How Dave and Tom spend your donations

Here is some video footage demonstrating how the contributions of Church of Scientology members are being spent by their dear leader David Miscavige and the fellow he shares a very unhealthy and unnatural relationship with, Tom Cruise.  I gave Tom the benefit of the doubt up to this day, even though I am in possession of information that suggests to colleagues of mine that I am overly “reasonable” for being so magnaminous.  My last post was intended to give Tom one last chance to demonstrate he is not continuing to actively support the suppression of Scientology and Scientologists with Dave.  Having seen no sign of that, I am preparing to put ethics in over the coming weeks. It will be chronicled on this blog. It is being done in consideration of the greatest good for the greatest number of dymanics, including ultimately the benefit of Tom (though it may be lifetimes before he recognizes that).

Guide to video: The first clip is across the street from a Mexican restaurant in Corpus Christi, 2nd and 3rd clips are from the Corpus Christi Airport, and final clip is at my home in Ingleside, Texas. It is in sequence and records the events of Tuesday this past week.

Boys, you don’t scare me and cannot. I am not afraid to die. I, apparently unlike yourselves, have complete certainty of my spiritual nature and believe it or not of your spiritual nature too.

154 responses to “How Dave and Tom spend your donations

  1. It does my heart good- really, really good that I am not donating one red cent to the “church of” any more.

    To think I subsidized that kind of behavior for all those years. If I only had known.

    As for Laurel and Hardy….it’s amateur night. They are not going to stop delivery in the independent field. Not even for a moment.

    Sovereign Scientologist

  2. Dave Adams

    My first impression is that it sure would be fun to bullbait the PI’s and get them on film cracking up….But that would be mean, they are just doing their job.

    Well it seems.

    I doubt they know much about scientology, and are probably thrilled to have such a lucrative assignment from a deep pocket client.

    The filming cant have any useful purpose, other than to harass. Expensively.

    This does not seem to be a fiduciarily responsible activity by the church.

    When donations are collected for one purpose and used for another, it is fraud.

  3. Impartial English Girl

    Good luck Mr. Rathbun! It’s great to see that my fellow-countryman John Sweeney hasn’t been put off by Little Tommy D. I SO can’t wait to see the documentary you’re working on with him.

  4. It’s very sad that someone with decent tv and film equipment can’t get a legitimate legal job working creatively in the arts.

    Is this the San Antonio license plate holder who wants a career in film and television? Or did he hire the biggest piece of flesh he could find, and a Laurel sidekick to match, thinking that would be intimidating?

    The thing about guys like this being money-motivated is that there are others willing to pay mo bettah.

    What a cess pool.

  5. If Tom Cruise can’t wake-up and walk away from this abusive cult leader, he deserves all the horrible public relations trouble coming his way.

  6. …or should I say, And so the food chain in a cess pool goes on. Which begets the question for the tiny boss man: Who can tiny boss man really trust?

    Another stellar PR move by the “Church” of Intimidatology.

    What a Waste.

  7. Marty, I thought I didn’t scare anymore but these thugs caused my heart to start pounding.

    It’s quite scary.

    Was the English gentleman talking to the PIs, the journalist from the BBC?

    My prayers (postulates) are with you for your safety, Mosey’s and the others — may you live a really long time so that you can enjoy seeing the fruit of your hard work! LRH and Scientology flourishing and corporate dmology gone.

    (dmology said quickly is demonology)

    It won’t be long …


  8. はいどら

    Thanks Marty, keep it up!

    Why is the atmosphere so grim though? Smile 😉

  9. Really now, just how much footage does Miscavige need? Imagine how many hours between you and Mike and the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent. Pure stupidity!
    Do whatever you need to do Marty, obviously Tom is totally enamored with Dave and needs a good jolt of reality to wake the hell up!
    And Marty, you are here in this life, right now for a purpose and you are carrying it out beautifully.

  10. Thugs!
    Mosey – hope you didn’t get shaken up to much – sending you a big hug. Cream tea at Harrods if you need a break!
    DM why don’t you get your cowardly self to Corpus Christie and take the fight to Marty directly (YOU not your hired blobs), leave Mosey alone! Bully!
    Marty do what you’ve got to do. If TC is supporting this then he’s way to far gone to wake up without your help. And it IS help when a person is too far gone to see what’s in front of his face. I’m sure you’ll take some flack for it but it’s the right thing to do even though God knows you don’t owe anything to anyone at this point.
    John Sweeney if you read these blogs I just want you to know that I adore Exploding Tomatoes 😉

  11. “..a.k.a. San Antonio Slim..” Love it, Marty!

    Predictable. DM’s maneuvers are predictable. The other blindspot the C of DM has is their EGO.

    Like a dalmation , he (they) remain unable to change their spots…. the ultimate weakness.

  12. Marty,

    I am grateful beyond words that you have been consistently willing to allow your life to be intruded upon so that the truth about DM can be told. I’m sure this has all been a pain in the ass going on forward to being almost comedic.

    Tom doesn’t have to be part of the equation of DM getting his ethics put in, that’s up to him. Do what needs to be done to get this SP out of Scientology’s grip. I support you 100% and wish I could do more to help.

    Mosey, again, you are a godsend. You have supported Marty and ultimately all Scientologists in this endevour. For that, I love you dearly. I hope you are still getting in session and are experiencing the wonders of the tech that make us fight so hard to preserve it. NED is a blast!

  13. That’s totally insane. It is documented the harassament.
    This is proof that the “Church of Scientology” harasses his former members. Ashame on them. This is not a church, and it shoud pay taxes.

  14. Terril Park

    This is enormous!!!!!

    The world’s most prestigious broadcaster
    stepping up to defend the Independant/ FZ
    against the worlds self styled ” great protectors” of religious freedom who are in fact bigots destroying the religious freedom of protestant scientologists.

    Tried to do even a little of this and got

    My cup is overflowing. 🙂

    Can’t wait to see the next BBC program on this….:)

  15. Well…

    That´s what we get for help IAS regging.

    It´s our donations at work BIG TIME in favor of baby Huey´s feeding foundation.

    Some fellows critizice me last time when I rant about get in action.

    I wonder what are you feeling now looking how Marty, Mosey, Mike and Mr. Sweeney are being harrased tis way.

    Marty and front line dudes:

    I´m there with you and you know it. That´s why I don´t hesitate in being one of the firsts in say “no more”.

    Religious Affairs on Mexican Governement is getting all this details.

  16. harrased THIS way.

    (sorry; keep on working on my english writing))

  17. Sorry that you’re having to deal with these guys for simply bringing out the truth, Marty!

    I just finished Amy Scobee’s new book: Scientology, Abuse at the Top.

    Buy it. Read it. Use it.

  18. I’m sorry Marty. I guess some small fraction of my money paid for that.
    Thats probably illegal isnt it? It’s clearly harassment and stalking. Maybe you’ve got better confront on stuff like that. I would probably be a mess. I was getting shaky just watching it. Something about that gives me the creeps. That fat guy was creepy.
    I cant see how this in any way would benefit anybody involved. Even if you flipped out and crawled under a rock, it’s still on camera. It’s still a major PR outpoint for the church.
    What tone level of a person decides as this as the best solution to something?
    Maybe thats what creeps me out about it- it’s criminal, suppresive behavior.

  19. How can that be legal?
    Even more important, how can that be acceptable to Scientologists as a way to spend their hard earned money/donations?
    When on tour to recover public, I would often eat inferior food and even stayed in less than safe motels rather than be wasteful of parishioners donations. The usual Sea Org Member is quite aware of and mindful of not wasting parishioner’s money, it is considered to be an overt, in fact. I spent funds to buy items for a staff apartment being set up in one city for the FR and FBO because the org could not afford to do so, and ended up paying for them out of my puny staff allowance because the CO considered that I had not gotten his approval beforehand, as FP Chairman, to buy them.
    That is how seriously it is taken to not waste org funds that come from parishioner’s donations.
    It was silly to make me pay for those things, but the overriding agreement is to NOT WASTE PARISHIONER’S DONATIONS.
    Then there is the point about stalking people.
    How about attempting to intimidate a woman alone at home.
    Jeez. It’s embarrassing as in feeling ill at ease and disconcerted that these things are being done on the orders of the “leader” of Scn, the man who “is Scn”.

    Marty, your compassion for TC comes through, too bad he is not seeing and responding to it.
    I’m looking forward to what you have planned for the next step.


  20. Wow, these DM goons are doing whatever they can, which just happenes to be, at this point…not a hell of a lot! LOL.

    Evidently they can still point a camera a refuse to speak but they look more silly than menacing.

    They’d pretty much better knock if off though, it’s just the wrong climate for this sort of sketchy behaviour.

    Gotta give it to Misfit, he even does PR for himself in reverse.

    I will admit to feeling like slapping him around a little bit sometimes.

  21. Great stuff. Looks like Sweeney is on his way to mend any damage his previous slip-up may have caused (“NO TOMMY, YOU LISTEN TO ME…!!!”) LOL
    God, that footage was priceless – but they “did” push that poor bugger too far. He’ll no doubt be vindicated by this new piece.

    Anyway, I’m waiting with great anticipation for the upcoming BBC piece with Rinder and Marty. This one’s going to be a blast. I wonder how they (CoS) are going to tackle that one – I wonder what they’ll put in that new DVD of theirs on that BBC piece.

    2010 looks very promising indeed.

    Good luck you guys, and hang loose.


  22. By the way: did anyone notice the bald guy’s TRs? Man, he’s good. I give him that. No doubt he and his friend had to get a pass on their video taped TRs by RTC. These guys were certainly hand picked…

  23. Is there not stalking laws there.

  24. Watching Eyes

    Baby Huey; fitting name. Don’t forget his sidekick, Ratso Rizzo.

    It’s distressing to watch the video. How can this be legal? It’s so obviously stalking. I think the Dwarf is putting their tax exemption status at risk. At some point the IRS is bound to start looking.

    Re Baby Huey: Either that sheriff”s deputy is very tall or Baby Huey is another shorty just like the Dwarf. Just an observation.

  25. Want to know more about the unhealthy, unnatural relation. Was there a video shot in the private gym at Gold Base?

  26. martyrathbun09

    Roberto, I know that and thank you. When they are ready to meet, I’m there.

  27. martyrathbun09

    Terril, Good eye my man. You’ve got your eye on the ball.

  28. martyrathbun09

    I get nothing compared to what Rinder has consistently been subjected to for months on end. In fact, had it not been for Mike and JB and Sweeney in town we’d have seen none of the hijinks we’ve witnessed the past two weeks. In that short period they have managed to forever un-safepoint the Church in all of South Texas. And significantly strengthen Indepedent Scientologists’ safepoint.

  29. martyrathbun09

    WH, Yes it is John Sweeney

  30. I’ve got a great idea for a new Reality show!

    “Private Eyes!!!: The chronicles of Huey and Ratboy!”

