When Distraction Becomes Destructive

In 2001 Germany’s largest domestic spy network was riveted on scientology.  For years they had been treating scientology as top priority for infiltration and elimination.  The prime locus for attention was scientology’s greatest German stronghold, Hamburg.

Remarkably, the following facts were given next to no attention over the next fourteen years of media obsession with terrorism.  The 9/11 attacks in America were planned, trained-for, and staged from Hamburg Germany;  all the while Germany’s law enforcement intelligence apparatus was chasing scientology.

From 2009 through 2011, the US Department of Justice assigned some of its most experienced and decorated agents to make a case against scientology and its leader David Miscavige.  During that time period, and since, the Department of Justice failed to even attempt to prosecute a single one of the billionaires whose greed created the international recession we are still feeling the effects of today.  A handful of criminals destroyed 40% of the wealth of planet Earth – and profited handsomely in the bargain – and continue doing business at the same old stand.  If you’ve bought the line that jailing Wall Street gangsters would only constitute vengeance or wreak greater financial disaster, think again.  Once their lucrative housing bubble burst, they turned to speculating on food commodities.  Notice what’s been happening with your grocery bills over the past seven years? Ever wonder why?

In November 2015 Belgium’s justice department is making hay out of its attempted prosecution of scientology.  While the trial proceeds, again only after the fact European law enforcement is frantically scouring Belgium since it has been exposed as a critical terrorist planning and staging ground in the wake of the 13 November 2015 Paris atrocities.

128 responses to “When Distraction Becomes Destructive

  1. Wishing you and Monique well as you continue to grind through the wheels of justice. I have no such dilemma as your harassment because I am not an interesting strategic and tactical target as you are.

    However, since blowing my leaving staff routing form I have moved on up a little higher. More family and more children . . . life is good. However my eldest daughter remains disconnected for 25 years from her mother who remains at San Jacinto, CA.

    I am thankful for the good life that I am living but remain watchful and ready to receive and to help my daughter’s mother, if she desires, when she is finally cast off as useless from the Sea Organization. She has grandchildren she has never met, a lifetime of catching up, and a family ready to receive and love her.

  2. I’m totally tracking on this subject. I no longer read “the news,” watch the news, listen to the news, listen to talk radio. Distraction is the key word. I know longer wish to be duped or distracted. I recommend a documentary called “JFK 911.” It’s available on YouTube. That gives one a good background on what is really going on. “What is really going on” needs to be exposed, and it IS, little by little.

  3. Food for thought indeed – thanks Marty. Congratulations to you & Monique for beating down the Co$ in their Anti-SLAPP motion. I was very happy to see that.

  4. Endless Aporia

    Despite the problems that exist in Scientology,its workability speaks for itself.Monitoring the anti-scientology rhetoric online,I can’t help concluding they actually confirm the power/workability of Scientology.Thus,if one were to work for, or hire, a doctor,a lawyer,or a tailor for their respective services,and assume  one  became very disappointed with the service delivered,at most one might write a scathing review or two,tell their friends of their ordeal and eventually get on with their lives.The online plethora of critics of Scientology,I notice ,never have gone forward with their lives.They’ve made their career Scientology,whether they know it or not.Whether “Tory Magoo” or “Angry Grey Pope” or “Jon Atack” these peoples continuous obsession with Scientology is proof of its effective workability.    Then,reading the huge list of success stories voluntarily submitted by most of the ex-scientologists makes me realise how could something they swore by and put in writing every week or two suddenly turn into an evil cult 18 years later?? Lol….lol…..lol.Marty,I was in Scientology,got incredible benefits from the auditing,was contentious and fought with various Scientologists,was declared,expelled.I got a full refund by saying I would give OT 8 documents to action news in 1988.They finally paid up.    But,you know,looking back on it,I have nothing against LRH.In fact I still believe(know) his discoveries helped me.If anything I would pay him back the full refund today for the benefits I got.I never had a thing against him.Im just sick of all the “victim” ex-scientologists who whine,natter,bicker over n over with no life,career or anything..except to pat each other on the back for how cool they sound cutting Scn down.I dont include you in this category as I believe you support the free zone.        Anyway,thats my spin on it,                 Charles Morgenstern

  5. Marty, So you are saying that the church is being used as a pawn to distract attention from crimes being committed by others? Interesting. Any more info on this?

  6. @Charles, And yet, here you are reading all the negative chatter. With respect, I cannot make out what you are getting at except to defend a fraudulent scam. If you don’t have anything against LRH, then you may never have been very involved with Scientology. Alternately, you just don’t know what happened to you.

  7. Marty, of course, a trial is “after the fact”…(and we are pretty concerned with it…). And of course, scientology is of a minor concern to the world now. New liberalism and New World Order are much bigger criminals than scientology.
    Atisha :
    “The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
    The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.”

  8. Very interesting connecting the dots, Marty. I guess people think that Scn is an easier group to target than something as diffuse as terrorists.

  9. It is a shame that, for all your wins, you demonstrate such a lack of understanding and compassion towards those of a particular view – including many who have been harmed or abused by the church or its therapy.

    It is far easier to dismiss and dehumanise people than it is to understand them. That takes time. It can often feel awkward and take you well outside of your comfort zone. It’s safe being angry or offended, but all you are really doing is avoiding difficult conversations and mental exercise. 🗼❤

  10. Path of Buddha

    “I got a full refund by saying I would give OT 8 documents to action news in 1988.They finally paid up.”

    That is very interesting. I left in 1989 after completion of OT VIII. I did not fully understand what Hubbard did to me at the time. Asking for a refund in 1989 was not in my mind. Interesting that you got the full refund so easily.
    It took years for me to penetrate Scientology to my satisfaction. Some people who never experienced Scientology just waste it on first glance. I think that those of us who studied it seriously are at a disadvantage. We need to unlearn. If you got such great gains, you would tend to be an independent.
    I think that people who follow Scientology now are waiting for the end. That will be closure, so to speak.

  11. Pompous, generalizations, and incorrect information. Also off topic of the thread. But why quibble over the little things. Charles, if only more of us could be like you. Thanks for your “spin” on things. “Lol Lol Lol “.

  12. Good afternoon, Mr. Morgenstern, so good to speak to you.
    Your post has garnered my attention. I am a so called Ind. Scnst. who has been doing research for the last few years. I too have received exceptional gains from the principles and methods compiled and developed by LRH.

    Perhaps the greatest of all is to believe nothing and evaluate everything. Ron certainly wasn’t perfect, and the “Bridge” is not nearly individualized enough to repair every foible that the population exhibit. The lower bridge demonstrably had done and can do a tremendous amount of good for a lot of people.

    But the greatest favor I received from Ron was to put me on a path of doing a structured, methodical examination of my past, as it adversely affects my present and future. This has led me to many life changing understandings and a knowledge of who I am and why things are the way they are.

    I am currently working on an area of case which was mentioned in OT-8. Stuck attention on where I have been. “Buttered all over the universe.” This has proven to be a much more involved and fruitful area than I had imagined. It started with simply “Where have I been, Where am I now”. After much looking, I began to “go” to places I have been, and look at all the physical details of the environment surrounding me. I then would go to my present environ and notice the details of the space around me. I have expanded this process in many ways, but it is still incomplete. There are times when I can feel the sawtooth edge of a pond frond that existed long ago, and then judge the tension of a screw against the wire that is connected to a receptacle inside the wall in my house.

    But fully releasing my attention from past locations, although very expanding, has been hit and miss. You indicated in your post that you may have completed or worked on OT-8 yourself. Do you have any advice in this area of work? Would enjoy conversing with you. I observe and evaluate all new knowledge without bias.

