The Best Legal Whore House In Texas


Tom Cruise’s pimp is back at it in South Texas.

David Miscavige has been big pimping in the Lone Star State.

Miscavige has hired the most expensive legal mercenaries in this region in an attempt to handle what he directed his spokesperson to tell the Tampa Times were malicious fabrications and complete balderdash.  That was corporate Scientology’s official, initial response to the lawsuit brought against Miscavige, RTC, and CSI in the San Patricio County District courthouse by former cult PI’s Greg Arnold and Paul Marrick.

 It does not take Lamont Jefferson, Esq. out of San Antonio to handle fabrications and balderdash.  But, that is who was brought in to represent Miscavige personally. Jefferson is often hired by the wealthy and plenty guilty because his brother is the Supreme Court of Texas’ Chief Justice. Rich, guilty people reckon that gives them  a leg up in front of local judges.   As you can see Jefferson has no problem making Miscavige out to be the victim (you read that right, victim) of big, bad, real attorney with a conscience Sugar Ray Jeffrey.

Miscavige’s Special Appearance San Pat County

As to RTC, they have chosen Tony Canales of Corpus Christi to represent them.  He is the local horse of choice by the drug dealers and con men of unlimited bread of the region.   He has done more for the South Texas crime industry than perhaps any other man. He is arguing that RTC has never carried out ANY business in Texas.  Prevarication has never been a problem in the past for Canales, and apparently still isn’t.  A year ago, Canales himself was doing plenty of RTC/Miscavige business in San Pat County Texas by unethically lobbying the Sheriff and the office of the County Attorney to have me falsely arrested (a matter that exploded in Miscavige’s face when the false arrest was exposed by the Corpus Christi Caller Times).

RTC’s Special Appearance

What is worse are the sworn affidavits of Warren McShane in support of both motions (affidavits are attached to motions).  As I have noted before, McShane has been retained as a Director of RTC by Miscavige for one reason and one reason alone, as per Miscavige’s own words:  the only reason I keep Warren around is because he is such a good liar.  In this case McShane is willingly and knowingly committing perjury by swearing RTC has had no NO contacts or operations in the State of Texas.   As those who have followed this blog know, McShane, Miscavige, and RTC have been doing daily business in San Patricio County Texas every single day for four straight years.

To make matters worse, last week on this blog, I shared  a glimpse of a wheelbarrow full of evidence I have demonstrating that those DAILY Texas contacts are of the most unconscionable sort.

Leave it to Miscavige to bring water pistols to put out  a prairie fire.   Leave it to Miscavige to pay $800/hour for the sleaziest con men money can buy to wield those pistols.

I hope he doesn’t, but my bet is that Miscavige pays off Marrick and Arnold before this ever gets to a hearing.

If he doesn’t, I’ll be right in the center of this storm.

Stay tuned to the weather channel.

Update:  Tony Ortega coverage

252 responses to “The Best Legal Whore House In Texas

  1. Pingback: The Best Legal Whore House In Texas | Martyrathbun09's Blog

  2. What a joyous day it would be to see Miscavige up on the witness stand.

  3. Oh, you will do well in the middle of the storm I’m certain about that. I’ve got the popcorn ready.

  4. iPat formerly Pat

    I wonder why Miscavige isn’t using George Spencer from the Debbie Cook matter earlier this year. Maybe Spencer told him to take a hike. Hmm.

  5. Thank you for the update Marty. It is interesting that Miscavige’s appearance as the supreme ecclesiastical leader at the opening of the Dallas Idle Org is not considered managing actions, when he’s clearly the inventor and driving force behind the insane Idle Orgs crusade – as written up in Warren the liar’s statements. Why bring all of this up when it seems that the usual mode for DM is to settle with big bucks and contain the truth telling? Goes to show again that one cannot understand insanity and Fuehrer bunker mentality.

  6. Obviously, none of this case will go to a trial.

    I can see DM’s dilema … this PI suit … Marty’s book … what a problem.

  7. Toot, Toot, another shipload of hush money coming into the harbor,
    wait one, looks like two shiploads !

  8. I love stormy weather!

  9. I think cob is just wasting a little money to save a face if he can, then he will fold up like the cheap suit that he is.

  10. DM will never ever take the witness stand. Just like he will never sit, down for a televison interview. He is way to intelligent to put, himself in such a spot. Where he may not fair well. It just won’t ever happen.

    Its all about public persona, image and apperances. This is what he must maintain toward Scientologists, that view him as the most competent being on the planet. Its so absurd, he uses a tanning bed, to appear healthy and vibrant. Its all sleight of the hand mechanics.

  11. Miscavige is like a fireman wearing flash paper.

  12. Tom Gallagher

    Well that about sums up the situation!

  13. To imply that Miscavige has never been to the Texas is disingenuous, irregardless of which Org he visited.

  14. Quote ” but the contract was not made, performed or breached in Texas.”

    Admission that there was a contract made.

  15. The kindle version of The Scientology Reformation doesn’t seem to be available on Amazon anymore ?

  16. I like extra butter, please…

  17. If micro dick doesn’t do business in the state of Texas doesn’t that mean that RTC has no authority over any Scientologist or church or mission in Texas.

  18. I just want to add and its just my personal evalution. DM has a number plans that can be effectuated if necessary. Notice when he took over COS he had a lawyer give a speech. It would be naive, to assume he does not have several backdoor scenarios, implemented.

    One would be moving, to a country with no Extradition Treaties with the United States. This is not doubt in my mind, he has massive amounts of funds in off shore accounts. So he will never really face any justice.

    He succceded with his manipulation and continues to do so. He is living the life of a billionare off the backs of good hearted scientologists. Futhermore crushing peoples lives with disconnection.

  19. All roads lead to davey. All of them. He’s positioned himself as the glorious, to be revered, ecclisiastical leader of all the crimes committed by all the OSA staff, their PIs, the IAS regges…he IS behind it all.
    Every single day of the year more people who revered and defended him are learning the truth.
    You wanna be “source” davey? You got it. You’ll get it.

  20. wow…he has had “business” there everyday for the last few years, as you say. I’m sure he has gone to great lengths to ensure his name is not on any document as “evidence”…but, being as stupid and as criminal as he is, David Miscavige will make a mistake sometime, if not this time.
    Also, as far as his business and contacts are concerned, it is along those lines of being so unbelievable that someone would do those things. A normal person would think, “How can anyone be so obsessed with one person so as to have him and his wife spied on 24 hours a day, send ‘Squirrel Busters’ in to ‘Make Marty’s life a living hell’ and spend all that money of parishioners to do that?”
    The lie of denial is sometimes easier to believe because most people think that no one can be that insane!
    Well, David Miscavige has proved them wrong…he IS that insane!

  21. 4. […] Plaintiffs have no connection to Texas.[…]

    Are the courts dumb enough to accept this? There must be receipts of some kind.

  22. Just finished your book, Marty, loved it. It´s going to shake those who haven´t heard or observed the message earlier. Of course, the manifest is about to fall. And it´s so true: As the reformation of 1500 didn´t mean to reorganize the catholic church, but to reform the existing christianity, so our reformation will rather end up in creating a new independent-scene than to keep trying to put ethics in in the church. We´ve tried it for too long and suffered way too hard for that.
    My only concern now is: Are we ready to service all of our “brothers” still IN the church (when they will come out in masses), to bring them savely and wholly THROUGH this truth-RD and establish a better scene – an environment not built on BPC? Having to learn to live in brotherhood with the rest of the universe – also including DM, TC and others, is a process, I myself don´t consider to be flat in my case. How about you? How do you deal with it?

  23. I love these blog titles Marty comes up with! Too witty!

    I have a feeling by the end of this legal chapter down in Texas, we might being seeing something like, “The Texas Main Flaw Massacre ” .

  24. You have balls that are the size of Texas! Good for you – man and womankind applaud your courage!

  25. Hapexamendios

    With the exorbitant amount of parishioner supplied funds that little lord Fauntleroy spends on clothing I’m sure that he would take great offense at that statement!

  26. like! 🙂

  27. Marty — I think its time to finally pull out the “St Pete Times” declarations from 2009. I am sure Ray would find them interesting. Dozens of brown-nosers doing their best to curry favor of the Great One by making statements about how Miscavige does literally EVERYTHING in Scientology — including the immortal words of Sue Wilhere: “David Miscavige IS Scientology.” The enforced collapse: Miscavige = micromanaging dictator over the entire Scientology dominion, is going to come back to bite him in the butt.

    I will make sure Sugar Ray knows I am available to testify as needed.

    Sooner or later, the house of cards is going to collapse. We saw the first wing of his castle of sand fall to pieces in San Antonio where the history of Miscavige bullying people with “gag agreements” went south. Now another wing is fronting up to the inexorable tide: the fallacy that Miscavige can remain shielded from liability for HIS actions with a sham corporate structure designed to insulate him.

    You bet he is shelling out the big bucks. He knows if he doesnt win this challenge, not only will he be up shit creek with a sieve for a paddle in this case, he will have just opened himself to liability for torts committed by any church of Scientology. And that is his worst nightmare. And the bad news for him is this: even if he WERE to prevail, it doesnt get rid of this lawsuit, only potentially moves it to a different venue.

    The bombs are dropping on top of the bunker. He doesnt dare set foot outside. He sends his cannon fodder and paid lapdogs out to erect tents to deflect the raining ordinance from reaching his tanning bed….

  28. For DM and RTC not to have had any involvement in Texas … that means there is no CofS in Texas, no OSA antics in Texas, no IAS reges in Texas, no nothing at all in Texas. What’s wrong with Texas? Hasn’t anybody in management ever made an attempt to do something there?

  29. constant vigilance

    ExSO said, ” but the contract was not made, performed or breached in Texas.”
    Admission that there was a contract made.” Yes! That is an admission by DM and his spokemouth person, that a contract with the two PI’s was indeed made! Good posting Ex SO.

  30. constant vigilance

    Sorry to move to a different subject for just a minute, but I have a warning to all the under the radar lurkers here. I heard from a friend who is IN but under the radar, and she said that an acquaintance she knows was KRed for her non-party-line comments, and the MAA pulled that person in and made her bring her laptop with her. Then he made her open it up to the email. They went to each email she had ever ever written to anyone about Scn and got the names. Then they pulled in all those people for “handling” (reporgramming) and ethics and made those people bring their laptops. amazing the lengths the corrupt C of $ will go to. In the parlance of our Constitution, it amounts to ‘illegal search and seizure.’ And if you remember history, in Tory Magoo’s case (Tory Christman/Bezazian), her husband let the church in, they went to her computer and got all info off it and wiped it clean. All against her will, and all allowed to do it by her Kool Aide drinking husband at the time. So if you are under the radar and someone from the church says to come and bring your computer. Just say NO. NO means NO.