    Episode #1 “OOPS!!! WRONG TARGET!!!OUR BAD!”
    … We join Huey and Ratboy as they move in on a former, high-ranking, Church of Scientology KEY whistle-blower, outside a popular Mexican restaurant…

    (dialogue/video stream)


    …In the end, Huey and Ratboy had to turn tail and eat crow, realizing that, all the while, they had been spying on the wrong target!

  31. This is another footbullet. The fact that he is so out there with it shows he is decompensating.

    Mike, Marty, JB, John, Mosey my God this is pure stalking. The TA is moving by God. Cause is certainly Marty’s team. Effect DM.

  32. DFB,

    Yes, it’s criminal. It’s a display of the tone level of the current “church.” It’s the best solution from a criminal point of view.

  33. becomingAware

    Well, well. Mike, Marty, Mosey and your support guys are doing a fine job of holding your position in space. My hat is off to you all and I thank all of you for doing this to bring about change for the better.

    I don’t know if TC will step up and post something on this blog but I hope so. Being so close to an SP for so long – – I don’t know if he can get away by himself.

  34. War and Peace

    Just look at the scene.

    DM’s pricing is $600 to $1000 at the Flag Land Base for Counseling taped for a bunch of execs to tune into anytime to watch auditing sessions and then to use against the pc.

    This pricing is way above the average Joe ~~ who gets in credit card debt to buy Bridge. But big bucks, gives DM and his games a nice return.

    From other reports FSO sends $1 million A WEEK to Int management. It is the ultimate cash cow.

    DM has $1 million a week from this one Org alone to *PLAY* with. He can authorize WHATEVER expenditure he wants, he controls the purse strings.

    However, DM is deteriorating and slowly becoming more crazy as time rolls forward.
    It is a gradual descent into total insanity.

    Others with a lot of loot slowly went crazy like Howard Hughes but Hughes did not brutalize his own staff with sadistic beatings and lock downs….

    That videographer looked like a character out of the SOPRANOS, a fitting mock up for mafia like thug Miscavige.

    Good thing DM’s days are numbered.

  35. Concerned Citizen

    If in the course of your duty as an SO or staff memeber, you should break something or if it were damaged, even a little you meager pay is garnished till the value they assign to it is covered.

  36. AlexMetheny

    Great point Terril,

    John Sweeny did say they were harrassing Independent Scientologists!! That is a major breakthrough!


  37. AlexMetheny

    What would be REALLY OVER THE TOP now , would be to have Marty and Mike go back to the FH and try to see Mike’s son again. I think that DM would just go nuts and start twitching.

    Sweet dreams!!

  38. Ghandi tech. A winner every time.

    Well done on the video recording of events, Marty. There’s no doubt that images bring the story to life.

    John Sweeney – masterfully done, sir. I’ve been on the edge of my seat since December waiting for this program.

    (BTW, I recognised the bird calls at the airport from your recent audio file! Beautiful.)

  39. Miscavige is really bringing everything down with him. His ultimate goal seems to be to destroy Scientology from everywhere. This will come up on BBC and people will think Scientology is a bunch of BS and even less people will come to the church.

    To all you guys living in America. The only way to stop this is by the laws. All these blogs are great and all the information is great but it’s like Hubbard wrote about force and intelligence. This is only intelligence. Where’s the force?

    I suggest starting emailing every celebrity about what’s going on and give them facts straight up. Let them look for themselves. I’ve emailed one.

    Then use law enforcement, class acts, sue, whatever to bring Miscavige in court and hopefully into jail. Battery is against the law so find every person that has ever been beaten and have them file a police report on it. People who haven’t gotten money back could sue.

    I think the important thing is to start using force somehow or this will NEVER end. Miscavige will not resign by himself and he enjoys this since it brings the church down.

    Use the laws. And let every celebrity know.

  40. Dm is clearly pathetic. He’s the poster child for small, ego-maniacal psychotics.

    Yet Tom Cruise seems to idolize him.

    Leads me to wonder -what the hell is wrong with Tom Cruise?

  41. Thankyou Marty for being a transparent target and sharing all this.

    That’s excellent on getting local law enforcement up to speed on the PI work and un safe pointing local officials from Scientology and onto the right side.

    A couple months back some anonymous people caught Charlie Earl (OSA Int’s PI handler gobetween Sea Org staffer) in one of the big southern Texas towns, and I knew then he was hiring PIs, or lining up the PI firms to do Scientology’s business of tailing and keeping tabs on you and maybe Steve Hall. This was a couple months back that Charlie was caught on YouTube anonymous protest, butting himself into the anonymous crowd outside a Texas org.

    That was a couple weeks before that Parco PI landed in your neck of the woods.

    I think the only long range “game” is through the media.

    I’m so glad the BBC was there, and JB I hope has given BBC the actual on the ground latest of life at the Int Base.

    THAT would really be a public service, to get the latest news, from JB, the media, and into the public domain so quickly!

    This last 5 years, has been a remarkable chain of events leading up to someone of JB’s caliber, to come out, and so quickly, I’m hoping, share the TOP events from inside those razor wire fences at the Int Base.

    A few years back, when us lower down the totem pole people were first trying to push media to PLEASE pick up the stories, I told both NBC, and I told Mr. Sweeny, to PLEASE make friends with Mike Rinder, even back then, this was when Mike was still on the church side of the fence. I told them that they, the media, should be nice to Mike, since someday, it would pay off, because Mike would be out here.

    And the story that I am hoping they, BBC, airs, when they finally air it, should be a whopper to end ALL whoppers of stories, going back to the media that came out in the late 1980s, when an earlier whole group of ex top Sea Org people finally spoke out back in the mid to late 1980s all together.

    Well thanks.

    I noted Sweeny said “independent Scientologists”.

    That should help the independent cause, it at least is now quotable, and has to be recognized by new religion scholars, when this BBC show airs!

    chuck Beatty

  42. Mike Lemeron

    This is really SP behavior from DM for sure but when I think a certain thought I am laughing about this. Consider DM’s role model to be Soltan Gris from the Mission Earth series novels by LRH. Soltan Gris is an SP agent who always ends up doing SP stuff but always falls flat on his face – sort of like Wile E Coyote on the Roadrunner cartoon.

  43. Mike Lemeron

    This is really SP behavior from DM for sure but when I think a certain thought I am laughing about this. Consider DM’s role model to be Soltan Gris from the Mission Earth series novels by LRH. Soltan Gris is an SP agent who always ends up doing SP stuff but always falls flat on his face – sort of like Wile E Coyote on the Roadrunner cartoon. Beep Beep!

  44. Well they seemed to think in that robotic thug sort of way that the camera=driving in your anchor points and ignoring (not acking) would enrage.

    They probably want some of that special brand Sweeney after a long frustrating week tone 4.0.

    But it’s not gonna happen. This time Sweeney has you guys being sane to keep him grounded. To be 100% professional, by some British terms admittedly, but hey, lol.

    It’s amazing to see Sweeny pick this back up, it’s pretty obvious to me that this man can lay a well thought out and perfectly executed plan.

    This time he can say in a Paul Harvey accent, “And now for the REST of the story.”

    There were lots of us on the inside that could easily guess what he’d been through that last time, but most of the public was not ‘THERE AT THE START OF THE INTERVIEW”.

    You go John! You’re a first class chap.

  45. Haha you pwned them all!

  46. Joe Doakes

    Holy cow, Marty! While I’m sorry to see you, Mr. Rinder and JB subjected to this stuff I can’t help but think of the PTS/SP datum about shining the light of truth on a suppressive.

    To be a fly on the wall of DM’s office. Whew! I shudder to think. Saddly, his staff are most likely being abused because they, “aren’t doing anything” about this. I can’t imagine any other reaction.

    And curious, why do you bring up Tom Cruise in this blog entry? I mean, I know he’s a financial supporter and buddy-buddy with DM, but it sounds like there’s more to it than meets the eyes.

    Up until this point I’ve only looked at Cruise as a big fat dupe. And even when we weren’t Independants the change in Cruise was noticable some years ago — he literally transformed into a larger version of DM. But is there more?

  47. I viewed the video.

    It is another sad revelation that the CoS is wasting good money following people who just want to get on with their lives.

    Shame on you, DM.

  48. Looks like DM is doing all the hard work.
    Seems all Mike, Marty and others have to do is just BE.

    Those PI’s have no TR’s. The skinny guy is doing a full blown psych drug OD serenity of non- beingness.

  49. One thing that I find irritating, besides all the stuff other people have commented on, is the repetition of a tactic that is obviously ineffective.

    It’s as if the church has only one or two things in its playbook and it continues to run itself into the ground trying to make these plays work, despite overwhelming evidence that the PR for the church worsening with every such attempt:

    1. Try to intimidate the critics of the church.
    2. Try to destroy their repute with personal character attacks.
    3. Repeat.

    Here is DM, the leader of scientology, engaging in junior high school tactics, ignoring all of the scientology that he could be using. Ignoring plain common sense too! Suggested new play book:

    1. Get in comm with your critics.
    2. Evaluate their gripes.
    3. Honestly reform organization.

    I know, I know, wishful thinking…

  50. I was wondering what this guy is smoking; nobody´s home.

  51. Ceileen,

    this article intertwines perfectly with Jeff’s new article about ABLE on .
    There seems to be no low low enough to what the church’s ethics has sunk and still continues to sink at the hands of its criminal leader.

    To Mosey and Marty, Mike and JB, Mr. Sweeney and the whole independant crew: Thank YOU!!

  52. Marty, this is Priceless.
    And Sweeney is such a nice bloke, I like him more and more.

  53. Theo Sismanides

    Marty, Mike, Mosey,

    My hat is off to you guys for what you are doing to expose the real suppressive in Scientology.

    It is quite disturbing to see those thugs video taping you and not saying a word about it.

    Of course that is a big PR blunder on the bullie’s part and he’s got a problem there. If that airs on the BBC everyone will see a fat bully video taping you and not opening his mouth to a known BBC reporter. Utterly stupid. He looked stupid anyway. But to not utter one word is the utmost stupidity. Sorry it’s not TRs, it’s actually out TR’s.

    Anyway, Tom should start thinking for himself. Is this a church or a bunch of gangsters? What is this in a supposedly free society? Is this the world he wants to leave for his children. Church bullies going after “SPs”? For what reason? What is the purpose of all this? And why not talk with the “SPs” because of some stupid thing called Disconnection? What happened to Communication?

    If there is a fire you don’t talk to “SPs”? You even cooperate with actual SPs to put it out.

    Tom, wake up, you have altitude to do it. You can Communicate and find out Why The Fire. You have that right.

    So we cannot talk now, we though can pay millions to PIs to video tape the “SPs” and spend the parishioners money on lawyers and PIs.

    We cannot use Communication in this church, which by the way is the universal solvent. We know that, what happened to it. Oh, then it looks like someone is not up to confronting for reasons we know better about.

