Open Letter to Residents of Ingleside on the Bay Texas

June 28 morning update (10:15 a.m.).   I just got back from a six mile bike ride.  Thanks to the good citizens of IOB I am afforded such luxuries because as you will see a number of unnamed heroes have got my back.  I was followed down a relatively desolate 2-lane hiway by a gold sedan manned with cult spies with cameras.  As I returned to IOB I was greeted (in what was supposed to be an ambush) by three cult members in a golf cart as I rounded the corner into our little town.  All of this was witnessed and  then reported by locals the moment I arrived home.

June 27 morning update.  The incident captured on video immediately below occurred at ten a.m. this morning. It is apparently the Miscavige Cult’s response to the post that follows:

My name is Mark “Marty” Rathbun.  I live at 115 Bayshore Court .  My wife Monique and I have been residents of Ingleside on the Bay (IOB) since November 1, 2006.   For three years we rented the light blue house at 902 S Sandpiper from Janie and Pat Hunt.  We leased a home on the canal on Woodhaven for a year before moving to our present location last November.


I worked for the Coastal Bend Herald (The Conscience of the Coastal Bend) and We the People monthly newspaper in Corpus Christi and did a number of other writing assignments from essay writing to contribution to an historical book. Until recently Monique worked as a supervisor at Superior Health Care in Corpus Christi.

I worked for the church of Scientology from my twenty-first birthday in January 1978 until Dec 12, 2004. Wikipedia has a relatively accurate and succinct account of my career in the church:

Between 1982 and the time I left the organization I answered to no one but the head of Scientology, David Miscavige.  Wikipedia also includes a fairly accurate summation of Miscavige’s career:

I moved to IOB primarily to write, fish, boat, and spend some years enjoying some of the fundamental virtues that drive humanity but that I found so lacking during most of my adult life in the church of Scientology.

In 2008 I learned that several former high level Scientology officials had followed my lead and left the church of Scientology.  Some of those old friends found me through the internet and came to visit.  The more stories I heard about how the organization had continued to deteriorate under Miscavige’s command after my departure, the more I grappled with responsibility for doing something
effective for those who continued to suffer in part for my having helped
empower what had become a ruthless madman.

I was also urged by many friends to make myself available to help former members “decompress” and make sense of their time within the cult.  That necessarily involved application of some of the principles of the philosophy of Scientology. I found many former members of the cult felt most robbed – and the chief reason they stayed in an abusvie, cult-like environment  – was
their fear of the cruel, well funded attacks Corporate Scientology had become
infamous for leveling against those with the temerity to say, as the first
Protestants did in 16th Century Europe, “I do not need the imprimatur of a corrupt priest to read, understand and live the words written by the Founder of my chosen faith.”

I put up a website in Feb 2009, which expanded into a blog in July that year, that announced what I intended to do, Moving on up a Little Higher.

Within days Miscavige’s cult took extraordinary measures to intercept three of the first five people who expressed interest in seeing me.  Also within days I received requests for interviews from news media around the world.  I chose the St Petersburg Times (the largest newspaper in Florida) because I knew its writers and editors, knew they had integrity, they had a lot of experience
investigating Scientology for decades and would not back down like other
media.  The result was a several part series entitled the Truth Rundown.  The Times put over three hours of taped interviews with me on their website with the
series, where I discuss in detail my entire history with Corporate Scientology
from the beginning to the day I left.  While I subsequently did a five part series on CNNs’ Anderson Cooper 360, a two-part ABC Nightline special, and an hour-long documentary aired on British Broadcasting Corporation, the Times videos are the most comprehensive, least edited account of my history directly from me.  That video interview – organized by topics – can be found at:

A consequence of my having spoken out as loudly and thoroughly as I did was the creation of an exodus of sorts from the Scientology cult.  Houghton-Mifflin publishing company commissioned a two-year objective study into Scientology.  The author of the resultant book (which will be officially released next month) Janet Reitman was interviewed this week by the Editor in Chief of the New York Village Voice, Tony Ortega.   She concluded her interview with the following which probably serves as  the best explanation why the cult of Scientology’s head David Miscavige has directed unlimited funds be utilized to destroy me utterly:

Which brings us to the reason for this post now.   Many residents of IOB have been surprised, shocked, or simply intrigued at the antics of the cult and its hired private investigators over the past several weeks.  Prior to about mid April their activities against me were limited to:

  1. Hacking my email.
  2. Illegally buying my phone records.
  3. Buying my trash from BFI and searching it for
    any clue they could use against me.
  4. Setting up 24/7/365 surveillance of my every
    move; they have had agents embedded in Ingleside and IOB for over a year.
  5. Hacking airline computers to get my flight plans
    so that every time I left town in the past two years, i) my wife was confronted by two unidentified cult members each time, and ii) I was picked up by teams of private investigators at each destination airport.
  6. The hacking of my blog and shutting it down.
  7. Putting up 28 websites in attempts to slander and discredit me – including such allegations that my wife is in fact a man and
    that I murdered my own brother thirty years ago.  The cult is well heeled and will invent and publish the most vicious defamation, inviting libel suits so that they can ruin the plaintiff utterly by
    abuse of court processes.
  8. Sending private investigators to every former member who has met with me,  multiple times, offering cash incentives to bad mouth me in any way.
  9. Sending private investigators to harass each of Monique’s associates, friends, and even her former husband.
  10. Sending teams of dummies to put cameras and microphones in my face in restaurants, sidewalks, airports, and other public places, obstructing my path, then bringing bogus assault charges against me for gently guiding them out of my way when they obstruct me, my wife or friends.  To give you an idea how insane it gets, they hired a former FBI agent lawyer in Corpus to heavily lobby to have me prosecuted for grasping a microphone they stuck in my face, over my own property line after I had to herd four of them off my doorstep. Four unidentified intruders who traveled from California for the exclusive purpose of harassing me on my doorstep. The county attorney  who evaluated the case said she
    had seen nothing more frivolous in her career (and could not believe anyone in their right minds would spend money to have an attorney try to lobby for such a case).  They have done this to me nine
    times that I am aware of in three states.  All nine cases have been heavily lobbied by their expensive lawyers and cop private investigators. All nine have been laughed out of existence
    by the officials receiving them.  Zero for nine.

Here is the unedited video tape of the 17 April incident at my own home referred to above:

Which brings us to the present.  Rather than take a hint that their acts are
making them abhorrent in the public eye, Miscavige has decided to damn the
torpedoes and sink me by any means necessary. In the past two weeks,  his blue shirts have made a practice of harassing us daily by overtly training cameras on our home from the street, then travelling to the entrance to Bahia Marina to do the same to the other side of our home. They harass us at Ingleside restaurants. They have added to their couple of covert surveillance properties by  leasing real estate in IOB to overtly  harass me and my wife.

All harassment efforts are being coordinated by the cult’s chief private investigator, one David Lubow dba Falcon investigations from Los Angeles.

David Lubow - Chief Cult Private Eye

First, they attempted to rent the apartment directly across the canal from our bedroom at Bahia Marina. This photo of their target apartment is taken from our bedroom window:

Luckily, the good people at Bahia caught the investigator lying about his intent and identity and refused on the basis that they would not rent to people attempting to spy on neighbors:

Then, they attempted to purchase several prime lots directly across the canal from our home.  Here is the view of the property from our deck:

Again, another true American refused to sell out to the cult.

Finally, under false pretenses, Ralph S Gomez, making big cult dollars working for Lubow, lied to a local real estate agent in order to rent these premises on Bayshore Circle, less than a quarter of a mile from our home:

This is their staging area for two to three daily visits to the front of our home for filming and to the rear of our home for more filming of our home. Several other drive bys are done of our home by vehicles during each day. Gomez has been seen driving three to five cult members around IOB wearing baby blue t-shirts to perform these “religious” rituals.  The T-shirt have photographs of my head on them with the international strike out symbol across it in red:

While the Bayshore Circle Cult headquarters is just less than a quarter mile from our home by road, it is less than a couple hundred yards as the camera records.  Here is Cult HQ – the wood sided home with orange trim – taken from the front deck of our home:

Gomez also uses the Bayshore Circle headquarters to drive cult members to Ingleside to interrupt and harass us in town.

Gomez is working for the cult’s most notorious private detective, David Lubow from Falcon Investigations in Los Angeles.  Lubow has worked for the cult for more than twenty-years and will stop at nothing, violate any law he can get away with violating, because he is a card-carrying member of the cult.  Gomez has consistenly refused to indentify himself while stalking my wife and I.  He has lied to a number of people in Ingleside and IOB.  It has been established he is working for David Lubow.

Ralph S Gomez

This past Thursday night Gomez was escorting his merry pranksters around IOB in a golf cart clad in their “bust Marty” t-shirts.  Gomez spent three hours trying to prevent us from finding out where the golf cart would wind up.  Finally, he dumped it on Starlight drive and had a cult driven van whisk five cult members away. Gomez trespassed through a closed chainlink gate and hid behind the home at 721 Starlight. With my headlights all over the place Gomez emerged.

I asked Gomez whether he had rented the place since he was deep into the property hiding and there was a for-rent sign in front. Gomez said “no”…..”but I have the owner’s permission to be here.”  A later call and visit by me to the owner confirmed Gomez’s assertion to be an unadulterated lie.  Gomez,
caught in the hot-seat, finally broke down after weeks of following the cult
script:  “we are a media company, we are here to do a documentary, we just want to interview Marty, etc.”   Gomez made a big mistake and let a little bit of truth eke out.  Gomez told me that I just need to go “fix it” with Miscavige’s cult.  Gomez told me that all of what they have been doing to me would go away if I simply caved in and settled with Miscavige’s cult.  Gomez admitted to me that if he was the recipient of what they had dished out to me over the past several weeks he personally would long ago have “flipped out.”   Gomez told me all the harassment would cease if I simply surrendered.

Unfortunately for Gomez, Miscavige and those misguided cult
members doing his bidding, the evidence of their real intent, as admitted by
Gomez in a moment of fear when he was separated from the pack of cult members, has been provided to the Federal Bureau of Investigation which has an ongoing Human Trafficking investigation with Miscavige as the main target, and several local law enforcement agencies.

The cult has two weapons and two weapons only:  a) harassment to a degree unprecedented in a civilized society, and b) money to buy the victim of “a” when he is put into an amenable frame of mind. Just so everybody knows, as Miscavige just won’t seem to get it through his head, I will never fold to any pressure no matter how intense, and I am not for sale – at any price.

To the many IOB and Ingleside residents who have expressed and provided support, Monique and I cannot thank you enough. You have deeply touched our hearts and greatly increased our faith in humanity. If you have any questions or you would like more background on the matter feel free to stop by anytime or email me at

New York Village Voice coverage of this article:

NOTE for regular readers of Moving On Up a Little Higher:
I am posting this open letter to the members of my immediate community
here so interested people can readily get to the truth of the situation playing out in their community. I believe it will be of interest to most of the regular readers too. It recaps the history of how I got into all this and how it has wound up to where things are currently at.  As we approach four million visits to this site, I recognize not everybody has been here from the outset or had the ability to read the more than 2000 pages of text that this blog now contains. It also of course provides further evidence of how the hard earned monies of many parishioners are being mis-used by Miscavige and his cult, in grotesque violation of IRS regulations concerning tax exempt “churches.”

367 responses to “Open Letter to Residents of Ingleside on the Bay Texas

  1. There must be something that can be done legally to keep this from happening, Marty. Texas is a great state and they don’t take kindly to this kind of personal harassment. There are laws against stalking, etc. Please use the legal system to protect yourself and your beautiful wife. There’s no way the Church can continually get away with this.

  2. Marty, stay strong!

    Take good care of yourself, Monique, and the light will shine on through.

  3. Marty,
    Your a lucky man to have the support of the residents of Ingelside. At least we know they can obnose better than Gomez or Lebow . Golum, the evil dwarf, only wishes he could have this kind of support. Much love to you and Mosey.


  4. Is Gomez or Lebow licensed to opperate in Texas?

  5. Hi Marty;

    Well done on this letter. You’ve probably added many local eyes and ears and cameras to your cause. Even if you take a nap, every motion of DM’s wing-dings will be witnessed and recorded.

    I wonder if there is such a thing as the ‘stupidest’ one can get, or is it ‘infinite stupidity’? I guess we can just keep watching and find out.

  6. Orthodox Scientologist

    I praise you for your persistence and integrity in the face of such evil. Their behavior, their actions, their motives are truly despicable. Any persons, from any group, who would stoop to such machinations is deranged and attempting to live out some Hollywood B movie that keeps playing in his head. If such people were truly Scientologists, as they proclaim to be, then they would walk away. They would cease and desist. In all my years, with all the weird stuff I’ve witnessed in that Church, we always ignored the noise. We always just flourished and prospered. Not any more. It shows the psychosis plain as day that this parade of Miscavage is continually created. This is the pot calling the kettle black. This is the true behavior, personality traits and intentions of the suppressive and psychotic. Shame on them.

  7. Great letter Marty.

    I think an open letter such as this is definitely a good idea. Nothing like having a safe point from which to communicate and with the support of your neighbours, Miscavige’s goons will be constantly watched.

    Copies could also go to the local Sheriff/Police.

    It’s nice to be on the offensive – Miscavige and the gang are constantly pulling up the rear like a bunch of keystone cops.

  8. Marty and Mosey, what an incredible letter to your neighbors. This is so well done.

    What these scums have done is PURE EVIL. Anyone associated with DM in any way will now get what a true SP is and if you don’t get it then you never got what Scientology was about.

  9. Marty and Mosey-I am so sorry you are going through this-it is horrible and utterly despicable. I want you to know there are many who love you and support you. This will come to an end.

  10. Well done.

  11. Ziba Feulner

    Marty, I admire your courage! I have sent you an email and would be more than happy if you would publish my recent write up. Thanks

  12. Fascinating Marty.

    Especially this point:

    “…putting up 28 websites in attempts to slander and discredit me – including such allegations that my wife is in fact a man and that I murdered my own brother thirty years ago…”

    I mentioned this to someone on this BLOG Marty, just the other day, that this is what corporate Scientology does, as a rule, makes up stories about anyone they can get people to believe is their enemy instead of using ARC and just plain 2-Way comm!

    I knew this was the case, regarding spies and plants in the neighborhood area of your home before you even said it.

    I hopped over to one of those hate sites you mentioned that I found on Google and it seems that they know what you buy, when you buy it, what you have on, where you buy it, what it costs etc.

    As long as the Police don’t have any problems with you Marty, and you are not liable for anything for which you can be arrested, let them live there, make up their stories there, let them die there. Wait until they send a smear letter to your neighbors, which I expect is coming, it almost always does.

    I wish I could be there on your side to help you and Mosey in person but I can’t, but I will keep myself posted, and maybe one day I may even be at Casablanca myself for some high toned auditing.

  13. Marty,
    You are my Hero.

    I seriously have NO idea why all the many Texas law enforcement agendas whose job it is to protect and serve you have completely and totally abdicated all jurisdiction and responsibility to, well, protect and serve you!

    The level of deliberate apathy by Texas state law enforcement agencies does not at all seem to be accidental here.


    John in Austin

  14. after doing a quick search I have discovered that Private Investigators in Texas are required to be licensed in Texas. The govering agency Is The Texas Department of Public Safety /Private Security Bureau

    Also Private Investigators in Texas are required to charge their clients sales tax.The taxes must be collected and paid tothe State controller by the 20th of each month. http://ourcpa,

    Also each investigator cannot have been convicted of a felony or class A Misdemeanor, In any Jurisdiction, EVER. or a class B misdemeanor in the past 5 years.

    Who wants to bet Lebow has all his bases covered? Probably not!


  15. Sapere Aude

    Marty and Monique,
    Exact time, form, place and event – you have filled the vacuum with truth. That truth will be the stable datum for the community to view the situation. Nothing like publishing a valid Knowledge Report and posting for all to see. I think Ralph S. Gomez is going to hide his face and curse the day he ever took money to harass you. He personally already knows what he is doing is wrong.

    So much detail. Another case of attempting to put out a fire by throwing gas on it. I have to say you have exhibited such grace under fire. It is my postulate that you can live in quiet dignity in the near future. Hatred and attack on you and your wife should not be tolerated in any form by the State of Texas – this is a hate crime based on differences of how you wish to practice your religious beliefs.

    The blue shirted black hearts are doing everything they can to harm the repute of LRH and Scientology. They have gone past being PTS and assumed the full valence and behavior of the SP. I have to say it saddens my heart to know that I in the past worked hard to support and expand the organization. We know that this has been usurped by one David Miscavige and is being managed in a manner inconsistent with the legal documents and policy and procedures written by the founder, LRH.