  31. ” I hope he doesn’t, but my bet is that Miscavige pays off Marrick and Arnold before this ever gets to a hearing.

    If he doesn’t, I’ll be right in the center of this storm.

    Stay tuned to the weather channel.”

    Davey is not in control of this. He will never take the stand. The PIs will determine the outcome and the amount. If they push for a trial then the best time to settle would be at 7:00AM on the day before you are to appear on the stand. That would net them several million more IMHO.

    It does not go unnoticed that the PIs case exists primarily because you will not be bought off. Kha Khan to you Marty.

  32. “The bombs are dropping on top of the bunker. He doesnt dare set foot outside. He sends his cannon fodder and paid lapdogs out to erect tents to deflect the raining ordinance from reaching his tanning bed….”

    What an image… thanks for the laughs Mike.

  33. constant vigilance

    And to continue the thread, this person who spoke to me today who is IN but under the radar. Her husband worked for OSA doing computer work for them up until recently. I asked why he stopped? She would only say, “because they wanted him to do illegal stuff.” And when he refused, they went to the next person and got their OSA bot who would oblige them with doing their illegal and criminal bidding.

  34. When Miscavige take the witness stand and swears to tell the truith, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, snow cones will be given out in Hell.
    Most real is hush money that will tax the sheeple to bankrupcy and that truthfully has been done many times.

  35. T23: And if after the snow cones were handed out he actually DID tell the truth, the devil himself would turn blue, his lips would quiver and he would then freeze in place — partly from shock and partly from hell not just having frozen over, but having reached absolute zero.

  36. Here is my question. Allowing that Miscavige is directly responsible and oversaw the harassment suffered by you and Monique last year (I have no doubt the facts are otherwise), how do those contacts relate to the employment contracts with Merrick and Arnold? The point that Miscavige and RTC concerning jurisdiction is well taken. While California (legal residence of defendants), Colorado (residence of plaintiffs) or the Broeker’s state of residence (services subject of the contract were performed) would all be appropriate forums, what part of the employment contract dealt concerns contacts within the state of Texas? My thought is that Miscavige and RTC’s actions with relation to you and Monique, while qualifying as “torts committed in Texas”, may not be sufficient contacts for the purpose of long arm jurisdiction.

  37. Yep! And after he reads tonight’s post about being the ecclesiastical pimp for Tom Cruise you had better get the EKG machine on the way to the Bunker in Hemet!

  38. constant vigilance

    Well said Mike! When it is so much evil or such heavy evil, people cannot confront it and so turn away as “too incredible to be believed.” Somehow we have to let them know that this insanity actually did happen and must be believed.

  39. martyrathbun09

    Stay tuned. I’m just toying with the little fella at the moment.

  40. martyrathbun09

    Right. Do you have the two pdfs with those declarations on them still? Can you email them to me?

  41. martyrathbun09

    The author of that film script is a neighbor – small world.

  42. martyrathbun09

    try again – its there.

  43. In his “Special Appearance” Miscaviges statement said, “In short, Miscavige has no meaningful contacts with the Sate of Texas”…..hmm, it also said that Miscavige claims to be the “Ecclesiastic leader of the COCS. …and it is undeniable that COCS Churches have applied for and received tax exemption in the State of Texas. He claims to be the Chairman of the Board of the RTC…..doesn’t the RTC have representatives in every COCS Church in the State of Texas?
    So, am I misunderstanding the legal meaning of that first statement?
    If not, isn’t that statement simply a brazen denial and invalidation of the judicial powers of the State of Texas?

  44. No, RTC doesnt have representatives in the TWO churches in Texas (so much for the MASSIVE international expansion opening “new churches” “every week” — the same two, Austin and Dallas that have been there since the 70’s – oh, and Miscavige COMBINED Dallas Org and CC Dallas).

    But just because there are no reps there doesnt make him distant and uninvolved in Texas….

  45. Bitter Defrocked Apostate

    It might be appropriate at this point to remind people that if anyone tells you to go somewhere (e.g. their office) and you don’t want to go, they are attempting to commit a crime – false imprisonment, attempted kidnapping or whatever. The thing to do when asked to go somewhere you don’t want to go is to let them know you are going to call 911. And then do so. And then be prepared to get the fuck outta Dodge.

  46. Bitter Defrocked Apostate

    Unless you have big enough balls to remain in Dodge with the knowledge of the potential harassment you may endure, albeit illegal.

  47. plainoldthetan

    Tony: don’t forget he’s got to save face through the IAS event this weekend and maybe the New Year’s event 2013. Stalling tactics would be the right thing to do and are right up Miscavige’s alley.

  48. Li'll bit of stuff

    Classic Rinder at his keyboard best! Unraveling the
    ceremonious pomp from it’s golden razorwire loftiness
    and extravagance.Stripping off the De$igner $ilk,fitted
    tuxedo, and the flamboyant 1.1 smile, masking the
    golden thong, and the face of the devil himself, respect-
    ively! Oh what fun for a satirist! Toilet flush for midget!

  49. plainoldthetan

    Miscavige and his Motley Mob of Malicious Minions have never let the facts cloud what seems like a perfect legal argument.

  50. Li'll bit of stuff

    CAT>>>>>>>> mouse! ..”.squeeeeek! ” ( scurries from
    one insecure mouse-hole to another! while desperately
    trying to avoid being caught in that unwavering laser-
    like stare!)……………. Sucks being miscavige the mouse!

  51. Li'll bit of stuff

    BTW, forgot to mention the claws— DEADLY, when
    they strike! ( y’all ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!!)

  52. Li'll bit of stuff

    Dead center of the bull’s (midget’s) eye, Les!

  53. Just finished the new book, Marty. Your writing is very engaging. I find myself moving through the material easily and never losing interest.

    For several years now I’ve been reading and listening to the horror stories. I have observed my own sense of disbelief turn to certainty with all of the various sources corroborating the testimony. I think I’ve finally gotten my confront of evil up to the point where I can calmly look at the utter disdain with which miscavige treats all life. I’m not flinching. I really do appreciate a good session of TR 0 bullbait.


    Re: “Stay tuned. I’m just toying with the little fella at the moment.”
    That’s very very funny.

  54. Well, this irks me.
    I spent a nice hour or so purchasing the other day and then reading today Marty’s book at a local Starbucks specifically addressed to loyal Scientologist’s. from what I can tell,

    Then I read this blog. It will never stop, Dave?! Insane.

  55. The last time I heard from someone in the Church, it was an MAA demanding that I come in. I knew it was a disguised recruitment cycle.

    I said, ” Who the fuck are you to order me over there? Do you have a subpeona?” and I hung up the phone. Never heard back.

    Before that Greg Hughes called me as a WDC terminal and ordered me into the Flag Command Bureau to “sort something out”. I got up there and he took me in a room and asked me some questions about a false report another WDC terminal made against me. I told him it was all a false report. He says to me that the other WDC terminal must be mad at me!
    I must have done something to make him mad! And he tells me to walk over to that area to get it sorted out!

    Then I realized it was a scam. It was going to be another recruitment cycle.

    I walked out of the room as if I was heading to that area and then I ducked into the hallway and shot straight down to the lobby in the elevator and out the front door and out of the building.

    Both times, I just said, “No” or walked away. They will adjust to the word “No”. “Um..No Thanks” and hang up.

  56. He is involved in Texas on that rental lease that was fraudulently rented to house the equipment to spy on Marty. That lease was fraudulently signed. Nobody is living in that home except spy equipment. Someone set that equipment up and knows exactly who was using it or where it was up streaming to. The computers and equipment can be seized as part of a crime scene (fraud, stalking, running a business out of a residential neighborhood and part of domestic terrorism).

  57. And each time Miscavige acts in a nefarious way, Marty posts and the world sees.
    Dave, you can’t intimidate these Independents. They will fight you till you fall.

    No money can tempt these people. Because their purpose is higher than money.

    This idea of liberty eats laywers for breakfast. This idea of Independents always dethrones tyrants.

    Slowly Dave, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of the internet, will win.

    These people are fired up, because they have truth and goodness on their side.

    Clock is ticking.

  58. Ha, ha! I sure hope so!

  59. Thats what SHE said !

  60. Great point newcomer… I think it’s time to change your handle. 🙂

  61. Hows about some, Haiku?

    — davey miscaviage

    — coward cowering corner

    — sounds the death rattle

    — Rathbun and Rinder

    — Long gone, cupboard bare, Oh S#!t !

    — Dont forget Mosey!

    “Cheers Beers & its not tone 1.1 to be queer”

    Your friendly neighborhood Bed Man

    (I find it ironic, my spell check corrects “miscaviage” with miscarriage)

  62. Dave, that internal little voice inside your head that tells you that you are special, tells you that you are so important is starting to loose it’s grip.

    You are getting overwhelmed by all this. You haven’t ever had to deal with so much with such frequency.

    You are having strange feelings. Your circle of trusted may be plants.

    You can’t spend your way out of your unsettling feelings. Things are tense for you Dave. Very tense.

    Drinking will only make it foggy and worse.

  63. Bitter Defrocked Apostate

    Sites such as Marty’s blog here and activities such as Anonymous protests are making it safer to get out of the Cof$ without being chased, harassed, etc.

  64. Bitter Defrocked Apostate

    The Code of Honor point regarding communication is also applicable:
    “Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.”

  65. I have read the book. As always it is well written and shows how literal you are.

    When trying to form your opinion on any book that handles the facts, one must evaluate the data against what one already knows. When some of the facts check out with what one already knows, credence is given to the rest. In my case I know that what Marty wrote about Slatkin and Feschbach was not only the full truth, it was downplayed. These did a lot worse than what is in the book. I therefore find the book to be extremely credible.

    The book therefore sheds a light on dm and tm weird behavio I now understand what I was wondering about for years.

    Thank you Marty,

  66. Miscavige ran “every square inch” (inside joke) of the 199 days of seige on Marty and Mosey, even putting the 2 PIs in question onto Marty and claims no connection to Texas ?
    Cognitive dissonance.

  67. Didn’t David Dumbass just two or three weeks ago publish an Official Statement that having people followed at Marty’s was part of their official program to “eliminate all connections with past members” or some such tripe? He’s literally like an incoherent, hallucinatory, dust mite which if you can get a microphone small enough he’s saying, “Texas? I’ve never been to Texas or conducted any business there, or even said the word to anyone. Those PIs I sent in there recently to video Marty’s house for the last two years renting a house which we are paying for, plus the two PIs who I sent into Texas who we paid $35K a week for 25 years, they were never sent to Texas — all those people were supposed to go to Tennessee BUT there was a mix up because a transcriber put “TN” when I said “TX” and put in the wrong commas just like they did with all the GAT books I had to fix. And when I said Texas I was just saying “tech says” not “Texas” you know, like “Tech says there is LRH HERE, okay, then ME, then Tom Cruise, then okay… then Rudy Eugene, then Danny Dunagin, then Lisa Schroer. No, wait, put Rudy Eugene above TC. Yeah, that’s better. Rudy’s cool.”