  13. Hi Marty,
    I am guessing that you’re having a lot of fun being a Dad! Cool dat.
    Yes, the distractions are all over. The US life-long election cycle is a great one, celebrity news, sports and even many of the current equality issues serve as distractions from the issues you mention: endless war, corruption, banking fraud ad nauseam. I was just listening to someone speak about the connection between current conflicts and the efforts of some countries to start selling oil in a currency other than US dollars.
    Wishing you all well!

  14. Gerhard Waterkamp

    As far as Germany is concerned it is all about politics. “The Office for the Protection of the Constitution” (Verfassungsschutz) was tasked with the surveillance of (East German) communists feared to infiltrate West German institutions. There were a number of laws that prevented members of West German communistic party and other left wingers from becoming teachers or working in certain other government positions. These laws were known as “Berufsverbote”.
    The “Bundeskriminalamt” (BKA, West German equivalent of the FBI) was tasked to address criminal activities or for example terroristic groups in West Germany. Although there was some overlap between these two organizations because they sometimes surveilled the same clientele (extremist leftists) there was this separation of duty and purpose.
    1990 the wall came down and the threat of infiltration by communists (from East Germany) vanished. Shortly thereafter the green party brought a resolution in the German Bundestag (Congress) to dissolve the Verfassungsschutz (VS) as it was obviously now an organization without a purpose. Feverishly the VS was looking for a reason it could continue to exist and found it in Scientology.

    In Germany at that there was a whole industry fueled by public grants and subsidies that made a living of advertising the alleged danger of Scientology to the German society. The more dangerous and dire they painted Scientologists as risks to society the more money they could expect. They had some pretty good PR people that worked for years to blow any actual danger thousand fold out of proportion, actually creating quite a hysteria. All the while nothing was really done to curtail the Scientology Organizations, specifically the Sea Org in their raping and pillaging of German Scientologists.

    When the VS was threatened in its very existence they capitalized on this situation and profiled themselves for a new task that was urgently needed. The surveillance of Scientology and Scientologists. The move was successful. The VS stayed in business and actually grew by assimilating the East German STASI (political police of the East German regime). This led to the nickname of the VS as the STASI successor organization. No very flattering but with some truth to it.

    So the VS become busy surveilling Scientology, but in these beginnings and before had nothing to do with anti-terror surveillance which was the task of the BKA which in turn had nothing to do with the surveillance of Scientology.

    So as much as one would like to attribute the attention on Scientology by the VS to a failure in detecting terrorist cells, in reality they were completely unrelated.
    My guess the same may apply to the activities of the US Department of Justice and their temporary focus on Scientology.

    And well and Belgium is another completely different case. The reasons for a weak security apparatus in Belgium have also more to do with the general domestic situation of a weak and split country that cannot agree on security policies and therefore has faltered to have it in place. It has very little to do with a handful of prosecutors going after some criminal activity of Scientology.
    The stories of misdirected attention on Scientology just makes good sound bites in election campaigns and is apparently plausible when printed.

    While there is a lot of shit going on in the world I just hope nobody wants to make the point that small dog shit is less distasteful than horseshit, and just a distraction from it. Yes it comes in smaller volume but it is dog shit never the less. (Whoever had it stuck on his shoes, knows what I am talking about.)
    The attention that is put on the activities of the criminal central core of Scientology (COB, RTC, CMO) is well deserved and needed to stop the dog shit – even though there is a lot more shit going on that also deserves attention.

  15. Distraction seems to be the name of the game when governments rule via the news media. Little out-groups like scientology have always been easy targets, as attacking them won’t cost politicians many votes, or cost journalists any readership.
    The rise in food prices is due partly to the speculation in “renewable energy” as agricultural land gets turned over to ethanol and biodiesel fuel production. All part of the hoax that carbon dioxide is causing global waarming, and very profitable for those same gangsters.

  16. Hmmm. Interesting. I guess I can just point out that the enforcement and investigatory apparatus that is applied to frauds like Scientology is entirely separate and apart from the apparatus applied to violent and incendiary international security threats such as ISIS/Daesh, or whatever.

    This is a curious intellectual exercise, but folks should remember not to take it too far afield. I mean, the idea that the intelligence and judicial assets of the nations in question is limited such that a domestic fraud investigation would in any way impact resources for national security operations is just naive, to say the least. No, the investigations into Scientology did not in any way diminish or draw from any nation’s capacity to track terrorism. No, the fact of no prosecutions of banksters in the US has nothing to do with the fact of investigations of Scientology. The more likely correlation is in the *failure to prosecute or seize assets* in both cases — in the US money talks, and the scientology cult has thus far been insulated against any meaningful judicial action by its wealth. But it doesn’t nearly have the juice that banksters, insurance fraudsters, and financiers have in the western world. So, now they get fed into the “outrageous injustice machine”, and so it goes.

    It would be one distraction or another, in any case. If the evil cult is thrown under the bus to distract the stupid masses from what is going on, and is destroyed in the process, fine with me. There will be distractions, and the stupid masses will take the bait, no matter what I do. That’s my take on it, anyway.

  17. Doesn’t David Miscavige have a restraining order against him in Texas for domestic terrorism?

    The Squirrel Busters were domestic terrorists. O.S.A. was running domestic terrorism schemes and plots.


  18. David Miscavige is a terrorist. OSA is a domestic terrorist group. The Squirrel Busters were domestic terrorists.

  19. The fact that this “church” has brought upon itself, through public outcry, multiple investigations in multiple times and places, shows that it is a public nuisance, at the very least, and at worst is something that poses real danger to freedom and the public good had it been allowed to continue on its merry way unchallenged. So I don’t think any effort has been wasted on investigating them, past or present. It has allowed a thorough public dissection of their methods which has preempted them from growing more powerful and dangerous. Yes, they are guilty of causing resources to be assigned to them which could have been put to better use had this “church” actually been at its core what it presented itself to be, rather than what it evolved into. But that is just one more reason on a long list of why they ####.

  20. Martin Padfield

    I’d like to think – naively probably – that if nothing else what’s happening in France and the case in Belgium will highlight the real cause of these atrocities which isn’t “ISIS” or “terrorism”, it’s fundamentalism in my view. The abuses of Scientology don’t compare to what happened in Paris, but there is still so little understanding of HOW intelligent people can be got into a frame of mind that picking up an automatic weapon and slaughtering innocent civilians in the name of ____ (add your God or religion here). I read a fascinating essay (it’s long but worth it) http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ on this subject. The case against Scientology in Belgium might look like a sideshow, but anything that educates and highlights what fundamentalism is and how it can breed abuse is to be supported. The young men who brought AK47s and grenades into Paris were only carrying out God’s Will as far as they were concerned. The techniques employed in getting such people to commit such atrocities are similar. Convince them that are emissaries of God’s will; that they are the enlightened ones and the non-believers are evil, or at least have little or no value; that their guru’s or prophet’s words are divine truth and should be taken literally; that they have a DUTY to bring their version of the truth to the world; to create an “us and them” mentality; that doing such will bring untold rewards, usually in the afterlife. This is a combination of suggestive techniques, peer pressure and simple psychology. If anyone be in any doubt how easy it is to get people to do things they wouldn’t dream of doing normally, just watch some Derren Brown videos.

  21. Mark –

    Your post is made up of 4 paragraphs.

    I’ve read each one very carefully, and here is what I think you are saying:

    In paragraphs 1 and 2, you seem to be saying that because Germany’s largest domestic spy network was riveted on Scientology in Hamburg, they missed the 9/11 terrorists who were planning, training, and staging their terrorist attacks on the world trade center in Hamburg, too.

    Is that correct?

    In your 3rd paragraph, you say that from 2009 to 2011, the Justice Department assigned some of its most trained and decorated agents to make a case against Scientology and its leader David Miscavige. But during that time and since they have failed to prosecute any of the people in the financial sector who caused the economic crash of 2007-2008.