    To all lurking Church members – you need to confront the fact that your support is what pays for this harassment. To the residents of Ingleside I hope you don’t let the insane antics occurring in your streets and facilities misdirect you from the fact that we know all people are basically good. It is only the small minority that work day and night to make a hell on earth. This small minority have come into your wonderful community to be a pest just like a swarm of bees or a family of skunks. Sorry they are stinking up the place. The stench will in time leave your fair lands.

    To see what is at work here please go to the following:

    You will see what the headquarters look like. Please note the razor tipped fences facing inward to not allow staff to be able to leave. I believe some of this fence has been removed to citizens driving down the highway cannot see it but there are still internal fences. Many of us who post on this blog have been locked down behind those fences and still have friends and family locked down at that location. No passport, no vehicle, no phones – yes, here, in the USA.

    I know agencies are investigating and I expect this suppression of free beings to end. We just want to be able to have our own observations, understandings, and practices of our beliefs according to the original written and spoken materials left in the legacy of LRH. That is why we are Independent Scientologists. We are independent from and not part of the antics currently being carried out in the name of the “church.”

  16. And one more thing. This Ralph S. Gomez person. If he is so convinced as he is that corporate Scientologists are so on the level, what a shame he is not even an auditor yet! Being one who listens well always help in the first place!

  17. Sapere:

    They are such sneaky c***s and d***s.

    Don’t react: 🙂 but next year, guess what, maybe DM will open a new Idle Morgue in Corpus Christie and not invite Marty and Mosey to the ribbon cutting.

    Well DM my heart would surely be broken if that didn’t take place!!!!!!!!

  18. Michael Fairman

    Marty and Mosey
    Your post is a direct hit on the psychotic that is running this freak show. There’s more coming, much more, to blow him and his minions out of the water. A salute to your neighbors for supporting you, and a salute to you and Mosey for your courage, persistence, and dedication to the truth. I am there for you in any way you need me.

  19. I remember watching Die Hard a few years back. Sitting in front of the tube, living a life of heroism vicariously through Willis’s character, thinking how cool it would be to actually be that tough.

    And I’m watching you keeping your TRs in and handling the hell out of some very nasty SPs and I’m thinking, “I wonder if I could keep my TRs in that good.”

    You honor, Marty, is commendable. Your wife has gotta be some kind of OT to jump into this fray and keep smiling.

    Miscavige’s foot bullets turned into rocket bullets and now he’s shooting H-bombs.

    Meanwhile, back at La Casa, Marty is sitting on the deck chair picking his teeth with a fish bone and doing his weekly PC line up.


  20. You know Marty what would be nice is if you had a live stream video of the street from your house. People could tune in to see the idiots live. Kinda like watch the monkeys at the zoo from your home. Also if you could tie this to a storage unit it could be a backup when you are not home to see if they mess with your mailbox or come on to your property.

    Look in to Ustream

  21. David Miscavige is too stupid to understand that if he simply left you alone, there wouldn’t be endless hours of video fodder for whatever lucky-ass hollywood director gets to ultimately make this into the best made-for-TV movie ever.

    Miscavige is probably punching the walls in his office, screaming, “Why won’t Marty give-in like everyone before him always has?!?!?!”

    He just doesn’t understand that what he’s up against is truth and integrity…….two qualities he NEVER operates with himself.


    Thanks Marty. I know you don’t like props but, technically, you are factually enduring a great deal in your personal life to put things right within the walking-dead cult of David Miscavige.

    For what it’s worth, as I sit here in Seattle, un-harrassed…..thank you! I really do mean it. There isn’t anyone better qualified to put things right.

  22. Yeah Marty I was correct. Here is a live feed from eagles in a nest!

    Let these turds know they are being watched live. There is also a download for your camera phone too!

  23. How about sending this as a letter to the editor of your local paper or even getting an article.

  24. Marty and Mosey,

    Every day, your example of steadfastness and resilience, in being part of your community, is sending a clear message to your neighbors. Every day, these PIs with the strike-out Marty shirts are sending a message as to what the Church of Miscavige is to these same people. This whole scene would look to almost all observers as, well, insane. Imagine working for an employer, or being a member of a church, that years after you’ve quit, follows you around and harasses you? Your neighbors can identify with you and you’re part of the community – these guys are anything but. And people who are able to differentiate – good, decent people – don’t blame the victims of harassment and stalking, they blame the harassers and the stalkers. At this point, there must be no one left in Ingleside, or Ingleside on the Bay, who aren’t perfectly clear on the nature of Miscavige’s organization or don’t regard it as a model of hatefulness. They are creating their own bad PR, not bad PR for you.

    The home-picketing thing was never a great win for OSA, even at the small-scale levels of 10 or 15 years ago – yes, people tend to prefer and be loyal to their own neighbors rather than folks perceived as “harassing cult members,” but this is taking it to a whole new level.

  25. One more thing – they’re also creating all kinds of misunderstood words and situations….”Squirrel,” to most people, has nothing to do with revising or deviating from religious texts or counseling practices, it means a small common outdoor rodent, particularly with a bushy tail. What on earth does it *mean* to call oneself a “squirrel buster,” to put Marty’s picture on a squirrel, and walk around and drive around with this in a town full of non-Scientologists? It’s a big splashy production, meant to draw attention, that is created in order to make almost no sense to anyone who would observe it except to cause annoyance and anger (*not* at the neighbor, at the weird invaders who make no sense.).

  26. Impartial English Girl

    Mr. Rathbun – what a decent, well-written letter this is. It must’ve taken a great deal of courage to put together. I am sure it will be very much appreciated by your neighbours. If someone were to send me such an open letter after weeks of bizarre antics I would feel, first, deep gratitude that someone had the decency to explain what was going on, second, sincere sympathy for the appalling situation in which you and your wife (Mrs. Rathbun = a man?! FFS, that’s UTTERLY ridiculous.) find yourselves and, finally, a willingness to help out in whatever way I could.

    Without wishing to sound patronising – you’ve done exactly the right thing – only good can come of this letter.

    Keep smiling!
    IEG xx

  27. Joe Pendleton

    I’m no legal eagle and I do realize that to challenge the CofS on any legal front would take tons of confront as well as a willingness to spend certain amounts of money upfront, but….geez…this all has GOT to be a violation of your civil rights, Marty. Besides the kind of stalking that I know is illegal in California (and certainly must be in Texas) this is a direct challenge to your rights under the First Amendment of the Constitution in re: to your religious freedom. I can only hope (and I kinda assume this really) that you are doing some work right now on this front (and I really don’t want you to say anything about it if it would jeopardize your chances). I’m just lending my support to the idea that as Americans, what the CofS is doing in this regard is completely intolerable; it is morally wrong and harmful and against all of the traditions of liberty of our nation.

  28. Sapere:

    I hate being a pest. People say to me all the time “Oh Lana, shut the fuck up already!” They mean it well, but I guess I like to talk a lot but I have something else I want to say, because I feel that people here that post here like me, we are all friends.

    Marty MAY THINK he has worries with these people from corporate Scientology monsterquarters in Hemet, California spying on him. Hey, little does Marty know {the good person that he is} he just might be on his porch one day and catch a glimpse across the bay of David Lebow waltzing around on his new property in his sister’s favorite panties! That might account for him promoting the idea, that Mosey may be someone of the opposite sex in disguise.

    I haven’t heard anything like that since Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In used to be on TV. Not even on Saturday Night Live do they comment on people that way.

    Unbelievable, that they try to make people have a hard time supporting their friends.

  29. Marty and Monique,
    I am filled with admiration for your steadfast determination to continue helping others in spite of the shameful and illegal efforts by the cult of Scientology to harass you.

    You continue to be an inspiration to us all!

    David St Lawrence

  30. David:

    That is definitely some very sharp investigative work on your part. That’s really nice.

    But, as a woman, I wouldn’t go quite that far. I would just ask a couple of Daivd Lebow’s “close corporate Scientology buddies” down there in IOB, if I were there, with a smile on my face:

    “Hey. Dave is not walking around in his sister’s underwear anymore is he?”


  31. I will never fold to any pressure no matter how intense, and I am not for sale – at any price.

    Reminds me of a great man!

  32. Pingback: Have you heard from Sid lately?

  33. Oh boy – tax evasion! Didn’t they finally get Al Capone on that one?
    Nice homework, David 🙂

  34. Wearing symbols of hate speech right on their shirts!
    You know the truth about David Miscavige and his evildoers. These people are all in it for the money just like he is and they’ll stoop to the lowest levels to get it just like he will too.
    Thank you for being there & communicating the truth, especially through this harassment and hatred.

  35. Marty and Mosey — Gomez and Lubow and the other hired thugs and cult members harassing you are no match for the fine citizens of Ingleside on the Bay or you.

    My husband and I are now thinking it’s been too long since we were there enjoying your company, the beautiful sea air and the best breakfast tacos in America!

    It sounds like your neighborhood now offers more amusements than it did before. Doesn’t matter to us. We like it quiet, and we like it lively.

    Until we can see you again, we’re sending big hugs. Also, please pass along our greetings to your wonderful IOB friends and others we met last time. You’re so fortunate to have such great friends. Must be something about IOB that draws and holds everyone there.

    And remember that our casa es su casa, too. Y’all come visit!


  36. SA,
    PERFECT! THANK YOU! ml, Laura Ann Wilson

  37. The Cult of Miscavige is truly going bonkers. I’m sorry that you and Mosey have to endure this kind of treatment. It really speaks to how crazy Corporate Scientology has become. Brad and I are looking forward to seeing you both and having some fun 😉

  38. To those living in Ingleside on the Bay, I just want to thank you for your support of the Rathbuns and to point out the often unsung heroine of this piece – Monique Rathbun.

    She was not involved (as Marty was) with scientology until recently. And she has endured and remaining standing by her man since this craziness began.

    Most would have walked. Most would have started to question, perhaps there is something going on with my guy, that I don’t know.

    I mean NO organization does this to someone. Certainly NO church.

    And yet, in front of her eyes she was being harassed and stalked. With offers to defect and turn.

    I’m not sure I could have withstood the pressure. Certainly Gomez couldn’t have and IF he has a wife, by now she’s probably left him long ago. Unless he’s keeping her strung out on the money he is raking in.

    All these PIs, blue shirts, camera men, are sorely on the WRONG side of history and that is an extremely painful place to be when the wall tumbles.

    The only people who would be genuinely able to help you, as you sit in your shame, are the ones you stalked and harassed and attempt to drive insane.

    And they might just take a few extra minutes to answer you plea- help me I’m dying here.


  39. It seems that David Miscavige has built himself a real big house of cards.
    He’s caving himself in I guess?

  40. That’s a pretty scary story. Good job with holding your ground.

  41. Diminutive Midget,
    Had you had the strength of character to marry a woman like Mosey you may have had more success.
    It must be frustrating that you haven’t been able to crush her as easily as you were able to crush your own wife and those of other men.
    Not only is Marty winning the ‘war’ but he got the girl too.
    You SUCK and you can’t fish.

  42. Dear Marthy&Mosey
    Thank you for your posting , The open Letter is
    a fantastic way of placing Ethics with in the community related to who and what network is the source , and its crimnal behaviour.
    Your very factual withthem, and that shows they give you respect
    Of course Dm would wish otehrwise , All he is doing is digging himself more and more in the shit with documented evidence. Its evident of only to public show Hate towards you and to destroy you, and your family and your life. The chief of Public PI operation’s the network doing the documetary under false pretense, Will likley now wish he never set eyes on you or Dm or wished he was never under Dm’s network because he is also playing in the game of trying to destroy you.
    IN the end he is going to go to down the gutter with DM aswell.
    You have a lot of support Marthy and family and friends. Thank you again. If only LRH was present to see this madness. DM is in the Valence of a Full on SP and nothing else.He would have been hung out for the rats, lions and any thing else to catch him.

  43. Sara Finning

    Marty, I didn’t realize the harassment was on such an aggressive scale.

    In most organizations where the executive becomes the story or there is such adverse PR, they do the honorable thing and step aside or resign for the good of the organization and its survival.

  44. Dear Marty,

    Thank you.

    I do not read your blog regularly due to the press of other business, but I am impressed with your dedication to publicly summmarizing your history in this area.

    Given what you, and others, report, and my own experience in this area, it is clear that David Miscavige is a terrorist. David Miscavige and Osama Bid Laden have more in common than distinguish them.

    My own trajectory through Miscavige’s terrorist perversion of Scientology is different than yours. I have not been assaulted with the same terrorist attacks you have known.

    But, I would like the OSA-ites reading this post to let David Miscavige know that, I am back and I am going to (legally, lawfully and ethically) get him. If, therefore, David Miscavige, has any slight semblance of native personal integrity left, he now, therefore, has one last chance to do the right thing.

  45. So, Dave, this will all stop if Marty takes the money.

    In the Maritimes, especially as you get over Mt. Thom, up North, we have a saying ” dumb as my arse, wha'”.

    God, it is so plain to just about all but you and those potatoe-heads in the T-shirts, just how small and feckless you are.

    It is evident a MEST being, that is a being ensconced in the “excess benefits” of matter, energy, space and time, hasn’t a clue what Ultimate Truth can do.

    You’re done Dave. Have been for a while. Good riddance fecker.

    Oh, one other thing, another being just finished OT I in Independent Scientology this past week. Yep, OT I Dave, waaaaay over your head dude, beyond your awareness level, a spiritual universe that doesn’t require filthy lucre.

  46. Wow, this article shows how Miscavige goes to extraordinary and illegal lengths to protect … something. But make no mistake, it is not Scientology he’s trying to protect; his more recent and longer term acts demonstrate an utter lack of care for the subject, its founder and its members. They are all continuously thrown under the bus to protect … the thing Miscavige holds most dear.

    But what has to be so ardently and fervently protected?

    It’s like watching some blatantly corrupt evangelical church leader who continues to rake in money with his utterly pious act, while observing his behavior out of the limelight you could only conclude that he is not even a Christian. You would have to ask, why would the “minister” continue to lead his church when, by conduct, he is not even a member? But he can’t just stop or step down. Stepping down would be an admission he doesn’t care about the subject which would open doors he can’t have opened. He’s trapped.

    Miscavige’s behavior is NOT that of a Scientologist.

    So what is Miscavige protecting? The answer is in Scientology itself. He’s protecting his crimes. And like the evangelical minister above he is trapped and driven nuts, not by what we know but what we don’t know about him, except it’s not that simple:

    “Do they know?” Miscavige is forced to ask himself.
    “But how do they know?”
    “Surely they must know.”
    “No, no way … they don’t know, the fools, how could they?”
    “But Marty wrote that article, he seemed to suggest … no, he couldn’t know.”
    “Yes, yes oh lord he DOES know.”
    “How does he know, how did he find out?”
    “Does he know?”
    “No, he doesn’t know.”
    “But what if he does?”
    “Argggggh … destroy Marty, destroy them all”.

  47. Nice job. If I was your neighbor and received that letter, I’d quickly be on your side.

  48. blip-blap-blip-blippity-blap

    People’s tones can be cavalier, about the material actions of what is truly happening here. Marty and Mike, merely need to sit back in cases such as these and document the fail, it only helps their position. They have both established documentation on several fronts, and have peoples names; if a flea even farts on either of them evidence is pointing squarely at one small obscure group of people.

    An obscure group that:
    1) Unifies under the legally definable term as a religion.
    2) Tows party line word for word, in an amoral fashion, from following a “voice of certainty”, Hubbard, Miscaviage…
    3) Has their unverifiable tenants challenged, and proven false in multiple formats, from several legs of academia, governments, journalism, personal experiences, etc.
    4) Follows false logical fallacies on a continuous basis.
    5) Ruthless pursues their dissenters and critics, in order to expose “truth”, in thus their own terminal ego’s.

    My point is that these basic factors when totaled up paint one picture, that of a Fundamental Extremism.

    “the new fundamentalism of our age….leads to the language of expulsion and exclusivity, of extremism and polarization, and the claim that, because [g]God is on our side, he is not on yours”. Archbishop of Canterberry talking about Atheism.

    “The 14th Dalai Lama has agreed that there exist also extremists and fundamentalists in Buddhism, arguing that fundamentalists are not even able to pick up the idea of a possible dialogue”.

    In life being open-minded and honest, has always been my source of clarity. The people Miscaviage is sending around are so pathetic, their stories are muddled, sooner or later they will slip up and lose. It will be chronicled, and if it’s an operation big enough it will lead on paper directly to Miscaviage. Until then I eat popcorn and lol. I want him to run, I want to see this guy chased around the planet, except this time I want the entire world to watch.