  68. I am available to testify.

  69. Li'll bit of stuff

    Great post, Brian!
    Resolve like this topples miniature magnates!

  70. Hapexamendios

    “Motley Mob of Malicious Minions” – I love it!

  71. BIS, Karma has no need for extradition, and Karma is not impressed by money. The bigger the bad actions David Miscavige did, the bigger punishment he will receive. Halleluiah brother!

  72. Hapexamendios

    I would have a much filthier response than simply “No”. God that is completely insane.

  73. To be in the middle of the storm: isn’t that the safest place to be?

  74. Is there a bucket of popcorn big enough if this gets to court? Thinking about it now my be a good time to invest in corn. 🙂

  75. +1000 ! Spot on !!

  76. Bert Leahy?

  77. Yes, there is only one big fat evil spider in the web. But the web is being dismantled slowly but surely, till he has no place to hide anymore.
    The more intricate the web, the more vulnerable it is. It just needs the right force at the right time – and it is gone (with the wind).

  78. I always grab a bag of popcorn before clicking on your blog. 🙂

  79. They most damning, in all of this is DM, not suing Marty for defamation, libel and slander of character. Speaks volumes about having to hide things. Anybody with clean hands in DMs position would take untrue allegations of violence and this level of defamation to court.

    Lawyers are so deeply rooted in COS and DM has unlimited funds to fight off false facts. That he does not, is his best form of damage control.

  80. Pingback: Texas Blues: David Miscavige Forsakes The Largest State in the Lower 48 | ortegaunderground

  81. “This is not doubt in my mind, he has massive amounts of funds in off shore accounts”

    He controls all the IAS funds – reportedly upwards of 2 billion dollars – those funds have ALWAYS been kept offshore. The IAS administrations office are on the Freewinds …

    His own PERSONAL fortune – reportedly upwards of 50 million is no doubt all off shore

    He could and probably has a few islands of his own. He will never go hungry, never sleep under a desk, never scrub toilets,

    Never have a friend, never feel the warmth we feel when we are loved, never stop the dead feeling in his heart, never relax, never stop looking over his shoulder, never stop the fear of dying

    He is a prime lesson for us all on how never to behave.


  82. Gern Gaschoen

    Here Pike. Lets introduce Head.

  83. uhhhhhh….Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!!!!

  84. Go to Austin Org’s web site, scroll down and hit “copyrights and trademarks”.
    It says “all material on this site are protected by copyright laws”.
    Then it says,”the following trademarks are owned by RTC Los Angeles,Ca”.
    It then lists Scn and Dn words and logos etc.
    Therefore, Austin org is licensed by RTC to use RTC’s material to do business in Texas.
    Great legal strategy DM’s got.

  85. Bury the Nuts

    Marty, why does this not surprise us!

  86. ” No, wait, put Rudy Eugene above TC. Yeah, that’s better. Rudy’s cool.”

    And besides, that mother f*#k@ng Tom isn’t doing anything to help with this mess and it is all his fault anyway. The dumb ass couldn’t even hold on to the wife I got for him! Put Danny Dunagin above TC too. Shit …it sucks to be myself, I have to do evrything!!!!

  87. You are right about that! Soon enough.

  88. But the miscarriage is not yet stupid enough to pay for that in his own name…………….probably sends cash to one of the DB PIs.

  89. Don’t forget that truckload of semi colons DM had ordered distributed to all the lower 48 states EXCEPT Texas – Texas gets no semi colons!

  90. Marty Kim Henkel (Henkle)???

  91. Bitter Defrocked Apostate


  92. Well said Brian. And as we watch the Federal Reserve convert our fiat currency into worthless paper those who value it more than life itself will also watch their integrity follow the same path.

  93. Karma is nice but it helps Karma plenty to have a partner in Marty R

  94. Im not trying to “wax Rinders car”, but from an outsiders point of view. Ive said this before- dm shot himself in the foot when he let Rinder slip through — think about all the interviews you saw with Rinder before he left the C0$.

    I knew he was lying through teeth, but that dude knew how to handle and speak to a reporter AND a nation wide audience. Go to youtube and watch him in action & then compare it to the semi coherent fully retarded ilk, such as Tommy & Karin & whoever the new sacrificial lamb is.

    None of them, have ever held a flame to Rinder and his bullshit .

    Rinder, will never be replaced by anyone, because there is no one left that could sell this shit like he could.

    Yes the internet was around when Rinder was on his way out, but think about how much MORE the net is used now for information, than it was even in 04

    Maybe if he were in today, with all of the info available today – PIs, Squirrel busting kooks in $5 t shirts – maybe Rinder would not be as effective as he once was, – but ill bet he would be more convincing than the current dip shit, myopian.

    I KNOW it, actually.

    Lets all give a Hip Hip Hooray to Mr Michael Rinder, “who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side”

    I guess I was Waxing Rinders Car –

    but tell me im wrong.

    Cheers Beers & its not 1.1 tone, to be a queer

    Long live turth and equality for everyone

    Bed Man Okc

  95. Marty — I know I am behind the times here, but I just finished a thorough re-reading of your new book.

    In my view, it should be headlined and promoted with:


    There is NO DOUBT that if Miscavige thought he could disprove what is said he would not hesitate to sue. This is the most damning indictment and expose imaginable. And he is utterly silent.

    His mute helplessness is the best recommendation the book could have….

  96. youre up and at it early this morning Rinder – just coming in and throwing Haymakers

  97. I hope you read my Haiku, yesterday

  98. constant vigilance

    Mike and Born in the SO: You’re right. Since DM is so sue-happy and that is his answer to everything (after the bribe was turned down first), of course. Marty, I think you should reprint the book right now with that blurb on the back jacket:

    “David Miscavige, with unlimited funds, dozens of lawyers at his disposal and a well-deserved reputation for litigiousness, has not sued the author of this book.”

  99. Very nicely put. We should actually pity him I guess but I suspect some will want to see him brought to book for the damage and untold grief he has been responsible for and not least the betrayal of LRH and his legacy.
    My main concern right now though is whether I’ll have access to enough popcorn…….

  100. constant vigilance

    Marty, you, however, have grounds to sue DM. Are you interested in suing him for stalking, for harrassment, for doing business out of a residential neighborhood, for spying, etc etc etc? And as for defamation and slander and libel, that piece they did on you in the Freedom Mag, as well as the Dead Agent pack they give parishioners to read, as well as the hate site they have on you and others… those things could be sued either as being taken from your pc folders when it was priest penitent privileged information and was breech of security; OR just sue for slander and libel. Either way, it will help the sales of your book go up because as we have all heard: any publicity is good publicity!


    “Let those who engage in financial irregularities go join the walking dead.
    They sure are no part of this team. They are buying no future. In fact they are burying themselves. If they knew what they were burying themselves in, they´d faint.
    This is not a plea. I am just pointing out that org monies misdirected in this life could very well guarantee a very nasty next.
    Millions of criminals suffering in prison share this in common with those who engage in org financial irregularities-they too thought there were no consequences. But those criminals have it easy. They are only suffering THIS life.
    Anyone who has misdirected Scientology org monies will, of course try brush it off in various ways-black PR, belittlement, seeking to make nothing of the crime. But it won´t brush off, brother, it won´t brush off. THAT crime stood in the way of freedom. You better believe it.
    Whether one has any reality on Scientology or not-he will, once dead, oh yes he will!
    This it not a threat or a curse. This is about the most friendly advice anyone ever gave.”
    HCOPL 14 March 1982: Financial irregularities.

  102. DWD (Down with Dave)

    Joyous it would be, but it will never happen – Arnold et Marrick have Wee Dave by the proverbial short hairs. It will be a happy pay day for them when Co$ settles this. And this is what your Co$ “donations” buy!

  103. martyrathbun09

    Now, that is funny.

  104. Interesting similarity between the koolaids and this comment about the Lance Armstrong controversy from an article on Comcast this morning:

    Daniel Borochoff, founder and president of Chicago-based CharityWatch, said last week it may take some time for donors to digest the allegations against Armstrong.
    “Individuals that admire and support an individual who is later found out to be severely tarnished, don’t want to admit it, don’t want to admit that they’ve been duped,”

  105. For some reason, the ending to the movie, “The Shawshank Redemption”, comes to mind…. “His Judgement Cometh, and that Right Soon”

  106. Never mind the litigation, where is DM’s Staff Hat, with stats on the wall, proving to Scientologists at least, that KSW is #1 in DM’s hat?

    If he is failing at litigation (or winning, we shall see..), one thing is definitely nevertheless clear: DM is failing at Scientology, and has categorically done so, for decades. And we, so-called Scientologists, have allowed it.

    Where are DM’s statistics?

    Costly, self-inflicted Litigation designed to protect a single individual (DM) instead of the strengthened, organized, Church? As a Scientologist, I do not want this. Fancy digs, empty and bereft of PC’s, with “Qual – Words Cleared” in TREASON across every single Org, yet nobody knows about it? Nope. Secret bases/locations/operations only a few privileged ‘quasi-public/-staff/-ensnared’ individuals may access? WTF? That is not Scientology.

    Utterly not-working Orgs, struggling to eat rice and beans? Hell, no : this is not KSW.

    As part of a DOUBT on organized Scientology, I have inspected every single Orgs stats board, on my Cont, at least once a year for years, now. I always look, sometimes as quickly as possible (due to circumstances) at WDAH and Words-Cleared, at least. Dead Flat. We all should be doing this.. public or otherwise, walking into orgs and demanding to see All Stats. As a general PR program for the purposes of recovery, I think that the position “All Stats Visible”, regardless of condition, for a recovering Org, must be demanded. “KSW: SHOW ME THE STATS!”, “KSW: HEAD ON A PIKE!”, “KSW: MORE COMM, LESS SECRETS!” t-shirts, etc.

    As an SO member, who wants to Audit and get on with it, is it helping to have to spend so much time working on DM’s ass? Nope. Is “Litigation” a clearing process? Real-estate? I don’t want this either, (although to be truthful I feel that MEST-wise, more boat-based orgs would be nice, but .. however..)

    What I want is STATISTICS, particularly AUDITING.

    Aren’t we supposed to be Auditing on the sidewalk, if we have to?