    Are you saying in your 3rd paragraph that because the US Justice department put its most trained and decorated agents on Scientology through 2009 to 2011, that it has failed to do anything about those responsible for the financial collapse from 2008 until today?

    In your final paragraph, you say that Belgium is presently prosecuting Scientology. You also say that the latest Paris terrorist attacks were planned and staged in Belgium.

    In this paragraph, are you saying that because Belgium is prosecuting Scientology, they were distracted off of and missed the terrorists who plotted the most recent Paris attacks?

    You seem to be saying in your post that when justice officials around the world pay attention to Scientology, that this causes them to miss violent terrorist activity and financial criminal activity in their countries.

    Is that what you are saying?


  22. It’s not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

    Barack Obama

    This is David Miscavige and his private C.I.A. (O.S.A.). Clinging to guns and religion. Antipathy to people who aren’t like them. Obama was referring to “small town people” when he gave this address in Pennsylvania. Where is David Miscavige from? Pennsylvania. Under his “leadership” the Church of Scientology has become “small time” thinkers . Yes, these people can be dangerous. Where do you think the U.S, military gets the highest percentage of his soldiers from?

    According to the Defense Department, 44% of all military recruits came from the South, despite it having only 36% of the country’s 18-24 year-old civilian population.


  23. Yes, we often argue over a bowl of rice, while we miss the silo. And perhaps some would also like us to do so.

    The rights fight the lefts, the theist the atheists, women fight men, while we all work and grand wealth and authority to a handful few, who put others to work. It seems like a divide and conquer kind of a strategy, as well as a diversion of attention, from an actual opponent.

    Whether they put others to fight so they can do that work, or whether we have them do this to us, because we fight, is a ‘chicken or egg’ kind of a question.

    Yesterday, I read that an employer got arrested in Britain for stating she wouldn’t hire Muslim employees, while in Germany -according to that channel 4 documentary- some had to sign papers that they’re not Scientologists before they could get hired. It seems it’s so dangerous to be brainwashed. Or was that not the reason?

    It seems some are very picky what they consider to be discrimination, abuse, brainwashing, exploitation etc. And I say all that without intending to support nor to offend any party.

  24. This line of reasoning might also account for why the fires of anti-Scientology sentiment have continued to blaze – to an extent that is out of proportion with far greater atrocities than the church has been committing. In other words, those fires may have been deliberately fanned.

    To one degree or another, the anti-Scn websites might also be pawns in all this, with some posters firing up others and getting them to focus on their bad experiences in an unhealthy way. I’m glad some of the sites and posters have had the insight to go on to bigger and better things.

  25. Hey Mark –

    I don’t mean to be badgering you about this. I just thought that because you made it into a post on your blog, you might want to discuss it.

    If not, that’s okay.


  26. Who are the handful of people you are referring to? My wife says that Obama promised to make groceries/produce cheaper and failed miserably.
    You say others are to blame? Any names?

  27. Beautifully said.

  28. “Little out-groups like scientology have always been easy targets, as attacking them won’t cost politicians many votes…”

    Hi David. Forgive me, but the reality is that no politicians in the States, just one in Australia, and a tiny handful in Europe have concerned themselves with Scientology’s abuses and criminal behaviour. The amount of time taken up worldwide by the courts in prosecuting Scientology is practically zero in the great scheme of things.

    So it can’t be called a (deliberate governmental) distraction by any stretch of the imagination.

  29. “Notice what’s been happening with your grocery bills over the past seven years? Ever wonder why?”

    Monetary inflation caused by the Fed printing like mad. The US gov stopped reporting correct inflation figures in mid 1979.

  30. Path of Buddha

    Thanks for the excellent link. I read the entire article.
    Radical muslims executed about 100,000 Buddhist monks in India in the 13-14th centuries. They also burned the largest library and university in India at the time. After a brief revival, Buddhism was wiped out of India for the second time. The sacred texts had to be hidden in Sri Lanka.
    In Myanmar in the last few weeks, despite only 2% of the population being muslim, there has been conflict including violence.
    Thanks again for the link. I found it very well writte.

    Needless to say,

  31. Path of Buddha

    I found it very well written.

  32. Was there a word you didn’t understand?

    You do seem ready for a star rate checkout.

  33. Distraction Tech is also used every time there is a major flap in scientology.

  34. What your I.A.S. donations buy, domestic terrorism:

  35. Lol

  36. Path of Buddha

    Anyone tracking Scientology from a serious, responsible position of authority needs to know these key facts about the subject. The threats of intended world domination have been going on for over forty years from a smaller and smaller base. The desperate claims about the “Super Power” project being the vehicle of expansion into the future have proven to be totally false. The conceit of Scientology since Hubbard’s death in 1986 has been rejected by the general public. Reading about Lisa McPherson after twenty years, makes one wonder about how criminal charges against the religion were avoided. In a period of declining religious belief, Hubbard’s claims about his role as the anti-Christ seems totally out of touch with reality. In my opinion, Scientology gets very dangerous when an unsuspecting public person takes it to seriously. From my blog reading this week, I gleaned that Lisa McPherson did feel guilty for not saving the planet. Reading the article from the Atlantic Monthly about what ISIS really wants, I cannot help but notice how the anti-messiah fits into the text based salvation contained in the middle eastern religion. Except here the anti-messiah is defeated by Jesus. So the power of religious symbology over the mind is common to both but in different ways. The hope of Scientology actually died over the last twenty years when its upper level “technology” fell far short of expectations.


  37. Could not have said it better myself. Thanks for the astute observation, Marty

  38. Martin Padfield

    Thanks George – it is an astonishing read and I would urge anyone to invest half an hour and read the whole thing. Some of the conclusions may make uncomfortable reading but spouting platitudes like “ISIS are UN-Islamic” aren’t going to solve anything and will only make a proper understanding of this phenomena even harder. In the same way on a different level, a KSW zealot has every right to call people like me “squirrels”. And I’m sure if DM and RTC could get away with it, we’d all be beheaded or quietly done away with too.

    Yesterday on Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show (7.3 million listeners) was urging British Muslims to phone in and condemn the Paris attacks. A few did. But Muslims who call the Islamic State un-Islamic are typically, as the Princeton scholar Bernard Haykel, the leading expert on the group’s theology pointed out, “embarrassed and politically correct, with a cotton-candy view of their own religion” that neglects “what their religion has historically and legally required.” Many denials of the Islamic State’s religious nature, he said, are rooted in an “interfaith-Christian-nonsense tradition.” It is well known that well over a quarter of British Muslims have
    at least some sympathy for ISIS, if not outright support. “To call them un-Islamic appears, to me, to invite them into an argument that they would win.” Says Graeme Wood in the article.

    So far as I see it, ISIS are the most Islamic of Muslims, Sunnis anyway, albeit in a literal and fundamentalist way. But the likelihood of the sacred texts being watered down to be palatable in a Western 21st Century style is improbable. Who would dare even suggest such a thing? It’s likely to be long struggle.

  39. Marty,
    Thanks for this commentary. It’s timely given the “terrorist” events and threats that are engulfing media, both mainstream and alternative. I guess the question is who, how and why this is taking place. The following video gives some of the answer:

    And as Thich Nhat Hanh stated, “In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.”

    All the best to you and yours.


  40. Alanzo has succinctly written up what I was thinking while reading your post. I’m having a hard time understanding what’s behind the post — I have been looking forward to your too-infrequent postings, and this one almost sounds like you are have returned to the fold, or I could interpret it to mean that if scn weren’t run by the SP DM and his cohorts (including you when you were one of them), some of these things would not have happened in the first place..

    That being said, I really don’t think it’s an either-or situation. Are there not enough resources to fight more than one battle? Should any security or investigative department limit itself to only one investigation?

