My Four Days With Marty


by Luis Garcia

It was a typical fall morning in Southern California. Sunny and comfortably chilly, a few cirrus clouds high above a light layer of smog. I was on my way to visit Marty at “Casablanca.”

Once we were at 34,000 feet, I thought about what I wanted to address with Marty. Let’s see… I was not ill, and haven’t been for years. I felt I was doing fairly well, my business was going well, my family was doing fine. I was fine. I did have a couple of concerns, but they were not major. So why was I going to see him? I concluded I didn’t fully know, but somehow I knew I should.

At the curbside, he approached me from behind and the large black cowboy hat he wore threw me off a bit. “This is Texas” – I thought. As soon as we greeted each other it started; a free flowing torrent of exchanging experiences, ideas, viewpoints, opinions, data and stories, that continued through dinner with his wife Monique, who by the way, is the most gracious host and excellent cook, and culminated by the side of a fire out on the deck.

My accommodations were the entire lower level of the house and included a kitchen, and a living room. There was also a 5‐shelf cabinet filled with books as varied in subject as items in a flea market. As I was taking it all in I thought these were the best accommodations I’ve ever had in connection with an auditing cycle. I was happy to be there.

The next morning I cooked breakfast for a very appreciative Marty, who exalted the qualities of my omelet. Soon after we were starting the first session, and a wave of by‐passed charge rose to the surface as soon as I picked up the cans. That’s when it hit me how bad I needed a session.

During the ensuing four days at Casablanca a transformation developed. Session after session, the effects of the Black Dianetics and Reverse Scientology disguised as “Standard Tech” I had so faithfully paid for and devoted myself to receive, were being located, inspected and as‐ised, leaving in its wake a full and deep understanding. Gone were the counter‐survival computations adopted while “going up the Bridge to OT.”

And in its place I regained my full self‐determinism and clarity of mind to effectively be able to postulate the future. Gone were the accumulated evaluations and invalidations received as part and parcel of every interaction with the church. And in its place I found a peace and inner happiness that evidently is native in me. Gone were the multitude of instances in which I had to choose to either “go up the Bridge to OT” or agree to something I knew was a basic violation of my own integrity.

And in its place… I found myself again. One of the greatest sessions was the one where I located the first time I chose to violate my integrity and agreed with some worthless arbitrary order from the church, again, in order to “go up the Bridge to OT.” This led to all kinds of realizations about how I must never invalidate my own knowingness, must never deny myself, must never sell my soul, must never compromise with my own reality, must never…
Ron knew about this all along. In the lecture “Statics and Motions and Axioms 1‐14, “ of 9 October 1951, he says:

There is almost no limit to what a human being can do as long as he doesn’t have this variety of stuff thrown at him in the guise of Affinity, Communication and Reality. People are postulating new realities for him. And every time he accepts one of these new realities, he’s sort of sunk.
But he’s all right up until the moment–he can have any god’s quantity of engrams or anything else–he’s perfectly all right until he accepts one of these postulates that is handed to him, and adopts it to himself and by his own self-determinism says, “Well, from here on that’s the way it is.” That’s a little boy suddenly saying to Mama, “Uh, I give up. I… I’ll mind, I’ll mind.” He goes out of valence, he ceases to be alive. He’s hit a static. He goes out of valence (and you can watch this either in yourself or in preclears) and his reality goes boom! Perceptics shut off.

For four days, four magic, memorable days, I lived life in a way never before
experienced. The alternating of amazing sessions with life‐changing realizations, with an intense and free communication exchange and plenty of laughter with Marty out of session, has truly given me a renewed purpose, a new viewpoint, a new attitude, a new me.

Four days were enough to repair the ravages of seven years of other‐determined actions while in the church. And there is not even the slightest scar left as a reminder of the atrocities.

Marty Rathbun is the best auditor I’ve ever had, and I have had many. His
comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals and basics of auditing, his natural TRs, his impeccable auditing comm cycle, and his ability to observe the Pc are such that one cannot help but get powerful results from the properly and standardly applied Tech he delivers. It is easily observable that he just loves auditing people with a passion! “Your win is my win,” he’d say often.

Marty also has another great ability. He listens. And thus he learns. He learns because he can comfortably be there and examine other viewpoints without prejudice. He has vast knowledge so he naturally imparts wisdom, but doesn’t overpower one’s own wisdom, opinion or viewpoint. He is always learning from others, and so he continues to grow.

I am back. I am better than back. Because as Marty skillfully worked with me, I began to regain OT abilities I had gained during OT VII and VIII, that I actually didn’t know I had.

So Marty, my hat is off to you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

And davey, next time you feel a pressure on your right side, or a nagging headache, you may just want to wonder, “Is that Garcia stretching?”
I am closer to you than you may know…

Luis Garcia

204 responses to “My Four Days With Marty

  1. Felicitas Foster

    Congratulations to both of you for the wonderful product – and to Mosey who backed it up.

  2. Incredibly beautiful and theta success story. Congratulations to Louis, Marty, Monique and everyone here that will share is this wonderful communication!

  3. Now that is one fine success story!

  4. Wonderful Luis. This is what Independent Scientology is all about. Real Scientologists doing what they do best — communicating, sharing ARC and improving conditions in life.

  5. I loved your story Luis 🙂
    Thank you for sharing all your wins.
    We both are VERY FORTUNATE to have Marty as our Auditor. Your right he is by far the BEST!!!
    🙂 Love Lori

  6. Fabulous!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

    And I agree with every word you’ve said about Marty’s auditing. He does himself out of a job so perfectly. He’s the best!

  7. Now that is the kind of success story you DON’T see at the orgs anymore.

    Thank you, Luis. I am very happy you are winning and thankful that you shared this win.

    I think the last success story I wrote at an org was thanking LRH for the tech, and wondering why my auditor was not using it.

    I hope we get to see many more wins from Luis, and other PC’s of Marty’s in the near future. Such wins are my favorite things to read about. It is such a validation of LRH and Marty’s dedication to him and his legacy.


  8. Luis, that is one beautiful success story.

  9. I really like the success of the true application of LRH tech. Those were such nice wins and so well communicated. A fine round of applause to all who made this possible. This is what the Independent field exists for. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Luis, while your last paragraph sent chills down my spine (in a good way) your wins came through and gave me a good F/N. It is the type of wins we all have aimed for and fell short of in the system.

    Nice job to both of you.

    Love, Tom M

  11. Freedom Fighter

    What a key-out reading this. Very cool! Just as it should be. Thank you for sharing this, Luis.

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  13. Luis Bravo!
    And Marty …. double Bravo!! The wins you are sharing are exactly WHY we came in Scientology. The dream is becoming a reality.

  14. That is truly music to my ears! So glad for you & Marty.
    So glad for all of us!


  15. Tony DePhillips

    Very cool Luis.

    It makes me think of the Sea Org slogan WE COME BACK.
    Also we are making a jail break from being falsely imprisoned by the cult of cabbage.
    Let’s have more “jail breaks” and get things rolling..

  16. Luis, what a wonderful success story. Congratulations!!! Marty is a GENIUS with the tech. He points you into a direction and “voila” it is magic you become you again with certainty. It is awesome. A truly beautiful thing! The way it was designed to be.

    Marty and Mosey you have created a wonderful environment for all to win in and to find truth again. Thank you for that. There is absolutely NO reason for anyone to sit and suffer.