    Tom you are expected to use Communication here. You have learned things. You come from an altitude which we don’t have. So you can do good in this by deciding to communicate. After all I think it will do good on all of your dynamics to take this into your hands and get in comm with your auditor Marty. Find out for yourself, Tom. Look don’t listen. You can apply those things. We are not criminals here. We are protesting for some reason. There is a fire for a Reason. You have the right to find out. You should talk to Marty and listen to what he has to say.

    You don’t need a church for a via Tom. You don’t even need more of the Bridge this lifetime, probably, if you are thinking about it. All you need is your integrity and to just sort this out. You are now the ONLY ONE, really and honestly, who can help PUT ETHICS in on this scene. I remember you saluting DM. Ι take it you were saluting the SO, not DM, who is causing real hardship for dedicated SO members. Take this salute and honor it to the SO and its true members. So keep that oath and promise to help Scientology. Truly and honestly, Tom, why are people persecuted for insisting on Standard Tech?

    Now, it’s your turn and the burden is on you. I didn’t expect that would happen. You were for me always far away, anyway. A Scientologist but a celebrity, so the distance between us was too wide.

    But you see in Scientology, we are all, kind of, equal, at least in terms of responsibility. No one is exempted there is no Responsibility Exempt Status given by anyone, Tom.

    Take this to your hands and it will go right. Leave it like that and have the whole thing go off the rails. And believe me it won’t go off the rails for us or Scientology. It will go off the rails for a church which did bad for many years now. Because of… you can find out, Tom, I don’t need to tell you. You can LOOK. You can COMMUNICATE. This is TRUE Scientology. It’s not “just going up the Bridge”. The Thetan Knows. So everybody will know the moment you are you and decide to do it.

  54. “…what the hell is wrong with Tom Cruise?”

    Probably the same thing that was wrong with all of us when we were in the CoS and put up with all the crap and obvious outpoints because we thought that what we were supporting was more important than ANYTHING else.

    It took a long time, but I managed to wake up confront what was really going on. I hope for his sake that TC can do the same. I look forward to seeing what Marty has in his locker to facilitate this. 🙂


  55. Looked at the vid a second time and I LOVE the FLAWLESS manners of Mr. Sweeney. He is just ONE PERFECT GENTLEMAN and very British.
    What a joy!

  56. Baby Hughy, the new face of the CoS with some weird pair of glasses on?
    There are NO words…

  57. Overdriver

    Funny guys… What will they do with the video? Are they filming for threatening or are they simply tourists? 😀
    There is an interesting pattern with the celebrity Scientologists. They are on front for a couple of years, later disappear from the Scientology magazines. I wonder the cause of this.

  58. Unbelievable! John Sweeney and, by extention, the BBC, is sticking up for the whole Independent Scientology movement! This could be huge.

    The cameraman dudes come off as thugs and idiots. Hopefully the world will get to see them, DM’s representatives, and compare them to Marty and Mike. Let all current members of the C of M decide who represents criminality, and who represents sanity and expansion on all dynamics. There is no contest, and that will be clear to all viewers.

  59. Another Jeff

    I’d hardly call ‘paid into silence’, TRs.

  60. David Shelden

    Sorry if this a repeat, it came up error on email address when I tried to post and could not get out of the window (they keep feeding me beans and rice through it though…).

    Thank you Marty et al… I appologize for the actions of my church. And yes, this is the church not just DM. Hitler would have done nothing without the action of the masses… So while not having been active in the church since the early eighties (what is coming to light on a grand scale now was “apparent” to me then), my love and dedication to LRH tech has been unwavering. My heart both sings and cries at what now happens… Marty, I would like information on services available outside of the “church”. One question here still naggs me; If DM has abused so many, how come no one has popped him like the zit he is behaving like? I would gladly volunteer to be his punching bag… And for the DM foot soldiers reading this, please spend plenty of dev T coming for me (the handle here is my real name). Spread yourselves so thin you cannot taste the mayo (and I do not mean David). Again, to all that hold LRH tech dear including ethics tech, all the best.

    Always, in all ways,


  61. crashingupwards

    They were hand picked, all right. One has to be “solid”, low toned, emotionally dead, and stupid. Good TR’s my ass. The guys next job will be night shift manager at Taco Bell. Anyone with half a brain would have screwed out of there as soon as Sweeney introduced himself.
    But Harry your right about 2010.
    Scientology as a “path” of the 4th way as spiritual paths were described by Gurdgieff will once again be realized as its true adherants carry it forward after the formal “school” implodes.
    This has been a pattern which repeats itself over the ages.

  62. crashingupwards

    EBE, the video is being watch by DM with his buddies, drinking scotch. You dont want to be part of that, do you?
    I am sure Marty will only do what is needed to get ethics in so Tech can go in, and not a sentence more. This isnt a tabloid. And we are not “THEM”.

  63. SomeoneElse

    And +1 score for Camera Tech.

    I, for one, am glad there’s yet more footage of MESTology failure.

    Keep it up, guys.

  64. This is so lame. This “tactic” may have “worked” on lesser beings, but they do know who they’re dealing with now, right? I showed this clip to my brother (non-Scn) and he thought it was both hilarious (as a feeble attempt to intimidate) and outrageous (as an activity condoned by a “religious leader”). Well done DM, that’s another foot-bullet you can chalk up. You are, without doubt, an absolute chump.

    Marty and the guys, thank you soooo much for all of your continuing efforts. Be safe and do well.

  65. freebeing11


  66. Something dm hasn’t figured into his silencing critics equation …

    Many of us have moved away for dmology long ago and thus have created a new circle of friends and acquaintances. Who have ZERO vested interest in remaining silent about the abuses of dmology. (ie. they were never involved, have no children still involved, no business connections)

    I have some friends who are well placed in Hollywood who are appalled by what is happening.

    I’ve been vocal to them for years — always mentioning how much I gained from LRH and scientology PRIOR to the take over.

    Just reading this board I know that many others are no longer tied to dmology — Just Me, Mickey, and many others — how is dm going to silence their friends and acquaintances?


    Not only is the stalking quite invasive, to me – it’s terrifying.

    After 15 years OUT of dmology and 28 years OUT of the Sea Org — I still have nightmares … which revolve around the FEELING of being entrapped and imprisoned.

    Had one last night.

    This blog however makes them occur less frequently.

    Continue to talk to your friends, neighbors, anyone who will listen. Word of mouth IS the best …


  67. I wouldn’t call these TRs. He was merely being paid to keep his mouth shut. TRs are the basis of communication.

  68. What would bring John Sweeney to Corpus Christi right now?

    Gee, don’t tell me that JB was ready to talk so soon after escaping Int Base! If so, that would be unprecedented, both because of the extent of his knowledge of Hubbard and DM and because of the freshness of his evidence of conditions inside.

    Lord, when DM sees this program his response is going to hit the Richter scale. And it just might force authorities to act.

  69. Harrassment defined here, WOW. What stupid yahoos these PIs are; what was the point of video’ing you while you were video’ing them; their confront was so low they had to hide behind cameras, did they even have the cameras turned on. You guys won’t be intimidated by such idiots; you made that point very, very clear. John Sweeney was perfect; I can not wait to see the BBC broadcast.

  70. Ms Pattycake

    Baby Huey doesn’t look like he’s enjoying his job any more. Maybe he’ll bug out and DM will have to hire another thug to replace him.

    Baby Huey just doesn’t look happy.

  71. Lunamouth, facts do not get typically wake people out about being in a cult.

    A rock bottom lifestyle, and a core betrayal of belief are usually are what do it.

    Mr. Cruise doesn’t have a rock bottom lifestyle and his core beliefs may be shaken, but they are not fully and completely betrayed … yet.

  72. Yeah, I type and post too fast sometimes. “Wake people UP” and “are usually what do it” is what I meant.

  73. Another reason to keep the PI’s cameras rolling, to dissuade TC from even attempting to contact Marty.

  74. I think there is a lot more force going on than is being reported.

    Marty, Mike et all are not going to give DM their playbook via the blogs. Right now we fall into the need to know category.

    One needs to use just the right amount of force and intelligence to be effective.

    Should others also apply these laws in their zone of influence, absolutely.

  75. Marty,

    Do you happen to know if PIs are drilled on this stuff or just sent out with broad instructions?

    As for the “good TR’s” a lot of criminals learn a type of disassociation and seem to be there but aren’t. It’s an out-of-valence act that ranges from “hey, I’m your buddy,” to “Gee, officer, how could you think an innocent guy like me could do such a thing,” to the dead-eyed stare that says, “I’m going to kill you.”

    These guys both had criminal persona.

    Even though a person won’t talk to you, you can still assess them by watching physiological responses, such as eye focus. You can sometimes just go down a list of crimes, such as “murdered someone?” “paid to kill someone” “guilty of rape” “molested a child” with good intention and get answers even if they don’t talk. Depends on what you want to find out. Then when you hit something you announce it to him and he will ridge in protest, whether he says something or not. After all, they don’t have control of their banks.

    And, you can sometimes read their pictures to figure out what to ask.

    Not advocating this. Just saying.

    The heavy guy did have a response to having his belly filmed. If I were bullbaiting him, I’d go after it, keeping it light and friendly, sort of wowed by how impressive it is. Ask for a picture of it to hang on the wall as a conversation piece. He’s kind of proud of it. Maybe get in a comm line and acknowledge that he’s just doing it for the paycheck and you have no hard feelings. Being his enemy will provide justifications for him, make it personal–even more than the paycheck.

    Not advocating that either. Just saying.

  76. martyrathbun09

    tone 41, I wouldn’t say “sticking up for”, I’d say “acknowledging the undeniable existence of”.

  77. Virgil Samms

    OSA, are you counting all of the new faces that join this blog day after day? Especially the ones that say: I’ve been off lines for 20 years and now I see why now and I want to come back on lines now.”

    If you guys weren’t so stupidly blind you would be able to see that the recoverly of blown and off-line Scientologists would be unprecidented if we got DM off of the lines and exposed his crimes to the world.

    Seriously – it would inundate the orgs with public who were chased away by crush regging, IAS, broo-ha-ha events, laclauster delivery, lack of Quals to fix their MUs and so on.

    People want Scientology. LRH said so. They don’t want MEST. They got their own. That’s what their problem is.

    ML Virgil

  78. WH, I can relate to the nightmares. When I first
    hit the RPF in spring of ’88’, I demanded to
    route out. I was made to feel like a trator by
    my fellow RPFers. I was under 24 hr watch and
    all I did was work and get sec checks. I slept in
    the old garage under guard. When after a while
    I realized I was not going to be allowed to leave
    I relented. I was then looking for a way to escape. Took me almost 8 months but I made
    it happen. I no longer have those recurring
    nighmares thanks to all you wonderful thetans!

  79. I’ve noticed this “camera tech” many times before, specifically at protests. The Church people always have to have a camera and can only look at you, it seems, through a viewfinder. Maybe that protects them from the SP “vibrations” if they don’t look at the person directly. They’ve trained the PIs in this as well. One wonders why they don’t just send a camera robot out to do the job. Oh wait, I think they just did.