    Do I want this battle with Marty being the main object of 3rd-dynamic HE&R? Nope, as a Scientologist, this bugs me immensely, because Marty is an Auditor, and I want more and more details of his statistics, as an Auditor. Not as a litigee, a cowboy, texan, or otherwise – indeed, he is one of the worlds first public Auditors to rise. That is what I want to see more of, 3rd-dynamic wise, a wish for my group. Why is Marty being attacked by the Church instead of encouraged? An Auditor of Marty’s calibre, doing what he’s doing in his way and with his community – we should have at least 12 or 20 Marty’s per Org, already. Eh?

    Do we want to have to deal with SP’s? I guess we have to, whether its on the books, or not. But at some point – beyond the current lowers – there will be more Auditors, rising. Is DM delivering that? Is the Church, right now? Not .. really .. maybe slowly. Somewhere? Mystery.

    All that money being wasted instead of getting the orgs actually in communication and producing. Cameras in Marty’s neighborhood?

    Instead of expensive dandy spy game event edits, we Scientologists should instead be getting things like “Int Statistics – All”, LCD-projected up on the walls of every Org at the next event and for each and every ‘event’ thereafter. This none-LRH tech being used on Martys’ Kitchen should instead be used to put all the Orgs in comm.

    Here, a small demo of what I think that surveillance tech should have been used on, instead:

    2013 INCOMM PR PROGRAM, INT: GOAL: Put all Orgs in Comm, GOAL #1: all World Stats available in realtime, on the wall, in every Org. GOAL: Put a camera/projector and a decent net-link in every Org, and turn it on. GOAL: All Orgs globally communicating in realtime, with a statistics-based interface. PRODUCT: Globally communicating staff members whose daily walk through reception may reflect the daylight of a dozen different places in the world, with World Statistics visible, PR position #1, on or near the door of the Org. Staff – or Public – can use the system to communicate with any other Org, from any other Org, in realtime. Any progress in the World Orgs, thus communicating, would be available in realtime. Public, raw or otherwise, can communicate with any other Org reception in the world, and see statistics for any Hat in the World Churches. Product: Every stat, for every hat. Accessible to Public and Staff, alike. Video of every Org reception, live streamable to any other Org reception, putting all Orgs in communication.

    Cost: one iPhone5 per Org, local rates apply. One LCD projector per Org. SO Mission time: One Month.
    * * *

    Meh, instead its Spy this, and Legal that, and Secrets this, and Witholds that.. WTF.

    Is there nobody wearing the Sea Org member hat around DM any more?

  107. The org is Austin is registered as the Church of Scientology of TEXAS – that is Texas, not just Austin.

  108. Interesting to note Elizabeth Szabo’s name as Notary Public. Guess Warren had to go all the way to the next office to find someone to notarize his crock of BS–er, I mean affadavit.

  109. Bought and read it over the weekend. Fantastic job, Marty!

  110. Oh my…..thats rough. No one was ever as good as Ron getting a point across

  111. I didn’t necesarily mean to come out (although that would be great), just that you weren’t a “newcomer” anymore…

  112. Plus 1!! Howdy Bed Man Okc. 🙂 (That’s what she said)

  113. heathergraceful

    Good for the husband. You may just have outed them though.

  114. Whats the take on this blog. Does tiny fist read this stuff himself? Or does he have minions do it for him and report? Or a combination of the two?

  115. Excellent, excellent point Mike! I was thinking about the same thing a couple of days ago. Also why hasn’t Bert Fields chimed in for Tom Cruise saying it is all a lie and threatening to sue like they do with the National Enquirer?

  116. Jean-François Genest

    The IAS website’s “Activities” page
    needs to be updated to include:
    • Spying on actual Scientologists who deliver Standard Tech
    • Harassment of past Sea Org, staff and public Scientologists
    • Elimination of all connections with past members
    • Purchasing (pimping) expen$ive liars (lawyers – excuse my French)
    • Filing useless court cases that risk exposing the truth about David Miscavidge

  117. Jean-François Genest

    Cashed checks with the bank’s stamp make great evidence to expose the money trail.
    From: ________
    Pay to the order of: __________
    *** Signature ! __________

  118. Christine,

    I’ve heard the statement that DM has his own personal fortune of upward of 50 million before Where did that come from? S.O. wages? Wise investments in penny stocks? Earned it before he was 20? Inheritance from other family S.O. members? The man must be a financial genius… Right! What’s the real story?

  119. Great reference! Thanks …

  120. I’m with you Marty in betting it will get settled…the moral turpitude of Miscavige has no bounds.

    Btw, your book is soooo goood! The LRH quotes at the beginning of the book of being able to look w/o fear, hopefully will open the door for Scn’s to look at what is really happening. Completely discusted over the brown nosing by that rich crim Zwan buying his way onto OT 7. And the parallels to Catholic parishioners buying their way into heaven from their crimes by huge donations so as to be forgiven by the Pope, ha! The book is loaded with little jewels i.e., “A donation or fine would not be acceptable amends” HCOPL 1 May 1965 Staff Member Reports

  121. Marty,

    Please take this from a “hyper-critic”(:
    I admire your courage and the big light you are shinning on so many dark places


  122. While not necessarily easy, due to the obfuscation and ass-covering tactics of DM and his minions, to demonstrate there is proper jurisdiction over DM, there seems to be enough possible evidence to make it a suffiicient point of dispute and potential additional discovery to cause DM to throw in the towel and run away (like usual – the BIG COWARD). Why did he even make the special appearance to challenge jurisdiction if he has not been served?

  123. Li'll bit of stuff

    Jaw-dropping P/L, Pj!!

    Miscavige!!!! Let’s see you try to buy L.Ron Hubbard off!!
    And this was FRIENDLY advice he gave, way back in ’82!

    Still think you can get out of THIS? Think again!!

    ALL eyes are watching you, with every move you make.

    Sleep well, crazy davey…….sleep…..well!

  124. So RTC, through the Church of Scientology of Texas has in fact been doing business in Texas, since 1982/1983?

    Also, it was on this day 30 years ago, (Oct. 17, 1982) at the San Francisco mission holders conference, that Dean Stokes mission holder of Southwest Mission in Dallas was shit canned by who? RTC!
    And RTC has no business dealings in Texas?

    My wife, who was the other mission holder in Dallas, skipped out on the S.F. mission holders conference, by saying that she had pc’s scheduled that day and wouldn’t break appointments per the auditors code.
    But nevertheless RTC showed up on her door step a few weeks later and sucked all the money out of her mission’s bank account.

    Gee wiz, I just can’t figure out why Scientology never took off in Texas.
    It looked so promising at one time.

  125. Compared to old timers like you I am very new. Although I began to question in 1997, had serious considerations by 2004, was certain to never again receive services at Flag by 2006, and had my SRA in 2009 when I was fully cooked and left for dead! But I was still aware of noises about and I had my ‘rifle’ in my hand……………..and so I decided to come back and play! Glad to be among this uptone group!

  126. Tony — right. And predictably, Fields *threatened* the National Enquirer, but that was the end of the matter. Another toothless, empty threat. Can’t even gum out a threat Marty’s way — they know he will publish whatever they send him and accept service on their complaint….

  127. Off topic. Check out the tag line. When fiction meets reality…

  128. I can envision the day when the miscarriages quarters in Hemet will be on display as part of the new revised PTS/SP course to help all achieve a full conceptual understanding of the life and times of a true SocioPath!

  129. Don’t forget to add under additional services: For a FEE we will run personality tests and find you the perfect soulmate. We will even let you have trial runs to be sure they are puuurrrrrrrrfect foy you.

  130. Refer to the Battle of New Orleans! He will run just like the Redcoats in 1814 when they took a little trip down (to San Patrico County). It’s a comin’ Davey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You pick the fan……we will choose the color material.

  131. Yvonne – I bet that org in Austin has a great big certificate from the RTC allowing it to use the word Scientology. I believe all org’s have these certificates from the RTC giving them certain rights and stating they are standard and under the guidance of RTC. There is also notices on promo and magazines that you may report directly to RTC to see that what you believe are outnesses are correct. But, nooooo, RTC has never done any business in Texas! Even if they did, the chairman of the board, never attended any meetings, briefings and in fact only recently heard of the word Texas. hah.

  132. His stats are posted and visible for everyone to see:

    1. Number of enemies made for Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard — straight up and vertical.

    2. Square feet of grandiose, off-policy, empty buildings — screaming Affluence and highest ever ever.

    3. Inches of press and minutes of radio and TV — 50X more than the grand total of the 50 previous years combined in just the last 3 months. All of it entheta.

  133. I believe they have some interesting law on how you can serve someone in Texas.

    As I said yesterday, this is another of his Waterloo moments. There’s no real upside for him. Even if he wins this motion, he still has to fight the lawsuit. If he loses, his house of cards crumbles…. all the elaborate sham corporate protections to shield him from liability have a huge hole blown through them.

    It sucks to be Miscavige.

  134. Did you mean, perhaps, “literate” ?

  135. Bury the Nuts

    SWEET! I think I just cognited past the trees and saw the forest. DOH!
    Toy away! This rocks and I am zipped.
    Remind me to try not to piss you off!

  136. Good one Scott!

  137. I think we can assume he has not buried himself in any ethics book of late. It’s not like conditions have improved since the last time he got tangled up in Texas.

  138. I am available to riot.

  139. Oh Oh very insightful! So true!

  140. So true! Good spotting there!

  141. Re: Texas law and service. Obviously he has cognizance of the suit, and even makes a special appearance to challenge jurisdiction. Isn’t that tantamount to “accepting service” or being served?

  142. Another Internet Fake ID (name is a play on “Your Welcome” in German) conducting PR ops against Marty efforts to put Ethics in on Darth Midget.

    Seems we’ve had several of these lately, I wonder why ? :p

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  143. Some people would have to perjure themselves if summoned into court to keep him out of it. I don’t think the paid handyman would be willing to go that far.

  144. No, that is what a “special appearance” is for — to challenge service or jurisdiction without submitting to it. It’s a strange concept….

  145. Sun Tzu said “Never let the enemy general choose the place or time of a battle”.

    The courts are Darth Midget’s battleground of choice, where he can make the most of his half billion dollar IAS slush fund to draw out any case with malicious motion practice until the opponent is bankrupt.

    Marty is inflicting serious and severe PR damage on the little fuckwit dictator doing just what he is doing. Why fix what ain’t broke ?

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  146. I suspected that is what is was, but I do have a hard time wrapping my wits around the concept as well.

  147. David’s attorney wrote in a recently published letter that Mr. Miscavige travels the globe full time. If that is true then where is Mr. Miscavige to be addressed? In the sky? And why does Mr. Miscavige travel the globe full time? To avoid prosecution? If Mr. Miscavige travels the globe full time as his lawyer attests, why not Texas, it’s as good as any place else. 🙂

  148. Theo Sismanides

    Another example of a big waste of money. Miscavige distributes money to PIs and translations, for example, never got any good amount of money for Pro Translators. Then we are talking about expansion.

