Israel Goes Independent

The most productive and influential Scientology organization in Israel has declared independence from the Miscavige tyranny.  The Village Voice broke the story early this morning, Israel Awakens by Tony Ortega.

The Dror (Hebrew for Freedom!) Center of Haifa is operated by the dynamic duo Dani and Tami Lemberger.   You may remember Tami as the international field auditor of the year for the years 2000 and 2002.  Dani is just as legendary in his own right as an administrator.  Dani managed to keep Haifa out from under Miscavige’s boot sufficiently enouch to continue high levels of Scientology delivery during the past decade when Miscavige has managed to destroy almost every other Scientology organization affiliated with Scientology Inc.

The Scientologists of Israel do not look to the glitzy, empty Tel Aviv Idle Morgue for direction. They look to the Lemberger’s and the Dror Center, where Scientology continues to be delivered in abundance – despite management’s best efforts to choke it to death.   Dani and Tami have pried Scientology Inc leader David Miscavige’s fingers off their necks so that they can now really get the show on the road.

Dani and Tami visiting the Texas coast

As predicted, the corporate Scientology retaliation campaign has been launched with a vengeance.  Since so many Israeli Scientologists have children in orgs and the Sea Org a fair number have been coerced into serving as deployable agents to attempt to disrupt Dror. Dani and Tami and the trained, brave executives and staff of Dror Center are so far weathering the storm.  But, they are being viciously attacked on a personal level with hateful messages of disconnection by friends and family still loyal to the tyranny.

Please show your support through your commentary here, and by personal messages to Dani,  Better yet, plan a vacation to Israel to complete your Scientology Bridge to Clear at the Dror Center. Dror delivers in English, Hebrew, and Russian.   Experience and participate in history in the making.  Contribute to the expansion of the first full service organization (Dror can and does audit to Clear and train to Class V Grad and above) to declare INDEPENDENCE.

Dani and Tami and their team struck the strongest blow against tyranny to date.  Their flourishing survival is integral to the independence movement.

The executives and staff of Dror are living the words of Thomas Paine, oft-repeated here:

These are the times that try men’s souls.  The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.  What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.  Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM  should not be highly rated. 



253 responses to “Israel Goes Independent

  1. Tony’s article was great. Definitely worth reading in full. It will be very interesting to watch Miscavige swing into full-on reaction mode once he’s done meddling in the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes divorce and embarrassing the cult organization with all his efforts there.

    You’re right about Haifa being the intellectual center of the country, given that it’s a big college town and that there’s an awful lot of high tech companies there, high even by Israeli standards. So it would indeed not be surprising to see the rest of the Israeli Scientologists go indie in the wake of Haifa cutting ties with RCS.

    I think that the more he tries to tighten the screws with some of the international missions, the more it will backfire. My guess is that some of the Russian missions are next, given the hassles that they’re currently getting from the Russian government (who seem to be afraid that a well-organized Scientology presence directed from Los Angeles is some sort of CIA front group). They’ll have an incentive to break away, and Moscow is a long way from Int Base. Finally, the Russian authorities are not likely to be too thrilled at “Squirrel Busters” showing up on the streets of St. Petersburg; I can’t imagine that there would be much the cult would be able to do to stop a breakaway Russian movement.

    If I had to do an overall scenario, I would say that Israel goes first, Russia next, and the rest of the developing world after that. Europe, South Africa and Asia are going to hold on for a long time. But the developing world is where the biggest increases in body count are (even though of course I wouldn’t be foolish enough to trust DM-quoted statistics even a little bit). So an Israeli mission breaking away and living to tell about it is the beginning of a wave of “unprecedented implosion” in a whole new dimension of the RCS, one that had not previously been threatened.

  2. Sapere Aude

    Wonderful news! Yes, this is going to be a long hot summer for those that think they control the minds, actions and thoughts of others. We see a fine example of an OT, trained and brought to a higher state of responsibility, and acting with true ARC and a desire to help others.

    A big thank you and welcome to Dani, Tami and the rest of the Dror staff!!

  3. Dani and Tami: you are very brave people indeed! I admire your courage. We all know you are doing the right thing.
    Wish you lots of success! Florish & prosper: the only way to crush the big dictator.

  4. Tami and Dani,

    Very glad to have met you recently at Marty & Mosey’s place.

    You have quite the scene going there in Haifa and as far as I know you are the first organization to go Indie. As my daughters would put it: “You guys rock!!!”

  5. Dani/Tami,

    Congratulations and welcome to the party!

    It was wonderful to meet you face to face and hear your story and see the passion and dedication you have for real Scientology.

    You have walked tall and strong down a long path to bring LRH tech to the people of Israel. You are true champions. And now you have taken the next step on that journey of integrity.

    There are many more TRUE friends on this side of the walls of Miscavige’s kingdom. And you are about to hear from a whole bunch of them.

    The walls of Dror Scientology stand inviolate, the walls of the vulture culture are crumbling.

    Love to you both and all your supporters.

    Mike and Christie

  6. Kevin Tighe


  7. My congratulations to Dani and Tami. I’ve had the pleasure and honor to audit both of you. I’m very glad to hear you are on the right side of the fence. Greetings from Italy. ML Ignazio.

  8. Wow Danny and Tammy!!!! you rock guys, very well done!!!
    We know each other pretty well, my kids went to school with your kids in clearwater, hugs to Carmel and Adam.

  9. Dani and Tami – Isreal knows all too well how to fight for freedom. You will go down in history as the finest freedom fighters mankind has known. All your trials and tribulations will be worth every effort. We are proud of you.

    ML Tom

  10. How ironic that I was in Israel and visited the Tel Aviv Org in fall of 2010 at the same time the new Idle Org was to open. I had the ol’ blinders on then and was feeling proud. But today I’m feeling proud of Dani and Tami, who I’ve never met, but feel a strong kinship with after the strong blow they have struck for freedom. !כל הכבוד

  11. Dani and Tami are obviously not your run of the mill scientologist. They made the big move to keep the dream of a new civilization alive. No one is going to be allowed to stand between the Auditor and the PC. Not on their watch. They are keeping Scientology working. Beyond that, nothing else should matter, and to them, it doesnt matter. Beings like this do not get “handled”, or scared off. They are readily and easily admired and respected. These are LRH’s friends.

  12. Dani & Tami,
    Great news! Other missions will follow you and there’s nothing the nasty little midget can do about it. DM is losing his grip and he knows it.
    Wishing you loads of expansion!!

  13. Bluebonnet

    Congrats and Continue! Please deliver and help prepare for the inevitable.
    And those that disconnect will wake up one day soon.

  14. Dani&Tami,
    A.R.C ERIC

  15. Ziba Feulner

    Way to go, Dani and Tami! Can’t wait to hear more from you and maybe meet in person one day! Great example, you guys!

  16. Way to go Tami and Dani!!
    I have always admired the courage of the Israeli’s.
    You are just another shining example of people with real courage and integrity.
    I look forward to meeting you.

  17. scilonschools

    Some fruit is the first to Ripen!!

  18. The break way russia movement is big time already there and many groups are up and running / One incident of late was the church had tried to interfer in Rastov / though its stopped/

  19. Welcome. Its nice to see Irasel breaking away to indept. Theirs a good few floating undecided certaintly in Tel-Avi- and Hafia.The Rathburn book should help ease up undeciders

  20. I just finished reading the article in the Villiage Voice.
    But Dani you can get back on the level now outside of the cult and have even better wins!!
    A whole mission breaking away from miss cabbage!! Pricless!!

  21. Izhar Perlman - Lisbon

    Tami and Dani you made me proud today for being an Israeli. You should publish some photos of your beautiful BIG center to give reality on the magnitude of what you achieved.
    I already know that your action already created a big shock wave in the Israeli Corporate Church, and I am waiting for many old friends to come out and enjoy the sunshine.

  22. Claudio e Renata Lugli

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Yeeeeeeeeeesssss!!!!!!
    This as I told you before, Dani, is making HISTORY for the Independent Movement!!!!
    SOooooooo Happy!!!!

    Claudio & Renata

  23. Phil Bruemmer

    Dani & Tami
    I was so happy to read this.
    You have blown a major chunk of suppression off the subject of Scientology.
    I am certain that others will now throw off their chains and will be able to have real Scientology.
    This is big. This is huge!
    This is a real demonstration of courage and integrity.
    LRH would be very, very proud of you.

  24. Dani & Tami,

    That’s awesome news!

    Thanks for making a stand against the rampant out tech within the church and THANKS for STANDING UP for the TECH!!

    ♥ Angela

  25. Dani and Tami, this is great news. It’s fantastic that everyone in your center all agreed to split.

    It will be interesting to see the effect your actions will have on the mainstream members. Most, already are thinking how messed up things are in the back of their minds, but afraid to voice them. Your actions may give them the courage to finally act.

    Ron Minor

  26. Wow, that a group of mission staff could be handed SUCH suppressive data about Miscavige and actually take a look instead of running around like headless chickens trying to be the first to report the heinous crime…. That has made my day!

  27. Mr. Rathbun, you are simply a traitor. I’ll not believe a word that comes out of the mouth of a person who have spitted on his Code of Honors for ANY reason! I’m not a Scientologists. I’m simply a person who have been raised with a basic values. Honor could be defended in many ways. It is quite obvious that you have personal issues with your formal boss. From what I’ve read so far you are using the same methods that you claim the CoS uses but this time you turn this same methods against them. I feel pity for you and your soul.

  28. This is a problem of too much centralisation, which ends in a tyranny of the few over the many. I like to see power localised, thus reflecting the needs of the locality rather than the ignorant needs of a central authority a thousand miles away in a foreign nation.

  29. George M. White

    Dani & Tami
    You saw through Miscavige!
    George M. White

  30. Is it GAT or standard tech the independent org in israel is delivering ?

  31. Brian Culkin

    So awesome. I think I’m going to visit Israel now, I’ve always wanted to go there.

