The Waterkamps Declare Independence

Gerhard Waterkamp and his family are living testament to the power of the Code of Honor.   They stood up to the German government and now they are standing up to its latest alter ego – corporate Scientology.

The Waterkamps

I was born and raised in Germany in a roman catholic family. At age 14 I cognited that the Roman Catholic church was in the majority not a spiritual organization concerned with the advancement of the spiritual aspects of humanity, but an organization with the purpose of controlling populations. There were a lot of good Christian people in the church and I loved some of the monks in the Dominican order I where I served as an Altar boy and ran youth groups for the church. But really, the church was just there as a control operation. So I forfeited my life in heaven and exchanged it for an eternity in hell – at least that is what my priest told me when I told him I was quitting his operation. I hurt my mother as she was a strong believer in catholic doctrines and I am sorry for that.  But it was more important to me to act on my principles and convictions than to take heed of other’s feelings, not to mention threats of eternal fire and other scary stuff. As a young kid in postwar Germany you were still very directly confronted with the horrors of war and the holocaust. And there was one question on my mind: How in the world could good and decent people stand by when their jewish neighbors were put on a transport and killed? The answer eluded me for more than 40 years.

But that was it for me on spiritualism. My mind was set, it was all a fraud. On a vacation trip 1979 in Portland Oregon somebody dragged me and my girlfriend into a building, made me fill out answers to 200 questions and then sat me down to look at a graph. Oh boy, was I screwed up. The lady looked me in the eyes and said: “you are a spirit”. I just went, ‘hey stay away from me with the ghost stuff, but what do you have to fix this screwed up graph?’ She mentioned the Dianetics book and wanted to sell me one. 1980 back in Germany I finally bought it and read it in 3 days. I was fascinated. This guy Hubbard understood everything I had read from Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm and what I knew from my dabbling in some of the eastern philosophies and Baghwan/Osh.  Not only that, this Hubbard guy was able to operationalize the data so you could do something practical with them. I was hooked.

I joined Scientology and the Bremen Mission as part time PRO (Public Relation Officer). There was this huge misconception about Scientology in Germany and I wanted to do something about it. So I went to all the public enemies of Scientology in the area, introduced myself, explained what Scientology is and left my card in case of any questions. That was 1980 and the world was good. I did auditor training in the mission and the grades and Scientology changed my life for the better. I married, brought my wife into Scientology and she became a very successful course supervisor in the mission. There were no PR issues in Bremen and the Bremen Mission was the only one recognized with a special non profit status. No attacks, we just had a good time; quite an untypical picture for Germany at that time.

Gerhard and Sabine back in the day

I really enjoyed the tech just a few things were off. If there would be such a thing as an insanity meter (like a Geiger counter just counting insanity particles) there would be an interesting phenomenon. The higher you went up management lines (not public or tech lines), the more insane it became. This thing would start with a quiet happy humming in the Mission over to a sound of a male cat in heat while in Hamburg Org to an outright concert of a dozen foghorns in Kopenhagen. These sea org recruiters that came to the mission were plain nuts and the IAS regges borderline violent insane. I experienced the slaughter of Wiebke Hansen, whom I knew very well when she was ED of Hamburg Org. David Miscavige made a draconian example of her and most was kept from public, but I knew her and people very close to her well and saw much of the bloodshed.

I loved the tech and saw it work; the nuisance of Scientology management was something one had to put up with. Nothing is perfect. So I issued a personal restraining order for all IAS regges and ignored recruiters. My wife and I went up the bridge to OTVII and I did my L’s, trained up to NED auditor and some OEC. We did Clear to OTVII at FLAG. Again I loved the tech, but the management at FLAG was insane. I was at the level of CFO for large corporations at that time in my career and the PR situation in Germany got really catastrophic (and worsened from there). Federal government officials at minister level told the German industry they should not have Scientologists in management. The stuff that was going on would make a witchhunt look like a stroll in the park. It was enough to read the Dianetic book to get fired from a job of some importance as happened to a trainer of the German Olympic fencing team. The hysteria in Germany grew wild. All fueled by a grossly misbehaving church and interested parties like the German Verfassungschutz which faced dissolution when the wall came down and they were in urgent need of a new enemy image to justify their existence, or Ursula Caberta a politician who saw this as a vehicle for her own self importance and getting taxpayer funding. I had the opportunity to befriend another big name critic in Germany much later. Renate Hartwig had written several anti Scientology books and was one of the most influential critics of her time. When I talked with her we found out the Verfassungschutz works even dirtier than OSA. No kidding – it is possible- but she wrote a book about that after we came to know each other and stopped her attacks on Scientology.

There was no differentiation (as there is now) between Scientology as a religious philosophy and Scientology as an organization. So as a public who participated in Scientology as a path of spiritual enrichment you were automatically branded with all the hysteria created against the church. I hoped (as it often turned out), that when people knew me and my family, they would recognize that the hysteria is not true and I hoped I could get some credit for good work and by setting a personal example.

Oh gee, was I wrong. 1995 a few weeks before I was to be announced the CEO of a 5000 person division of a large multinational manufacturer, the roman catholic church finally got even with me for deserting them as an altar boy. A roman catholic priest got a hold of a FLAG magazine listing my wife and me as OT VI completions and passed it to my employer. A few days later I was escorted by security out of the building. The owners wrote me a letter stating how disappointed they were, as per their own words, I had been one of their most energetic and productive executives and how in the world could I do it to them to be involved in Scientology.

Shortly thereafter the German Verfassungsschutz contacted one of my sisters with an offer: Work with us against Scientology and all is forgotten and forgiven.

Darn it, principles and convictions can be such a bitch.

Here I was, without means to support my family, publicly ousted as a bad guy and practically blacklisted from management positions in Germany. But here comes fate in the form of the US government to the rescue. We won the green card lottery! Next we were going through medical exams, background checks and other fun activities to be finally able to enter the US legally and permanently in August of 1996.

The Waterkamps come to America

When I had a job and money I got calls every day from the church to give money. When I was destroyed and still stood by my religion – silence. There is one individual though I want to thank. Maria Robb, she gave us our first job to get started in the US. She and her husband are nice and very decent people, too bad they are not looking. Maria, if you read this, if you ever need help, you have an open invitation, I owe you one.

From 1993 to 1996 I audited on OTVII and felt in1996 I was done, but Flag was again in turmoil and the C/S did not know what to do. I guess they were working on the re-release of OTVII at that time. I also noticed increasing outpoints with the church.There were falsehoods wherever you looked. I gave $45,000 starting in 1993 for Super Power because Bruce and Charmaine told me they needed the money to finish the building and release Super Power in two years’ time. I saw the importance and wanted to help. I visited Bruce about 7 years later and when I asked him why isn’t Super Power released yet he enthusiastically told me that COB is now involved and redoing and redesigning the whole interior and there will be wonderful statues. He clearly ignored the blank look on my face and definitely discounted the good state of my memory as I vividly recalled him telling me the urgent vital need for the money to release Super Power 7 years earlier. The statements of the church and the actual facts were just not adding up. 10,000 on OTVII makes no sense with the delivery model that everyone has to show up every 6 months in Florida. But the delivery model makes a lot of sense if you want a steady stream of prospects you can knock over for money. While the OT materials are downloadable with a Google search and are public domain, a pre OT had to go through a ever more complex procedure of locks and allowed locations for the materials for “security”. With the help of Murphy’s law this will lead either to paranoia or sure liability assignments, because the lock of one of the snappers on the briefcase in the locked cabinet in the locked office of the locked house was not locked. Oh boy, people in such a liability are an easy job for regges. As my favorite DofP and Reg the late Hy Levi said in the Truth Rundown. “It is all about the money.” Once you understood this, a lot of the insanity made sense.

I could tell hundreds of observations I made during 1988 and 1996 at Flag. I spent more than a year there, but it all adds up to this: The statements made by church officials do not match what is done.

During this time I was at a great point with OTVII and I had to rebuild my life in the US. I figured I would focus on that and all will sort out for the good, just give them more time. I hate to admit how wrong I was.

On another note I am a strong believer in human rights. So I went to Leisa Goodman the human rights director in the church in Los Angeles and told her: “If the Church is so for human rights, why don’t we do anything against the human rights violations in Germany?” Six weeks later Leisa came back and we started working on several media projects. During this time I met Mike Rinder and Heber Jentzsch on many occasions. We met Tommy Davis, Isaac Hayes, John Travolta and Chick Chorea when we testified in front of a government committee about human rights violations in Germany. And I am grateful to all of them for this. It is my fierce conviction that no government has the right to  the prejudicial treatment of an individual based on his or her membership – or perceived membership – in a certain group or category as the German government is doing.

Heber with the Waterkamp girls

My oldest daughter became involved in Youth for Human rights and was named President for this organization. One day she came home and said she had resigned from it because she felt she was used just as a puppet and her role was just fake. She did not want this as it felt like a lie.

Time went by. My daughters both went to Delphi LA and graduated form 8 and took off to college. Which brings us close to present time.

John Travolta and the Waterkamps Advocating for Human Rights

In January I read in a German online magazine that Debbie Cook had written anemail. Anyway, it was about time to pick up my spiritual path that I had postponed in the hope the insanity would be finished and I would have a smooth ride. So I started to check up where the church is. Of course over the years I got hundreds of calls to buy the basics, do this, do that but I told them I do stuff when I am ready and that is all I have to say. So here I am reading the different websites and oh my god, it has gotten much worse. In 1996 the church was more misleading than really flat out lying. When I watched the Truth Rundown I knew first hand what was true and what wasn’t. And everybody on those videos gave their viewpoint correctly and gave the truth. I then read the statements of the church and they were flat out utter lies. Denying the undeniable. I saw the church had completely lost it. Not because of what the critics said, but in the responses of the church. Freedom mag had become solely hate pages s consisting of character assassinations. I was used to Leisa Goodman and Andrew Milne who cared about facts and while I felt they were under undue pressure at times, would never turn this kind of garbage out that the church put up on their websites.

So I started more thorough research. Anybody can write stuff on a website, it was time for independent verification. Just one example of what I discovered. I found out and got it first hand how the church had taken a friend of mine for over $100,000.00 in sec checks, because he had mentioned critical thoughts about David Miscavige. And the church did not stop there. They were in the process of breaking up his family after 40 years of marriage. Daughter turning on father, wife turning on husband all in the name of the church. It was heartbreaking to see how the church was degrading decent human beings into being scared, robotic and confused individuals. The wife had done OTVIII twice and was in complete obedience to the church and treason to her husband of 40 years, all just because he could not take the treatment he was given any longer. The family had agreed for 4 years not to talk about Scientology matters so nobody could write knowledge reports about each other. Here is the hammer, they are a field auditors group highly trained in PTS SP tech and did nothing else in their day to day life than Scientology.

While the tech that I studied was designed to bring about spiritual freedom, the current church uses it to make slaves. They want control, they need obedience and to own you so they can own your money. I am not as highly technically trained as others, but I can observe the products the church puts out these days. After 4 months I came to the conclusion the church has morphed into a fascistic organization that destroys lives. The final end product of this church is enslaved individuals, destroyed families, destroyed relationships: in short, destroyed lives. I saw this over and over and over during my research. It was not the exception, for anybody having temporary gains there were 10 disasters. The church arbitrarily applies policy where it fits their purpose to cover up their crimes. There is no honest application of green on white or red on white anymore.

So I knew what was coming, when I sent a request to Flag and other Scientology organizations for a return of my unused money. They can live with the fact that I talk to Marty, Mike and Karen. They cannot live with the fact that I want the money back that they owe me per their own policy.

Which brings us to present time. This morning the rumor mill started and the facebook police went into action:

“Sorry to tell you Sabine Waterkamp got declared a few days ago. I have unfriended her and also blocked her on Facebook. I suggest you do the same.

 Any questions? Call Daniel, Chief MAA at Flag, (727) 423-1269. That’s how I learned of the sad event.

ML, Sandee”

The irony is this this email is sent around to our friends by Sandee Ferman. Sandee was fired from Delphi Academy a few years ago because she was involved in massive fraud by falsifying statistics at Delphi Academy for years which brought the school to the brink of disaster. The church has to use known frauds these days to do their dirty work.

As expected nobody from the church has informed us.  They are too cowardly to confront us. Nobody has shown us any declare, no committee of evidence, nothing. Hi Freya, if you are still at OSA and read this our fax is 818-951-7352. You should send us at least a copy so we know what we are accused off.

Now get this, when Sandee was asked for more information this is the response:

Daniel, Chief MAA at Flag, reports they connected up with unfriendlies and started speaking out against the Church. They also requested refunds. It was pretty clear to me. I just got off the phone with him. I gave you his cell phone number.

But I got even better; the church called the step father of Jake Leistra, a young man who was the boyfriend of my youngest daughter. We took him into our house for some time and helped him also financially, while his parents were giving him in his own words no money at all.  He ate our food, slept in our guest bed, drove our cars and got any support we could give. We even took him on occasional vacation trips paid for him no questions asked. When he had to move his furniture we carried it with him and let him use our cars. So his stepfather, who does not support Jake with any money at all (Jake’s own words), tells him we were declared and sends him to AOLA.  Jake went to AOLA and got a SP declare shown and reports back to my daughter that the declare states Sabine and I are talking to undesirables and that I asked for a refund of unused money on account. Oh, by the way, they not only showed him this declare, they showed him the disconnection policies and worked him over. After that,  Jake (like a little spineless marsh mellow), rolled over and made himself a doormat. He called my daughter on the phone telling her he needs to break up with her because her parents are declared. The church even breaks up girlfriend and boyfriend, and robs a young man of the opportunities for a better life.

Chick Corea: Wake Up! Your little helpers in arms in the fight for Human Rights are having their own violated by your ‘church’ at this moment

So here it is, the church confirms on official lines, that when they are asked per their own policy to repay money that they hold for parishioners they pull out a declare to avoid paying it. It is all about the money. Not to mention they confirm they have a disconnection policy.

Not that I care what the church does. The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything. I do not give notorious liars and suppressives any importance. The church has proven through their own hate websites and their many documented crimes against human beings, their corruption of Scientology technology with the effect of destroying and suppressing human beings and their constant blatant violations of policy that they are in treason to LRH, the goals of Scientology and all of mankind.

I am a Scientologist and I stood up for my religion against discrimination in Germany and I will stand up for my religion against a suppressive group like the current Church of Scientology. I am an independent Scientologist.

But I need to thank the church for helping me to answer the question I had on my mind for 40 years. How could Nazi Germany and the Holocaust happen?

Obviously you need to put up a higher purpose, like saving the aryan race or saving the planet. A lot of good, willing people will come and really help with this positive goal. Then you put them into a pressure cooker, military drill, sleep deprivation and work them really hard. Next you make it a crime to receive any other communication than the one approved by dear Fuehrer and work them even harder, then you shoot some of them for the just and good cause (to save the aryan race or the planet or whatever your item is) or just beat them up publicly to instill fear. And you keep that up for some time and everybody who says “wait a minute” is sent to the death camp or RPF and you end up with a group of robots that stop thinking and do the most incredible things like killing other human beings just for a different opinion, race or skin color.

