any good work he may have contributed to either the IRS decision or the civil suits is now overwhelmed by his actions and the destruction they have brought about. I for one to do not think Scientology is perfect. Nor did LRH. Reference: Safeguarding Technology. But I do think it’s the best self improvement technology currently available; at least that I’m aware of.

    Kristin: When I was declared my children were made to disconnect. They were both SO members. After nine months my son left and joined me. My daughter remains. You have my postulate that you are reunited with your children soon.

  260. You’re welcome, Ana. I agree with you about this “Eternity” thing. The old timers I’ve talked to about this agree, there was never an Eternity issue in the early days. I personally have never worried about my eternity and also find that it flies in the face of so much the Old Man wrote about. I agree, it’s a control tactic. The only ones who should worry are those who buy the idea that they should be worried!

  261. Lynne,
    Perhaps your company’s products and the skills needed aren’t similar or comparable with what the courses are supposed to do – train auditors so the aims of Scn could be achieved.

    Scn expanded under LRH throughout the 60’s and 70’s without this Tech. However, in ’78 LRH did bring in some auditors to train on the new rundown he was working on (Superpower) and he ran into barriers in doing that. An evaluation was done, which resulted in a why of the world being out of comm at the time due to the then existing scene of drugs and education. KTL and Purif were the handling with life orientation as an added step for the staff member to discover purposes in life. Note that KTL, LOC and Superpower are designed by LRH for Scn staff and those attributes needed might not apply for regular businesses, trades or other fields. The compilation and export of these were done after LRH was gone, though he had stressed that all staff at the Int Base were supposed to get all of them as a strategy over 30 years ago. As per his usual it has been completely sabotaged by David Miscavige, the hidden data line. I’ve done those courses after they came out and halfway through the Superpower rundown in ’95 and had some incredible gains I definitely want others to have.

    Course packs and art done by in house artists for KTL weren’t good enough for DM and although it was a nice product went after those big heavy books with art by Disney artists, costing a lot more. Course packs are easily corrected and updated, but books are not.

  262. Thanks for sharing the story Mike. It illustrates lucidly how the Pope, POB David Miscavige is (not) making the able more able and their so called confront and ability of shattering evil (SPs) are nothing more than a missed withhold phenomena. False OSA is a bad joke!

  263. Wow! Thank you, Ulf. That’s great data for more dot connecting. Yes, David Miscavige has done all within his power to keep/put staff down. He obviously does not want capable people around him, only yes men and brown nosers, so he has used every play known to him to keep/put them where he wants them. Some people are more susceptible to hypnotism than others. I think we need to simply continue to bring Truth to the light of day and, at the same time, flow as much theta as possible to those who are still caught up in the lies in order to help free them. We can and are doing this.

  264. You’re very welcome.

  265. Your humble servant

    Wow! Aesthetic band there be on your communication!

  266. Thank you so much, Robert. I’m glad to have something to contribute to our cause. 🙂

  267. Thanks, Rachel. And thank you for all your valuable input.

  268. Oh thank you for this. I always thought that book was awful. Would love to hear the rest of the story if you are so inclined.

  269. Thank you, Freedom Fighter. Yes, I agree, that’s another out-point at the basics event — throwing out Study Tech because DM has a better (than LRH) idea.

  270. Thanks, Shannon.

  271. Thanks, Bert. Yeah, it’s funny what you said about the safest way to be a scientologist. A friend of mine just said the same thing to me yesterday. What a great “group” to be a part of — just make sure you never get married, or have children, or make any friends within the group… Oh, my!

  272. Yes, absolutely! Thank you, too.

  273. Same here, JM. I was also there that night, and I concur. Pat Broeker looked like a man who wanted to be anyplace else in the universe, other than that stage.

    Seeing his bad indicators immediately made me suspect that some sort of crime was underfoot. What I didn’t know at the time, was that he wasn’t the perpetrator of that crime. From what I’ve read recently, I imagine that he already knew what Miscavige had planned for him, and that his days as ‘First Loyal Officer’ were numbered.

    Another thing that surprised me about that hand-over, was the fact that the reins weren’t being turned over to someone who the public already knew. I’d never heard of Pat Broeker or his wife before that night. Why weren’t the reins handed over to one of the well-known top execs, I wondered? It all just seemed so suspicious to me, at the time.

  274. Thanks for the postulate, Kevin.

  275. Hello Kevin! I never got to know you but Lisa was my first auditor and did such an amazing job! I will never forget that. I hope you and Lisa are doing well.