    This is pretty remarkable and there is absolutely a light at the end of the tunnel thats coming into view. I mentioned this before, and I just wanted to reiterate the significance of this blog not just for Scientology, but as a template, a module, for committed and passionate individuals standing up to corruption.

    This blog and its contributors are living proof that you can make a difference in the world through communication alone. A billion dollar corporation has nothing in its arsenal to stop a simple wordpress blog. That in itself is fascinating and beautiful.

    I love the quote by Meade, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” How totally relevant to our common efforts.

    I wanted to echo what Steve Hall said yesterday … to all the people ‘on the sidelines’ that still remain silent …. I have a quote for you:

    ‘There comes a time in the life of every human when he or she must decide to risk “his life, his fortune, and his sacred honor” on an outcome dubious. Those who fail the challenge are merely overgrown children, can never be anything else. Jill Boardman encountered her personal challenge — and accepted it — at 3:47 that afternoon.’ -Robert Heinlein

  32. Dani & Tami,

    That’s fantastic news! Please communicate your future wins. This is really encouraging.

  33. Dani and Tami, Wow, now that shows integrity!!!!! Welcome and what an outstanding job you all have done!!! I wish you loads of love, peace and prosperity. This is a great day!!!!

  34. John, I absolutely wish you are right.

  35. Roger Thought (LO)

    Tami & Dani,

    Very well done.
    Now that all suppression is gone you’ll expand as never before. All your publics can be put onto the OT-Levels. You got the whole tech at your hands and I don’t think that squirrel busters have any chances in ” Israel “.
    You don’t need any management to deliver LRH-Tech. Just deliver !
    I wish you and your wife lots of success and one day we’ll come to Israel and visit.

    That report/article of Tony – our Hero – is so beautifully written. I can’t believe it !

    With every day I read here more life becomes fun again and soon, very soon Miscavige will be forgotten.
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    The funeral for the RCS will be a day of joy !

  36. Rory Medford

    Maybe Dani and Tami are starting a trend and other missions and even orgs will follow suit! Wow the truth is really getting OUT big time. What will happen next to reveal the atrocities and out tech of corporate SCN? Only time will tell. People are sick and tired of the crap Corporate SCN pulls on their members and they are finally starting to look and I mean really look at the real scene. Of course the ardent kool-aid drinkers will continue to be blind and not look but even they will eventually look and wake up. The time has come to restore Scn and the real policies and tech of Scn. LRH would be happy if things got back as he intended. Lets do this for LRH and his legacy!!!

  37. martyrathbun09

    Brian, you will love these folks.

  38. What terrific news – it is a long hot summer for DM.

    Dani & Tami,
    Thank you for your courage and loyalty to LRH’s tech. You must have a wonderful group there, standing together to keep scientology working.

  39. I just sent an email to a person indept from the church about these two
    and this annoucement .Hopefully he knows who they are
    he lives in Hafia and I have known him 30 years was in the church / and AO also at Flag. He’s public. Awaiting his reply.

  40. Mike Hobson

    Well now, I guess Mia told you, eh Mark ? I’m going to guess it’s a Co$ public OSA volunteer with English as a 2nd Language.

    Michael A. Hobson
    Independent Scientologist

  41. Hello Tami & Dani. Wow! Obstreperous, now that a view I can align with :>)

    Welcome into the sunshine. Your adherence to your principles and the willingness to speak out, look and act on what you know is the sign of true Scientology in action. IMHO LRH would be proud.

    Damn glad to have you here. Your actions will serve to assist others to see the ray of truth. And not only those new on their spiritual paths but to those stuck in the Corporate nightmare.

    It’s great to have you counted among us.


    Tim Swanson

  42. Marina e Umberto

    WOW THAT BOMB!!!!!!
    Dani and Tami ARE GREAT!!!!!!!!!
    David … Keep your bags ready … We’re coming!
    Greetings from Italy! 😀 😀

  43. one of those who see

    Am Yisrael Chai!! (The people of Israel Live!) I am so proud today! The first Independent Mission is in Israel! Well done Dani and Tami! Wishing you much theta and continued expansion. Your Mission is well named!

  44. Dani And Tami,
    Great news. Absolutely fantastic. And long awaited by many fellow friends and partners…as you happen to know now!
    This has the magnitude of EARTHQUAKES. And an earthquake it is!!
    Thank you so much for your courage, and see you at the other end of the Freeway… What is Scientology? That’s exacly what it is.
    Much, much appreciated!

  45. Great news!! We need more groups like yours to stand up and splinter away until Miscavige either has no empire left or there is a coup and his head ends on a pike! (I am speaking figuratively here).

    Thanks Dani & Tami!

    Freedom is not cheap. You’re setting the best example possible!

  46. Dani & Tami ☆☆☆☆☆
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  47. Wow thats huge news. Congratulations!
    On another note I just had a call from the LA call in unit to get me to come to the summer of events. Instead of hanging up I decided to flow some ARC to the poor SO member that was talking to me and I was going to educate him on whats going on outside. Funny thing was he started chatting, we got in good ARCfull comm and then he started to tell me about how he was dealing with an entheta senior with ARC and positive thinking. Unbelievable!

    He said if I ever decided to come to the SO he would be there for me to counter the other less than happy SO members ( I guess he was new).
    As an EX So I was stunned and just told him that if he ever needed someone on the outside I would help him and there was no need to stay if he felt he was violating his integrity.

    I think that as independents we can start to flow a little ARC to SO members we can start to turn them from the inside.

  48. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    Dear Dani and Tami. I read the whole article about you. I think, what you have done, is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! This sounds like FREEDOM!!! It sparks a hope for everyone. Maybe all missions and all orgs will eventually have the courage to cut their ties to the “church” and real Scientology can once again be delivered, having lots of fun doing it. What a joy if STANDARD TECH was reintroduced, instead of the “Golden Age of Tech”, that Hubbard never spoke of or requested. In fact he warned us against it in KSW. Maybe staffs in this way could finally earn a living, doing what they love the most without having to completely empty their parishioners bank accounts and life savings. I´d even love to be on staff myself in such a free mission or Org. Just being in an environment with FREE speech would be such a relief! Maybe in time the name “Scientology” could even be recovered and it wouldn´t be such an embarrassment to say that you are a scientologist. I think this sounds like the way to save the planet! Congratulations to you both!

  49. Richard Royce

    The British called all of the Americans, “traitors” who finally had enough of the Kings tyranny. What is good for the goose is not good for the goose hunter!

  50. This is a wonderful Independence Day gift to all of us Indies. Thanks so much Dani & Tami… your strength and courage to free a whole Scientology organization will go down in history!! Thanks to you, there is now a bigger than ever crack in the “wall of disconnection” that surrounds people still “in”. As news of your fearless action spreads, others will follow. This surely marks the day when David Miscavige begins to lose his suppressive grip on the organization of Scientology.

  51. Mia, that you are not a Scientologist is right. Because you people of OSA are not Scientologists. If you can withhold from a mother that her son has died, and deny her the right to view his body, not only you are not a Scientologist, you are not even human.

  52. Great going Dani &Tami.

  53. Richard Royce

    Dear Dani & Tami,
    Thank you for your guts! You along with so many others prove that man is basically good. All that it takes is communication and the light of truth and one “knows” what is the right thing to do. I have renewed hope for my children who have been blinded by lies and brainwashed into believing that they should not communicate with their parents.

  54. Dani and Tami, Congratulations on breaking the shackles of suppression. Please brace yourselves, because you are going to experience a mind shattering affluence. Now that you broke the monopoly Tami, you can get trained to class IX and deliver up to OT 8. The real OT 8.

    Of course dm and his gang are upset. They just lost the main source of power in Israel. They are stupid instead of flowing power to you both, they tried to suck you dry. I am sure most Corporate Scientologists do not know is that you Tami actually were awarded top auditor three times instead of two, you just were tired of going to Florida on your own buck to be a PR figure for dm.

    And for you Corporate Scientologists in Israel, this is the same Tami and Dani you knew. This is your auditor / CS / disseminator. These are people who dropped successful careers to bring you Freedom. Do not betray them for a person who did nothing but stopped your progress and stole your money. A person who lacks any basic decency. A real monster. Yes, I am writing about dm.

  55. Brian, Haifa is a beautiful city. These two are wonderful warm loving people. You will love them and you will love the city.

  56. miscavigeisscaredofsam

    I got goosebumps!

  57. Wow, Dani and Tami. Congratulations and welcome. There will be more missions and orgs after Haifa who realign themselves with LRH and unalign themselves with DM and his corporatized bastardization of Scientology. But there will never be another first mission to take the plunge. That distinction will always belong to Haifa and its staff and public. Of course, you all will have to put up with the barking cur dogs who are not reactively nipping at your heels and there apparently have been some casualties. But some of those are going to realize they are being manipulated and will come back to you a little wiser. And then they too can enjoy the admiratiion particles flowing your way from every corner of the independent Scientology world. Best of luck to you all.

  58. Simply Revolting

    When I read ‘full service organization declares independence’, I felt a subtle good indicator which I didn’t recognize at first.
    Then I realized what it was: This was the first time in a long while that I felt a hope factor not only on the Third but on the Fourth Dynamic.

    Really something…

  59. No group HAS to be a slave. Israel has cut the Gordian Knot. Which org or mission or cont will. Be next? BRAVO!!!!

  60. Dani & Tami,
    Congratulations on your stellar achievement! You have definitely set a milestone to be independent as a group!

  61. Awe inspiring! Congrats and very well done! And thank you!

  62. Jeff Siebrand


  63. Absolutely agree + 1000.
    Priceless Freedom delivery, a third Dynamic strikes back. What an incredible buzz to hear of such an occurence.

  64. one of those who see

    For some reason the link to Fiddler “To Life” didn’t open up. So just wanted to let you know that’s what the link is.