  41. The Sea Org is a third dynamic, not a fourth. There are third dynamics in that third dynamic. Each Org is a different third dynamic.

    They think they are a fourth dynamic group, they are not, and never have been. They are a third dynamic, and they have become a liability to the forth dynamic, mankind. They soak up valuable resources such as court and government attention and staff, and they do not even pay taxes to support these other third dynamics they heavily tax. They are a financial and resource burden on several governments in more than a few countries.

    They have what looks to be, and is, a military compound in Riverside county that is stocked with weapons, soldiers, security officers and they even have a “look out” marksman. It wreaks of domestic terrorism. They have a history of be willing to frame people, give false reports to government authorities and courts, and infiltrate the government. They have a history of criminality and abuse. They have a history of domestic terrorism. Their buildings in L.A. are swarming with security people as if each of them were a fkn Embassy! They have hate targets, psychiatrists, judges, critics and former members. They work and spend to oppress. The solders will purger themselves in courts of law and attack on command. They make a mockery of laws by using these to gain advantage. They have wealth to bribe and fight, harm attack and suppress.

    They are a lingering threat to society as a rogue fringe third dynamic religious fanatic group in an extremist region.

    They suck up attention as a menacing particle in society. People react and try to handle the danger condition, while other situations fester that become more serious. The Church has an ethnic cleansing hate goal to wipe out an entire segment of society, mental health professionals. They are a danger to fellow citizens. Governments have a duty to keep an eye on domestic terrorists. And the Church of Scientology has gone into the identity of a domestic terrorist. It has adherents that slave in appalling conditions and violate other citizens on command. They are a security threat. Or they were, until David Miscavige started the shake downs that bought forth mass exodus’ from the Church.

    They gave him enough rope to hang himself, and he did. Now they are just watching him swing. It is fairly apparent his culture as a hate group is diminishing in support and membership, and he was just a dev t particle.

  42. The better the spy network or agency the less efficient it appears. So you do not know if it only appears inefficient or if it is really an inefficient hobby spy thing.
    All intelligence German spy networks needed to know they had already since mid 80ies. As a wild guess they infiltrated Scientology at that time efficiently.
    (side comment: it has been found out while trying to ban NPD [a very right wing political party in Germany] that a bunch of the top leaders of them had been spies.)

    Did you know that the real hot stuff is written with old fashioned typewriters to avoid any form of electronic surveillance? It looks odd but is the most efficient way to avoid uncover. Or in other words: we have no idea of the efficiency of German spy networks. If we would know then it would not be a spy network.

  43. Don’t hold back, Oracle, tell us how you REALLY feel! LOL I totally admire your description of all this. It’s amazingly astute, IMO. Thank you.

  44. “… these peoples continuous obsession with Scientology is proof of its effective workability …”

    That statement takes a special kind of stupid.

  45. Dammit, where’s the Like button for this? Excellent response, thanks.

  46. Path of Buddha

    A Muslim woman passed by me the morning after the Paris attacks in a retail store. We were alone in an isolated place. My mind adverted to the pictures from the internet. She was very careful to avoid me. I sensed at least a little bit of moral shame. This is a moral quality which, in my opinion, more Muslims need to practice.
    Two of the key points in the Atlantic article concerned the need for territory and the enhanced fertility of Muslims. It is amazing that there can still be women in slavery in radical Islam. The twisted logic to justify the nature of the classification of human beings is, in my opinion, derived from greed.
    Btw, the sources used for the article had a deeper understanding of the religion that I found refreshing. I recommend the article to all.

  47. The world, and by world I’m referring to what we generally refer to as being the physical universe including, of course, all its multi-dimensions, is one extremely clever distraction. The world is a distraction that continually fragments into all manner of distractions with each distraction begetting more distraction. Thus, when we find ourselves distracted, more often than not, we are being distracted from a preferred distraction that we don’t consider as being a distraction at all.

    The question to ask is…if indeed the world is one big distraction as I state…who or what exactly is being distracted and what is it being distracted from? And why?

    Here’s a treat. Check out the lyrics to this song.

  48. The seeds of terror and and oppression were sown into the religion of Islam from the very beginning. An in depth look at Mohammad reveals that he was a politician and a con man who sought a life of luxury for himself and iron fisted domination for all others. His opinion became law and all other opinions were to be punished. There were enough morals taken from other religions built in to Islam to make it appealing to the masses. The basic rules and tenants of Islam are totally antipathetic to the American Constitution. Although not actively killing infidels, there are several hundred million people world wide who agree that insulting Mohammad should be punished by up to death. Do not believe in free speech. Do not believe in freedom of religion. That lying to achieve the purpose of Islam is perfectly acceptable. That Sharia law should be imposed on others, by force if necessary. Tolerance is a virtue. Foolish tolerance can be deadly. I strongly suggest that people look and learn for themselves.

    This may sound hypocritical coming from someone of my beliefs. My religion and its leadership has its own difficulties, as demonstrated by recent events. It will have to go through a reformation, similar to the Jewish reformation if it is to survive. Our saving grace may be our most basic of ideals, to look and learn for oneself.

    PS: Martin Luther, the man who broke away from the Catholic church and founded the Protestant movement of the Christian religion, was a strong anti Semite who believed that Jews should be relegated to a lower class of citizen, should have their money and property seized, and should be driven out of Europe. The Catholic church, because of financial reasons, had followed a policy of live and let live toward the Jews before Luther’s time.

    My point? That no group to date is free from the inner desire to dominate others.

  49. Do I sound like a xenophobic bigot?
    Far from it. Remove the controlling and harmful elements of these groups and they can be a worthwhile credit to the human race. Religion is a necessary element of society. It is the founder of the idea that there is a such thing as right and wrong. The knowledge that we are more than just animals and that living together in peace is better than the alternatives.

    The evils associated with various groups have always been imposed and enforced by particular individuals for their own purposes of control and the serving of self. The evil is spread through society by enforced indoctrination and by pandering to the base emotions. A desire to feel self righteous is a common aberration which is always used by evil individuals to garner widespread agreement. Using people’s faults against them is an effective and time honored practice and method of control.

  50. When referring to the criminal banking system as a reason that Scientology is a minor subject in comparison you are absolutely right, but I don’t think that same assumption is valid when it comes to terrorism.
    Given that Scientology at one point in its history had well over 250.000 adherents in its history, whose lives will, on a big part, have been negatively impacted, and look at the absolute numbers of those impacted by terrorism, I guess terrorism will come out on top here in terms of harm done, but not by that large a margin.
    The whole terrorism threat is completely blown out of proportion by media and interested politicians that have an agenda to drive through ever more freedom restricting legislation. Sure, when something happens it is really bad but noone gives shit about > 30000 victims in traffic accidents every year and those deaths aren’t any cleaner. Still this is a price society as a whole, and you every time you sit in a car, is willing to pay for mobility. And we as a society should finally recognize that terrorist attacks are the price we have to pay for freedom. The alternative is living in a police state and that is something my ancestors fought and died to get rid of it

  51. The KKK is a domestic terrorist group. How many people are protesting about these guys? We seem alright to live with our own domestic terrorists if they fly under the banner of “Christians”. We have a lot of domestic terrorist groups in our own country, that we seem to co habitate with, with out too much protest. We let the KKK run around with a license to harm attack and suppress. If someone from another country does it though, we get bent out of shape. Let’s take care of our own domestic terrorists. We grow them and nurture them here. Even protect them.

  52. Exactly what you said.

  53. Hear hear! We watched a movie last night “Midnight Ride” (when rogue politicians call for martial law). I agree with Dr Faust.