  276. You’re welcome, Sherb. Yes, I agree, it’s been broken for some time.

  277. Thanks, overall10. Yes, poor Davey. He just doesn’t get his due.

  278. Thank you, V. One thing we can all be thankful for regarding the Basics Event. It was the last straw many of us needed to fully open our eyes. (Thanks for that, David.)

  279. I’m not Dan, but can confirm what you say. The auditors/trainees were brought to one of the WHQ properties on Monroe St & WOOC eval done.

    Dan’s article on Superpower also has the reason that Matt Feshbach fell on his head, in my opinion:

    “Unfortunately, something else that LRH predicted also happened. He said that if some people in an org were put through the rundowns but others weren’t, then eventually those who hadn’t had the gains would pull down the others who had. And that’s what occurred. It might have taken a few years, but eventually nearly everybody, as I can recall, got into some kind of serious post difficulties. But in this regard, they were no different from everybody else at the Int Base, however, so the fact that LRH’s prediction came true in this regard cannot be taken as a denigration of their initial gains or an invalidation of the potentials of Super Power. “…

    This is from Dan’s write up at:

  280. ”Without ARC, none of our other tech will work.”

    Thanks for relaying this. True enough. I noticed Scientology works when at curious or desire on the CDEI scale. Curious and/or desire about, carry ARC.
    Once you get into the enforce band or the inhibit band with it, it looses it’s value. Given that it is a volunteer activity between consenting adults exploring the occult and/or the supernatural, enforcement should be no part of the package. When the social intercourse within dwindles to stalking, blackmail, beatings and torture, it’s value has flipped into an anti value situation. What you find on the news these days is that anti value being discussed.

  281. Thanks, Dassie.

  282. You’re welcome, windhorse.

  283. You’re welcome, peace.

  284. Random Stranger


    This whole fucking ‘shunning’ thing is childish, asinine and unnecessary. Period. I don’t care if it was Buddah, God, L. Ron Hubbard, The Invisible Mole People from the Center of the Earth, Moses, Uncle Joe, whomever.

    I recall reading one of the church’s PR responses to disconnection, “Well, the Quakers do it, so it’s like that.” WTF? I never agreed to join the fucking Quakers. I would most likely never had joined Scientology had I known that I would have to participate in MANDATORY SHUNNING at their demand. WTF?

    Only each person can decide for themselves whether they should ‘shun’ someone else, not a friggin’ group who tells you what you should decide. Fuck that. That is stupid. Groups actually do not even exist, it’s just a made-up thing by a bunch of individuals. There are only individuals who can think and decide and do. A group can decide nothing and do nothing. Only individuals who are working together. Individuals.

    The group only exists by consideration. By INDIVIDUALS. Take away the consideration, the group disappears. Can’t do that with an INDIVIDUAL. An individual, individual, individual. Not INDIVIDUATED, which is what the church wants everyone to believe about you if you try to BE an INDIVIDUAL and say what you really think. They have to change your mind or throw you out and cast dirt and expel and declare and CUT and DENY and OSTRACIZE and LIE.

    What the hell’s that based on? A written policy? An idea behind the written policy. Who’s? WHO is the INDIVIDUAL who says to shun? Is it or is it not L. Ron Hubbard? Or is it David Miscavige who is responsible for pushing this idea? Or both? Either way, are the HCOBs and HCOPLs that list being connected to someone who’s declared suppressive as a crime…have they been cancelled? Again, a group (based on some individual’s ideas or a bunch of individuals ideas) is dictating who and who not I am ‘allowed’ to communicate with. That’s as dumb as the U.S. government for decades saying to it’s citizens, “Ah…you are not allowed to go to Cuba.” WHO THE HELL ARE THEY TO SAY I AM NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO CUBA? Oh yeah, Freedom. Freedom to be fucked with.

  285. Victoria,JM, SKM, Ana…very perceptive beings you are. I was there with my husband when he turned to me and said “this is the biggest coup this church will ever see”!!!

  286. Bravo Kristina and nice yo meet you!

  287. Thanks Margaret,
    I only just searched online for Scientology news last last April and stumbled onto “The Truth Rdn” then Steve’s site and then here to Marty’s blog.. Since then I’ve been catching up on what’s been posted .I do have some interesting storys and topics to share. I thoroughly enjoy Marty’s blog as it always carrys the current events. Is there a partular topic you are interested in?( I’m on Steve’s Indie 500 list for a brief on my history.)