    Love Carol

  17. Beautiful Luis, so happy for you! Cheers to you and your wonderful family, all completely theta! Viva Casablanca!

  18. WOW!!!

  19. Good Job Garcia!!!
    Big hug 😀

    Silvia Kusada

  20. martyrathbun09

    Tony, while we’re on the subject of Thin Lizzy, here’s one my theme songs:

  21. Luis, Marty, and Mosey! Good job … I am speechless!! H

  22. Tony DePhillips

    Great minds think a like!! The boys (and girls) are back in town!!
    Be afraid , be very afraid….

  23. Tony DePhillips


  24. martyrathbun09

    Tony, now that you are talking about Aerosmith, don’t forget this one:

  25. Very nicely stated Luis. Your wins are exactly what Scn is all about.

  26. Luis,
    I felt that stretch.

    It felt good!

  27. ✿‿❥◠✿ ~ ✿◠❥‿✿
    Love Love Love It – Thank you for sharing!

  28. Luis
    Thank you so very much for sharing.
    Over the last month I have been coming to terms with my own lack of desire to go back in session.
    This helps. A lot. Really.

  29. Scott Campbell

    Here’s to the return of the Lensmen!

    Welcome back, Marty.


  30. Luis, this is awesome.

    Marty, you and Mosey rock.

    OSA, I know of 2 more VIIIs who also want to see Marty for his fine services.
    Whatcha think of that?

  31. Ok, I’m in. Looking forward to some sunny southern weather….

    Congratulations to all concerned…….!

  32. THIS is the shit!!! Awesome! AWESOME!

  33. Scott Campbell

    Well done Luis.

    Thanks for taking responsibility and getting a clean up from Marty.

    It is the right thing to do.


  34. one of those who see

    Hi Luis and Marty! Can you feel it?? All of us, as we read this are smiling and smiling. It is raining here and will be for days. Thank you for the sunshine!

  35. Outstanding! You look fabulous!

  36. Luis, Marty, Monique, etc.,

    Thank you for the symphonic chord of Theta. My viewpoint shifted. Wow!!!

    ML, Tom

  37. Tony DePhillips

    You gotta be a bad ass to wear a red cape.

  38. Fellow Traveller

    Atlas may have shrugged, but I gotta believe LRH would be a smilin’ if he ain’t a grinnin’ from ear to ear.

    Oh, does this keep the fire in me burning to see LRH’s legacy actually put to the uses he intended.

    You guys and gals are definitely befittin’ the “real definition” of OT — operatin’ Texan.

    Bruce Pratt

  39. ✩ ♥ ❀ ♫ ☺ ❀. ♥ ♪ ☼ ♪ ☼ !!
    ✩ ♥ ❀ ♫ ☺ ❀. ♥ ♪ ☼ ♪ ☼ ♥♥ !!
    ☪ ✿♞☭☂ ✈☃ ♥♥ ☀☀♛♛
    Thank you Luis !
    Inspirational !
    Can’t wait til the Spring to visit with Marty and Mosey…
    Total F/N to read this.
    ✩ ♥ ❀ ♫ ☺ ❀. ♥ ♪ ☼ ♪ ☼ !!
    ✩ ♥ ❀ ♫ ☺ ❀. ♥ ♪ ☼ ♪ ☼ ♥♥ !!
    ☪ ✿♞☭☂ ✈☃ ♥♥ ☀☀♛♛

  40. Luis, Marty & Mosey

    I am so thrilled for all of you!

    Great friendship, far-reaching wins, superb auditing, and to top it off – a great meal.

    What could be better!

    Thank you for this … it brought a tears to my eyes.

  41. Great success story! Congratulations to both of you.

  42. OTater/GaryLerner

    Now you know why Marty lives in Texas. You need all that space to *stretch* in!

    Beautiful wins 🙂


  43. What class auditor is Marty Rathbun?

    I cannot find a link anywhere to the training he has had, but if he is auditing OT VIII’s he has to be at least Class IX.

    What class auditor is Marty Rathbun?

  44. You’re right Lurker. He is at least Class IX.

  45. Louis, Marty, Mosey, et al

    This is why I became a Scientologist.

    Totally cool….. Totally!



  46. What happens if an OT comes to Marty for a repair with unflat L’s?

    I know there are people in the Freezone auditing L’s and L’s repairs one of them is Class XII.

    But Freezone and Independents are not the same thing.

  47. +1 Major smiles!

  48. Lurker,

    Aside from Marty’s class, please realize that a vital factor he brings into the session is that he makes it completely safe to talk. Thus the sessions are effortless, flow smoothly and one can as-is stuff very easily. It truly was very effective and spot-on auditing.


  49. Lurker — do you need L’s repair? If so, I suggest you deal with this on email lines.

    Or are you asking “for others”, in which case, please let us all know: do you live under a bridge by chance?

  50. WE,

    I wish you’d stay around.


  51. Why the defensive?

  52. It could be a simple answer. Marty Rathbun is either just Class IX, which is good, or is also trained as Class X, XI and XII, which is better.

    As I said, I cannot find a link anywhere to what certs as an auditor Marty has from in the church. I read this BLOG so I thought I might like to know if the author was Class IX or higher.

  53. Thank you Fellow Traveler! I LOVE IT! ” the “real definition” of OT — OPERATIN’ TEXAN!!! And to throw out a challenge to Italy with a comment I did not answer the other day: TEXAS WILL BE THE FIRST CLEARED COUNTRY!!! We had a campaign and an event in Austin to that effect many years ago, back in the 70’s. For those of you wondering about Texas being the First Cleared COUNTRY, many Texas historians believe we still have the right to secede from the Union called the United States of America. There are many old-timers who think thatthis is what we ought to do! Not a bad idea, huh?
    Anyway, Luis, your wins are incomparable — I can feel your beingness and theta over these comm lines, and there is a peace there now that wasn’t there before. Thank you for visiting Marty and becoming more YOU. It has helped all of us to hear about your magnificent wins! I wish you and your family the very best, and know that your trip, coming and going, will create a vacuum for Marty that will pull in other preclears, Clears and OT’s who need repair from the ravages of their experiences with the DM org.
    Also, thank you so much for that reference. It applies to all of us who compromised our realities and ARC over the years, as we had to do to stay where we were. Thank God, and the 8th Dynamic, that the Independent movement exists so that we can all become OURSELVES again. Thank you for heeding that inner voice that told you to come to Texas and visit Marty. You are a true OT, both definitions!
    Love always, Catherine from Austin

  54. Love it! So wonderfully theta. Well done, Luis, and thanks for posting! 🙂

  55. martyrathbun09

    My training on the inside in contained in the following post:

  56. Wow — this is soo theta! Loved it!!

    Luis … I totally duplicated what you described and your subsequent wins. Wow!!

  57. Lurker,

    BTW, David Miscavige has no Auditor or C/S certs and never got a video pass in his life. And he destroyed several CL IX’s and XII’s under his false impression of being a Tech expert.

    You want some auditing? Go see him and please give me a report on how it went. Good luck.

  58. Oh Louis, I’m not going anywhere. One of these days I’ll be totally “out” and all will make sense. After reading your success story I may even get myself down to Marty’s one of these days. Reading your story starts to rekindle the urge to even want any more auditing and that’s a good thing.

  59. One for the Independents. Its a Beautiful Day!!!

    Its a Beautiful Day

  60. That is great Marty. I was not able to see how you could receive so much merit as an auditor and yet the “mrinder” valence asked me in response if I lived under a bridge?

    So you are pretty highly trained huh? So, I guess I had better be super honest. I have never run an engram before in my life, the thought terrifies me for some reason. I am not asking for you audit me, but that’s great.