  65. Tony Dephillips

    Lol!! Pretty good trolling.

  66. Another Layer

    Dani and Tami,
    Congratulations!!! Your courageous move is truly inspiring (hear that, Beverly Hills Mission?), and a shining example to us all!

  67. Vox Clamantis in Deserto

    Everyone has a right to express their views, however, you are full of shit.

  68. Dani and Tami, this is fantasic news. I cannot even begin to imagine the insanity you must have had to deal with on a regular basis in connection with Sea Org/Int Mngmt/DM.
    My experience with the SO was that Mngmt consistantly violated even the most baisic of LRH dictums all the while screaming at upstats for not following LRH ! Any action these jokers infict which are High Crimes for the rest of us, are for them brilliant strategies. It seems that when the lowly violate LRH it is excerable whereas only DM has the brillance to see where the old man was just wrong.
    In other words DM is perhaps the only being on the planet with a Hidden Data Line to himself. Such is the quality and nature of his glorious brillance. I hope to visit you in Isreal in the not distant future. It would be an honor.

  69. Bruce Pratt

    Fireworks. Aesthetics. Integrity. Beautiful. Thank y’all.

  70. “Everyone came to the same conclusion — the church is fucked. The orgs are useless. Miscavige is a lunatic,” Dani says. “We decided we wanted to leave the church.”

    Have to say that is probably the most succint and truthful quote I’ve ever read in any media regarding the Church under Miscavige’s domination.

  71. Dani & Tami,

    You seem like two more great examples of fantastic people, added to the already long list.

    I admire your strength in doing what you did. You did what felt right to do and personal integrity will never let you down even though you face possibly very unpleasant attacks because of it.

    This is one of the strongest common threads of most of us posting here.

    You have my best wishes and full support!

    Cheers, Ulf

  72. Dani and Tami thank you so much for your decision,……your courage,…and your loyalty to LRH,……..i remember this feeling………..when i attested CLEAR……….

    Artista and Emma Italian Indipendents Movement

  73. 🙂 Take pics !!

  74. The new and real “Ideal Org”-going Indie! I’d go to that opening.

  75. Incredible in so many ways 🙂

  76. Shalom Dani &Tami,
    Terrific news and a hearty welcome in Indie land!
    There is so much that could be said but focusing on what came up while reading Toni’s report is RENEWED HOPE for peace in the Middle East because you obviously are doing it right and are expanding.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this 🙂
    Greta P.S.: I’ll have to come back and see this myself. First time there (1967) I was digging ditches for the 6-day war.

  77. What fantastic news! An entire org escapes the craven clutches of Mordor! This is a new high for free Scientologists, and yet another serious blow to Il Douchbag Miscavige. Bravo!

    Now that the suppress is off, watch the Dror organization explode with highest ever stats on well done auditing hours, releases, and auditor training completions. This is the model of the future. I’ve been saying that we’re witnessing Scientology’s Reformation, and here is one of the first shining examples.

    As we celebrate the emancipation of the Dror organization, let us not forget to extend kudos to those brave OTs who have already established working groups. Thank You to all of you!

  78. Well done. Why wait for Miscavige to leave Scientology when Scientology can simply leave Miscavige……

  79. Yippie ki-yay! Finally somebody did it. Who’s next babies? Let’s rock n’ roll.

  80. Dizzy Mizz Lizzy

    John P.
    You have a way with words. Love it!!!

  81. dolphin.jump

    This is wonderful. Deliver deliver deliver. Congratulations and Power to you. Real Orgs on purpose and policy are GREAT PLACES and some of the most fun ever.

  82. OMG this is a flap of magnitude for the SP DM and his PTS/SP minions!! I can just see them flying overhead like buzzards trying to swoop in for what they think is the final kill however this one is a little too big for them and getting even bigger. Better fly off and hide little SP man.

    Go Israel!!! You are showing the rest of the world how it should be done, there is safety in numbers so maybe the few scaredy cats will get up enough courage to look and blow the coop. Congratulations to you all, now you are free of the Suppression and you and your Mission can now flourish and prosper like never before!

  83. Brave, yes, but add sane and honourable.

    “I took my staff together and told them about Debbie Cook. I encouraged them all to do their own research.”

    “Everyone came to the same conclusion — the church is fucked. The orgs are useless. Miscavige is a lunatic,” Dani says.

    Right there is about a million web pages summed up in one line.

    Dani, you’re a beautiful man – congratulations to you and Tami – I wish your mission every success.

  84. Great view Brian

    Another quote: an easy life is not a victorious life. Yogananda

  85. Li'll bit of stuff

    Tony, I mirrored your thoughts completely!
    Tami & Dani Welcome to the SANE version
    of Scientology—–The Independents !!

    BTW, This is a good time to get yourself
    registered on Steve Hall’s Indie 500 list!
    Just Google it up, be done in a jiffy!!

    More power, strength & success to you!
    Calvin B. Duffield, Durban, South Africa
    Indie 500 no # 301

  86. Kevin Tighe

    What part of the Code of Honor has been spit on?

  87. That’s great news! Well done! Israelis are tough.

  88. Thanks Mia. I’m only responding because I somehow got through your 3rd grade prose (drivel) and made some sense of it. Your insult of Marty is so far out there admittedly it took me a spell, but nevertheless I managed somewhat a sense of it… what you are all about that is.

    You might be fun to have around… please post more!

  89. scatjappers

    You know, for some reason it never occurred to me that a whole org/mission could/would go “off the reservation”. But it’s unbelievably good news! This gives me much more hope for the future of our field.

    To Dani and Tami: VWD! Watch your stats and continue to do what has worked. Treat any issue from the Church and Miscavige as “cur dogs” and Flourish and Prosper as LRH instructed!

    To Marty (after reading the Village Voice article): Don’t fault those in the field for looking for a “leader” or management. I could have told you this would happen. It’s inevitable that people in the field will want this. But no offense meant to you, I don’t think you’re that guy. I think you’re doing exactly what you should be doing: acting as a clearinghouse, chronicler, strategist and dedicated repairer of damage. Your experiences and activities in these areas are invaluable.

    But sooner rather than later, some leadership in the field will be needed and is obviously wanted. (And no, I’m not qualified for the job.) But it is something I think the Field should be at least thinking about, and possibly start a public discussion about. And obviously, in the case of our Field, such leadership will likely need to be vested with the power of “advise” rather than “advise and consent”. And yes, I realize that a good part of the Field will want nothing whatsoever to do with another “leader”. And at the same time, we all must remember, there is only one “Source” for our Technology.

  90. Oh Mia, your former Scientology schooling betrays you. I pity you and your lack of a formal education.
    Signed, The middle school grammar police.

  91. Very well done!

  92. Find your MU’s, please.

  93. Dani and Tami,

    Wow, this is terrific news! Congratulations on being the first full service organization to go Independent!

    The Israeli people have a long and storied history of fighting for freedom. Well done to you for carving out another quarter of free space in Israel. With your help, your country has become a keystone in one of the last bastions of freedom on planet Earth.

    Thank you for setting an example helping us all.

  94. Based on your command of the language and your comment I would agree you do not practice Scientology.

    You do sound like a card carrying member of a cult I know of which is sometimes referred to as the Radical Church of $cientology, especially by those who understand how it operates. By your sentence structure I’d guess you were trained by a small fellow known as the Pope on a Box.

    Go back in your hole Mia! None of us need your pathetic ‘pity’.

  95. Hey just some questions as to the future of the Church of Scientology and Independent Scientologists. I’ve been an onlooker for a while; some things are lost in translation because I’m not a Scientologist so I’m not too familiar with a lot of the terminology (I always gotta do a bit of Googling whenever I see the word “TR, “Overt,” “Comm Cycle,” etc), but I think I get the basic message most of the time.

    To me, the modern Church of Scientology is like the pre-Reformation era Catholic Church; it was repressive, violent and run by a bunch of corrupt and inept people. Protestantism arose from dissenting monks and priests splintering off and forming their own independent churches often with extreme and violent repercussions from the Catholic Church. However, as more and more people left Catholicism to join the in Protestants, the Catholics realized they had to change their ways or else their organization would die out.

    It’s been a few hundred years; there’s still some repression and corruption in the Catholic Church but for the most part, there have been a lot of progressive changes for the better. A lot of these changes were sparked by challenges by the Protestants.

    However, what has a few hundred years of differentiating Protestantism given us? We now have hate groups like the Westboro Baptist Church and KKK, extremist ideologue “Christian Identity” or “Dominionist” groups, and of course a whole bunch of corrupt, clownish Televangelist and mega church pastors. The Baptist Beaverton Grace Bible Church seems to have taken a page from DM’s handbook and sued one of their members who left, and my friend’s Adventist church constantly regges him and his family for money (he refuses to pay but his parents have put in close to $100,000)

    I’m not saying all Protestants are like this; only that these groups can trace their lineage to the Protestant challenge to the Catholic Church’s brutality and corruption during the Reformation. So my question is, how can modern day Independent Scientologists avoid the fate of a lot of modern day Protestant groups? Will the the rise in the Independent Scientologist movement force a progressive change in the Church of Scientology? And can future Independent Scientologists keep from producing unsavory, extremist Dominionist-types or goofy Televangelist-types?

  96. This is a problem of too much centralisation, which ends in a tyranny of the few over the many. I like to see power localised, thus reflecting the needs of the locality…

    Alex, that is exactly where the organization of our religion is heading. Like the Catholic church before it, the mother Church of Scientology is undergoing a Reformation, wherein the pyramidal structure becomes disassembled into separate independent religious groups which owe no allegiance or fealty to Rome. Or Hemet, as the case may be.

    Pope On a Box has finally lost his iron fist control over our religion.

  97. Good job EXSO

  98. Eileen Clark

    One by one. That is the way it is done. We are meeting again outside the razor fence and mind control.
    Great to see you Dani & Tami out where the air is clean and fresh.