  288. You are right. Huge expansion early on. When I first came into the Org it was mob scene. At least 300 people in the academy on training and this was a local org. Early 1980’s DM wiped out the mission networks. These networks were built over decades and were the feeder lines into the Orgs. As the decline in new starts followed, DM organized begging networks to beg for money to cover the holes. I.A.S., C.C.H.R., special properties, etc etc. These donations have been used to create the illusion of expansion through construction and real estate buys. But the out P.R. from DM’s personal actions has spread like wild fire and the street view of Scientology is now that it is a dangerous cult. A new building is not a valuable final product to exchange with the community. What is being exchanged with the community now is victims.
    They get coughed out and the news media picks them up for a story. These are created in the church and tossed out for curiosity to the community. This is the actual exchange with the community now. Overt products with interesting stories to tell. Stalkers driving in circles in golf carts creating neighborhood mayhem. Volunteers creating web sites for the Church seething with hate, degrading comments and hidden threats. Private investigators swarming about suspected targets. On television interviews the spokespeople quite vacant of ARC spitting out taunts at interviewers.
    It’s gone creepy. Street theater.
    This is not by accident. It is not by mismanagement. It is knowing and willing destruction.He has publicly op termed Hubbard by declaring Hubbard’s products as overt products. Cancelled certs of auditors Hubbard trained himself and ordered them retrain. Burned Hubbard’s books. Silenced Hubbard’s family and closest friends. Literally buried the tech under ground.
    In the end, it was not the I.R.S. or the F.B.I. or the A.M.A. that took it all down. It was the enemy within. Biblical.

  289. I’m certain L Ron Hubbard intended it to be a religious philosophy but this I feel was a mistake because it enabled scientology to be abused.

    I’m sceptical that a church of scientology can work as L Ron Hubbard intended. L Ron Hubbard talked a lot about people making their own way in life however he also wanted to forge ahead and pave the way, which only encourages people to follow.

    The label of church only exaccerbates this. That said that’s only my opinion. From reading this blog is any group can make it work it would come from this group.

  290. Re ‘management by terror’, can anyone confirm whether the YouTube video entitled: David Miscavige: Secret briefing of Sea Org recruits is spoof or genuine?

  291. Kristina, No, KTL and LOC were undercuts that LRH developed while working on Super Power. I explained this as best I could over at under the byline Joe Howard. DM incorrectly (as per usual) declared that the Why for the international stat break of summer 1990 was the KTL release which occurred on the previous May 9th. In June, as I recall, the Int Stats broke their decade long affluence trend and proceeded to downtrend for the next 10 years. DM blamed it on KTL but the real Why was that a few years earlier DM pulled the plug on Jeff Hawkins’ DMSMH campaign that got Book One to the top of the NY Times bestseller list. The momentum of Jeff’s campaign finally petered out in mid-1990 and the rest is sorry history.

  292. Sinar, I sat up all night with Disney artist Kenny Tompkins who did the illos for KTL against my rough drawings. He made $100 per illo and made $19,100 for that one day’s work. You can be his morale was pretty high when he left the next morning.

  293. Pat, not to gainsay your statement about receiving Super Power back in the 70s but only one or two rundowns of it were released then and only for a very short time before being pulled back. They were released in error. One was the Bright Think Rundown and maybe the Ethics Repair List was also issued for a short time. The complete rundown was not even compiled for pilot until 1991.

  294. Laughter!

  295. Your memory is very good, MoreLives. There was another property bought in the neighboring town of Indio on Monroe Street and that is where the Super Power trainees were brought. Greg Wilhere, Jim Sydejko and David Phillips came from Flag, others came from ASHO, St. Hill and AOSHEU. The Qual WHQ auditors were also part of the mix.

  296. “For me Pat Broeker looked rather PTS.”

  297. Come now you cannot deny that the squirrel busters have hats! The feature in many of the videos, along with the T Shirts. Shhhs people open your eyes. (Allergy warning: the previous statement may contain traves of English humour – all the better for the “u”.)

  298. Probably better suited to an article on Steve’s site instead of Marty’s blog.

  299. thanks Sinar for the briefing

  300. Claudio & Renata Lugli

    Also our son Flavio is flushing the toilet…
    So sad indeed! We also tried everything to bring him up to understand what was happening, but it goes above them. Is like there is a screen there and you are talking tru a screen and the communication is lost.
    The being is trapped in the screen.
    I agree we need to continue to expose the crime of the chief implanter .. sorry hypnotist …
    The day will come, no doubt about it, the day will come!
    You have demonstrated a great integrity by doing what you did.
    We thought this will be remembered by them and somehow go tru the screen.

  301. Was Lisa Marie ever a B+ singer? I knew she existed… Wikipedia to the rescue, why yes she was. hmmm.

    i hope you’re here lisa marie.