  80. Joe Howard

    Wouldn’t that be something if DM got popped coming into the country for the IAS event this fall?

  81. Marty;

    Is there no legal means by which you can end this harrassment? It seems to me that such consistent attempts, per CofM policy, to intimidate must be in violation of some statute, federal, state or local. Any “reasonable person” would feel threatened by such “in your face” activity, and that is often all the law requires in order to act.

    You have better things to do than having to walk around walls of blubber all day.

    If a restraining order could be issued for you and Mike, it would really drive DM’s tone arm up and around.

  82. Knowing the firsthand accounts of how DM ended up treating those at the Creston ranch in 1986 and afterward, would really be enlightening.

    I look forward to your next story, Sarge.

  83. David,
    Thank you. Good to hear from you, still in the game and with personal integrity. Good on you.

  84. It would have been fun to put a mirror in front of him so he recorded himself. He might even as-is and disappear. 🙂

  85. A friend of mine put together a great collection of quotes from those who witnessed or experienced, first-hand, David Miscavige’s physical abuse. If anyone has more to add (or has corrections), please post them here, and I’ll send them on to be added to the list. Here is also the link where they can be found:

    Marty Rathbun (former Inspector General of RTC, 2nd in command to Miscavige, 1984-2004) made the following statements in June 2009:
    “Working with Miscavige from 2000 forward was a continually deteriorating condition … regularly Miscavige would, in the middle of a conference, physically assault, punch open handed, tackle people.”
    “Mark Yager got beat up, kicked on, had large volumes thrown at him by Miscavige.”
    “Ray Mithoff got beat up by Miscavige.”
    “Mark Ingbar got beat up by Miscavige.”
    “Mike Rinder got it worse, [I saw him] get beatup at least a dozen times by Miscavige.”
    “Tom DeVocht got beatup by Miscavige a couple of times, and seeing that one time, caused me to leave.”

    Mike Rinder (former International Scientology Spokesman; Head of Office of Special Affairs for 25 years, 1981-2006) made the following statements in 2009 and 2010:
    “I was at the [receiving end] of repeated acts of random violence at the hands of Miscavige”
    (ABC News report, Oct. 22, 2009,
    “I was physically assaulted some fifty times by David Miscavige.”
    (CNN report, Mar. 30, 2010,
    “There is no doubt that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of others who would tell the same stories of their experiences [with Miscavige] if they weren’t being coerced into silence either by threat of disconnection from their families, loss of job or legal action being brought against them.”
    (Comment at
    “Where is Heber [Jentzch]? … The answer is simple: Miscavige hates Heber. … Heber has not only witnessed Miscavige Brand Physical and Mental Abuse, he has experienced it firsthand. … I have seen Miscavige strike Heber on at least 10 occasions.” (
    “Having to lie to the BBC about Miscavige beating people was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I walked out while in London [in 2008].”
    (Comment at

    Tom De Vocht (former Church construction supervisor in Clearwater [1986-2000] and Int base construction [2000-2004]) made this comment in Apr 2010:
    “Dave asked me a question … and the next thing I knew, I’m being smacked in the face and knocked down on the ground, in front of all these people. This is the “Pope” [Miscavige] you know, knocking me down on the ground.” (CNN interview,

    Amy Scobee (20 year Scientology International Base veteran, helped build Celebrity Centre network) made these statements in 2009 and 2010:
    “David Miscavige is an extremely abusive, tyranical leader.” (
    “[David Miscavige] grabs Mike [Rinder] around the neck, swings around and is choking him, and he’s holding [Mike’s] neck. And Mike starts grabbing the side of his chair and struggling and not knowing what is going on. And his face is turning red, and his veins are popping out his neck, and I’m going ‘What in the hell is going on?'”
    (CNN interview,
    “Miscavige jumps up on the conference table and jumped at Jeff Hawkins, tackling him to the ground.”
    “Miscavige jumps up on the table and lunges at Wendell Reynolds, knocking chair and Wendell back.” (
    “Miscavige went straight after [Mark] Yager, grabbed his shirt and threw his whole body onto the ground.” (

    Janela Webster (former head of AVC International, RTC, 1990 – 2007) made these comments in April 2010:
    “I am writing this to make it known my own personal experience with the physical and emotional abuse I either witnessed or experienced from David Miscavige. … Norman Starkey: how could you stand up [on CNN] and lie about David Miscavige not laying a hand on you? I was standing right there in the office when he just walked up to you and boxed you in the ears with no concern whatsoever. And you, a senior citizen in your ‘60s? … While I have my own personal experiences of being thrown in the lake; sleep deprivation; being incarcerated on the Int base and forced to sleep on a cot in my office for 7 months; starved on a diet of rice and beans for weeks; the most destructive and painful of all was the forced disconnection from my daughter in 2001.” (

    Jeff Hawkins (35 year Sea Org veteran [1969-2004], marketing manager who created the DMSMH marketing campaign which put DMSMH back on NY Times Best Seller list in the 1980s) made these comments in 2009 and 2010:
    “I never saw [Rinder] abusing others, despite the abuse he received from Miscavige. Mike was, without question, THE most abused person at the Int Base. He was rarely allowed to sleep. He was physically beaten by Miscavige on many occasions. How he managed to carry on with his work and deal with media I do not know. He has great reserves of strength, which I hope are serving him well now that he is out.” (
    From CNN (Anderson Cooper) interview at
    CNN: “You’ve worked with Marty Rathbun. You’ve worked with Mike Rinder. The Church told us, that they were the ones leading this reign of terror, that Marty was the one responsible for these beatings.”
    Jeff: “Absolutely not true. Absolutely not true. David Miscavige was the one leading this whole physical violence kick. And it was him who was beating people up. … [Miscavige once] jumped on the conference room table, with his feet right on the conference table, launched himself across the table at me — I was standing — battered my face and then shoved me down on the floor.”
    Jeff: “Miscavige was always threats, bullying, haranguing people, verbal abuse, physical abuse. That was his game. He is a bully.”

    Steve Hall (Worked at Int Base as writer from 1988-2004; came up with Church’s tag line “Know Yourself. Know Life.”) said the following:
    “The four assaults I witnessed where David Miscavige actually attacked someone were against Mike Rinder, Mark Yager, Guillaume Leserve and Ray Mithhoff (four of the highest-ranking officers of the Church of Scientology). In the case of Mike Rinder, he and I were standing shoulder to shoulder when Mike was attacked. Miscavige didn’t like a minor edit that Mike had made to a video we were working on. Suddenly Miscavige just went off: he lunged, grabbed Mike’s head with both hands and bashed his head into solid cherry-wood paneling three times putting his whole body into the effort. Mike has since departed from the Church. Violent physical abuse is just the tip of a dark iceberg.”

    Dan Koon (former Snr C/S International; worked with LRH on tech films in late 1970s, was “Joe” in TRs Film) made these comments in 2009:
    “I spent nearly 27 years at the Int bases in La Quinta and Hemet, when LRH himself worked there (and David Miscavige was the video cameraman on the first Cine shoot crew), and when LRH was off the lines, when he passed away and throughout the rise and reign of DOB RTC (Dictator of the Board). I saw these bases morph from incredibly alive, all-over-the-Tone Scale, mostly positive but always hopeful operations to the present state of affairs that is chronically below 2.0 and where Boredom let alone Mild Interest are unobtainable dreams. … “I can personally attest to the observations that Mike [Rinder] has reported in this blog post. Many of you reading it may be in disbelief. If you could see the stats of Int Scientology and know that David Miscavige sits squarely atop the entire Scientology movement and is, thus, where the buck must ultimately stop, maybe your disbelief would at last be forced aside. Because we all know that the stats are the bottom line: auditors made and preclears well audited.”
    (Comment at
    “When I first joined the Sea Org, LRH was there, he met with us. We made films together. … And life with him around was wonderful. … he went off the lines for good in 1986. … It certainly became a lot less fun as the years went on. By the time I left in 2003, it was very unfun. … A lot of the stuff you read on the blogs about experiences at the Int Base, I can attest that they’re all extremely accurate. I lived through them, I observed them. I know people, good friends of mine, who are now out, will attest to the same thing. It was just not the Scientology I joined in the 1970s and 1980s.” (Interview with Dan Koon, )

    Gary “Jackson” Morehead (former Security chief at the California Int base from 1990 to 1997) had this comment:
    “Yes, Scientology has done good for mankind. I saw and see it. What I also WITNESED first hand was DAVID MISCAVIGE physically hit SCIENTOLOGY HIGH RANKING EXECUTIVES AND STAFF. I witnessed DAVID MISCAVAGE make 5 SCIENTOLOGY EXECUTIVES defecate into a clear plastic bag out in the broad open, make them shower by use of a garden hose in the broad open – male and female executives mind you.”
    (Comment from

    Eric Knutson (former construction/renovation middle manager at Int Base circa 1980s-1990) had this to say on the time he says he saw Miscavige hit a staffer:
    “You could hear the actual thudding of the fist against the rib cage.”
    (Comment at

    Mark Fisher (former Corporate Liaison to Miscavige [supervising household and special assignments] circa 1980s-1990) made this comment:
    “Miscavige .. came racing across and grabbed me around my throat, and started choaking me, and I immediatly went down into a fetal position on the ground and covered up because I didn’t want to fight back or get hit. He was pulling on my hair and was punching at me and kicking at me. And this went on for two or three minutes. And when he finally stopped and calmed down, I stood up and I reached behind my head and my head was bleeding behind from him pulling my hair. And I pointed my finger at him and looked at him right in the eye, and I said ‘You notice I didn’t lay one finger on you’. And the reason I said that was because I wanted everybody else to notice that HE was the reason that this was going on, not me, I wasn’t the one that was doing anything physical or fighting back. … That had a profound impact on me as to why I wanted to leave because when you’re talking about the person who’s the head of the organization that you’ve dedicated your life to is actually physically attacking you … that’s not why I got involved in Scientology. I got involved in Scientology to help people.”
    (Comment at

    Bruce Hines (former Senior C/S in Scientology from 1987-2003) said this:
    “[Miscavige] just walked up and hit me on the side of the head … with an open hand … It definitely hurt, and it definitely knocked me back.”
    (From ABC Nightline,

    John Peeler (Delphi School graduate; in SO from 1989-2000; worked at CC Int and then Int Base) said this:
    “I witnessed David Miscavige as well as other executives and staff at the base beat people up, slap others around, spit on people, overboard people, and a number of other punishments for either no reason at all or for disobeying orders or non-compliance. Even smaller things found out, such as masturbation, became huge issues blown up and read out at staff musters.” (Comment at

    Larry Brennan (helped create high level Church structure for LRH in late 70s and early 80s; personally worked with Miscavige) said this:
    “In the lair of [Miscavige] I am sure that “status” means everything. From my years of working with him I found him at best to be a highly immature, spoiled and abusive status seeker. I’ve also found the types of things I’ve heard Marty [Rathbun], Mike [Rinder] and others say about his abusive and his need for a false “status” to be correct and in keeping with what I witnessed as well.”