To my friends still in the church: It takes people with spine and knowing the price of freedom to prevent this from happening.

My beautiful and wonderful wife of 26 years, Sabine, who went with me through all of this, claims number 357 on the Indy 500 list and I’d like to be 358.

If you want to contact me directly you can email me at

Gerhard Waterkamp

BONUS addition – Gerhard’s letter to the Flag MAA:

Open letter to Chief MAA Flag Land Base

Dear Daniel, It came to my attention that you started to dramatize your PTSnes on my and my family’s communication lines. First I want to alert you to the fact that I as a Scientologist resign from the Church of Scientology as said church has abandoned the goals and the creed of Scientology as laid out by L. Ron Hubbard. I am in full support of the religious philosophy of Scientology but the current Church of Scientology demonstrates through their actions on a daily basis their disdain for the tech, policy and basic human decency and should not be allowed to have the word Scientology as part of their name. You are sending local operatives to contact friends and acquaintances of me and my family and spread vicious lies about us. I sent your operative Sandee Ferman a cease and desist notice and if this is not immediately complied with I will file in court against her and the church civilly for harassment and start also criminal proceedings. I also demand that you immediately cease and desist in all activities directed against me, my familiy, my business, and my business and social relationships.  In the event that you choose not to cease and desist, or in any other manner, choose to retaliate against me, or any of my business associates, including vendors with which I have done business, I am prepared to protect my legal rights to the maximum extent permitted by law, including a civil action and a request for punitive damages. Secondly any Tortious Interference with prospective economic advantage of mine or with contractual relationships of our business with clients and vendors entitles me to economic losses, and damages for mental distress and since I can prove malice on your part I will also be entitled to punitive damages.  I am fully aware that you and your agents are in contact with one of my business associates spreading lies about me and will monitor the situation and if you do not stop the tortious interference I will put your and the churches ethics in on that. Since FLAG does not have enough ethics and decency to respond to justified and on policy refund request, but elects to start a smear campaign against me and my family, this constitutes willful infliction of emotional pain for which I will have to obtain damages as well in a separate lawsuit. Here is a suggestion, before you end up in the RPF of the RPF because in your PTSnes you are currently screwing this up beyond belief: apply correct ethics for a change. Put in Ethics at Flag, so that FLAG as an organization applies the refund policy correctly and ethically as laid out by LRH in HCOPL 23 October 1963, REFUND POLICY. Do the same to CCInt and the Super Power project. Bruce and Charmaine obtained fraudulently funds from me with the help of outright lies and deception. I am not interested in a fight with the church. The church has made itself completely and utterly irrelevant for me personally and for society as a whole. With their predatory regging practices, outright PR lies to cover up their crimes people are defecting in droves. Your church is more a laughing stock than anything of importance. No wonder it ranks in polls in the US in reputation even under radical Muslims.  Fighting the church is a waste of time and energy and attention units. Fighting the abuses and crimes committed by this church though is necessary to keep an ethics presence and control your dramatizations. You may not know this. I fought side by side with the president of the Church of Scientology Heber Jentzsch against abuses and human rights violations of the German government and gave my career to protect my religion. Do not make the mistake to think I let the church get away with abuses against me, my family or my business.  The church put my friend Heber Jentzsch into the hole and he failed to look through the lies and deceit put up by David Miscavige and his enablers. I am still defending Scientology this time against an abusive and corrupt church against the enemy from within. So get your ethics in and handle your PTS situation and get ethics in on this cycle. Pay me the money back that is owed to me and stop this nonsense. That is your job and what LRH expects from. Not to instigate smear campaigns, that is what crooks are doing. If you want to check out of the Sea Org and its insanity I will help you to get your life together.

ML Gerhard Waterkamp

Also: Check at 3:25 for Gerhard’s statement at US Congressional hearing at this link: Congressional Hearing on Germany v Scientology.

248 responses to “The Waterkamps Declare Independence

  1. David St Lawrence aka oldauditor

    Gerhard, congratulations on continuing to speak out about the corruption in the corporate church of Scientology.

    You will find a warm welcome from those who have chosen to lead their lives using Scientology technology outside the nightmare that the COS has become.

    Continue to flourish and prosper!

    David St Lawrence

  2. Welcome OUT of Corporate Scientology and thank you for your posting. Yes, Flag is blatantly criminal – they promote the message “money is our idol – it is what we worship” and people – “discard value only”! A sad state of affairs at the Fraud Land Base. So happy you have declared your position and good for you for doing so!

  3. Gerhard and Sabine,
    You lose your home country for being Scientologists.
    Gerhard, you are an executive over 5000 juniors and you are told “Renounce Scientology or lose your job.” You choose to stay with your beliefs in Scientology.
    You come to America.
    You excel as a Top Gun in IBM for 12 years, a computer I/T wizard.
    You testify at Capital Hill and you are on the air on C-Span for treatment of Scientologists in Germany on behalf of the “Church”
    16 years later the “Church” declares you a suppressive person.
    What an incredible story.

  4. Gerhard,

    When a person of your status sees the light it helps us all validate our knowingness. I was declared yesterday by mail without an actual reason. I mentally left the Church 3 years ago when flag messed my supposed case cracking up.

    Stats have been in Danger in outer orgs since the 1980’s. I know because the Captain of AOLA screamed at a staff meeting that it was all our fault as the AO and we all had CI to COB. We saw those stats.
    She was RPF’d a couple of years later.

    I toured outer orgs for two years. They were in such a state of negligence it wasn’t even funny. SO members were sent on missions to rip off staff and reg for the higher orgs. After my Flag episode I cognited that there was no caring or help anymore. Skilled pickpockets are nothing to these crooks.

    As Gerhard puts it

    “Not that I care what the church does. The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything. I do not give notorious liars and suppressives any importance. The church has proven through their own hate websites and their many documented crimes against human beings, their corruption of Scientology technology with the effect of destroying and suppressing human beings and their constant blatant violations of policy that they are in treason to LRH, the goals of Scientology and all of mankind.”

  5. “The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything. I do not give notorious liars and suppressives any importance.” Yay, Gerhard! Fantastic write up. Thank you.

  6. Wow Gerhard! How impressive!!! I love your determination and courage!!! If I was Daniel, I would be shaking in my boots! He knows his actions, no matter the justifications, are contra survival.
    A big and warm”WELCOME” to you and your family! Now you have friends in Portland, Oregon!
    With Love, Anat

  7. Webmaster,

    The weblink “discrimination against Scientologists in Germany” has a wrong address:

  8. Hapexamendios

    What a powerful and moving account!

    I really like this: “Not that I care what the church does. The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything. I do not give notorious liars and suppressives any importance.”

    That really sums things up well – they have no true power other than what you choose to grant them.

  9. Welcome Home, Gerhard and family! You are all fine examples of what it really means to be a Scientologist.

    What a powerful write-up, Gerhard. You nailed the church dead to rights with this:

    The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything. I do not give notorious liars and suppressives any importance. The church has proven through their own hate websites and their many documented crimes against human beings, their corruption of Scientology technology with the effect of destroying and suppressing human beings and their constant blatant violations of policy that they are in treason to LRH, the goals of Scientology and all of mankind.

    That’s a sad statement, but it happens to be completely true. The organization has now become everything that it once resisted, and now bears no resemblance to the group it once was. It must be assigned the condition that it truly is in, and that condition is Enemy or lower.

    Thank you for your incredibly enlightening testimony, and for demonstrating your willingness to observe, and to fight back. Well Done!

  10. Gerhard,

    “A few days later I was escorted by security out of the building. The owners wrote me a letter stating how disappointed they were, as per their own words, I had been one of their most energetic and productive executives and how in the world could I do it to them to be involved in Scientology.”
    “Here I was, without means to support my family, publicly ousted as a bad guy and practically blacklisted from management positions in Germany.”

    You wrote this was in 1995, which is nearly 10 years after Miscavige came to power. Has it ever occured to you, that this “blacklisting” happened because you were a member of, and giving money to an organisation whose policies were and still are abusive, and that could possibly be perilous to non-Scientologists?
    You have just recently realised the truth about a situation that has been ongoing for at least the last 20 years and more. I think this is something that independents can agree on as well, as they hold Miscavige responsible for the suppressiveness of the Scientology organisation.

    I am not making you wrong for not having realized this earlier. If I were in your shoes, it might have taken me just as long to wake up. However, already back then, the dangers were very real. Ruined existences, phony real estate deals scamming people out of their savings, dirty tricks OSA operations, bankrupt companies after managers in high positions start to divert company moneys into Scientology accounts. THIS is what brought about Ursula Caberta. Not a general suppressiveness on behalf of the German government.

    You may have been a good guy. But let me ask you this: If Scientology had wanted to know information about the company where you hold your management position (like: “we need information about a suppressive working at your place!”), under threat of ethics handling or even an SP declare, could you honestly, with good conscience say, that you would have refused?

    Nichts für Ungut. Alles Gute für Dich, und deine Familie!
    (No offence! All the best to you and your family!)

  11. Gerhard,

    Thank you for your brave and well-documented letter. It is unconscionable that this group should negate your good faith, loyalty and exemplary role model. At the same time, it is a long term blessing. The Church must not exist in its present manifestation, and it is the grand exodus of exemplary role models such as yourself, that will give the goodness of Scientology a chance to thrive and show its value to humanity absent of the suppression of the Church.

    Welcome to the bright side of the rainbow.


  12. Go Gerhardt Go!

    Another awesome letter to a Flag MAA!

    I know from experience Flag does not like exposure to the media and being reported to orgs like the Better Business Bureaus. But you probably know this already.

    Damn the torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead.

  13. Standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Welcome and Thanks for your hard work and integrity.
    I wanted to share this little bit of LRH with you, from The Anatomy of the Spirit of Man Congress, 5506c06 , Lecture 15.

    “…When helping one’s fellows becomes a specialized action to be performed only by the anointed, to be performed only by somebody who wears the right star, badge, or sign — man’s dead! Because the best of man comes into being when he is willing to aid and assist any of his fellows and is permitted to do so………….We could, at this time, put together an organization or a group in Scientology sufficiently strong, sufficiently powerful to run over everything it came to. This would be a fascinating thing to do. Be a game in itself. And then someday — me gone, other guys gone – all of a sudden there sits this thing, this organization. And somebody has to rise up and say, “Auditors of the world, unite; overthrow this monster!” And everybody would see it go down very plainly, you see. Down it’d go. Then they’d say, ”Fine! Now we are free.” And they would get another handful of letters cancelling their certificates. (audience laughter)…”

    BTW your daughters are beautiful. Again, Welcome.

  15. Your humble servant

    A really terrific write-up, Gerhard, thank you. You have told a tale that needed to be told. We will look forward to hearing more from you. Thanks for all you have done.

  16. We are definitely living history making times people. Between this and Shreffler’s just recent report, this naturally comes to mind; It would be wise to not take lightly the power, intelligence and potential of real OT’s.

    Incredible write up Mr. Waterkamp! And if your wonderfully impinging and very personal family history were not enough, your letter to FLAG is the Coup freakin de grâce !!! Perfectly executed. I do not see how that can be ignored, and I highly suspect it is not.

  17. All I can say is WOW!
    Just incredible what your family has gone through.
    Welcome to you all.

  18. My love and appreciation to Waterkamps family. Thank you for all you do.

  19. And exactly what was your point? Actually, nevermind.

    (No offence! All the best to you, now crawl back into your hole.)

  20. martyrathbun09

    Thanks, fixed.

  21. “It is not the the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”
    – Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

  22. Man, was LRH prescient, or what? He was looking at the future track when he made that statement. It’s precisely where we are today.

  23. Well done Gerhard for not compromising what you know to be true. A n example for us all.

  24. Gerhard and Sabine,

    I am proud to call you friends. I appreciate your kindness, generosity and all you have done over the years to fight for the rights of good people to live in freedom. But more than that, I respect your integrity. You have never wavered in doing what you know is right, no matter how much easier it might be to walk away from the challenge.

    And again, you keep walking the walk.

    This is why the church is dead. The life force of people like you and so many others who have stood up to be counted has left the building. The MEST remains. The theta is long gone.

    Thankyou for all you have done over many years. Thankyou for what you are doing now.

  25. “Auditors of the world, unite; overthrow this monster!”

    Aye, aye, Sir!

  26. Dear Gerhard and Sabine,
    What a moving story. I salute you and your family for what you have gone through and the level of ethics and integrity that you have.
    I too went through the horrors of being on OT7 at Flag and all the insanity there.
    The “church” has become an abomination. I share your outrage and frustration with this insane organization.
    I loved your “bonus” letter to the MAA too!!
    Maybe you will wake him up.

    Welcome to the Indies!!!

    You will find that you have more friends now than you ever did in the “church”. I’m sure that your daughter will find a much better man now that she is away from the spineless jellyfish she was with.
    Thanks for all you are doing.
    Your friends,
    Tony and Marie-Joe DePhilips

  27. Actually one question does come to mind: Were you involved in giving up Gerhard or other Scientologists to the German government?

  28. No.

  29. My point is, that it is schizophrenic to say “The organisation I supported for years is suppressive and destructive”, while at the same time blaming “religious intolerance” for the disadvantages resultant from the involvement in it.

    “Religious intolerance” has nothing to do with it. Involvement in a criminal organisation has. I know that Gerhard probably hasn’t realised back in 1995 what Miscavige, and his cronies and unethical Scientologists using money scams to forward the agenda of the IAS was really up to.
    But ignorance is no excuse in law, and in hindsight, he has to take responsibility for consequences that followed.

  30. Gerhard , Sabine and Girls, what a beautiful family you are. thank you for sharing your story. I look forward to meeting you all sometime.

  31. martyrathbun09

    You are awful absolutist and judgmental. Surely, there is a grain of truth in your assertion. But, ask the same question you posed in the first comment of yours about whether he would have acted on the church’s behalf, of any sincere religionist of any religion. Yes, the church has given others rise for concern. And yes, the German government has acted hysterical and extremist toward Scientology.

  32. With each passing day, with each additional declaration of independence by former corporate Scientology cult members, with each write-up of atrocious experiences in corporate Scientology, and exposes of alteration and perversion of tech and policy, I am more and more proud to be among the independent Scientologists. Welcome Gerhard and Sabine, Very Well Done.

    Thank you for this inspiring write-up. Your “Bonus” letter to the Flag MAA knocked me on the floor. I had to stand up and give myself a locational!

  33. Wow, we should have a good group of independents in Los Angeles. Let’s have a picnic with those who really care. LOL

  34. Richard Royce

    Bravo Gerhard,
    You are a brave and strong Mensch! Thank you for sharing. My family was ripped apart by the evil actions of the so called Church of Scientology under the guidance of Der Fuhrer David Misgavige

  35. “You are awful absolutist and judgmental”

    As a German citizen, I simply wanted to object to what he said and utter my opinion on this. I object, because this line of “religious discrimination” has continuously been used by corporate Scientology in order to forward its own, uncharitable interests.
    As an example, I present here the case of Antje Victore, who was given political asylum in Florida for alleged “religious persecution” when really she was wanted for tax evasion!
    In order to make her case of persecution, she got letters from fellow Scientologist (!) company owners who would write letters of refusal to employ her because she was a Scientologist. This is well documented, if you search her name on Google you will find the documents, or I can give a link if later requested.