  61. Don’t forget intention and high ARC. These can be blunted by harsh ethics and stat pushes.

  62. Bruce,

    Are you auditing?? I’d love to be your PC.


  63. This is such an awesome win.
    There is no doubt that the tech is alive, in the right hands and being used to do what it was intended…free beings.

    My hat is off to all of you.

  64. SA, I saw U2 this Saturday night! They were just… magnificent. Bono wrote Beautiful Day for me, of course. But I happily share my song with you all. 😉

  65. Wow, I read that when you wrote it.

    It’s an interesting re-read.

    There’s so much data that has been presented here since you started the blog.

    One could just take all of the blog entries, minus the comments for space, and make it a book. It would read like one of those diary format books.

  66. Fellow Traveller

    Thank you Andy, but no. Not formally trained. ( I put my little hysterical experience with the CoM on because David has been key. )

    But I listen real good sometimes if you need an ear and I got 2 if you need either or both of ’em at some point.

    Bruce Pratt

  67. Fellow Traveller

    Here here! (I gotta learn to speak Karen and veritas.)

    Bruce Pratt

  68. Fellow Traveller

    My mistake. It should be: Hear hear!

  69. Obviously this proves that Independent Scientology auditors are there for the pc and the pc only. Congrats, Luis and Marty!

  70. Very well done Luis. You are a courageous and eloquent being and I thank you for sharing your wins with us. Whenever and wherever ARC is rehabilitated and Free Theta restored we all win.
    To Marty I say thank you for putting on those “boots in the sky”. Every time you take a step down there in Texas you are “walking the walk” and sending ripples accross the Theta Universe. The more I read about your auditing skills the more I want to get my ruds run by you. I would also love to continue the conversation we started in Clearwater on the 4th of July.

  71. I want that win.

  72. A very inspiring post, Luis. Congratulations to you and your auditor.

  73. Luis,

    I can’t even begin to write an ack that matches your post, you covered all the angles 🙂 There was one thought that kept coming back as I read what you had to say, so here it is:

    “Yes, THIS is how auditing is supposed to work!”


  74. I thought I’d transcended jealousy, but MAN, I want some of that!
    I am happy for you, but envious, haha.
    Great story, rings loud and so clear.

  75. Luis, thanks for this wonderful story, win, description of real Scientology. Wonderful. Inspiring. And Marty, thanks!! I mean !!!!!!!!!!!

  76. I don’t know how many “Vs” can go in front of a “WD”, but I think these sessions sound like they would earn a hellava bunch!!
    Thank you for the Success. This is wonderful stuff to read and know!

  77. Dear Lurker, your questions show very little duplication from your part, or perhaps a pretense to be stupid while in fact being really Miscavige’s boot or servant. Do you really believe anybody in the independent movement gives a flying fuck about the certs? Correct application is what really matters, not what the church delivers today. Get a life!

  78. Thanks Marty.
    People know your your products.
    You got products.

  79. Martin Padfield.

    Luis, wonderful wonderful wins and write up. When I picked up the cans with Marty it was with the greatest trepidation – so many hours of out tech in the CofM had brought me to a frame of mind that auditing was dangerous and generally to be avoided at all costs. Within moments I was “in session” and your statement “his natural TRs, his impeccable auditing comm cycle, and his ability to observe the Pc are such that one cannot help but get powerful results” is bang on the money. (My cunning plan to get him addicted to Earl Grey and warm beer so he’d stay in the UK was a massive fail, however).

  80. martyrathbun09

    Me too.

  81. Lurker,
    Get Self Analysis and work it over. It might help with that terror to take the edge off of it. Pay attention to the list at the back and ‘Recall a time that’s really real…’ etc.

    Me personally, if I had the feeling of terror you say you have, that would be something I’d love to deal with. All sorts of interest in that item for me. But, I’m not you.

  82. martyrathbun09

    And he wrote Walk On for all of us.
    You’re packing suitcase for a place none of us has been.
    A place that has to be believed to be seen.

  83. martyrathbun09

    And mine is off to you and your wonderful wife.

  84. martyrathbun09

    It is nothing to fear. There is nothing to lose – but mass and energy that can cause, among other things, fear.

  85. That one is my favorite. It makes me cry! Totally a perfect song for the Independents. 🙂

  86. Nice!

  87. This is not strictly on topic, but seems to me it’s exactly what Marty and all have been doing for Scientologists. I hope you get a chance to watch this. It will make you smile (maybe even cry a little) and feel proud to be a human being.

  88. Very nice wins, both of you!
    Looks like Marty is going to be very busy now this succsstory handled so many OT’s on their not wanting auditing.

  89. Luis Garcia, congratulations with your very personal growth experience.

    Cat Daddy

  90. Long, long ago, I noticed a weird twist to “having to have before you can do”: having to have “training” before you could do “auditing.” The training became a via for actually sitting there and asking a question and listening to the response and acknowledging. The non-confront on another being and his case was sufficient that a person could accumulate all this “having certificates” and still not feel comfortable auditing someone. Having the tech became a substitute for communication. But the joke is that auditing does not work without communication. If you can communicate, you can audit. If you can’t communicate, you can’t. And having all the certs in the world will never counterbalance that one simplicity. You either have or develop an interest in others and what they have to say, or you don’t.

    The processes, whatever their level, only facilitate what you address with that communication.

    And, if you’ve ever sat around with a good friend and really communicated, you know how powerful real communication can be. Real communication can quick exteriorize you. Real communication is the truest magic in all creation.


  91. Luis — Thank you for sharing your wonderful wins and renewed feeling of happiness and higher awareness. Your wins are everyones wins. As each of us lets go, by whatever means, of our upsets, irritations etc. the whole world wins.

    It’s a ripple effect — or the butterfly on the other side of the world …

    Thank you Marty for continually helping your fellow man! It’s a wonderful thing to see.


  92. Thanks Marty. I figured that, that it is “all in the person’s mind” so to speak. L. Ron Hubbard has said in Dianetics that engrams can contain words and so, that about sums that up.

    Nevertheless, it is very interesting to speak to someone like yourself, whether on a BLOG or in person that is not an “Average Joe” in the world. Most “Average Joe’s” are not even aware that Scientology exists or that Dianetics exists either vs. what is available on the internet about the subjects. So, it is nice to speak to someone whose understanding is much greater than some others.

    Thanks for the moment.

  93. Awesome wins Luis! I’m personally convinced these sort of gains are beyond the scope of the C of S or what is possible within it’s citadel of fear and control, freed beings are counter productive to their agenda. The heart of Scientology is alive and beating strong amongst the Independents! Good work Marty.

  94. Truer words were never spake. My sentiments exactly. Thank you for putting it so beautifully. To me, Scientology is the philosophy and highly developed art and skill of communication. That is not all that it is, but for me the essential part of what I think of when I think of Scientology.