  54. I would like to think that governments have not been so stupid as to ignore terrorism in order to put resources toward cults like Scientology. The threat of terrorism — specifically Islamic terrorism, words which many leaders seem unable to speak — can hardly be overstated. Since 9/11 there have been over 27,000 Islamist attacks around the world. The attacks happen almost daily and they happen at two main “friction points” — (1) where Shiites and Sunnis clash; and (2) where Islam comes up against or in serious contact with any culture that is not Islamic. While Scientology has some blood on its hands at least through negligence, it does not pose an existential threat to Western civilization, much less humanity.

  55. Today I wanted to watch Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief which I bookmarked 2 weeks ago at Netflix Luxembourg, but it disappeared 😦 netflix replied, they did not renew license? strange

  56. Google Will Durant 80 million Hindus, then google The Shores of Tripoli. One of the reasons the US formed a constitution was because the Articles of Confederation did not provide for a Navy.

    They needed a navy to sail to Tripoli to tell the Pasha’s they would pay no more tribute for safe passage through the Mediterranean. 10 percent of our GDP was going for extortion. They were stealing our ships with their swift Corsairs, stealing the booty and enslaving our citizens. If the citizens tried to escape they were impaled through there anus alive up through their mouth. They were then posted in the prison to act as a warning. So we capitulated for a while. Then we had it!

    The North African Muslims denied our navy. We bombed the shit out of them, prevailed, and established our first foreign office consulate.

    This is not the first time we b doin da tango wit dem. Waaaaaaay before we even had a foreign policy. But google what happened to India (Hindus and Buddhists) from the 700s till 1100s.

  57. Neither are the terrorist attacks in and of themselves. The danger posed by terrorist attacks lies in the effect they have on the minds of the general population, which overestimates individual risk of being struck by a terrorist incident by several orders of magnitudes. This is thanks to the media which thrives on ratings and unsettling rhetoric from politicians..
    Fear enables those in power to serve the short term interests of a select few and something the people would reject under ordinary circumstances.

    Know this: We have come to a point where due to failed western foreign policy nothing in the world, short of ethnic cleansing and totalitarian dictatorship, will ever be able to prevent another occurrence like in Paris in the foreseeable future. Of course we should try, but there comes a point when society must recognize diminishing marginal utility of further policing actions and turn to other matters, and those matters must include Scientology as well because they are not much less harmful than terrorism.

    As to the phenomenon of islamist terror: Many of the middle eastern countries used to be very secular. So was Iran. But it served both the economic and cold war interests of the western world better to attempt to install rulers that are friendly to us instead of non-intervention, with Iraq just being the latest spectacular failure in trying to do so.
    We are reaping what we’ve been sowing for over a century of imperialism.

  58. Martin Padfield

    The problem with this argument is that the terrorists have an agenda, and that agenda includes the eradication of all the freedoms your – and my – ancestors fought for. In the case of ISIS it is the creation of a caliphate, a government that recognises no borders and respects no other belief system. What would that government look like? Like Raqqa in Syria – a hellhole of murder, stonings, subjugation and oppression on every level under the “law” of Sharia. Truly, read the article referenced above and here to understand what ISIS is all about and why they will not stop unless stopped. http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/03/what-isis-really-wants/384980/ Here in London during the Blitz what freedoms did we have? Not much – everyone was under suspicion, there was constant curfews and restrictions on free movement. Was it worth it to destroy Nazi Germany? In my view categorically yes.

  59. It seems that you are saying that by pursuing the illegal activities of Scientology the law enforcers were ignoring other criminals and crimes. Well maybe but you and I both know that huge sums of money was hidden away in secret accounts all over Europe in the name of Sea Org reserves while Sea Org members and staff people starved and lived in squalor. Up to 90% and more of a churches Gross Incoem could be ripped out to pay money into these accounts. I would love to follow that money trail and see where it leads to one day. Are you going soft on Scientology?

  60. Following is an excerpt from Chapter 12 of A Course in Miracles:

    “You have been told not to make error real, and the way to do this is very simple. If you want to believe in error, you would have to make it real because it is not true. But truth is real in its own right, and to believe in truth you do not have to do anything. Understand that you do not respond to anything directly, but to your interpretation of it. Your interpretation thus becomes the justification for the response. That is why analyzing the motives of others is hazardous to you. If you decide that someone is really trying to attack you or desert you or enslave you, you will respond as if he had actually done so, having made his error real to you. To interpret error is to give it power, and having done this you will overlook truth.

    “The analysis of ego-motivation is very complicated, very obscuring, and never without you own ego-involvement. The whole process represents a clear-cut attempt to demonstrate your own ability to understand what you perceive. This is shown by the fact that you react to your interpretations as if they were correct. You may then control your reactions behaviorally, but not emotionally. This would obviously be a split or an attack on the integrity of your mind, pitting one level within it against another.”


  61. Indeed, the ideology behind ISIS is bad and runs counter to our values.
    But you are mixing two very different concepts in your reasoning. One is dealing with domestic terrorism, and one is the concept of warfare as seen in world war two.

    ISIS has no means whatsoever of inflicting _meaningful_ damage to our industrial production and population. Its only weapon is fear, and as I have laid out in several of my postings here, a fear of a risk that is miniscule in actuality, amplified by media, pop culture and politicians to epic proportions.

    As to the war aspect that you have brought into the argument: This is no enemy as we’ve seen in world war two. What we’re seeing is asymmetrical warfare. There is no way to win this war by means of precision ammunition, and not even with ground troops. The Iraq war is testament to this, and George W. Bush and his cronies are directly responsible for the situation we have on our hands.

  62. Martin Padfield

    I might add that I don’t know anybody who WANTS governmental interference in their daily lives. But MI6 and GCHQ and the CIA have been able to hack into my smartphone for some time; intelligence services across the world can study pretty much anybody’s internet history. It’s a bummer but there it is. On the flip side, the internet has enabled anyone to access pretty much all the government’s dirty secrets too. Tit-for-tat really. Secrecy doesn’t really exist any more anyway.

    As for the terrorist threat being blown out of proportion, in the last six months alone seven, that’s seven, terror attacks have been prevented in the UK. In six months. Yes, my daughters are far more likely to get injured or die in a traffic accident, of course. But I can stomach that danger – awful a prospect as it is. Not least because I have a modicum of control over it. I have drilled the green cross code into her to a point of near brainwashing; I will do anything I can to prevent her getting into a car with young testosterone filled young men, and so on. Can I stomach bringing them up in a world where man’s inhumanity to man is woven in to the fabric of society? Where such random evil defines the environment in which they live? Where there is a real risk that if they aren’t themselves injured or killed they will certainly have friends who HAVE been affected? There are plenty of organisations here in the UK who will be watching our rulers like a hawk: 38 Degrees, Liberty and others. I trust them to keep the government in check, as I have to, as I also must trust the government to do what they can.

  63. “ISIS has no means whatsoever of inflicting _meaningful_ damage to our industrial production and population. Its only weapon is fear, and as I have laid out in several of my postings here, a fear of a risk that is miniscule in “actuality,”

    And if they get hold of weapons of mass destruction?

  64. And When IS gets hold of weapons of mass destruction ?

  65. “The representatives of the Church of Scientology have created many legal conflicts by themselves by restricting the religious freedom through the use of trade marks,” the Ministry of Justice said.


    They got it right in Russia. Miscavige restricts religious freedom. They must have seen the Squirrel Busters video?

  66. Under Commander Miscavige, restricting religious freedom, caught on video.

  67. Church of Scientology loses this much territory today:

  68. “The Moscow City Court on Monday (Nov. 23) accepted arguments from the Justice Ministry that the term “Scientology” is trademarked and thus cannot be considered a religious organization covered by the constitution’s freedom-of-religion clause.”

    Seems like a valid point. Makes me wonder if law makers in other counties are going to have a cognition?