  302. LOL…..Dan how dare you even consider cross targeting our future time track of jokes on Dave’s stature. Let’s put it this way. “Just think of your poor applebox maker, Dan”

  303. awfully well said Chiun

  304. Howdy, Kristina, thank you for that wonderful write-up; unique because it is from the perspective of both staff and public! The part about the Key To Life Course and the Life Orientation Course being prerequisites for Super Power was particularly interesting. I always wanted to do those two courses, along with Super Power, but did not get a chance to do them. I will be doing all of the above in the Independent Field.

    I hope that soon you will be reunited with your son. I spent a good bit of time in the last two years doing my own program for handling my son on disconnection, and it worked! We are happily reunited, and he is doing extremely well, much better than at any time since we parted. He had had some extreme adverse effects being made to disconnect from me, resulting in hospitalization and nearly dying. These adverse effects were directly traceable to disconnection. So it makes me very happy as a mother seeing him do so well. My postulate is that you, too, will experience being together and in communication again!

    Being free of the suppression is a wonderful thing, resulting in a whole New Life, new friends, and the rehabilitation of the failed purposes experienced in trying to accomplish the purposes set out by LRH. Trying to help LRH in a suppressive environment resulted in a perpetual present time problem for me, and fixated my attention. One thing that happened to me, is that I recently realized the suppression had actually made me STUPID, due to the restimulation of heavy whole track group engrams, and the Independent Movement is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I am now able to use reason and logic and solve my problems like never before, and have experienced case resurgence and the resolution of problems that previously would not resolve, no matter what I did. Now, using LRH Tech is so easy and effortless. I know you too, will experience wins beyond your wildest dreams, and I know you will help to create the New Civilization!


    Happy Trails,
    Catherine Von Ach

  305. Marty let me know when you have digested this , take care and be strong. 🙂

  306. On second thought since you know him far better than I , perhaps curing him of his “Height Dysphobia” is the fast track to getting him to slink off into nowhere with his improved height as a disguise. The sooner the better..

  307. My sentiments exactly.

  308. Your focus in on 2012.
    His focus is on 1983.

    Most of our English speaking word derive from Latin base. That doesn’t make us all Latino’s for speaking English.

  309. That is do true. I am so glad to have seen the incredible theta and sheer size of ASHO “back in the day.” it used to take Paul Koval 15 minutes to call roll on the BC in 1976. It was a cussing sea of heads, and the electricity was palpable. Tape machines clicking, guys doing assessments on card tables in the back – I did my Grade 0 in the BC course room cheek to jowell with the co-audits on each side of us.

    It was awesome.

  310. Yea, and in “Have you lived before this life” Ron talks about how hell was made up just to make people unhappy, and that there is no hell.

  311. retired, extremely dangerous

    Yea Dan but he’d still be ‘Little Dickie’. Now if it could do something for his ‘richard'(long for dick) then Lou might feel better about it! But seeing as how it involves pain, the coward would never do it.

  312. Waiting with baited breath. 🙂

  313. Thanks guys. You and your Italian friends are heros. Keep fighting the good fight. Hope to see you sometime in the not too distant future!

  314. I love the way you think, Random Stranger!!

  315. Can’t call him, ‘Your Highness,’ just yet. It’ll have to stay as, ‘Tich.’

  316. A new building is not a valuable final product to exchange with the community. And it is the PUBLIC buying the buildings that DM is holding up for display for applause at the events! As if these are HIS products! And he is taking the applause for the buildings the public are buying. He actually holds up for applause at events VFP’s that are not even his.

    I mean, on some level it just comical.

    What is Int Managment’s exchange with the community and Scientologists?

    “Buy us a ship we will give you OT8”.

    “Thanks for the 40 grand, go back onto OT Vll. We really can’t trust you now so you will be sec checked every six months.”

    “Buy us a building and we will give you Super Power. Oh sorry, we can’t deliver it because not enough of you are joining the Sea Org. Your bad.”

    “Give us money for the I.A.S. and we can protect the Church. Except nobody can because DM has a stranglehold on corporate holdings.”

    It is the PUBLIC providing the buildings, the bodies and the money.

    What exchange is INT Management providing?”

    They have their best staff in prison. And those “best” are not budging from that funk. They will not fight back. That was the best of the best up there.

    (Clearly, the best of the best got up , got the hell out of there, and are fighting back. Refusing to contribute to their own demise. I mean, that is healthy.)

    Sec Checks
    Out P.R.
    Courtroom drama
    Domestic terrorism
    Re issuing books everyone already owns
    Beatings, torture and false imprisonment
    False reports and disclaimers

    The above is so rampant it has festered into a culture known as International Management.

    For those of you still evaluating this theatre, you only need ask yourself one question:

    If these people cannot manage their own space, their own ethics, their own VFP’s, their own P.R., their own bridge, their own community and their own leader, their own civil rights, why are you depending on them to manage your bridge?