  95. There were so many great songs to fit what we do. I love them all.
    U2 Walk On lyrics

    And love is not the easy thing
    The only baggage you can bring…
    And love is not the easy thing…
    The only baggage you can bring
    Is all that you can’t leave behind

    And if the darkness is to keep us apart
    And if the daylight feels like it’s a long way off
    And if your glass heart should crack
    And for a second you turn back
    Oh no, be strong

    Walk on, walk on
    What you got they can’t steal it
    No they can’t even feel it
    Walk on, walk on…
    Stay safe tonight

    You’re packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
    A place that has to be believed to be seen
    You could have flown away
    A singing bird in an open cage
    Who will only fly, only fly for freedom

    Walk on, walk on
    What you’ve got they can’t deny it
    Can’t sell it, can’t buy it
    Walk on, walk on
    Stay safe tonight

    And I know it aches
    And your heart it breaks
    And you can only take so much
    Walk on, walk on

    Home… hard to know what it is if you’ve never had one
    Home… I can’t say where it is but I know I’m going home
    That’s where the hurt is

    I know it aches
    How your heart it breaks
    And you can only take so much
    Walk on, walk on

    Leave it behind
    You’ve got to leave it behind
    All that you fashion
    All that you make
    All that you build
    All that you break
    All that you measure
    All that you steal
    All this you can leave behind
    All that you reason
    All that you sense
    All that you speak
    All you dress up
    All that you scheme…

  96. Great wins and a great success story! Thank you for sharing – it was uplifting. I felt keyed out just reading about your wins!

  97. Theo Sismanides

    I just downloaded on my iPhone and listening to it on my stereo.

    I just love you all guys!!! I am printing the lyrics.

    Marty thank you for reviving the dream of the artist in us all, the aesthetic of Life, really, really uniting us back with a fighting world and so many great people and artists.

    Scientology is NOT a machine, it is a tool and the tool is for happiness, the getting and the giving of it.

    Thank you guys for giving it, all of ya, this is Theta, I was so sad just because my son had a little accident (something minor but it was a hit on the head) and I felt bad and now I know we are together.

    “And if your glass heart should crack
    And for a second you turn back
    Oh no, be strong”

  98. Thank you Luis!
    Thank you Marty!
    Thank you Mosey!
    This is awesome, brilliant.
    I am soooooooooo HAPPY for you all.
    I am soooooooooo HAPPY for us.
    I feel so inspired.
    Beingness, respect, beauty, creation.
    We can have them all.

    My hat is off to you.

  99. I can believe that Luis, because I know that if you are OT VIII then you have been with just about every kind of conceivable or classed auditor anywhere. The fact that you have faith in Marty Rathbun as an auditor and actually got results that you needed and wanted, just sounds great.

    That is the one thing I always look for in a person, is their ability to understand and communicate. If it is not there, relationship terminated so to speak.

  100. Wonderful wins you’re having.
    I can understand them very well. As alone to resign to the C.O.S puts oneself into an adventure of daily wins and the realization that no auditing was needed in the first place to handle those funny case problems invented by the C.O.S.
    By applying the Basics (not books) one is so successful in life and then one asks what is auditing for ? Why should I at all go into session ? I’ve the same question…. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Isn’t that a beautiful question ?

    send your letter of resignation to the C.O.S. In the moment you know that it is done, you instantly go exterior and a huge mass blows.
    This happened to me and today I could observe this when another Scientologist did it. He’s now exterior the whole day and doesn’t stop talking about his cogs, reliefs, blowdowns……..

    have a nice day 🙂

  101. Thanks for posting and sharing this theta, seems very appropriate for this season of goodwill to all. It makes it evident that for all who have come out need some kind of RS or DM repair rundown, to handle the extra baggage, knowingly and unknowingly carried out mentally.

  102. Theo Sismanides

    Louis, this is soooooo good!! You giving us the wins you had with Marty as an auditor is so Theta. It’s so good to know that Standard Tech is here and we can move on up from there. Marty definitely has a lot on his plate but it looks like his randomity level is not troubling him. He has Mosey next to him now and this is wonderful.

    Just two people, two people in this troubled and suppressed world can Walk On!

    I dedicate the U2 song “Walk On” to Marty and Mosey for standing tall.

    I thank all of ya, guys!

  103. Freedom Figther

    Spot on, Michael! This is what so unnerved me about the “release of the Basics”. The “basics”, as LRH defines them, are TRs (real, live communication) and the ability to read an e-meter. Processes are only as effective to the degree that these basics (LRH version) are in.

    Another thing I’ve seen so many Auditors neglect is ARC. This is probably, now that I think about it, just a symptom of out-basics (LRH version) . . .

  104. I am glad to see that you stumbled upon the truth here somewhere.

    I can always tell when things are going in the right direction that they should when “suddely people’s civil tones turn nasty”.

    Is something wrong?

  105. I wish people would stop talking to me so much, or if they did, just asked me things that made sense to ask. I hate having to over-respond to things that other people have answered.

    I have no intention of going to any Church of Scientology anywhere to get any kind of auditing or training, not even as an experiment in anything.

    I am not longer participating in any Scientology activities and since coming to the internet to read what many other brave souls have come forward to say I have realized that the things that have happened to me with the church, are miniscule compared to things that have happened to others.

    I resent people inferring other people are here to “gather data for David Miscavige”.

  106. Luis,

    Beautiful! Just beautiful theta flowing through your post.

    Thank you for sharing all that.

  107. Louis and Marty, Wow! This win rehabs my wins when Marty came to see me last July. My friend Veritas captured it perfectly with ‘AMing’. Nothing complicated. Just ME without the clutter. No pushing, no pulling, just being.
    Its a wonderful thing. Yes, Marty is a great auditor because he IS there and he COMMUNICATES. All kinds of magic can happen, just as LRH said repeatedly. Marty GETS IT. It’s simple and that’s why it works. Love

  108. Independent Scientologist

    Let’s get lots more good auditing going in the independent field! It’s the only place where auditing can be done without squirrel tech or relentless suppression.

    – Ron Matlock

  109. Agreed 100%.

  110. I will ask a simple question.

    What problem are you trying to find a solution to with your questions regarding certification of training one has had?

    From that question someone here can direct you to an answer.

    By definition most of the Independent field have no certification as it was cancelled by the Church upon leaving the Church. But, one still has the training completed and the ability gained from that training despite no piece of paper to hand in the form of a certificate.

    You don’t have to resent anything. Many have posted, in the past, on this blog for the purpose of gathering information for DM or OSA. Therefore, you may not experience immediate trust from the audience when data/questions are presented in a confusing manner. This is an open forum so you should expect and will get all types of answers and comments.

    Singular specific questions you can direct to Marty by email. This is a public posting of your questions and a public comment and answer of same. So, don’t be offended by any response. We all have our own response and way of responding.

    Now, back to the single question near the beginning of my post to you.

  111. Leonore:

    I realize that it is Dev-T. I don’t want to mislead you, and I am not necessarily laughing at this person or any others. I just agree with a lot of other people that like L. Ron Hubbard says “When in doubt communicate”. So I did. I did it right, because Marty Rathbun posted a link for me to where his training in the church was outlined. That link is to a post from over 2 years ago. I would never have known how to find it.

    And then the thing is, people “nobody knows who” per se “comment” “Oh, hey you, OSA Op, why you no go back to you face?’ or some such thing, you know what I mean.

    And other people will read it and possibly overlook the link that Marty posted to where his training is outlined. I am sure a lot of people have wondered “Is he a Class XII?”

    One does not have to be Class VIII first in order to be Class IX. If my memory serves me correctly, when people were being recruited to Flag to staff the first NOT’s HGC, the requirement for a NOT’s auditor was OT III/Class IV. So not all NOT’s auditors are real FULL NOT’s auditors that have also done Class V, VI, VII and VIII. That is a lot of tech to miss out on. So, I would trust someone MORE that has proved themeselves as an auditor to talk to as opposed to someone that responds “Hey, why don’t you live under a bridge?”

    I am making a note of who those people are and I am not going to respond anymore to anything they say.

    That is the reason why I don’t put my name. Not because I am afraid of what the church will do, but what affected former members will do.