  69. Martin Padfield

    “ISIS has no means whatsoever of inflicting _meaningful_ damage to our industrial production and population”. You jest, surely. If you are serious you really should get educated. Of course the nature of the threat is different. But it is every bit as severe, if not more so. At least with Nazi Germany you knew where you stood. There were X number of Sherman tanks here, Y battalions there. The threat was entirely visible. Not so with the religious zealots of IS. Death is nothing to them – in fact some are quoted as loving death as we worship life. They are well funded , well organised and have a massive international support system. Right here in the UK at LEAST a quarter of Muslims openly sympathise with them – that’s just the ones who admit as much. You think they aren’t right now working on plans to launch cyber warfare against the West? That they aren’t actively seeking biological and dirty bomb materials? Think again. They consider it their RELIGIOUS DUTY to kill as many infidels as possible. No matter how insane it may sound, they truly believe untold rewards lie in wait for them in the afterlife for their deadly actions in this one.

  70. Front page and center on Yahoo feed:

    Scientology ‘Not A Religion,’ Must Leave Moscow.

    Well, the I.R.S. can’t always be on guard to watch over you Dave.

  71. Injustice recoils Dave, I know you’ve seen that policy, why not use a demo kit?

  72. You have been watching too much “24”.

  73. Hey Martin,

    thanks for your reply! I really appreciate the time you spent in presenting your arguments.

    > You jest, surely

    Surely, I’m not.

    As bloody as those incidents are, at most terrorism will be able to do is draw media attention and destroy a symbol. That goes for the WTC as well. The USA are so productive, innovative and strong that even this attack rates as a mosquito bite on a human in comparison. The effects were mostly psychological and gave the political leaders of that country an opportunity to manufacture reasons for invading Iraq, which was idiotic, has been called by many countries in Europe as idiotic before it happened and the consequences now hit Europe in full force.

    I’d like to quote your former prime minister Mr. Blair:
    “Of course you can’t say those of us who removed Saddam in 2003 bear no responsibility for the situation in 2015”
    In spite of the bad decisions Mr. Blair took, he deserves credit for standing up and saying he was wrong.

    > Death is nothing to them – in fact some are quoted as loving death as we worship life.

    I think a lot of this rhetoric is just hot air, seeing that “recruits” are promised and treated with very worldly rewards like slave women, and money. Many Daesh (that’s what ISIS actually calls themselves) fighters aren’t that keen on dying after all and they’re not even that good fighters. They’ve managed to grab control of areas where Sunnis have the majority and fill out power vacuums very quickly, raping, killing and pillaging the weak on the way, but when they meet serious resistance they fold. The valiant Kurds in Rojava with their YPG/J are a testament to this.

    > They are well funded

    Yup. By our friends in Saudi Arabia and our partner in NATO: Turkey. Talk about schizophrenia!

    > at LEAST a quarter of Muslims openly sympathise with them

    Well shit, if that’s true. Maybe it’s time to ask ourselves how it did get to this point so as not to lose the other 3/4 as well?

    > You think they aren’t right now working on plans to launch cyber
    > warfare against the West?

    Cyber warfare? Seriously? I would be really interested to know where you got this from because if I can tell you one thing: This fear has no basis in reality whatsoever. Zero. Nada. The NSA? Yes, they do have serious capabilities sitting on a heap of 0days bought for millions of dollars. But ISIS? A defaced Blog or Website now and then does not count. So no. Just no.

    > That they aren’t actively seeking biological and dirty bomb materials?

    Oh you mean like Saddam’s biological and nuclear weapons? Too bad for them and lucky for us, it’s not all that easy to get hold of this stuff, never mind the difficulty to get that material into our countries and actually setting them off in any meaningful way.

    > It’s a bummer but there it is. On the flip side, the internet has enabled
    > anyone to access pretty much all the government’s dirty secrets too.

    That’s a really interesting thought, it really goes both ways, doesn’t it?

    > Secrecy doesn’t really exist any more anyway.

    You’ve given up already! That really is too bad. You can do something about it. Learn to use PGP encryption and use SSL on websites.
    Total surveillance is one of the pillars of totalitarianism. By the way, it doesn’t really help in the fight against terrorism either. The French have had far reaching data retention and surveillance laws for a long time.

    > As for the terrorist threat being blown out of proportion, in the last six
    > months alone seven, that’s seven, terror attacks have been prevented
    > in the UK.

    I have found this in the daily mail:
    > Police and the security services have prevented several possible terror
    > attacks in Britain over the last 18 months, Scotland Yard commissioner
    > Sir John Stevens said.
    > Sir John told a meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority that he
    > could not go into details but possible attacks had been foiled more
    > than once.

    There is no information about scale of planned attacks, persons involved, time and place, etc.
    Maybe true, maybe not, but I still stand by my assertions in either case.

    > Yes, my daughters are far more likely to get injured or die in a traffic
    > accident, of course.

    That’s been my point from the start. The likelihood of them getting killed in a traffic accident is greater by a factor of 400. I invite you to run the numbers yourself. The UK has 28 deaths from traffic accidents per million inhabitants. And since 2000 we’ve had maybe 60 or 70 deaths from terror in the UK.

    > Where such random evil defines the environment in which they live?

    Well, it does only if you let your mind interpret reality based on these distorted likelihoods. You are the one who sets the example for your daughters. The facts, the numbers, speak a very different language. Cheer up! Our environment is much less hostile than mass media may lead us to believe.

    > There are plenty of organisations here in the UK who will be watching
    > our rulers like a hawk: 38 Degrees, Liberty and others.

    They can do their jobs properly only if they are not being surveilled. I fear it does not go both ways the whole way. Whistleblowers like Snowden are the exception, total surveillance is the rule and systemic.

    Best regards,
    Dr. Faust.

  74. This Muslim man, a Saudi leader, suggests its the Muslim culture that should be addressed, not the religion.

  75. This Muslim man, a Saudi leader, suggests its the Muslim culture that should be addressed, not the religion.

  76. Path of Buddha

    Hi Brian,
    Nice to hear from you!
    I did the Google. 80 MILLION Hindus killed. Even the population of India dropped. Muslim pirates raiding American ships. A long history of violence.
    Thanks for the information.

  77. “Right here in the UK at LEAST a quarter of Muslims openly sympathise with them…”

    Says who? The Sun? Pfft.

  78. Excellent post, doc.

    Although I’ve never seen Blair actually admit he was wrong nor have I seen him apologise for his actions. I long for the day he is made to stand trial for his crimes.

  79. I TOTALLY AGREE. This is a simple but great post.

  80. I couldn’t agree more. Simple but great post.

  81. Great point. The media controls people and most are unaware of how they’re thoughts and feelings are manipulated. The majority of the weapons in the middle east are made in the U.S.. The powers that be do not truly desire world peace.

  82. Great point. The media controls peoples thought and emotions and most are unaware. Most of the weapons in the middle east are made in the USA. The powers that be do not desire world peace.

  83. Belgium has Scientology by the short and curlies.

  84. I cried watching this

  85. Yo Mofo where have you been ?

  86. I think it is less evil than that. Of course there are certain players trying to manipulate by distorting facts so as to push an agenda, like Fox news.
    By and large though, most journalists are well intentioned. I do not believe in a media conspiracy that is out to control our thoughts. There is no need for that to explain what’s going on right now. Ultimately, it is the media consumer that decides what kind of content he wants to see and the ratings drive media towards sensationalism.
    Which ends up putting those consumers in fear of things that are very unlikely to concern them.