    “But, ask the same question you posed in the first comment of yours about whether he would have acted on the church’s behalf, of any sincere religionist of any religion.”

    That’s a valid question, one I have also thought about while I was writing this post, but I didn’t go into it or my post would have been an even longer wall of text. I am no fan of the catholic church either and its undue influence on worldy matters. If I were really consequent in my actions, I’d also be standing in front of catholic churches holding picket signs, I guess.
    The most basic question here is: What are the motives and goals of the organisation one is a member of? Due to many cases of abuse and misconduct, in Germany, we have been acutely aware since the 90ies what Scientology in its present form can do to people. And you all know how deep the level of control goes if you are a member of the “Church of Miscavige”. Will a catholic priest influence you into diverting company funds onto Vatican bank accounts? Is the average christian parishioner more loyal to his local clergyman than to, say, his own children or parents?
    Now ask these questions about a church of Miscavige member. I think it is fair to say, the Miscavige church member is more likely to turn against his boss.

    Now thinking of it, you are absolutely right, that if it really happened like Gerhard said, that he was escorted “off the premises”, then yes, this reaction was hysterical and unjust. Now, in Germany we have very strict labour laws. You cannot simply fire someone. For this to be allowed, the employer has to demonstrate the employee has willingly damaged his employer and destroyed the relationship of trust. I do not believe for one second, that any German court of law would have accepted the employer’s decision to fire Gerhard, just because he was a member of the Church of Scientology. I do not know the real background behind this, so I cannot say more, but I have no doubt that corporate Scientology twisted and turned what happened any way so this looks like “We’re being discriminated against” and getting sympathy from US politicians.

    If it really is like Gerhard explained, you are free to consider my post a half-assed justification for why this happened. Long post short, my point is that it might be time for him to reevaluate what happened back then in light of his realisation what kind of organisation he was a member of.

  36. Steven Jenson

    Standing ovation to you, Mr. Waterkamp. It truly was a privilege to be able to read of the years of your experience. And, very much rewarding to know that you, and yours, turned out all right. I think most everyone likes a man that always exhibits integrity and knows from where he speaks, I know I do.

    I think Marty summed it up nicely when he opened this historic announcement by stating that the Waterkamps truly are a living testament to the power of the Code of Honor.

    And THAT makes the Planet a better place.

  37. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Dear Dr Faust. To answer your question. It takes two to tango. The predatory registrar and his spineless victim. What happened in Germany for example Detlef Foullois and Karl-Eric Heilig, was predatory irresponsible regging on the side of the Scientology organization and as Goetz Brase put it very correctly once. ‘Detlef and Karl-Eric had the fatal flaw wanting to keep reges happy and that is impossible, they are always unhappy again next day’. Besides that they had no skill in accounting or controlling and completely failed to apply conditions in their business. Their out ethics and out integrity was what enabled Caberta to generalize their flaws for all Scientologists and taint each and every single Scientologist as an unreliable not trustworthy person. A=A=A They not only got themselves into jail but they created a huge liability for every single Scientologist by serving as the bad example.
    Quite frankly the way you ask is almost from a paradigm that you do not think integrity is possible. Well my friend you are asking the wrong question.
    The important question is, what the consequences are when you sacrifice your integrity. Detlef and Karl-Eric can give you some tutoring on that answer if you did not cognite yourself yet.
    The moment you give in to pressure and act against your integrity you are not only loosing a part of your first dynamic, you lose on all and every dynamic.
    Detlef and Karl-Eric did not only lose their freedom and their business they also damaged their group, Scientologists in Germany, tremendously.
    So yes, I would have never ever violated the trust of my employer or friend even under any pressure. Why? Because I do understand consequences and I do understand what I do will effect all my dynamics. And I would also instantly recognize and attack the people applying the pressure as what they are. Suppressive elements.
    And yes, I was paying for services. I got the benefits of the services and I paid for them. You probably paid for medical bills and if you read studies about hospital care and errors made in hospitals and the mortality rate, than one could say medicine is potential perilous to non medical personal like let us say patients.
    If you are still not cogniting yet, let me explain. There is an area of influence that you can control and create effects in. And it is your responsibility to create effects that are the desired effects in your area of influence. If you are a medical professional in a hospital in Hamburg it is your responsibility to do your outmost to assure proper procedures in your clinic first and if you do and take care of your responsibility and somebody blames you for a death caused by medical error in Tokio, just because A=A and you are in the medical filed this somebody blaming you is simply somebody who has his analytical mind permanently out for lunch.
    There is a reason why any accused in the legal system has to be considered innocent until proven guilty. It is a very wise rule.
    With your argument you try to shift responsibility of an eventual wrongdoing somewhere else to every associate of that group. That is the type of insanity witch hunts are made of.
    Because a roman catholic priest raped a little boy anybody giving money to the roman catholic church let us say for a baptism is now supporting an organization that is potentially perilous to little boys?
    Deep down you know how offensive your argumentation is with and you know that you posed the wrong questions that miss the point. And at some level of your consciousness you know that. That is why you ask me not to take offense.
    The fact that I took time to answer you in detail shows you, you are forgiven this time. Please do not make being offensive a habit though.

  38. Jethro Bodine

    Excellent write-up. My favorite part:

    “I visited Bruce about 7 years later and when I asked him why isn’t Super Power released yet he enthusiastically told me that COB is now involved and redoing and redesigning the whole interior and there will be wonderful statues.”

    Oh yes, “COB is now involved”. The Midas Touch. The kiss of death.

    “Without COB”, Super Power would have probably been released within a year, but “with COB”, you have continuous alter-is, suppressive targets, added inimplicables, cross orders, never doing it right the first time, useless COB assistants, daily beatings, daily hill 10s, no sleep, emotional torture, crush regging, portable tanning machines and a large supply of golden thongs. You have an SP who can’t complete a cycle of action.

    Don’t ask why there is no Super Power; “COB” is your WHY and your WHO.

  39. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Trust me I know exposure to media. 🙂 Comes with the job of a PRO.

  40. Dear Gerhard, Well done! But I also understand the point Dr. Faust was trying to make. I would ask myself the same question: during the days when I was gung-ho for the “cause” of our church, what would have been my reaction if the DSA said, “I need you to find out information about the company you work for because they might be harboring a suppressive who is bent on harming our church.” I think most of us might give a gulp of uncertainty about that question.

  41. Actually, what the German’s did with Scientologists parallels what they did with Jews. Sure, some Jews controlled the corrupt banks. But they prosecuted all Jews.

    Sure some Scientologists in America are criminals, but they prosecuted their victims.

  42. Thank you Gerhard and Sabine, people of your caliber are great to have with us.

  43. Kudos to you and your family. Bravery had been called for and you delivered. Thank you so much for a spectacular letter, including the MAA’s.
    Now to see what happens, can’t wait and I’m sure you will keep us posted. 🙂

  44. I can see DM rolling out of bed this morning, padding around his palatial quarters in pajamas and bathrobe, sitting down to his computer with a cup of steaming coffee thinking to himself, “Wonder what fuckhead Marty is up to this morning?” then logging on as most Scientologists in the world, corporate or not, do every day, and, “SHEEEEIIIIIIT! WTF?!!!!!!!!! LOU, TELL FLAG TO GIVE THIS NAZI MFer HIS MONEY BACK RTFN!!!! Damn, I shit my pjs. Oh, and RPF that little prick Daniel or whatever his name is. Double Oh, and bring me a bottle of scotch. This is going to be a bad day.”

    The first of many, Dave, the first of many. You have earned every one of them.

    Gerhard, Sabine and daughters, welcome to the party!

    Just as DM corrupted the church bit by bit, an announcement like Gerhard’s has an effect on every Mushroom Scientologist (kept in the dark and fed nothing but manure). It is like a beam of attention directed to a being that has been asleep for, oh, say, 75 million years. At some point, the being wakes up and even though the sunlight can be uncomfortable at first, once your eyes adjust, it is a beautiful life out there.

  45. Life must be uncomfortably boring when you can see only black or white and miss the infinity of gradations between the extremes.

  46. Congratulations on your personal integrity! Fantastic write up which will help many.

  47. I want to apologize on behalf of all true Scientologists and people of good will for the natterings of Dr. Faustus with the Leastest. If he would pull his head out of his butt for a moment he could take a breath of fresh air which might clear his mind and clear his vision. Then he could look at what a man of honor Gerhard is. And perhaps take a look in the mirror.

  48. A non Scientologist reading your story and other stories can understand the following points: A member can be forced to disconnect from family and close friends by their church. The members are ordered to pay for endless security checks. A security check is by public observation nothing else but a means to dig out any secret. Individual secrets or job secrets or whatever untolds. And those secrets are then no longer a secret. Those can be used or sold. This is what an investigator can see. He is not interested in religion or freedom. It has not always been that way inside Scientology. But the current Chruch of Scientology could be considered as a big spy operation or a interest group that wants to make big money.

  49. OMG! Very well done. LRH would be very very proud of you.
    What a shame you have to do this.
    Untill we all do this (‘KR’ it) we remain to a greater or lessor degree part of the problem.
    I’m working on it and the ‘leaders’ set an excellent example.
    Thank you

  50. Gerhard, Sabine, and family,
    Thank you for being who you are despite whoever or whatever would want you to cease doing that.
    Thank you for being there comfortably and communicating. I think that you will always be making a difference. You are an inspiration to others because you put your principles FIRST.
    I don’t know if the following will be helpful, but I noticed that, although you asked for a REPAYMENT of funds on account, you have been accused of requesting a REFUND (return of money for services already received.) There is a big difference in LRH Policy as to how each is handled….not that the COS respects or follows LRH Policy, but when it gets to the point where attorneys are involved, perhaps it would help to show that they are violating their own policies, and therefore violating the implied financial agreement that existed when they accepted the advance payments….. Just an idea. I know that the money itself is a very secondary thing, but there is a principle involved when the COS leads everyone to believe that they will follow their own financial policies and then they don’t. The result is a very subtle but massive fraud.

    Anyhow, welcome to your new group.
    If he doesn’t wake up right away, your lovely daughter will soon find a boyfriend who is worthy of her.
    Your family will always come up smiling!
    Love to you all.

  51. Perfect quote – very apt. It’s completely fatuous and ignorant to say “You should have known better”. It’s what one DOES with the knowledge in present time that counts. Those who haven’t been “in the trenches” won’t or can’t get it. Gerhard is a perfect example of integrity in action. He gets the true data, he assimilates it, he acts on it despite immense personal danger. You can’t ask more than that. Fair play to you Gerhard. I love your style and I have no doubt you will relish your new de-PTSed life.

  52. Bloody ‘eck. That could have been writen yesterday so accurate is it to the current scene.

  53. lol! Yes, it was brilliant.

  54. One of the best write ups I’ve ever read. Hey, in the end one has to live with themselves, the tech cannot be compromised with – only if the morons so stuck with Miscavige ever realised there is what LRH postulated. There is a hard won datum from years ago – “never give a sucker an even break,” A loser is one who cannot accomplish their own goals…
    Geezes, it’s a long wait for the sunrise for some..

  55. Wow! Thanks for this reference. I wonder if it has been removed from the new recordings…

  56. Good to see you, Waterkamps! Fascinating story. Thank you.

  57. What a lovely-looking family – I really hope that they go on to have a long and happy (and nut-free) future!

    IEG xx

  58. Wow, powerful. Once again Church of Scientology and Dave Miscavige you have lost a dedicated true group member in Sabine and Gerhard. How incredibley ignorant are you?

    It never ceases to amaze me the injustices you C of M bring on to such good people who give their lives to Scientology, the list is going on and on. And how you C of M just without any feeling, declare, expel people like your shit don’t stink-incredible.

    Having met you both Sabine, and Gerhard I believe you have made a very smart decision with your well written anouncement. You both are the perfect example to those in doubt why it is time to say enough is enough.

  59. Excellent on going public! I think that the more Scientologists get their thoughts straight about their lives in official Scientology, and compare it, like you have, the better.

    Longer range, even though I’m an atheist today, I’ve grown more respectful for some of the institutional things that religions do, like the Catholic charity activities, one thing, if official Scientology is to evolve, official Scientology has to get serious about helping the poor in society.

    Just all PR and glitz and attention grabbing through celebrities is and was wrong, it’s almost profane and irreligious.

    Someday, if the subject of Scientology is to really get itself sorted out, I hope more and more ex official members speak publicly their thoughts about it all.

    This blog is an excellent and overwhelming amount of new information, people speaking freely, and Steve Hall’s site.

    When the people in the “Hole” can log on, and absorb the discussions here, me, I hope the movement heals itself, somehow.

    I know the official church have LRH’s admin rules to keep their noses to the grindstone, and that it is not just Miscavige driving them with the whip.

    Policy, LRH’s decades of accumulated policy writings are always there, with those in the church bureaucracies, to turn to. Miscavige can still control the damaging fads, but LRH’s policy is there to pick the pieces when Miscavige falls.

    SO, even if people don’t get their money back, the current fad, then just live long enough, for when the Scientology Inc is free of Miscavige, and saner minds, minds who can enter in the discussion out here, sanely, with people on this blog.

    You independents are a huge influence on how Scientology evolves.
    ex Sea Org (my best years were as Admin Course Sup, and on the Routing Forms Project, 1975-2003)

  60. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    I am in awe! You stood up for what you believed in then and you stand up for what you believe in now. You have my unconditional admiration!
    Every day new revelations about the criminality, off Policy and out ethics of the “church” awaken more and more people to the fact that The Church of Scientology is NOT what they thought it was and that the time has come to say goodbye.
    I am sure your letter will have an impact! I thank you and Mark Shreffler and many many others, who have demonstrated personal integrity, even if your lives were put in danger, and stood up for what is right. I commend you for keeping the “church” – and the media – busy relating to the TRUTH of the facts presented in your letters. You are the true “FREEDOM MEDAL WINNERS” and the “church” has every reason to be lacking in self-confidence.
    I notice that Miscavige is mainly in hiding. It appears he has no desire to defend the “church” head on. I think that is a good sign!
    I wish you and your family all the best in your future life. I am sure life will reward you!

  61. Rosalie Hamilton

    Welcome to the real Scientologists! I am honored to be in the same group with you, people of such integrity and the courage of their convictions.

  62. Thank you Waterkamps for this powerful and inspirational statement. You exemplify courage and integrity.

  63. Wow! Congratulations Waterkamp family. You stood up for Scientology in Germany, and no matter what the RCS thinks, you are standing up for it again now! Good for you! The adversity you have suffered hardly seems to put even the smallest dent in you spiritually. You are strong, thats for sure. It is interesting that you found Debbies email in an online German Magazine. I also did not receive it directly from her, but from someone else who heard about it, wanted to see what it was about and went looking for it. That email of Debbie’s has some real fire power in it. I think that fire power is “truth” by another name. And if Debbie’s email finds you or you find it…….I think it means you have good Karma.