  99. Hey , we should have our own Birthday game to see who’ll be next 🙂

  100. Transporter

    Congratulations Dani and Tami!!! I had auditing for a brief time from Tami at Flag. She’s a “Kick-Ass” auditor. TRULY! She’ll do wonderful things with the chains off now.
    With respect to Russia…I was in Moscow in 2005 and visited what I thought was a Mission. It was called “The Hubbard Center.” I was still drinking Kool-aid at the time and politely questioned why I couldn’t get a Div VI book. The Russian woman I was with became my wife shortly thereafter. But the place was spotless and so incredibly upstat…which was outstanding because a lot of Moscow is rundown from decades of Soviet suppression. Later I came to understand what they were doing and admired them for it. So those who ask if Russia may be next…they’re already way out of the starting blocks and doing very well without the midget’s suppression.

  101. threefeetback

    Destined to become the first genuine Saint Hill size org since LRH’s Saint Hill?

  102. threefeetback

    No need to speak publicly against it, the real deal is just fine.

  103. I said it on VV perhaps Dani should rename his mission Israel’s IDEAL DRor center after all 40 members is probably more than some “Ideal Orgs’.

    If David Misvaivge had any integrity he would assign himself treason and submit to ethics.

  104. Thetalibre

    This is a very very good news… Dani, Tami and all staff… BRAVO!!!!

    Eugene Francoeur

  105. Hey Marty,

    Just wanted to let you know that I just bought your book. 🙂

  106. …a person who have spitted on his Code of Honors…

    Despite your pathetic grammar and spelling, I understand that drivel, but take serious issue with it.

    Mia, if you understood the first thing about Marty Rathbun, you’d see that he is taking personal responsibility, and making amends for his former complicity in the church’s crimes, on a scale that few others have dared dreamed of doing.

    And he’s not just making amends. No, he’s gone much further than that. He’s honestly doing the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. He would do so, even if none of us were watching. That’s honor and integrity, which is something you seem to be entirely glib about.

  107. Anat Krier

    Dani & Tami! Wow! This is such exciting news!!!
    Tami is an AMAZING auditor!!!!! She audited me when I was totally green and in the SO! Thank you Tami not only for your wonderful skills but also for your kindness and love! You have one HUGE heart!!!!
    Love you!

  108. Tom Gallagher

    There are so many ‘Black Swans” circling overhead I doubt the little sociopath I/C and his dwindling crew of flying monkeys can keep up with the momentum.

    It’s even been said ‘It sucks to be a ‘Man-wife’.

    Yeah, it sucks to be Miscavige.

    We witness the total final meltdown.

    Meanwhile for entertainment purposes a few clubbed circus seals continue to clap, applaud and with zealotry bark . Miscavige’s scene is totally pathetic and that’s putting it mildly.

    To Karen I offer my deepest condolences and to the Independents — Carry on with fervor.

    I love you all. I know sanity will prevail and some guy named Ron will have done a lot to contribute to the cause of freedom. Let’s see it through.

    It’s a revolution.

  109. Mike B,
    those are some interesting questions you are asking…don’t think anyone knows the answers at this point. Stay tuned!

  110. In a strange and uniquely perverted twist on ‘blow’ phenomena, this is how Miscavige is running away from his crimes. He’s forcing every decent person to leave the group. Eventually, he’ll be sitting in his mansion within his 700 acre fortress, all alone.

  111. Great news Dani and Tami. More will follow.

    Case in point: Brighton Org UK is currently experiencing some walk-outs and refund demands. The Org itself is down to 9 staff, all on zero pay, and they’re so skint they’ve sold the furniture from both course rooms including the student’s desks and chairs to raise rent money, replacing it with creaky charity shop wooden tables and chairs. I guess any students will be getting free splinters now, Not too sure how far that money will go but it appears the Hove mission is doing better as well as Hastings. Eastbourne is also having money problems.

    I believe Dani and Tami are just the start of a coming snowball once Mission holders get the concept of becoming independent. Payback for the 80’s Miscavige. Get ready for the reach-around.

    Will keep you updated on Brighton. Latest is one ex-public demanded his £16,000 back and got £700.

  112. …sooner rather than later, some leadership in the field will be needed and is obviously wanted.

    I think that leaders in the free Scientology movement will arise organically. That is, they’ll simply be people who naturally assume more responsibility than others, and who will just grab those ‘Boots’, and put them on.

    Like you, I’m not interested in seeing another official, hierarchical organization, vested with agreed-upon authority, rise from the ashes of the old one. No, no, no. We’ve finally reached the stage of maturity as a religion where we’re casting off the ancient model of the Roman Catholic church, and are now entering our own Reformation.

    From now on, the model is free and independent groups of individuals, unbeholden to a central authority, and only connected through their shared allegiance to LRH and the Standard Tech of our religion. Never again will The Route Out be entrusted to a single pyramidal organization which has the power to corrupt the religion and the culture of its followers. Never again.

  113. Good post, Mike. I’ve been using the Reformation of the Catholic Church as an analogy to what’s happening in Scientology, myself.

    You also raise a great question regarding where our new protestant movement will lead. My initial conclusion on that, is drawn from my observations of the independent Christian community. Churches whose leadership and membership stay ‘on purpose’ to the religion and it’s ideals and practices, do far better, and are more successful over the long haul, than those churches that become infected by cults of personality, or who lose sight of their core religious mission.

    Until now, the corporate Church of Scientology has had a virtual monopoly on the technology of the religion, which for us, is the sum total of what our religion is composed of. If you wanted to practice Scientology, you had nowhere else to go (a fact I lamented many times over the years). If one received poor service in one organization, they could try to get better service from another organization, but they’re all run by the same central authority, and like the Borg, they’re so interconnected, the faults and shortcomings of one, are the same in every other org.

    Now that free and independent groups are emerging, there’s no central authority to arbitrarily push disastrous and unworkable policies on them. They’re free to honestly use the technology to handle themselves and their public. Smart execs will see where something isn’t working quite right, and will be free to use the solutions they find in Hubbard’s tech, to fix it.

    In addition, as we old timers can tell you, miracles happen when the suppress is taken off a Scientology organization. Just delivering the basic services, as they were originally intended, creates an overall atmosphere of magic and greatly enhanced beingness, for everyone who participates.

    If, in the future, some independent org falls off the rails, and begins to commit the same types of errors that we’ve seen in the corporation, they’ll soon lose their parishioners to other, more On Source groups.

  114. Tom Gallagher

    Revolution starts and stops with our full acknowledgement of our spiritual nature.

  115. Dani and Tami and Aviv,
    I will go out of my way to help you flourish and prosper.
    High Fives to you.
    much love,

  116. Tony Dephillips

    Probably the only funeral I will attend wearing white with a pink carnation on my lapel.

  117. Tony Dephillips

    Plus 1000! !

  118. Li'll bit of stuff

    Oooooohhh—SOUL-oh—Mia! —-Come troll-oh–Mia!

    (with apologies to Mario Lanza..He REALLY knew how to sing….. for his meal ticket!)

  119. Li'll bit of stuff

    Please remember to wear a FULL hood, Tony!
    Tigers scare people….especially at funerals !!!

  120. Il Douchebag. I like it

  121. Li'll bit of stuff

    Nice Auditor presence EXSO!

  122. Hey Miscavige,

    We don’t need your stinkin’ church!

    And here’s your sign…

  123. Li'll bit of stuff

    Amen to all of that,Ronnie

  124. Dani and Tami,
    Steve and I were honored to meet you at Mike and Christie’s home last week. What you’ve accomplished with your Mission is remarkable and will have resounding effects worldwide.

    Dani, your stories were amazing and your chutzpah beyond compare!
    You’ve given us a wonderful reason to make a trip to Israel one day.
    Steve and Marsha

  125. TheWidowDenk

    I’ll try it for you …

  126. Li'll bit of stuff

    Jack, thanks for the present update!
    And when you think about the stink surrounding the
    KH / TC drama, public will react the way they always
    do, when they suddenly discover the have a SKUNK
    in their midst……keep THEIR distance!

  127. scatjappers

    Never say never. For example, there are aspects of our shared interests which can only be effectively administered by some centralized entity. The original externalized intelligence-gathering function which the GO/OSA was supposed to fulfill (lawfully), for one. The ability to evaluate planetary situations given data from the different groups, for another. The ability to negotiate advertising contracts on a national basis (way up the road), for another. A centralized entity which can vouch for the standardness of a given auditor’s or group’s Tech (also up the road), for another. And of course, *someone’s* got to spring for pizza, and it’s not gonna be me. ;-}

  128. Fantastic News. Let freedom ringgggg!

  129. miscavigeisscaredofsam

    “I’m not a Scientologists” hahahahahahahahahaha!
    It’s like the lost souls who show up on my doorstep saying ‘I’m not OSA’
    Seriously y’all gotta find a new playbook.

  130. And you even corrected my spelling. Thank you! Glad you like it 🙂

  131. Yes, I was wondering that same thing. This is so exciting, beyond exciting, but what tech is delivered there? Along with their official separation will there be an “exorcism” of sorts, to root out all the out tech? All the MsCavaige squirrel tech? That concern expressed, well done!

  132. This is a great thing for Scientology.

    Thank you Dani & Tami

  133. I have thought about the ramifications of decentralizing the structure of the church, and I agree that there are some functions that are fit and proper for a ‘mother’ church, that are nearly impossible for small independent groups to carry out.

    Others have commented on what role the mother church might play in a reformed future. In my view such responsibilities as materials printing, advertising, trademark protection, government liaison, legal, and so forth, would be their proper role at this time. Given the corporation’s ethics condition with regards to the technology and delivery, I’d say they have a lot of damage to make up for, before I’m prepared to hand over that authority again.

    For now, it’s actually out of their hands. It’s they who will have to ‘suffer up the conditions’ with the public, to be accepted back into the group.