  87. Path of Buddha

    This might be seen on two levels. The press does not really understand Scientology so it goes into endless details about trivia. Nonetheless, people like Rathbun, Gibney, Atack, Wright, Ortega etc. do, in my opinion, serve an important fuction. The public is made aware of the dangers of Scientology.
    Governments, except for the Russians, understand even less about Scientology. Thus they waste resources when they should be tracking real threats. I see this every day in Tampa when the innocent are stopped for traffic violations in traps, while criminals are freed.
    Th second level involves current members. Yesterday I learned that an old friend from 35 years ago completed OT VII, Thirty five years of pain and he reached a level designed by Miscavige, not Hubbard. Now this man loves both Miscavige and Hubbard. He is not aware of the betrayal. So it is with Cruise, Travolta etc.. Here on the second level you get destructive distraction. The mystery of Scientology keeps evolving into a deeper mystery. After Miscavige it will, no doubt, fall into deeper mud.
    My friend will probably never know that the OT VIII that he covets is also designed by Miscavige. He will reach a worthless level of “knowing” what he was in the past. He will plan for the future. Don’t we all?
    Hubbard changed radically in his final years. He saw auditing the “genetic entity” as a path to his OT states. It does not matter about the fact that Scientology never produced an OT. It does matter that my friend and the press and the public will never really know Scientology as it was intended.
    Hubbard probably abandoned Scientology when he proclaimed his anti-Christ role and my friend will never know that either.
    Governments like Russia can see the connections between Scientology and former enemies. Having been in the Soviet Union in 1972, I can tell you that people like Kennedy were not viewed as we view them. So it is very easy for the Russians to see business trademarks as absence of religion. We see this in the United States but dismiss it too quiickly. If connections to Islam are ever established, Scientology will fall quickly into the history of religion.

  88. For someone who doesn’t like “victim ex-scientologists who whine” you certainly sound whiny to me. No one is forcing you to read the writings of anyone who has a “continuous obsession with having their entire lives ruined. Not everyone was lucky enough to be a public and get a refund. So maybe you’d be happier reading Freedom Magazine….they like to give their “spin” on things too.

  89. Hi Tom,

    For quite sometime now I have had a couple of “monteisms” that go like this: (1) There is always an earlier beginning, therefore, there is always more to the story. (2) Nothing or no one is what it appears to be nor is it about what it appears to be about. Note: re #2, it originally read “Rarely is anything or anyone…” I had this notion that sometimes something was what it appeared to be, however, I gradually and eventually was disabused from such a notion.

    Tom, you know that Confucius quote…”When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.”…well, in this day and age where mainstream global media (msm) is controlled by only a few powerful entities, it is msm that is the ‘idiot’ that continues to point to the ‘finger’ aka “the puppet.” But, the msm heirarchy that exists below its controllers, because of its multilayered programing, dosen’t even recognize that the puppet is a puppet. Instead, it treats the puppet as if its autonomous. Analogous to the “wise man” is the alternative media and the genuine conspiracy theory researchers that recognize the puppet as being a puppet (an effect) and attempts to point to possible controllers of the puppets as well as offer various speculations and interpretations of the controllers agendas.

    To expand on what General Wesley Clark is saying in the video you shared Tom, I recommend going to YT and searching David Icke Awaken Part 3 and then going to 1:50 in that video where, for about 15min, Icke expands on what Clark is saying. Note, this is 15min out of a four part 10hr conference (2014) where Icke is delivering a comprehensive presentation of his observations and interpretaions over the past 25 years of what he recognizes as being the global controllers and their agendas. Then, for a more recent David Icke non-msm version of what’s going on re the Paris attacks…search YT for Paris Attacks: we terrify you and then we do what we want.

    By the way Tom, I feel I need to make it known that, within my experiential awareness, any instant of observing events of the world that engages me in such a way that I find myself selecting out “good guys” and “bad guys,” including or excluding, believing or disbelieving, is an instant where I have allowed myself to fall into the trap of duality where I am treating a false reality as if it’s a genuine reality. This is the small self at work aka the programmed artificial personality construct that only knows and thinks what it has been cleverly programmed to know and think. If one is ever going to recognize a puppet for being a puppet they will have to become detached from the small self they’re mistakenly identifying as being who they are. And this detachment, more often than not, occurs incrementally with sometimes an occasional surge.

  90. Martin Padfield

    Er, no. Say British Muslims. The margin of error in the survey is about 3.7% but let’s say they are out by a factor of 50%. That would mean there are 270,000 Muslims here who have some or a lot of sympathy with young Muslim men going out to fight in Syria. http://survation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Islamic-Identity-Community-Relations-Survey.pdf#page=9

  91. Hey Tom,

    For quite sometime now I have had a couple of “monteisms” that go like this: (1) There is always an earlier beginning, therefore, there is always more to the story. (2) Nothing or no one is what it appears to be nor is it about what it appears to be about. Note: re #2, it originally read “Rarely is anything or anyone…” I had this notion that sometimes something was what it appeared to be, however, I gradually and eventually was disabused from such a notion.

    You know that Confucius quote…”When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.”?…well, in this day and age where mainstream global media (msm) is controlled by only a few powerful entities, it is msm that is the ‘idiot’ that continues to point to the ‘finger’ aka “the puppet.” But, the msm heirarchy that exists below its controllers, because of its multilayered programing, dosen’t even recognize that the puppet is a puppet (they’re just being the good little robots they were programmed to be). Instead, it treats the puppet as if its autonomous.

    Analogous to the “wise man” is the alternative media and the genuine conspiracy theory researchers that recognize the puppet as being a puppet (an effect at the end of a string) and attempts to point to possible controllers (string pullers) of the puppets as well as offer various speculations and interpretations of the controllers agendas.

    To expand on what General Wesley Clark is saying in the video you shared Tom, I recommend going to YT and searching David Icke Awaken Part 3 and then going to 1:50 in that video where, for about 15min, Icke expands on what Clark is saying. Note, this is 15min out of a four part 10hr conference (2014) where Icke is delivering a comprehensive presentation of his observations and interpretaions over the past 25 years of who he recognizes as being the global controllers and their agendas. Then, for a more recent David Icke non-msm version of what’s going on re the Paris attacks…search YT for Paris Attacks: we terrify you and then we do what we want.

    By the way Tom, I feel I need to make it known that, within my experiential awareness, I recognize that any instant of observing events of the world that engages me in such a way that I find myself selecting out “good guys” and “bad guys,” including or excluding, believing or disbelieving, is an instant where I have allowed myself to fall into the trap of duality where I am treating a false reality as if it’s a genuine reality. This is the small self at work aka the duality programmed artificial personality construct that only knows and thinks what it has been cleverly programmed to know and think. If one is ever going to recognize a puppet for being a puppet they will have to become detached from the small self they’re mistakenly identifying as being who they are. And this detachment, more often than not, occurs incrementally with sometimes an occasional surge.

  92. “Says who? The Sun? Pfft.”

    You are 100% right mwesten! It’s half the Muslims who are sympathisers and want to cut your head off! The other half? They want the first half to cut your head off!

  93. I agree with you for the most part. But I see a slight contradiction in your statements. You don’t see a connection in peoples fear of terrorism and the medias concentration on terrorism? And for what it’s worth FOX isn’t the only war monger out there. NBC is owned by GE, a very large weapon manufacturer.

  94. Well firstly, at no point does the survey mention jihadis or Isis. It asks about sympathy for people going off to fight in Syria. It doesn’t say anything about which faction or “side”.

    Secondly, sympathy is vague enough as a word to be wildly open to interpretation. It does not necessarily mean support.

    “The term ‘Sympathy’ is undertood by most people to mean the understanding of the distress or need of another person.  Empathy and sympathy are often used interchangeably – Empathy meaning the ability to share someone else’s feelings. Both these terms are very different to and not to be confused with agreeing with or supporting those feelings, and this is key to understanding the meaning of our polling.