  149. Covered in part in Marty’s Reformation Book — got 250K salary, invested with Feshbeck’s who were instructed not to LOST a nickel of his loot — and the rest — don’t know.

    He’s a financial criminal that’s for sure — as for genius … naaaaa 🙂

  150. CV, anyone called in to any mission or org and told to bring their computer with them agrees to this of their own free will!!!

  151. You’re right Steve, there was a statement from the Church about trying cut off Marty from communicating with any of the clapping seals because they couldn’t clap and hold their ears at the same time! Poor bastards.

  152. I absolutely meant literate. Sorry Marty. Thanks for the correction Mike.

  153. You like that huh, TouchDown? Did you happen to see my Haiku above, I was really proud of coming up with those early this morning.

    Guess, Im the only one 🙂

  154. Mike, it’s important to note that not only dm is not suing, Feschbach and Zwan are not suing either. Thanks God, in the US you need to prove the defendant is lying in a libel suit. They cannot do that, so when Marty speaks, they hunker down in their fancy bunkers, wishing he will go away.

    Well he is not going away.

  155. It never ceases to amaze, even after all of this time. That EVERY – single press release the cult releases – is ALWAYS protecting ONE person, never the group – only what dm has “done”

    When was the last time a press release protected someone else other than daveyboy?

    Id love to see it.

    I know there are plenty of Kool Aide drinker still in the cult.
    But, for the most part – scientologists are good/great people who want to do good and think they are changing the world. And I have to believe that their eyes are opening and that the shit is not getting back into the horse EVER.

    dm is losing people daily & its only going to get worse for people inside , because there will be fewer and fewer people for dm to demand money from.

    Which in turn, means the staff that are being forced to CRUSH REG, are going to find it harder to find and get money from these smaller amounts of people which also means dm & company will come down even harder on the poor saps that are forced to do these unethical requests/demands.

    I know its been said and i believe it is true, dm and his ilk are on the way down a lot farther than they will ever be able to make it back up.

    Its just a matter of time.

    Im just sitting here enjoying the show.

    Seriously, tell me one show on TV that is better than reading this blog and Ortegas blog etc….

    Name one show thats better than this real life struggle?


  156. OSA really has no idea who they are talking to. Any one of the shills they try to rook in to do their dirty (illegal) work might be taping the phone call or secretly recording the conversation. Any one of them might have already read Debbie Cook’s New Years message to davey and may have seen her sworn testimony that miscavige did indeed torture her, and that he did indeed beat management staff.
    Any one of the people OSA asks to engage in nefarious activities might be the next whistle blower. For that matter, anyone from OSA might be the next whistleblower. Maybe the next person to speak out is the guy sitting beside you at the next event. He didn’t clap loud enough…he was reluctant to stand up quickly enough…look for those tell tale signs that someone is not totally obedient and compliant and forthcoming with the barrels of money being demanded.
    You just can’t tell in that kind of a cloak and daggar environment who might sneak out and speak out next.
    The only thing you can be absolutely sure of is that SOMEONE will be next.

  157. Marty, I found that the Dallas org has 5-10 employees and earns under $500,000 annually. How many publics does it have? Dallas metro area has 4.1 million, or 1/75 of the total US population. How many publics does the whole country have (not counting the Sea Org and Clearwater, FL).

  158. Actually, it is not a strange concept at all. It is one of the fundamental hallmarks of that basic, basic, basic, BASIC tenet of American Law, known as “Due Process of Law”.

    Constitutionally, our Courts are forbidden from exercising their power against people who have not either put themselves physically within the State’s territorial limits, or ’caused’ (in some recognized manner or other) something to happen within the territorial boundaries over which the Court in question is legally authorized to exercise its powers.

    So, if you live in Colorado, for example, and have never, ever, set foot in Texas, or even so much as made a phone call to someone in Texas, a Plaintiff cannot haul you into Court in Fort Worth, say, unless they can establish that you DID something IN Texas.

    The “Special Appearance” doctrine comes into play when — even though the Plaintiff cannot “plead” truthful facts to establish personal jurisdiction over the Defendant, the Plaintiff goes ahead and sues in Texas anyway.

    Now, a Defendant could just let Texas enter his “Default”, and later, appeal the matter to the Supreme Court of the United States to establish that Texas had no business adjudicating anything about him in the first place.

    But, it has seemed to be the most fair, and most efficient way of handling these disputes to allow the Defendant to “specially appear” JUST for the purpose of challenging “personal jursidiction”, without actually conceding
    personal jurisdiction just by walking into Court.

    If the Defendant loses the argument, he has to answer and defend the suit in Texas. If the Defendant wins the argument over personal jurisdiction, he gets to go home and his Due Process Rights have not been trampled on by a Plaintiff that chose a wholly false forum in which to sue him.

    If the Defendant wins, and so does not have to defend the suit in Texas, it is not as if the Plaintiff can’t sue the Defendant, ever, for the claime wrong. It is just that the Plaintiff has to bring the suit in, e.g. Colorado, where it may be less convenient for the Plaintiff than Texas would have been.

    These kinds of procedural maneuverings can, and often do, determine the outcome of the dispute, since, inevitably the party disputing personal jursidiction is doing so because (a.) it is more expensive and less favorable for them to litigate outside their home territory, and (b.) it is frequently impossible for the plaintiff to marshall the funds necessary to carry on a suit in a state or locale distant from his or her own.

    In this particular case, the critical point is not these, rather common place observations about Constitutional Law and Civil Procedure. What is critical is that David Miscavige is attempting to establish a pattern of ‘authorities’ which hold that he either (a.) cannot be sued for wrongs committed by the RTC, and/or (b.) he cannot be sued in a particular locale if he did not physically coordinate the unlawful or tortious acts.

    The “special appearance” issue is a red herring. He’s aiming for something entirely different, me thinks.

  159. The so-called “Dallas Org”, the last time I saw it, was a pathetic little place in a relatively down-stat and small residential structure that had been converted to an “Org”. Likely things have changed since then, but Texas has not exactly ever been known as a hot-bed of Scientological Successes (at least not until Marty set up shop there!).

    Which is the point. The SP’s don’t want to defend Pope Pius the Miscavige’s adulterated perversions of scientology in a place which has never been exactly over flowing with benevolent love for scientology to begin with. Try reading “The Death of A President”, by William Manchester — while not about scientology, still, if things in Dallas are even remotely like they were in November, 1963, Dallas is one of the least favorable jurisdictions for the likes of Pope Pius ….

  160. TO -I don’t doubt that you are. Reading down this thread, your statement was unexpectedly funny / insouscient (whether intended or not, you have great comedic timing!) – and I did give out a screech of guffaws! Oh I enjoyed that one!

  161. We in RTC hate Texas and everything it stands for.

    Fueled by beer, bourbon, jalapeno peppers, and a steady diet of roadkill found outside of their single wide trailers, Texans are all 1.1′s who wear ten gallon hats, spurs, ride horses, and thrust red-hot branding irons into helpless cattle in a psychotic re-enactment of how they were implanted 894,901,653,567,102,359,965,097,753,128,466,666,757,082 years ago.

    Texas might as well be renamed “Bitter Defrocked Apostateville” because so many DBA’s live there:

    Marty Rathbun
    Debbie Cook — until we exiled her
    Steve Hall
    Mike Laws
    And at least 300 other suspects

    Texas is totally suppressive, and yes, that is why COB RTC David Miscavige refuses to step foot into the state or to do have anything to do with it.

    All we in Scientology are willing to do for Texas is place Scientology books in its libraries, This is probably a waste of money, but we always leave a door open in case Texas comes to its senses, does A-E, makes a generous donation to the IAS, and exiles all bitter defrocked apostates to Oklahoma, a land that is — if such a thing is possible — even worse and more backwards that Texas!

  162. You can take a lickin and keep on tickin!! My kind of thetan!

  163. I saw them and they were good! I didn’t know anyone from Oklahoma could write poetry?? 🙂

  164. Interesting. Was that Melanie? I understand if I am being too personal.

  165. On this jurisdictional point: I recall on the Debbie Cook matter, that Flag sued Debbie (in Texas because she was resident there), and she counter sued Flag. All good. When it came to getting the injunction made an order of court, CSI, RTC , any Church of Scientology (in existence or to come into existence) and any of its officers (that would include Miscavige) were quite happy to jump on the bandwagon then, acceding to the jurisdiction of that Texas Court (without having been a party), to get that injunction against Debbie. I don’t know what the Long-arm Statute is, but it seems that RTC was quite willing to shake hands with the long-arm of the law then! They were not parties to the original action, nor did Debbie counter sue them (as far as I can see). They can’t run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. Either Texas law applies to them or not. Simplistic? Maybe.

    Well, the plaintiffs are not Indies, so to some extent we can watch the proceedings from the comfort of an armchair. Its not one of our own who has something to lose. And evidence will have to be led, or facts at least be publicly pronounced (oops) to convince the court of the jurisdiction. And if the plaintiffs lose on the jurisdiction point, I guess they will institute action again in another jurisdiction before prescription (statute of limitations in the US?) . The points in limine and exceptions attract attention. It’s all good.

  166. Marty,
    Talk about blood money … how could anyone ever take DM as a client! What I don’t understand is why are you being sued by these guys when you are on their side? This ain’t right. You are the one helping them expose what was gong on. It violates the code of honor and I don’t think its fair. Could you shed light on this like you always do!!

  167. Is there any legal recourse for people who donate money to a religious organization, charity etc. if it becomes clear the donations are grossly mis applied and or mis managed?

  168. Jethro Bodine

    The so-called “church” has ZERO legal authority over anyone. Billion year contracts, freeloader debts, RPF assignments, SP declares, separation orders, etc. all have NO legal weight. Even signed gag orders can be legally challenged they are signed under duress or if they are being used to cover up illegal activity. In other words, a person can’t be forced to not talk about something illegal. Just remember that the controversial “church” of radical taliban scientology deals mainly in lies, threats, assaults, harrasment, out-exchange rip-offs (Idle Morgues, IAS, Super Ponzi, endless renovations of the Fort Homicide, etc.), espionage, extortion and blackmail, all protected by tax exemption and ministerial privilege. However, this “religious cloaking” of organized crime is only temporary and is already starting to be challenged in the U.S. and other countries. You can only cover up corruption for so long; eventually the truth comes out.

    Just remember that if you don’t want to do something, you don’t have to. The way out of a cult is the way out – there’s the door, don’t be afraid to walk out of it and never look back. You’ve made an informed decision to leave a cult. You aren’t the problem; the cult is. You are not alone.