  317. We did get to experience an ideal scene.

  318. Catherine~That’s some awesome change/wins you’ve got going on there girlfriend!!!! I love hearing that.

  319. Thank you, Kristina. Your commentary struck home and gave me more reality on what one has to endure when doing OT Levels with COB at the helm – unbelievable. He’s not safeguarding the bridge, he”s the evil theta-sucking troll that lives UNDER the bridge and stops people that are trying to cross.

  320. Hi Poet13c,

    I sent it to a couple of friends of mine after I finished it…but I’ve never posted it anywhere. As far as reading it…honestly, it was my eval for my situation. The list was merely a list of outpoints I observed over the last 40 years…type of thing. True, it’s very precise and it was unbelievably long..but it would be better if you sat back and compiled your own list of outpoints that you, yourself, had observed…what you saw or experienced and which specific policy or policies were violated. That will most likely bring you a lot more relief than reading mine. But if, after you are done with yours, if you really still want to see it…give me a way to send it to you and I will.

  321. Thanks, Simple.

    I appreciate the feedback.


  322. Hey Simple,

    Interesting what you observed. For me, I believe the source of the heavy out-of-ARCness was the G.O. And it probably made many of the staff PTS to HCO.

    It is my belief (I don’t have much evidence to back this up with…but it’s my gut feeling) that government agents had infiltrated the G.O. and were using it to spread false applications and cause chaos within the Church…specifically by, for one, deep-sixing ARC by management towards staff. And that had to have started some years prior to 1977, because the FBI raid happened in 1977.

    But in addition to that…there are some not-widely-known facts apparently, as to how LRH created the EPF (Estates Project Force) and why. Just about every old timer knows that there were very specific pre-reqs that person had to have in order to be a Sea Org Member in 1972. But I am pretty sure hardly anyone knew exactly what those pre-reqs were, per LRH.

    In 1968, a person had to be Clear or Pre-OT before they could join the S.O…and also had to be trained as an auditor, if I am not mistaken. And at that time, LRH said the GI divided by Staff was $50,000 per man!!! (that’s in 1968 dollars!!!). But by 1972, the GI/Staff had dropped to $40 per man. So Ron did an eval and discovered that after 1968, the pre-reqs for recruitment had been dropped out and anyone could join…regardless of Case State or Training level.

    In the eval Ron did, he pointed out that this was the WHY on the crashed GI/Staff. So, he came up with a plan…the Decks…basic training and auditing for new recruits so they could actually BE a Sea Org member in the Sea Org. And that plan was first called the DPF (Decks Project Force) and then later changed to the EPF (Estates Project Force).

    But…the other little known fact was that there was an auditing REQUIREMENT as part of the original EPF/DPF program that Ron wrote as a result of that eval he did…in order to really BE a Sea Org member…and that was supposed to handle the exact case manifestation that was making people irresponsible. It had to be properly handled BEFORE the person was posted in the Sea Org or the new recruit could become a severe liability to the Sea Org.

    This was SO important that LRH made it a HIGH CRIME to violate his eval, and the title of the Flag Order that chronicled this eval and the EPF/DPF program was “the High Crime FO”…FO 3182.

    And again, this was 1972. By 1975, I can attest from first-hand knowledge that that case requirement had been “dropped out” of the EPF program. And “sec checks” had been substituted…now that I think about it, I will bet dollars to donuts someone in the G.O. was responsible for that.

    And what that did was it allowed recruits to join and be part of the S.O., when they were not really qualified to be a Sea Org members per the eval… (unless by some miracle, they had handled that particular case manifestation in their own Bridge actions). And it is my guess that that led to some kind of 3D agreement/aberration that it was OK to substitute force for ARC. And that is 180 degrees the opposite of what LRH wanted, per that reference from the First Postulate Series.

    There is more to this, but this is the short version.


  323. Robert Earle,

    Excellent additional data!!! Thank you. I didn’t know this.


  324. Hi Oracle.

    Ron never asked me to “accept” his data or viewpoints simply because he said it. He never asked me to forego my own viewpoint for his…NEVER. He wanted me to look, myself…and verify every single datum, if I thought any datum needed verifying, type of thing. ARC to him was King.

    Ergo…calling what Miscavige did to Debbie and others “ecclesiastically protected actions” or whatever the term was he used, is such sarcasm…we should all just LAUGH at anyone who would parrot such a thing…because that’s about all they deserve…a good HORSE LAUGH.


  325. Maurizio,

    Thank you. Kristina’s comm really hit home to me…I appreciated her saying all she said and it inspired me to finally throw my hat in the ring, too.