    “Not conflating Sympathy with ‘Support’ would seem clear to our survey respondents – 30% of young non-muslims had sympathy with ‘young Muslims leaving the UK to join fighters in Syria’ when we polled that group in March. barely lower than the 32% of the same age group of muslims in Monday’s polling.” – Survation*



    * http://survation.com/statement-on-survations-poll-of-muslims-for-the-sun/

  95. Weapons of “Mass Delusion”

  96. > You don’t see a connection in peoples fear of terrorism
    > and the medias concentration on terrorism?

    Sure, there is that connection. Bloody events will draw attention by their very nature. Partly for fear, partly rubbernecking. It creates higher ratings and that is what media will thus concentrate on, creating more fear. It’s a vicious cycle.

    > And for what it’s worth FOX isn’t the only war monger out there.
    > NBC is owned by GE, a very large weapon manufacturer.

    That is another important factor: fear and war mongering serves the interests of an awful lot of people, they don’t necessarily need to exert much influence to get the news cycle going, as it really drives itself but they sure as hell have no intention of stopping it.

  97. I just wanted to say, Hey David Miscavige stop trolling WWP, It’s embarrising.

  98. Marty- I’m a long term lurker on both your & Mike Rinder’s blogs. I’ve watched quietly as you both peeled the onion-layers of darkness, pain, revelations and growth. You’ve earned my respect and admiration working on your self, helping others and speaking out. Thank you for all you do.

  99. Anita good for you re: the news. It’s poison of the highest grade.

  100. An excellent and insightful response, it deserves more attention. Thank you.

  101. christianscientology

    This link http://www.awakeninthedream.com/wordpress/dispelling-wetiko/ and the accompanying website is a must read/listen for any Scientologist or ex-Scientologist. Enjoy! Pip

  102. Path of Buddha

    Hi Pip!
    “In 1981 Paul was drafted into a higher-dimensional shamanic initiation process which mimicked psychosis but was an experience of a far different order. A healer, Paul is in private practice helping others who are also spiritually awakening. Now, Psychiatrists study and consult with him and send him clients. As the ex-bookstore manager of the C. G. Jung Foundation of New York, Paul has been studying Jung’s work for 25 years. He is a long-time Tibetan Buddhist practitioner. ”

    I went to the site and read part of his book. I found the above thumbnail after some research. He sounds interesting. I had experience with shamanic mediums in Western New England in the Berkshires about six years ago. They were helping to heal a friend. I noticed that Paul was Tibetan Buddhist because the Suttas he refers to are derivatives written at a later date. I like the positive healing approach implied in the book.

  103. Why Moscow can’t view Scientology as a “religion”. Agents and Intelligence forces created and managed by David Miscavige:


  104. Not so fast, Oracle. Marty states “. . .all the while Germany’s law enforcement intelligence apparatus was chasing scientology.”

    IMO this is a huge generality and probably unsustainable by facts due to the clandestine nature of government spying. Perhaps Marty is just generating discussion. Alonzo’s queries are valid.

  105. I just finished reading through this post for the second time. The amount of “collective wisdom” on Marty’s posts continues to satisfy me. I could easily have written a reply to each of the commenters above.

  106. Aargh – That doesn’t sound right. How about: The comments and collective wisdom on Marty’s posts continues to please and inform me.

  107. When not even destraction becomes…

  108. Oh well, at the end of the day what happened? Miscavige showed up for his glory moment in this theater, only to discover the Internet proved to be an inconvenience, People sharing information with others turned out to be his poison and wow if that doesn’t reconcile the books. O.K. well WOGS outdistanced him, and he took a hit for the team. How very ordinary.

  109. Good evening.
    Scn has already engaged in several close connections to the Nation of Islam. You probably know this already, but some may not have become aware of it.

  110. One thing is for sure, Donald Trump must have Miscavige in a tizzy. He wants to ban Muslims, can you imagine his plan for Scientologists? Trump even looks like a bigger version of DM. Laughter! He looks like DM blown up 10X. He has ethnic cleansing goals just like Miscavige too. Miscavige is after the psychs and Trump is after the Muslims. Two peas in a pod. Laughter! Trump will go after Scientology and Miscavige and chew him up like a piece of bubble gum, then stick him to the bottom of a desk. Dave’s problems aren’t with Daddy anymore. His $$$ accounts will be seized. His passport confiscated. Trump is seeking religious targets. Dangerous religious sects.And Miscavige has set the Church up to qualify.

  111. I wonder whether Trump is really against Muslims or it’s just another game to draw and fix attention in. Much like in the COS, that anti-psych game, that motivated people to donate and to do things ‘now now now’ (even involuntarily), ‘or else we’re lost forever’.

    Those constant emergencies -like war- draw and fix attention, and people hide in their shells, and feel urged to do something about it (PTP), and they follow those who claim they do something about. Those last ones are probably the ones who create the problem, in the first place.

  112. David Cooke, I agree that ethanol production is crazy, but human contribution to global warming is irrefutable, wouldn’t you agree? Along that line I wonder why climate experts seldom if ever mention population control. If it’s this bad with 7 billion humans, what will it be like with 9 billion.(nearly a 30% increase) Worldwide free birth control to those who want it would seem to be a lot cheaper than multi-million dollar scrubbers on all the smokestacks.

  113. “Cheer up! Our environment is much less hostile than mass media may lead us to believe.”

    I read an article a while back wherein the writer presented statistics to show that the world is now “safer” than it has ever been. I don’t have the reference, but to me that is intuitively correct. With respect and sympathy to those in hot spots of the world, in my opinion most people in the world would feel safe walking down the street.

    Also in my opinion civilization as a whole is progressing toward more rather than less sanity. Debateable to be sure, but the current decline of Scientology would be one small example of that.

  114. There is a strange kind of magic in this universe, People believe their own words once spoken. As if speaking, makes it so. Because, ha, if someone can duplicate you, it must be so. When they are only contributing to you mocking up a new reality. If you give a person an item, and they accept it, it becomes truth. Co conspiracies = new truths. And that is power. So people create new truths by words. And if they are pushing hate, and speak to people on that purpose line, they will create hate. And once you have someone pinned on their purpose, you can control them. And use them as weapons. And create truths to justify purpose. Purpose is always senior to policy. So people will create policy (truth) to forward policy. A lot of people never share their personal policy. But you can understand their purpose by knowing their policy. Because they invent policy to serve purpose. So, you can know people by their policy.

  115. Once you get that, you can know others. Just look at the policy they are operating off of. It is really that easy. Maybe too damned easy. It is so mathematical and it adds up to a sum.

  116. Yes, I know that thing where you wind up believing your own lies. It’s like self-brainwashing. But I don’t think it always occurs. One could lie and know it–at least for a while.

    And this sort of ‘power’ is about brainwashing too. What sort of power would such a person have if his words had no effect on others? Even a king would be disregarded. Obviously, they know that, and so they try to convince they are powerful. And ‘you’ read that conviction, to get ‘informed’ 😛

  117. Pingback: When Distraction Becomes Destructive | my scientology blog

  118. Alanzo, I too had those questions, and I would draw the same conclusions to the ones you have asked Marty to confirm.

    In addition I would add the following extra question for Marty:

    Are you implicitly criticizing Scientology for causing these distractions, or are you criticizing the intelligence services for being overly distracted by Scientology?

  119. It’s also the kind of self-revealing overblown ego-out-of-control condition that every ancient tradition worth its salt warns against. Why? Because the Rudra always exposes itself eventually. In fact, as much as anything, it becomes an Ouroboros that eventually consumes itself with all the manipulation and work it puts in to maintain the myth. The question is how much harm it does in the meantime.

  120. That is so sad. So tragic. I’m sorry you & your family have to deal with such a profound, ongoing loss.

  121. Thank you for your kind words Lixen. We are grateful for our many blessings and dream of bright reunions to come Please tell your story?

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