  86. Marty, Mosey, Mike and JB, THANK YOU for all you are doing. This is TRUTH!

  87. (Part 1 of 2)
    A friend of mine put together a great collection of quotes from those who witnessed or experienced, first-hand, David Miscavige’s physical abuse. If anyone has more to add (or has corrections), please post them here, and I’ll send them on to be added to the list. Here is also the link where they can be found:

    Marty Rathbun (former Inspector General of RTC, 2nd in command to Miscavige, 1984-2004) made the following statements in June 2009:
    “Working with Miscavige from 2000 forward was a continually deteriorating condition … regularly Miscavige would, in the middle of a conference, physically assault, punch open handed, tackle people.”
    “Mark Yager got beat up, kicked on, had large volumes thrown at him by Miscavige.”
    “Ray Mithoff got beat up by Miscavige.”
    “Mark Ingbar got beat up by Miscavige.”
    “Mike Rinder got it worse, [I saw him] get beatup at least a dozen times by Miscavige.”
    “Tom DeVocht got beatup by Miscavige a couple of times, and seeing that one time, caused me to leave.”

    Mike Rinder (former International Scientology Spokesman; Head of Office of Special Affairs for 25 years, 1981-2006) made the following statements in 2009 and 2010:
    “I was at the [receiving end] of repeated acts of random violence at the hands of Miscavige”
    (ABC News report, Oct. 22, 2009,
    “I was physically assaulted some fifty times by David Miscavige.”
    (CNN report, Mar. 30, 2010,
    “There is no doubt that there are dozens, if not hundreds, of others who would tell the same stories of their experiences [with Miscavige] if they weren’t being coerced into silence either by threat of disconnection from their families, loss of job or legal action being brought against them.”
    (Comment at
    “Where is Heber [Jentzch]? … The answer is simple: Miscavige hates Heber. … Heber has not only witnessed Miscavige Brand Physical and Mental Abuse, he has experienced it firsthand. … I have seen Miscavige strike Heber on at least 10 occasions.” (
    “Having to lie to the BBC about Miscavige beating people was the straw that broke the camel’s back and I walked out while in London [in 2008].”
    (Comment at

    Tom De Vocht (former Church construction supervisor in Clearwater [1986-2000] and Int base construction [2000-2004]) made this comment in Apr 2010:
    “Dave asked me a question … and the next thing I knew, I’m being smacked in the face and knocked down on the ground, in front of all these people. This is the “Pope” [Miscavige] you know, knocking me down on the ground.”
    (CNN interview,

    Amy Scobee (20 year Scientology International Base veteran, helped build Celebrity Centre network) made these statements in 2009 and 2010:
    “David Miscavige is an extremely abusive, tyranical leader.”
    “[David Miscavige] grabs Mike [Rinder] around the neck, swings around and is choking him, and he’s holding [Mike’s] neck. And Mike starts grabbing the side of his chair and struggling and not knowing what is going on. And his face is turning red, and his veins are popping out his neck, and I’m going ‘What in the hell is going on?'”
    (CNN interview,
    “Miscavige jumps up on the conference table and jumped at Jeff Hawkins, tackling him to the ground.”
    “Miscavige jumps up on the table and lunges at Wendell Reynolds, knocking chair and Wendell back.” (
    “Miscavige went straight after [Mark] Yager, grabbed his shirt and threw his whole body onto the ground.” (

    Janela Webster (former head of AVC International, RTC, 1990 – 2007) made these comments in April 2010:
    “I am writing this to make it known my own personal experience with the physical and emotional abuse I either witnessed or experienced from David Miscavige. … Norman Starkey: how could you stand up [on CNN] and lie about David Miscavige not laying a hand on you? I was standing right there in the office when he just walked up to you and boxed you in the ears with no concern whatsoever. And you, a senior citizen in your ‘60s? … While I have my own personal experiences of being thrown in the lake; sleep deprivation; being incarcerated on the Int base and forced to sleep on a cot in my office for 7 months; starved on a diet of rice and beans for weeks; the most destructive and painful of all was the forced disconnection from my daughter in 2001.” (

    Jeff Hawkins (35 year Sea Org veteran [1969-2004], marketing manager who created the DMSMH marketing campaign which put DMSMH back on NY Times Best Seller list in the 1980s) made these comments in 2009 and 2010:
    “I never saw [Rinder] abusing others, despite the abuse he received from Miscavige. Mike was, without question, THE most abused person at the Int Base. He was rarely allowed to sleep. He was physically beaten by Miscavige on many occasions. How he managed to carry on with his work and deal with media I do not know. He has great reserves of strength, which I hope are serving him well now that he is out.”
    From CNN (Anderson Cooper) interview at
    CNN: “You’ve worked with Marty Rathbun. You’ve worked with Mike Rinder. The Church told us, that they were the ones leading this reign of terror, that Marty was the one responsible for these beatings.”
    Jeff: “Absolutely not true. Absolutely not true. David Miscavige was the one leading this whole physical violence kick. And it was him who was beating people up. … [Miscavige once] jumped on the conference room table, with his feet right on the conference table, launched himself across the table at me — I was standing — battered my face and then shoved me down on the floor.”
    Jeff: “Miscavige was always threats, bullying, haranguing people, verbal abuse, physical abuse. That was his game. He is a bully.”
    —End part 1 of 2—-

  88. To have good TRs he would have to be there to start with. Did you see his eyes? Dead Thetan look.

  89. ——Part 2 of 2———
    Steve Hall (Worked at Int Base as writer from 1988-2004; came up with Church’s tag line “Know Yourself. Know Life.”) said the following:
    “The four assaults I witnessed where David Miscavige actually attacked someone were against Mike Rinder, Mark Yager, Guillaume Leserve and Ray Mithhoff (four of the highest-ranking officers of the Church of Scientology). In the case of Mike Rinder, he and I were standing shoulder to shoulder when Mike was attacked. Miscavige didn’t like a minor edit that Mike had made to a video we were working on. Suddenly Miscavige just went off: he lunged, grabbed Mike’s head with both hands and bashed his head into solid cherry-wood paneling three times putting his whole body into the effort. Mike has since departed from the Church. Violent physical abuse is just the tip of a dark iceberg.”

    Dan Koon (former Snr C/S International; worked with LRH on tech films in late 1970s, was “Joe” in TRs Film) made these comments in 2009:
    “I spent nearly 27 years at the Int bases in La Quinta and Hemet, when LRH himself worked there (and David Miscavige was the video cameraman on the first Cine shoot crew), and when LRH was off the lines, when he passed away and throughout the rise and reign of DOB RTC (Dictator of the Board). I saw these bases morph from incredibly alive, all-over-the-Tone Scale, mostly positive but always hopeful operations to the present state of affairs that is chronically below 2.0 and where Boredom let alone Mild Interest are unobtainable dreams. … “I can personally attest to the observations that Mike [Rinder] has reported in this blog post. Many of you reading it may be in disbelief. If you could see the stats of Int Scientology and know that David Miscavige sits squarely atop the entire Scientology movement and is, thus, where the buck must ultimately stop, maybe your disbelief would at last be forced aside. Because we all know that the stats are the bottom line: auditors made and preclears well audited.”
    (Comment at
    “When I first joined the Sea Org, LRH was there, he met with us. We made films together. … And life with him around was wonderful. … he went off the lines for good in 1986. … It certainly became a lot less fun as the years went on. By the time I left in 2003, it was very unfun. … A lot of the stuff you read on the blogs about experiences at the Int Base, I can attest that they’re all extremely accurate. I lived through them, I observed them. I know people, good friends of mine, who are now out, will attest to the same thing. It was just not the Scientology I joined in the 1970s and 1980s.”
    (Interview with Dan Koon, )

    Gary “Jackson” Morehead (former Security chief at the California Int base from 1990 to 1997) had this comment:
    “Yes, Scientology has done good for mankind. I saw and see it. What I also WITNESED first hand was DAVID MISCAVIGE physically hit SCIENTOLOGY HIGH RANKING EXECUTIVES AND STAFF. I witnessed DAVID MISCAVAGE make 5 SCIENTOLOGY EXECUTIVES defecate into a clear plastic bag out in the broad open, make them shower by use of a garden hose in the broad open – male and female executives mind you.”
    (Comment from

    Eric Knutson (former construction/renovation middle manager at Int Base circa 1980s-1990) had this to say on the time he says he saw Miscavige hit a staffer:
    “You could hear the actual thudding of the fist against the rib cage.”
    (Comment at

    Mark Fisher (former Corporate Liaison to Miscavige [supervising household and special assignments] circa 1980s-1990) made this comment:
    “Miscavige .. came racing across and grabbed me around my throat, and started choaking me, and I immediatly went down into a fetal position on the ground and covered up because I didn’t want to fight back or get hit. He was pulling on my hair and was punching at me and kicking at me. And this went on for two or three minutes. And when he finally stopped and calmed down, I stood up and I reached behind my head and my head was bleeding behind from him pulling my hair. And I pointed my finger at him and looked at him right in the eye, and I said ‘You notice I didn’t lay one finger on you’. And the reason I said that was because I wanted everybody else to notice that HE was the reason that this was going on, not me, I wasn’t the one that was doing anything physical or fighting back. … That had a profound impact on me as to why I wanted to leave because when you’re talking about the person who’s the head of the organization that you’ve dedicated your life to is actually physically attacking you … that’s not why I got involved in Scientology. I got involved in Scientology to help people.”
    (Comment at

    Bruce Hines (former Senior C/S in Scientology from 1987-2003) said this:
    “[Miscavige] just walked up and hit me on the side of the head … with an open hand … It definitely hurt, and it definitely knocked me back.”
    (From ABC Nightline,

    John Peeler (Delphi School graduate; in SO from 1989-2000; worked at CC Int and then Int Base) said this:
    “I witnessed David Miscavige as well as other executives and staff at the base beat people up, slap others around, spit on people, overboard people, and a number of other punishments for either no reason at all or for disobeying orders or non-compliance. Even smaller things found out, such as masturbation, became huge issues blown up and read out at staff musters.”
    (Comment at

    Larry Brennan (helped create high level Church structure for LRH in late 70s and early 80s; personally worked with Miscavige) said this:
    “In the lair of [Miscavige] I am sure that “status” means everything. From my years of working with him I found him at best to be a highly immature, spoiled and abusive status seeker. I’ve also found the types of things I’ve heard Marty [Rathbun], Mike [Rinder] and others say about his abusive and his need for a false “status” to be correct and in keeping with what I witnessed as well.”
    ——-End part 2 of 2———-

  90. Me too. Have nightmares about being sent back to the RPF.

  91. Marty,
    For all of you that could have just slipped away and avoided this bs but chose to assume responsibility and do something I am extremely grateful.

    What a pestering annoyance to have in your life.

    This is DM’s world, his vision, his mind in action, sending out thugs to harass someone into silence and get them to ‘sue for peace’. He’s taken and perverted one line from one issue and turned the entire thing upside down.