  112. Marty, I think I need to tell everyone the real reason LRH wanted an ‘All Clear’ (freedom from law suits and death threats and government subpeonas). LRH wanted to return to Int (SHQ) not to run and control management. He wanted others to do that. He wanted more than anything to make training films. He wanted more than anything to train auditors. LRH knew that the only thing preventing Scientology expansion was auditors who knew how to audit. The people who were at WHQ during the early days of ‘Cine’ can attest to how important these training films were to him. Noone worked harder than LRH. It almost killed him. When he was at Creston, nothing was more important to him than ‘All Clear’ so he could train auditors. You know I hear all the comments about what is going to happen when DM is gone and whats going to happen to Scientology. ‘We need to organize’, ‘ we need an org board’ , we need structure’. NO. We need auditors who know how to audit. Period! If anyone wants to carry on LRH’s legacy, become an auditor and train auditors. Just do it! Love

  113. Saper Aude:

    What do you think I am stupid? As if I wouldn’t know that if a person is no longer in the church active or if they were declared an SP that their certs are cancelled? Let me ask you a simple question, do you have an opinion higher of anyone ever other than that they may have been born yesterday to make you happy?

  114. People can still audit outside the church if they want to. Just because a person’s certs are cancelled it means they forgot how to audit? So, I wanted to know how high up of an auditor Marty Rathbun was. It was a question given to me by the CIA! I am glad he told me, I am now that much more aware. Thank you.

    I don’t care what the Church of Scientology says, that because I am not a member any more, I forgot how to Method 3 or Clay Demo?

    I would do it anyway. Whether they said it was OK or not.

    Why this espionage thing?

  115. And now back to your “original question” now that I hope we have cleared that up.

    First: Don’t you think that only a stupid fool from OSA or the Church of Scientology would come here to gather “intelligence data”? What kind of intelligence data Sapere, is to be gathered from a BLOG post? Like this place. A moral space of enlightenment in the world where when a person says Class XII, someone knows what they mean.

    SECOND: In lieu of that, what kind of data am I going to gather, from intelligent responsible people that post here that is going to give me a clue on how to do them in? Does that make sense?

    I don’t care if the Church of Scientology is watching me, or reading this, they are not going to find out WHO I AM from this post and I want it that way. I honestly do not care about them, and I can not put it more bluntly.

    I do care about people. And if I can help someone with what I know, and if what I know that helps them happens to be written by L. Ron Hubbard then good. Not everyone asks.

  116. Thanks for posting this link, Grateful! It is such a wonderful confirmation that people ARE basically good as Ron said.

    Happy Holidays!

  117. Good!

  118. I am glad it did. It’s probably the best thing you can do for yourself.

  119. My omelets didn’t do the trick either. But that’s OK. The whole area where Casablanca is just feels perfect.

  120. Totally agree. And today free, uninhibited, no-holds barred communication is routinely suppressed in the church, in and out of session.

  121. LO,

    You say “Why should I at all go into session ?”

    You don’t have to, of course. But I will tell you that one just doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.

  122. Lurker, can I ask you something strange?

    I get this visio of you sitting at a desk in a cubicle, or small office type area. You are at the desk sort of leaning into the monitor a bit. The room is somewhat dark. I think there is a window and light is coming in from the rest of the building into the area you are in.
    Am I close on any of this?

  123. Sarge, that’s the way I see it too. The key is in delivery.

  124. Beautifully stated, Sarge. Thanks for this info.
    I can dream someday of opening the IAS magazine and instead of seeing the listing of who gave the most money and got the biggest trophies, instead the listing of all the new Class 4, Class 6, Class 8, Class 12 auditors who were now prepared to deliver LRH tech to the world.

  125. Vey eloquently put Luis. As was your account of your visit to Casablanca Tejas.

    What you said reminded me of something that I realised a little while ago. When I first got into Scientology and for a long time afterwards, I used to think that the ‘Tech’ was everything. All someone had to do was learn it and apply it ‘by the book’ and you’d get the same results every time.

    I guess that this was the same (flawed) thinking behind the Golden Age of Tech where students would be drilled endlessly until they gave the ‘right’ answer without thinking. It would be a production line churning out “100% flubless auditors” (what a ridiculous thing to claim!) like some sort of factory production line.

    Then, a couple of years ago, while discussing various aspects of my experiences, I came to realise that the most important part of the Tech was the person delivering it. If a person cares enough, has the right beingness , and is also willing to grant beingness – they will find a way to help someone with whatever is available. But someone who doesn’t have ‘it’ or doesn’t care won’t get results with the most powerful tools ever invented.

    Well anyway, that’s how it seems to me.

    This is why, some people will never be good auditors and why I got very good results with just two of my many auditors and mediocre or non-existent results from the rest. I expect there will be those still in the CoS who would give a different reason, but if I was such a DB NCG, why did they happily sell me over 40 intensives of auditing?

    You can tell the amount of money I wasted on auditing isn’t a sore point.

    Luis, I am rather intrigued by this statement directed at the Tiny Tyrant, “I am closer to you than you may know…” I hope we get to hear about this in due course?


  126. Very cool and makes total sense to me, thanks!

  127. You know what really sounds strange to me. Is that you sound like a disaffected former Scientologist. You would like to validate your visio through 2 way communication with me for no other reason other than that it is a strange question to ask, right?

    Sounds totally legit. Go for it.

  128. Mark, would you Mike Rinder do a “Mayo” if the Cob would pay you a couple of millions to dismantle your squirrel group?

    I asking this out of personal curiosity. I am not affiliated with the C of S.

  129. Programmer. Already offered and rejected out of hand. Not sure what “squirrel group” you refer to? But I can assure you, no amount of money, offers of communication with family or any other slimey effort to manipulate/silence/control me will be given even the slightest consideration. Not now, not ever.

  130. Pingback: Top Posts —

  131. Mike, WOW! Well said. Love

  132. Magnolia:

    What you just said is the exact point I have been trying to arrive at, communicating with people here on this BLOG. They are nice people, I like them because they understand what is Scientology and I absolutely loathe Scientologists {real one’s – not independents or free zoners} and I am not opposed to helping anyone with the tech if the opportunity arises.

    Let me just re-quote you with all due respect if I may:

    “OSA, I know of 2 more VIII’s who also want to see Marty for his fine services. Whatcha think of that?”

    I feel that way, I just could not communicate it for a horrifying reason. I was never a prominent Scientologist but I did get some training, some auditing and put some time in on staff of sorts.

    I feel as though that now it is all over I have to say what you said just about or challenge the church in some way to “do something about the fact that I got case gain in spite of them”.

    It is overwhelming unbelievable that the church would help people to get somewhere in life and then ask for it all back or mistreat them until the benefit they delivered to the person was either nullified or more money gotten out of them to release them from a new duress. That is the way I see it these days.
    I could not have said it better. You are quite a gold mine of speech.

  133. Troll.

  134. one of those who see

    Beautiful Marty. The Church of Scientology left us, it left us for MEST. We are still here and are rehabbing our original love of the subject. And it is Spiritual and Aesthetic.

  135. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
    King James Bible, Mathew 16:26.

    Programmer, clear off the tracks, this train is gaining speed.

  136. one of those who see

    We are really in an evolution. Scientology being applied by Free Beings. Free to think, speak and act. LRH wouldn’t have settled for anything less.

  137. what a wonderful trip. Makes me want to go to Marty’s…Some basic caring and understanding, along with White Dianetics, is I think someone who came out of that DM Coffee Grinder is what we all needs.