    Personally, I pursue this Scientology fiasco in hopes of affirming my faith in society as a whole, and it’s ability to eradicate it’s obvious cancerous effects. But let’s not mince words about these people, “Squirrel Busters”, they are Fundamental Extremists, and this perhaps deserves a call to Homeland Security.

  49. George White

    Thank you for posting all of this information.
    Civilized society cannot tolerate these hyper aggressive actions directed by Miscavige.

    “Overpowered by greed, hatred and delusion such a person – under false pretexts – inflicts untrue accusations, expulsion, confiscation of property, illegal confinement. Such a person is prompted by the thought ‘ I HAVE POWER AND I WANT POWER’. All of this is unwholesome.” The Buddha [AN:3-69]

    Much loving-kindness
    George White

  50. TheWidowDenk

    John McLean — I didn’t get this impression you communicate in your comment from reading Marty’s posting. I didn’t see he targeted Texas law enforcement at all. Perhaps you should re-read … Rachel

  51. martyrathbun09

    Law enforcement here is very helpful. The problem is they are dealing with a group of PIs who work with a bank of lawyers to figure out how they can harass to the very limit of the law. They do such things as obtain city plats, pace off and mark the limits of right of ways to technically stay within the law, courier cult members in and out – when one stacks up too many incident reports and warnings, they replace him with another with another story and angle of harassment. You want to understand Miscavige – watch his model for operating basis – Godfather I and II.

  52. martyrathbun09

    Thanks you two. You are always welcome.

  53. TheWidowDenk

    Marty — What a great posting! I particularly enjoy the way you have bridged the two communities — Inglewood/IOB and our internet community. Quite brilliant!

    The photo of Mosey and you is perfect …

    Now, I have great visions: This could be an introductory chapter in your book; this could be “about the author” dust jacket copy; it could be a great human interest story in your local newspaper and/or your already-established media outlets, etc., etc.

    At the very least, those friends in your immediate community can see these characters and easily recognize them for who/what they are. Rachel

  54. Again Mr. Paine cuts through the fluff, the bluff and gets to the real core of the matter.

    Inexorably we chase down that read. Total, unflinching, certainty it’s valid and there, there, that’s it, WHAT IS THAT?

  55. Good job on the OT I, Jim.

  56. TheWidowDenk

    Correction — “bridged the two communities — Ingleside/IOB …” The error comes from having lived in the LA metropolitan area for thirty years; we had an Inglewood.

  57. Marty,

    We used to have block parties in my neighborhood every year. Set a date, send out flyers, invite everyone together for good food and laughs.

    Might be an interesting idea for you and your neighbors. Sort of another way of saying, “thank you,” to them.

    If you get the urge, I’d gladly help defray the costs and chip in some for steaks and beer. Course, you’d have to enjoy my company in absentia, but a nice cold one coupled with a thick juicy off the grill would be a fine substitute.


  58. Nice. 🙂

  59. Thank you, Jim.

    Your post reminds me of this passage from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, at Matthew 7, verses 15 – 20:

    [15] “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
    [16] “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
    [17] “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
    [18] “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
    [19] “Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
    [20] “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”


  60. Gary Morehead a.k.a Jackson

    Beautiful Sam, Beautiful!!

    — Jackson

  61. Marty,

    I must say, sometimes you really have a way of shining a light on a subject with a couple of very large brass….”floodlights”. ZAP! POW!

  62. Your humble servant


    This is a powerful summary of the events of the past few years. You are right that the local residents needed and deserved an explanation of what has been going on, and I hope that you have sent it in publishable form to the Coastal Bend Herald and We the People so that they can disseminate for all to see, although they have probably already picked it up from your blog. In any case, the news is bound to get around fast. This is a fascinating and highly unusual story, dramatic enough for 60 Minutes in the U.S.A. and for similar international coverage.

    Your readers are correct that this unprecedented campaign to spend unlimited funds to destroy an individual and his family violates many, many laws and Constitutional guarantees. It is also unbelievably arrogant and mean spirited. Lubow and his lackeys may operate just within the law in many technical details of their actions, but the overall campaign is incredibly unlawful and improper and he certainly should and well may lose his California license over it. He is not licensed in Texas and has no right to be conducting “investigations” in Texas. Truthfully, he is not acting as an investigator in any capacity but is instead orchestrating an unlawful campaign of harassment.

    (Let’s get him convicted for the felony of stalking in Texas and use that as the basis for taking his California license away).

    You are right to have described David Miscavige as a ruthless madman. This accurate label will soon be known across the country.

  63. For those of you who are kinda new at seeing the visciousness of OSA actions, here is a video that clearly shows how low they can go.

  64. Scott Campbell


    You’re an expert fisherman in more than one sense.

  65. I wish to you all the best, Marty. I hope the Church will be history soon.

  66. Yvonne Schick

    I love it when you go Kick-Ass Broad!

  67. Summer Wind

    Wow to Marty and Mosey!
    You all are amazing in what you’re having to deal with! Each move you make seems to be the exact right thing to do. DM probably deep down inside misses you and wants you to cave so he can have you back to help him! You and Mike were the best thing that ever happened to him and now he’s got “Gomez” 🙂 Keep up the GOOD work!

  68. “David Lubow dba Falcon investigations from Los Angeles…”
    I thought Talon was the Scn, Inc. investigation company in LA, bringing us such operatives as Edwin Richardson.
    Is Falcon another such entity? What’s up with all the raptor body parts?

  69. martyrathbun09

    Yes, two different heads of the beast.

  70. Scott Campbell

    Boy, talk about wrong target – Marty is the one doing the “Greatest Good for the Greatest Number” by ensuring that Scientology is not removed from view by David Miscavige.

    Dave, look in the mirror… THAT’S the right target!

  71. Yvonne Schick

    Great letter. The good people of Ingleside and IOB deserve this very well written explanation of what has been going on in their neighborhood. You know I’m not that far up the road and love being back in my old stomping grounds on the coast so send out a call anytime more troops are needed.

  72. Scott Campbell

    Totally cool.

  73. top of the vale

    You have had all the auditor training necessary to be able to confront anything or anyone in any situation. You are a member of the Auditor Elite. This is how you handle life. You take it head on like any self respecting winner. This posting of yours is one of the sanest I have seen …..of many of course!
    Thanks to you and Mosey for your vigilance!

  74. Scott Campbell

    Metta to you too, brother!

  75. Dear Ralph Gomez,

    Are you the same “Ralph S. Gomez” who lives at 749 Oriole Street, Corpus Christi, Texas, 78418-5036 and whose phone number is +1-361-939-7308?

    If so, is the photograph of your house at that address, as shown in accurately depicted? It’s a house next to a pretty lagoon and a block from Oso Bay.

    Do you and your family still drive a small red pickup and a tan colored van?

    Are you currently 59 years old?

    Finally, do you have close relatives who go by the names of “Belinda S. Gomez” and “Zachary M. Gomez”?

    I just wanted to be sure if you were that Ralph S. Gomez or a different one.


    P.S. My husband, who knows how this stuff rolls, suggests that when the FBI calls you in for questioning that you volunteer to become an FBI source. However, he also said you probably already know the drill. Good luck to you.

  76. Marty & Mosey;
    Both of you continue to amaze me. Standing tall against this 24/7/365 aggressive supression from (to use Jim Logan’s term) “potatoe-heads in the T-shirts” taking orders from a cowardly leader of a criminal church.

    You & Mosey may very well be enduring more harrassment than LRH ever had to confront. Any reasonable person who will take the time to read your blog will come to the conclusion you are trying to protect and deliver LRH technology, unlike the leader of these, “potatoe-heads in the T-shirts”, who insanely wants to destroy LRH’s technology that has the potential to give mankind a “workable” path for an enhanced productive and sane life.

    For the record, I wanted your readers to know I had been contacted on my cell phone directly by David Lubow about 6 months ago. I have three phone numbers. The Church of Scientology has one of my numbers (this was by design). Guess what number Lubow called me on. You got it. My cell phone. When I asked Lubow if he was calling on behalf of the COS, he said he worked for an attorney named Elliot J. Abelson who offices in Los Angeles and he was hired to investigate Marty Ruthbun and Mike Rinder and he wanted to ask me a few questions. I said I would answer a few questions if he would tell me how he got my phone number (not listed). Lubow said my number came from his boss Abelson. Not hard to connect the dots on this one.

    For the next 90 minutes I listen and basically told Lubow he and his real boss Miscavige were nuts and he was working for a criminal organization. Lubow spent the 90 minutes telling me his opinions about Mike and Marty. There was one curious question that kept coming up. “Is Mike and Marty starting and independent church?” I kept telling Lubow to ask Mike and Marty. He asked this question at least a dozen times. The last 5 or 6 times he asked the question, I would ask who is recording this conversation.

    Hang in there Marty and Mosey….you have many “true” friends helping where they can. As I told you over 2 years ago…I have your back.

  77. martyrathbun09

    Thanks Jack. In fact, this is child’s play compared to what LRH faced.

  78. Time to call, fax and flood the lines. This harassing stops now!
    Information and Referral Hotline [for Texas callers] :
    (800) 843-5789

    Citizen’s Opinion Hotline [for Texas callers] :
    (800) 252-9600

    Information and Referral and Opinion Hotline [for Austin, Texas and out-of-state callers] :
    (512) 463-1782

    Office of the Governor Main Switchboard :
    (512) 463-2000

    Citizen’s Assistance Telecommunications Device
    If you are using a telecommunication device for the deaf (TDD),
    call 711 to reach Relay Texas
    Office of the Governor Fax:
    (512) 463-1849
    Mailing Address
    Office of the Governor
    P.O. Box 12428
    Austin, Texas 78711-2428
    Delivery Address
    Office of the Governor
    State Insurance Building
    1100 San Jacinto
    Austin, Texas 78701

  79. This couldn’t be happening. Tommy Davis and company have told us for years that the “Fair Game” policy has been utterly cancelled and that the “Church of Scientology” no longer practices “Fair Game”. So….it could not be happening but I see clear evidence that David Miscavige and the “Church of Harrassatology” is practicing “Fair Game” and it must be that Tommy Davis and company lied. They lied in all of their depositions. They lied on national television. They lied to all of the many international reporters who were interviewing them.

    The “C of $” has been running this kind of thing for many many years attacking anyone who was critical of them. Paulette Cooper was a notable victim many years ago when she was illegally framed for issuing bomb threats to the “C of $” .It was not until the FBI uncovered some secret docs in a raid on the “C of $” that we found out the truth and Paulette was completely exonerated.

    I commend you and the others in the independent movement for standing up to this onslaught. You truly have courage.
    I think it is about time for the FBI to raid the International offices in Hemet, California and get the evidence to put the little dwarf away for a long time. His illegal activities are at least as bad as those that sent numerous people in the GO to prison many years ago. Once the FBI has collected enough evidence I am sure they will be able to interview Lubow and the other PIS. With the threat of imprisonment and maybe an offer of immunity or some kind of plea deal for their testimony, I am pretty sure the PIS will turn on dear leader and give a full report about everything he has done.

    David Miscavige as the leader of the C of $ will be sent to prison just as all of those before him. I am looking forward to that day.

  80. Off To One Side

    The silver lining is the free publicity highlighting the work you’ve been doing since you turned 21 years old, listening to and helping people. However, it must be difficult to be watched all the time and subject to vicious slander and libel at every turn. Hubbard endured similar treatment. Please, though, keep strong and motivated. Institutional Scientology has crumbled; we are just seeing the aftershocks, the last gasps of an ill system. This is the most dangerous period for you and for Independent Scientology. Know that your work, and that of a few others, will help scientology live and thrive as an effective applied philosophy.

  81. Marty, I think you have a stronger hand than it might appear. Taken individually their acts might just skirt the boundary of the law, but put them all together as you’ve done in this letter to the community and what emerges is a very dramatic picture of religious persecution. In my opinion they are way over the boundary on that one, in clear violation of federal hate crime laws.

    I hope your letter goes viral and these vermin become persona-non-grata wherever they go.

  82. Let’s get ahold of copies of those incident reports and wrap a few fish in them, and send them to DM. Make the fish small, like the man himself.

  83. Bobo

    Well… If one ascribes to the concept of “infinity valued logic”, in that “absolutes are unattainable”, then one would have to surmise, NO.

    Just when you think you have seen the stupidest thing that the Miscavige administration can come up with, they manage to “trump it in spades.”

    Perhaps it is getting to the point of being worthy of “The Guiness Book Of World Records” attention.

    “Hey David Miscavige, think of the PR value of being in the Guiness Book of World Records. WOW what a coup. Lets see anyone argue with that.”

    (Come on now guys, you never know… his stupidity quite apparently knows no bounds.)

    Eric S

  84. Yes, very clear, T Paine.

  85. SaveTheTech

    Obviously this an abuse of the freedom of the press. It is also just as obviously a violation of Marty’s right to practice his religion.

    These are both Constitutional issues.

    Like a criminal that leaves an obvious trail so he gets caught, so too is David Miscavich leaving a trail of evidence that will be used to free the religion of Scientology for all of us to use and at the same time, ban the Co$ from ever abusing freedom of the press again.

    Amongst the people who read and comment on Marty’s weblog are no doubt the spirits that gave us the rights and freedoms afforded us by our Constitution of these great United States of America. And, it is these same spirits that will give us back our religious freedom and free us from a midget bully that abuses something that all freedom loving people cherish: freedom of the press.

    As the 4th of July approaches, DM is amassing forces and alliances against himself of unimaginable magnitude. I would never have imagined it but he is basically handing us the Praetorian Guard with his nutty antics. And, if I could speak for Marty and others that are being pressured to surrender, I would echo the words of taunt that John Paul Jones delivered to the captain of the massive 44 gun Royal Navy ship of the Line when asked if he wanted to surrender his badly damaged ship : “I have not yet begun to fight!”

  86. Best ever, Sam. That’s RIGHT!

  87. Wow, this letter is so powerful. I woke up, read the letter and was jolted up to enthusiasm.

    Just a few months ago I realized that DM would do anything to get rid of Marty and his blog. DM does not care about the bad PR he is giving Scientology but he does care that he has become the laughing stock of the world; yes, the world. Marty’s blog reaches far and wide and there’s no way to stop it!

  88. Marty, an old trick that has been used by cities to keep human vermin out of parks is to play symphonic music in the park after dark. works every time. Play it off of your balcony to keep the vermin away and who knows, Marc Yager might even show up (He likes classic music a lot).

    On the lighter side, I think this weekend is going to be very interesting. Fun, but interesting.

    ML Tom

    ML Tom

  89. Very theta picture of you two! Glowing with great smiles.

  90. Marty, Mike;

    Is DM liable for the antics of the PIs etc., or is he shielded by lawyers? My understanding is that it is the lawyers that hire the PIs and give them the orders.

    Obviously, DM has a part to play in those orders, but even so, the lawyers wouldn’t be able to comm on that, would they?

    Just how insulated from legal liability is DM and his organization? Do you know?

    Just curious.

  91. ARC triangle stuff works, I’ll admit. (Which is why I also support excellent journalism, like Janet’s and Tony Ortega’s and all the rest who’ve helped with this recent climate allowing so MUCH history to leak into the public domain).

    Keep up the C, communication, and it will resolve things long range, maybe not in our lifetime, but being high principled, what you do, will be READ ABOUT long after we’re all dead!

    So high principled C long range, will likely do the most good in taming how suppressive Scientology proper has become.

    Chuck Beatty

  92. I have registered a compaint with the Texas Department of Public Safety regarding the on going harrassment of my friends Marty and Mosey by these Goons. If you wish to do the same the E-Mail adress is Otherwise the governor of Texas is seeking the office of President of the United States, and I don’t think he would be willing to tolerate religious harrassment in his state esspecially if it could reach the media.

  93. Those OSA creeps really are a bunch of meanies and Big Fat Liars. Someday they will feel ashamed of themselves.

  94. Marty, maybe hiring an official guard will help to protect your property at the times when privacy is vital, when you go in session. Such official can be someone connected to the police. Maybe, the local police station officers can advise? And the info on intruders then can be easily collected and passed to the police.
    I am willing to support such action financially by donating toward it. Others may help too.

  95. Marty and Mosey, you two are loved by many. You guys are so rich with true caring people who have your backs. obviously something that the little man could and will never have. Scientology is such a gift given to us by a Man, LRH who fought to keep it pure. We all need to step up and truly use it and expand. It has truly been stopped by this turd. He can’t have true OT’s! Love you guys.