    As Terril astutely noted, these things are the actions, not just the PR nonsense put out, that belie that smarmy denial of T. Davis, with M. Yingling at his side on Anderson Cooper saying ‘doesn’t happen’.

    As difficult as it may be, and I’ve no idea since these arseholes aren’t across from my house day in and day out, or following me to the dentist, or bugging me while I shop for groceries or scratch my ear or cut the lawn, you’ve managed to stay above the intimidation and incessant needling and outright stalking and harassing.

    You, any of you, have my sincere admiration and respect for the courage to do what you are doing despite personal sacrifice.

    THAT is ethics, that is the action of sane beings doing what is optimum for all the areas of life, despite what comes, and even FOR those that fight them tooth and nail.

    My hat is off, and it’s a big ol’ cowboy hat, to you fellas and ladies. I’m so proud to know all of you.

    p.s. Michael aka Once Upon a Time, I guarantee that I would get Baby Huey in a belly laugh with Bullbait. I used to check out students at Flag on their BB for a pass. Get through me and your BB is flat. He had that incipient laugh, the edge of it, coming on a couple of times and that’s the route to him and his largess just a roiling around the parking lot in gales of laughter.

    Not the gravitas he’s paid for mind you. My, it is true that thetans without banks sure can get mischievious 😉

  92. Something tells me he won’t be coming to the IAS event this year if it’s in the UK again. With a bit of luck he won’t even be on post by then.

  93. Virgil, the OSA guys and gals reading this are the same guys and gals who will be posting on this blog in about 6 months. It is impossible to read so much good accurate data and some of it not to stick. Remember how most of us never dreamed we would be on this “side” of the argument… and yet, here we are, thank the Lord!

  94. Self A Ware

    I am an onlines public Scientologist that has been reading this blog for several months now. I began looking after hearing Tommy Davis lie about the disconnect policy on AC 360. The thing that first got me to start looking at the lies of C of M was at an event this past year when I had firsthand knowledge they fabricated the stats that were shown. You see, I was there, and the real stats were still a highest ever, but the C of M still choose to lie. Why would someone lie just for the sake of lying? Because they are a chronic liar.

    I am not EX SO or am I one that has been disaffected for 20 years. I am a current public. You get this OSA and whoever else is reading this from the C of M. I am your current public that is also a patron plus quite a few levels of the IAS and an OL in the LA area. I have been listening to several of my friends over the past month and more than a few have slipped up during our conversation and by what they said, I know they are also reading Marty’s blog and they are certainly not too far behind me.

    As soon as the rest of my family finds a way to grasp what the C of M is doing, you will know my name. The C of M does have a disconnect policy and they need to quit lying, stealing money and come to their senses. My support is fully removed from the C of M.

    Using CCHR staff and Michael Roberts to try and do your dirty work is appalling.

    The latest filming of Marty, Mike and the BBC reporter is embarrassing as a Scientologist, to say the least. Yesterday, I was asked by someone I am working with and during our phone conversation religion came up. I was asked my religion and I said I was a Baptist. I will no longer say I am a Scientologist because of the potential relationship concept that brings with being part of the C of M.

    Auditing and training is so easy and so is running an organization, you C of M fools.

  95. Yeah Tom, BE the valuable Scientologist that you have already unduly been given the credit for.

    You want to be a hero? Here’s your chance. This is the BIG game.

  96. Theo Sismanides

    Hi David, and welcome. Definitely needed what you say, cause these guys do not understand otherwise. Welcome.

  97. Victoria,

    LOL!! What you admit to “feeling like slapping him around a little bit sometimes” is NOTHING compared to what I sometimes feel like doing. Thanks. That made me laugh, nice picture.


  98. Well, I expect John Sweeney still has open wounds from the “suspicous” death of Shawn Lonsdale! A man of whom Sweeney said, “I for one mourn the loss of a brave and singular American”. Shawn was smeared with the slime of the vile “fair game” policy. Shawn is missed by many, many of us. An intellingent and courageous young man taken from us at 39 years of age. We do not forget.

  99. War and Peace


    Good information and nice write up.
    Charlie Earle used to be a guard up lines at INT BASE for a couple of years a while back.

    The fact that he, as an SO member is handling and hiring PIs directly is quite interesting.

    In the past, the Church distanced themselves from what PIs did…”the lawyers had instructed the PIs”.

    Now it would the appear the Church division of OSA openly hires and runs the PIs to stalk and harrass. These are SO members. (How very “religious” )

    Charlie was a really good guy. I can’t imagine why he continues to serve the monster.
    Charlie should know that if decides to move like JB, he will always have friends in this community.

  100. It’s true that facts don’t generally wake people up, but I don’t buy the rock bottom lifestyle requirement. I had a fine lifestyle when I woke up; I knew in my heart something was very wrong, and when I saw Marty’s videotaped interview, I had the facts to explain why and who.

    TC is witness to dm’s temper, his treatment of dedicated s.o. members, and his egregious waste of parishoner’s donation, for a start. I
    had none of that data when I started looking for an answer, so I don’t really see this as being “the same thing that was wrong with all of us.”

    So I’m still wondering, what the hell is wrong is Tom Cruise?


  101. Hubbardianen,

    Force is being applied. There are different levels of force. At the highest level, “force” precedes energy and mass and brings both into being.

    Force as mass and energy are not always effective, especially when you get to the level of guns and fists and muscles.

    Especially as a means of spreading an idea or countering an idea that is spreading. Using physical force has its applications but the upshot can be ridges and problems rather than solutions. The USA learned this in Vietnam–sort of learned it.

    Try an experiment. Stand in front of someone and have them shove their fist at you as hard as they can while you place your palm onto that fist. When they shove, you can use the lightest amount of “force” to redirect his “force/fist” in pretty much any direction you want.

    Force can easily be redirected and used against itself. Knock out the support structure of a bridge on which an entire division of troops and tanks are marching your way and all that force becomes neutralized.

    Force is most effective when intelligently applied. And willingly applied.

    Intelligently applied force can go a long way and achieve far more than “superior” force stupidly applied.

    Needs judgment.

    Much love,


  102. Greetings Self Aware, you made me curious.

    “You see, I was there, and the real stats were still a highest ever, but the C of M still choose to lie.”

    The Stats on what exactly ? On money raised ?

  103. These sort of actions by the church are why people want nothing to do with the Church in the first place, and think that Scientology is just a creepy cult. Its unfortunate, because I personally have had many wins, and apply the principles I have learned daily in my life. There are plenty of people out there who have never heard of Scientology, and could benefit from the tech, however if any of them get the least bit interested, all they have to do is look online, and see these sort of actions, and say “no thank you”. They go from “curious about” to “refused” on the CDEI scale on the subject of Dianetics and Scientolgy in a matter of seconds. This can’t be pro-survival for the church. And besides what I am being told by the org staff, I am not seeing the flood of new public going into Orgs or Missions, or that every library in the world has all the books,this is easily verified, by applying “look don’t listen” Go to an org and see if a parking lot is full, and the org is busting out of the seams. Although CC Int seems to be doing well from my viewpoint. OC org not so much. A Library on the Camel in the Sahara may have all the books, but look at the libraries in the LA /OC area and I think I counted about its maybe about 3-4 libraries that have all the books. Its very interesting what you can find, those in the Church are in such denial that these things happen, they just refuse to investigate themselves, and even if they do, somehow they feel that the Church is in the right. Of course I think many are terrified that they will end up getting declared and disconnected from their business connections, family, and friends. Of course SO members don’t get a chance to investigate, but I am sure many would leave if they saw these things happen. Anyway, Marty even though I don’t know you, I really appreciate what you are doing, and I sincerely hope that these things stop eventually and you can get back to enjoying the South Texas lifestyle of which I am very fond of.

  104. Jim

    Yup, no sense in making all this too serious. Worse that can happen is you get your body killed. We’ve all had that happen so what’s the big deal?

    And I can just picture this dude roiling and rolling around the parking lot. After you got him going he wouldn’t be able to stop the momentum.

    Man, I sure loved bull baiting. Looking at a picture of you, Jim,I had to think, “this guy would be hard to confront because he’s full of the unexpected.” The unexpected creates a lot of cognitive dissonance, and oops! there go the TRs.

    Much love,


  105. Self A Ware,

    Love it. How can the CofM weed all you guys out? To even try will only plant more seeds as your friends would wonder why such a decent person were getting hit. Then they would look. It’s just going to spread further.

    Much love,


  106. As Marty and Mike are “public figures” I don’t think stalking laws apply here.

    These actions are probably covered by the same statutes that protect the “rights” of paparazzi.

  107. War and Peace


    Thank you for a very well written 1st posting.
    Welcome !
    You are among friends and a real community.

  108. Self A Ware

    I wish I could be specific at this time but it would narrow me down too closely with who I am.

    I will say it was announded at an Int event at the Shrine at the end of 2009. The stat increase was by 37% exactly. I got up from my seat and left the event and my wife folled me out asking what was wrong.

    I had briefed her on the stats when we finished, so this was not new to her when I said, “why did they have to lie?” She understood and left with me.

    On the way home we both mentioned how tired we were of only hearing about sqare footage. Where are the releases, clears and new OT’s? That was our comm for the next week.

    She went back to things as normal and I began questioning.

    It was not money raised with this one, but since that time I do know of several irregs with finance with Ideal Org campaigns. Several. But disclosing these at this time would also narrow down who I am.

    I know with me posting to the blog my days are finished in any HGC at the C of M. I can’t wait until the rest of my family comes to grips with the current situation.

  109. Self A Ware

    I can tell you CC Int is not doing well and they are losing staff left and right. In the last year several CL VI’s have left and several long term staff.

    I just heard one of their reg’s of long duration just took a LOA. She knows what the other staff went through on the decks and I bet CC Int never sees her again.

    At CC the academy is nearly empty and the book’s crse room is dwindling down to easily getting a seat by just being on time by 1 minute. At least 50% less than a year ago.

  110. I wrote this as a respons to Jeff on his website but I thought this would be useful to an understanding of where the Church went wrong.