  138. Yes, I think you are stupid. You earlier asked the following:

    What class auditor is Marty Rathbun?

    If you already knew he had no certs then you would know he is not a “class auditor” as the classification is the certification.

    I was merely trying to help you. You go off on a tirade. You have made off the wall comments all through here. You made the comment of “yet the “mrinder” valence asked me in response if I lived under a bridge?”

    No valence asked you anything. A PERSON posted that question. He asked that as that is one of the definitions of a troll. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. If you really wanted data I was willing to help. I don’t believe you want data. You have said you don’t want services from in the church and you want to belittle those in the Independent field who could help you if they so desired.

    There is no “mrrinder valence” so that really tells it all. You THINK you know but you don’t understand certification – somehow you think that makes you better. You showed this in your statement of “Marty Rathbun is either just Class IX, which is good, or is also trained as Class X, XI and XII, which is better. ”

    What is better is when one is able to produce the product they are trained for. A class IX produces a different product that a Class XII. If a Class XII has never trained on Class IX then he couldn’t audit that level nor produce that product. You seem to think this is a status thing. It isn’t.

    You further show a little of your thoughts with
    “Just because a person’s certs are cancelled it means they forgot how to audit? So, I wanted to know how high up of an auditor Marty Rathbun was.”

    If you understood he didn’t have certs just because he was no longer in the church then why did you say you wanted to know how high up of an auditor Marty Rathbun IS! No, you said “was.” Again, either you don’t understand or you said what you really think.

    You obviously didn’t read my post or where did you get the following from:

    “First: Don’t you think that only a stupid fool from OSA or the Church of Scientology would come here to gather “intelligence data”? What kind of intelligence data Sapere, is to be gathered from a BLOG post? Like this place. A moral space of enlightenment in the world where when a person says Class XII, someone knows what they mean.” …Why this espionage thing?”

    I NEVER mentioned “intelligence data” or “espionage” so this must have come from you – just made up.

    You stated “I do care about people. And if I can help someone with what I know, and if what I know that helps them happens to be written by L. Ron Hubbard then good. Not everyone asks.”

    I never read anything you posted that you know or that you wanted to help with. YOU asked about certification of auditor training.

    I am done chatting with you. You may return to under the bridge to keep out of the rain. May the poster valences keep you company in your world.

  139. “Gone were the counter‐survival computations adopted while “going up the Bridge to OT.”
    “Gone were the multitude of instances in which I had to choose to either “go up the Bridge to OT” or agree to something I knew was a basic violation of my own integrity.
    And in its place… I found myself again.”

    “And davey, next time you feel a pressure on your right side, or a nagging headache, you may just want to wonder, “Is that Garcia stretching?”
    I am closer to you than you may know…”

    THAT is exactly what davey-boy has tried so hard to prevent and will never succeed in.

    Very Well Done!!! to you Luis and Marty for exact application of LRH Tech.
    That is what will win the game in the end. Poor davey, he knows it, too.

    Love, Eileen

  140. Luna:

    Couldnt agree with you more.

    This guy is walking around UNDER the Bridge to Total Freedom.

    But he has engaged quite a number of people trying to “help” him when all he wanted in the first place was a definitive statement that could somehow be twisted to file a complaint against Marty. He wasnt asking “on behalf” of anyone else wanting auditing, nor was he asking on behalf of himself as he definitively doesnt want auditing. His question would typically have come from a PI (like the ones who have unsuccessfully been trying to get some evidence of wrongdoing by Marty for months….)

    Kind regards,
    mrinder valence

  141. Thank you for your wins, Luis. It looks, however, like Lurker got most of the attention on this thread. As someone who was trained on the Apollo, I should tell you (and everyone else who might be interested) that when you went to an outer org, including AOLA or ASHO, high classed auditors too often didn’t measure up. I wouldn’t say they didn’t measure up to squat but, in a sense, that was often the case. It is mostly about understanding what the hell you are doing. One thing I have noticed about Marty’s blog is what his preclears and pre-OT say about their experiences. I think his tales of success (not told by him) are somewhat unprecedented on the web. I don’t hear them from many of the long time practitioners out there. Some of those are too service fac oriented to even go back for repeat listening. I might or might not agree with all of Marty’s viewpoints (I haven’t studied his gray matter so can’t really say), but success is success and you acknowledge it. It is not forced or solicited by duress. Its kind of like asking LRH or Nikola Tesla what college they went to (assuming they must have went to college to “learn all that stuff”.)

  142. Sapere:

    No it’s not that. It is this attitude you have, this make believe nice person you pretend to be until people have finished digesting your 12 or 13 paragraphs over one simple question one person asked. Too much controversy. And that means very little understanding on your part.

    Do you audit people? I can’t imagine it.

  143. Lurker,
    Why do you imply former members are what you fear – just trying to make a point for readers of the blog or do you get stats for this. You stated

    “That is the reason why I don’t put my name. Not because I am afraid of what the church will do, but what affected former members will do.”

    You start asking about Marty’s training. Nice excuse to finally get some snide comments into your post. There is NOT A SINGLE INSTANCE OF A FORMER MEMBER ever threatening, harming or attempting to interfere with current members of the church. Yet, you wish to imply you are afraid of them. A little PR by misdirection or what?

    You earlier state you have never run a single engram, etc etc and then state “So not all NOT’s auditors are real FULL NOT’s auditors that have also done Class V, VI, VII and VIII. That is a lot of tech to miss out on. ”

    I have read the entire grade chart. I have read the references. There is nothing about a “FULL NOT’s auditor”. Class IX is Class IX. But you had a chance to throw in the “lot of tech to miss out on.” There is NO NOTs tech missed out on.

    And let’s not forget your “and other people will read it and possibly overlook the link that Marty posted to where his training is outlined. I am sure a lot of people have wondered “Is he a Class XII?” ”

    What makes you think anyone wondered if he was a Class XII? He has never implied he is a Class XII but I see you got your chance to plant that thought. Didn’t work.

    Marty is exactly what he says. Independent Scientologists are exactly what they say. You, I don’t know. Want to pretend “I forgot how to Method 3 or Clay Demo?” and then continue with the terms Dev t and go into details about the training lineup for the NOT’s HGC.

    Somehow, forgetting how to Method 3 (but remembering the exact name of it), and remembering “if my memory serves me correctly, when people were being recruited to Flag to staff the first NOT’s HGC, the requirement for a NOT’s auditor was OT III/Class IV” does not come across as honesty on your part.

    I didn’t say you were dishonest – just pointed out facts that don’t add up. Maybe you will remember what cramming and MU’s are when you are sent for some correction. That you might be afraid of.

    I did post earlier you should stay out of the rain and get back under the bridge.

  144. I agree. But not only that. The entire series of comments by everyone were just “too theta.” It had to be muddied up somehow.

  145. 2 million is nothing in today’s dollars, by the time you pay taxes, you’re left with maybe a million and turning that into a worthwhile activity is touch and go at best, especially if you have the overt you just committed on your head for selling out. The kind of being that will do that has some pretty serious issues and will pull in huge motivators especially if you know what you know about DM & Co., destroying LRH’s legacy, just not worth it. Let’s say you are not so motivated and decided to live off the 5% interest income from it, why that’s $50,000/yr (minus taxes and all your living expenses, why it’s nothing, we’re talking trailor park trash, at least in CA), hardly enough with inflation to even live a decent lifestyle, I’m saying gotta be pretty stupid all the way around and the Cof$ knows it by offering such a pittance (don’t get any ideas). Thank God Marty and Mike have exemplary integrity that I’m sure DM is so perplexed about that as his criminal mind can’t fathom this goodness. He’s truly a Soltan Gris!