  96. Yes, Lunamoth, the word that fits here is CONSPIRACY.

    When an attack is co-ordinated using different people at different times yet with the same intent behind it, there is either one conspirator at the top or a select group of conspirators.

    This may not even be subject to local police action. I believe CONSPIRACY is a matter for the FBI. I hope they are approaching it from that level.

  97. Expelled4Life

    Perhaps anti hate crime PAC could be set up that could donate to Texas politicians who will help give you a voice in Austin & DC.

  98. I had a realization the other day that the thing which makes a situation solid is good old-fashioned resistance. Look at DM making things very solid around the int base by creating such friction that he gets resistance, though covert, everywhere.

    Well, he’s doing the same Modus Operandi with Marty, trying to make things solid by creating resistance.

    Only Marty is letting it go through to his blog so that the resistance forms up all over the world.

    What a concept!

  99. +1
    Law enforcement are awesome! I’ve seen it. That’s not the problem.

  100. Well Done! I’m lovin’ it!

  101. Can you imagine how the sh would hit the fan if they wore pictures of Obama on their shirts with that “annihilate” symbol? They would be arrested immediately as terrorists.
    Why can’t an ordinary citizen enjoy the protection afforded under the law and applied to the president?

  102. This seems like a personal vendetta to me. Why should the cob have so much attention on wiping out 2 people in a little town in Texas if it were not. Not to mention the man hours and parishioners dollars spent. I mean if the church has a couple million members (I believe that’s what’s reported) and if the church is expanding like crazy (as reported) then why mess with Marty and Mosey? Surely the current members are very happy and dedicated for such expansion to occur. Wouldn’t it be better to leave 2 people alone to do what they do and spend that money and man hours on promotion and more expansion? Isn’t that where the attention should be?
    Could it be that because of Marty’s position (and Mike’s for that matter) that someone is pissed off that they left and spoke their minds and now wants revenge at any cost? That’s the way it looks to me. Is that the way a leader of a religion should act? Is that how anyone should act? Love Thy Neighbor!

  103. Tom Gallagher


    I have to admit that David Miscavige really is a one-of-a-kind cult leader. That he displays the prowess and charisma of a rutting baboon only adds to his allure.

    They are about the same height, by the way.

  104. From the Certainty magazine 1960 “Why some fight Scientology” “Scientology had no enemies until the word was out that it worked. Criminals, communists, perverted religionists alike swarmed to support a “new fraud”. a “hoax”, a brand-new way of extorting money from and enslaving man.And then in 1950 they found that the new science worked with,to them, deadly accuracy. And with shudder of terror they faced about and struck with every weapon possible., The press, the courts, shady women, insane inmates, politicians, tax bureaus,these and many more were used in a frantic effort to beat down what they had found to be honest, decent and accurate.” And he notes a little later”On the other hand, without any action being taken against them, of the twenty-one highly placed attackers, seventeen are now dead.
    Marty and the Independents are being attacked for being Scientologists-for being honest, decent and accurate.-The enemy, this time, just happens to have the NAME of Scientology. History is repeating itself with an interesting twist.
    Thank God we have Marty and Mike!

  105. Perhaps the various law enforcement agencies have a very good idea what they are up against and want to build a rock-solid case.

    Strategically it’s a dumb move to play your hand when all you are prepared to take to court is a he said / she said accusation of restriction of movement, plus 10 counts of littering (I just made those up, I have no inside track).

    A much smarter move for the Feds is to collect massive amounts of evidence, fully document all of it and finally move when they have a case that DM obviously cannot use the First Amendment to hide behind.


  106. Mark Fisher

    Dedicated to my friends Marty and Mosey.

  107. Hey Marty and Mosey (and all the folks that visit his bayside retreat) – thanks for taking this heat. It must be nice to know you have something (else) that Mr. David Miscavige does not have: Friends.

  108. Yvonne Schick

    Well said.

  109. Marty and Mosey,

    First of all: You guys are amazing. Your following that golf cart for 3 hours must have been the funniest sight. Thank you for standing your ground and exposing this to your neighbors and to the world.

    Have you ever heard what happened to the guys you’ve earlier “met” in similar circumstances? Like Tom Cruise’s manager in the airport, like Izzy and Marianne. I could not imagine that they would not pause and consider what they were doing. Has anyone who ever did stunts like that come back later and apologized?

  110. Just Me ~~

    I too had a wonderful week ~ a memorable and wonderful week with Marty and Mosey.

    Contrary to the venom spewed by “Office of COB” RTC and OSA, in their black Ops on Marty~~ he was and is a fabulous auditor. I had more case gain per square inch of auditing time with Marty than 250 of AOLA’s mandatory 3 Needle swing FNs of crushing and compacting the case.


    Great Open letter Marty. Absolute dynamite verification of the orchestrated campaign run by Office of Special Affairs under RTC and Miscavige. This is the program they are replicating in Los Angeles and Florida.
    Law enforcement know that the pretext of “making a documentary” is hogwash.
    “Freedom Magazine” Journalist is hogwash.
    Invented journalistic excuses to harrass and violate one’s civil rights.
    It is David Miscavige dramatizing his Evil intentions.

    I have sent this page to numerous parties in private Emails It is worthy of a big broadcast.

    May the force be with you.

  111. Totally agree, Alan. My bet is that this is just what they are doing.

  112. Hi Bryon;

    I think the little girl’s ‘bunch of meanies’, and BFLs sums it up quite well.

    Wasn’t that outrageous!

  113. Laura Ann

    You have a point about David Miscavige wanting revenge perhaps, but I think the issue goes much deeper.
    David Miscavige is scared S–tless that what Marty and Mike and others are doing is going to expose him for what he really is. Some of what he would want to hide is already known broadly because of this blog and others, but he is still terrified of something. There are deeper crimes, and his evil purposes and his insanity that he does not want revealed, things that he cannot even confront himself, and is totally terrified of being made to do so.

    He is living a total lie, and has got to be able to see his whole universe being slowly unraveled by the truth, and he is lashing out blindly at the sources of that truth.

    Eric S

  114. Marty – a superb communication. I really like when someone has the temerity to tell the story as it is, and because it is the truth, it blows away the Radical Scientology lies.

    Nevertheless I loathe that is happening to you and Monique.

  115. Just Me,

    I think you just goosed his gander.

  116. Lynne,

    Great insight.

  117. hubbardianenHubbardianen

    Marty, seriously. This is totally ridiculous. You have to go to the police. No member of a free country should have to put up with this. Miscavige is criminally insane and law enforcement has to be contacted and deal with this situation. The madman will never stop since he is a psychopath. Celebrities should also be informed about Miscavige and he should be put out of control from the CoS.

    Seriously, you know he will never stop. Everything should be reported to the police. Go find for people who have been abused and hit and file a class act or similair.

    He will not stop by himself. Never. Remember Pat Broeker? How long was he surveillanced? 20 years? Miscavige will burn in hell in life after life since theta fingerprint will get him. We will all come for Miscavige when this is over and he will burn in hell. Slowly with sugar on top.

  118. WindWalker, Eric,

    Scared, terrified. This rings truth for me. Thanks! ml, Laura Ann

  119. This is a great post. I really hope that the people of Ingleside on the Bay get the message, and the harassment stops. I have been following your blog for the most part since the SPT interviews came out. When I left the Sea Org in 2004, I had every intention to get on the Bridge, and eventually go Clear and OT, I even stayed in LA, so I could be close to the AO to accomplish that. Despite some of the things I saw in the Sea Org(which was nothing compared to the things I have heard and read from others but bad enough). Instead crush regging, constant phone calls, and demands for money for things I didn’t want, were the order of the day. Most of it without any ARC, or really any enlightenment on why it would help. No one even asked me what I was planning to do to get on the Purif, or my Student Hat. At first I thought it was the life of an LA Scientologist. I personally did a bunch of call in, and going to peoples houses myself to demand they drop everything to attend an event or come in for service when I was in the SO, so I understood where they came from. But eventually I grew weary of it, and decided Scientology just isn’t for me, and flourished and prospered without the tech, wondering why I spent 5 years of my 20s wasted in a cult, when I could have done more in life, LRH books and lectures went into storage to be forgotten about. However when I started reading this blog in 2008, it has definitely filled the vacuum. I knew the gains and wins I personally got were not fake. It wasn’t the tech, it was the organization. I even started reading LRH again, and apply Scientology principles to my daily life.
    The whole point of this post is to show that your blog has done a lot of good out there, and even though I am not one to scream loud, and make daily posts, I really thank you for exposing the truth and all you do, and everyone who contributes, you have my support. I am certain many other people who are in similar situations feel the same way. And I look forward to the day where you can lead your life, free from the harassment and stalking from the Church.

  120. WW, You are always spot-on. I agree, the waters run deep here, and there is fear that the shallows are ebbing just a little too close to home. The little one is beyond scared sh….less. He has probably already loaded his shorts multiple times and can’t stop — thus, the current modus operandi. Incredibly evil, suppressive cat that thinks him is ‘king’ of something. He just hasn’t figured out what yet.

  121. Marty and Mosey,
    The California Girls Lori and Dee just think you’re both so AWESOME!!!
    Thank you for doing ALL THAT YOU DO!!!!

  122. Mark,

    Love this Hank Williams song. It’s true, country folks do survive and Texans take care of their own. Marty and Mosey are blessed to have some of the best neighbors ever! Those guys and gals know the score and they aren’t gonna be messed with. That includes their neighbors. ml, Laura Ann

  123. There was an Advice from the computer series years ago, that read something like, “When a species runs out of survival solutions, that species becomes extinct.” Paraphrasing here, but the jist of it is there.

    This datum can be applied to the Church of Miscavige.

    They are just rerunning the same tired old plays, over and over, with more and more force and yet, they continue to lose more yards with every attempt.

    But something like, “Sit down with the Independents and work out what reforms are needed for the greater church and negotiate and then implement the exact reforms required.” THAT might work but THAT isn’t in the playbook.

    It is truly tragic.

  124. Personally, this story has me stomping around, angry. Still letting it settle and will weigh in shortly.

  125. Great letter. Maybe you can get a story put in the local newspapers and on the local news stations. Keep exposing and shining the light of truth on these roaches.

  126. George White

    Thanks. Do you study Pali(the language of the Buddha)?

  127. Ralph S. Gomez impresses me as a true DB. He does not look he is really on anybody sides except his own. He has this look about him that resembles “Oh, so it’s you up to your old tricks again?”.

    Well he would he know what those old tricks might be unless he was implanted with the rest of them? If you want my opinion HE {Ralph S. Gomez} is a troublemaker and the fact that the church would rely on him to go after “Squirrels” is unprecedented.

    David Miscavige, he is such a punk and a little coward of a man in big expensive shoes. I anticipate this TOP SECRET OSA OP in Ingleside will
    become yet another foot bullet for corporate Scientology.

  128. Brilliant posting, Marty!
    You’ve turned entheta and enturbulation into theta with this calm and

    measured summary. Good work.

    I’d love to be there to help. In lieu of that, I send you all my gratitude for

    being there and communicating.

    Having destroyed the church and by association, the good name of

    Scientology and LRH, and having ruined the lives, homes, and careers

    of thousands of trusting Scientologists, and denied the prospect of

    freedom, and the recovery of self for those yet to reach for it, miscavige

    now is desparate to silence any voice raised against him.

    Quite obviously, he’s in the last chance saloon: he has to get your

    head on a pike to boost what remaining support he has left.

    And by making his attacks on you so public he’s also burning his

    bridges, because when he fails, as he has done with everything else

    he’s tried, he’ll have nowhere to go. He’s painted himself into a corner.

    He’s playing his last chip.

    The lies miscavige tells are being undone by your example of what

    Scientology is: that beings are basically good – that’s where they

    come from, and that’s where they want to go – and that’s why

    Scientology works. Home from home, you might say, where your

    neigbour is your brother is your friend. In Scientology-speak, that

    would be when your dynamics coincide.

    The complete and total reverse of what miscavige has made of it. No

    wonder he himself is not a Scientologist – he cannot confront being

    wrong. Any ordinary soul knows that admission of guilt is redemptive.

    And that’s a bridge miscavige cannot cross – it’s to a world where he

    would receive the punishment he himself would administer to others for

    wrong-doing – his world, the planet he lives on. He knows what’s

    coming to him, and only Scientology can save him.

    What’s he to do? Continue on a path to self-destruction, or get back

    on the cans?

    We may say to him, ‘Sorry bud, I can’t help you.’ Secretly, in his heart

    of hearts, that’s not the answer he wants to hear. But he’s got to reach

    for it first. Like I did, and most others here, in the hope of a better life,

    where you can look your brother and sister in the eye and not be


    I won’t buckle now that I know, and I’m sure the good folk here won’t

    buckle. Thanks to you, Marty.

  129. Wake Up Call

    Nice documentation. Eden Stein and Luc Dubois and Ed Parkins are devious! That “Scientology Celebrity” turned Spyintologist is former actress Noelle North (ouch she looks tired!!)

    How does Subway restaurant feel about being used by this pathological rabid Spyintology deviousness?

    And how does Scientology get away with fake bomb threats like they placed on the bus company?

    This is a grave situation for our society,

  130. Wake Up Call

    How can this be happening in the USA? The Spyintologists rented a house under false pretenses? How does the owner of the property feel about that? Man, a state wide police bulletin should go out on these con men and frauds! And all grocery stores gas stations and restaurants in the area.

    This is all exciting but a lot of people are getting hurt and hit by this chaos. The Radical Church thinks it’s protecting Scientology. And people who escaped think they are practicing / protecting Scientology. But there is a game of just fighting and a lot of people are being used.

    I don’t see this as a matter of people being “heroes”. Everyone has a right to live and practice their spiritual beliefs. It’s what our American forefathers died for. Who has the backs of everyone getting hurt besides the central action there?!? Isn’t the whole point supposed to be about people getting Scientology?

  131. Wherever Ron is, he has to be shivering. A bunch of squirrels running his organization, good people outside, the inside full of lies. Brrr…
    I got a call yesterday from someone inside, my home phone # finally made it to the calling list. The caller got a piece of my mind. Keep going, Marty and Mosey! Thanks for what you are doing!

  132. WH —

    I thank you for your pan determined point of view and your acknowledgment to these well meaning folks who reside in Ingleside.

    I posted an open letter to them here earlier today and the vagaries of the internet, human foibles et al has apparently precluded it’s posting.

    Thank you for being you and recognizing what it is you recognize.

    Bruce Pratt

  133. An Open Letter of Thanks to the Residents of Ingleside on the Bay, Texas.

    Dear Residents,

    I would like to echo Marty’s remarks regarding with grappling with my responsibility in creating the Frankenstein which has now made or seeks to make life too interesting for some, too unbearable for others.

    I have been following the events which Marty and friends have spearheaded since about Oct 2009. I have been more than taken aback by what I have observed. Those observations include the antics of purported “Scientologists” which are anathema to the actual creed they claim to follow.

    You, the fine, well-meaning, residents have been the recipients of some of these antics, a number of which are criminal acts. For that, I apologize. For your past acts of doing the right thing, I am most grateful. For your understanding, tolerance and patience while this evil is identified, contained and remedied, you have my continued admiration.

    A heartfelt thank you well-meaning men and women of Ingleside.

    Bruce Pratt

  134. Hey Marty, I think it is your excellent reporting skills of this obnoxious event that attracts NY media like the Village Voice. About 99% of the people I know would be so upset by this illegal harassment that they couldn’t actually “report” the events in a composed fashion. You can and do report the events as they happen. You and Mosey are true-life Bravehearts in all this. We’re with you man!

  135. Eileen Clark

    ROTFLMAO !!!!!!!

    “Not only is Marty winning the ‘war’ but he got the girl too.
    You SUCK and you can’t fish.”

    L, Eileen

  136. Dean —
    Very, very good.

    They also lied to the parishioners. This is most egregious as well. If you cannot trust your own parishioners, then evidently you trust no one.

    I am sorry it came to this. I will be grateful for oh so long to Marty and his friends and the community of Ingleside that we have the opportunity for correction.

    Bruce Pratt

  137. Tony DePhillips

    Thanks Marty and Mosey.
    You guys fired another broadside in miss cabbages ship of fools!! That ship is taking on water big time. I can’t wait to see little dm rowing in his little row boat all by his little lonesome with sharks circling. That’s gonna be real fun!!

  138. Robert Earle

    While I know you live in Texas and not Georgia I think the story in this song in a way parallels your post . I like your new gold fiddle.

  139. Tom Gallagher

    No doubt this has prompted louder primitive grunts from the li’l psycho…..