  169. This Lawsuit is the first interesting topic with regards to Scientology I’ve seen for 26 years.

    My experience of Scientology dates back to the late seventies, been away while and my real interest in this place is because of Exibit “A” in the lawsuit: FO3879 THE SEA ORG AND THE FUTURE and its (wishy-washy, no fact, no origin, unsubstantiated accusations and sweeping generalities from David Miscavige in the Cancelation of FO3879) at:,_cancelled )

    To me it’s easy: one is false, one is true. One is sane, one is insane.

    And what is next?

    ML/Call me a TROLL but I’m really out fishing.

  170. You must be kidding, Texas is Awesome! Friendly people, warm weather, low unemployment (compared to rest of the US) and cheap cost of living.

  171. “Exibit “A” in the lawsuit: FO3879 THE SEA ORG AND THE FUTURE and its (wishy-washy, no fact, no origin, unsubstantiated accusations and sweeping generalities from David Miscavige in the Cancelation of FO3879)”
    You just hit the bullseye!

  172. Melanie was Dean Stoke’s wife and ED of Southwest Mission at the time.
    My wife was and still is Joni who then was the Mission holder of the old Richardson mission. She took it over from Betty Filisky in the ’70’s.

  173. After your comment the other day I would expect to find you fishing alright…..under a bridge!

  174. Attention Men: Scientology Wife Auditioning Services Now Available to the Public!

    Attention Men: Scientology Wife Auditioning Services Now Available to the Public!

  175. Except their ain’t nothing “cognitive” about Mr. David Miscavige 😉

  176. What about option 3: *both* of them are false ?

    Evidently you are not aware that Pat Broeker *conspired* with David Miscavige to remove his control over Scientology organizations by means of the interception and alteration of comm traffic to and from Ron Hubbard at least as early as 1981 and almost certainly beginning not long after Hubbard went into seclusion in 1980.

    In light of the above, “The Sea Org and the Future” looks to me like nothing else but a tactic used by Pat Broeker to push his buddy Dave off the top of the hill – which ultimately failed.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  177. Now that I am no longer “under the radar,” I feel like a reformed smoker who tells everyone he meets “stop smoking, you idiot!” So, the solution is to tell them to cuss off.

    The MAA is not your senior and cannot ORDER anyone to do anything along these lines. Just don’t do it.

  178. The last time I heard from someone in the Church, it was an MAA demanding that I come in. I knew it was a disguised recruitment cycle.

    I said, ” Who the fuck are you to order me over there? Do you have a subpeona?” and I hung up the phone. Never heard back.

    Heh… I remember when church event call-in staff started running the “mandatory attendance” thing. The first time some staff member ran that on me, I sort of comm lagged because it was so out reality. I’m sure I asked her, “Are you serious?” When she insisted that, yes, the word was that it was “mandatory attendance for all staff and public”, I nearly went ballistic on her.

    That was a long time ago, but I started letting the call-in folks have it every time they tried by-passing my self-determinism like that. I’m surprised that none of them ever wrote me up for it.

  179. PJ great reference!

  180. Seems several of us have come to the same conclusion…after finishing the book over the weekend and considering the circumstances, I thought what the scenario might be regarding lawsuits…

    my conclusion was…(in favor of Marty)…


  181. Haiku! That was well done!

  182. “…because Marty is an Auditor, and I want more and more details of his statistics, as an Auditor.”

    Gern, I heard you in all of the above frustration. As far as Marty statistics as an auditor, not only does he audit in his home, but he is auditing out a 3Dynamic engram here with this noisy investigation. He gets T.A. every time someone posts a comment. He blows charge for people every time he puts forth knowledge that helps people see better, what is going on within this 3D engram. When someone audits on the 3rd dynamic HEandR blows off. That is a good thing. Marty is using Scientology to handle Scientology. He is auditing everyday across many different dimensions. If you want to know more about Marty’s statistics, draw a graph of comments under each blog segment and consider these divisions of T.A. Minimum at least one!

    You can also count up all of the other auditing hours being delivered in the Independent Movement and add that, because for sure most of this auditing would not be occurring if Marty wasn’t drawing the heat down to Texas and opening up avenues of Freedom for people socially by spotlighting abuses and the figurehead of the Church.

    On top of that he is conducting a noisy investigation and maintaining comm lines from Texas to South Africa and the Middle East and handling Governments that have hitherto been kept in mystery and out of the know and making them friendly towards us. As well as utilizing the media to put people in the KNOW and take other people out of mystery about Scientology and put them in ARC with Scientologists.

    All of these vital actions are viewable to anyone following current conditions.

    I have not seen Marty as a Texan and I don’t anybody has. He is not from Texas he is just living there. He is not a cowboy and I don’t think there are any cows in Ingleside where he lives. I have not seen him court as a litigee either so I don’t know where these protest reads are coming from.

    The statistics you will NOT see, are those of the Church except for real estate obtained. I can guarantee you legal expenses bought on by David Miscavige to cover his personal liabilities is at an all time high. Clears made is at an all time low. New people in the shop on service is at an all time low. You have a right to walk into the Orgs and ask to see stats if you are a member of the Church of Scientology.

    I have no idea though why you think you would have a right to do a tech inspection on Marty and demand to see his stats. He is a private citizen and whatever he is doing or delivering, it is not because of some obligation with anyone but out of desire and interest and compassion and care and charity. Every one of his cycles is all the way up the top of the CDEI scale and he is surviving without enforcements, contracts, slaves or any other form of bondage. You can contribute to this motion by clicking on the donate button above to put in some exchange for your T.A. division blow down you experienced when you posted your comment! 🙂

  183. In other words, instead of demanding to see Marty’s stats, what exchange can you put in for blowing off some T.A. over here? After all, you got auditing from him too.

  184. martyrathbun09

    I didn’t punch no doggie.

  185. When I first moved to LA some 25 years ago I dropped into a tiny jazz club on Vine Street. I was living in my van at the time, had no job, but managed to scrape together enough loose change to pay for the 2-drink minimum. Etta James was performing. Dayam, what a voice, what an artist!

    thanks for the storm, Scott!


  186. He must have given Debbie Cook a huge payoff. I don’t have any data really, but my gut tells me Miscavige payed a lot to make that go away. Now he has to do it again, and probably again and again. Or he could go to trial, again and again. Thats a pretty bold legal move by the Church. Do I shook myself in the foot, or should I shoot myself in the other foot.

  187. Nor is TC suing.

    To my knowledge, none of the tabloids or other media have been sued, either.

  188. The so-called “Dallas Org”, the last time I saw it, was a pathetic little place in a relatively down-stat and small residential structure that had been converted to an “Org”. Likely things have changed since then…

    Oh, they have. You ought to see their current digs in Las Colinas (Irving). Quite impressive, but devoid of warm bodies. I don’t think they make enough gross income to pay the electric bill on that place.

  189. The above should read “… to remove Hubbard’s control …”

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  190. As an FYI – only 54 to go on the Indie 500 list. Freedom from suppression exists at – .

  191. portland84, perhaps you were there then, on which side might be interesting to know about, but more importantly, why are you here now ???

  192. I loved your book Marty.

    The only complaint that I have is that it was over too fast. I loved the inside accounting of what went on at Int and with TC. This book will be invaluable for someone just getting out of the trap and needing a quick orientation of what the hell is going on.

    Thank you for taking so much responsibility in handling this crazy situation.

    I am going to try to come and see you for some more auditing after the first of the year if you have any openings.

    Have a good one!!

  193. As an FYI – only 54 to go on the Indie 500 list.

    The Indie 500

  194. Laughter!

    Translation for EU?Germany (Cowboy slang)

    Doggie is a younger cow.

  195. 🙂

  196. martyrathbun09

  197. martyrathbun09

    Thanks a lot Tony.

  198. Mike,
    Second that!
    It proves one more time that it is always harder to spot what is NOT THERE than what is.
    Let’s see that sub title on the next edition.

  199. My God! I hadn’t read that reference for a l o n g time.
    Amazing! And perfect.
    Ron could have prefaced it with “Dear David,”………
    but the treasonous usurper still would not have understood that this is good advice.

  200. This is WAY off topic, but I didn’t know where else to post:

    I’ve never soloed. Does the “new, improved” 3-swing F/N apply to solo auditing? (I know it’s been verified horseshit by Class XIIs and such.) But in the church is the 3-swing F/N pushed on solo auditors as well? Or do I know so little about solo auditing that I don’t realize this is not even an applicable question?

    Please enlighten me, someone. Thank you.

  201. Whats funny – is people learned from the cult. The cult continuously sued and sued and drove people crazy with all of the filings and harassment. Know it appears to be coming around – like everything does – Full Circle

    And yes those PIs, who can hold out for, dare i say 8 figure pay outs. I mean think of the damage these guys can do if it ever gets out what they have been up to.

    It is becoming more and more clear to more and more people, who never cared about the C0$. That there is a more than sinister element attached to it – and it just feels grimy.

    dm will make this go away – and it will, FAST.

    Bed MAn Okc

  202. Got another question if you don’t mind. Aren’t there videos of LRH’s meter while he was auditing? Doesn’t at least one of the training films he made cover the F/N with an unambiguous video showing exactly the kind of meter phenomena that LRH defined as a Floating Needle?

    How can there be any controversy about this and how can David Miscavige manage to push such Reverse Scientology upon the scammed, unknowing churchies? Isn’t there LRH-created video that puts this whole F/N issue to bed?

    Seems impossible for it to come down to a verbal-tech, tortured definition of “rhythm”. Hell, I almost fell for it, thinking, “hmmm, I have to say that makes sense that you need three beats to establish a rhythm…”, but knowing that independently-acting authorities outside DM’s reach agree it’s horseshit, I just now explained to myself in about 2 minutes how a single smooth movement of … anything … can be perceived as following a rhythm. What, a bird doesn’t glide through the air in rhythm? Swing your forearm in front of yourself like a meter needle. It’s very easy to hear a beat. Hell, it even seems like there’s just one beat that feels natural to me there, and it’s pretty clear. Meter needle movement occurs, electrically-speaking, as the amount of voltage applied to a coil of wire is changed. Break the change down to whatever increments you wish, and a smooth movement of the needle, even a brief one, is always caused by a rhythmic change in voltage. For instance, 1…1.1…1.2…1.3…1.4…1.5…. The needle hasn’t even moved that far, but there is a rhythmic change occurring. There’s no jerking going on. There’s a clear rhythm in one smooth movement.

    But my amateur explanation aside, isn’t there video?