  146. Pingback: My Four Days With Marty (via Moving On Up a Little Higher) « My LRH

  147. Mmm are you referring to the church of mischavige when you say “squirrel group”? Don’t really know of any others…

  148. Sounds to me like the dwarf is getting pretty desperate if he’s got you putting out feelers like this.
    You say you’re not affiliated with the C of S. Right, and I’m the Pope. Only someone who is affiliated with the C of S would even think to mention Mayo. You blew your own cover. Off to the RPF you go. Merry Christmas.

  149. Fellow Traveller

    This is the #1 reason Mike and Marty and the others are labeled as Suppressive Persons by the current mismanagement regime. Their operating definition of a Suppressive Person is “someone who can’t be bought; can’t be intimidated. Won’t go away. Won’t shut up. Must be dealt with.”

    Private investigator’s operating definition of a Suppressive Person: cha-ching

    Bruce Pratt

  150. That’s just what I felt.

    Happy Holidays to you, too!

  151. Fellow Traveller

    metaqual —

    Thanks for your words of observation and wisdom. Your own observation seems to bear out what Sarge was saying regarding LRH and his quest for an “All Clear”: make a safe environment to concentrate on methods, in this case films, TO TRAIN AUDITORS.

    Bruce Pratt

  152. Fellow Traveller

    Thank you, thank you, thank you Sarge.

    Wonderful information and perspective you’ve added here. Did I thank you?

    Bruce Pratt

  153. Luis — Didnt do much of a job of messing up the theta. You permeated the entire internet!! 🙂

  154. OTater/GaryLerner

    Thank you, Marty – Brother Theta 🙂

  155. Sargio,
    YOU get it. I hear talk about how the ‘LRH admin tech’ is this or that and all sorts of significance about this or that. The fact is, any ‘admin’ and ‘ethics’ all of it come down to that magic that is a session and the freeing of a being from the constraints that he’s ALREADY agreed to.

    Deliver auditing and deliver training that enables a being to work out how all this came about.

    Thanks my friend for the truth of What is Scientology.

  156. Hey Programmer,
    I’ll take the money!!! Fuck yeah. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!

  157. Your humble servant

    I suppose you must realize how nasty, offensive, and insulting it is–though completely off-base and inaccurate– to refer to participants in this blog as a “squirrel group.” I do not believe believe you would have made this obscene reference if you weren’t in the employ of the “Church of Scientology.” In fact, I don’t believe you would be reading or commenting on this blog at all. Therefore I conclude you must be a liar as well as a troll. I also note that your posting is ungrammatical–which is hard to accomplish in such a short post. This seems to be another earmark of trolls.

  158. Your humble servant


    This was a beautiful communication. Thank you for your story!

  159. Thanks for communicating this to us, Sarge. This is really important data, and we needed to know this.
    Love, Catherine

  160. Make that the RPF’s RPF (R’s R). See ya.

  161. Cool.
    So was I close?

  162. Thats what I was getting Mike.
    He’s an employee of an attorney, or a newbie PI sitting at a desk in an office building typing away on a computer.

  163. FreedomFighter


  164. I got no money to give away, Logan, besides, you don’t run your own squirrel group, so no cash for you. 😉 Take it easy. Money isn’t everything.

  165. one of those who see

    Ron’s Org has 3 beautiful videos on You Tube. Very theta! The music is absolutely incredible. Thetan Music. Then the credits roll… Music by Captain Bill Robertson. I am in love with this music! (never heard his music before)
    Just go on You tube, type in: Scientology The Complete Bridge in Ten Years Part 1
    Thank you whoever posted the well done videos. Hi to Max and Erica!

  166. FreedomFighter


  167. Mr. Logan, MOQ. I need to route to qual immediately. I’ve found myself inadvertently on the same wavelength as a troll. Please help.

  168. Yep, it appears to be upside down. I’ve seen this several times with close friends. An SP in the current CoS management viewpoint is one that has personal integrity.


  169. Luis Garcia,
    Where you walk – others will follow. Soon, the roads will be wide and full of travelers. You set such a sterling example. Thank you.

  170. Integrity at its best! Mike, my hat is off to you and bowing deeply! WOW.

  171. Can you guys hold off from succeeding till I get over there and get some auditing from Marty!

    I mean sheeesh.

    They’ll probably label anyone from California as an undesirable alien or something!

    Anyway Luis.

    You look great and I love reading your wins!!!


    One again another VWD

  172. Scott Campbell

    I love that you made this origination, Nancy.


  173. Wait a minute Mike!

    How do you know we are merely dealing with a troll or a PI and not His Satanic Majesty himself?

    I mean “lurkers” breadth of understanding of the subject almost replicates the “Man Behind Scientology”‘s to a T!

    I myself feel almost tempted to ask:

    Dave is that you??????

  174. Thanks Sarge,

    That explains why instead of working on admin lines he spent his final few months piloting the CCRD and wrapping up OT VIII.

    I mean who woulda thunk the organization would have gone to hell in a bucket just a few years after he was gone.

    Oh well.

    I guess that leaves just us to preserve his legacy.

    Also since we’re on a musical and whimsical theme tonight.

    For those who think that we’re the ones going to hell in a bucket:

  175. Mike,

    You’re the real deal!

    As we say in LA.

    Love ya man.

    Now for the disclaimer:

    Not that we won’t have our occasional differences like two unruly siblings


  176. Tory Christman

    3 rules of the OSA Int Top Secret Mafia, re the Net:
    1)” Distract off of *any* topic they don’t want discussed.
    2) Degrade anyone they don’t want listened to.
    3) Slime the area—so people literally don’t want to even post there”.
    You look, read, and decide for yourself if you’re contributing
    to this Internet “Program” or not. To me it looks like “Lurker” is rolling right along on 1, trying on 2, and failing on 3.This topic was about Luis and Marty meeting, eh?
    I say let’s hear more about *that*.

    My two cents….and lurker, if I’m wrong, just say so, and stop doing 1 and 2, please. There were some VERY key things said in this post that those folks would *not* want discussed. A key one is help this man got, happily outside of the organization known as the “church” of $cientology.

    A lesson I learned watching this operation roll is:
    When ever there is a LOT of distraction, always look earlier—what *might* some folks not want discussed? It’s an easy way to not fall into their feeble traps. Start discussing *that* and stay on it. 🙂

  177. Tory Christman

    “Gone were the multitude of instances in which I had to choose to either “go up the Bridge to OT” or agree to something I knew was a basic violation of my own integrity.” My congratulation to all of you…sounds like a terrific trip! 🙂
    And as he said, Davey—he’s closer than you think. T__t__T___t___

  178. Lurker,
    Lurk all you want.

    Your little foray into the flow of comm isn’t on a winning tack. It’s downright messy.

    Since you’ve apparently some familiarity with Scientology, look up ‘natter’. You are doing it. It has a characteristic ring to those of us trained as auditors. You might do well to Method 3 it, heck, even clay demo it. And do you and us a favor and handle it.

  179. martyrathbun09

    Tory, they certainly succeeded with this one. Of course, feeding the troll played right into their hands. I don’t generally have a problem with trolls. I can ask a simple question or two to establish relatively easily the troll nature of the postings, then cut off the matter before it the thread gets derailed. Charges and counter charges absent establishing any evidence to allow the troll to hang himself simply fuels the fire. This thread is the evidence of how not to handle a troll. I’ve been busy so couldn’t control it before the train went into the ditch.