  140. Marty and Mosey,
    I’ll chip in with Michael for the beer and steaks. Have a block party. Celebrate life. It is a blast isn’t it!!

    Dave, you can’t come cause you cheat at baseball and like Sam pointed out, you can’t fish. Not even a stocked pond, with corn niblets and a bobber. And, well, cause your a dink. And you can’t fish.

  141. Ladidah:

    The church’s application of supposed LRH tech is enough to cause laughing hysterics in Afghanistan.

    The normal on-policy thing for a church member to do with a delcared SP, when and if that declared SP is even any of their business at all, which 99.9% of the time is not their business, because an SP is only allowed to communicate with the International Ethics and Justice Chief via a Continental Justice Chief, is just to not flow any kind of affinity to that declared person until they do their steps A-E. That is pretty much per the book I read in the church as far as I know.

    Under what category does this “new special SP or squirrel type handling” come?

    The tech is there to protect beings and salvage them not STOP them!

  142. SaveTheTech

    Kris Steele, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. Your words mean a lot to all of us. And the day we can be “free from the harassment and stalking from the Church.” are fast approaching.

  143. Tom Gallagher

    Well said.

  144. Cindy Pinsonnault

    DM has worked very hard to destroy scientology while milking it for every possible penny. Every move he makes either directly destroys the tech or sullies its image beyond repair.

    Meanwhile, Marty and Mosey and others like them, continue to prove that the correct tech, when correctly applied, frees people. That alone has to be enough to drive DM insane. Free beings thinking for themselves — how terrifying it must be for DM.

    Then Marty goes and commits the additional cardinal sin of being there and communicating.

    DM goes insane and applies endless crazy solutions to endless wrong targets in his SP-driven attempt to stop Scientology.

    Marty applies light little bits of tech, communicates, creates ARC, and shows everyone that while the cult of scientology has gone mad, the tech of LRH works miracles as usual.

  145. Now an acknowledgement to our hosts Mark, Monique et al.

    Y’all got GAME! Duh Leaduh, vapmiric personality who says he’s in charge of his cult, well he and his minions, don’t.

    ‘Nuff said.

    Bruce Pratt

  146. Scott Campbell

    No, however I do have a good friend who is an internationally recognized expert on Buddhist teachings and she teaches a technique that she calls “Metta for All”. Super nice lady. That ‘s how I come to know the term and some of the Buddhist and Indian Dharma.


  147. This blog is populated with imps.

  148. Ingrid, those are some powerful words…thanks

  149. SaveTheTech

    Hi Tony, “Ship of fools” is right. Hilarious!! Besides being humorous, you’re a stalwart here. And, I look forward to meeting you on the 4th of July, which promises to be not only an historic event that rejuvenates LRH’s real legacy but is also just a good party for which we Scientologists are famous for!!

  150. Tom Gallagher


    Your write-up parallels my life in many ways albeit for the time frames; I’m somewhat earlier with my involvement. I’m glad you’re here and communicating and winning. This is quite a testimonial.

  151. one of those who see

    Kris, thanks so much for writing.
    This sentence…well tears in my eyes. “I even started reading LRH again, and apply Scientology Principles to my daily life.”
    I also have a friend who put his clear bracelet back on after I started reading to him from this blog. Now he is planning to get some auditing in the Independent field.
    Renewed enthusiasm for Scientology is a definite product of this blog. Worked for me too!
    Marty, amongst your many products. Thank you. And hopefully apathy is starting to creep in on the reverse Scientologist. Mr. Dictator, just want to point out, once again, the following quote by Marty: “I will never fold to any pressure no matter how intense, and I am not for sale – at any price.”

  152. Speaking of Dave, he should loan his enema bag to a couple of the Chunky Busters down in Ingleside. Those guys are into waaaaay too much Entenmans Chocolate Lovers 8 Pack Donuts. And those chasing down a couple of Big Macs, Fries and a JUMBO Coke.

    Geez guys. Try and lay off the donuts for a morning. Jog. Run around in circles…oh, you’re already doing that, OK, then hop in place. Read PAB 6.

  153. Yes, Ingrid it is ironic in’it.

    Alas, likely the same GPM dramatized after all.

  154. In addition Ladidah, IF, and I am not saying Marty will, but just IF he showed his SP declare to the authorities, it says exactly what I said above IN WRITING IN THE DECLARE. Any law enforcement person would know what it means.

    So, how can these people explain what they are doing at this house 2 and 3 times a day? Because they are following this policy?

    I intend to E-Mail the police department in Marty’s town with a copy of an SP declare and show them in writing EXACTLY how the church is just breaking the law right under there nose and at the same time violiating their own church policy and doing the squirrel thing themselves.

  155. GH,
    Dave’s got ‘friends’ – The Chunky Busters. Good lookin’ crew Dave. Very apropos and symbolically it’s hard to differentiate between you and your peeps representin’ for ya down to Ingleside.

  156. I first read this in “The Creation of Human Ability” by L. Ron Hubbard where it was quoted in the beginning of the book.

  157. Kris,
    You’ve an open door to wherever I am for any assistance you need in your continued study and practice of Scientology. That’s all the way up too, straight from the Purif (we’ve got our sauna in place and are here to deliver it if you wanna come down. Actually it’s pretty hot OUTSIDE so maybe just sitting on the porch!) and all the way through full training as an auditor and you can co-audit, up through the Advanced Levels and OT.

    Not a thing DM can do about it either, cause he’s a dweezil feck-head among other things.

  158. John Doe,
    SPs don’t move in time. They don’t track with the change that is time. They’re fixed at a point, somewhere other than Present Time so cannot adjust their actions to fit Present Time. They are No Change Cases and so the same tired old plays. LRH nailed this case. Thanks Ron. It sure does help.

  159. If they were smart, they would have thought of renting property before things got out of control to the point where they had to try and buy it. This demonstrates without any shadow of a doubt that are literally freaking out about Marty’s success and closing the barn door after the horse got out. Marty is viewed as the biggest opponent in their history. Larry Wollersheim got nowhere near this attention. Alan C. Walter went virtually unnoticed. DM does not give a rat’s ass about public opinion. He never did. He only cares about those who can be railroaded. The fortune he is spending is just a small utility bill in terms of expense for him. He also is not in the “legal loop” on this. If all the PI’s, etc. are busted DM will not have the operation traceable to him. I am sure while he is scared down deep, he is also enjoying the effect he is creating.
    The next step is for a “Congressman Leo Ryan” to go into the hole (if it still exists) and start asking questions.

  160. John Doe, there is NO negotiating with the DEVIL

  161. Tom Gallagher

    Your conclusions: “It sure does help.” & “LRH nailed this case.”

    Exactly Jim!

  162. SaveTheTech

    Metaqual, be sure, DM is not out of the legal loop. He is a micro-manager and his fingerprints are all over everything. In the old days he had stand-up people like Marty and Mike that could take the fall for him. Today, he’s got Bots that are just… well, Bots! It’s a transparent world today. In the end he is as visible as a common gold fish in a glass bowl.

  163. George White

    Great. If you have a link, I’ll check her out. We are always looking for sources, especially female ones, since there are fewer of them.
    Much Metta,

  164. Just Me, are you trying to indicate DM is a fruitcake? 🙂

    In any case, all his fruits sure are bitter rotten!

  165. David,
    Good point. Collecting Sales Tax
    The State of Texas Comptoller’s Office should be interested in any “unpaid sales tax”. That is a big ticket for those hired goons trailing Marty all this time. That is a lot of sales tax revenue.
    … a lot of interest/penalties on unpaid sales tax. Typically, sales tax is paid to the state at least once a month.

  166. Kris,
    Your post moved me. Marty’s blog has helped me tremendously, also. I have written it many times. After being churned thru the meat grinder of altered LRH tech at the AO and enduring, such as yourself, the WALL of call in, I checked out. It’s been a year now and life lives. Your post is significant and I am sure will affect many in a positive way. Well done!

    You have got “The Price of Freedom” down pat. You are an OL in every sense of the word for anyone that has ever gotten wins through auditing or training, the numbers of which are legion. Thank you for all that you are doing.

  167. Marty, you embody the datum: “The way out is the way through.”

  168. Thank you for this well illustrated and documented account of your efforts. It does indeed help to understand the situation a lot more. I’ll send you a few $ for an icecream cone so you stay as cool as you are!

  169. When Stacy Young lived on an island near Seattle, the DSA put together a campaign with the sole purpose of driving them out of the area by constant harrassment. Some of us woke up since then, but these shenanigans against Marty are being done by the same kind of out-of-valence personnel involved in that campaign (particularly, Richard Hirst has been involved in both places.) Obviously, some of the leopards have not changed their spots (as in NCG, No Case Gain.)

  170. Scott Campbell

    Here you go brother!

    Incidentally, she got her doctorate under Viktor Frankl (Man’s search for meaning) as well.


  171. Martin Padfield

    Just discovered there is a new propaganda booklet all about Dear Leader for all those not quite towing the party line. Recent public asking for refunds in Uk have been shown this. Included in it apparently is a section about how he heroically tried to save MSH from jail. Sickening.

    OSA UK have tried to intimidate me into silence with desultory letters from their cult solicitor. They have achieved the reverse. They will be hearing plenty more from me, that’s a promise.

    Have also heard that far from realizing the futility of harassment tech OSA int actually intend to step up the campaign. Go OSA! Must be working really well then.

  172. scilonschools

    Another inspiring Post!
    It’s amazing what Survival Energy + ‘Right’ can empower.
    Clearly the ‘greatest good for the greatest number’ necessitates the removal of DM, his Black Dianetics and all those contaminated by either!!

  173. Once again, when you think the Co$ just can’t get any lower, ….

    Thanks for doing what you’re doing, Marty and Mosey. For some reason known only to lifeforms very low on the foodchain, the cancerous little gnome (one Slappy McSavage) has chosen you to let loose on you all His venom.

    It’s so insanely wrong targeting, it’s laughable. Except when you’re on the receiving end of it.

    I’ve had my share of “Fair Game” from this lunatic cult for speaking out about its abusive practices but it’s so piddling compared to what you are getting, I am amazed and humbled at your courage for standing up to it the way you are.

    If it’s any consolation, while you have the spotlight of the Demented Midget on you, there’s a lot more of us busy chewing away at the foundations of the Evil Empire.

    It’s coming down REALLY soon – tick, tock, Davey Boy.

  174. look at this,so …….Say Hebbo! To Tarvuism

  175. Lynne,

    You don’t get much more solid than razor wire! 🙂 Laura

  176. Cindy,

    Great duplication! ml, Laura

  177. Tony Ortega amazes me with his great insight and integrity!

  178. This summary makes totally clear how much Miscavige considers Marty a threat. Marty IS THE BIGGEST THREAT that he has to face in order to safeguard his dictatorship. As Marty points out he will not stop and will stay legally on the border line and will try to get Marty to loose his cool and react. And is really difficult NOT to react when you get harassed the way he gets harassed and when they do the same to your loved ones and to your friends. You really have to keep your TRs IN. When I met Marty in March he told me: “I have to keep my attention on the mountain that is in front of me, that’s the direction and there is my attention.” And is really true, if Marty and all of us will make it the reward at the end will be Scientology pure and integer as LRH wanted it. The Open Letter that Marty wrote to the Residents of IOB is very corret. Most of all because you can’t play dirty games with the Texans. I was impressed when we went into a restaurant in Ingleside of course followed, filmed and photographed by the usual clowns….. by the sign on the wall at the entrance that said:
    WE DO NOT CALL 911 with a big 45 under it !
    Ohhhh yes you better behave yourself and act in a civil manner if not….. and I do not know if the Miscavige’s goons, the Gomezs, the Lubows are aware of this.
    Marty thanks for what you are doing, the mountain is nearer than we think!

    Claudio & Renata

  179. While I agree with you in principal, the administration of justice is very far from what LRH referred to as “Judiciary Dianetics” in DMSMH. Not even 3D justice in Dn&Scn was there the principles of “Judiciary Dianetics” as most were not word cleared on those policies. Those fingerprints are only enforceable if there is WILL to do it. There is a wild case just surfacing in NY State right now concerning a very corrupt judge. An insider in the court system (who is not a Scientologist) has commented that a large percentages of judges are literally crazy. We’re not just talking about a faux pas here or there or idiosyncrasies. When we consider the justice elements that can banish DM, one has to consider the Be-Do-Have cycle because WILL to get rid of him will depend on the “Be” or beingness of the administrators of justice. Marty has created a beacon of light with the local Texans which I’m sure trickles up to the state authorities to some degree. The FBI is another matter entirely. It was their antics which enabled DM to take over in the first place along with the help of Meade Emory. They were enforcers of the 1977 raids, not the mastermind. The overts run deep in their soul and their history. It will take the FBI to get involved if we are talking about crossing state lines to commit crimes. There is a certain point, however, when they might be forced to act. That is why a “Leo Ryan” is needed. That was a PR ploy that backfired in real bullets.

  180. “Included in it apparently is a section about how he heroically tried to save MSH from jail. Sickening.”

    Astonishing — when there are so many witnesses to what he did to throw her under the bus.

    Rhetorical question: WHY do David Miscavige and his thugs do things like that, i.e., perjure and incriminate himself / themselves in writing and so publicly? Their actions just scream, “Catch me! See how I’m lying and commiting crimes! Make me stop, please!”



  181. so,now u can look at it….. all of u…. THE TARVUISM-

  182. or this is even better…

  183. Claudio & Renata,
    You were 2 of the first to reach out to me when I announced in March. You are good, kind people and Marty and Mosey are blessed to have friends like you! That goes for all the good people who comment here! ml, Laura

  184. From the Bulletin Engram Running by Chains:

    “Aberration itself must be calculated to occur. The existence of a Time Track only makes it possible for it to occur and be retained. Thus a thetan’s first real mistake is to consider his own pictures and their recorded events important, and his second mistake is in not obliterating entrapment activities in such a way as not to become entrapped or aberrated in doing so, all of which can be done and should be done.”

    This factual, theta letter to your neighbors, and your willingness to hold your location is precisely what will obliterate the entrapment activities of dm and his minions.

    Talk about setting a good example!



  185. Claudio,
    That sign you mentioned is too funny. So “Texas!”
    Thank you for your support of everyone here, especially of Marty and Mosey.
    Keep up the good work!
    John B.

  186. Sapere Aude

    Thank you for this data. To claim to have tried to help MSH is such a lie! OSA has absolutely lost this war. This isn’t a lie about a current target so you can’t even begin to “justify” it. This is a lie about LRH’s family and the disgusting way the family is treated is going to bite you in the arse. There are MANY who remember MSH and LRH. This falsehood will just create more damage.

    OSA guys – some hatting material for you. HCOPL 13 Aug 70 Issue II PR Series 2.

    “Thus PR is corrupted to ‘a technique of lying convincingly.’

    It makes a cynical world. It has smashed idealism, patriotism and morality.


    When an enforced communication channel carries only lies then the affinity caves in and you get hate. For the R is corrupted.

    PR, dedicated to a false reality of lies, then becomes low A, low C and recoils on the user.

    So the first lesson we can learn that enables us to use PR safely is to KEEP A HIGH R.

    The more lies you use in PR the more likely it is that the PR will recoil.

    Thus the law:


    The trouble with PR then was its lack of reality. A lie of course is a false reality.

    So the PR who is sane has a high potential. And those who have corrupted their A, R and C into a hole, wind up on the bottle or beating their dogs or cynical beyond belief.

    Servicing mad masters, a PR hasn’t much chance.” end LRH quote


    The false PR regarding MSH, false PR regarding Marty with the black- hearted blue shirt SP’s, false PR about the tech, ideal orgs, etc. The lies in PR are now to the outside world and the inside world of the public. OSA – lurkers – please read the above again and then study the actual issue. These false PR lies are recoiling on you right now. This is behind the “smashed idealism, patriotism and morality” of your own field. Look at the OT’s that don’t patriotically support you. Look at the idealism to clear the planet lost by no field auditors, no missions and no real org’s. Look at the loss of morality by the actions of those in the public harassing people for their religious beliefs and spreading malicious lies about others. Take off the rose colored glasses and LOOK. You have OT 7 and OT 8’s who do see the truth. These guys have had the entire meal from your controlled menu and they don’t want to return for anything else you have to offer. THAT is the TRUTH. Your BE, DO and HAVE is based on false R and lies. Don’t look for external “why’s” and “who’s” for this mess.

    LRH already had the answer:

    “Servicing mad masters, a PR hasn’t much chance.”