  203. Laughter!

  204. Yeah! Well Done!

  205. Davey,
    “Bad Boy, Bad Boy, watcha’ gonna do when Sheriff John Brown comes down on you?”

    Tick, , ,Tock, , ,Tick. . .’Me an another bunch of old timers – from the original LRH series, seem to think you are way in over your head trying to understand Ron’s principles whilst not even auditing yourself. . .fuck me.

    Anyhow, regardless of your denials; It will all come out in the wash.

  206. Thank you for a clear and complete explanation.

  207. Alex Castillo

    This message is aimed at anyone who does not have all the pertinent data concerning David Miscavige, whether you are an Indie or a Kool-Aid addict.

    The following link contains a time track which clearly shows in detail, naming names and dates of how far the rabbit hole is concerning the criminal past of David Miscavige, the current ecclesiastical Leader of the current Church of Scientology, and exactly how he has gotten away with what many of you have been experiencing for many years now, his criminal history going as far back as the time when I was (along with many others) dedicating my entire life to the expansion of the True Scientology as envisioned by L Ron Hubbard.

    Please take the time to read this Time Track, if you haven’t done so already.

    Here is an example of how David Miscavige began his alterations of LRH written materials:

    !4 August 1988
    Library of Congress records show that:
    CSI copyrights their squirrel version of the Hubbard Dianetics Auditor Course.
    Tech degrade – LRH books that are no longer being sold:
    Notes On The Lectures, The Phoenix Lectures, Dianetics Today
    Introduction To Scientology Ethics:98 edition is squirrel:
    Omitted from the squirrel version: Code of a Scientologist, Code of Honor, Church Creed, Keeping Scientology Working, and 198 definitions of words in the glossary such as ethics, SP, PTS. Plus, the definitions of some of the words in the glossary are squirrel.
    Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health has also been re-written by CSI, along with 913 other titles listed in the Library of Congress records. CST is the owner of the copyrights for all these re-writes.
    8 October 1988
    To illustrate the squirreling being done we will use CSI’s re-written version of the 1965 LRH book SCIENTOLOGY: A NEW SLANT ON LIFE, published on this date. This is a “based on the works of LRH” publication, written by CSI. LRH is not the author.
    In order to make it appear to the public that LRH is the author, LRH’s name is made part of the copyrighted title, to deceive the public into thinking LRH wrote it:
    The CSI book alters things said by LRH in his book and deletes 9 of his chapters and adds 12 new ones that were not in the original book.
    The CSI version deletes the following Chapters from LRH’s original book:
    The Reason Why, The Conditions of Existence, Myths of the Mind, The Man Who Succeeds, On Death of the Consciousness, Accent on Ability, Freedom vs Entrapment, The Human Mind, Communication
    In the CSI squirrel version, there are 87 times where they alter-is LRH’s words from the original book written by LRH. Below are a few examples shown in bold print:
    LRH’s 1965 Version
    Actually a little child derives all of his “how” of life from the grace he puts upon life.
    CSI’s 1988 & 1997 Squirrel Version
    Actually a little child derives all of his pleasure in life from the grace he puts upon life.
    LRH Version
    They’re looking for something, but the odd part of it is, the only time they ever find something is when they put it there first. Now, this doesn’t sound very plausible, but it’s quite true.
    CSI Squirrel Version
    They’re looking for something, but the odd part of it is, the only time they ever find something is when they put it there first. Now, this doesn’t sound very creditable, but it’s quite true.
    LRH Version
    And here you have somebody who is happy, who is cheerful, who is strong, who finds that most things are pleasurable; and what do we discover in this person? We find out that he is making life, and here is actually a single difference: are you making life or is life making you?
    CSI Squirrel Version
    And here you have somebody who is happy, who is cheerful, who is strong, who finds that there is something worth doing in life, and what do we discover in this person? We find out that he is making life, and there is actually the single difference: Are you making life or is life making you?
    LRH Version
    The politician, the reporter, the psychiatrist with his electric shock machine, the drug manufacturer, …
    CSI Squirrel Version
    The politician, the reporter, the medico, the drug manufacturer, …
    LRH Version
    You try to give him his freedom. He’s so suspicious of you he will have a terrible time trying to adjust. The transition period will be difficult. But, at the end of it, you’ll have a well ordered, sociable child, thoughtful of you and, very important to you, a child who loves you.
    CSI Squirrel Version
    You try to give him his freedom. He’s so suspicious of you he will have a terrible time trying to adjust. The transition period will be terrible. But at the end of it, you’ll have a well-ordered, well trained, social child, thoughtful of you and, very important to you, a child who loves you.
    More examples of The Golden Age of Squirreling:
    Over 400 words have been deleted from the LRH tape “Studying, Introduction”.
    Over 600 words have been deleted from the LRH tape “Establishment Officer Tape # 1, ESTO’s Instant Hat”.
    More examples of The Golden Age of Squirreling:
    HCOPL 10 September 1982:
    This is called rip off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, tax men, governments and other criminal elements.
    Dynamics of Money course book, page 45:
    This is called rip off. It is the exchange condition of robbers, most tax men, many governments and criminal elements. (Also notice that the word “other” was deleted.)
    There are several “secularized” versions of LRH tape lectures where, for instance, the word preclear has been changed to the word person. (This shows they can edit tapes and put in words LRH never actually said in his tapes.)
    LRH dedicated Science of Survival to Diana Hubbard, this has been deleted.
    In HCOPL 18 December 1961 “Standing Orders, HCO” LRH says “By my own creed, a being is only as valuable as he can serve others.” This PL has been deleted from the OEC volumes.
    Why go on? They have altered thousands of LRH HCOBs, books and tapes. We are not including here some of the extremely treasonous alterations of HCOBs we have discovered and other HCOBs where LRH never wrote it at all, but they put his name on it as if he did.
    Each one of these changes is a tech degrade, a High Crime, and a Suppressive Act.
    It is also Felony Fraud: because the public thinks it is paying for pure LRH tech and Miscavige falsely represents to the public they are getting “pure, unadulterated LRH tech”.
    The truth is:
    Miscavige has turned all Scientology organizations into being an off-source squirrel group.
    Miscavige is the most destructive squirrel in the history of the religion. David Miscavige, Religious Technology Center, and Church of Spiritual Technology are all in a condition of TREASON to LRH and all Scientologists.
    Although altering source material is a High Crime in Scientology, legally they can write works that are “based on the works of LRH.” However, they cannot change what LRH wrote and leave his name on it, as if he wrote it, as they have done on some HCOBs. Also, they cannot write something that LRH never wrote and put LRH’s name on it, as they have also done with some HCOBs. Those two things not only violate copyright law, but they are Felony Fraud on the Scientology paying public, who thinks they are paying for and getting pure LRH, which they are not.”

    And why did he do it?

    “At the bi-weekly ASI meetings David Miscavige would ask Vicki Aznaran and Jesse Prince what they were going to do to put an end to Mayo. A copyright suit was suggested and so Miscavige brought in LRH Personal Secretary Pat Brice to get a briefing on copyright filings. He was disappointed to find that no one was responsible for copyright filings since the Guardian’s Office had been re-organized by him.
    Jesse Prince is at another ASI meeting. David Miscavige, Lyman Spurlock, Vicki Aznaran, Patricia Brice and Edith Buchele are present. The meeting was about the fact that the copyrights had not been registered and thousands of pages of LRH materials were now public domain. (Note: By law, once in the public domain, it stays there. You can’t get it back.)
    David Miscavige orders Pat Brice (LRH personal secretary and ASI employee) to begin the process of mass copyright registration for all LRH materials. Pat says it is too late and Miscavige says to do it anyway.
    Then Jesse saw Pat Brice come and say ‘we can’t do this, per the law, we can’t even do this. There’s a lot of this stuff we can not do anything with it because it went into the public domain. We have no rights on these things. DM jumped up and screamed at her. I don’t care what you have to do, just do it.
    In mid 1983 a massive program to register LRH material began. This is the reason most copyright filings have a date of 1983 forward. They knew it was not copyright-able and DM told her to do it anyway. She then proceded to file 1000s of false copyright applications.
    After that Pat Brice left the church.
    Here’s a tip for you: they tried to get around this by putting LRH HCOBs into tech volumes and then getting a copyright to cover the whole book. But, if you look at the individual HCOBs in the tech volumes, the copyright is missing on each individual one. Know why that is? Because they don’t own the copyright on it anymore, it’s in the public domain!
    And it is there to stay, as a judge has already told them in a copyright case you will read about later on this time track.

    Jesse says common practice is to take an issue that has fallen into the public domain, change a few lines of it, then get a copyright on their revised edition.

    By law the only part that is copyrighted is their change. The part that was in the public domain remains in the public domain and is not copyrighted. And that is the only part we are interested in using anyway. We don’t want their re-written parts, they can have them.
    Furthermore, by copyright law, they do not own the ideas expressed in the issues. Once published, those are as free as the air and they belong to anybody who wants to use them.
    When Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health was released, the idea was for people to read the book and co-audit, towards the goal of clearing the planet. Was there any concern about using copyright law to stop them? No. The purpose was to get lots of people co-auditing towards the goal of clearing the planet. Some people audited well and got good results, some didn’t. So what? Any auditing is better than no auditing.
    Groups formed to teach people to audit better and people who got good results went to improve their auditing skills and people who did not get good results also went to improve their auditing skills. Either way, you got them all coming to you by offering a group they could go to, to learn how to audit better.
    One has to wonder: what is their big compulsion to own copyrights on the technology?
    It really is not a problem towards the goal of clearing the planet, if that is your goal.
    So what if anyone could then open up shop and deliver the tech? That is all towards the goal of clearing the planet.
    Altering LRH issues was the wrong solution to this. The correct solution was to get more on source thereby earning the reputation of being the place to go for the best results because you are totally 100% standard in applying pure on-source LRH technology.
    You can’t say they want the copyrights to prevent squirreling. They don’t care about that. They alter the tech and squirrel all day long every day.
    They have used copyrights to try and close down splinter groups. Splinter groups are not squirrel groups. This shows their true intentions and why they want copyrights.
    They want copyrights on the technology so that they have a monopoly, giving people only one place to go. The benefits to them for people having only one place to go are:
    a. Money – they can maximize profits. They can charge as much as they want and people have to pay it because they have nowhere else to go.
    b. Extortion. They can make people do what they say by threatening to deny them services if they don’t comply: because they have nowhere else to go.
    c. Abuses. They can make people put up with all manner of abuses: because they have nowhere else to go.
    d. Control. By having a monopoly on delivering the technology they have control over whether or not the planet gets cleared. Most important, control over whether anyone makes it to OT.”

    And perhaps that is the answer for heavy book sales. I you use the Miscavige’s copy-write protected book and materials, he has power over you (supposedly).