    Jeff, although I have enjoyed your other posts and agree with much of what you say I have to point out that you’ve missed the mark on your invalidation of the basis of Ethics being the greatest good for the greats number of dynamics. What is occurring is obviously NOT the greatest good for the simple reason that these short term foot bullets have not had the result of creating greater expansion of an essentially prosurvival ideology and methodology. What has occurred is the antithesis of a clear analysis and execution of the greatest good in each of the examples you have mentioned and in examples you could have mentioned but didn’t.
    Let’s start with the cornerstone action that started the less that greatest good that perhaps could be the “WHY” for all the rest of the less that greatest good actions that have finally come to light and are examples of why the Church has Hari Karied itself: the destruction of Qual.
    As we now know at the top of the Church the Org Board was dissolved which also dissolved the highest level of Qual. The simple purpose of Qual is to correct the machine (organization) and correct the product of the machine (technical application resulting in spiritually “improved” persons). My understanding is LRH said what was missing in all past organizations and what eventually caused their downfall was the lack of a Qual. By adding this division to our organization we have insured the continuation of it into eternity.
    Many of the less that greatest good or (evil) things would have been handled if there were a Qual doing its job of correction. Simply observing and extrapolating out the effects one would be able to see the “goodness or evilness of an action”. If qual were functioning correctly at the highest levels DM would not have been able to consolidate his power. He would simply have a job of doing what every Ed has the job of doing over their Organization. He would be there on the same terms of everyone else.
    Correcting the machine means it would be working well oiled, humming along, doing it’s jobs. The staff would be happy, producing as much as they can, each feeling purpose and fulfillment in all areas of their lives, so that they don’t feel the need to do anything else and are good examples for others.
    The ends justify the means and the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics are not the same thing. If I want a blue car the first method would allow me to steal the first one I saw parked on the street. If I looked at the future consequences of that action I might not steal that blue car as I might be removed from the enjoyment of my family, I might lose my future chances of working, with a criminal record. I might get beaten up in prison. I might consider that it sets a bad example for others and someone might be influenced to steal my blue car which I wouldn’t enjoy Etc.
    “the greatest moral good is the continued survival of the Church of Scientology, and actions to protect the Church are therefore justified even if they are cruel.” This observation is simply a dramatization of an organizational Service Facsimile which is not anything necessarily do with the greatest good etc. It is faulty reasoning devoid of analysis and akin to my belief that I am right and others wrong and anything I therefore do is “the greatest good” NOT. That bit of thinking has not been evaluated.
    Thus, threatening and abusing one’s juniors is justified. They are “downstat”. No, a proper qual would find out what is going on in the junior’s life and get them on a gradient to improve their production.
    And one has to penalize downstats, right? So how do you do that? Well, throw them overboard or into a lake, have them run laps around a building, put them on “beans and rice,” have them work through the night. Assign them to the RPF. That’s the “greatest good,” right? Obviously not, as people are blowing when they get the chance and the bad PR from their whistle blowing in the long run is the lesser good. A good Qual data analysis would come up with these actions being not good for the organization.
    Etc, etc. A really good analysis of the greatest good for the greatest # of dynamics would come up with a solution in all cases that would be the best you can do with what you’ve got to work with.

  111. If you go to YouTube, search for Charlie Earl, I added info there shared by other ex OSA people on Charlie’s current monetary situation.

    He’s one of the “got bucks” Sea Org members who I think his wife has the bucks.

    Some of the OSA people, and DSA people have spouses, like New York’s DSA head honcho John Carmichael, John’s wife has the money to keep John’s nice clothes, etc.

    I think they try to keep to the lawyers doing the show of hiring the PIs, but Charlie and another guy, forget his name, Mexican American OSA Int staffer, are the ones funneling the PI writeups up the chain of command, and ride upclose to the PIs and have at times one or a couple of the OSA people are “hired” as temp helpers to the hired PIs. I think they follow the laws, but as always right on the edge of the law, and certainly acting about as irreligious and immoral as unfortunately the Hubbard counter-attack legalistic policy and OSA Network Orders specify.

    Once their targets are labeled as the bad guys, they do their dirty business.

    Charlie, I agree, was and still is a pretty nice person, but in the couple of YouTube videos of him in Texas, he’s a bit of a wise ass.

    The anonymous videographers have done a huge public service, I try to label the OSA people they catch on film, so people know just who the OSA people ARE!!!

    YouTube is FULL of what I consider excellent “video justice” footage of Scientology staffers at the Sea Org installations.

    Counter “Video justice” videoing is the best counter defense against Scientology’s use of video harassment.


  112. You know I am still on the mailing list but it’s odd that all these years have gone by and I really only get mail from Saint Hill UK and Celebrity Centre.
    Sometimes Flag.

    Now that I am not living at all near either of those places you’d think they might share their mailing list with the smaller orgs or even a mission that might be local?

    Gee, do they even have missions anymore?

    Well, not to worry, I am going to print up Magarets amazing list and make good use of those postage paid reply envelopes they sometimes send.

    I guess I’ll have to make up my own little reg letter to the letter reg letter. Boy that just rolls off the tongue, but I know what I mean!

    Do only these

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  114. We’re hoping the days of having to handle massive negative impressions when you tell someone you are a scientologist are drawing to an end.

    Hopefully you won’t have to go through much of it at all.

    It didn’t bother me so much way back when, before things were rotten to the core. You know it would just be a matter of handling whatever bad press someone had come across or something. But MAN when it got to the point where you’d meet someone and think, “Wow, this is a great person, I bet they would love the tech” but then you slowly realise that it would be a betrayal to send them into an org.

    The last person I sent to the LA org a couple of years ago, I warned them that I wasn’t sure what it would be like.

    He was disgusted, he said he almost couldn’t get out of the building, they were literally blocking the exit. That’s BRAND NEW public.

    I find those highest stats ever really impossible to believe.
    But then I don’t know what event and what the previous stats for it may have been.

    Welcome self aware, I hope you’re able to extricate yourself and your family.

    And the icing on the cake would be a refund. I so wish I’d done that when I left, I really could have used the money but you know then my entire eternity would have been taken away forever, seemed a bit of a steep price to pay.

    Looking back on that I guess I thought the organization might one day be salvaged and I had no clear picture as to whether that policy would be enforced.

    You said; ” I have been listening to several of my friends over the past month and more than a few have slipped up during our conversation and by what they said, I know they are also reading Marty’s blog and they are certainly not too far behind me.”

    YEP, that’s why open communication or a simple creeping condition of doubt has become a high crime around there.

    I was forced to disconnect from friends in the 80’s that were simply ASKING QUESTIONS!

    And when almost all your favourite people are GONE you know one gets very curious.

    In the end they were going to force me to disconnect from the wrong friend and I drew the line and left.

    A year later that friend saved my life. Long story, but hey no doubt I made the right decision by refusing their suppresive BS.

    When I was a fairly new SCN they wanted me to disconnect from my mother because they said she was an SP. I wouldn’t agree but I did just do fair roads good weather while I was getting auditing.

    I could understand an auditor or CS telling a PC it might be a good idea to lay low from someone who’s giving them grief just for a while on a level or something. Especially if you are a brand new PC.

    Disconnect like every other policy has been flipped upside down, so it makes for a much more complicated and counterproductive situation than it ever set out to handle. Creating if MORE upset than was there before and prolonging the upset to the point of just really ruining people’s lives. These people letting that happen to them need to be their own counsel and rediscover their own personal integrity.

    It hasn’t been about making well and happy human beings in years and years. It has been about complete negative control and brainwashing.

    If Ron looked into the reactive bank and he discovered all the abberations and made processes to unravel them, then you can see how he said SCN. could be the most powerful enslaver if it was reversed

    This is what makes the current church more dangerous than I think a lot of people suspect.

    And if they’re duping OT’s with it, which appears to be happening then well it’s just very serious.

    I don’t think the OT’s are blind, but lack of sleep and nutrition along with disconnecting them from the outside world and probably creating all kinds of fear about the chaos that’s occurring out here have convinced many of these guys that the only way is to just stay in no matter how tough it is and try to get this planet cleaned up. No doubt many of them are just slugging it out waiting for a better day, if they can just clean up a little more of the bank!

    I hope there is a way to organise all those people being okay.

    There must be many millions in the field at this point. Sure, they might be getting some new unsuspecting recruits in, but most of us in the field are more seasoned.

    I know that little girl from AO I had the conversation with the other night said the LA Org grand reopening event was the “Biggest ever”, she said even people who didn’t know what Scientology was came, so what was up with that?

    I am curious which event you are talking about though.

    Anyway, welcome!

  115. Independent Wave

    Self A Ware, you want us to follow your example and tell others that we are Baptists? Hahahaha! No way, Jose.

    Why don’t you say that you are an Independent Scientologists or a Freezone Scientologist? Why are you denying your religion and misinforming that you are a Baptist? Google Baptists and KKK and Baptists and Antisemitism, etc. and I don’t want to be a Baptist. These guys had 2000 years and didn’t get it right.

    Nobody allowed to be a Scientologist unless approve by DM? That is not right.

    We are no Baptists, and btw, Scientology is closer connected to Buddhism than to Christianity. Do you have some hidden agenda that goes hand in hand with that of DM that we shall call us rather Christian but Scientologists because DM got a problem with it?


    Cat Daddy is right. What highest ever stats are you talking about? Highest ever stat in Private Investigator bills?

  116. Welcome Self A Ware. You are definitely tracking and I look forward to your coming out victory party. The chronic liars in the C of M have been lying for a long time, and many people were falsely labeled as “disaffected” or “suppressive” or “out ethics” — even some who were labeled such 20 years ago. There are REAL suppressive people of course, David Miscavige, being a shining example. Thank you for having the courage, integrity and grit to stand up for what is right. — Steve

  117. Self Aware,
    I echo Steve’s welcome. Well done on confronting what’s in front of you.

    Independent Wave,
    I think you missed something in Self Aware’s post. I appreciate the enthusiasm though.

  118. Oops, forgot to add to Independent Wave, your enthusiasms might consider the name of the blog, we’re moving up a little higher and Self Aware has moved up to become just that much more of not just self, but others and his group.

  119. martyrathbun09

    gandiguy, the way DM aced qual was to destroy RTC. LRH advised that RTC serve as a sort of HCO and Qual for all of the Scientology NWs.

  120. I totally get where you’re coming from, Self A Ware. It’s embarrassing to be embarrassed about your religion, isn’t it?

    It really sucks.

    Just Me

  121. You can easily say you are into Spirituality and slightly into bhudism and believe in reincarnation and chi (lifeforce). And on top of that general lifeimprovement thechniques.

    Would not have been a lie and is mnore creative

  122. Self A Ware

    Well, it did not take me long to stir something up! Oops.

    My point is, I would not say I was a Scientologist when asked my religion. I am not Baptist by the way. It is what came out of my mouth.

    Maybe I should start this all by saying, Hello everyone!

    I have read your stories and many have made me cringe while reading, with what you have gone through over the years.

    I really appreciate what all of you are doing.

    I also must say, I feel like I have a luxury booth watching a ball game compared to what many are going through at the moment fighting the C of M overtly. Wish I could just come out and help, but not yet.

    I will not bring anything up again here when I can’t give the exact time, place form and event. I did not intend to leave any one in mystery with what the highest ever stat was.

  123. Self Aware,

    Welcome and thank you for taking the time to post.

    As you mentioned people in the church are starting to look, friends that you know. We, on this blog, are not just a bunch of dissaffected Scientologists. In fact, quite the contrary. Most of the posters here know the tech works but have observed that it is no longer delivered at the church.

    I understand the embarrassment about association with the church in regards to your religious beliefs. Many of us have felt that as well. When the time is right and you decide to make yourself known this shifts as you can then say that you are an Independent Scientologist, not part of the church.