  326. Oracle,

    I’m still laughing!!! This was PRICELESS!!!


  327. Ironically, Joe Feshbach dropped dead from Hypertension (unmanaged high blood pressure) and High Blood Sugar (probably untreated diabetes) the same month (Aug 2011) that him and his brother Matt founded a “heart institute”, according to Matt’s LinkedIn page:

    “I founded OKYANOS Heart Institute, with my brother Joe, to provide a new standard of care and a better quality of life, using an (expected) EU-approved cardiac stem cell technology, to patients with “no-option” heart disease.”

    I’m perplexed why someone at his age (58?) would not regularly be seeing a doctor to treat these treatable diseases?

  328. I think it’s possible for someone to “walk a path” designed by others, but still retain one’s self-determinism and integrity.

    I do agree that it requires an active effort on the part of the student/participant to maintain that integrity … but then in Scientology, that’s what the “Code of Honor” (aka “the OT code”) is all about. “Never compromise with your own reality” et al.

  329. Your humble servant


    Thank you for all you are doing and have done. You have endured much. You and your wife are courageous people. Thank you.

  330. Kristina, regardless of its immense value, the information of Dianetics and Scientology is hardly ever duplicated by anyone. If it is it becomes misunderstood before it can do any good due to the Church of Scientology’s chronic inappropriate misuse of that information going unchecked for many decades. The ways in which this information can be misapplied are myriad and endless, yet they are a reality in today’s world. “NEVER REGRET YESTERDAY. LIFE IS IN YOU TODAY AND YOU MAKE YOUR TOMORROW.” © 1954 L. Ron Hubbard

    Tomorrow isn’t just one night, it’s eternity.

  331. Kristina:

    I learned a lot from your post that I did not know; thanks for writing it all up and filling in the gaps in my knowledge of what really happened and how the current Church got where it is now. Welcome “out” and all my wishes that your children come around.

  332. I too believe it’s possible but what makes me so sceptical is the very fact that scientology has so much emphasis on not compromising one’s integrity and still when under the influence of the church of scientology so many do, often to a considerable degree.

    At least y’all have woken up to that fact so are less likely to fall in to that trap.

    There is however the other trap, the one that the leader(s) fall in to which starts by them becoming a leader rather than a source of inspiration.

    Once people start to look up to you as the will even if you only intend to inspire it validates your own views. This makes you more confident you are right and you slip in to leader mode, giving instruction rather than pauses for thought.

    Next thing you know you’re behind a podium with a crowd hanging on your every word. They clap and cheer and boy does that feel good and right. Naturally you need to spread this important message and that takes money.

    Along with this you are well taken care of, if you want it people start getting for you. At first you’re greatful but eventually a sense of entitlement developes; heck you do so much for them you deserve a little reward. The slope steepens.

    Some go in eyes open with intent to set themselves up as leaders for the adoration and physical rewards, others slip in to the role over time. Which ever Miscavige did he’s trapped and it has consumed him completely. As and when it spits him out, well the higher you go the longer the fall.

    If you ever find yourself behind a podium or telling someone what they should believe rather than helping them think for themselves take a good hard look at yourself and think am I becoming David Miscavige.

  333. I agree.
    One could ask:
    WHY was that primary rundown not implemented followed by KTL and LOC (and for staff the super power rundowns)?
    WHY was so far not a proper basics dictionary released with only LRH definitions?
    That would lead to the ethics why or who. And it is clear who the who is.
    IMHO …. :))

  334. I assume from DMs viewpoint it was a totally correct why. He knows all and the rest is blind and stupid. That prooves it. Sounds a bit like a serv fac and not as a why to me.

  335. Kristina, it is also interesting that the KTL and LOC got cancelled again on the training line up. That was also done in the GAT training line up when the first sups and wordclearers got trained and later the same on the training line up for the guys on PTS detection and handling training in about 2000 or so..

    That’s a big shortcut. Reminding me on the reference about quickie grades.
    Since when do we have no time for standard tech?
    I guess that is also the attitude in the back of it that the primary rundown disappeared…..

  336. Doug, thank you for this comment. There are/were many public who had parents somehow involved in the mental health professions. As you discovered this can be a barrier to spiritual progress in the CofS. But wait. . . .I personally know a now New OT VIII who’s mother was a practicing psychiatrist. This only child inherited her mother’s considerable wealth and that “blood money” was happily accepted by the CofS for this parishioner’s services. Your mother just wasn’t wealthy enough or not dead yet so you could inherit her wealth. In the CofS money and not communication is the universal solvent.