    PS: Your master didn’t beat the dogs – he beat the staff! Same insanity being dramatized here on earth. We have seen this crap through history and it never ends pretty for those supporting the insanity. Just something for you to think about. You really do create your own future by your current actions.

    — Apologize for the sudden rant but this lie about MSH raise my hackles a bit. She died and the field heard no acknowledgement or mention of it. She was LRH’s wife and supported him the entire time in every post she held. She is not here to speak up for herself. Bottom line, this bit of news just pissed me off and I wanted to say something about it.

  187. +1 from the junior West Texas Indie

  188. To everyone reading Marty’s blog,

    I just donated $50 to get a block party or something going to show our appreciation to the residents of Ingelside on the Bay residents. One third dynamic thanking another.

    Ideas are only useful if put into use. If the idea resonates with you, then show some support.

    The hell with whether Marty wants to do it. I know he’s busy. But, if he gets enough, he can hire a caterer. Be a blast.

    If you don’t want to contribute and the thing fizzles, no big deal. Wouldn’t be the first time an idea fell flat. He can use the money elsewhere.

    But, I just had to try.

    Show that we will flourish and prosper regardless. Show that we can acknowledge what is good.


  189. Cowboy Poet

    Spoken well!!

  190. Cowboy Poet

    For a business activity I once had in which good security was a must, I used to hire off duty policemen. They are available part time if you wish. You not only have their security expertise but the good ones always take an interest in what’s going on and then you have a good conduit for local law enforcement being keep up to date.
    Plus they appreciated the opportunity to make some extra money on their off hours and I made some good friends.

  191. In the video OSA uses “celeb” Noelle North to physically block the entrance of a Subway restaurant. She looks like an idiot and is very uncomfortable.
    In the last couple of years we have seen other “celebs” get USED by OSA to do similar things which totally degrade them and their reputation. Some examples are Izzy Chait, Michael Roberts, Michael Doven, Chris Smith and Denise Duff.

    It’s quite an out point that of all the staff and public OSA could USE, they seem to be recruiting at the Celebrity Center in L.A. Usually there is a hands off on celebs and they are certainly not used for degrading capers.
    So what’s up?

    First of all we know that OSA is being directed to do this by David Miscavige. My guess is that after Tom Cruise made a public ass out of himself and crashed his reputation and career he complained to his BFF, Miscavige. He asked why he was the only celeb making an ass of himself
    publicly and ruining his career.

    Instead of telling him the obvious, that Miscavige was using him for his own personal interests and he didn’t give a shit about Tom Cruise or his career,
    he went with a smoke screen.

    I believe Miscavige ordered OSA to pressure and recruit other “celebs”
    to work as OSA dupes so as to degrade themselves with the hopes that it would pacify fallen star – Tom Cruise.

  192. onley if I can talk to an octopus

  193. This works for a little while, until an ambitious young prosecutor remembers there’s a little thing called RICO, and decides he’ll take the risk of Co$ harassment to move up the ladder and be a US Attorney.

  194. I love this song so much !

  195. That’s a real nice picture of the two of you, Mark and Monique. All smiles and stuff.

    Hope you meet good neighbours wherever the two of you may live.

  196. “Children and drunks always speak the truth.”


  197. I still must laugh about you tracking the head office of the CCHR down.

  198. martyrathbun09


  199. martyrathbun09

    CP, the church spends millions on this little trick. How do you think they get away with their domestic terrorism?

  200. Tony DePhillips

    Good call Lynne!!

  201. Marty, This is an amazing story. I am trying my best to “step into DM’s shoes” and figure out his reasoning for this campaign of intimidation and harrassment. He has huge problems going on legally, his organization is faltering and people are leaving in droves, and information about oppression is flooding the news, yet he is walking this very fine line of legality with you and your wife. He is a very angry man and is clearly irrational. However, he is very smart and that is really, really dangerous. DM must feel that he has to use these tactics of intimidation so that others will be afraid to follow your example. Maybe it is because he has never lived outside the weird bubble that CofS has become, has little secular education or experience about living in America, and, I’m guessing, has little training or experience auditing others or supervising courses, but I think there is something basically wrong mentally with this guy. There is one thing that Americans value most and that is the sense of freedom – freedom to move, freedom to be safe in their own homes, freedom to practice their religious beliefs, freedom to associate with whom they wish, freedom to speak their mind, freedom to make choices in their pursuit of happiness, and on and on. DM’s actions are direct violations of all of these basic rights that Americans hold dear. I am hoping with all my heart that things don’t escalate to the level of physical violence.

    You speak of people feeling that they have been robbed. When you spend over 30 years of your life working under a lie, it does feel that way. It has taken me many years to discard the overwhelming feeling of regret and make a life for myself. I wish that this movement was available at the time that I left. I will never be part of any organized religion again. Being an independent is really the only option for me, and I assume many others. I truly appreciate your taking a stand. I will work to get the word out about what is happening in the little town of Ingleside, Texas and the option that is available for people who are still struggling under this dictatorship.

  202. Tony DePhillips

    I’m in!!

  203. That video is too funny. I was sitting there waiting for the boat to tip over!
    “… a little more… a little more… lean back just a LITTLE MORE, Mr. CameraMan!”

    Ahhh!! So close!

    I guess Gomez is making pretty good money to warrant making a complete ASS of himself! Paddle boat? Seriously? Is that any indication on their BUDGET getting cut back???

  204. Tony DePhillips

    Truly the ship of FOOLS!!!
    See you soon Marty and Mosey!!

  205. By the way, Marty… and this might be a little backhanded of me, but you might offer them coffee every morning! You’re up, they’re up. If you use Starbucks, they might just see how YOU are the good guy and PaddleBoat Dave is the bad guy? Just a thought. ARC and all that. Besides… I like coffee! Kill ’em with kindness… and caffine. 😉

  206. Is there a board of supervisors where you live ?

  207. This morning’s video did provide a little comic relief.

  208. Expelled 4 Life

    The paddle boat is almost as fun as the head cameras.

  209. Yvonne Schick

    Great “reference”. : )

  210. Do you mean he is stuck in an electronic incident on his Time track ?
    (sticks needle in brain)

    bleh’ I think there are two. Getting away with fooling everybody including the founder. So he keeps trying to fool everybody.

    Keeping himself out of the line of fire with regards to the Lisa Mcpherson tragedy. So he keeps doing all the shit that worked to a point ib that case.

  211. Just caught the video of rub-a-dub-dub-three- “men”-in-a-tub. LOL!
    What a joke! That pathetic little craft is about to capsize!
    What a laugh!!

  212. Too bad the statistical survival chances for the baby blue squirrel busters are less than 20% and that is if we don’t take any action against them. Looks like they’re social personalities after all, waiting to recognize what how badly they’re hurting their dynamics.

  213. “OSA UK have tried to intimidate me into silence with desultory letters from their cult solicitor. They have achieved the reverse. They will be hearing plenty more from me, that’s a promise.”

    Good for you Martin!

    And in respect to the current situation for Marty and his Family, I do hope something is resolved.

    On a more light matter that last video some things up quite well. Beyond that all I can do is laugh at it.

  214. I guess they are running out of VM’s, so the new thing for “summer fun” is go “squirrel fishing” in Corpus. Hey, you can even have an ex-narc take you for a ride in a paddle boat. Who could resist getting out of the Idle Morgue for some fun like that?

    I know times are tough…and to some people I guess ANY job is better than NO job…..but really. How pathetic. What your donations buy.

  215. To Ralph S. Gomez:

    My husband, who is law enforcement too, says: “A paddleboat! Seriously? A cop’s sitting out there in a paddleboat?” After I showed him the video, he said, “Man, I hate to see that. He’s gonna be such a joke.”

    Seriously, Ralph — isn’t it time you quit this gig? For your own sake?


  216. I’m sorry, I can’t stop laughing! If the boat were baby blue with little yellow ducks painted in it, it would be perfect! It would match their little squirrel t-shirts.

  217. Yah. I wonder if he is billing Davy for a speedboat, and pocketing the difference. At any rate, Davy’s Navy is reduced to a paddle boat…….what a total degrade of the SO.

  218. Michael Fairman

    In the Yiddish lexicon each of these three yo-yo’s in the kiddie boat would be known as a combination of “schmuck” and “schlemiel”.

    schmuck (fig): an asshole; schlemiel: a sad sack, a loser, a poor slob

    BTW A Dianetics DVD got an “award” See Ortega’s bog.

  219. What the hell could these goofballs be talking about??? “Hey,I got my bermudas at Sears” or ” I wish I could be in Marty’s nice home instead of this rowboat with Curly and MO”

  220. Michael Fairman

    Sorry, that’s “blog”. The award is in the bog.

  221. JM,

    Bet he isn’t allowed to read this blog. Interesting to see if he could be brought up to curiosity.

  222. Funny.

    How are you at cannonballs?

  223. Tony DePhillips


  224. one of those who see

    Marty!! Not fair. Trying to work. This is the funniest video yet. LMAO!!! Had to write. Didn’t even finish watching yet. Maybe funnier than the cameras on the heads at your door video. Really, maybe you are being Punked??? Where’s Ashton?

  225. Tony DePhillips

    Sounds great!! See you there STT. 🙂

  226. Three Dorks in a Boat

    Ralph S. Gomez: go catch some drug criminals instead and do society a service instead of contributing to the Cult of Miscavige misappropriation of funds. You are all an embarrassment. Is the economy so bad you stoop to this? And is the brainwashing so bad you have no reality check?

    Please get a tripod to film these jokers. They will be great in the next Will Ferrell movie.

  227. Three Dorks in a Boat

    Or does Chiquita swim? Time to get a bird dog.

  228. HA! That would have done it! It would have tipped them over!!

  229. Sapere:

    Excellent! Especially in this regard:

    “Thus the law: NEVER USE LIES IN PR.”

    Since when is it illegal for a corporate Scientologist to show an LRH reference or an SP declare even for that matter to law enforcement officials whose assistance they have employed in their “alleged squirrel busting” act? NEVER!

    I have not read all of LRH’s references, that is no lie, but the ones I have read explicitly state that people excommunicated from the church are not to be “fraternized with” and such until that person comes to their senses and speaks to the IJC via a CJC.

    So, I sent a copy of 4 SP declares to 3 officials in San Patricio County for them to read along with an LRH reference, and then compare the data I sent them to the activities the local “squirrel buster team” is being allowed to practice.

    I already KNOW it is going to have an impact. I E-mailed the authorities in Marty’s county months ago and told them what to expect in the way of problems from the C of M, only I didn’t say C of M Sapere, I said C of S of course. Because I truly resent these church members and non church members bothering Marty and his wife this way and always have.

  230. Tom Gallagher

    Hey! Maybe dm (dumb monkey) has mothballed the Freewinds and this is her new replacement. And maybe this is the vessel that OTIX and X are to be delivered from. Marty, perhaps you’ve filmed the shakedown cruise!

    Anchors away…………

  231. Back to #grantcardone for a moment … I just googled this pathetic #spammer and found that the first Google search result now sends readers to Tony Ortega’s Village Voice blog at

    Welcome to the real internet, #grantcardone. It’s quite different from your egobloated fantasy internet, isn’t it?


  232. Mark Fisher

    I think DM just made a big mistake showing his hand…

    Looks like they were doing a trail run for the upcoming Independants Weekend.

    They are going to storm the beaches with a floatilla of paddle boats and rubber duckies!!!!

  233. Joy Graysen

    These “attacks” are all indicators that we are having the desired effect! We must continue. They are like very large mosquitos. Too bad you can’t blow an air-horn at them everytime they show up. Too bad they don’t have an air-horn that only imbecile-robots can hear…
    Mosey, You are such an extraordinarily beautiful woman! The fact that they called you a man or whatever they said -is HILARIOUS. I hope you know they were only taking a swipe at Marty. Soooo LAME!!!

  234. Recent post copied from another Internet site


    This information was provided to me recently, directly from an FBI Special Agent. I’m posting this anonymously, for obvious reasons, and there are no dox that will be provided. You will notice a lot of repetitive phrases. This is intentional.

    To anyone who has been a victim of actionable crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology, who has witnessed actionable crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology, and/or who has perpetrated crime(s) on behalf of the Church of Scientology:
    US federal law enforcement agencies can’t confirm/deny that there is an active case investigating the Church of Scientology, and will never be able to confirm/deny to you that there is or isn’t one.

    If you’re a victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, are a witness of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or are a perpetrator of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology that occurred or are occurring in the United States and you are currently not residing in the US, you must contact the nearest FBI liaison in the country in which you are living or the federal law enforcement organization in the country in which you are residing. Those officials will involve the appropriate US authorities if they deem the firsthand reports to be valid, actionable, etc.

    Many countries have an FBI presence. To locate the office in which to make your report:
    For crimes committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology outside of the US, contact your respective country’s national law enforcement service.

    Victims of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witnesses of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or perpetrators of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology must make the report themselves because they experienced it firsthand. They must have firsthand knowledge/evidence of the crime(s) committed, the crime(s) must have been committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology, and evidence is needed (if available) that shows actionable crime(s) have been committed. No one can serve as “middleman” for victims of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witnesses of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or perpetrators of crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology. (I am sure there may be exceptions, such as if the person is dead. I am just reporting what I was told.)

    Leaks, forum posts, posted documentation, videos, exes’ stories published online, etc., can be helpful, interesting and/or funny, but they’re not actionable from a federal law-enforcement perspective without coming directly from the source and given directly to federal law enforcement officials. In other words, the feds won’t likely come to you – you need to go to them. It’s the actual firsthand knowledge and evidence provided directly to the FBI by victims of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witnesses of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or perpetrators of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology that will enable any case to be opened, investigated, and/or prosecuted.

    Anything reported needs to be accompanied by evidence you have of actionable “stuff”. This does not include any leaked documents found posted online or on forums unless the person making the report to the FBI is in possession of the original evidence and was involved firsthand in crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology.
    Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter whether the victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, the witness of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or the perpetrator of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology has been subjected to brainwashing, is too scared to come forward on their own, etc. If the original source doesn’t reach out to the FBI themselves, the FBI’s hands are tied.

    Steps exes and any other firsthand victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witness of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, and/or a perpetrator of crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology need to take:

    Go to the nearest FBI office and ask to speak with the “Duty Agent”.
    Explain you are there as a victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witness of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, and/or a perpetrator of crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology (and bring all original evidence related to your situation that is available to you).
    Unfortunately, disconnection isn’t considered actionable when reported by someone other than victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, witnesses of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, or perpetrators of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology. (For example, family members’ reports aren’t actionable unless they witnessed crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, firsthand.)

    “If they’re there voluntarily, brainwashed or not, there is nothing the FBI can do.”
    HOWEVER, if you are the actual victim who was held (or is currently being held) against your will on behalf of the Church of Scientology (such as the RPF) and have evidence and/or information on what crimes were committed against you done on behalf of the Church of Scientology or by you on behalf of the Church of Scientology during that time, REPORT IT. It cannot just be hearsay, and you must be able to testify to the occurrence of said criminal acts.

    Really, REALLY important things to understand
    DO NOT BE AFRAID OF (OR USE AS AN EXCUSE TO NOT REPORT) any statutes of limitations information or constraints if you are a victim of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology, a witness of crime(s) done on behalf of the Church of Scientology or a perpetrator of a crime(s) committed on behalf of the Church of Scientology. It is up to federal law enforcement/federal prosecutors to determine statute of limitation impacts, not people on the internet, no matter how knowledgeable they are on the subject, including arm-chair and actual attorneys and paralegals. Don’t rely on any web site information, either.
    If you witnessed or participated in crimes against someone else on behalf of the Church of Scientology, and are afraid of legal repercussions, explain that you are afraid of legal repercussions to the Duty Agent at your nearest FBI office or contact the US Attorney’s Office directly to request some of type of immunity for cooperation. No guarantees, of course.

  235. Sara Finning

    Think it’s fairly obvious that the C of S wants Marty to explode, get it on camera, lawyers on speed dial with connections to law enforcement. It’s being done on the fringe of what’s legal. Just.

  236. I can only hope that this blog is being monitored by some well intentioned people in the CofS, individuals who want to make a better world This comment is for you guys.

    Let me tell you what I’ve done since I saw this video of the clowns in the boat. I busted up laughing, made a couple of comments, closed down the computer and went outside, still laughing.

    I planted a dozen “fire & ice” hosta I’d gotten on sale–and busted up laughing.

    Then I put down Preen (weed preventer), covered the area with mulch–and busted up laughing.