  134. Nice job EXSO. IMHO your actions will do a great deal in bringing down the CO$.

  135. Ronnie, several of the OSA trolls came up with the same argument: “you are as corrupt as dm is.” First and formost OSA has now admitted that dm is corrupt. They do not dispute that. Well then, we all agree on something.

  136. I think Hamburg will be the first Class V Org to cognite. That is not based on anything other than it just seems that way tonight on the eave of the independants party! Go Hamburg.

  137. Dear Dani & Tami,
    great job!
    There are many reasons why “Don’t disconnect!” is the first step of Power. Disconnection reduces one’s contact to the Dynamics. It reduces one’s communication lines and eventually reduces one’s understanding. If one does it thoroughly enough one dives into non-existence. That’s why a Withold is so deadly. It is a postulate to prevent some understanding taking place and so disconnects one from a section of live. And after having disconnected enough one could even perceive other parts of one’s life to be “enemies” and feel a “need” to fight those (and become a Squirrel Buster or something worse.) It is a desire to disconnect that gives one a reactive mind.
    “How weird, to walk along that road,” you may say, but this seems to be the route the CofS or its “Leader” has chosen. And so it may be – until changed.
    Please, continue to connect and to produce understanding. This may be the most needed commodity in the world. Please continue and accept my very best wishes for success.

  138. Dani and Tami, big time congrats !! Two big bright amazing stars !!

    Miscavige is essentially done, and in short order relative to earth time religious terms, thanks in no small way to Marty, Rinder, Amy, Steve, Karen… ANON and now Dani and Tami and so many others we know of.

    I don’t mean to sound so existential, but it could be the beginning of the enlightenment is just now upon us if you really look at it.

  139. michael cox

    And unlike a similar time, many many years ago, when all of this mess that is today the “Church of Scientology” really began, we did not have the internet. The “Church” could get away with anything.

    This is like a reverse “Mission holders Conference”. It is like a “stop the sociopath take over conference”. Maybe there needs to be one of those.

    You two are so brave. Makes me want to be 20 again and rush over to Israel and join staff.

  140. ps: I’m sorry I forgot to mention the most important point, big time congrats to your courageous staff and public as well !!!!!!

    ISRAEL ROCKS !! :—-))))

  141. Inadvertent editing Ronnie. I bet you do it all the time too! 🙂

  142. Dani and Tami:
    Really great news! All the best.

  143. you got only one thing right-english is my second language. is this the best you’ve got?! attacking my grammar?! wow.

  144. will you have the same passions fighting Opus Dei, Jesus Camp or the Vatican? The Holy Inquisition? what is wrong with you people in here to jump on me like a hyenas!! my phone doesn’t have a spell check, english is my second language so deal with it! all religions have been created for the sole purpose of making money and controling people, starting with emperor constantine and christianity. jesus, mohamed, xenu are as real as santa. one can read them all and find something that can help him become a better person or in time of need. if all those ”religions” are that holy they should be free of charge! as of the word ”traitor” I suggest you read the dictionary and you’ll understand what I mean. nothing petsonal, just general observation regarding someone’ actions. and because we are obviously getting into the subject of mr vs. cos can you please enlighten me on one thing: is mr. mr agains the person who is the recent head of the cos or he is against the teaching of scientology? and please try to be nice. I’m not here to fight! If I’m wrong I’m not afraid to admit it and apologize if needed.

  145. wth are you talking about!

  146. Very nice. I look forward to working with you at some near future.

    Well done – from Minnesota!!!!

  147. Lol, we need a Hi School drop out grammar police as that’s the level OSA has mastered and that’s their reality level. Around there you find the only idiots still following the royal footsteps of Him. Any lower they’re off loaded, any higher they get declared, but both ways we welcome them here. Even acting as qual for OSA will help the cause. Thanks Daniele, send some more of your seals here and we’ll take care of them, educate them at the right level and gradient, rehab their goals, make them look or even provide an auditor, a luxury you cannot afford.

  148. one of those who see


  149. Roger Thought


    On yahoo:

    Over 10 000 comments !!!!!! What a footbullet
    Independents straight up and vertical 🙂 🙂 🙂

  150. ok… I apologize! I didn’t read this blog before I commented. please disregard my previous comments. despite that you all could’ve been less hostile.

  151. You’re welcome.

  152. Mike, you say you are not a Scientologist. Have you ever asked yourself or pondered who you are, or where you are going. Maybe, realised a few things weren’t right and searched for answers to existance. Well, in a way that’s all the term Scientology actually means – knowing how to know.
    The basic goal of all Scientology procedures or auditing is the restoration of the ‘self determinsim’ of the individual. That is why it is so repugnant to those who see nothing but control & profit for their actions.
    Relating the past history of other groups or organisations to actual Scientology is a difficult task, it is a different way to view life – from the self determined viewpoint of an individual.
    That is what is at stake with Scientology. When you can see the actual goal of true Scientology, not Miscavige’s theft and manipulation of it, you’ll realise you and every other individual has a potential beyond what other groups have ever led one to believe.
    It’s new territory Scientology.

  153. Dani and Tami, this is fantastic!
    Another nail in the coffin of Scn Inc. and the Tel Aviv Ideal Morgue.

  154. Jane Parker White.

    Dani – reading your story – I just felt an instant connection. Great news – may you just flourish and prosper. 🙂 Ps. Marty – South Africa – may not lag that much behind. The are almost at non existence….. no matter PR – their criminal actions will be exposed to the light of day.

  155. Li'll bit of stuff

    MIA ! You show up here, Insult the host, knock over
    the furniture, spill your ignorance all over the lounge
    carpet for all to see, upset a whole bunch of Indie
    supporters, with very wild, baseless accusations!
    ……and now you say….” despite that you all could’ve
    been less hostile. ”

    MIA, I suggest you re-read your post and re-assess
    whether your apology is likely to be accepted.

    You’ve got some ways to go in earning respect on
    this blog, if ever! You could start with good manners,
    in my humble opinion!

  156. Kevin Tighe

    You had me at “I apologize”. 🙂

  157. Kevin Tighe

    Back to the RPF for Daniele.

  158. Li'll bit of stuff

    John P. pretty sharp assessments, as is your wont!

    However, I would add that the big variable, is this
    now unstoppable rapid – fire global communication that is sure to impact on the stability of the hangers – on, now so desperately wishing all these “awful accusations” regarding their “dear leader” were simply not true!!

    Wakey – wakey, Kool – Aiders, the charade is
    over! You have been so surreptitiously conned by
    the MASTER of mind control, your “dear leader,”
    that of course, “you hadn’t a clue,” (yeah!)

    Fast track to PT, every one! All the REAL suppression
    in Scientology, has had but one hidden source, now
    finally revealed as:-
    ………………………. david miscavige……………………..

  159. Congratulations Tami and Dani. This is a good day for Scientology in Israel. Wishing you and your team all the best.

  160. Hello all,
    I am a non-scientologist who roots for religious freedom. It seems that recent events may be leading towards a brighter future for Scientology.

    During my reading on the subject I came across the name of Scott Duncan on the Omaha Church who defected along with his mission several decades ago as the organization was shifting gears. Here is a link I found with some info. Embedded within was a nifty reply he sent the CoS regarding copyright infringement which could be an avenue of attack on you Independents.

    He sounds like an interesting fellow cut from your cloth.

    Check page 2:

  161. Thanks again Daniele! If your RPF becomes too much for you, there’s always the Indy’s, you know, the guys you want silenced.

    Also thanks again Debbie. Katie cognited 6 months ago, a few weeks after your new years present!

  162. I just read through the first hundred of those over 10,000 comments. Not one good thing was said about Scientology. Incredible how the current church has destroyed the reputation of scientology. Its totally trashed in the publics mind Makes the Independents job harder. Makes theirs totally impossible. The church might as well lock the doors, sell the real estate and give the money back. They are DOA.
    And some still jump out of their seats and applaud on cue. They are being fed bullshit, told its steak, and loving it. OT’s? My dog is more OT.

  163. No way Sam…………..they are all stuck on an endless cycle of wash -rinse -repeat ………..and none can think for themselves!

  164. Mia,
    There is something called a wrong indication which has been known to set people off.

  165. Altruism,
    Thanks for posting that. It’s amazing how little many of us have known about our own history.

  166. Here is the “leaders” I will elect:

    1. Individual people of good will, following their integrity to do the right thing.
    2. People cooperating one with another in an ebb and flow that naturally occurs.

  167. And grassroots efforts that may get going from time to time.

  168. Ronnie – nicely put – the church as it stands now will be doing amends for a long, long time before they could possibly earn my trust back – if ever. But we continue to have hope that this project [amends] might at least be begun. There are many people who need to be made whole again after the ravages of Miscavage’s evil.

  169. David Miscavige needs to issue an amnesty to all staff, public, anywhere, for any reason, and then resign all positions real or imagined and then assign himself to the RPF for the rest of his life.

  170. On second read, it may be that Mia’s first language is not English. Then again, the first sentence is clear enough.

  171. hope Marty decides to post this reply. I do not wish to make this all about me and take the focus out of what is important in here. this will be my last comment on this issue.