  64. “It was heartbreaking to see how the church was degrading decent human beings into being scared, robotic and confused individuals.”

    That is the bottom line. We still care about those people. Fuck me for caring. Fuck us for caring about the people in front of us. It is the greatest gift and the worst liability. A real GPM moment. Why I get pissed off at the people over on this end dramatizing the same abuse. Where is the mercy where is the love?

  65. “As a German citizen, I simply wanted to object to what he said and utter my opinion on this. I object, because this line of “religious discrimination” has continuously been used by corporate Scientology in order to forward its own, uncharitable interests.”

    But this has nothing to do with the individual Scientology parishoner.
    The majority of Scientologists in Germany are decent people and want to help others.
    Although it is true that the Church has worsened the treatment of Scientologists in Germany by things like the IAS, the high cost and out-tech services, the individual Scientologist was the wrong target.
    Even if the guy knew that there is some stuff going on at the “top-echelons” of Management, he learned to trust in the Church structure as he learned to trust in Scientology spiritual technology.

    What you bring about is a typical German idea – frankly.
    The generations followed the 3rd Reich was forced to “take responsibility” for the World War II.
    There is a 3rd Dynamic Engram at work – believe me.
    I was to school in Germany. We had to learn 4-5 years nothing else as “how bad the German Volk was as they did nothing to stop Hitler”.

    And they are still teaching it up to this day.

    So the dramatization going is “we can’t let it happen again”.
    It’s a manifestation of mis-trust. It’s a group aberration.

    I lost some good jobs in Germany because I am a Scientologist.
    Why should I lose my faith because the group is dramatizing.
    Believe me, there was nothing wrong with me being a Scientologist and I had no hidden agenda. I worked hard. I had the job under control. And I was good to and carring for my co-employees.
    And I knew that all this was because of my praxis of Scientology.

    So there is nothing wrong with individual Scientology parishoners.
    You better find the correct target.

    And tell Caberta she is a b***h.

  66. Dear Gerhard Waterkamp and family,
    Welcome to freedom and welcome to the light. Thankyou for you integrity and your honor. You stood up to the corprate scienetology machine it’s slowly being dismantled. Thankyou Eric from Brisbane Australia

  67. Wow. Thank you.
    Thank you for carrying the torch for religious freedom.

    ♪ Freiheit – Freiheit – Freiheit – Freiheit – Freiheit ♫

  68. Waterkamp Family,

    You are beautiful! To me, it will be the declares of so many good decent people that will lead to the church completely discrediting itself in the end. The more, the merrier!

    From one “undesirable” to another, welcome to freedom, Waterkamps! And, thank you so much for what you have done! love, Laura Wilson

  69. Dear Marty,
    I would like to thank Margaret and Carisa for helping me, and in return to keep my exchange in i just made another small donation to Movining on up a little higher to keep it alive and well thankyou very much.

  70. “The church has less moral authority than the gopher in our front yard to assign me anything.”

    That is hilarious, and also completely true! I thought I was going to be clever and astutely point this out, but I immediately saw that about half of the first bunch of commenters had already cited this chestnut of a quote. I’d like to nominate this line for Grand Prize in the category of Best Use of Appropriate Wry Literate Humor in a Laser-Sharp Brief Comment That Delivers a Crippling Blow By Being So Stunningly and Completely Accurate While Initially Seeming Hyperbolic But No It’s Not It’s Actually Disarmingly True.

  71. Thank you for telling your story.
    1.) As to the German Government and their actions, differentiation is not their strong point. This is not a strong point of governments in general. To differentiate between the purposes and accomplishments of the Tech and the crimes of the “members” was apparently beyond their abilities. Yet, any intelligent dealing with the subject required such differentiation. The opposite of differentiation is called A=A, things are treated as identical which aren’t.
    2.) Back then, I was involved in the matters concerning Antje Victore. In fact I was the one who designed that letter from a draft by Antje and Kurt. I was not informed that it would be shown to others for writing similar letter to support Antje’s project. And I didn’t knew that it would be used in such a large scale. It was labeled to me just as a personal favor for Antje.
    I have asked myself recently myself how it came that I did this and found an answer in very strange place: An auto-biography of the commander of the Auschwitz concentration Camp. Before the most monstrous actions had been undertaken by him, there was one gradient: The recognition of the concept of a “dangerous enemy”! Only after that concept had been indoctrinated again and again this commander considered it first “necessary”, then more and more “normal” or even “good” to kill by the thousands.
    3. The above two points combined do the trick. By not differentiating between specific incidents and making them a generality, a picture of a “dangerous enemy” can be created. This permits simple minds to perceive some black/white, good/bad proposition. And after such a “fight” can be started. The pattern is the same for both sides. It is employed for making wars.
    And this is how I came to participate in actions strange to my nature.

    The solution to all of that consists of looking and differentiating. And then making up your own mind about the matter at hand and of being alarmed when a “dangerous enemy” , “dangerous situation” etc. is presented that contains one or more generalities.

  72. Wow, what an incredible story and we are proud to call you Independents!

  73. Masterfully expressed.

  74. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Dear Dr. Faust. People who promote your type of thinking are enablers for witch hunts and find justifications for it. The mindset you are actually demonstrating here is exactly the mindset that became dominantly the mindset of the Church and is a totalitarian mindset. On top of that it is unbelievable destructive if you analyze it.
    At the root you mix up beingness and doingness and think associative rather than analytical.
    First of all what makes something destructive is what it does and what products it achieves. Jesus of Nazareth said something to the effect to recognize people by their products not by their talk.
    If you study history and the mechanism and thinking that was used to make it look justified committing atrocities against a jew just because he was BEING a Jew, you will find, Goebbels promoted bad ACTIONS of single jews, made them appear a generality for the group of jews and now BEING a jew became a reason to be killed. See, once you give up the principle to judge a person by their observable actions and products and start judging a person by their BEINGNESS, you open the door for intolerance and all kinds of isms. I recommend you read “ Die Kunst zu lieben” from Erich Fromm. It is an easy read and he touches on the basic principles of this.
    Incorrectly generalizing is one of the hallmarks of intolerance. Some blacks have robbed convenience stores, now BEING black makes you a convenience store robber. That is how racists think. They do not look at the person in front of them they replace that with a cliché they have in their mind. Add some fear and hysteria into the mix and here we go, he IS black let us hang him.
    The way you are thinking you do nothing less than making somebody guilty of crimes simply by a shared attribute that this person has with somebody who is actually guilty.
    Do you realize how ignorant and dangerous your line of argumentation is? You promote a way of thinking that enabled and justifies the crimes Nazi-Germany committed.
    You throw all principles of fair justice out of the window, guilty not by his deeds but by his association, assumption of guilt instead assumption of innocence unless proven otherwise. You actually are the perfect Miscavigist and with your thinking you would fit right in with the sheepels like this Sandee Ferman character.
    Here you go, because somebody bought a Dianetics book, and the Dianetics book is published by the Church of Scientology, and he bought the book giving money and did not steel it, he supported the church of Scientology, and they say the Church of Scientology is no good, so now he is no good and we have to fire him.
    This actually happened in Germany. I am not making this up.
    And this time I take offense of your judgmental self-righteous attitude that is only topped by your even greater ignorance. You are have not learned anything it appears.

  75. Fraud Land Base! I love it! AKA the Flag Scam Base, Mecca of Technical Perversion.

  76. The deadliest place in the whole world!

  77. What a wonderful post to wake up to! Welcome Waterkamp family!

    Gerhard, I love the way you put the RCS on notice that you will sue for interference with your business. Getting the RCS to back off of interfering with people’s livelihoods, whether it is individual lawsuits or class action lawsuits or just the bad PR of exposure that gets the product, will remove a method of suppression for all of us.

    Thank you for your announcement. I am sure it will be another very effective blow.

  78. Lynne,
    I had been involved in Scientology for maybe a couple of months back in 1975, when the Guardian’s Office in Toronto informed me that my mother and father were Suppressive. I was put onto the PTS/SP course. I did it and aside from one of the most amazing experiences of literally waterfalls of charge cascading off from the cognition of the material on the taped lecture A Briefing of Review Auditors, I APPLIED the material, by my OWN observation of the Anti Social Personality essay. From that application it was obvious, neither of my parents were, technically a Suppressive Person.

    I was told directly by the Guardian’s Office personnel in Branch 1, (names not important at this point) that if I did not spy on my parents, and inform on them TO B1, and such like, I would not be able to continue on the Bridge, or on staff or in Scientology.

    I took the LRH materials and informed THEM, “no”, that is not how this is going to go. I never did “inform” on my parents, nor alloy my affinity with them.

    When I got declared by David Miscavige in 1992, I returned to my family’s home and this exact point came up “did you spy on us, inform on us, betray us at the behest of the Church?” I categorically and truthfully told them NO. And what I did tell the G.O. years earlier.

    The Code of Honor wasn’t invented by LRH, it was expressed. He observed the considerations of beings the universe over, and wrote down what we postulate. That is what Scientology in its basics is: an expression of OUR considerations, that went into this entire thing, the Dynamics, everything – we create by consideration.

    This is why you can read in some other philosopher’s work, or some body of workable tech on the mind, or the book on the coffee table, the same things expressed in Scientology. Because they ARE the considerations.

    The Code of Honor, as demonstrated so clearly by the Waterkamps, and Werner, is innate. Beings, who are the heroes of our literature, our films, our lives, have always had the courage to hold their integrity, despite momentary weaknesses, and in spite of the pressure to compromise.

    No, I would NOT have bowed to the pressure to spy on others under threat from OSA, Dave, or any other. I suspect Lynne, neither would you. And if you did, or I did, there is always the route back, thanks to L. Ron Hubbard’s expression of the subject of Scientology.

  79. Sorry Gerhard, I had “W” on my mind and said Werner. Ooops.

    P.S. I knew none of what you have posted here when I came to your home for the gracious reception you hosted for Mike Rinder some months ago. What I did observe, and felt, was the incredible life force, the positive indicators of theta in play, and the calm but vibrant space you and yours create. Reading this today…WOW!!! Talk about a sphere of influence!!! H-O-L-Y CATS!!!

  80. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Lynne, even at the risk to come across as arrogant. I have not the slightest uncertainty about my reaction and you should not have any uncertainty about yours. Just because somebody slaps a label on something is no excuse to suspend one’s own thinking, observation and evaluation and basically hand over responsibility to somebody else. One always, always needs to see for oneself, at least at any item of some relative importance, and accept full responsibility for one’s actions. This is no guarantee that you cannot make any mistakes, but first they are YOUR mistakes and secondly if you keep observing you will discover that you made a mistake and you will be able to correct it.
    If you act because others told you so, you have handed over your responsibility and you get stuck in the mistakes of others.
    Do not have any uncertainty in the fact you will observe and act on your own truth, and recognize doing otherwise is just a mistake and correct it.
    This whole integrity thing is somewhat loaded. But once one sees giving up one’s own integrity is like jumping out of an airplane at 20000 feet without a parachute. There is really no other good option; if you have common sense and want to live, you just do not do it.

  81. Ahhh, Danny, Danny this, this is one of those things, those beautiful things, that makes me so happy you be my buddy. Himey LOVES Danny.

  82. Gerhard – Thank you! What you write demonstrates your integrity and your inherent goodness. Welcome to the world of true freedom as a being. I understand the scene with disconnections, families torn apart, etc – all only to appease the suppression of freedom of thought.

    Your detailed communication will help others to see that not only is there light out there but that the universe is not all black and bad and they have nothing of eternal value to lose to by stepping out and interacting in the game of life.

    For me, reading your message was a great way to start the day!

  83. Wonderful declaration. Incredible Code of Honor points. Your letter to the MAA is a total standout of attack against a machine long gone insane. To quote from that little known Refund Policy you referenced, “The more thetan you have present, the less policy you need.” (Great PL BTW!) You and your family are true Thetans!

  84. Gerhard,
    What a kick-ass letter to Daniel (Chief Flag MAA)! I do hope you planted a seed of the possibility of leaving in him. Hopefully, you will hear from him and he can accept your generous offer of help.
    You and your family have been through so much. At the time of each break or change we buck up and get through it, all in the name of the church.
    But when you add up the breaks and the sacrifices they are an amazing story.
    I am so pleased you and your family are together AND out!!!
    All the best to you!

  85. To Waterkamp family – what a powergroup of thetans. Thank you very much for all you have done in Scientology to help this planet become a better place. You sacrificed a lot but you did it for your fellow man. If, for one, appreciate it. You are heros in my book. And Dr Faust – let’s see your story or STFU.

    ML Tom

  86. Worsel,
    “A life unexamined is not worth living” – Socrates.

    Well done on living!!!! It’s nice to have you here 🙂

  87. +1

  88. I join with Lana, Steve and others, in the ovation.

  89. DM should trademark that one as well.

  90. Theo Sismanides


    Great write up! Loved all of it and I welcome you too to the Indie field. A big hug from Greece!!!

  91. Gerhard,
    When people like you are declared the universe has turned upside down. Welcome to the universe of David Miscavige.

  92. I see the point Dr. Faust is trying to make. The practice of Scientology in itself by employees could definitely be viewed as a threat to some companies and organizations simply due to the fact of auditing where you divulge what’s on your mind and theoretically rise your level of ethics. Comparing to an ideal scene, many organization have things they would like to hide especially the higher that you rise in the organizational structure. An organization, any organization may have considerations about its employee divulging something about it in auditing session or sec checking or O/W write-up on any other form where the church can now come into possession of information that could harm the organization or someone in it. That may not apply to a person with some small clerical position, but this would definitely apply to an executive, company’s attorneys, auditors of financial information and other such privileged and highly sensitive positions.

    That’s why for the Church of Scientology to really prosper in any region, it absolutely must maintain an impeccable image of ethical standards and practice. It must be visibly the most ethical organization in the world, be “three feet back of society’s head” as LRH would say. It must also demonstrate the highest level of loyalty toward its parishioners, protect and safeguard their personal well being and maintain the strictest forms of confidentiality possible.

    Instead the “Church” publishes former members’ confidential information on the Internet and in magazines, has proven to act in some of the most unethical ways that even make the usual corporate look light by comparison. It is also known to have its own investigative and intelligence department to collect and utilize all sorts of information and destructive techniques onto other people. In addition the Church has earned an image of harassing others through the legal system on a whim. So anyone connected to the CofS could literary be viewed as a potential trouble source (PTS) to practically any organization outside of the realm of Scientology.

  93. Wow Gerhard! That was good. I can see why you were able to confront governments.

  94. George M. White

    “It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once. Slavery has so frightful an aspect to men
    accustomed to freedom that it must steal in upon them by degrees and must disguise itself in
    a thousand shapes in order to be received.”
    David Hume: “Of the Liberty of the Press” 1742

    May all beings be free and happy!
    George M. White

  95. Correction: I think in the last sentence it should be: “… be viewed as… PTS BY practically any organization outside of the realm of Scientology.” not PTS to. I think when you say being PTS to something, it means that something is suppressive. The Church of Scientology has proven to be quite suppressive so if you are connected to it, you may be viewed as a potential source of trouble by outside organizations and individuals. I’ve always had this feeling on my own, but I never quite thought of it in specifics.