    Not only does it remove the embarrassment factor but it opens the door to communicating about the subject of Scientology itself. The general public does not seem too worried about the church having black PR and are genuinely interested in the fact that others choose to continue the philosophy, outside the church.

    I look forward to hearing more from you in the future.

  124. Thank you for that Self A Ware. Certainly do not want you to get in trouble on account of my inquery.

    Keep looking the rabbit hole runs deep.

    With Regards CD

  125. Salf Aware, Good to hear from you on this blog! I was a public Scientologist too, I exactly know what you are talking about regarding CCI.

    SP gets rid of the most productive and up stat person in the group. If you really look at the stat of the Independent Scientologists, they are pretty up stat and very aware, just like yourself, that why we are no longer part of C of M, right?

    Keep up the good work and keep your loved ones away from the SP (DM) and his gang.

  126. Self A Ware… fantastic telling of what you are going through right now. While reading about your experience, it hit me. What DM has done with shutting down one’s access to information i Un-American. It is a direct hit and violation of the whole First Amendment. He’s taken freedoms guaranteed him (speech, religion and association) and turned right around and taken away those exact same rights ALSO guaranteed to you and everyone else. He’s taken advantage of those rights, had the benefit of, yet denied them to others.

    He’s turned Scientology into an unconstitutional religion which has absolutely NO place being allowed to exist in America.

    I hope all the good folks like you, S-A-W (the light 🙂 ), realize the self-damage that has befallen them. It’s a beautiful thing, seeing what you have shared with all on this blog. It’s a process and it cannot help but continue to gain momentum. Stories such as yours are the evidence of such.

  127. In my opinion, Lunamoth has this right. For one thing, Tom Cruise is no ordinary PC. As a top celebrity and DM’s hand-picked friend, he has a position that is unique in Scientology, and that comes with the highest level of responsibility.

    And if Tom considers it acceptable that his birthday party used up $100,000 of OUR donations and required several sleepless nights from SO staff to set it up, then he is infected with the same exaggerated sense of entitlement that allows Miscavige to justify his luxurious perks while his juniors eat rice and beans and run around a tree all day.

    It’s because they are “big beings with high havingness”, you see, while the rest of us fall somewhere between “mediocre” and “scum”. It’s frame of mind typical of dictators but not of social beings, and I doubt if anyone on this blog has anything approaching that level of megalomania.

  128. great stuff to see, great details and this is just another manifest the church will have to handle, its building up what they have to handle in the inner sanctions of the management. marty just a note you will never die (greatness is goodness).
    thanks again darren

  129. Self A Ware

    The Human Rights video does apply to everyone but a member of C of M. This is where I have began breaking the ice with my family.

    I mentioned how we are fighting for others rights but we do not have the rights. Two of my older kids agreed with me.

    This is a process with finding the right timing. Unburdening the case some makes it easier to see.

    I am sure many of you have gone through the same thing. From timing your getting the hell off the base or whatever you might have had to time for the right result.

  130. They should do that, and they should bring John Sweeny with them so John can witness the manner in which DMology rives families apart.

  131. “Probably the same thing that was wrong with all of us when we were in the CoS and put up with all the crap and obvious outpoints because we thought that what we were supporting was more important than ANYTHING else.”

    I’m sure that’s it, Ax.

    When we were all brainwashed to believe that the ends justified the means, we would do anytihng *supposedly* for Scn, anything because we thought the church was saving the planet. It just takes/took some of us longer than others to get ourselves out of that delusion!

    Ah, Scn outside the church is so sane!

  132. John,

    Your prescription for a new playbook is a prescription for sanity. Unfortunately, DM is not sane. The more SP a leader is, the less likely he is to get in comm with his critics. I’m afraid that DM is about as SP as one can get, and therefore he will go down with the ship, ranting and raving.

    It will take truly sane people to execute your sane formula.

  133. Marty,

    Yes, that’s a better articulation of what I was trying to say. Thanks. 🙂

  134. Hi David,

    Welcome — it’s so good to see truly sane Scientologists here who looked and evaluated for themselves all those years ago, and who can now belong to a group of uptone, in-comm Scientologists again.

    Every Scn service is available in the field, and with excellent application, unlike in the current church. Have you gotten the info you asked for?

  135. Oh man, wouldn’t that just be beautiful! Ah, poetic justice. 🙂

  136. Good points. The heavy guy had, at one point, a light out-of-valence smile that was quite inappropriate in the circumstance. And, in his manner of staring silently while filming, even while being addressed, he was clearly running a ser fac. Definitely a criminal persona.

    The driver, on the other hand, looked like he was caving in whenever anything was said. One could almost see him recognizing, in some corner of his suppressed being, that he was manifesting the persona of a DB.

  137. himynameisanon

    at this rate there shouldn’t be just one air date for this expose theres prolly enough to do a 1hour, once a week , 8 week running series!!! i hope anyway

  138. Mockingbird6

    Hey Self A Ware,
    Am in the same position as you in another city, know what you’re going through, and glad to hear from you. M6

  139. It’s great that you’re compiling the evidence, Margaret. No one could possibly maintain with a straight face that 15 ex-Sea Org members are all lying. There are probably many more who could attest to this kind of behavior, and their accounts should be added. It will be a good compilation to hand to people who are in doubt, who are being told that everyone speaking out against DM is a liar.

  140. SelfAware,

    Good for you! You’re in the right place, among friends, among honest people, among people who intend to improve conditions across the dynamics (and who are truly doing so).

    Don’t worry about the fact that you’ve just deleted yourself from the HGC’s roll call. You can get any Scn service out here in the field, from excellent auditors who have only your spiritual gain in their hearts and minds, not money, not control, not any of the corrupt motivations driving the COM.

    Welcome, indeed!

  141. I saw his eyes start to roll like he would have gone completely unconscious had Marty stayed just a minute longer.
    The driver is probably some now completely enturbulated public from San Antonio who thought he was helping his church by driving the gooniegoogoo around.

  142. Some Crazy Ex

    Marty, what you have said you will do sounds like a threat. Now in my past revealations I too have commented on the secret recordings. But what your about to do sounds like you are about to reveal confidential things of a personal nature regarding Tom. Right now DM has had PIs out, but you know what will happen if you go further with this – you will become the victim of how far DM and Tom will go to protect their system of things under “The Greatest Good” and that calculation my friend, will involve doing whatever it takes to silence you. Your probably too public now to be targeted, but what about in 10 years, 15 years? What about your extended family, what about the family of your partner? The C of S never forgets and never forgives, ever. Moral fiber does not form a component in the calculation of “the Greatest Good” the way DM or Tom see it. I don’t agree with you, your views or your beliefs, but I am in agreement with the fighter that is within you. Be careful how far you take this. Only some Ex-SO know how far they can take the ballgame, and you can’t afford security for your friends or family for life. Having said all that, I will be watching from the grandstand, your providing quite a show.

  143. Right! And that would be the exact point where DM drove the first nail in the COS coffin. All the rest was just the slow purification of the corpse. Of course the corpse gets stinkier as time goes on /hence the abuses got more and more odious.

  144. What a drag on the stalkers! Camp David Miscavige please do not get so complicated, dramatic and Hollywood!

    This is our message to you:

  145. Self A Ware,

    A big HELLO! from another (soon to be EX-)public.

  146. Tone 41,

    Yeah, the driver sure looked troubled.

  147. 🙂

  148. From my (non Scn, never-been) perspective, Marty believes too much in the tech to ever violate confidentiality, so I doubt he’d reveal anything of a personal nature, say for instance that was shared in a confidential context like auditing. I feel like what’s going to be revealed is notsomuch personal as it is simply something that is NOT publically known.

    There have been hints in the past from other sources that Tom may (and I say MAY because it’s speculation only until we get more firsthand info) may have engaged in similarly abusive behavior as DM in church context, so if it’s anything along these lines that’s going to be revealed, I for one welcome any sunlight on the issue. Why should Tom be protected where DM isn’t?

    Sounds like Marty’s trying to give Tom the chance to do the right thing before this whole thing goes rollercoasting out of control.

    I think the train’s already left the station, though…

    And I’ll be joining you in the stands with the popcorn. And prayers for all exes that they stay safe in the midst of this massive implosion, cuz while it’s entertaining from the peanut gallery, I fully acknowledge that people are putting themselves at real risk here to get this info out.

  149. Way to go …

    Crank up the Heat still … the little bastard doesn’t wanna break, the beatings need to continue mercilessly.

  150. Is it possible that Mr. Sweeney isn’t the impartial journalist that he purports? I have no bias for or against the church, but his programs always seem to be very one side. A journalist is supposed to be subjective and report that facts, no? He seems to have a vendetta for certain people or groups and simply comes off quite smug and not impartial in any way. It feels as if he’s using the BBC to conduct very personal witch hunts for those he doesn’t agree with. It seems less journalism and more tabloid with every passing segment he does. The BBC is known for integrity and honest journalism, Mr. Sweeney doesn’t seem to share that motto.

  151. I was on the Saturday Evening Post site the other day and stumbled across this wonderful Norman Rockwell painting – one of a series of four called “Four Freedoms”.

    Not sure if that’ll work. We’ll see.

  152. Bumbling police! The Facebook police are stirring the pot for us! I rec’d this email this morning from a friend who is a Scientologist:

    “There seems to be a sudden exodus from the Scientology movement. I am getting emails every week to take someone away from my facebook page. Do you have any information? Did you know someone in the S.O. called Marty Rathbun? Any news on your end? Let us know.

  153. And when the bumbling police attract the police!



    Sect suspected of inappropriately using sensitive personal data

    May 20, 2010

    (ANSA) – Turin, May 20 – Police raided a local Scientology chapter here and discovered a hidden archive which contained not only information on the group’s members but also on the sect’s ‘enemies’, the Turin daily La Stampa reported on Thursday.

    Police were acting on a warrant issued by magistrates who have opened a probe into the religion which is suspected of violating laws governing the handling of personal information.

    According to La Stampa, police searched the chapter on Via Bersezio for some nine hours and in the basement, behind a locked door, found the sect’s secret archive which had files on magistrates, policemen, journalists and relatives of former members. La Stampa said magistrates were now examining these documents which were “chock full” of sensitive information dealing with sexual habits, health and political inclinations.

    In 2000, the Italian supreme Court of Cassation recognised Scientology as a religion but said it was organised as a business and thus subject to taxation.

    Member are said to pay high fees for counseling or ‘auditing’ to advance through the religion’s various ‘levels’.

    Scientology has been at the center of controversy because of its nature as a sect, which has led to accusations of fraud, and many countries do not qualify it as a religion.

    Aside from charging high fees to its members, Scientologists have drawn criticism for aggressively reacting to critics and their opposition to psychiatry, which they consider to be destructive and abusive and say should be outlawed.

    Scientology, which claims to focus on spiritual rehabilitation, was founded in the early 1950s by the late science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard and evolved out of his self-help program Dianetics.

    Despite its controversy, it has drawn a number of high-profile celebrities including actors Tom Cruise and John Travolta and musicians Isaac Hayes and Chick Corea.

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