    …and you, Li’ll bit of stuff , can calm down and make your point nicely as well!

    yes, I’ve stormed in here like an elephant in a china store. yes, I was unprepared, I’ve read about Marty @ the Daily Mail and things there sounder completely different if one is not familiar with this blog or know who he is. It sounded as Marty is against scientology teachings and talking against Tom Cruise when once he was his friend. this is what I’ve got when I’ve read the Daily Mail article. I took the time to read and now I understand that he is against the tyranny. I come back to apologize, I wasn’t nice at all but I’ll also appreciate it if you stop attacking me. It is not nice either.

    the reason I would like to make things clear and maybe given another chance to start on the right foot is because I find Scientology teachings quite helpful. again – I’m NOT a scientologist, I never been in a church and I never been personally associated with a church member/members until last night on this blog. a few years back I was going trough a rough personal times and this is how I’ve found dianetics and from there I’ve started reading on my own. scientology is quite expensive religion to follow therefore I never went trough auditing even tho I would love to!

    you and most of the people here are lightning years ahead of me in your knowledge, it maybe helpful and curious for you all to know how people approach scientology from a different side. I also will appreciate it if you all decide to forgive me for my temporary stupidity and ignorance and help me go further with my teachings. I obviously need directions 🙂

    P.S. yes, english my other language, among several others and yes – I do not have spell check on my phone 🙂

  172. Well played, Lembergers. The tide is turning.

  173. לחיים

  174. scatjappers ~ what is this calling for a newly organized ‘central’ ? I don’t get it. All we need is available herein for the asking. You can get anything you will ever possibly need this lifetime, training, auditing, from intro courses to OT levels, L’s, ethics tech and admin support right here right now. We are a group, and it is called Independent Scientologists.

    Advertising contracts, you mean promo, are you kidding me? lol I apparently finally got dead filed just a few weeks ago and no longer receive 16 emails per day (from 25 different Orgs) and 20 pieces of glossy promo in the mail every week. It’s quite a sudden relief. And, if I’m hearing you right, now you want to start this over ??? I for one am not for it and sure as hell don’t need it, frankly, never did.

    Years down the road the printing presses will be ours, if the Midget doesn’t burn them down, and even if he does, we have our own printers.

    We have all we need for now, and the foreseeable future in my opinion, right here, and it’s truly free…

  175. Tony Dephillips

    I’ll shave my face. 🙂

  176. Luis Garcia

    Dani & Tami,

    Your decision to break off from the lunatic is of some magnitude. I admire your integrity and courage. Your actions will have huge consequences for the future of Scientology. I am in awe. Very very well done!


  177. You know, I have been reading all this stuff in the media because of the Cruise/Holmes split, and thinking about Karen’s loss of Alexander, and Alexander’s willingness to disconnect from his mother, and I have been thinking about all of you parents and children who have been cut off, and about “the hole”, the RPF in general, the Sea Org, the forced abortions, the kids at CC and other Scientology churches that were left to flounder while their parents were on course or on staff…

    And then I read this. A group of people who just want to help people.

    And I think about my mission – the one where I did my Comm Course, HQS, Student Hat, HSDC, where I got my ARC SW, and started on my journey.

    And I remember how fun it was. And how truly ethical the people were there – we played softball and we didn’t need an ump because players would own up to being “out” or “safe.”

    The “Scientology” I have been reading about in magazines, the kind I brushed up against when I was on staff at Flag and in Pac, the “Scientology” of the SO, black boiler suits, screaming teenagers, and stat pushes…. That was never Scientology to me. It was some other thing – at the time I considered it a “necessary evil.” I took Ron at his word that the SO was needed to protect and forward Scientology, but that did not mean I wanted to be part of it. I now consider it a noble, but failed, experiment, and I thank God that the SO is dead along with the church.

    The Scientology of my mission, of the ASHO Academy and Briefing Course, of the AO and ASHO HGC (auditing center) – of the ’70s and ’80s. The Scientology of my co-audit – I co-audited the bridge up through clear. The wonderful C/Ss, the two-hour confronts, even the crams…

    This is Scientology.

    And it is simple, and if we did just this and cut out the vias and the evil, well that’s all that we need to do.

    Looks like the Dror center is doing just that. Awesome!

  178. I asked Tony at the Village Voice if he could write a story about Duncan. It seems he was still active as an Independent in Canada in 2002. I’d love to hear about the battles he fought since the early 80’s to try to keep things pure.

    Best of luck to you all.

  179. Pingback: Mark Schreffler Goes Indie on Indies Day | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  180. Very good news! I hope many missions follow in your wake.

  181. martyrathbun09

    Mia, sorry you got jumped. Realize, these folks took personal risks to leave the grip of Scientology Inc. and have been messed with since by Scientology Inc’s intelligence service – one wing of which concentrates on disrupting discourse on this forum with moles.

  182. if Marty allows my latest comment to be published you all understand better my sincere apology. without this comment all will be one sided.

  183. Matching wavelengths, brother 🙂

  184. I also sorry Marty that I jumped on you! Very uninformed jump that is 🙂 Thank you for your understanding! It is very hard to communicate like this having in mind that english is not my mothers tongue.

    I’m sure that reading your blog in the future and possibly communicating with your peers will help me go where I want to go and this is knowledge.

  185. See my earlier comment in regards to leadership arising in the Independent movement. I think you and I are on the same wavelength about it. The question was, what is to become of the corporation? Properly reformed, there is a role for them to play in a better future.

  186. Well, he’s no longer in the S.O., but that won’t stop DM from making his life an utter hell for causing this flap. And Ray McKay’s about to spend some time on his knees for committing the crime of publishing it to the web.

    Unfortunately, it’ll never occur to POB that they were simply following his ‘thought-stopping’ modus operandi.

  187. MIA , if you find scientology helpful and use it then you can call yourself an independent scientologist .
    The church of scientology has altered scientology , i do not regard members of the church of scientology as scientologists .

  188. Fair enough, Mia. That’s good enough for me. I forgive you, but I suggest you openly apologize to Marty for prematurely busting his chops like that.

    Now that that’s out of the way, I’m glad to hear that you’ve got an interest in gaining the benefits of Scientology auditing. Here’s the first thing you should know:

    The corporate church is delivering a watered down, altered version of Hubbard’s spiritual technology at exorbitant rates. Gullible and unfortunate people are literally destroying their finances in order to gain access to murderously unworkable processing and training.

    Conversely, the Independent field has rebelled against the church’s altered tech, and has recovered Ron Hubbard’s original, workable tech. That is what they’re delivering, and it’s producing the same miracles it always did. And it’s being delivered with kindness and real care, without the exorbitant price tag.

    You couldn’t be in a better place to get started. The very best and brightest of the Scientologist community are here.

  189. Dittos. I never heard a peep about this when it happened. The layers of the onion continue to peel back, don’t they? Wow.

  190. Grasshopper, you took the words right out of my mouth. All of them.

  191. I already did Ronnie, I sincerely apologized to him, I apologize to you and everyone offended! I hope he except it… By the way up until yesterday I didn’t know about his existence.

    Thank you for taking your time to write back. I consider myself as a “virgin” scientology follower in the meaning that I never been to a church and never been poisoned by the tactics explained in this blog. somewhere deep inside of me I knew that something doesn’t sound right just by comparing LRH original teachings and the practices in the cos I’ve researched and read about. this is why I tried to stay away form it. this maybe is a good thing because I’m open for everything and anything, looking for the right directions in the following of my wish for knowledge.

    I feel I’ll never be able to go over the Bridge on my own, never be able to go to OT, etc. I never been audited. I’ve read all the books available but I feel stuck now. Where do I go? What I’ll do next?

    I will greatly appreciate it if you or others in here have time to HELP me and give me directions.

    thank you in advance!

  192. Mia, the head of co$ has committed real crimes against real people (me included). As such, it is not a betrayal to abandon him. He has betrayed the founder of our group, and we choose to be loyal to him, not to the usurper now sitting there.

  193. Mia, if your apology is sincere, and it does look so. I for one, am accepting it.

    Flourish and prosper.

  194. Jeff Siebrand

    Mia, I take back the yawn.
    Marty, I just finished your book. THANK YOU!

  195. I understand that now. you have every right to do so and fight for your truth and most of all for the lost time.

  196. thank you!

  197. Li'll bit of stuff

    OK! just promise you wont
    swish your tail.THAT’s scary!!

  198. I hope you won’t mind my comments, I feel like an intruder in your circle also having in mind my unfortunate entry. the negativism regarding scientology have reached its highest pitch right now due to the tc divorce. as a person out of this circle I got caught in it for an uninformed moment but thankfully I quickly got back in order. I’m fortunate to have the basic knowledge of lrh teachings and together with the lesson learned for the 24 hrs I’m in good place. what about the mullions who don’t know?! how you’ll be able to turn the things around and go back to the place when you were happy to help as you’ve put it?

  199. Li'll bit of stuff

    MIA, in my book your apology is accepted
    and you have shown a sincere effort to
    make amends, and that’s commendable.
    Oddly, enough the most help you may
    get, is staring right back at you from
    your computer.

    With something around 800 entries on
    Marty’s blog, since inception, you have
    literally stumbled upon answers to nearly
    every possible question you may have?

    To answer you personally, you may try to
    give a clue as to your basic particulars,
    such as town, country, occupation, and
    zone of interests or difficulty you need
    to handle. That narrows the scope for
    someone to attempt to assist you.

    Hopefully, you have learned from your
    first mistakes, so remember to keep it
    it respectful and sincere and you can
    learn so much more than you expected.
    Over to you, with best wishes.

  200. Dani & Tami,
    Thank you! It is great to have you here with us! Flourish and prosper!

  201. WindWalker


    Did you notice that Mia/MIA has used a different e-mail address for each post? This is the first time I have ever seen that, and I have been watching. I have no Idea what this persons/persons’ purpose is, but posting under four different addresses in four comments does tend to make me suspicious.

  202. Hi Mia. You said the magic word (help), so I’m going to do everything I can to do that for you.

    There are registries here and there of Independent auditors and groups where you can get training. I looked through what I have saved, and found a list of auditors that you can check out. The list is by no means comprehensive, and only represents the tip of the iceberg of Independent auditors out there. If you’re in a large city, there’s a very good chance that you’re not far from a seasoned professional who can get you going.

    Go here: Scientolipedia: Auditors and click on the various auditor’s names you see. Most of them will have their experience, training level, and location data included.

    If none of them are close to you, don’t hesitate to contact any one of them to find out who they know who might be closer to you. I can almost guarantee you that someone will be. If you need more help, you can contact me by clicking on my image. It should take you to my Facebook page.