  337. I remember that January 1986 event so well. I saw the video in my local org. My first impression of Pat Broeker? He had arguably the worst TRs I ever saw. A comm course graduate (the OLD HAS course) had better TRs. I could not believe THIS was the person to whom LRH passed the torch.

    Remember Pat’s comm cycle additive of constantly licking and smacking his lips? Decades later in the Harry Potter movie Prisoner of Azkaban the actor playing Bertie Crouch Jr., one of Lord Voldemort’s Death Eaters, had the same lip licking, lip smacking mannerism that Broeker had in the 1986 video. Apropos.

  338. I did KTL/LOC and thought they were two of the best courses ever issued in the CofS. I think the real reason they fell out of favor was that on LOC you truly did discover your hat in life. So many people discovered their hat did not include being a staff member or an SO member and they were firm in their discovery because they had applied thorough LRH tech in the process.

    I am sure at the executive level someone went “holy crap these guys want to be musicians, artists, teachers, mothers, physicists, ecologists, and don’t want to be on staff or FSM’s. Kill that f…ing course NOW!”

  339. Thanks for filling in the blanks!

  340. Amen Kristina!

  341. You’re close but the reality is worse. If an Int staff member came up with a hat in life other than his assigned post DM made them retread the course and if any flack the person would be sent to ethics and this was pushed on all the Qual terminals who did his bidding for him. Once the situation became numerous the LOC course was simply removed from people’s line-up as having something which made people make their own decisions was of course contrary to “command intention” and LOC was no more…

  342. You remain very articulate when you get “sudden”, Random Stranger!

  343. The Oracle,

    Thank you for your help there. I often find I don’t really understand others – not that I don’t see what they’re doing, just that I don’t understand why anyone would want to do some of the things I see them doing. I think I can see the truth OK, but you know “philosophers” are as popular as “librarians”, and football players have more fun. Probably a lot of people in orgs have concluded my chronic tone is mystery. Actually, I think you just blew my PT case right out of the water. So many cogs, thinking over what you wrote, in context. Things others do began to make more sense, come together. I mean well, and usually do well, on a lot of counts, just not always in my lifetime. People don’t like me (joke) – something I do they think has to do with them, or something like that.


  344. Windhorse, I did the Purif when it first came out and I drank the oil. It was a small price to pay for a result I really wanted to achieve and did achieve. However it was “barfulous”, to coin a word, to drink the oil “neat”.

  345. I hear you loud and clear. I made it through OT3 and quite a bit of solo auditing. Still moving about in a lot of mystery. Just finished L11 and L12. No more mystery. I think for myself, these were the first real OT levels. Now it all makes sense. All of it. I am getting geared now for L10. For more info on the L’s you can contact Trey Lotz at These are made for people who want to know why. I actually started these with my ruin stated as stuck in mystery.

  346. The Oracle – Thank you again. Great post. You communicate so well – a clarity. Congrats on L11 & L12, and a “Go for it!” on L10. You shed some light on what the L’s might mean to me. Just had a conversation with someone about the changes in the world since the late 1800’s. Hopping “in the car” to go to “the supermarket” to buy stuff from all over the world is so normal today, when back then to many it meant “provisioning”, hitching the horse up to the wagon, etc.. And travelling to Paris was a really big voyage. The really big change is the technology of Dn and Scn – to say “it’s exciting” is a huge understatement. I’m still a “purist” on truth, but some of my biggest wins are getting a simple comm cycle just right and watching the little wheels fly off someone else’s fixed ideas and “stuck ins”. If the L’s make that easier, I’m in. – Carcha.

  347. >> He’s not safeguarding the bridge, he”s the evil theta-sucking troll that lives UNDER the bridge and stops people that are trying to cross. <<


  348. Hi Chiun,

    I just saw this, and I’m sure glad I did. I hope you see my response.

    I believe that the headquarters for the GO was at St Hill, which is also where MOWW was. The EO at our mission was trained by the GO, and I have to think that our mission holder was exposed to the GO while he was at MOWW. As you say, we don’t have any evidence that the GO was infiltrated, but something certainly happened.

    As to the SO, I often wondered why so many of the people I saw in the SO were not up to what I understood SO requirements to be, and why they lived in such degraded conditions. I used to think “these are the elite?” Didn’t make any sense to me. It also didn’t make sense to me that LRH hadn’t done anything about it. Now, many years later, I find out that he did and that his orders were ignored.

    It seems to me that you and a couple of the other posters could put together quite the history of what has gone wrong. It seems to me that it would blow lots of charge and help us to be much smarter in the future.