  96. Fantastic write-up Gerhard. Once again RCS loses another of its best and brightest.

  97. Dr Faust
    Your last paragraph is certainly one of the most ridiculous “questions” I have seen on this blog.
    Who gives a shit about the what ifs. Who gives a shit about when one sees the truth.
    The important thing is that the truth is getting out!
    I believe the vast majority of us on this blog would like to have woken earlier and initially kicked our own selves for staying so lone (be it a year or 40 years). Blame shame regret is a road to nowheresville so you are a jerk for for coming on here and trying to introvert such a courageous person with that slighting speculative questioning

  98. OMG Dan your into on this almost made me poop myself.\ Swear I got the full vizsio you described of DM this morning
    I am still laughing!!!!!!!!

  99. Gerhard and Sabine;
    Excellent write up! Your courage and integrity I am certain will be followed by many many others.
    Thanks for leading yet another path of Freedom.
    I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you.
    Very well done and well said

  100. martyrathbun09

    Right, L. Ron Hubbard said as much in the State of Man congress.

  101. +1000000000

  102. Gerhard,
    Amazing story and well written. The abuses of Corp Scientology exposed, yet again, and the unyielding integrity of a man and his family to not bow to it’s criminality and insanity.

    As long as there are OT’s like Gerhard and Sabine the world stands a chance.

    It has been my great pleasure to meet you and Sabine over good food, excellent company, engaging conversation and a pretty good German beer. 😀

    Tim Swanson

  103. Completely agree with you, George. You are right. These reports/stories all make obvious sense to me, someone of another faith — and would to anyone else who reads them. They illustrate, and put a face on, man’s inhumanity to man. This is the same twisted thought and action behind all of the Nazi and other atrocities committed in loyalty to a deranged individual, as others have said. The reality of what has happened and continues to happen in the current CO$ regime, brings forth massive amounts of fraud, the worst kind of mind control, and just about every type of abuse imaginable.

    If I didn’t know these were true life experiences, I would swear they were horror stories written by someone with an evil, twisted mind. It is beyond my understanding that church leadership would treat people in ways that violate their own church’s teachings.

    Kudos to you all for “fighting the good fight”. You will win. As more and more tell their stories, and as the media continues to bring them to the attention of the public, and as more lawsuits are filed against CO$, it’s just a matter of time until the house comes crashing down.


  104. What he said.

  105. “You can come to Flag” … and go home with cancer (at no extra charge)! That is, when the C/S “lets” you leave.

  106. Classic! lmao 🙂

  107. That happened to a friend of mine … went to Flag for auditing, the person was told “you’re not Clear”; person went home BIs; then got cancer.

  108. The idiot Church just ousted 2 of the most wonderful people alive. They are literally ousting so many wonderful social personalities, it just never ceases to amaze me.

    “At age 14 I cognited that the Roman Catholic church was in the majority not a spiritual organization concerned with the advancement of the spiritual aspects of humanity, but an organization with the purpose of controlling populations.” That took a lot of confront to see that at age 14 and eerily simimlar to what the CofS has turned into now, completely the opposite of what Hubbard intended.

    Welcome out of hell!

  109. Tory Christman

    Yes~ Gerhard and Sabine—thank you both SO much for sharing your story with the world. EVERY TIME Someone leaves this insidious organization and speaks out—TONS of bells ring! 🙂

    My greatest congratulations to you ALL! May more and more do the same. Don’t just leave…PLEASE leave and share *your* story. I hear all the time (and have, for 12 years) “Well, *my* story isn’t that important”
    WRONG! Every single story is important. If you “were just a public and walked out” …your story of what INTERNALLY happened to you, how you were treated, why you stayed, how you got in and what helped you wake up….EVERYTHING counts. My love to ALL 🙂 Tory/Magoo (In for 30 years, OT 7, Sea Org briefly, NSO Staff at CC and AOLO, Grad 5 Auditor, Flag trained and interned Security Checker, OSA Volunteer (in PR) for 20 years, in “What is Scientology” (LOL) and Executive Director of “The Scientology Parishioners League” —to “handle bad PR in the Media” until I escaped out. Lastly, was part of The OSA Int Internet Top Secret Mafia to “handle the critics on the Net” ..until I SAW what they were doing (Twisting words and trying to stop free speech)…when I left/escaped out of $cientology, Forever. Burbank, CA (818) 588-3044 IN LA: Call if you need a ride.

  110. Love it, plus MANY!

  111. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Hi Jim, it was a great pleasure meeting you. And you are right on with your comments. Integrity was known to mankind long before LRH wrote the code of honor. LRH said it himself he sorted through a sea of data and retained the ones true and workable. I do not know the exact quote, but this is the gist of it.

  112. Gerhard,
    Thanks very much for sharing these details and making it even clearer how the third dynamic went astray.
    Quite of few of my friends don’t bother to keep up with recent news on blogs like this. Their attitude is that they are done with it and couldn’t be bothered anymore with anything about the “church.”
    My viewpoint is that all of this data from each and every person who is taking off the blinders and refusing to co-operate with the squirrels in the church is vital data.
    All the data adds up to fully informed people who will be able to ensure we don’t have similar slides into oblivion in the future.


  113. *** Dear Gerhard, Sabine and beautiful family, ***

    WOW, UAU, WOW!!!
    What a story,
    what a life,
    what a powerful couple
    and family you are.

    My deepest admiration goes to you ALL.

    You inspire and you give others power and courage.
    Through your way of life and actions taken then and now,
    you always remain the creator of your own future.

    Auch wenn ich nicht die Ehre gehabt habe euch kennen zu lernen, Ihr seid Helden in meinem Buch.
    Herzliche Gruesse aus Deutschland.
    Vasile 🙂

    DM here is something for you:

    …….. almost to nice for you, DM.

  114. …a friend of mine … went to Flag for auditing, the person was told “you’re not Clear”; person went home BIs; then got cancer.

    Damn. There but for the grace of God, go I. I had the same routine run on me, but I got mad and disagreed with the wrong indication. Even after a week of being made to study every issue related to Clear, I told them that my reality hadn’t changed.

    If I’d had a lick of horse sense, I would have stopped right there, but I still had enough faith in the tech staff, that I continued for another five weeks in the chair. By week six, I was such a compacted mass of enturbulation and restim, that I couldn’t do it another minute. I told them, “that’s it”, and they let me walk.

  115. Dan Koon,
    there are people, who can paint with words.
    YOU surely are one of this.

    Thank you for being there and communicating.

    LMAO! LMAO!!! 🙂

  116. Gerhard Waterkamp wrote : “10,000 on OTVII makes no sense with the delivery model that everyone has to show up every 6 months in Florida.”

    Since about 2002, there are about 150 OT7 attestations a year. This means more than 60 years to reach the target of 10,000.

    I built a graph of OT6, 7, 8 attestations from 1982 to 2011 in order to handle my own doubts. The condition is danger or below, over a 30 years period. I could send it, but I don’t know how to post pictures here.

  117. Gerhard,
    I loved reading your write-up and letter to the MAA. There’s nothing quite like reading the words of someone who has total certainty of his position with no doubt or PTSness attached.

    You can be sure the MAA, OSA & Miscavige have received your message. I bet they back off now. After all, bullies don’t like to be called out.

  118. I would testify under oath in any court of law ~~~ evidence of abusively taking data out of pc folders, confessionals and posting it on the “Church’s” hate web sites and posting data in anonymous “comments”.
    The “Church’s” intention is to destroy the whistleblower and retaliate by extreme viciousness while mocking the sanctity of an auditing session.
    There is no privacy in an auditing session in Scientology Inc. Anything you say, can and will be used against you when you get wisen up to their racket and leave and speak out.
    Taliban Scientology constantly tweek these HATE websitesites but because of the Wayback machine, all the evidence is there forever. You cannot actually UNDO a digital fingerprint.

  119. Hi Gerhand and family!
    High-five!!! 🙂
    No wishy-washy fuzziness here…..
    Your life force and integrity are strong and clear as a bell. I’d not be surprised if that Flag MAA would get knocked off of his chair and I truly hope this is going to happen. After all, HCO opens the mail……

    Your comparison between the Co$ and the gopher in the front yard will stay with us. It’s too darn good to just be a momentary expression.
    Indeed, once one’s decision is taken and it has been communicated why bother giving them ANY attention units or resisting them. We certainly don’t want to become ‘them’. Instead it’s full steam ahead to create what LRH intended we create, freeing people with training and auditing.

    Thank you for that fresh breeze!
    Ich hoffe, dass Du die Deutsche Version bald am ‘’ fuer die Deutschen Indies veroeffentlichst.
    (I hope you publish the German version soon at ‘ for the German Indies).
    It all helps to move things along in the right direction…..

  120. Simple,
    And this R-factor by Gerhard is bolstered by and with the recent Headley case decision and the Court’s “suggestions”.

  121. one of those who see

    Jim wrote: “The Code of Honor wasn’t invented by LRH, it was expressed. He observed the considerations of beings the universe over, and wrote down what we postulate. That is what Scientology in its basics is: an expression of OUR considerations, that went into this entire thing, the Dynamics, everything – we create by consideration.”

    Jim, brilliant. this should be in BOLD. It is answers the critics. It is a great explanation of what LRH did. He was/is a Truth Seeker, who shares what he finds with others.

  122. As the corporate “church” of Scientology continues though time to shrink and succumb, only the most stupid will be left standing in the end. Their weak foundation will be run by complete die-hard idiots where any form of Scientology will be completely unrecognizable to the intelligent.

    Only chaff will be left. The wheat will be gone.

    Chaff; (Definition 2)

    Something comparatively worthless

  123. Gerhard wrote:

    “If there would be such a thing as an insanity meter (like a Geiger counter just counting insanity particles) there would be an interesting phenomenon. The higher you went up management lines (not public or tech lines), the more insane it became.”

    This is a remarkable statement because it is true: The Cult of Scientology exponentially increases in insanity as one nears the top.

    The entire Church of Scientology culminates in a zenith of staggering, screaming, hitting, choking, punching, steroid-eating, scotch-swilling, unaudited insanity known as David Miscavige.

    CoS is called a “Cult” for a reason: It has a little screaming insane monkey in a tuxedo that calls himself COB ordering people around.

    This monkey smokes cigarettes, drinks scotch, loves shiny stage sets, standing ovations, and hearing the sound of his own voice. He has even sent people to the bilges when they did not pop up fast enough during the 103 standing ovations that he requires during each of his events.

    If you dare ask this monkey for your money back he will go even more insane, tear up his office, throw ashtrays at you, smash people in the face, kick his dog, tip over the water cooler, and then declare you an SP.

    That Corporate Scientologists have agreed to allow an insane little cigarette-smoking monkey in a tuxedo to determine their Eternity shows the utter unreality and nonsense that the Church of Scientology has become.

  124. martyrathbun09

    Dr. J wastes few words.

  125. “We had to learn 4-5 years nothing else as “how bad the German Volk was as they did nothing to stop Hitler”.”

    I was at school in Germany for 13 years, and of course the emphasis in history lessons about the 3rd Reich is not on the Autobahn. But I cannot confirm what you are saying. Also congratulations for invoking Godwin’s law.

    “So there is nothing wrong with individual Scientology parishoners.
    You better find the correct target.”

    I am not saying that there is something wrong in that they are bad people because they belong to Miscavige’s cult, I never said that. I know that most of the field are caring people who believe they’re doing the right thing. But in the end it comes down to that in order to be in good standing, these people must ignore abuse that they have witnessed. I have seen ethics orders from our local Stuttgart org, where people were publically butchered for not ponying up with ideal org donations that they promised at one of these fundraiser events.
    I know of several German Scientologists who have quit school at the age of 15 to become full time staff members. One of them was a really intelligent young man, who could have easily done the “Abitur” but did not even have a “Hauptschulabschluss” in the end. Those are things that get my blood boiling, and these little things are things that public Scientologists will notice as well.
    And by continuing to do courses at this organisation they are at least tacitly accepting what is happening. I am of the firm opinion, that this makes them at least partly responsible for the condition the “church” is in, because exactly this looking away is what is empowering Miscavige’s church to this day.

    “Believe me, there was nothing wrong with me being a Scientologist and I had no hidden agenda. I worked hard. I had the job under control. And I was good to and carring for my co-employees.
    And I knew that all this was because of my praxis of Scientology.”

    Yeah, allright. I hope to address this a bit further in my reply to Gerhard further down.

    “And tell Caberta she is a b***h.”


  126. Jim,
    True. That nine foot high board fence is getting crowded.

  127. For a greater understanding, I recommend …

    They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by
    Milton Mayer

  128. Freedom Fighter

    Goebbels promoted bad ACTIONS of single jews, made them appear a generality for the group of jews and now BEING a jew became a reason to be killed. See, once you give up the principle to judge a person by their observable actions and products and start judging a person by their BEINGNESS, you open the door for intolerance and all kinds of isms.

    Very good point. You see this type of thing in play today in the U.S. A couple of psychos blow up a building in Oklahoma or target some other gov’t institution or individuals and now, suddenly anyone who supports the U.S. Constitution is suspected of being a terrorist and we end up with the Patriot Act. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. The parallels between what happened back then and what’s going on in the “church” and the U.S. right now is quite amazing when you are versed in the tactics and stand back and look at things.

  129. The numbers dont lie and the delivery model is flawed.
    60 years to get 10,000 ouch !
    Factor in the scotch consumption of D.M and he will be
    on his third liver for that event.
    Your graph of OT 6,7, and 8 comps from
    1982 to 2011. Find a way to email that to Marty
    and we will party in Casablanca.

    Well Done Gerhard

  130. Michael Fairman

    + an 8 lying down

  131. Yeah, way too good for DM.

    I have something adequate:

    SCNR 😛

  132. “The way you are thinking you do nothing less than making somebody guilty of crimes simply by a shared attribute that this person has with somebody who is actually guilty.
    Do you realize how ignorant and dangerous your line of argumentation is? You promote a way of thinking that enabled and justifies the crimes Nazi-Germany committed.”

    I agree, this is a touchy matter, this “guilt by association”. But your stance is very idealistic. For one thing, we already lock up people in prison if they visited a training camp from Al-Quaeda, and they don’t even need to have bought any weapons yet, or done anything else wrong. Of course, this is a shameless hyperbole: Miscavige parishioners usually will not go around killing people. But your comparison of yourself to the jews is not better; Germany has never locked up, or even killed Scientologists for being Scientologists, and it will never be in peril to let things go so far.
    I believe that a desire to block influence coming out of the Scientology organisation into companies and positions of influence is justified. The most recent example is the FBI probe into Miscavige’s abuses that was choked off from above. This is exactly the kind of thing I am referring to.
    My sincere question to you is: How do we respect the rights of the individual, while making sure Miscavige does not get undue influence by proxy into high levels of society?
    Is it not a balance of this one desire, against the rights of individuals to a well paid job?
    Please forgive me, if in light that those well paid jobs by Miscavology disciples are exactly what floods the IAS war chest with money, I do not place as much emphasis on the individual rights.