  203. dear wind walker, to make everyone at ease here I’ll gladly provide my id, name and phone # to Marty in private to be checked and figure is out that all of your concerns are baseless. after I’ve acted like an idiot 24 hrs ago I feel obligated to prove that my intentions are nothing but respectful!

  204. Calvin, thank you! even tho this word is not enough to know how I feel right now… you are right, it is obvious I’ve come to the right place even recognizing my shamful
    entry. I’m part german and part slavic, I have family in the us and I reside in indiana. I work for an well known fashion company as a head makeup artist but back when in munich I was working for my late unclr financing company. when I first come to the states almost 1

  205. what about the millions who don’t know?! how you’ll be able to turn the things around and go back to the place when you were happy to help as you’ve put it?

    One good effect at a time. One person at a time. In time, free Scientologists will overcome all of the ill effects created by the corporation these last thirty years. The way out is through. That’s the simplicity.

  206. Sorry Sherb, but I to be honest, I don’t really concern myself with matters of faith; I take pride in having found peace and purpose in life without it. Also, as a molecular biologist and a biochemist, I don’t believe in engrams or body thetans, and I have a deep respect for psychiatrists, which I know Scientologists are fervently against. I study life at the molecular and even the atomic level and I know for a fact that there are some mental pathologies that can only be cured by chemical intervention. No amount of meter-checking will prevent malformed neural peptide hormone receptors from firing spontaneously and inappropriately like in people with depression. No amount of auditing will correct dysfunctional mitochondrial calcium buffering in the brains of schizophrenics. Neither will prayer or meditation from any other faith.

  207. First off I would like to thank personally Marty and Ronnie for the grace and understanding they’ve provided me today. I’m humbled and proud to be in such a company. You all have opened a new portal for me, one that I was looking for in my seeking of knowledge. for this I’ll be eternally grateful!

    Ronnie, you’ve moved me beyond words… I couldn’t sleep last night because I was so ashamed of myself, tonight I’ll have a hard time sleeping because I’m so happy. I would be so grateful if you’ll decide to join me in my new journey with advise when I need it. Everyone else is also welcome and will be greatly appreciated! I can not wait to be in a contact with the people on the site you’ve provided for me. I was walking on my way alone for a long time, now I’ll have a guiding light. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

    I’ll contact you in the beginning of next book via facebook. I hope I won’t bother you and take much of your time.

  208. Calvin, I’m sorry for not finishing my previous comment – I was on my phone and my internet went dead for a while.

    when I’ve moved from Munich to the states almost 7 yrs ago I was in a state of such cultural shock that it almost made me sick physically. I was looking for everything and anything that will help me go trough it. this is how I’ve found dianetics. from there on I got even more curious and purchased as many books as I can. I’ve read them all but I never got to auditing because there is no church near where I live. I’m also hesitant to do so because of the things I’ve read and researched and mainly now what I’ve read on this blog. I don’t want to be a part of anything DM is a head of but I would love to be part of the knowledge!

    I’m afraid I’ve lost a precious time to be that stubborn. maybe?! I feel I’ve reached a point that reading books wont help me go where I want to be. I’m sure I’ve made many mistakes by dealing with it alone but one thing is certain – whatever amount of knowledge I’ve managed to reach myself helped me tremendously to become a better person for myself and my loved ones. I know it will be hard to grasp how all this goes with my first comment in here but I got the things very wrong and my biggest mistake is that I didn’t research in advance who am I attacking. I would like to reassure you – I’ve learned my lesson!

    to sum it all up – I need help and guidance in my future learnings. I need a good auditor. I need someone who will be interested and willing to take out of their time and decides to help me. time is valuable for everyone and all of you here are so much ahead of me that I’m not sure someone will be interested in someone like me – a beginner.

    In return I can give you my complete honesty and respect, this virtues are easily given to good people and there are so many of you here! thank you again!

  209. “one person at a time”.
    in a way you did this today with me 🙂 one more good deed you can be proud off!

  210. Li'll bit of stuff

    Mebbe Ronnie! Or perhaps a cramped li’ll 15 X 10
    all alone!!!

  211. Li'll bit of stuff

    And thank you too, MIA, for taking your very
    first steps to becoming a successful, fully
    liberated Indie. You are already practising
    the simple advice given to you, so now you
    need to hook up personally with someone
    close to you and maybe just do some of
    the simple, but LIFE-CHANGING actions
    such as TR’s ( Training drills.)for FREE!
    After reading the simple theory pack, you can just get down to it and have the single
    most amazing experience of your entire life!
    Trust me on this one. Try it and see!
    I have a feeling we’re going to be hearing
    a lot more positive things from you, in the
    near future MIA, so please let me now say:

    Welcome, MIA!!
    Very best wishes,
    Calvin B. Duffield, Durban, South Africa Declaration May 13,2012
    Steve Hall’s Indie 5OO no# 301

  212. Theo Sismanides

    Dani and Tami, this is ground breaking news. Congrats to all of you!!! I have been on a Mission in Israel while in the SO together with my ex-wife Olga Vernardou to put there the translations unit in the Tel Aviv Org. We spent 3 fine months meeting the Israeli people and really seeing how Mediterranean (hahaha) we all are.

    The Mediterranean will be (and this has been my postulate and vision) a new place where Scientology will be thriving. With people like you it can happen sooner than I thought.

    My vision encompasses Scientology Centers in the Sea, on ships like the Freewinds delivering while sailing in the Mediterranean.

    I reconnect with that postulate celebrating the 1st Mission of the World Going Independent: the Haifa Mission.

    Thank you for keeping Ethics in and delivering an effective blow to the enemy.

  213. Li'll bit of stuff

    Altruism,Max & Ronnie, Wow, thanks for the
    contributions—-make for extremely interesting
    times ahead, surely? Please bear with me, ( as I cover my mouth to prevent gagging!)
    while I offer a solemn, if sombre prayer, that
    the severely diseased root vegetable,( now
    rotting at its core), which has come to be
    known as misscabbige, is permitted to die
    a most unceremonious, ignoble death,and
    that it’s remains be immediately incinerated,
    to prevent further contamination of the other
    cabbages in it’s proximity. There is some
    remote, if improbable possibility, to rid the
    remaining cabbages, of the offending disease,
    (aka, miscavigeoholism,) but that is dependent
    upon the responsiveness of infected cabbages
    to the treatment at hand (de-compression!)
    which is, in itself, contingent upon that most controversial, severance procedure,known as
    “diconnection” Thoroughly vindicated, in this
    particular situation however, IMHO!!!
    On behalf of all those, so heavily affected,
    by the parody (but otherwise dire life situation)
    described above, there is one potent remedy
    close at hand! YES, INDEED! just a few clicks of the mouse away, in fact!

    Embrace the real freedom available. It is yours
    to have with a simple yet BOLD decision!
    Make “fear” a thing of the past, in your life Move over to SANITY!
    Move On Up A Little Higher!
    Move over to the The Independents.

    Calvin B. Duffield

  214. Li'll bit of stuff

    That’s pretty good Ronn.S. Much like delivering
    your own heavy blow to the HUGE wooden stake partly sticking out of the chest of a still screaming,writhing, eyes on fire, creature of evil ——— the inhuman—–” Prince of Darkness!”
    BTW, just in case anyone thinks, sympathetically
    for the above POD (or self accorded bullshit”title”
    as COB, aka Chairman Of the Board —there is NO frigg’n “Board”!)—- then maY I suggest you
    check out the following references:-
    1) The 31 FACTORS located at top of this blog.
    2) The revelatory info provided in ” Scientology
    3) “Friends of L.Ron Hubbard”
    4) Inside Scientology–by Janet Reightman
    5) Marty Rathbun’s brand new book expose:
    “What Is Wrong With Scientology / Healing
    Through Understanding.
    ARC, Calvin.

  215. Li'll bit of stuff

    Jane, Great to see your post!
    please contact me at
    Calvin B.Duffield,
    Durban, South Africa.

  216. Li'll bit of stuff

    MIA, our postings have landed on the blog out
    of sequence. It doesn’t matter at all, does it?
    I can see that you have already made some
    really great progress, and THAT is what matters!
    (Our Physical location time in South Africa is
    approx. 7 1/2 hrs earlier than Indiana)
    Ronnie Bell is one very strong & compassionate
    dude who has directly offered .some help, and
    he and I essentially come from the same place
    in terms of our background and values.
    You deserve real GENUINE help MIA, after what
    you have been through. Reach out and accept
    it, with our respective & unconditional support.
    Your Indie friend, Calvin.

  217. Rory Medford

    Bravo Dani and Tami you have started something really good here keep it going!!!

  218. Li'll bit of stuff

    Here we go Mike B. Firstly What an extraordinary
    profession. And clearly something you have
    already made considered determinations about.

    Two blunt question then, to you, which beg a
    correspondingly informative reply, to educate us
    lesser informed persons, intrigued by your assertions.

    Throughout your learned exposition above, you have
    made seven definitive references to an entity you
    have termed ” I. ” Would you now please go on record
    for the world to FINALLY have revealed to them, for
    the very first time:-

    1) Just WHO,or WHAT,is “I” per your best estimation,
    2)Just WHERE, is “I” located??

    ( I assume you are already quite familiar with the main
    tenets of Scientology, including the following entries.
    # The FACTORS, (1953)
    # The 58 AXIOMS of Scientology
    # The Qs (The Prelogics)
    # The (24) LOGICS.
    # The 194 AXIOMS of Dianetics(1951)

    The podium is now reserved for you, dear learned friend.

    Calvin B. Duffield Independent Scientologist

  219. That’s the goal – to get back to the good place. Scientology is incredibly valuable, and I hate to see it maligned. But, it is the price we must pay for A. being different, and B. letting a boy like Mr. David Miscavige get into power.