  180. One of those who see,
    So very true. The MEST is in C of S. The pure theta and wins from LRH tech is in the Independent field. The ability to communicate what you think without having your thoughts, your success story, your announcement approved and coached. It is thanks to LRH and thanks to the auditor but let the person have THEIR win.

    The theta and truth will continue for eons in the Independent field. There is no vested interest here other than would you want others to have similar gains as your own – yes, yes, yes!

  181. Tory and Marty,
    I have learned. No more feeding the trolls. I usually give the benefit of the doubt but will pay closer attention. I understand the wins and gains available as an Independent. These are not available anywhere in the C of S.

    The important thing is to continue to communicate the wins we have from applying LRH tech to our lives and not have any gains we might have controlled as I experienced in the Church.

    To theta and wins – here here. Thank you both for being here.

  182. Totally agree with Victoria’s sentiment!! Happily jealous and enjoying the wins!

  183. Comments by OSA trolls invariably start “I’m not a Scientologist but …”. Other indicators of OSA stupidity include “I’m just curious …”. I think Programmer’s handle should change to “programmed”.

  184. Yes, when it comes to applying Standard Tech, Russia is actually more free than the USA! Who’d a thunk it? I was happy to see Otfried in the pictures. He is a super auditor. Also, that music is unique. Maybe Bill R really did pull it off the track.

  185. Kathy Braceland

    Beautiful Luis…absolutely beautiful! Standard LRH tech does it every time. This year has been fabulous and it just gets better and better…. 2011 is going to be magnificent!

  186. Tory Christman

    So true—those 3 things, if kept in mind, shall help keep the train on the tracks, whether you’re here or not.
    My guess is Davey boy cannot stand you, or any others who have left, “Flourishing and Prospering”…thus their feeble attempts to distract off of that very powerful topic.
    SA—So glad it helped, you’re most welcome!
    Merry Christmas to all 🙂

  187. Tory Christman

    LOL! A good point 🙂

  188. Anyone ever wondered how Davey could get rid of all real auditors world wide in such a short space of time….wondered how he could be so brilliant as to compose the Golden Age of Out Tech….wondered if he figured it out himself? Well, he didn’t. Here’s the answer.

  189. one of those who see

    A little off topic, but I was rereading HCOPL 14 Jan 1969 OT ORGS Page 756 Vol 0
    For many of us the “Ideal Org” DM project was one of the early outpoints we spotted.
    Under “Org State” in the above policy LRH wrote the following:
    …Here’s some MUST targets as examples:
    …H. Get all Accounts staff and executives checked out on finance policy.
    I. Shove the throttle down on promotion.
    J. Deliver fantastic service.
    K. Get enough tech people in training to handle the flows.
    L. Find bigger, poshier quarters to handle the flow when it rises. (“when” is in italics in the PL!-sorry don’t know how to type in italics here)
    M. Get all staff onto the OEC to diminish the flow line flubs.
    … L.Ron Hubbard

  190. Sarge, after your post I got to thinking. In December of 1981, (if memory is correct on time), on kind of a fluke, I went to the Mission Holders Conference at Flag. This is the same conference where I heard David Miscavige brag about how he “busted” Mary Sue Hubbard. This was my first giant big red flag outpoint that something was VERY wrong. I think I have related that story here before. But at that same conference, Norman Starkey was brought up as, once again,if my memory serves me as correctly, as the IC of the “Mission All Clear” unit. He explained that the purpose of this unit was to clear all the lawsuits off of the books against LRH, and talked about all the headway and success they were making!
    Well, Norman Starkey, all I can say is :

    I FEEL BETRAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Hope you had time to think about what went wrong while you were in THE HOLE.

  191. Hi Marty
    I wonder if you’ve got my comms. Here is something interesting again:
    Take a look at the image on the 4th page of the latest IAS magazin – the same which puplishes the wins over Hungarian psychiatry – and check the symbol with the arrows.
    Do you recognize anything common with this?

    or this
    Yes. It was the Arrow Cross symbol of the Hungarian National Socialist Party. Wiki says: “During its short rule, ten to fifteen thousand people (Jews) were murdered outright, and 80,000 people, including many women, children and elderly, were deported from Hungary to their deaths in the Auschwitz concentration camp.”
    You can also make an image search for “arrow cross” and see what’s coming up:

  192. My four days with Marty … sounds familiar … Oh, I know …

    On my fourth day with Marty,
    C-O-B gave to me,
    4 PI’s trailing,
    3 Lawsuits pending,
    2 restraining orders,
    And a gang bang sec check for free!

    Merry Christmas.


  193. Hell I know this violates the precept against feeding trolls.

    But what “squirrel group” are you referring too programed.

    The one Sinister Dave is running and the one you probably support as an Agent of Chaos.

    I mean compared to what’s offered in the Gov Approved Church these days

    Werner Erhard is a paragon of Standard Tech!!!!!

    Could you convey that message to the head squirrel over there.

    Thanks 🙂

  194. Thanks! The videos are very inspiring and the soundtrack is indeed incredible, and truly Thetan Music. It is a side of Bill Robertson I was not aware of.
    In all the muddy waters of “discussing scientology”, I think many contributors have been pushed out of sight – Mary Sue Hubbard, Diana Hubbard, and Bill Robertson come to mind as not being acknowledged enough.

    Regardless of what anyone thinks of the R.O. upper bridge, Captain Bill was one of the original players working to forward Ron’s purpose. And the R.O.s have done a lot to spread the knowledge and practice of LRH tech across the world.

  195. As someone who is on staff and a long-term Scientologist, I have to say that there are quite a few people on this blog that I truly admire.

    It is really interesting to read what people have to say, their viewpoints, wins (can’t have too many of those!), the references are great and just the general discussion of various topics.

    To Luis, I just wanted to say that I am truly glad you are doing well. I did receive your email and I wanted to thank you for it. It has helped me with my write-ups and I no longer feel so alone and scared.

    Thank you for that and to all of you, thanks for your help out here. You probably aren’t aware of it, so I wanted to ack it.

  196. OD, I was set to say “baah, symbols…”.

    But I picked up my copy and I will admit, it is odd. Particularly since the mag is about Hungary and I can find no other usage for the “arrow cross” other than the Arrow Cross Party of Hungary.

    Marty, this stuff sounds crazy at first, but it’s a very, very strange coincidence that they picked that symbol.

  197. The arrow cross on the IAS guys uniform is exactly the same as the Arrow Cross Party cross, and it is big. It’s a big crest on the front of his uniform on essentially the first page of the new Impact mag.
    The first page is apparently the cover, then the IAS logo on 2,3. Then turn the page and you get hit with this cross.

  198. I think we’re very much aware of the help we offer and the impact it has otherwise we wouldn’t put in so much energy, but somehow it’s still very nice to get an ack, thanks. Also it’s great to have another offer his help.

  199. 1,000 Sea Org Jacket Purchased by Army Surplus StorePosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:54 am

  200. Wow, it’s a bit late of a response and not sure if anyone will read it, but this totally rings true for me. After having a string of bot-like auditors I went in with someone else for a correction action. She was amazing and so simple and full of ARC – really cared for the person sitting in front of her. As a result, my first floating TA in years, from some simple list. Absolutely amazing. Then, after that session, back in with more bots who just jacked my TA over and over again, grinding away, wasting intensives and giving wrong indications…

  201. Hi,
    I remember Albert Lipschutz from his Antwerp years…

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