    I went down to the basemen to clean up a big mess I’d made–and busted up laughing.

    I boxed up a bunch of stuff for a garage sale–and busted up laughing.

    Back outside, I took down all the bird/hummingbird feeders (7), cleaned them, refilled them–and busted up laughing.

    My sixteen year old came home, so we made hamburgers, talked for a while–and I busted up laughing. “What?” he asked.

    “Let me show you.”

    So, I did, trying to keep a straight face.

    “You’re kidding, right? This is a joke of some kind.”


    He’s sixteen. He didn’t laugh. He just had this sick look on his face, sort of fearful, sort of disgusted about the adult world he was quickly approaching.

    “It’ll be alright, kid. Not everyone is that crazy.”

    So, he took his car and went to work. And I e-mailed my wife at work, told her to watch this. She did. She called, told me she and her co-workers thought is was hilarious. We busted up laughing.

    So, I went out, cleaned the debris from the storm out of the pool–and busted up laughing.

    This is so fucking funny.

    Now, the question is, “Why are you guys being the butt of this joke instead of making the world a better place?”

    “What possible good is all this harassment of Marty doing?” And it’s such immature, silly harassment. It isn’t even clever. It’s crap my sixteen year old’s friends might pull. It’s childish.

    It isn’t some high level game. It’s crap. It’s foolish. It’s a low level game.

    Isn’t going clear and OT all about becoming a better person? More intelligent? More observant? More able?

    How the hell is this crap making you better? How is being part of a group whose intelligence arm produces such slapstick making you more able?

    Part of me feels this profound sadness for you.

    Part of me feels this fury that what was once a noble cause has sunk to such shit.

    And then, I think about those fools in the boat.

    And bust up laughing.

  237. Karen; a very nice validation for Marty and his auditing skills and from a Class XII Auditor and C/S.

    Thank you for this Karen.

  238. I love it. Those 3 idiots sitting in a plastic tub in the canal behind your house says it all. Video it in a professional way so it can be used by media and maybe even in the film called “Knowledge Report” that is being made by Mark Bunker. Its going to be shown in major theaters and it could be used as comic relief to help the audience recover after listening to all the heart breaking disconnection stories.

    I can just see it – “And then cult leader David Miscavige hired the best PIs that were willing to work for him, to try an intimidate those who would expose him.” (Shot of the floating bath tub in your canal)

    Miscavige – you are a pathetic joke!!!

  239. Paddleboat ????????
    LOL !
    What the hell do they think ?
    Do they think at all ?
    Was this a demo about the power of the SO ?
    Really, I don’t get it and it doesn’t make any sense. The same questions marks, as for the last 30 years I was having in the church, and I always thought they knew what they were doing and I’m just too dumb to understand it. But, now I know they didn’t know what they were doing.
    When I look at this video, I can see they don’t know what they are doing and I’m more getting the impression that most of the staffs and public don’t know what they’re doing. This is really frightening. They believe that they know. What a cult !
    It’s about time this whole circus, lying and false representation stops, like having won a bronze award for a movie about dianetics and withholding the fact that about 2500 other also got the bronze award.

    I’m so happy to be out of this never ending nightmare.

  240. Thats a pretty impressive operation they have going there.
    I guess the scuba diver must be underwater.

  241. You need to laugh! Everbody that is hip to corporate Scientology knows how C of M Kool-Aid drinkers feel about people in the world the church acts like are “allegedly enjoying themselves”.

    Well, me, and a lot of other people, aren’t allegedly doing it, we really are I think. If I ever lived down there in Ingleside On The Bay, and ever had the luxury of having “Squirrel Busters” ring my doorbell, I’ve got it all worked out.

    I can answer the door in my David Bowie lookalike suit and respond “Ooooooooh! Scary monsters!” with my right knee tilted.


  242. +1

    It’s just about the right size for the captain too. DM can be “bigger than life” by using scale models. (Scales as in coverings of reptiles, models as in small imitation of the real thing.)

    Bruce Pratt

  243. Great post Marty,

    “If you give them enough rope, they will hang themselves”

    Apparently they are still unaware of the expression and your handing out rope.


  244. Θ_ΘTaterPie/GaryLerner

    Marty & Mosey, MUCHO RESPECT and ADMIRATION!!!


    Gary 🙂 — Ahoy, Matey Gomez! Wanna torch?

  245. Be afraid…be very afraid…we are here to find your crimes…oh my gawd!

    I just can’t stop laughing.

  246. Ser Fac for the first is: I can fool everybody

    Ser Fac for the second is: I can get away with murder

    And if there is a combined Ser Fac in Scientology: I can get away with anything by fooling everybody

    Seems that reality is catching up with Tiny Dave

  247. Janet Reitman on “The Bat Segundo Show” podcast.

  248. Well, Ru – a -Dub-dub

    Man … couldn’t stop laughing … surely the IAS could help these poor souls out with one of those IAS grants I used to hear of.

    Sad … very sad that these guys are representative of Miscavige.

    David, give that little noggin’ a shake!!

  249. This reminds me of an earlier post on this blog and a video:

  250. Marty, Found a great quote from one of David Miscavige’s mentors and posted it on my website today:

    “The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

    Hermann Goering, Nazi, at the Nuremberg trial

  251. Little Reptilian Predator in Charge of the Cult forms up his version of Seal Team 6. He’s got the seals. They’re training hard at some secret location in Ingleside on the Bay. Cult members will hear of this operation in classic Shermanspeak hyperdrivel at the next crow fest event.

    Too bad we lost our inside resource, Deep Fax. I hope he (she?) is ok.

    Bruce Pratt

  252. Sara, you are of course absolutely correct.

    But I must comment about being on the fringe of what’s legal. These guys are on the fringe of what could get them committed. They are very close to beng a danger to themselves and others. Anyone willing to make a fool of themselves like this is getting very close to the fringe of being legally insane.

    I predict that they will show up in front of Marty’s house tomorrow on specially painted tricycles with streamers hanging from the handlebars and “clickers” on the spokes. Maybe with some clown hair and squirting lapel flowers….

  253. “I predict that they will show up in front of Marty’s house tomorrow on specially painted tricycles with streamers hanging from the handlebars and “clickers” on the spokes. Maybe with some clown hair and squirting lapel flowers….”

    HA!!! I LOVE IT!!! LMAO!!!!

  254. Hahahahahahahaha!!

    I’m sold. LOL

    Tarvu Tarvooti!

  255. HelluvaHoax!

    PIs in Paddleboats.

    What your fees buys….

    What your sleaze buys.

  256. Luis Agostini


    One of my favorites-to-assume viewpoints is the occurrence that life brings up situations for which one has the choice of being or becoming the victim of them or being or becoming their conqueror.

    The conqueror, in my view, increases his understanding, his power, his courage, his confidence, his freedom and his joy of living.

    One of the greatest and most positive producing challenges, in my view, is the conquering of what is dimming or what is seeking to dim or extinguish one’s desired level of theta and its influence.

    And so please allow me to be envious of Marty for life is presenting him with a challenge that, in my view, is making him grow as a being.

    I have seen the progression of videos of Marty, in his confrontations with those who are trying to dim him, how he has increased his level of confront and sanity and tone level. How the powerful ridges that this type of situations restimulate and/or produce are dissolving, in my view.

    Challenges like the ones being encountered by Marty, when not resisted, when not allowed to dim one’s theta, and when made to produce a higher level of theta in one end up making one be extremely glad of their occurrence and thanking very much those who helped bring it.


  257. Scott Campbell


    Once again your keen perception and policy acumen come to the fore. That LRH policy you quoted is the exact reference that needs to be understood by the OSA PR hacks that are fostering DM’s fallacious public image.

    Thank you for being so vigilant in spotting outpoints and applying your policy knowledge in prescribing the right remedy.

    I’m truly proud to have you as a friend.

    L, Scott

  258. Ditto! This video is hillarious. It looked like their ship was sinking or at least taking on water. What a bunch of idiots! I cannot stop laughing.

  259. Tom Gallagher

    “egobloated fantasy”……………

  260. Hey Marty,

    We’ll pitch in – a block party would be a great idea. Y’all can have some fun on us.

  261. Scott Campbell

    I wonder who know about those other crimes…

  262. Tom Gallagher


    I applaud you. Thank you for speaking my mind.

    I mean it.

  263. Tom Gallagher

    I’m still having stomach cramps.

  264. Scott Campbell

    Hi Kris!

    Yaaay! I agree that Marty’s blog has done a lot of good and that we have all benefited tremendously because of it.

    Thanks for posting your wins.

  265. Look who is here!.. Hi, HH!

  266. Scott Campbell

    Where do I sign up?!!!

  267. Scott Campbell

    And Miscavige is the schlimazel.

    schlimazel or shlimazel (shli-MAH-zuhl) noun

    Someone prone to having extremely bad luck.

    [From Yiddish, from shlim (bad, wrong) + mazl (luck). A related term is mazel tov (literally, good luck) used to convey congratulations or best wishes.]

    A schlimazel can be concisely described as a born loser. No discussion of schlimazel could be complete without mentioning his counterpart: schlemiel, a habitual bungler. They go together

  268. John Aaron (Jimmy Rebel)

    This is awesome! We got that same paddle boat for my kids (10 and 13) to paddle around the lake behind my mother’s house! I wonder if they got theirs from Costco as well. They might have rented it though. Is there “rent a paddle” around there anywhere.

  269. Scott Campbell

    Excellent analysis Luis. I too have noticed how Marty (and others) have become more adept at handling the challenges that the C of S is throwing at them.

    At the same time, the church is becoming more inept.

    Remember the Buddha, guys. “That which you resist, you shall receive – or become.”

  270. Ahh Marty, they are being so silly. An overloaded paddle boat recording your back yard. They are desperate to drive in your anchor points but they will only succeed in making you and others stronger.

    If you are having a party in your back yard, We would love to come by. Probably should be in the heat of the day though.


  271. Hey Marty! I have an idea for you! get some big speakers set up in your back yard. When those Bozos get to close, well put this music on!

    Dam…Soooo incredible…Get them some ice cream!

  272. OMFG, Marty – I can’t stop laughing.

    I watched this about about 7 hours ago and I just watched again for the fun of it.

    If this were scripted, the writer would be amazing. But these are “masters of improv” far beyond the realm of ordinary reality.

    A paddleboat!!!!!!!!

    With a PI and two “OTs” and a camera!!!!!!!!!!

    You just can’t make this stuff up – it’s pure comedy gold!!!!!!!!!!

    Predicting this goes viral on youtube. 😀

    I just can’t stop laughing. Thank you DM for brightening my day no end.

  273. Just in from Deep Fax, who is on location and reported in on his iPhone. Said he got this communique tonight:

    Next on the Ambush Invasion Program:

    • Submarines
    • Air Balloons
    • Time Travel
    • Sewer Pipe
    • Stealth Bomber
    • In the back of an illegal Mexican immigrant truck
    • A hole they dug through the Earth from China
    • Inside Fed Ex packages
    • Dressed as farm animals wandering around
    • Hang Gliders
    • Catapault themselves from a barge offshore
    • Shoot themselves from a cannon

  274. one of those who see

    Hi Theta,
    Been laughing all day. About to go home and am listening to your video. Sends it over the top. Will now be laughing all night!!! Well done!

  275. Just Me:

    It is even worse than that, even though I know you may not find too much humor in what he is doing and there is nothing wrong with Ralph S. Gomez being apprehended and questioned by the F.B.I., he looks like he has dirty hands.

    He’s such a DB. I can’t get over. Even though I am a pretty enlightened person it seems like he has an aura about him:

    “Ralph S. Gomez – Implant Victim #649”.

    God forbid if he ever did get an implant 🙂 that would be terrible, because he just reeks of being DB.

    “Ralph S. Gomez – Implant Victim #649 Talks”

  276. Man, with all the cash midget boy has, I’d expect to see some James Bond, high-tech shit floating around out there.

    A paddle boat? Really?

    I hope they at least had some cold ones to chug.

    I can’t wait to get up the DM Bridge so that I, too, can float around in a paddle boat with other enlightened beings, wearing powder-blue t-shirts
    from Target and spying on married couples with cute dogs.

    I’d pay……oh……..half a million for the privilege.

  277. Michael Fairman

    You are absolutely-positively right! There’s a bunch of Yiddish “sch…” words that apply. Jackie Mason would do 45 minutes about these bumbkins…”to tell you the troot…”

  278. Can’t go sleep now… my noodle is floating!

  279. … in the next pizza delivery box,
    being pulled in a little red wagon
    hiding in the shorts of the kid who mows the lawn…

  280. Those are some solid ideas along the same line as operation paddle-boat.

    I think I just saw them buying a remote control helicopter, a camera and duct tape at the store wearing fake mustaches, wigs and sunglasses.

  281. Mike Hobson

    Other Mike,
    I reckon the last one was actually “Shoot themselves *with* a cannon” right in the foot!
    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  282. notanonyone2u

    Why would a 59 year old insurance adjuster work with David Lubow Jr.?
    Has Ralph offered to talk about insurance? As you know from a previous post Ralph lives in Nueces County at 749 Oriole St. in Corpus Christie. Perhaps it would be of interest to you to check the Nueces county circuit clerk records for criminal records for assault or perhaps civil cases involving taxes or other financial matters of Ralph S. Gomez. There just might be something of interest to you that may provide some motive to this strange behavior. Why would a Texan, born in San Antonio on 5/06/62 run around spying on his neighbor?

  283. Tom,

    I think I’m going to have to include this on the drug rundown. It’s like the ridiculous laughing that accompanies smoking marijuana. The more I think of it, the funnier it gets.

    I just hope the absurdity is sufficient to pry some more fence sitters loose.

  284. Tony DePhillips

    Those “OT’s” must have some huge overts that dm is hanging over their heads to allow themselves to be degraded like that.
    Wht a bunch of morons.

  285. You better watch out Scoots, I heard tha are sending Grant Cardone to Oz! I mean, after all, he *IS* the TurnAround Kid….er, King.


  286. Ann:

    When Karen was in the Sea Org at Flag, I was afraid of her. Let me just explain first. I don’t mean that she threatened me, or that we had an ARCx, I mean her AUDITING. I heard reports from a couple of people that this woman was the best. No Red Tags, no failed cases. And it is not that I doubted the competence of any other auditor there, I just happened to get a glimpse of her one day, this very, very, very IN TR’s blonde woman.

    I thought about if she was ever my auditor one time, and I got this picture of just seeing her in front of me, riveted to my chair. I was “afraid” of her, in the sense that I knew if I ever went to into session with this lady, whatever case I had WOULD ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED be history before the examiner got to verify it.

    I know she doesn’t audit any more, but big deal, once a Class XII, always a Class XII, so thank god I don’t need that much auditing any more I think!


    Karen is loved by me and everybody, but if she’s ever your auditor, be prepared to get audited.

  287. Great video. I had not seen this before. Thanks for posting.

  288. TheWidowDenk

    OK, I transcribed Marty’s narration of the video, “Big Brother in Bermuda Shorts.”

    “Monday morning, June 27th, 10am. The cult of Miscavige, along with the private investigator Ralph Gomez, have arrived via paddle boat. This is my home, my back yard from where I’m shooting. And, there they are shooting–shooting my home from a paddle boat in the canal. Lead by Ralph S. Gomez working for Dave Lubow of California, Falcon Investigations. Big Brother in Bermuda shorts.”

  289. Ohhhh geesus, Mike…I swear you had me rolling on the floor.

    Can i bring my wagon and play too, pleeze pleeze?????

    How much more absurd and pathetic can these clowns get?

  290. Three Dorks in a Boat

    Snorkeling outfits with Perry the Squirrel Disney flippers. ^_^

  291. Robert Earle

    I like that idea of the speakers and this song . Especially if they would record it for they’re photo shoot audio to use in the next IAS event .

  292. Robert Earle

    WOW! My favorite episodes will be 1) the sewer pipe 2) Dressed as farm animals 3) The catapault one from the barges and 4) shooting from cannons.
    I can’t wait. These guys are going to be Youtube superstars.

  293. DM could not rent a bigger boat for them? I guess the cult is running out of money. Then again that is a rather large boat for DM. They should christen it the D.M. Titanic and he can play captain.

  294. SA wrote: “[Mary Sue Hubbard] died and the field heard no acknowledgement or mention of it.

    That’s exactly right SA. And that is the fact that can’t be undone. No matter how DM tries to hide or minimize his degrading treatment of MSH while she was alive, Scientologists KNOW FOR A FACT that he completely ignored her when she died. No memorial, no funeral. Not even a mention in any Scientology publication. That act alone says more than anything else about DM’s treatment and view of MSH than anything else.