  220. Thanks Ronnie. Man, I thought I had lost this post! I pressed “post” yesterday, and it disappeared! But WordPress logged me out, so I couldn’t see it until it was approved.

  221. Mia

    Fair enough. Thank you for that.
    Communication is the key to understanding.

    You will find that this group of people are some of the brightest and loving people you may find anywhere, but many have been betrayed recently and deeply. Your introductory post set off alarm bells on many fronts.

    Bear with us and communicate honestly and respectfully and you will do fine.

    Good luck


  222. Mia, the pleasure is all mine. Like Marty, all of us Indies are doing whatever we can to make amends for having tacitly supported the evil in our church for so long. In a way, it’s you who are helping me.

    Check through that list I sent you, and do contact the auditors there. They’ll all be more than happy to talk to you, and if you’re close to one of them, you’ll be in session in no time. Also, make sure to read here at Marty’s blog every day. It’s become the central meeting place for the Independent community.

    Don’t hesitate to contact me through my Facebook page if you need anything else, or if you just need someone to talk to. I’m here for you.

  223. Indie Anon

    Mia & Ronnie, Your threads are beautiful!

    Dear Mia,

    Check out, and bookmark, these web pages.
    How to make sure you get the most out of your Independent Scientology auditing:
    Choose your services and auditors carefully:

    In case you don’t find somebody near you: now we are in the XXI century, so auditing, co-auditing, training, co-training and C/S (case supervision) is available over the internet.
    Auditing over the Internet:
    Theta Meter – another fine 21st Century e-meter:
    Free: A Source Information Retrieval system for every Independent Scientologist:
    Free: LRH’s library:
    Auditing and training over the Internet:
    Web Auditing:

    Mia, please post an acknowledgement to this post, I want to make sure you got it.

  224. Dani and Tami – Thank you for showing the Code of Honor is not dead. (nor the data series, nor a thousand other green on white, red on white, tapes, lectures)…..
    How simple? Just tell your staff what is happening and encourage them to look for themselves!!
    Amazing that an act so simple, takes such COURAGE in the current CofS, but it does.
    May you continue to have courage when the haters and DM robots try to tear you both down and put your name in the mud. You are LOVED. You are Strong. You are SUPPORTED.

  225. Indie Anon

    Dear Mia,
    In order to use and get the benefits of Scientology (and Dianetics), you don’t need to be a Scientologyst, you don’t need to call yourself a Scientologyst, you don’t need to change your religion, you don’t need to have faith in Scientology and you don’t need to believe in Scientology. Just use it (in the right way), and get the best out of it for yourself. And this is per LRH’s writings.

  226. scatjappers

    I’m not sure that the official Church of Scientology can ever recover or be “leaders” for all Scientologists. And I suspect, whatever leadership arises (yes, probably “organically”) in the Field will be followed voluntarily on a “take or leave our advice” basis. I doubt the Field would ever allow any entity to make rules for them again. But I think such leadership could serve a lot of useful purposes, if the Field and “leaders” agree that everyone is free to follow or not follow whatever advice they give. And that their only function is to advise.

  227. Tory Christman

    Dani and Tami ….from miles away (USA) I send you my greatest congratulations! I truly think you have started another snowball that
    shall just keep on going. Blessings and be well 🙂 Tory/Magoo

  228. thank YOU! after such introduction I have no other path but the one of communication. the solver for many problems. listen, communicate,be honest. I’ve learned that much 🙂 thank you for having me.

  229. Dear Calvin, I feel so overwhelmed from all the goodness you and others here have been giving me. I needed that in connection with my scientology study because I was very alone in it. unfortunately for various reasons those wonderful teachings have an unpopular reputation with the close minded. I imagine your lifes are much more comfortable in this aspect because you are surrounded by your peers who share the same believes. I have hardly anyone to talk to retarding scientology, maybe it was my mistake that I didn’t look harder. I believe that all that is the past now since I’ve found Marty’s blog and collectively we’ve made good from something bad (my unfortunate comment) thank you again for welcoming me in the best way possible and thank you for your help and advise! It means more than you know. your new indie friend, Mia

  230. I hope Marty won’t mind that we are out of topic, I do not wish to hijack his thread and take away the focus of the important issues he is discussing here. in a mean time I’ve checked the website and I’ll contact few people right away. I can’t wait to study further, the thrive for knowledge is so that I’ll probably need another lifetime to learn everything I want to know 🙂 thank you again, I’ll keep you posted.

  231. Dear Anon, thank you for your kind words! I got your links and I’ll be very busy reading in the coming days. thank you for your help-it means a lot!

  232. Dear Anon, you couldn’t said it better! I think that the collective energy from the feeling one gets when reading the first pages of LRH’s teachings can easily change the word. I remember being up all night just trying to process what I’ve just read. this night probably saved my life.

  233. Indie Anon

    🙂 🙂

  234. Li'll bit of stuff

    Thank you again Mia for your kind words. You will
    certainly benefit enormously by your daily / nightly
    tuning in to Mart’s blog, since it really is a full
    education about the problems and solutions of
    life! (Be -ing, Do -ing, Hav -ing) And the use of the
    Scientology tool-kit to handle practically anything.
    I got what you said earlier, that you felt you had
    gone as far as you could with just reading, and in
    your situation (alone) that’s understandable.
    Definitely ; your next move needs to be to hook
    up with a friendly Scientologist, close to you, so
    you can begin with some basic course (TR-‘s) or
    some beginners auditing.
    You have stated you’re in Indiana. Great, Mia,
    next step would be to get a bit bold, name your
    town and maybe give a contact number. inviting
    a response (on your terms, of course- definitely
    no nut-jobs! Please, ha-ha) That is what Scn is
    supposed to be all about—-communication!

    You’ve done great, so far, now time to get a
    little more bold —-what say. Mia?


  235. the help I’ve got here in the last 72 hrs is what I was looking for lately! the directions and steps I have to take further are clear. thank you again! I’ll gladly publish my info but than again – I don’t wish to use Marty’s hospitality on this blog and take away from the very important isues you all are fighting for. with this said I would like to mention that I recide in evansville, in. anyone who would like and have the time to help can contact me:

  236. Thank you. All you have to do is go to NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) type in anything like “depression,” “psychosis,” “schizophrenia,” “libido” and so on, click on PMC (Pub Med Central) and you’ll literally get hundreds of thousands of pages of free primary research literature.

    Granted, I’m not a psychiatrist; I got my bachelors in general molecular biology and biochemistry, worked in industry for a year testing cleaning agents and am now doing research in industrial and environmental microbiology (the use of microbes to create useful chemical compounds and to eliminate harmful ones from the environment) for a PhD. The wonderful thing about the biological sciences, however, is that so many principles and research techniques from one field applies in the others; a geneticist can read and understand the research of an endocrinologist. A virologist can read and understand the work of a toxicologist. That’s the only reason I can say that these psychiatric studies are factually correct.

    These aren’t propaganda; they’re primarily written for other academics and scientists as few people in the general public seek them out. You’ll also find that a lot of the researchers aren’t psychiatrists; they’re physiologists, enzymologists, biochemists, etc., so they have no vested interest in psychiatry as a whole. A paper I would highly recommend is “Mitochondrial viability in mouse and human postmortem brain;” as it explains in great detail that many psychiatric ailments have very real, observable biochemical abnormalities associated with them. I would also suggest looking up any paper on MAOA (Monoamine Oxidase A), an enzyme responsible for the turnover of the neurotransmitters responsible for emotion. The mental and emotional implications for genetic or mutagenic defects in MAOA should be immediately obvious.

    These papers may be a bit difficult to read though as they usually expect the reader to know a lot of biology, chemistry and genetics already, but with an ordinary college-level biology text book from Amazon and Wikipedia, one could navigate a 3 to 4 page paper in a few hours.

    Just to warn you, be cautious when reading any research literature from China. I haven’t read much Chinese psychiatric research literature, but I’ve read some Chinese microbio studies and biomedical studies that made statements that I found dubious (statements downplaying the dangers of environmental toxins due to their “ease” of biodegradation; statements that basically add up to “mercury poisoning is bad… but it’s NOT THAT bad.” Stuff like that). It may be just me, but I since the CCP, the state and state-owned industries are so heavily entrenched in Chinese academia, I can’t help but get the feeling they try to weave in subtle propaganda. That’s just my suspicion. ; )

  237. Li'll bit of stuff

    Mike B, Thank you for a pretty succinct resume of how
    one can further understand the intricacies of function
    and structure in terms of the linked studies mentioned.
    Coming back to my original questions, if you can stay
    with those please?

    1) Just WHO, or WHAT is ” I ” per your best estimation?
    2) Just WHERE is ” I ” located ?

    Are you familiar with the main tenets of Scientology,
    including the following entries?

    # The FACTORS (1953)
    # The 58 AXIOMS of Scientology.
    # The Q’s (The Pre-logics)
    # The (24) LOGICS
    # The 194 AXIOMS of Scientology.

    A definitive answer to THESE questions would be much
    appreciated Mike B.

    Thanks, for your high affinity communication, too!

  238. Pingback: Real Scientology | Grasshopper's Blog

  239. Dear Dani and Tami,
    Thank you for setting an example of how things can be made go right no matter what! Thank you for being the amazing Beings that you are. Your being true to yourself lights up the space around you and far away, showing the way to go. Love and Admiration to you!

  240. Apollo Panoptes

    GAT vs KSW?

    David Mayo’s “tech” or STANDARD TECH?

    “Happy” (see also: “elated” – “elation”) customers or FREE! Customers?

    Your choice…

    Once there, study, NOT “read”, but really: STUDY! – Full study tech applies.)

  241. Pingback: Truth vs. Greed in Israel | Moving On Up a Little Higher

  242. Pingback: Dror Center One Year Later | Mike Rinder's Blog

  243. Pingback: Dani in L.A., Section Two – Dror Friends

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