    “Here you go, because somebody bought a Dianetics book, and the Dianetics book is published by the Church of Scientology, and he bought the book giving money and did not steel it, he supported the church of Scientology, and they say the Church of Scientology is no good, so now he is no good and we have to fire him.
    This actually happened in Germany. I am not making this up.”

    This sounds too incredible for me to believe. Where did you get this story from? If it is like you said, I really do condemn this.

    “You are have not learned anything it appears.”

    This posting you replied to was in response to another subthread, so I wrote this actually before you answered me.

  133. Li'll bit of stuff

    Gerhard & family, welcome to the SANE version of Scientology!
    Adding your collective weight here, along with a whole host of
    opinion leaders across the entire social/business/political
    spectrum, who have recently done the same, just points peoples
    attention to where it needs to be properly directed—THE TRUTH!
    There simply is no compromise possible for genuine integrity!

    One is either honest with oneself, by being courageous enough
    to ACTUALLY LOOK at a situation, fully and completely, without
    flinching ( simple ol’ TR-0,), or one is NOT (bung goes integrity!)

    In a nutshell;

    Independent Scientologist = Bold, unafraid to look, no matter what!
    amounts to a knowing restoration of full beingness (the power to
    hold one’s position in space) & responsibility ( the capacity to be
    cause — caring, without fear –to create desirable effects.)

    CO$cientologist = paranoid, out of valence,refusal to look, for fear
    of the consequences, amounts to a dissolution of beingness &
    complete irresponsibility! being out of valence, meaning does not
    have one’s OWN viewpoint, from which to as-is, or erase any
    thing deemed undesirable, which then persists as an undesirable
    effect—otherwise known as an ‘other determined’ Miscavologist!!

    Calvin B.Duffield

  134. “It’s nice to have you [Worsel] here”

    I second that!

  135. One question Mr. Ackerland (Dr. Faust) How did it happen that the IAS became so rich? Yes, the suppression of scientologist in Germany has been for a long time the main argument to exploit scientologist in whole world. Thank you “Verfassungsschutz” (German Constitutional Protection Unit) for helping Miscavige to gain total control over our Church!

  136. “Their out ethics and out integrity was what enabled Caberta to generalize their flaws for all Scientologists and taint each and every single Scientologist as an unreliable not trustworthy person. A=A=A”

    Well, you already said that the problem of over-regging people was a systematic problem in the organisation. To be honest, I did not know about these two Scientologists you are referring to right now, but they certainly are not the first ones to have driven a perfectly good company into the ground by overapplication of admin tech or giving in to regging. Certain dentist practicioners, and others in recent history immediately come to mind.
    Let me ask you this question, now that you have been declared SP. If someone takes up an employment in your company, who is a Scientologist in good standing, would keep working at your place and not get into trouble with the Church of Scientology, wouldn’t all red lights go off in your mind? That he is not being handled/disconnecting from you is probably a pretty sure-fire way to tell he is reporting to OSA on everything you’re doing. What would you do? Stick to your ideals and say “innocent until guilty” at substantial risk to your business?

    “With your argument you try to shift responsibility of an eventual wrongdoing somewhere else to every associate of that group. That is the type of insanity witch hunts are made of.”

    I am not saying “burn the Scientologist”. I am saying: be conscious about the risks involved when dealing with a member of Miscavige’s organisation, because ultimately, by threat of SP declare, ethics handling, disconnection, etc. an official Church of Scientology follower is, when the going really gets rough, seldom self-determined. And yes, this attribute is given somewhat by association with that group. The question is: what are acceptable measures to deal with this?

    My qualm lies solely with Miscavige’s organisation. I do not have any concerns working with independent Scientologists as fellow workers, for one second. Because you have no organisation, no ulterior motive as opposed to Miscavige’s church.

    “Deep down you know how offensive your argumentation is with and you know that you posed the wrong questions that miss the point. And at some level of your consciousness you know that. That is why you ask me not to take offense.”

    You’re reading something into me that is not there. You are right that I see that my stance is not unproblematic. There are simply two sides to this issue as I have deliberated earlier, and it is not easy picking any one of the two as the absolute. I know that this may offend you, and that’s why I apologized in advance. Still, I do stand by my opinion.

  137. I forgot about another question: did you contest the decision to have you fired in a German labour court? Like I said, I think in German law it would be illegal to fire you because you are a Scientologist.
    But yeah, granted, often it doesn’t take much for an employer to come up with some silly reason to get rid of you if he really wants to. So I am not going to read anything into how you answer this question or if you do not decide to answer it at all.
    Take care, and have a good night!

  138. Betsy Reppen

    What you describe would hysterical and comical until you sober up and realize it’s utterly true. This woud be a movie of all movies to watch!

  139. “The entire Church of Scientology culminates in a zenith of staggering, screaming, hitting, choking, punching, steroid-eating, scotch-swilling, unaudited insanity known as David Miscavige.”

    Says it all- LOL- what an image.

  140. “Blame shame regret is a road to nowheresville so you are a jerk for for coming on here and trying to introvert such a courageous person with that slighting speculative questioning”

    Well, I see a lot of blame and shame going around in the assertion “oh they kicked me out because I am a Scientologist, religious discrimination likes!!!!!1111” without any context whatsoever. In light of that, I do believe this question is very relevant. I am not trying to introvert anyone. I am uttering an opinion from a different angle than you may like, but it is an opinion nonetheless.

  141. Bravo Gerhard!

  142. “That Corporate Scientologists have agreed to allow an insane little cigarette-smoking monkey in a tuxedo to determine their Eternity shows the utter unreality and nonsense that the Church of Scientology has become.”

    This is because after so many years, only the cowards are left at Int. The able being have left.

  143. Jim, let me express my utmost respect to you for acting the way you did. Kudos.

  144. I do get your point, Dr. Faust. However, to understand him, one has to assume the viewpoint of the German government for a moment.

    The common decent Scientologist (= vast majority of Scientologists) cannot even imagine that a certain section of OSA is breaking into appartments, attacking people with hired thugs and willing to commit any other crime they see as ‘helpful’ for their purposes. But this is happening and has been for a looong time – there is quite some evidence on the web, and I have had my own share of this stuff. So I know what I’m writing about.

    And these crimes are often planned and executed in the most perfect manner, covering all possible risks and developments, having “reserve troups” ready if needed, etc. Financing happens through several protective “layers”, so no evidence can blame the “church”. The concept of “the perfect crime” comes to mind.

    Such sophisticated crimes are very very hard to reveal or prevent by state authorities. That’s why Miscavige and his OSA followers never had to pay for it.

    What do you expect a government to do about it ? I know with certainty that German government people did get alarmed about OSA’s hired thugs attacking people of other opinion – because this is exactly how Nazi Germany started in the early 1930ies ! The government finally found it easier to keep the whole Scientology movement down (by hindering common members with their jobs) than to unravel CIA/Mossad style OSA crimes.

    It doesn’t seem unreasonable to expect Scientologists to keep their own house clean. Scientology certainly is about knowing, control and responsibility – but even the common decent Scientologists (= vast majority) are rather busy being the most ethical group, than stopping those OSA crimes which they themselves are funding.

  145. Gerhard, Sabine and family – you guys simply set the best example in terms of personal integrity and honor. We indies gained enormously with your articulate and well written declaration of independence and your out in the open company.

    As you noted, the RCS definitely has changed it’s admin scale to put money at the very top, disregarding Policy inconvenient to them but asserting Declares and using this to stop repayment, an IRS agreement as well. Any dealings with RCS with low or high profile & out in the open it seems on the subject of money has a check valve on it ensuring it is one way only.

    Welcome Waterkamps to the Indies!

  146. Gerhard: Yet another wonderfully literate, kind, wise email from a scientologist who decided the Truman Show lacked a comfort and integrity.

    What I especially loved about your article and email to the MAA as well as your comments (specifically to Faust) was your emphasis on integrity. When someone writes his experience, that I can relate to and from his experience I can gain a further understanding of my own life — well, that enables me to be even better at examining my own life.

    Integrity? Defined by LRH as “knowing what you know or what is true for you is what is true for you”

    It caused me to wonder well, what IF what you know is seriously clouded by ones own alter-is or not-is. I mean — can’t you “think” you are following a route of integrity when in fact, you are following a path clouded through the veil of delusion?

    I’m not for a moment challenging you Gerhard but commending you for helping me to SEE how I’ve lacked integrity all too often … case in point years ago keeping my mouth shut about “senior management” because I didn’t want to get in trouble.

    I was UNWILLING to say what I saw. What I knew. And preferred to alter-is what I knew and saw … and down the rabbit hole I went.

    I believe this is partly the bane of human existence. Basically good, we alter-is, what IS … and so it goes as we continue to spin in karmic existence.

    So thank you very much. I look forward to someday meeting you, your beautiful wife and lovely daughters. There is nothing quite like a lively discussion about life to really make my day 🙂


  147. Gerhard,
    willkommen in der Freiheit ! ( = welcome to freedom )

    Seems you are a product of the good ole Scientology tech, without any “golden age of whatever” impurities ! I suppose the golden age infected staff at Flag don’t have a chance against you :-))

    All the best for your new endeavors !!!!!!

  148. And by continuing to do courses at this organisation they are at least tacitly accepting what is happening. I am of the firm opinion, that this makes them at least partly responsible for the condition the “church” is in, because exactly this looking away is what is empowering Miscavige’s church to this day.

    That’s why people leave in droves right now.
    And it won’t stop.

    However, what I was pointing out is your above statement:
    “The most basic question here is: What are the motives and goals of the organisation one is a member of?”
    As a Scientologist you mostly trust in the Management as you trust in your wins. Orientation as “awarness level” is way above where people come into Scientology. And as you know, Miscavige is managing in a manner where no one can move up the Bridge for real.
    Why people are leaving now is because it is not possible anymore to ask for stats, agendas etc. No Doubts allowed.
    And what I dislike is the idea of “know-all-about” from scratch (and that is what is even told to current generations in german schools about how their grand fathers didn’t take any responisbility for the Hitler Regime).
    Miscavige came away with it, but not any longer.

    All I can say, you’re a lil’bit critical.
    That’s what I see.

  149. … the RCS definitely has changed it’s admin scale to put money at the very top, disregarding Policy inconvenient to them but asserting Declares and using this to stop repayment, an IRS agreement as well. Any dealings with RCS with low or high profile & out in the open it seems on the subject of money has a check valve on it ensuring it is one way only.

    See new policy by COB, David Miscavige: “Keeping Money Working”.

  150. Gerhard: What also struck me in reading your letter as well as the email to the MAA and your comments to Faust was your compassion.

    As a buddhist, compassion is a “BIG HEAL” — and IMHO mostly not understood.

    Firstly compassion without wisdom is blind. You clearly are not blind 🙂

    Secondly never giving up is the HEART of compassion.

    “Compassion is not just about feeling suffering (of others). Compassion is the willingness to never give up on sentient beings, to hold them dear and cherish them.” His Holiness the 17th Karmapa


  151. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Dear Dr. Faust. You are getting more confused and divided with every post here. You agree and then you disagree.
    And this question:
    “My sincere question to you is: How do we respect the rights of the individual, while making sure Miscavige does not get undue influence by proxy into high levels of society”
    Let me pose a counter question: What happens when you disrespect the rights of the individual? Think really hard.
    Please stop embarrassing yourself in this forum. Send me an email and we take this offline and I will do my best to work this through with you. I will not continue a public discussion on this level.
    Please google “Bernd Lang Scientology”, he was in Scientology about as far as reading the Dianetics book when he got fired.
    From BBC Newsnight 10 January 1997
    “ Bernd Lang was a fencing coach at one of Germany’s Olympic training schools near Frankfurt, he came to Britain when he was suddenly sacked simply, he says, because he’s a Scientologist.
    Bernd Lang: My boss asked if I have read books and I said “Yes, I read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard” and my boss said “Okay, now take your things and leave that centre. Because we are supported by the government and we depend on sponsors.” “

  152. Yes, this is an interesting point, especially given that opposition to “your group” will only weld the group members together more closely. I really can appreciate it, and I believe there is some truth to this. Then again, if it weren’t for the Verfassungsschutz, wouldn’t Miscavige simply find new enemies, that he could fight and collect money for?

  153. Gerhard Waterkamp

    As I already said in another post I offer you to take this offline. It seems you have a lot of questions but you phrase them as statements and sometimes as personal attacks. I get the impression this is how you express your struggle to work through your confusions. But this is not something you should do in a public forum, do it in private with me and I will do my best to help you out.
    As for the questions that might be of public interest.
    I work in my business closely with a Scientologist who is in the church. He has his reasons. I am only interested that when I look him in the eyes that I see an honest and decent human being that produces good results and I keep my faith in him until he does something to the contrary. Now the church sees that differently as we all know from the excessive sec checking that goes on. They take the stands of the Board of Director or Mercedes in Germany. This board adopted a policy not to employ Scientologists. Same as the church practices a disconnection policy. Although they are of the same mindset, they fight each other; when one Scientology executive bough a Mercedes David Miscavige got furious and the Mercedes had to be returned. The alternative was practiced by the Board of BMW. The refused a ban of Scientologists stating something to the effect, they evaluate their employees by their contributions to the company.
    Read my letter to the Flag public MAA again, and try figure out, why I wrote it the way I wrote it. That should answer any other questions you should have on that.
    Life is full of risks you need to have faith in your fellow man until they convince you otherwise. If you want to manage risks, communicate, learn about the other person try to understand, build trust and friendship. Do not get hung up on it if he is a Moslem, Gay, Scientologist or Politician. That is the best working risk management strategy I saw when dealing with employee or coworker risks.
    The rest has to go offline.

  154. Tom Gallagher

    I’m on jury duty and fulfilling a civic duty through the end of next week.

    Hence it’s hard to catch up on the further developments regards the utter incineration of this of this “THING” we refer to as COB and his dwindling coterie.

    None-the-less, you folks, the Waterkamps are early heros and vanguards in this struggle for spiritual freedom.

    The least I can say is thank you.

    The most I can say with utter encouragement is carry on.

    You are demonstratively good people.

    In some sense we’ll meet again and that’s not being ‘cryptic’.

  155. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Subtitle: Ideal Org Project

  156. Windhorse, you said “I’m not for a moment challenging you” after actually challenging his ability to see clearly.

    And after challenging that he may not see clearly. You said you wished you would have seen that clearly with your past experience about “keeping your mouth shut about upper management.

    Lol, pass me the advil

  157. Quote from Roy MacGregor:
    “She [Slavka] came from poverty and could easily be returned to it. She will never be allowed deep Scientology training. Such people are the rank and file of the Sea Org. It is FOR them that I will fight as best I can. Not against them.”