  295. i am sure ,there was four of them but they must,first,play – music chairs -…

  296. Excerpted from “Fox In Socks” by Dr.Seuss. (Feel free to make up your own parody…..) 🙂

    Let’s have a little talk about tweetle beetles….
    What do you know about tweetle beetles? Well…
    When tweetle beetles fight,
    it’s called a tweetle beetle battle.

    And when they battle in a puddle,
    it’s a tweetle beetle puddle battle.

    AND when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
    they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.


    When beetles battle beetles in a puddle paddle battle
    and the beetle battle puddle is a puddle in a bottle…
    …they call this a tweetle beetle bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.


    When beetles fight these battles in a bottle with their paddles
    and the bottle’s on a poodle and the poodle’s eating noodles…
    …they call this a muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle
    bottle paddle battle.


    Now wait a minute, Mr. Socks Fox!

    When a fox is in the bottle where the tweetle beetles battle
    with their paddles in a puddle on a noodle-eating poodle,
    THIS is what they call…

    …a tweetle beetle noodle poodle bottled paddled
    muddled duddled fuddled wuddled fox in socks, sir!

    Fox in socks, our game is done, sir.
    Thank you for a lot of fun, sir.

  297. scilonschools

    I suspect plans are in place at the moment to get the ‘Freewinds’ out of dry dock/scrap yard and up to the Canal behind Casa Tejas.
    Or is that dinghey the current ‘Pride’ of DM’s fleet?
    (Is it only suitable for OTVII (CoM RCS) or above to command such a vessel?

  298. Clearwater Lawyer

    Too funny! How about disguising themselves as landscaping shrubs and slowly moving in while escaping detection. They will use human cannonballs or the tricycles with streamers to distract the residents! Why didn’t the paddleboat have squirrel buster stickers on it, it seems to be such a key element of their efforts – like marketing efforts for label/brand recognition.

  299. Now here’s a “cool tool” Marty. It’s a hand-held dish audio amplifier with which you would be able to hear every word the “bustahs” following you say to each other, even from 100 yards away…..

    A little pricey but may be worth every penny?

  300. Claudio & Renata Lugli

    Yes Laura Ann
    we remember very well the talk we had.
    The OSA Criminal Squad: Mike Sutter – Marion Pow etc. was harrassing and trying to intimidate you USING YOUR OWN BLOOD – Your son, exactly as they did with us!!!!!
    We cannot find words to describe them now … but we can say that YOU ARE A GREAT AND VERY COURAGEOUS LADY.
    Claudiio & Renata

  301. John Fennessey

    The 3 of them in the boat make me think of “the three stooges join the navy” or “if only I had a brain”. You have Ralph “i could have been a texas ranger” Gomez with that dead pan look and his feet pumping away. Its truly a joke and I can see it as a comic video in law enforcement training programs on how not to do surviellance. Destined to become a classic. Maybee today they will return with camoflague suits and darkened faces so they cannot be so easily spotted. I know its asking a lot, but a lot has already been given. Who knows. Keep the camera ready.

  302. Zhongjianren

    I just finished Reitman’s book. In the Acknowledgements on page 424, after thanking many named and unnamed “former and current Scientologists who shared with [Reitman] their joys, sorrows, fears, hopes, and disapointments during [her] five years of research” Reitman goes on to say:

    “That a number of them still value L. Ron Hubbard’s techology, if not the organizational management of the Church of Scientology — and were eager to differentiate between the two — is a testament to the growing number of Scientologists who hope to form an independent, and free, movement. I wish them all the best of luck in doing so.”

  303. * microlight invasion 🙂

  304. Mike, I just fell off my chair — laughing so hard I am crying!

    I think it was somewhere between time travel, the illegal Mexican truck, and dressed as farm animals that I completely lost it. Still having trouble regaining my composure!

    A few others for consideration:
    – Cameras on carrier pigeons
    – Pretending to be a disoriented farmer on a tractor
    – Dressing up as a Morman going door to door to talk about God
    – Kindergarten teacher out for an excursion with 10 children under the age of 6.
    – An elephant escaped from the local zoo
    – A rocket ship
    – Inside a wheelbarrow
    – or carried by a stork.

  305. God — just can’t stop laughing!!!!

  306. Expelled 4 Life

  307. A clean dox-only link of the same info for those who wont touch a WWP link with a 10 foot pole:

  308. martyrathbun09

    Not sure that is the right guy. Please do not use C of M tactics in response to all this.

  309. “Effective Cause, Well Demonstrated.”

    I think not! 😉

  310. TL,
    That, to me, redefines the concept of ‘white-ass kracker!’ I mean…
    “yo dawg, fo true? you be illin and shi…. pahleese! don’t be trippin’ bro.
    w0rd. peace out, G”

  311. Mike,
    The more I think of your note there at the bottom… you KNOW… and I just KNOW… THAT CONCEPT WAS SAID… OUT LOUD in one of their conference room brain-storming sessions. Someone actually THOUGHT THAT!!! FOR REAL!!!

    Makes it all the more sweeter!!!

  312. Joe Pendleton

    Well…………………….this whole operation is being run by the SEA organization after all. From a small fleet of ships to rowing a teeny boat in a residential complex; from searching for lost treasure from thousands of years ago to a bunch of over the hill dudes desperately trying to make a few bucks, taking videos of…….another apartment complex. Oh, yeah….EXPANSION!!

  313. TheWidowDenk

    LDW — Best bring your paddle boat to play; otherwise, it would be out-R.

  314. martyrathbun09

    UPDATE, posted at top of post:
    June 28 morning update (10:15 a.m.). I just got back from a six mile bike ride. Thanks to the good citizens of IOB I am afforded such luxuries because as you will see a number of unnamed heroes have got my back. I was followed down a relatively desolate 2-lane hiway by a gold sedan manned with cult spies with cameras. As I returned to IOB I was greeted (in what was supposed to be an ambush) by three cult members in a golf cart as I rounded the corner into our little town. All of this was witnessed and then reported by locals the moment I arrived home.

  315. Yvonne Schick

    Perfect. They are Wiley Coyote and the Acme Squirrel Busters.

  316. Expelled 4 Life


    Moderator: Can you instruct me on how to properly embed a You Tube video? Thanks, E4L

  317. Is it possible they have no clue how stupid they look, or how stupid it is to take hours of video of the outside of a house? What do you think they are trying to capture on film? Does DM really sit and watch all this boring video? The only reason I watch is cause I know Marty’s commentary is going to make me laugh!

    Seriously, the dude in bernuda shorts looked emabressed as hell to be in that boat. The camera guy looks like stimpy, and the girl, well, its hard to say. If they are true OT, than its the WOG world for me.

  318. Expelled 4 Life

    Note to DM & OSA: You are actually making me a fan of Marty when before I was more of an interested observer. I suspect this is true for many lurkers like myself. You are proofing over and over again why I feel blessed to have been expelled.

  319. Marty:

    Thank you for today’s update on the situation.

    I think this is going in the right direction now that the people in the local community are become more aware of who their new nuisance neighbors from corporate Scientology are.

    When those neighbors find your BLOG, traffic here and visits should triple or quadruple as word spread that “corporate Scientologists have come to Texas to kick ass”! Marty, honey, that is the last thing a corporate Scientologist wants to say in Texas! 🙂

    You have my postulate and more.

  320. Glad you’re fine.

    Really, really glad there are such fine citizens in IOB. Another thank you goes out to them.

    Bruce Pratt

  321. Has anyone in the history of Corporate Scientology ever survived the Church’s tactics of unrelenting harassment? Marty, you’re dangerous to DM because you possess the blueprint for the campaign of harassment. The rest of us, who believed in the goodness of Scientology and never served in the SO, would never have a chance in the face of this. Being independent seems to offer the only protection (however thin).

  322. Good Show Anon , Carry on 😉

  323. Marty & Mosey,

    you are writing history – by means of open comm lines and perseverance..

    All the best !

  324. If one were to go outside in the backyard with a big posterboard sign that said “Miscavage is an SP,” and wave that around at the boat people, I wonder if they would flee in terror.

  325. simonbolivar

    Who needs drugs when there are such clowns in town 🙂

  326. TheWidowDenk

    E4L — Here, I’ll try to do it for you, but Sam will have to instruct you. She’s the pro.

  327. Paulette Cooper survived and I believe is about $10 million dollars richer because of it.


  328. King Arthur

    In fact I would’nt put it past the Devil having been implanted to Morgana’s case on the pre Earth backtrack.

  329. Wow Marty-This is great!-BTW, I am happy you got some first dynamic time outside.

  330. one of those who see

    People of Ingleside on the Bay. Thank you for watching out for these 2 wonderful folks, Marty and Mosey. As has happened often in history, The Church of Scientology l has a rogue leader who has led it badly astray. The Church has betrayed it’s own Religion. Marty is exposing this betrayal which is very brave in the extreme. Obviously, he chose well where to call home.

  331. Gordon Dean

    This silly confrontational harassment brought on by the Church of Scientology, with David Miscavige at the helm, is really getting tired and old.

    Thank you Marty, and the rest of the troops out there that are standing up for what is right and just, for enduring the unjust wrath in the face of evil.

    David Miscavige = Evil.

    Gordon Dean

  332. Can’t take the credit for that – they keep changing the way you embed and it messes me up too. Sapere Aude has been hand-holding me the whole way 😉

  333. But at the moment (until they change it again) you just copy and paste the URL.

  334. E4L
    The ’embed’ and ‘share’ buttons don’t work anymore. You have to copy and paste the data in the URL.

  335. Bonnie Woods got a nice payout in the UK also.

  336. SimonB,


    And once I discovered my thetahood, drugs would never live up to those experiences anyway.

    Laughter may or may not be the best medicine, but these buffoons are certainly doing their best to cure us all of what ails them.

  337. Les,
    Does this insane crap happen to you, too? It can either restimulate some evil ints (wanting to put in justice on the camera wielding scumbags) and makes the art and sport of pugilism or worse look like something sadistically fun. OR make a person mock up some new evil ints…but then, the greatest good for the greatest number sometimes require solid communication. What other people, groups, etc. are being harassed like this? I would like to see them all post. Don’t you think that Pat Broeker seemed like a nice guy on the video he did? I read that he was also surveilled. Hope you’re not getting the same treatment!!!!! Flourish and prosper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  338. Stay out of DM’s shoes! He might have a nasty fungus!

  339. Are the neighbors calling the police about the stuff? If not, they should!

  340. It may look like these current events are bad, but things are going wonderfully. I could not ask for more, except for DM burning Marty’s house down (I am not joking – the burning of churchs and murders of three freedom riders were the start of the undoing of the racists leaders in the South).


    The oppressor is usually 1.1 and prefers to act covertly, such as in torturing those at the INT Base, behind closed doors. A key objective is to flush the oppressor’s repressive nature out into the open, then to document it.

    Marky, Mosey, Mike, Karen, etc. are going a great job in that regard.

    DM is now following Marty’s et al’s lead. Accordingly:

    DM is doing a great job of creating his own undoing. (LRH says the criminal WANTS to be caught, knowing he cannot, on his own, cease committing overts).

    Trust me on the following – I have been involved in many, many heavy duty conflict situations, some against major, international players. We have been targeted by secret police. Yet, my team and I have never lost. Particularly after the oppressor is forced out in the open with his repressive acts:


    The photos and videos you are doing are great.

    Forget the suggestions to hire guards, get big dogs, practice martial arts, and the bellicose, uninformed statements about your rights under Texas’ “stand your ground” law. I do understand and empathize with the sentiment, but such actions do not take into account the PRODUCT you are looking for: to bring the opponents repressive acts into the open..


    What needs to occur, beyond the videos, is to:


    The Time Track entries are made RIGHT THEN. Not five hours later. This is called a “contemporaneous record.” Legally, and when dealing with the media, a “contemporaneous record” is powerful. Coupled with the videos and photos, you hourly build a case.

    EVERYTHING has a DETAILED MEMO, and a shorter Time Track entry. The Time Track entry has the Date, the Time, the Place, the people, and a short synopsis of the event. It ends by reciting the name of the memo, that has the full write up. All write ups should be completely objective, without name calling or ANY HE&R. HE&R reduces the credibility of the write up.

    One of the reasons for doing this is that it is overwhelming to try to do this six months later. And, you will never do it as well as doing it in PT. And, legally, doing in PT has much higher credibility.


    Your job is TR-0. Do nothing except being there comfortably, observing (and documenting).

    The problem is that this program is too simple – many have a problem just being there comfortably and doing nothing, and feel compelled to “do something.” They don’t understand that “if the tone arm is moving, do nothing.” Or, they are unfamiliar with Napoleon’s statement, “Don’t interrupt your opponent while he is making a mistake.” LET him continue to make mistakes (and, hopefully, commit his crimes publicly)

    I strongly recommend that EACH warrior in this scene adopt the above.

    Winning has to do not with wild action, no matter how heart felt, but with identifying and applying the Correct Technology.


  341. TheWidowDenk

    See … I couldn’t have instructed E4L using those words. Thanks, Sam!

  342. Θ_ΘTaterPie/GaryLerner

    Marty, You should have thrown water balloons! (
    🙂 – maybe some bottle rockets for a little flare?)

  343. TheWidowDenk

    Water balloons would probably have sunk the paddle boat.

  344. Steve:

    You reminded me of something sweetheart, from when I was in Scientology, I had an ethics interview once. Nothing that serious, and the EO asked me:

    “Lana, were you a Nazi in your last life or something?”

    I said:

    “No, it was the one before that honey!”

    And now, you take a look at the C of M in action, and it all Anti someone, something, somewhere, but of course NOT the people they are attacking.



  345. David:

    I don’t know about Lebow for sure, I wish I did and I could tell you, but as far as Ralph S. Gomez is concerned, it is possible he isn’t “sure” if a license is required for him to pet at animal at his local zoo. I really think the guy is out of it. Like a TV character, let me think of one, like, remember that guy, the fat one, William Conrad!, and he played Detective Frank Cannon? Real, not exactly unprofessional, just not quite cut out for that kind of work somehow. 🙂

  346. scilonschools


  347. Tony:

    I absolutely have to agree with you here. You grammar is indeed both tiger like and survival oriented. I, have used that term “moron” often when reminiscing about my former comrades in the Church of D. Miss Cabbage®.
    And, I just wanted to add the full phrase I that normally always comes to my mind when I am reminded of just the fact that are morons, more completely:

    “Ignorant f*****g morons”


  348. Sweetheart:

    Did you say 749 Oriole Street, Corpus Christie, Texas?

    Because if you did, the next time if ever I am around that part of the country, I am going to make a note on my map, to avoid that house, because I don’t want to catch any cooties.


    That ought to wake his neighbors up to the calling!



  349. Expelled 4 Life

    Thanks, Yes, it does keep changing. Will try the URL method next time.

  350. How is what you just did different from what the cult does?

  351. I agree.

  352. Just catching up here! Simply boggles the mind what lengths the Cult of Harassment will go to in order to oppress any opposition. I hope non-scientologists read this and avoid the trap. And to scientologists: THIS is what your fees buy. Complete insanity. Good on simply documenting and exposing it!

  353. Pingback: Strength, Courage and Wisdom | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  354. Pingback: You’re Damn Right We’ve Got The Blues | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  355. How about the NEW YORK TIMES, LA TIMES, TIME MAGAZINE …all the big guys need to print your letter.

    Thank you for making it public.

    I will be copying it and sending it to some die hard culties that are still drinking the kool aid to pop their “ethical organizational bubble”!! This is a so called “church” and “religion”? I think mafia is more like it. Totally disgusting CULT!

    David Miscavige is a madman, a psychotic sociopath with short-man syndrome tendencies!

    Anyone lurking here – you should be ashamed of yourself breathing life into this evil organization! Shame on YOU!

  356. By any chance, are Gomez and Lubow idiots? Here’s my 3 reasons why:

    1) They aren’t even being discrete; you pretty know what is going on.

    2) They have both crossed the line into displays of harassment. That is a conscious choice, and is reflective of their lack of intelligence.

    3) They are both also harassing the community, and making neighbors unsettled at times. Yet another sign of stupidity, unawareness, and inability to maintain compassion for those who are not involved in this.

    I won’t even get into ethics. Gomez, Lubow, Miscavige, and all the others come across as childish men. Nothing more, nothing less.

  357. We are very happy to have yall back out here. Those people don’t bother us one bit and only make themselves look ridiculous. I know my family and many others out here support yall being here. Peace and love and lots of fun out here on IOB. ✌💚🎶

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