  349. Hi Chiun.
    Yes, I did start compiling my own lists, and like you, realised that I was pulling on the end of a very long string! The more outpoints I spotted, the more cogs I had, until eventually, I got enough of the picture to evaluate the rest. I got into Dianetics and Scientology in London in 1968. I understood LRH straight away, joined staff in 1971 and the SO in ’72.

    Since then, I’ve been amazed at the Tech, Policy and Ethics alter-is inflicted by mr david madhouse. I’ve already seen some really great write-ups by some very knowledgeable folk, for instance Jim Logan’s study of F/N’s. One day, soon I hope, some projects may get started to restore authentic LRH text in full – a very needful thing, in my view. I’m not collecting data, but the viewpoint of others is hugely interesting to me. I’ve been such a mushroom! But I’m keen to catch up.

    Incidentally, there was a recent report in the Village Voice of mr madhouse burying LRH materials in underground bunkers! This is very funny to me. But anyway, we can’t be sure that the materials being preserved haven’t already been alter-ised. After all, mr madhouse is quite insane and can’t be trusted, in my opinion.

    The best chance we have is to make auditors, and to audit, and get some course rooms set up to train the auditors and C/Ses, and get back on purpose. For this, we need the right data, or as much of it as we can get right.

    All I have at the moment is a lot of notes collected since leaving the madhouse last year. There’s a ton of stuff online, some of which is quite distressing to read. But Marty’s blog is quite safe, and the people are great, so I tend to confine myself here. Along with Steve Hall’s site, and a few others, there aren’t that many pro-LRH places to go on the net, or at least that I know of. All the decent ones I’ve discovered are listed on my page. You can email me, poet13c at

    Richard Kaminski

  350. I can share this with you:

    A stuck picture or a motionless org are similar. Each has behind it a failed purpose.

    That law (it comes out of OT VIII materials) is so powerful it would practically revive the dead! L.R.H.

    Now, I know he states this came out of OT8 materials. But this exactly what I experienced on the L’s. Needless to say, mystery can be a stop.

  351. Fabian is for the Sea Organization. Independent Scientology is not the Sea Organization.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  352. Hey Simple,

    Excellent additional data…thank you. Yah…I know exactly what you mean about posting a history of what happened. I think it would be an really good idea to get into real ARC with exactly how the little dictator took over controls of the Church…and exactly how the tech was altered…because only then will we advance out of this mess stronger and with more understanding, thus not needing ever to repeat this 3D engram again. In my research of this entire mess, I discovered some fascinating things…the alter-is of the EPF program is just one. As we progress on these posts, I am sure I will outline when appropriate, the various things I discovered as to how the various ethics, tech and policy was alter-ised. As others do the same thing…piece by piece we will get the truth as to what happened.


  353. Thank you. We are doing quite well. Lisa says “Hi” and says to friend her on Facebook.

  354. You bet!

  355. > ++++ Shunning is failed policy, period! Why duplicate what others used to piss off their recalcitrant members!

    Shunning is out TRs, out confront, out good roads good weather policy, and it’s a wrong indication, namely putting the “SP” label on people who are almost 98 percent NOT “SP!”

    Because Shunning is 3D “wrong indication”, it creates it’s own backlash guaranteed!

    Dean Fox, like your comments, see you posting all over, good for you!

  356. > +++

    shunning is 3D wrong indication, since it is applied to people not SP, and the expected wrong indication backlash by those with enough gumption to speak up, is guaranteed.

  357. I’d only buy it if DM initials each page, in the little line at the bottom right corner, like we have to initial when we sign our gag agreements!

  358. Thank you Chuck. I’m flattered. 🙂

  359. Excellent “tip” to give other Sea Org member parents, as a good excuse to avoid the overregging!

    Your whole writeup and all your answers, I’d have posted you in WDC or Exec Strata, and in an “Ideal Management” world, if there ever could be such a world.

    You seem to have your basics of what should be the top viewpoint looking down.

    Just understanding that ARC trumps force, is such a basic concept omitted from the top. Goes back to “Ethics Presence” policy, where LRH says force’s effectiveness is based on that reservoir of ARC that the forceful exec has priorly built up.

    My biggest hindsight conclusions, one was how “Ethics Presence” and other mid 1960s policies were applied overshadowing the use of ARC.

    If a movement is going to be a religion and help people, it simply can’t be driven by force, as that belies it’s goals to increase ARC in the world.

  360. Wonderful Chiun, thanks.

  361. I think this period was the start of the relentless IAS regging that sapped all the resources of the public, leaving them with little funds to pay for actual services – and this has carried forward to today, augmented by the ruthless regging for Ideal Orgs further suppressing any ability to purchase services.

  362. Pingback: The Reppens Rip on March 13th | Moving On Up a Little Higher

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