  158. Windhorse, I find the best practice of compassion, the most challenging and purifying, are towards those individuals that seek to establish trust with others, and then summarily seek to destroy and betray that trust for some nefarious reason, while at the same time blaming those individuals for being the cause of the betrayal of that trust.

    Those type of people really nead our compassion.

    What do you think?

  159. Wow – that was beautifully stated. Thank you for your very detailed, logical, and respectful response.


  160. Opps — typo BIG HEAL should be BIG DEAL — (but heal works too 🙂

    And if it’s not clear what is so heartening is to see the drive/purpose and passion of scientologists revived on this blog and basically in whatever way they are able – rededicating themselves to their own freedom from suffering AND the freedom from suffering for all sentient beings.


  161. ROFLMAO!!! Thank you for sharing that scenario. I nearly peed myself laughing!

  162. I’ll gladly pass you the advil or maybe an anvil 🙂 —

    I didn’t communicate well what I wanted to say — I wanted to say that not only did he state everything extremely well, he helped me to see something I had NOT previously seen. I used a rather lame example in my own life.

    My point was and is — although we can say “that is true for me” that “truth” can and often is — at least for me — CLOUDED. It’s NOT what really IS in front of me.

    How many current scientologists within the CofS are genuinely CONVINCED that they are paragons of integrity? MOST OF THEM I believe and yet — you and I would clearly say that isn’t true.

    Gerhard clearly had no blinders on throughout his scientology career. Something I cannot say for myself.

  163. an aside to Sally…. I’m glad you are still hanging around despite the unfortunate drubbing you received on this blog the other day. You are a kind soul.


  164. I’d agree. It’s most difficult to feel true compassion to our “enemies” — however you categorize them.

    That said — until we are enlightened (however one “gets there”) all beings need and deserve our compassion.

    But, rather than potentially irritate others with a buddhist discussion, if you are interested in continuing feel free to email me at


  165. “Do not make the mistake to think I let the church get away with abuses against me, my family or my business.”

    Good for you!

    ” That is your job and what LRH expects from. Not to instigate smear campaigns, that is what crooks are doing.”

    Someone had to say it! It IS criminal to malign someone with false reports! That is BIBLICAL information we are still trying to get through to some people! DO NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS!

    When a Scientologist can’t even think with the ten commandments there is a serious issue there! Fortunately the courts of law CAN think with the ten commandments are our laws are based on them. There are labeled RIGHTS. If you don’t know your rights you don’t have any!

  166. Gerhard Waterkamp

    I want to express my thanks for all the warm welcomes, validation and support expressed in the comments. Specifically I want to thank Marty and Mike who I recently had the great pleasure meeting in person for all they do. And I want to give a special thanks to Karen for all her help to revitalize and help me and my family during the last months.
    I am getting a lot of praise and Kudos in your comments that are much more deserving for the person who inspired me to stay true to myself. He is one of those guys you do not find in history books but yet they made a big difference. My grandfather. He was a roman catholic living in Lauenburg, which is now Poland. He owned the largest construction company in the area and lost everything in the war. He was incarcerated twice during the Nazi time because he steadfast refused to give up support for his Jewish friends in the community. One time he constructed a coffin for a Jewish family so they could bury a relative with decency, when the law in Germany forbid for Jews to be buried in coffins. The Gestapo picked him up and he was accused of using war important material for the enemy. He was highly regarded in the community and only because the Mayor and several other Officials intervened he was released from Gestapo prison. The second time the local police arrested him for his protection when he distributed food to Jews at the local railway station when they were lined up for a transport. Had the Gestapo seen him distributing food to Jews the local authorities knew he would be gone forever so they arrested him first. I know this from my late mother who was a young teenager at that time. She had only partial data, as the children were locked out of the room when her parents and uncles met during this time. Given that some of her uncles were killed by the Nazis for political reasons, one can only imagine what went on, when the children were locked out.
    I remember my grandfather although he died when I was still a small child. He smelled like cigars and his beard stubbles were rather rough when he hugged me. But there was this great love and joy emanating from him that I had not perceived in any other adult and it made a big impression on me. I knew he had lost everything in the war, and yet I noticed no bitterness. It was later in my childhood when my late mother told me stories about her childhood when it connected the dots for me. He apparently was not free of faults, but he was true to himself and his convictions. He stood up for his friends in the face of deadly threats. And then one day it made all sense to me. He was joyful and loving when others appeared bitter and worn out because he stayed true to himself. This was the secret to stay alive, even if the body grows older. And it inspired me to try my best to follow his example.
    So my life was a walk in the park compared to how the generation of my grandparents was tested.
    They deserve all the praise and validation. So Grandpa, this is for you.

  167. martyrathbun09


  168. Tremendous write-up, Gerhard.

    Thank you and you family for standing up and being counted among the Scientologists who say “ENOUGH” and declare their Independence from David Miscavige’s supressive organization.

    The friends who have disconnected from you will find out the truth for themselves someday. They might find out the hard way – but sometimes that is the only way to learn.

  169. DO NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS! When a Scientologist can’t even think with the ten commandments there is a serious issue there!

    Preach it, sister! {whistles….applause}

  170. Wow.
    Now I not only have respect for you, but also for your Grand-Father and do not wonder any longer why you’re not in effect of the typical 3rd Dynamic engram of post 2ndWW Germany.

    (This is no offense to any germans at this blog – I love germans. And its pre 20th century history. Luckily not all germans are bound to this collective charge.)

  171. +10
    What a fabulous post.
    Truly well spoken Gerhard.
    Code of honor and Personal Integrity = Values.
    What one values the most.
    I dreaded losing Alexander.
    I knew they would made his disconnect from me
    which is the only reason I posted anonymously in early days.
    But I had to speak up out of conscience.
    It cost me a lot, but I can sleep with a clean conscience.
    I will tell the truth and I will continue to whistleblow.
    The best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
    Theodore Roosevelt

  172. Gerhard-I have had the great pleasure of meeting you and Sabine-I loved loved your write-up-so much personal integrity. You and Sabine are so welcome out here away from the insanity. losing people like you are dms biggest footnukes,

  173. I prefer to think of those people still in the Church of Scientology as future bitter defrocked apostates.

  174. Thank you Nancy, you are such a doll! So welcoming, so kind. You are a really good “face” for Scientology, the way you deal with people outside the circle. Yes, it was the drubbingest drubbing I’ve ever had – and you know? – it put me on the disabled list, so I couldn’t play. It’s healing now, more of a pulled muscle, so I’m trying to see if I can play for a few minutes, score a few points. I cannot tell you how much you encouraged me by coming to my defense. You were a mama bear, and a superhero, only real. That was an amazing and informative piece of communication. I learned a lot from it, and replied, but you probably didn’t see it, because it is 2 pages ago. The things you said made me feel valid, accepted, and OK for just being me. So a big, big thank you. I was wondering if I could ask you something. May I possibly have your email address, so I can maybe ask you a question or comment one on one vs. the whole website? I’m a little wary to put mine out here just yet, given all the “drubbing” of the past few days — My inbox might explode! 🙂 Pumpkin and Jim have my email address, if you have one of theirs. If not, they both posted their email addresses I think 2 pages ago towards the bottom, “Criminal Minds”. If you don’t feel comfortable with emailing, totally fine! – and maybe we can do it some other time.

    Thanks again girl,
    Sally 🙂

  175. Outstanding, Gerhard. Congratulations to you and yours on staying true to your principles. A rare feat these days, indeed.
    Hope to meet you soon.

  176. ziba feulner

    Gerhard and family! Very well done and welcome! Can’t wait to meet you all in the coming future 🙂

  177. My pleasure Eric. Hope it made a difference.

  178. Oh, I see

  179. Ronnie,
    It’s clear that you are clear about being Clear. And, it’s clear that Flag is not clear about who is Clear. Also, it’s clear that Flag clearly is messing up the Clears.

  180. plainoldthetan

    “And if you were looking for Hell and found Miscavige’s church, it would certainly serve.”

  181. one of those who see

    Your Grandfather was among The Righteous Among Nations. This is a phrase used by the State of Israel to honor non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust to save Jews. What a good and courageous man and you and your family honor him with your actions on behalf of freedom. It is such an honor and a delight to have your family join us.

    I thought you would enjoy the following from LRH:
    From: Chart of Attitudes: Rising Scale Processing. 11 Dec. 1952 from PDCs
    “Anyway, the whole idea here is to restore freedom of action, freedom of thought, freedom to believe, freedom to survive, freedom to know, freedom to be responsible, freedom to create motion, freedom to be (“be” is in italics) faith, not have to have it, freedom to win. Very interesting. Those are freedoms.
    “And funny thing-a man has to be free in order to be those things. And as soon as he starts being owned, he ceases to have them. And one of the first steps is to tell him how nice it is to be owned. “We’ll take full responsibility for you”
    “…A man’s freedom, then, cannot be a halfway thing. You cannot compromise or quibble with the freedom of a man. If there is a perfect form of government, that form of government would be anarchy. Everybody has agreed to this. An anarchy, however, would have to be built out of individuals who were capable, each one, of complete self-government-an impossible condition in the past. If each person were capable of complete self-government and capable of taking responsibility utterly for his own acts, you would have, for the first time, a basis of ethic.
    And the other way around, you only have a moral and a moral code is no good. An ethical code can be depended upon. Because if you have an ethical code, you only have it as long as it exists. And it exists only as long as a man has enough strength not to himself be afraid.”
    “…An ethic is that which is enforced by oneself, his belief in his own honor and good reason and optimum solution along the eight dynamics. That’s ethics.
    And morals is somebody who sticks a spear into your belly or a sepulcher over your head, hides a bogeyman back of a chair, tells you nothing and says you’ve got to do it because the unseen gods….There’s no difference between a taboo and a moral.”

  182. “Actually, what the German’s did with Scientologists parallels what they did with Jews.”

    Really? Are you serious?

    Where are the gas chambers? How many Scientologists have been thrown in the back of vans and suffocated with muffler exhaust? Where are the camps that say “Arbeit macht Clear?”

    If “what the German’s did with Scientologists parallels what they did with Jews” then why are the Israelis joining in? They made a mayor close down a Scientology school.


  183. What a great post, Gerhard.
    I loved the little detail:
    “With the help of Murphy’s law this will lead either to paranoia or sure liability assignments, because the lock of one of the snappers on the briefcase in the locked cabinet in the locked office of the locked house was not locked.”
    Doesn’t that show beautifully how crazy it all became and how crazy
    we were to go along with it…

  184. Faust, thank you, sincerely. I read what you wrote here today, and I gotta say, you carried yourself well. Take the opportunity to write to Gerhard.

  185. Oh my.

  186. Li'll bit of stuff

    Ronnie, hear, hear! And I note you have withdrawn your
    allegiance to “the Green People.”That is okay with me,
    btw, since one can always recognize a ‘brother’ by one’s
    unmistakable tentacleshake! (And the other lifelong benefit
    of being a ‘bro,’is that one can never accuse a ‘bro’ of being
    clumsy, or dropping things, since, once having gotten,shall
    we say; ‘a grip,’ it is NOT easily dislodged!) Biologically geared with vice-like suction, is a huge asset, as we already know (wink),unlike the situation for a wannabe rotten vegetable ‘madcabbage’,that is now just like a puckered, anal opening, nauseatingly sucking itself out of existence. I,know, I know–disgusting images!
    Oh, almost forgot, am now also doing some work on the
    ‘handle’ using some ‘earthling-like’ photo techniques to
    appear more ‘normal’ and not so scary – looking!! Still
    problematic though, as to what to do about about the
    coiled appendages i usually keep hidden in my sleeves!
    Any practical suggestions?

  187. To shamelessly paraphrase an old quote, “Everybody is a bitter, defrocked apostate but they haven’t cognited yet.”

  188. Li'll bit of stuff

    I wondered what was shining so brightly out on the horizon
    of the blue waters? Should have recognized it could only
    have been you, Scott!

  189. Welcome out, Gerhard, Sabine, and family! What a fine write-up, Gerhard! Your integrity takes my breath away. As someone who took awhile to wake up, I can duplicate your journey. I, too, waited for things to get better before seeing they had gotten worse, much worse, and that it was time to put my shoulder to the wheel.

  190. Encourage me?


    “They must find it difficult, Those who have taken AUTHORITY as the truth. rather than TRUTH as the authority”. G. Massey, Egyptologist

  191. Dear Waterkamps – thanks for telling your powerful story. I detest all forms of tyranny and feel so joyful and exuberant about the basic human spirit when it is overthrown. You have done more than your part through just saying NO. But I’m especially impressed that you were able to exit whole out of what has to be one of the most evil destroyers of families ever invented. I have been incredulous about the stories on this site of families split, lies, divorces, forced abortions, more lies and lost friends, all engineered by this evil cult that pretends that it does just the opposite. The recent story of Karen#1’s family tragedy moved me to tears.

    As I was driving across the Canadian prairies yesterday beneath a magnificent sky I heard on CBC radio the story of how in 2011 a humble street fruit seller, Mohammed Bouzizi, in Tunisia triggered a revolution (google NYTimes how a single match can ignite a revolution) that led to the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and now hopefully Syria. Bouzizi was a young man who had to take over the breadwinner role when his father died. He tried to support the family by selling fruit in the street from a barrow. His fruit and scales were confiscated by the corrupt authorities one too many times. No one would listen to his case and he didn’t have the money to bribe them. In desparation he committed suicide in front of the big government house.,9171,2044723,00.html

    Of course I’m not suggesting such drastic measures but just pointing out that the actions of one person, or a small number of people, who say NO can bring down the biggest tyrants. Unfortunately history shows us that the last people to really believe it’s the end of their regime are the tyrants themselves.

    “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” says Bill Shakespeare

  192. It only takes one person in your life, setting a good example, to shape shift you into that which can pay it forward. Because aesthetics blows walls away.

  193. I did not find the email of Marty.
    I posted the statistics at:

  194. Scott Weible


  195. “Dear Dr. Faust. You are getting more confused and divided with every post here. You agree and then you disagree.”

    Wait a minute, I’m accused of thinking in black and white, and when I do say I can appreciate opposing viewpoints when I am having a discussion, I am “confused and divided”? Please stop assigning “conditions” to me. I know this is a tough issue. But as I deliberated, I still do have a different stance on this.

    “Let me pose a counter question: What happens when you disrespect the rights of the individual? Think really hard.”

    Gerhard, I agree, we should take this to private email, and I will be happy to participate. You answered my question below, and I do not want the others here to think I am going to bail out when the going gets tough. I will answer this one question honestly the way I see it, and then we can move it to email.

    It depends on which manner, and for which reason this “disrespect” occurred. Yes, we as individuals have rights, but sometimes there is a point when not violating YOUR rights would violate the rights of OTHERS. This is inavoidable and will always happen. You have a right to your personal expression and having fun, but turning up the volume of your Hi-Fi at 2o’clock in the night will violate the right for your neighbours to get a good night’s rest.
    All rights that different people have, must be balanced against each other, as sometimes they contradict, and you will need to find a middle way and often you find a “solution” that noone is happy with. What about the right of your boss to be sure his company is free of influence from the Scientology organisation? I get it, you would never have betrayed him and like I said I don’t even think you’re lying. How is he able to differentiate between an out-ethics Scientologist and a Scientologist with his ethics in like you? Is it right if he is forced to take that risk? I will give more examples in our email traffic.