    This is of course no longer the case, as just about all of scientology materials and books are now public domain, I have just given this example to show how and why this insane, greedy bastard has exposed so many unsuspecting, good meaning people reaching for Scientology, to fake LRH writings and perhaps dangerous fake LRH processes.

    To read the entire time-track of David Miscavige, the greatest criminal Traitor of LRH and the Human Race here is the link:

    My advice to Kool-Aid drinkers, people sitting on the fence and new comers is: DON’T BE A MUG. SEEK THE TRUTH!! IF YOU’RE HERE, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME. DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE!

    Old timer promoting the Brilliant Light of disinfecting Truth.


  208. 🙂 and investing in a dairy farm for butter and a salt mine to complete the recipe. This could be a big bowl event.

  209. To Christmann9,
    You are right on, Debbie Cook got soooooo much money
    under the table from Davids Offshore acounts. That Island
    she lives on , she bought it with petty cash..
    R factor: When the C of $ promotes with banner headlines that no money was involved or exchanged , thats a lie of magnetude, huge. huge, huge,David Copperfield magic trick on steroids.

  210. Alex Castillo

    As an addition to my post I wish to say that I am soo glad I spotted the snake in the grass just before it bit me and I left in 1981, when i noticed how LRH’s Ethics and Justice policies were being ignored/altered by the then David Miscavige controlled CMO.

    But now, after our good Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder and others here started to make cracks in the Miscavige dam, the truth is out. The “Dangerous” Tiger that was once David Miscavige, has lost it’s tiny balls and it’s teeth, leaving Davey with only the false teeth made of millions extorted from good meaning people, expensive corrupt lawyers, corrupt PIs, ignorant Kool-Aid addicts and ZERO BALLS to confront his victims. All of that “ammunition” is powerless against the TRUTH.


  211. Marty, I read your book cover to cover in about three hours. It’s a searing indictment of a greedy, evil sociopath who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Scientology and its founder. And a brilliant piece of writing. Impressive (and chilling) stuff.

  212. Theo Sismanides

    I am also reading the book and apart from the juice of it I have to say that for the very first time after LRH I am proud to have somebody in Scientology (ok, even as an Indie, lol) express himself in such a thorough and accurate way. Marty has a knack in writing besides giving very important facts of what happened all those years.

    I will keep on reading the book.

  213. Are you auditing Gern? Just curious.

  214. I’m not demanding to see Marty’s stats – I’m demanding to see stats, anywhere. Sorry you think I’m a troll.. but I’m absolutely not trolling Marty. I like Marty. He’s someone I view with much high regard, always..

  215. In what way am I conducting PR ops against Marty? I think Marty is great. I would really like to see all Auditor’s WDAH’s, daily, in realtime.

  216. The miserable puny worm called “ecclesiastic Leader of the Church of Scientology”, David Miscavige aka “COB” will soon be swallowed by the Big Fish called The Truth. Keep on fishing Marty. Just don’t eat the fish when it swallows the worm and it’s caught in your line. The fish will be poisonous!

  217. I’m not demanding to do an inspection of Marty’s stats. I’m just calling for the reform of the Church to be begun, with a Call To Show Stats.

    I’ll contribute my own stats, soon enough. Just got to get an Auditors certification in the Independent field, some how ..

  218. Couldn’t resist this:

  219. Li'll bit of stuff

    Precisely, Sinar. Shows the world just how twisted the
    CO$ has turned out after 30 years of leadership by
    an “ecclesiastical” (can you believe it? ) leader of
    “parishioners.” The closest one can come to terms
    with this is to simply call it ——DEVIL WORSHIP!!!

    mi$cavige abjectly refuses to practice any aspect
    of Scientology.Since it simply would do him no “GOOD!”

    It would simply obstruct his personal sociopathic, megalomaniacal ambitions ( All carefully concealed
    from “his” and the general public, he mistakenly believes!)

    As we already know—-der Fuehrer’s fate was sealed
    long ago (often wondered what form it will take?)

  220. OMG MaBu….you have outdone yourself!!!!

    I wonder if it is too late to and a line to the California Human Trafficking bill that is on the ballot….I think it is Initiative #35. We will need to add ‘Cults that masquerade as religions to enslave parishioners’ to that. If the Church of $cientology were listed on it i’m sure it would pass by a huge margin!

  221. Li'll bit of stuff


  222. In order to conduct business as a PI in Texas you need to have a Texas license, purchasing their services as Pi’s constitutes “doing business in the state of Texas”. Somebody has the Texas License. And who was it that threatened the city council with the law suite for protecting Marty and Mosey ?

  223. Yep. These days human trafficking can be a full time global business. A lot of foreigners are happy to find a religious exemption to come to the USA where slavery has been abolished. Well except in your local empty CO$ where you can work round the clock for $20.00 per week plus room and board to save the planet.

  224. He’s fishin!

  225. I took the reformation of Scientology to mean to form again i.e., Scientology is forming again but out here in the Independent field. What’s going in Scn, Inc., is not Scn anymore, could not be said any more clearer in the book of how far south it’s gone.

  226. Alex, this is brilliant. The “Brilliant Light of Disinfecting Truth!”

    I had heard that some of the works are in the public domain. That is very interesting. I have also noted that the “Basics” are a fraud. The books are a re-editing and in many cases a re-wording and dumbing-down of LRH’s books. There is NO WAY that the “Basics” are pure LRH. The edits I have seen change the wording to be more “PC”, Science of Survival has had the two books combined into one, chapter heads have been changed, and, in the case of 0-8, every scrap of every scale in existence has been put into it (multiple copies of all codes and scales) which defeats the purpose of the book, which is to be a quick way to get to the correct reference for basic Scientology.

    Some of us care about this. It is important to me that LRH is unaltered. I am glad I have the library I have.

    I saw a video change somewhere where Nibs was brushed out of one of Ron’s congress tapes. Unbelievable! The job was very nicely done – you have no idea that there was someone moving this pile of books across the stage. Un-cussing-believable. This is proof to me that the materials ARE altered. So, corporate Miscavige-ites will have to answer these questions:

    1. Since it is a given that Miscavige HAS altered LRH tech, do you trust him and his minions to get it right?
    2. Is there a valid reason for Miscavige to alter the tech?
    3. Should you have to even deal with a tech-alterer like Miscavige and pure LRH is just fine?

    Regarding the air-brushing or lectures and the eradication of our history, I LOVE the fact that Scientology has the eclectic mix of people it has. I LOVE the fact that we are not mainstream. We are not. I admire the hell out of guys like Captain Bill – sure, he went “Major Tom” on us, but what a character! Scientology would not be there without the change-makers, the people who look at the world sideways instead of in the manner mandated by The Man. The people who, in 1952, were in Philly listening to this red-haired kid go on and on about Theta Clears, past lives/whole track, and all the rest.
    This ad is about us, man:

    As Steve Hall mentioned, it is 1950 all over again. Only now, we are smarter, and we know the mistakes made. And we have refined tech. And we have characters again, instead of “cold chrome steel.”


  227. reminds me of Jonny Horton

  228. Alright Marty, time to play rainmaker. Go on and take it to ’em! This storm is looooong overdue, I’d say.

    The paramount defense of the COS — against criticism and accountability — used to be its potent litigation strategies.

    Used to be.

    Now, the choices made by the COS themselves in court matters make it seem inevitable that the their worst acts of corruption and abuse will wind up on record — as a result of their own actions.

    The irony is delicious…

  229. Geeze Gern, I didn’t accuse you of being a troll. I hope that wasn’t for me!

  230. Good for you!

  231. Good one!

  232. martyrathbun09

  233. Thank you for your comment, but the credit belongs to OTVIIIisGrrr8!

  234. TO
    See how the French in Camargue (S. of France) deal with doggies.
    No machines. Ok, so one usually leaves some skin or more behind….


  235. Rap Tune:

    Taoboy vs Maoboy.

    We ain’t Cowboys!
    We is Taoboys.
    Sent your doggies
    out as decoys.

    You ain’t Cowboys
    You is Maoboys.
    Turned your doggies
    into my boys.


  236. Wow!

  237. Upon re-reading your comment above, I see that I was perhaps mistaken as to you running PR ops against Marty. However, you do not dispute that “Gern Gaschoen” is not your real name.

    I can think of no reason why you or anyone else *requires* the production statistics of any auditor anywhere, unless you are their management unit. We don’t have centralized management anymore, so get used to it.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  238. martyrathbun09


  239. Helena Kobrin worked endlessly to get B2 Visas for recruits being shipped from other countries to the base. Let’s not forget Helena. She took a lot of heat and she played on the front lines in the line of fire and took a lot of abuse for very little exchange. She is off lines and has requested a refund. Her husband Mike and her brother Rudy are two of the coolest people I have ever known. That whole family in one way or another became road kill. They all got thrown under the bus in one way or another. The Church culture gobbled them up.

    Rudy’s wife was in the Sea Org and when he wouldn’t join he got declared an SP for enturbulating his class Xll auditor. I kid you not. Helena found out in the auditorium during a briefing by an Int exec to certain staff, who didn’t even know Rudy was her brother! Imagine going to a staff meeting to hear a briefing and the guy giving the briefing goes on a rampage about putting a head on a pike and making an example out of some ass hole they can waste and the woman you are talking to, is his sister?

    The staff didn’t like it that the wife was in the Sea Org and he wasn’t. The wife got put on the RPF and cut down to size. They did everything they could to unmock those people. Rudy buckled and joined the Sea Org for the sake of everyone else in his family plus his wife.

    I hope Helena finds it within herself to step forward and make a difference and does not vanish as some faceless slave or Miscavige holocaust victim. All of my love and best wishes for Rudy and the Kobrins to find themselves in a place of contentment with themselves
    and happy and winning again. You all have friends out here who still care.

  240. Gern Gaschoen

    I thoroughly enjoyed that.

  241. Gern Gaschoen

    Not nearly enough, but some. Mostly assists, which is .. I think .. best in my circumstances (no other local Scientologists, its just me..)

    I’ll expand, just got another hat to wear involving diapers and such ..

  242. This is really a great link. It answers a lot for me.
    Thanks Alex!

  243. constant vigilance

    Alex, THANK YOU so much for that history of alteration of tech! It is a horrible truth. Thank you for the incredibly detailed, exact titles, exact quotes of the before and after, and for the speculation as to WHY DM would do that. Because he wants to destroy the church, that’s why! Before, I used to think DM was just a little power-hungry tiny man who wanted riches and power. Now I think he is that plus one of the biggest sociopaths, biggest SP’s this planet has ever known! Maybe he is Xenu or Hitler who “came back”.

    How can we get the word out on all this to those still IN and drinking Kool Aid?

  244. Pingback: Scientology Inc’s PIs get paid off not to testify

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