    Yes, this issue _is_ a difficult issue and one has to be always vigilant not to revert to fascist conditions. Still, this issue will come up time and again even in non-fascist societies.
    What _differentiates_ a fascist regime from a state of law is, that an independent court will balance these rights people have against each other, when such a conflict arises. And this has happened in Germany, where Scientologists have won court cases against their employers, where the courts decided that the personal rights of the Scientologist to stay at his job weigh more. In a fascist regime, this would be unlikely to happen. Other Scientologists have lost their court battles, where a court has decided that for instance, parents of children have a right to know their educator will _not_ treat their children to study tech. The decision fell in favor of the parents there.

    Alright. So much to your question, you can contact me at
    Or maybe if you want me to contact you, just give me your email address. I am looking forward to talking to you!

  196. Hmm, somehow wordpress swallowed the @, the address is
    anon at

  197. It is not only in the Church. I just had to hire a law firm in Toronto Canada to help me bring the truth to the table. Someone bearing false witness. Someone who can not even think with the ten commandments. That is simple kindergarten shit. When you can’t do that you are f*^&%d all the way. That is very very old advice. When you can’t rise above that in 2012 you are f^&*in handicapped.

  198. Alex Castillo (slightly off topic but relevant )

    David Miscavige is still keeping many people in the dark, just like
    mushrooms, and perhaps similar to what you will see by checking this link:

    Unlike people like Gerhard and many others here, who were cognizant of what LIGHT was before the Usurper, Misgarbage’s close followers and their children are still being kept in a dark cave and will stay there until
    the light of sunshine and truth is allowed in.

    And to the general public I say: don’t allow yourselves or your children to be buried in the dark cave that Corporate Scientology is and be cultivated like mushrooms!


  199. Brian,
    That is a very realistic situation you’ve posed. I’m wondering, and leaning very much toward the difference between compassion and sympathy.

    Compassion connotes, to me anyway, the ability to grant beingness, to actually assume the viewpoint ( not completely as that is a theoretical top scale point that brings about a complete cessation of existences) and “be” the viewpoint and by that the “other” (which is now not an “other” but is the person themselves, from another viewpoint of dimension/beingness) is “co-feelinged” i.e., compassion exists.

    In the overall view of life and the Dynamics though, some difference, some distance must exist, some “other” and their “other” determinism or there is no action.

    If the aim is complete, utter ARC with “others”, then there is a complete disappearance of it all, including the comm, the affinity, the reality as these all, in the game of life, require thee, and me, separate.

    I can’t see a game, with no space, no distance, no “other”. So, my aim is not a cessation but a better game.

  200. Yes, I finally had to shed my greenness, for the greater cause of putting another face to the rebellion 🙂

  201. Oops, forgot an essential piece of the point I wanted to make re: the scenario you’ve posed:
    “The first self-determinism which leads to aberration is the decision to be human. The affinity, reality, and communication indulged in by a human being is necessary to being human. One determines to exert ARC. One then becomes subject to what he has determined. ARC with individuals in a very aberrated state is necessarily a very low ARC. It is not that ARC is bad but that ARC with low-toned individuals is bad.” Advanced Procedure and Axioms.

    So, sympathy, which is “co-wavlengthing” can entail wavelengths of affinity that are low-toned. Whereas compassion in order to positively affect, would have to be a higher toned activity, and as such, may well involve oh, for lack of a better descriptive “tough love”. To raise the wavelength of the affinity, up the ability to perceive reality and gain ground on a closer approach to that incredibly fine wave that is so close to the absence of any wave.

    I don’t think this drippy saccharine “ARC” is high enough to generate the speed of particle necessary to actually handle things. It isn’t. By observation.

  202. Compassion = there is always some admiration (for the being) and knowingness in play.
    Sympathy is kind of circuitry (respond to a given attraction, stimulus).

  203. I absolutely love reading this blog. It is like meeting people at a methadone clinic. They are half way better insofar as they are no longer on heroin. But they are still drug addicts and very very messed up.
    The headline is where this whole thing starts off just super bizarro. Germany doesn’t want anymore cults, because of the crimes they themselves have been responsible. Scientology, even Marty Rathbun’s, is a cult. It is dangerous, based on lies created by a mentally unwell Science Fiction writer and con man. Germany outlawing Scientology is actually good for their society.
    The goal of methadone is to eventually come off it and live life without crutches. If that is the goal of the Reformed Cult of Scientologists then I say amen. But it doesn’t feel that way- it feels like Rathbun et al wants to still continue the cult, just with less fees.

  204. Li'll bit of stuff

    A truly committed bro’ in every sense! KUDO’S!

  205. Admiration – yes, good point, very good point. Thanks SKM.

  206. Li'll bit of stuff

    And how shall we learn the great example of the life
    YOU live, in order to inspire us as to the “proper”
    and “safe” way to approach the “better’ living of one’s life”, sans, “mentally unwell Science Fiction writer’s and con men, Rathbun’s et al?? We are obviously
    poised for some ground-breaking announcement
    here! Please do not keep us in suspense any longer!

    Spill the beans!!! You know your’e just itching to!!

    Go on ColScott……… the podium is all yours!!!

  207. Excuse me, Mr. I-Won’t-Tell-You-My-Name-Whilst-I-Crap-On-You.

    You seem to have a serious and severe erroneous notion of what exactly constitutes a “cult”.

    A “cult” is a group of human beings who *act* in various ways designed to control and dominate the behavior of its membership.

    A “cult” is *not* a set of beliefs or a spiritual philosophy or practice.

    We Independent Scientologists(no tm) abjure and denounce those *actions* that have made David Miscavige’s Church of (Black) Scientology into the “cult” it has now become. Neither can you demonstrate that any of *us* are doing those things.

    Guilt By Association is a well known fallacy of reasoning.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  208. Gerhard. Your story just brought chills down my spine for the simple fact that the young man you mention who dated your daughter, Jake Leistra, is my son. He disconnected from me 4 years ago without a peep or an explanation. He was helped by his mother and step father in the process and for 4 years they have let me twist in the wind wondering what happened to my son. Despite my repeated calls, emails, texts, nobody has responded. I hope he wakes up one day like the people that are actively involved in this blog. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your decision.

  209. I didn’t say “equals” I said “parallels”. If you studied history, you would find that the prosecutions of Jews in Germany started exactly the same way.

    I am not the Israeli government and I cannot talk for them. I do not know what happened with that school. Anyway, what does it have to do with Germany?

  210. ColScott,
    What clinic did you say you were attending?

  211. Li'll bit of stuff

    Nice one, Rosalie!

  212. Compassion can be a powerfull tool.
    Look into Buddhism (even though they sometimes call it “sympathy”).
    Sympathy won’t work, because as you described (and LRH in AP&A) the being comes down the tone in order to co-swing with the being.
    But I think it’s all about definitions.

  213. Another approach is:

    Compassion = causative, creative (in PT)
    Sympathy = reactive ( a reactive or social pattern )

  214. Jesus wept.

  215. martyrathbun09

    Why do you think ‘sympathy’ is on the tone scale in full and ‘compassion’ is not?

  216. No, I don’t say that.
    The gradients come into play, too, of course.

    Per dianetics ‘sympathy’ is aberrative – and I agree.
    Compassion has another qualities. But this is my own observation (and distinction of both phenomenons).
    ‘Sympathy’ is bound to education, whereas ‘compassion’ is something the spirit has to grow up to.

    Maybe I should state that this is my own observation and I am not trying to establish “stable definitions”.

    I hope this answers you question in full.

  217. Last year I watched some “episodes” about the Squirrel Busters at you home.
    Even though, they tried to give you a hard time, I could see lots of compassion from you directed to some of the guys.
    This wouldn’t be possible without knowingness (or at least understanding) at your part and some admiration for the entrapped beings.
    I call it compassion.

    Compassion has this small chunk of trust that things will turn out all right in the end. Sympathy has kind of a flavour of defeatism.

    But again, this is my own observation.

  218. martyrathbun09

    Yeah, but don’t you think it is an emotion? Or no?

  219. martyrathbun09

    Sorry, I didn’t see this before answering your addendum. But, again, you don’t think compassion is an emotion, but sympathy is?

  220. No, I don’t think neither one is an emotion.
    It’s an attitude.
    Both can manifest on all tone levels.
    The test is: is it reactive (forced upon the ‘awareness unit’ by past experience or education) or creative (done by the ‘awareness unit’ himself in PT without other-determinism, bank et cetera).

    Only a free thetan can express compassion in full extent.
    And I think that’s why it is of central importance in many religions and philosophies.

    A cultivation of compassion can pull a being up the tone scale.
    It’s like the “Sit down in a public place where many people are passing by and simply postulate into them, above them, around them, Perfection” – Process from the Code of Honor PAB (#40).
    (Note that in Buddhism for example, there is the concept of the Buddha-Nature (perfection) in all living creatures. That’s how they urge themself to practice endless compassion (or ‘sympathy’, as they sometimes call it).

    I hope this will answer now all remaining questions in full.

  221. No problem.
    I know the comments are listed by date in WordPress back end and note by nodes.

  222. martyrathbun09

    Yes, thank you. Wonderful answer. I think compassion is an emotion, way up near the top of the tone scale.

  223. Thank you Marty.

    I understand. Even if I think that compassion itself is not an emotion (as admiration is not in itself).

    However, I agree in full that real compassion exists near the top of the tone scale (that’s why I say, only a free thetan can express it in full extent). The same is true for admiration. (Admiration being a particle, but can be run as a concept, too.)

  224. I think compassion involves understanding and a sort of forgiveness whereas sympathy involves guilt and/or covering up of hostility. Have you ever seen sympathy from a 1.1? It may look like a display of affection, but you walk away feeling like someone just spit into your soul – that is sympathy covering up hostility. You sense that that person doesn’t mean you well, but your head is being messed with because one goal of a 1.1 is to invalidate your own instincts and make you believe into something that is not there. Damn! This really reminds me of my experience at the CofS like you always have this sense that something is not right, but “proof” to the contrary is so “overwhelming” continuously being projected into your mind, that the presentation itself would raise the questions. I always wondered at the events: “Why is it so flashy? Why is this loud, annoying music to where I can barely hear the speakers? Why does it seem to be so fast and so much information that I’m not really grasping anything in specifics?…” I guess that would place David Miscavige at 1.1? This would actually explain all the confusion that’s been going on at the church. He’s been fooling everyone for years and getting rid of people left and right. I’ve seen people like that in action in other areas of my life.

    Anyway, there is a chapter on sympathy in the Handbook for Preclears on page 207 as well as a section in AP&A book. It is quite an interesting subject. Here is a section out of AP&A:
    “Sympathy is commonly accepted to mean the posing of an emotional state similar to the emotional state of an individual in grief or apathy. This is a secondary reaction and has its own peculiarity but is nevertheless on the tone scale between 0.9 and 0.4. Sympathy follows or is based upon overt action by the preclear.”

  225. Gerhard Waterkamp

    Very nice quote. I love it. Thank you for posting it.

  226. Because the vast majority of Israelis are Jewish, so if the Germans were persecuting Scientologists in the same manner as the Nazis did to Jews, then you’d think the Israelis would be sympathetic and supportive. However, it seems like a lot of Israelis are against Scientology.

    “Arab and Jewish residents of Jaffa have mounted protests in the hope of denying the Scientologists a foothold in the city and launched a petition on Facebook calling on the authorities to keep the organization away. ”

    The fire in the article was eventually pinned on Gur Finkelstein, the CoS’s legal rep in Israel. He’s also being accused of trying to get people murdered and trying to frame Jewish groups with it; really crazy stuff.

  227. martyrathbun09


  228. Hi Gerhard,

    You and I spoke on the phone a couple of months ago, at the invitation of Karen. Well done, sir! Awesome write-up.

  229. Thank you, I am doing so right now.

  230. The vast majority of Israelis have had such a bad education that they cannot see the parallels.

  231. Karen, I don’t even really know you and I love you all over the place! 🙂

    Nancy McPherson

  232. Gentlemen, I realize this dialogue is contentious, but it is an informative and detailed dialogue between two people who argue their points intelligently and respectfully. Such a dialogue is educational to many of us. If it would not offend either of you, I would appreciate hearing (reading) how the dialogue plays out.


  233. “The Code of Honor wasn’t invented by LRH, it was expressed.”
    Bless your heart, Jim. Thank you for saying this. I ridge compulsively when people attribute quotes of human experience and common sense that imply the “quoted” was the inventor of the experience.


  234. Awww shucks, golly gee whiz! (blush). I would be honored to chat personally with you. I have a super-secret silly-astic email address that I can post on this website that the space aliens from OSA will never be able to hack. It’s Shoot me an email – I would love to chat with you. 🙂


  235. ColScott – hang around methadone clinics much?

  236. 😆 Scotch and aspirin for the splitting headache! Bam!

  237. one of those who see

    And me too. I hope your son does wake up and contacts you. Hugs.

  238. Quack- I love that – the Flag Scam Base – how about “Fraud Scam Base” Mecca of Technical EXTORTION, Bribery and Scams. They are scamming people on the “Service Completion Awards”. The various REGGES tell people they are getting money back 10% of every intensive when they route out – “so please donate to our Scam Front Group”.

    When the people route out – they find out it is only for “intensives purchased while we were there”. No one can use them for intensives already on account. Too late – you donated sucker! Good luck tryijng to get your money back from the Fraud Scam Base!

    The Ethics Department at the Fraud Scam Base has turned into their #1 money making department! It is second to the Sooper Power Scam that has been going on since 1978. Sooper power will never open or be released because it makes so much money for the FRAUD SCAM BASE!!

    When someone complains about the Ethics mixing with REGGING – they are told that the “terminals (no kidding there) have been corrected, crammed and it will never happen again”. There is no making up the damage caused. Fraud does not care if you ever come back – money is KING at the Fraud Land Base!! If you continue to complain – you get declared! Fraud Land Base has been doing this for years and years and years – thank God for the internet – the TRUTH IS SETTING US ALL FREE!!

    The Fraud Scam Base Sea Orger members are complete criminals and they can’t do anything about it – they have to commit crimes and then cover them up – lies, deception, criminal activities await you at the Fraud Scam Base – the most evil place on the planet!

  239. Gerhard, what a wonderful tribute to your Grandpa! And not just wonderful words, but you living your life in harmony with your Grandpa’s example is the very greatest tribute you could give him.

    I wish you and your family every blessing, unity and strength together.

  240. Gerhard wishes to keep it private, I will honour his wishes.
    I think I’m at liberty to say that ultimately we did not come to agree, which is hardly surprising given the controversial topic.
    I want to thank Gerhard again for a thought provoking, and respectful discussion.

  241. JustCallMeMary

    Thank you for telling your story. It will have great impact. Best wishes to you and your family

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